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Typical products from the company "1C" for automation trading activities "1C: Trade management 11", "1С:ERP Enterprise Management 2", "1C: Integrated automation 2 "- powerful and functional solutions that help to keep records and analyze the work of the company. These software products modern, comfortable and flexible, with great customization options.

Everything would be fine, but the standard functionality of the program often turns out to be insufficient or extremely not convenient for the daily work of employees. This happens because, in general, business processes in companies from the same industry are similar on average by 95%, but 5% always have their own specifics. Therefore, typical solutions often have to be supplemented with the necessary non-standard functionality.

Having completed more than one 1C implementation project in trading companies and online stores, we have collected frequently asked wishes clients for improvements 1C. Based on these data, we have created a line of additional external processing that can be easily integrated into typical 1C products: "Trade Management 11", "ERP 2", "Complex Automation 2" and help users solve their problems faster and more efficient.

Sales manager workplace handy tool for everyday work with clients.

The workplace allows you to simplify the entire cycle of the manager's work with the client:

  • initial client consultation product availability in stock and delivery times on order
  • rapid placing a new order
  • control execution of orders
  • preliminary development of logistics(delivery) on orders
  • control overdue orders

Try the system in demo-base is possible.

Sales workplace works as external post-processing and does not require changes configuration.

The main task of the workplace is to give sales managers handy tool for daily work with clients:

  • Fast, convenient and visual work with product catalog
  • Quick filters goods by name, properties, prices, stock balances
  • Product selection in basket
  • Rapid order processing clients
  • Comfortable work with orders clients, tracking their status(provided, assembled, completed, added to the route for delivery, delivered)
  • Batch design documents
  • Display all delivery on i index-maps(which is especially true for online stores)
  • and much more

Frequently asked Questions:

  1. Processing version 2.5.13 was tested on Trade Management (UT) 11.4.3 release. Adaptation of processing for any other release is free of charge within 3 working days.
  2. Processing is written in managed forms.
  3. The processing code is completely open and after the acquisition can be modified by third parties without restrictions.
  4. Yandex maps work on API version 2.1 ().
  5. To connect processing to the database, you need to perform the following operations: Menu section Administration - Printing forms, reports and processing - Additional reports and processing. Next, add a new element and select a file with processing. Specify the section where processing and users will be visible.
  6. If the Client needs functionality that is not in the original processing version, then we are ready to do this upon request. The cost of improvements depends on the number of changes that need to be made to the subsystem and is determined at the beginning when drawing up the Terms of Reference for revision.
  7. When new versions of the "1C: Trade Management" configuration are released, processing may completely or partially stop functioning (because 1C Company often makes significant changes to the configuration structure). Within 6 months, processing updates will be sent free of charge upon request. Further, a subscription for a year for updates will cost 30% of the cost of the solution.
  8. Technical support is free for 1 month from the date of purchase. Client requests will be processed in the current mode on business days, but not more than 1 day after the request is received. Further technical support is carried out on a paid basis at a rate of 2200 rubles per hour.

Version history

  • Added selection of nomenclature by types of nomenclature and properties (by analogy with the standard list of goods in UT 11)

  • Added the ability to save personal settings for each employee. Access to the settings can be restricted and given access only to selected users.
  • In the form of quick creation of a client, the ability to enter legal entities(previously you could only create individuals)
  • The identified bugs have been fixed. dated 05.02.18

  • Adaptation under UT 11.4.6
  • Adding the ability to issue, in addition to the Customer's Order, also a KKM Check and the Sale of Goods
  • Interface speed optimization
  • Added the ability to display several types of prices in the product selection window

You may also be interested in our other developments:

Reasons to buy

The success of any business directly depends on the work of the sales department. commercial company. In order for a sales manager to communicate with customers quickly and productively, the manager needs to have all the necessary information at hand.

Our tool is designed to simplify the routine operations of working with 1C and increase the overall efficiency of the sales department.


A ready-made tool to improve the efficiency of the sales department.

Thoughtful arrangement of data. All necessary information for the sales manager is collected in one place.

A lot of little things that facilitate everyday interaction with the management accounting system.

Easily integrated into a typical configuration 1C: Trade Management 11.

Money Back Guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare it within 14 days from the date of receipt of money to our account.

The program is so tested in work that we can give such a guarantee with full confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.

, , .

Practical methods of working in the 1C:Enterprise programsales manager

Part 6. Workplace of a sales manager

When the manager starts the program, the “Sales Manager Workplace” opens. Also, the "Sales manager's workplace" can be opened on top of any document, magazine, reference book and report. To do this, click the appropriate button located in the upper left part of the screen under the main menu of the program.

The workplace of the sales manager allows you to solve the following tasks:

    Perform quick selection and search in the nomenclature reference book.

    View current stock balances by product range.

    View balances on customer orders in the context of stock items, as well as planned deliveries.

    View the values ​​of the main attributes of an item item and its properties without opening the element form.

    Register new customer orders.

Quick selection and search in the nomenclature reference book can be made in the context of the article or product name.

In order to make a selection, it is enough to type in the search field (props “contains”) the word (or part of the word) that is contained in the product name.

A quick search for the desired product can also be carried out by the first letters of the product name in the same way as it is done in the “Nomenclature” reference book (for enabling / disabling the hierarchical viewing mode, see clause 3 “Reference books”).

For view information about current stock balances you need to place the cursor on the desired product in the left part of the workplace of the sales manager, and in the right part go to the "Remains, prices" tab.

The column "General" shows the balance in the warehouse (reserved and free).

The column "Free" shows unreserved balances.

In the column "Free waiting." the quantity of the goods ordered from suppliers and not yet distributed to buyers' orders is shown. When deciphering this amount (double-clicking on this column), you can see all those orders to suppliers for which there is a free balance that has not yet been distributed to buyers' orders. Attention: the quantity of goods ordered by buyers and ordered from suppliers, but not received at the warehouse, is not shown in this column (as in any other)!

The column "In reserve" shows the quantity of the reserved goods for customer orders. When deciphering this amount (see above), you can see a list of all orders for which the goods were reserved.

To display the price of a product, you must set the flag in the corresponding price type (the price type used for hot goods- "rub.").

In the workplace of the sales manager, you can view the current status of the item ordered by the customer . In order to get this information, you need to enter the name of the buyer in the "Buyer" field or select it from the list. After entering information about the buyer, the "Orders" tab will appear.

By placing the cursor on the desired position in the left part of the sales manager’s workplace (i.e., on the product specified in the buyer’s order), you can see the current status of this product on the “Orders” tab: how much product can already be shipped to the buyer (“In reserve” ) and when the remaining goods arrive from the supplier. Attention: to view the current state of the product ordered by the buyer, you need to know the name of the product for a specific order and select it yourself!

For view basic product information you need to find the desired position in the list and go to the "Parameters" tab. This tab lists all the main parameters of the product that were entered in the "Nomenclature" directory element (for example, on the "Properties" tab, the main properties of the product from the catalog can be entered, which must be announced to customers).

Directly from the workplace of the sales manager, you can place new orders (without entering the "Buyer Orders" log).

Press the "Place a new order" button or "F11" on the keyboard. When creating a new document, the program automatically sets the serial number of the document and the current date. The date and number cannot be changed.

The workplace of a sales manager is the best mechanism for viewing current balances in stock and entering new orders!

Trade enterprise management for Ukraine /
Order management

Workplace of the sales manager.

In configuration like workplace sales manager uses processing - "AWP". By setting up his workplace with this processing, the sales manager can:

  • quickly select and search the directory for the necessary name of the nomenclature;
  • view in the list the values ​​of the main attributes of the nomenclature position without opening the element of the directory;
  • analyze current stock balances in the context of nomenclature, characteristics, warehouses;
  • view balances on customer orders in the context of stock items;
  • see planned deliveries;
  • issue invoices for payment and register new customer orders.

Algorithm of work with processing "Workstation of a sales manager"

Getting started ("Sales" interface). In the standard configuration "Management trading company» For the convenience of online sales, a processing called "Sales manager's workplace" is included. This tool allows you to solve current problems for the maximum a short time. This is due to the fact that in one window all the necessary information is collected for effective work buyer manager.

Processing is called from the menu item "Sales - Sales Manager Workplace".

"Sales Manager Workplace"

In order for the sales manager workplace (RMMP) to start automatically when the user enters the program, you must use the user settings: "Service - User Settings - Other Settings" in the list, you need to find the option "Auto-open the sales manager workplace form when the program starts" and check the box next to it.

"Element Users"

RMMP is divided into 2 regions. On the left you see a list of items, on the right there are several tabs of the working panel with different modes.

T. Bogacheva / "Financial newspaper" (regional issue), №№ 13-14, March-April, 2006

The program "1C: Trade Management 8.0" uses modern methods work that can improve the efficiency of managers with buyers. The program allows you to track the stages of relationships with clients, starting from the first contact of the client with the company and until the conclusion of an agreement with him.

At the first contact with the client organization through e-mail, telephone, personal meeting or in another way, the manager fixes the source of information - an advertising campaign or any other marketing action, thanks to which the client learned about the company and turned to it. Subsequently, using specialized reports, you can analyze the effectiveness advertising campaign and get this information in the form of a rating. In addition, information about the client organization is recorded, as well as personal data of its contact persons - addresses and telephone numbers.

The reminder system used in the program allows you to pay attention to customers and contact persons, congratulate them on the upcoming holiday or birthday, send them e-mail a letter with a colorful congratulation attached (Fig. 1).

The account manager can keep track of all important contacts with the client at any time, review all previous agreements with him and schedule new contacts (Fig. 2).

At operational work with a client, for example, when issuing an invoice for payment, monitoring the timeliness of payment and shipment, the manager can apply program modes that allow him to quickly serve a large number of clients. These modes include "Sales Manager Workplace" and "User Calendar".

Sales manager workplace

"Sales Manager Workplace" can be called automatically when the user starts the program or from the menu item "Documents - Sales - Sales Manager Workplace". It allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • quick selection and search in the nomenclature reference book;
  • viewing information about current stock balances in the context of the range, characteristics of the range and warehouses;
  • viewing balances on customer orders in the context of stock items, as well as planned deliveries;
  • viewing the values ​​of the main attributes of an item item and its properties without opening the element form;
  • issuing invoices for payment and registering new customer orders.

Consider the actions that a sales manager must perform in solving each of the listed tasks.

Quick selection and search in the nomenclature reference book. Quick selection in the reference book "Nomenclature" can be made by the article or by the name of the goods.

To make a selection, for example, by name, you need to set the selection condition "Name", and in the "Contains" field enter a sequence of characters that are included in the name of the product. The result of the selection of goods, the name of which contains the sequence of characters "bot", is shown in Fig. 3.

In the "Workstation of the sales manager" mode, a quick search for goods is implemented. To perform it, you need to place the cursor in the "Name" column and start entering the name of the product. The system will immediately "move" the cursor to the line with the product, the name of which begins with the entered characters.

Viewing information about current stock balances by item, item characteristics and warehouses. To view the current balance of goods, you need to place the cursor on the desired product, and in the right part of the "Workstation of the sales manager" go to the "Remains and prices" tab. The balances and prices of the goods will be shown in the context of characteristics, if this position is accounted for in the context of characteristics.

To view the balance of goods for each warehouse, you need to place the cursor on the "Remains, prices" panel, click on the right button and in the context menu that appears, use the left mouse button to set the "Show warehouses" flag (Fig. 4).

This setting will be saved during subsequent sessions of working with the “Sales Manager Workplace”.

The column "Free waiting" reflects the quantity of goods that is ordered from suppliers and has not yet been distributed to customer orders. When deciphering this amount, you can view all orders to suppliers for which there is a free balance that has not yet been allocated to customer orders.

To display the price of a product, select the appropriate price type. Prices can be shown in the currency in which they were fixed, or in any currency selected from the "Currencies" directory.

View balances on customer orders in the context of item positions, as well as planned deliveries. Using the "Manager's workplace" mode, you can see the current status of the goods ordered by the buyer. To get this information, you need to enter the name of the buyer in the "Buyer" field or select it from the list. After entering information about the buyer, the "Orders" tab will appear. By placing the cursor on the desired position in the left part of the "Sales manager's workplace", you can see the current status of this product on the "Orders" tab - the quantity of goods that can already be shipped to the buyer ("In reserve") and the date of receipt from the supplier of the remaining order goods (Fig. 5).

Viewing the values ​​of the main attributes of an item item and its properties without opening the element form. To view the basic information about the product, find the desired position in the list and go to the "Parameters" tab (Fig. 6).

This tab lists all the main parameters of the goods: the main supplier responsible for purchases, all information about the properties of the goods. It is also possible to view the image of the product (the "Image" button).

Issuing invoices for payment and registering new customer orders. Directly in the "Workstation of a sales manager" mode, you can issue invoices and orders for existing customers, enter information about new customers.

It should be noted that a new buyer can issue an invoice for payment without filling in information about him in the infobase and register him after he confirms his intentions to purchase the goods, for example, by paying the invoice.

This operation is executed as follows:

Information about the new buyer will be stored only in the "Invoice for payment" document. After the new buyer confirms his intentions (for example, pays the bill), he can be registered. To do this, in the "Invoice for payment" document, you need to click on the "About" button next to the "Counterparty" field, as a result, a registration window will appear. In this form, you must enter all the data about the client and register it in the infobase.

In the same way, you can issue the documents “Buyer's order” or “Invoice for payment” for existing customers.

User calendar

For the manager to make operational decisions that will help him competently build a system of relationships with customers, the "User Calendar" mode is used. This mode is used by the manager to display the current state of business processes related to the fulfillment of customer orders, as well as to plan and control upcoming events with customers.

For each manager in the program, an individual “User Calendar” is formed. It reflects only those orders (accounts for payment) for which a particular manager is responsible.

When setting the appropriate setting, the head of the department or other responsible person can view the calendars of his subordinates and follow their work.

"User Calendar" is called from the menu item "Documents - Customer Relationship Management - User Calendar".

Monitoring the fulfillment of customer orders. By default, the "User Calendar" displays only events with the client. In order to display customer orders in the "User's Calendar", you need to call the "Calendar settings" dialog using the "Settings" item and set the "Display orders" and "Display customer orders" settings in it. After that, in the "User's Calendar" orders of buyers will be shown, but not all, but only current ones, i.e. those for which shipment has not been made and (or) which have not been paid by the buyer.

To perform selection in the "User's Calendar" according to the orders of a specific client, select it in the "Counterparty" field (Fig. 8).

Using the "By counterparty" button, you can view all Additional information for a client - a list of events, a report on mutual settlements with him, a list of all documents issued with this client.

In the "User's Calendar" each order is divided into two events - shipment by order and payment by order. Overdue events are marked in red.

If the payment for the order has already been made and the goods can be shipped to the client, the shipment event is highlighted in green. Directly from the "User's Calendar" using the "Based" action, you can register the shipment of goods to the buyer (the document "Sale of goods and services").

If the goods have already been shipped on credit, but payment for the order has not been received or not received in full, then this event is highlighted in red. A sign of partial payment is the presence in the column of this event of the mark "50%".

Current, non-expired orders, for which the event has not yet come, are marked in the "User Calendar" in gray.

Directly from the "User's Calendar" you can view a detailed report on the current status of the order, for this you need to select the "Order Analysis" menu item ("Action" button).

Event planning. Using the User Calendar, you can also schedule various events: a phone call to a client, a personal meeting, sending an e-mail, etc.

To schedule events, you need to switch to the "Day" tab. On this tab, you can view a list of all customer orders, events for which should take place today. We are talking about orders for which goods only need to be shipped today or for which the payment deadline for the buyer only today expires, and he should be reminded of this.

You can remind the buyer that he must pay for the order by sending an email. In this case, on the basis of the buyer's order, you need to generate the "Event" document. You can also schedule a phone call to the customer at a convenient time.

To schedule a phone call to a customer, a manager must do the following:

  • mark a convenient time in the right part of the dialog form of the user's calendar;
  • click on the "Enter event" button and select the event " Phone call outgoing".

A new document "Event" will be generated, in which the day and time of the upcoming event will be recorded (Fig. 9).

The "Event" document contains information about the client and his contact person. The time of the event is substituted automatically in accordance with the time entered in the "User's Calendar". You can set an additional flag to automatically generate a reminder for the manager about the upcoming event a few minutes before its scheduled start.

Analysis of relationships with customers

When working with buyers, it is important not only to track current relationships, but also to analyze the history of relationships with buyers. Using the program "1C: Trade Management 8.0" customers can be divided according to their degree of importance ("ABC-analysis of customers") and the degree of their stability ("XYZ-analysis of buyers").

ABC-classification of clients is carried out in accordance with the Pareto principle. A-class includes the most important clients, B-class - medium-importance clients, and C-class - low-importance clients (Fig. 10).

ABC-analysis of clients can be performed in accordance with the share of the client in the total profit of the enterprise or in the amount of total revenue. The choice of this parameter is determined by the accounting policy of the enterprise.

An important point is that information about customer importance classes is documented (document "ABC-classification of buyers"). In the document, you can see the history of the relationship with the client. The arrows show the transition of buyers from one stage to another.

Using the report "ABC-analysis of buyers" you can see operational information about the ABC-distribution of customers (Fig. 11).

The sales assistant for 1C is an extended workplace for a sales manager, it serves to set customer orders - search and select items in the basket through many different options, displays a lot of information about the product, and allows you to sell goods with specific conditions.

  • Selection according to the nomenclature reference book.
  • Selection by balances and sale from several warehouses.
  • Selection of price lists of suppliers and competitors.
  • Selection of orders from suppliers.
  • Selection by sales to the buyer.
  • Selection according to analogues of the nomenclature.
  • Selection of nomenclature for sites through web services (API).
  • Sale with DIFFERENT prices of the item according to the conditions.
  • Improved search when selecting goods in 1C.
  • Extended product information (many pictures, description, properties).
This workplace will be the main tool of managers.
The module is ideal for companies that need a modification of the selection of nomenclature.

Advanced Sales Assistant - Seven rebounds in one

This processing contains extended functionality compared to the standard selection. Processing is not tied to documents. Opens as a standalone window. It is connected through the mechanism of additional configuration processing.
The module was developed for 1C Trade Management 11 in the early days of its release. There are versions for all configurations.

Selection of nomenclature according to the directory

  • Display of balances across all warehouses.
  • Information on reserves.
  • Expected quantity from orders to suppliers.
  • Selection of goods IN STOCK (there are leftovers or arrival is expected).
  • History of purchases and sales of goods for the period.
  • History of invoices and sales by customer.
  • Convenient navigation through the nomenclature.
  • Displaying a lot of pictures of the product, a full description, properties.
  • Subsystem of analogues of the nomenclature in 1C together with Megaprice PRO.
  • Displaying the prices of price lists of suppliers and competitors.
  • Search by price lists of suppliers, goods not in the directory!

Search nomenclature by words

  • Search nomenclature in 1C for any words in any order.
  • Does not require inclusion and use full text search in configuration.
  • Example of work: all vacuum cleaners Electronics - we collect "ardor el".

Automatic replacement of words in 1C (when searching for nomenclature)

Are you tired of switching from Russian to English when searching and vice versa. In Megaprice, a button has been added to open the directory, in which you can fill in replacements, in which the program itself must correct the search string to what it needs. For example, Jacobs - JACOBS, Apple - APPLE, Microsoft - Microsoft, Brown - BRAUN. When typing a search string, for example, "Jacobs coffee", the module will understand that you need to find "JACOBS coffee".

Selection by warehouses and balances

Automatic tab with detailed balances for all warehouses and characteristics. The ability to specify the quantity for several warehouses, as well as add the quantity that does not exist. With one click, everything will be added to the cart. If Megaprice is available, there is an option Show analogues, which immediately starts showing the related item. The selection of the quantity is also possible on it.

Selection by price lists

Detailed information about balances, prices of suppliers and competitors (Megaprice PRO), allows you to see a detailed list with information. The selection works automatically if there is no nomenclature in 1C.
Search by price lists when the item is not physically in 1C
The fact is that Megaprice allows you to download the full image of the supplier's price list, even with the physical absence of the nomenclature in 1C. But if, when searching for a product, it was not in your directory, a search is performed in the base of price lists and the positions of suppliers are displayed. You can instantly create an item, assign a price, and add the item to your shopping cart.

Selection by orders to suppliers

A detailed table of orders to suppliers with complete information. It shows detailed orders to suppliers for the current position, detailed information. The Order column allows you to enter the required quantity. The options Show all warehouses and Show analogues also work here. The selection also works if you select many lines in the selection according to the directory.

Selection by sales

A special tab that contains a table of sales to the selected buyer for the period (date, item, quantity, price). With a special button on the nomenclature of the table, the module will make a selection in the selection according to the directory, after which you can select these items according to the balances in the basket. By default, detailed sales for the current product are displayed.

Selection by analogues of the nomenclature in 1C

The Megaprice program has a built-in subsystem for accounting for item analogues. It allows you to link positions to each other. From the sales assistant, you can manage analogues - link positions to each other through a special form for selecting analogues (card). When selecting, you can see analogues of the nomenclature when searching for positions both in the directory, and when selecting by balance, there is an option that will show the balance and prices for all analogues. Quick selection by analogues.

Selection of nomenclature in 1C on the websites of suppliers (API)

The option is turned on, which starts to use special external processing that makes requests via the Internet directly to the suppliers' sites via the API. Or competitors on the example of Yandex.Market.
news link
The module can be purchased separately from Megaprice, but it will only work with standard functionality.


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