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Often, upon reaching a certain age, the kitten begins to sharpen its claws on the surrounding objects, which leads to their gradual deterioration. There are many methods on how to wean a cat from tearing a sofa, favorite chair, ottomans or cabinet doors. The main thing is not to try to explain to the animal that this cannot be done. The options announced by many with splashing the cat with water or loud shouts will not help protect the furniture. They will only provoke aggression on the part of the kitten, which, at best, will begin to scratch something else, but no less valuable.

You should immediately take into account that the animal will not stop sharpening its claws, this is a natural process that has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the pet. On the one hand, the cat marks the territory in this way, asserting itself as a full-fledged resident of the apartment. Often, cats deliberately tear up the owner’s favorite place, thereby showing their location. And in some cases, this is the only way to improve the condition of worn claws.

Which cats do not tear furniture - the pros and cons of radical approaches

Contrary to popular belief, the breed of a cat does not matter in this area. Regardless of whether the aggressive Siamese cat, the calm Maine Coon or the exotic Sphynx live at home, the furniture is in the same danger. Sterilization will not play a decisive role either, even a calm pet will not give up its favorite habit. If an animal spoils products from time to time, this may be the result of poor-quality care for its claws. In this case, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian and learn how to carry out basic manipulations.

Most often, a stubborn beast tears up furniture all the time. In this case, the owners, driven to white heat, sometimes go for radical methods of solving the problem. To ensure that the pet never scratches anything again, they agree to do one of the following procedures:

  1. Complete removal of claws.
  2. Clipping of the tendons, which prevents the ability to release claws.
  3. Regular cropping of elements.

All of these methods lead literally to the cat's disability. The animal's posture deteriorates and coordination is disturbed, which is accompanied by serious stress. No need to be surprised if, after such an aggressive approach, it turns out that now the pet is chewing on shoes, furniture and everything that comes across to it.

Humane and Effective Ways to Wean Your Feline From a Destructive Habit

After radical methods are swept aside, you can start looking for a suitable way out of the situation. It is best to start by providing a quality replacement for the household pest in the form of a scratching post. Moreover, this should be done at the first sign that the pet has chosen a leather sofa or an easy chair, until it has stripped the item to the filler.

The cat himself will not go to sharpen his claws on a new incomprehensible product, you will have to do a lot to make him understand that the replacement is equivalent:

  1. First, the product can be leaned against the piece of furniture that the animal deliberately spoils.
  2. Additionally, it is worth taking the cat by the paw and gently rubbing it over the surface with high level tension and resistance. Cats like to scratch just such areas, so sometimes even one practical lesson is enough.
  3. Weasel is pleasant even for a cat, so every time you need to praise an animal that has independently chosen a scratching post, and not furniture.

In addition to providing a product to sharpen its claws on, care must be taken to ensure that the cat loses interest in everything that he has previously scratched. Otherwise, you may encounter a situation in which the animal fights everything indiscriminately.

  • You can use citrus essential oils so that it stops scratching your favorite leather sofa. Just a few drops rubbed on the surface of the upholstery or diluted in a large amount of water and sprayed over its surface will drive away a stubborn animal. You just need to remember to renew the smell.

Tip: At the same time, it is worth stimulating the cat's interest in the scratching post. To do this, drip a few drops of valerian or catnip onto the product.

  • Cats hate having their claws and paws stick to the surface they are rubbing. A few strips of double-sided tape will quickly cool the animal's interest in furniture. True, this is recommended to be done only in the case of a leather object, the fabric noticeably deteriorates from a long stay of glue on it.
  • Silicone nozzles are gaining particular popularity in the fight against cats who like to sharpen their claws. They are planted on natural elements with the help of animal-safe glue. The only inconvenience is that the nozzles will have to be changed regularly. And this technique will not help if the animal not only scratches, but also gnaws at the surface.

In extreme cases, you can get by with covers. They are best made from soft fabric and folded. For the cat to scratch the surface, it must be dense. If the animal tears up the fabric, and it gathers in waves and does not stretch, it will quickly lose interest in the area.

What to do if the cat scratched the leather sofa?

If time was lost and the cat still thoroughly ripped up furniture upholstered in fabric, restoration of a specific area using the same material or original can help. decorative insert. It’s not so easy to restore a leather sofa; it will only be possible to mask shallow scratches on your own. In case of serious damage, it is better not to try to do anything at home, but immediately turn to professionals.

  • Olive oil. The use of this component can save even if the animal prefers to sharpen its claws on fair skin. First, it is recommended to test the method on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the material and only then proceed with the restoration. We take slightly warm olive oil and a dense cotton pad. Wet the cotton wool in the oil, carefully squeeze it out, gently wipe the scratch itself and small areas of the skin around it. We work in circular motions in one direction. After that, we wait until the composition dries and evaluate the work. In some cases, a scratch may disappear without a trace from one treatment. If necessary, repeat the manipulation.
  • If the cat slightly scratched a dark leather sofa, then it is better to use shoe polish. We select the product of the desired shade, apply it on a cotton swab and gently rub it into the damaged surface. We wait until the mass dries and wipe the area with a clean paper towel. We evaluate the work and, if necessary, make several more approaches.
  • If the furniture is covered with deep scratches, you will have to do the following. First we use the oil approach (regardless of the color of the material). Then we again treat the place with oil, put a cotton cloth on it and wait for the liquid to be absorbed into it. After that, we take a new piece of tissue, moisten it with water and apply it to the area with damage. We iron the flap with a warm iron, holding it for no more than 8-10 seconds. If necessary, repeat several times. From such an impact, the oil will be absorbed better, masking scratches.

The sooner you start implementing the listed methods, the more chances there will be to save furniture without sacrificing health and good mood your pet.

If your cat scratches furniture, this does not mean that she wants to "annoy" her owner. Some believe that in this way the cat “sharpenes” its claws. But experts say that this is such a behavioral feature of cats.

Why is the cat tearing up the sofa?

Such natural needs of cats include her stretching while she scratches the furniture: in this way the animal stretches the muscles of the body and experiences great pleasure at the same time. Scratching the sofa, the cat thus removes their upper layer from the claws, which is the key to their health. Cats sometimes scratch furniture if they are upset about something.

So what should be done in this case, how to wean a cat to tear up a sofa and other furniture? This, of course, is not an easy task, but some tips will still help you save furniture.

Sometimes the owners believe that while the cat begins to scratch the furniture, it is necessary to spray it with water or slap it with a slipper. However, such actions will have the opposite effect. The cat will think that she is not allowed to tear up the sofa in your presence and will do it when no one is at home.

scare the cat away upholstered furniture you can hang strong-smelling herbs in a bag next to an armchair or sofa. Although the room will not be very pleasant, it will definitely scare the cat away. Armchairs and sofas chosen by your cat can be covered with thick covers.

Put at home. But, before you buy it, you need to follow the behavior of your pet in order to understand which fabric cats do not tear, and which ones they will gladly leave their marks on. Pay attention to which surfaces your cat prefers to sharpen its claws: vertical or horizontal. Depending on this, choose a claw point. You need to install it away from the sofa or armchair so that the cat does not accidentally switch back to the furniture. The scratching posts that are sold in stores have the smell of valerian or catnip, so cats can easily find them in the house. On sale there are whole training complexes for cats, which include scratching posts.

How to wean a cat to tear up furniture?- this question sooner or later every owner of a cat asks himself. Of course, there is nothing pleasant in the fact that your pet spoils your furniture, acquired by overwork, no. Well, if there is a problem, then there is a solution to the problem. In this article, we will try to give some practical advice on how to wean a cat to tear up furniture.

To begin with, let's figure out why a cat tears up furniture. Everything is very simple - in cats, as well as in humans, nails grow naturally. Overgrown claws interfere with her and she has a desire to grind them off. They don’t know how to use nail files, so they are looking for other items that would help them make a cat manicure.

Tips on how to wean a cat to tear up furniture

Tip number 1: the most cruel

The most brutal way to rid your sofas and chairs of your cat's pretensions is to remove the claws on the front paws. The method is effective, but very painful for the cat. Your cat's claws are given by nature for a reason, and by removing them you will deprive your pet of a part of its predatory essence.

This method is applicable only to domestic cats. If you have even a slight doubt about whether a cat will live its life in an apartment, then you should not remove its claws. If a cat is on the street or in the village, the lack of claws can cost her life, because these are her weapons.

Tip #2: Be More Humane

A little higher we talked about why a cat tears up furniture. And one of the most available ways is nail clipping. Of course, not the whole claw is sheared, but only the regrown part. Without it, a cat cannot tear anything, and there is nothing with it, because there are no sharp bones.

For the first nail clipping, it is better to go to the veterinarian in order to show him how to do it correctly. There are blood vessels in the cat's claw, and if the claw is not cut very carefully, the cat will start bleeding. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the veterinarian, then in the photo below you can see how to do it correctly without harming the cat.

It is advisable to trim the nails with a special tool that is sold in pet stores. It's called a nail cutter.

Most likely your cat will vomit, especially in the first sessions, so it's best to ask someone to help you right away. If you do this carefully and calmly, then soon your pet will get used to it and will behave more calmly.

Tip #3: Be very humane

The scratching post is a great solution to the problem. You can buy it or make it yourself. We will talk about how to make a scratching post on your own in the following articles. The height of the claw point should be 50-75 cm.

I will share my successful experience on how to accustom a cat to a scratching post. My cat has grown a little and started tearing furniture. His taste was not pretentious, so he chose a sofa. And the sofa was new, so I felt very sorry)) I decided to save our sofa at all costs. I bought a scratching post and put it next to the sofa. The cat sniffed it and went to tear up the sofa)) Then I realized that one scratching post is not enough and I need to interest him with this very scratching post. What do cats love? That's right, valerian. In our house there was a tincture of valerian. It was enough to put a few drops of this wonderful elixir for cats on her, as the cat immediately began to show increased interest in her. When the euphoria from the valerian passed, he walked around the scratching post for a long time, at these moments I took his paws and imitated with them the movements with which he tears up the furniture. I must say that the effect of this was not long in coming. It took the cat just a couple of days to understand that doing this with a scratching post smelling of valerian is much more pleasant than with a sofa.

If this method does not bring effect, then the procedure with valerian can be repeated.

To achieve the best effect, you can sprinkle the places where your cat likes to sharpen his claws with a solution of water with the addition of any citrus essential oil or special means sold in a pet store.

Tip #4: Unexpected

Not so long ago they started selling special anti-scratches for cats. Their essence is simple - these are silicone pads that are glued to a special medical glue on each cat's claw. As the claw grows, they will fall off. When they fall off, you need to stick new ones. That's all. The pads come in different sizes:

  • XS for kittens up to 6 months weighing 0.5 - 2 kg
  • S for cats weighing 2-4 kg
  • M for cats weighing 4-6 kg
  • L for large cats over 6 kg

Perhaps your cat will take off a couple of pieces from itself in the first days, but there is nothing wrong with that, you just need to stick new ones on. Usually in the kit - 20 pads, 1 tube of glue and instructions. The price is about 200 rubles.

Tip number 5: for the lazy

Not everyone wants to mess around with a cat, wanting to wean her to tear up furniture. There is one way to do this - furniture covers. Everything is very simple here - you buy (or sew yourself) covers, fasten them to furniture and the cat is no longer tearing the furniture itself, but the covers. There is one “but”, the look of your furniture will not be as aesthetic as before. But it's up to you.

Covers can be changed as they wear out.

Here are perhaps the most effective and popular ways to wean a cat to tear up furniture. If your cat also sins because you don’t know how to wean it from this hobby, then read an article on this topic. If you have your own experience, then leave your comment and we will supplement our article.

Health to you and your cat!

In this video you will learn how to wean a cat to tear up furniture. Happy viewing!

Sometimes we show miracles of ingenuity by desiring wean a cat to scratch furniture and sofa upholstery. But for our pets, this is just a usual way to keep their claws clean and keep them sharp, as well as a kind of gymnastics. In addition, scratching can be emotional in nature - in this way the animal declares its territory or protests about new living conditions or objects in the house.

Weaning a cat to tear up furniture and wallpaper

try stop your cat from scratching furniture It is possible with the help of training, using sharp sounds, for example, the ringing of coins or the sound of pebbles in a tin can.

Another option is a spray bottle with water - it is unlikely that a pet will like such a cold shower. Sometimes, in the process of scratching, it is enough to scare the animal 2-3 times to wean it from scratching the sofa. Now on the market you can even buy special repellent sprays with unpleasant odors for cats. They spray furniture. Ask at the pet store.

A tricky trick will help to wean a cat from a bad habit. We attach a strip of double-sided adhesive tape to the edge of the chair seat. Cut off, remove the protective layer and sprinkle with black ground pepper. The cat does not tolerate the smell of pepper and will most likely forget about the pranks on this piece of furniture.

To prevent the cat from scratching the furniture, it is worth buying a scratching post. The ideal coating material is tree bark or jute. In general, it is better to watch your pet and figure out which coverage he likes best.

As a scratching post, you can adapt an old floor mat, cut it out in a pattern and decorate it with a sofa or a wall in the hallway. It will be cheaper than buying a ready-made item.

Pay attention to the height of the claw point. Also make sure that there are no smudges of glue on the product. The device must be strong and stable, but not too heavy, so as not to injure the animal in case of an accidental fall. Place it where your pet sharpens its claws.

Teaching a cat to a scratching post

Animal psychologists say that if furniture is not scratched from an early age, a well-bred cat is unlikely to scratch in the future. From childhood, it is necessary to teach the animal to sharpen its nails not on the sofa, but on a special scratching post.

Our actions:

  1. We caught it at a time when the cat was tearing up furniture, carefully take it by the paws and transfer it to the scratching post.
  2. We run our paws over it, showing that it is more pleasant and better here, accompanying with affectionate words.
  3. If the cat continues to scratch the sofa and wallpaper, hold the bully accountable. Stop it with a splash of water, a sharp sound, a spray, then gently bring it to the claw.
  4. Use special sprays: pleasant (mint, for example) to attract to the scratching post; sprays with a sharp bitter smell to scare away furniture. It is impossible to exclude manifestations of allergies in households, which is important for all household chemicals. But manufacturers claim that such sprays are safe.
  5. Don't show too much emotion. Act calmly, sedately and nobly, as cats love it.
  6. Place the scratching post closer to the place where the cat is used to sharpening its nails.

Cats are peculiar individuals. It will take a lot of patience to convince the animal that he likes the scratching post.

To prevent the cat from scratching the furniture

Aggressive cats and cats get a manicure, it is enough only on the front paws twice a week. Nail cutter - special scissors for cutting claws. Technically, you can also cut with ordinary scissors, but from the point of view of medicine, it’s not worth it - the claw will be destroyed.

Trimming the cat's claws

We take out the claw from the nail bed, press on the soft pad, cut off 1/4 of the total length to neutralize the tip. A cat's manicure must be done carefully so as not to touch the blood vessels. Better to have a specialist do it.

According to extreme indications, super-aggressive animals undergo removal of the nail phalanx. Not a very humane method, so it is permissible only as a last resort.

Cat nail pads

To prevent the cat from scratching the furniture, use special lining on the claws, in other words, anti-scratches. They come in different colors and are transparent. Beautiful and safe. They are glued to cats and cats directly on the nail, which prevents them from catching on fabric, wallpaper or carpeting. Before use, it is advisable to trim your pet's claws.

The kit usually includes glue and 20/40 silicone or vinyl nail pads. Not the entire volume of the cap is filled with glue, but only 1/3 of the total cavity. Anti-scratches last an average of 3 to 4 weeks. Gradually, the nail is renewed and they fall off. The procedure is repeated.

False nails for cats help save furniture and household from scratches. Suitable for animals with a bad temper. Cats gradually get used to them and continue to live their usual lives.

Try different options, and there is sure to be one that will help. wean the cat from scratching furniture and tearing wallpaper. Be attentive and patient with your pet's behavior. Animals feel cared for and try not to disappoint their owners.

Cats are natural fans of honing their claws. various surfaces. Most new owners grab their heads when they once again watch their pet scratching a new sofa or wallpaper. In such situations, it becomes necessary to accustom the pet to the equipment specially designated for this purpose - the scratching post. The device is made for wayward and characteristic animals who do not recognize other methods of carrot and stick.

Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper

  1. The underlying cause of wayward behavior is the struggle for territory. Sweat glands are located on the paw pads, which leave the characteristic smell of the animal on the furniture.
  2. Cats love their owners, they are devoted and loyal. The animal is trying with all its might to show that you are “your” comrade. This is how pets express emotions.
  3. In most cases, cats sharpen their claws for physiological reasons. Their pads begin to itch, burrs appear on the claws, and the muscles of the paws weaken. The animal on a subconscious level keeps itself “in good shape”.

It is important to understand that natural necessity is difficult to fight, so it makes no sense to use only a whip. Perhaps your pet is resourceful enough, you just need to push it a little in the right direction.

  1. Citrus fruit. Cats do not tolerate the smell of citrus, use this feature for your own purposes. Purchase an oil-free body spray with a lemon (grapefruit, orange) scent at a beauty store. Spray all your favorite surfaces that your cat wants to scratch. You can also sew cotton bags and then place the dried zest in them. In addition to citrus fruits, obstinate animals can be weaned from bad habits with the help of spices. It is enough to pour ground chili, coriander, suneli hops or other strong-smelling seasonings into the bag, and then hang the bags near the crime zone.
  2. Spray bottle with water. It's no secret that cats don't like to bathe, so take advantage of this. Draw water into a container with a dispenser, each time spray the composition on the pet's face as soon as he is about to sharpen his claws. It is important to understand that the punishment must follow before the atrocity, or within 5 seconds after it. Otherwise, the cat will not understand why she is being punished and will continue to scratch interior items.
  3. Beanbag. An excellent way to educate a pet from addictions is considered to be objects that cause a ringing noise. Purchase at children's store rattle or build it yourself. Place a few coins in a tin, seal it, and keep it close to you. When the cat once again is going to play dirty tricks, take the jar in your hand and start rattling it strongly. The pet will immediately run out of the room, because cats do not like such loud sounds. Perform simple manipulations every time so that the animal learns the rules of the owner.
  4. Voice command. Rattle-like method. Cats are very trainable if done right. Control intonation, as soon as the animal is about to sharpen its claws on forbidden surfaces, shout loudly and, if possible, loudly, “No!”, “Shhh!”, “Shoot!”. Repeat this until the animal retreats from the intended targets.
  5. Balloon. Most effective method in raising a cat, however, the most uncomfortable from the point of view of the owner. Inflate a few balloons, tie them tightly and attach them near the crime scene. It is necessary to make a trap in such a way that the cat bursts the ball during the next manicure session. The sound of the explosion will scare away the pet, as a result of which he will be afraid to sharpen his claws on the sofa next time.

You can not scold the animal 10/15/30 minutes after committing a bad deed. Do everything on time, you need to make an association between the punishment and the point of the claws in the wrong place. Otherwise, the cat will not understand why it is being scolded, and will continue to satisfy its needs.

The most effective way of all of the above, the scratching post helps to wean the cat from scratching wallpaper and furniture without harming the pet's psyche. The device is available in various variations regarding the material used and possible sizes. Cover for scratching posts: sisal, wood, upholstery fabric, cardboard, carpet fiber, synthetic threads.

As for the shape, scratching posts are vertical (standing), horizontal (in the form of a carpet) and inclined at a certain angle. It is impossible to say exactly what kind of species your pet will like. It is necessary to proceed from the financial possibilities and the premises in which the equipment will be installed.

After you figure out what your pet is more inclined towards, get 2-3 scratching posts and install them in your favorite corners. The main condition for the installation is reliable fastenings, the equipment should not fall, otherwise the cat will be frightened and will not approach it anymore. As practice shows, cats tear up wallpaper and high furniture, because they like to stretch out to their full height.

Important Points

  1. Most cats sharpen their claws after they wake up, so it is recommended to install the equipment next to the bed / house.
  2. To attract the animal to the scratching post, sprinkle the stand with catnip or other means of provoking interest. Also place hanging toys with feathers on the racks.
  3. The first time after installing the device, watch the cat. As soon as she sharpens her claws in the right place, give a treat. Over time, the animal will understand that every effort is rewarded.
  4. When you once again catch a cat in a hot mess for damaging interior items or wallpaper, gently pick it up and transfer it to the scratching post. Do not physically punish the animal, otherwise the pet will start to be afraid of you.
  5. Purchase a cat nail clipper from the pet store, use it for its intended purpose according to the instructions. Press the pad, after the nail comes out, cut off the light part. Do not touch the blood vessel, otherwise the animal will no longer let you near its paws.
  6. It is not uncommon for cats to continue to spoil wallpaper and furniture in the presence of scratching posts. There is only one way out in this situation - to slightly scare the animal. When you catch your pet in a destructive activity, clap your hands or spray it with water from a spray bottle.
  7. After you have purchased a scratching post, you need to cover with a cloth all objects that are usually treated with sharp claws. If possible, turn the furniture to the wall, blocking access. Place double-sided tape, rustling foil, or sandpaper near the crime scene.

Don't punish the cat physical labor, do not try to force the animal to scratch the scratching post. Use cosmetics based on citrus, spray your pet with water, keep patience.

Video: how to wean a cat to sharpen its claws on furniture


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