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Marketing Management- is the process of analyzing, planning, organizing and controlling activities to establish and maintain contacts with target consumers and achieve the objectives of the organization, for example, increase revenues, increase sales points, expand market share. The main task marketing management- profit and profitability of the organization in a competitive environment. With this in mind, the goal marketing management - this is a search for such a number of customers that is necessary in order to sell all the products. At the same time, it is necessary not only to create and expand demand, but also to change it or even reduce it.

Marketing Management Concepts

Several concepts have been developed, adhering to which, organizations fulfill their goals and objectives in the field of marketing and stimulating demand for the product or service offered.

The concept of product improvement. The main idea of ​​this concept is to focus consumers' attention on goods or services that are qualitatively different from their counterparts and thus more beneficial to the consumer. At the same time, manufacturers focus their efforts on improving specifications and performance, despite increasing costs, and, consequently, the cost of production. This concept assumes that the customer will prefer a higher quality and better performing product. In this case, the company should focus on improving the product.

The concept of production improvement. According to this concept of marketing management, the buyer prefers affordable products that have a low price. Manufacturers who adhere to this concept have mostly batch or assembly line production with acceptable quality and low cost. The sale of finished products is carried out in many trade organizations. This concept assumes that enterprises will improve the production process, as well as reduce costs and increase labor productivity. This concept is suitable for producers who are focused on long-term growth prospects and operate under minimal social and political control.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts (sales concept). This concept assumes that in order to increase sales, it is necessary to take certain actions to promote the products, as well as to expand the demand for it. Organizations that adhere to this concept of marketing management believe that consumers do not have a pronounced need to purchase a product and therefore sales and promotion must be organized. The main disadvantage of this concept is that the interests of the consumer are relegated to the background, and the main thing is the sale of their goods. Such a policy of the company can significantly reduce its market share in this segment.

Marketing concept. This concept is the opposite of marketing. It prioritizes the needs of consumers and is designed to meet the needs and size of the market. According to this concept, the company strives to meet the needs of a certain group of consumers, and understands that in order to do the job, it is necessary to create an entire marketing system. The marketing service of the company is subject to constant evaluation and monitoring. It is expected that the results of the marketing plan will lead to customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

The concept of social and ethical marketing. It is based on a new manufacturing philosophy that aims to satisfy healthy, natural needs, and use more practical ways to meet those needs. The main idea of ​​this concept is to preserve the environment in conditions modern life when the ecology of the planet worsens, natural resources are reduced, the population increases. When developing this concept, three factors were taken into account: making a profit, satisfying consumer needs and the interests of the whole society as a whole. The result of a combination of these factors can be an increase in sales and, accordingly, the profit of the company.

Marketing Management Process

For all organizations, without exception, the effectiveness of the marketing department is important, since the relevance of the work of the entire company depends on it.

Process marketing management consists of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets, developing a marketing mix and implementing marketing activities:

  1. Analysis of market opportunities. It provides for the assessment of these opportunities in terms of compliance with the company's plans and reserves, monitoring of current demand and foreseeing the future, selection and systematization of information on the attractiveness of the manufactured goods on the market. It also includes exploring new markets and discussing marketing opportunities. Each new market requires careful study before a firm chooses it as its target market.
  2. Selection of target markets. After selecting possible markets, the company studies the demand conditions at the moment and forecasts it in the future. If the expected result satisfies the company, the market is divided to identify consumer groups to which the company's production will be directed. This separation is also called segmentation. Segmentation refers to the separation of all potential consumers of this product into categories that qualitatively differ from each other in requests for manufactured products. A company can choose for itself both one and several target markets, of course, while the company's policy in each of the categories will differ. The firm must also analyze the properties of the proposed product, to identify which of them are distinguished by consumers as the most important, in order to focus on them. In addition, the demand for certain sets of properties of goods becomes important. In addition, the demand for possible combinations of product properties is important. Also, the company has a choice: to create a product that will meet the standard needs of customers or to produce a similar product to an existing product. When choosing the second path, it is necessary to take into account the competitiveness of the company and create a special marketing mix.
  3. Development of a marketing mix. The marketing management complex is the sum of four factors: price, product, distribution methods and incentive methods. Its development is required to create the required volume of demand from the selected market segment. Roughly speaking, to obtain, induce and control the demand for the products offered.
  4. Bringing the marketing concept to life. To implement marketing activities, a company must create four systems: a marketing information system, a marketing planning system, a marketing organization system, and a marketing control system. The purpose of the planning system is to analyze the company's activities in terms of finding and developing its strong industries and reducing or closing weak ones, as well as developing additional measures based on the information received. To implement these plans, a marketing service is being created at the enterprise.

Marketing is present in everyone's life. For the successful operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to choose the right marketing management strategy, as well as clearly plan this process. The task of marketing is to produce goods and services that satisfy the needs of the whole society. The effectiveness of the chosen concept can be determined by analyzing the goals achieved, the main of which are the expansion of demand, the diversity of the goods offered, which can satisfy the widest range of people's needs, and the improvement of the living standards of individuals and society as a whole. The relevance of marketing and the interest in its effective management are most enhanced with an increase in the number of organizations that create similar products aimed at satisfying the same needs, that is, in a competitive environment, when marketing is a key link to making a profit.

The concept, goals and objectives of marketing management in a company

Currently, the market and production policy of the company depends on effective marketing activities, which is considered the leading management function.

How managerial activity marketing consists of:

  • market demand research;
  • creating a marketing plan;
  • development of the organization's investment policy based on marketing planning;
  • calculation of the final results of the company.

Marketing involves making decisions using economic and statistical calculations corresponding to computer programs and is aimed at creating economic, organizational and other conditions for the effective development of the company as a whole. Of great importance is the development and implementation of solutions for certain types of marketing activities.

Definition 1

Marketing management is the planning and execution of programs that are focused on the constant formation and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with the target audience.

Marketing management consists of obtaining and evaluating marketing information for planning, as well as monitoring the implementation of programs. The latter allows you to identify the degree of achievement of the company's goals. Further, decisions are made on the possible correction or continuation of the implementation of the planned marketing programs.

The marketing management complex includes strategic and tactical actions aimed at ensuring the success of the company in the market and maximizing profits.

Remark 1

The purpose of marketing management is to increase the efficiency of economic and commercial activities organization and individual marketing activities.

The tasks of marketing management consist in a thorough analysis of the market, adaptation of production to its requirements, as well as influencing the market with the tools and means of the marketing mix.

Classification of marketing management tasks:

  • obtaining, processing and evaluating market information, demand for the company's products and competitors' offers;
  • development of solutions to adapt production, marketing, advertising, finance and other areas of the enterprise to the requirements of the market;
  • formation of demand and sales promotion.

Marketing Management Process

A distinction should be made between marketing management and marketing management. Often they are credited with the same functions.

Picture 1. Comparative characteristics marketing management and marketing management. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Remark 2

Marketing management is a set of procedures and actions that are aimed at organizing marketing work in a company. Every company is interested in effective management marketing activities, it is important for her to understand and know how to analyze market opportunities, select target markets, develop 4P marketing and successfully implement marketing activities and projects.

Figure 2. Marketing management process. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Analysis of market opportunities is an assessment of the company's potential in terms of its compliance with plans and reserves, monitoring demand and forecasting, as well as selecting and summarizing information about the attractiveness of manufactured products. The first step in the marketing management process is to explore new markets and consider marketing opportunities. Research takes time and attention. Careful market research must be carried out before the final selection of the target segment.

After selecting potential markets, the enterprise examines the conditions of demand at the current moment and forecasts it for the future period. If the expected result suits the company, the market is divided to determine the target consumer groups. This division of the market into segments is called segmentation. An organization may have one segment or several to conduct its business. Before the release of products, it is necessary to analyze the demand, to identify which characteristics and properties of goods are the most important.

The development of the 4P marketing mix involves creating a product taking into account market requirements, setting prices, determining methods of distribution and means of promoting products.

To implement the activities of the company in the field of marketing, it is necessary to organize four systems:

  • marketing information system;
  • marketing planning system;
  • marketing organization system;
  • marketing control system.

To carry out marketing plans, you must create a service, division or department of marketing.

Marketing Management Structure

There are four main types of organizational structure of the marketing service:

  1. functional;
  2. commodity;
  3. market;
  4. matrix.

With a functional management structure, the work of employees of the marketing department is organized from the position of marketing functions, which are their job responsibilities. These are functions such as advertising, promotion, marketing research, marketing planning, pricing policy.

The functional organizational structure is the simplest. Functional specialists report to the company's vice president of marketing. This structure is suitable for promoting a single product or a narrow product range aimed at one target segment.

The product structure of the marketing division involves the development and implementation of strategies and ongoing marketing plans for a single product or group of products. For each product or product group, the manager is responsible, who has subordinate personnel who perform marketing functions.

Organization of marketing activities according to the product principle allows you to delegate responsibility for market performance individual goods and promotes coordination of work between various functional divisions of the enterprise.

In a market structure, a company operates in several markets. This approach is effective if different consumer preferences prevail in different sales markets. The main advantage of such a structure is customer orientation.

The market structure takes place in the following cases:

  • serving several target markets with one strategic element of the business;
  • significant differences in the requirements and desires of buyers within the same target market;
  • purchases of large volumes of goods by each real consumer.

The matrix approach is based on focusing on goods and service markets at the same time. The sales staff is located in the field, and control over the goods is carried out by the manager of a certain product range. He also coordinates advertising activities, market research and relationships with sales representatives.

Marketing Management- this is an analysis of the market environment and internal capabilities of the company, planning, implementation and control over the implementation of activities in order to achieve the company's business objectives (profit generation, sales growth, increase in market share, etc.).

Marketing management involves: planning, conducting activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales, increasing market share, etc.

Marketing Management Challenge— influence the level, timing and nature of demand in a way that helps the organization achieve its objectives.

There are two levels of marketing management: strategic marketing and tactical marketing.

Strategic level

Strategic level of marketing management(marketing strategy) - long-term coordination of the company's capabilities with the market situation, i.e. in coordinating the internal and external environments of the company. A marketing strategy is often confused with a company's business development goals. However, unlike goals, a marketing strategy is a plan to achieve these goals, which should reflect all elements of marketing, financial resources and production capabilities. The most common marketing strategies are:

  • improvement of the organizational structure of the company;
  • organization of penetration into new product markets;
  • development and introduction to the market of a new product; penetration into new markets through the creation of joint ventures;
  • cooperation activities with companies with experience of successful activities in the markets of interest.

tactical level

Tactical level of marketing management(marketing tactics) is focused on the formation of market demand for existing goods and services of the company. Possible ways to implement marketing activities at this level of management can be as follows:

  • study of markets in order to generate demand and stimulate sales;
  • analysis of goods and management of their nomenclature in order to maximize the satisfaction of market requirements;
  • direct contact with consumers; increase and training of personnel; active participation in exhibitions and fairs; expansion of the range (diversification) of manufactured goods;
  • creating and improving the efficiency of the service; adaptation of the product to the specific requirements of the buyer; promotional activities; price management.
The marketing manager is an official of the company involved in the implementation of the planned plans and / or exercising control functions.


Graduate work performed on the topic "Development of the marketing management system at the enterprise."

The purpose of this work is to theoretically substantiate and methodologically develop the basic principles and practical stages of improving the management of marketing activities in an enterprise.

The goal set defines the main tasks to be solved in this work:

analysis of the marketing environment of the enterprise and the degree of readiness for implementation marketing strategy;

development and justification of measures to improve marketing activities;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed activities.

The object of study is a society with limited liability"ARRA", which carries out advertising activities and the provision of printing services. The subject of the study is aspects of the organization of marketing activities at this enterprise.

The work is structured from the abstract, table of contents, introduction, three chapters of the main part, conclusion and list of sources used. The work contains 7 tables, 5 figures, 70 pages of the main text. Bibliographic list formed from 23 sources.





1.1. Marketing. Stages of its development and place in modern organization

1.2. Marketing organization

1.3. Theoretical aspects implementation of a marketing management system, problems and errors. Efficiency control

1.4. Improving the organization of management of domestic enterprises on the principles of marketing


2.1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

2.2 The state of the external and internal environment of the organization.

2.3 Assessment of readiness of the enterprise to implement the marketing strategy.


3.1. Creation of a unified marketing service.

3.2. Carrying out activities and evaluating effectiveness.




The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that in the conditions of acceleration and complication of the processes taking place in the market, the enterprise needs to develop qualitatively new methods for solving emerging problems of a managerial and other nature. AT entrepreneurial activity firms constantly face problems due to the expediency of more complete satisfaction needs of existing and potential buyers in the necessary goods. The problem of the strategic success of an enterprise, the creation and retention of competitive advantages is one of the most urgent. Marketing is intended to contribute to the solution of such problems, as the basis for increasing the efficiency of a trading enterprise.

Marketing is one of the most important types of economic and social activities however, it is very often misunderstood. The purpose of marketing is to improve the quality of goods and services, improve the conditions for their purchase, which in turn will lead to an increase in the standard of living in the country, an increase in the quality of life.

The next stage of development Russian economy brought the enterprise to the realization of the problem of the need for the practical application of marketing principles in their daily activities. However, this requires not only trained specialists, but certain efforts to create management structures, whose task is to plan, organize and control marketing activities in the enterprise.



1.1. Marketing, stages of its development and place in a modern organization

How theoretical concept and a special type of commercial activity, marketing, arose at the beginning of this century in the United States. In 1902-1910, a course in the organization and methodology of marketing operations was introduced into the training program for future businessmen at the leading US universities - Harvard, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin. In 1908, the first commercial research firm was founded, specializing in the study of problems related to marketing, and in 1911 a number of the largest monopolies at that time introduced a special link into the management apparatus - the marketing department. At the same time, the first studies by R. Butler, A. Shaw, P. Cherington, T. Beckman, A. Marshall and others appeared in the USA, which determined the content of the concept of “marketing”. The management strategy required the concentration of all the various functions and operations in the hands of a single body - the marketing department. It is the brain center of the corporation, a source of information and recommendations for decision-making on many issues of the production, financial, marketing activities of the company.

The main activities of the marketing apparatus are the study of demand, the adaptation of production to the requirements of the market and the active influence on it. In marketing as a way of organizing and managing production and marketing activities, the achievements of a number of areas of scientific knowledge have been applied and developed: social psychology, economics, management theory, mathematical statistics, programming, etc. The principles of marketing have been adopted by the vast majority of industrial, commercial , transport, insurance and banking monopolies of the United States, leading firms in Western Europe and Japan. Already by the mid-60s, more than 80% of the 500 largest US corporations built their activities in accordance with the goals and principles of marketing. Marketing is a kind of human activity to meet the demand for tangible and intangible, social values ​​through mutually beneficial exchange. Thus, marketing is both a system of thought and a system of action. As you know, the classification of periods of market development and marketing in countries with developed market relations includes several stages.

The first period, dating back to the 1950s in Western Europe, was distinguished by the fact that, as a rule, supply did not have time to satisfy demand. It was about the post-war economy with pronounced signs of a deficit in the distribution system. The bottleneck in management was the optimization of the production process (including the process of acquiring resources). At the stage of orientation to production, the main emphasis in management was placed on the economical production and distribution of products. Customer opinion as well as market development trends were secondary factors. Gradually, the role of the product as one of the marketing tools. In the second phase of the period under review, marketing placed particular emphasis on the product and its characteristics. The quality of the product and the creation of its additional functions began to be seen as a priority in the field of product development. To implement this function, the necessary reorganization is carried out in the production management system in general and in the personnel management policy in particular. In this phase there was a surge in technological development. Innovation, improvement and positive product changes characterize this stage. Management proceeded from the fact that the perfection of the operational properties of the product is the main criterion when buying it by the client. At the same time, the process of improving and improving the consumer characteristics of a product was often a kind of end in itself, since the opinion of consumers of the created product was still not taken into account to an insufficient extent. With the transition from a scarce society to a so-called surplus society, there was also a transition of the market from the stage of a “seller's market” to the stage of a “buyer's market”, with all the ensuing consequences for the producer / seller, and supply begins to exceed demand. With systematic and regular manifestation signs of market saturation became necessary reorientation to the sales area. A strong focus on the classic marketing mix is hallmark of this period. To promote the product and stimulate sales, such tools as the advantages of price, delivery conditions and product quality are used. Marketing management was also distinguished at this stage by the aggressive use of such a marketing tool as advertising. In addition, special emphasis was placed on the organization of the sales system. It was believed that the more organized and branched the sales system with the required degree of intensity of promotions, the more product can be sold. An illustrative example of this stage is such promotions as the “exchange” of a product available to the consumer for a new product with an additional payment (this system is currently used in a number of Russian enterprises, for example, in the furniture business). In the next phase of the development of the market and marketing, other factors were included in the process of enterprise management: the whole complex associated with the market came into focus. In this phase, the final reorientation to the sales market took place. In addition, the specific needs and wishes of the consumer have risen to the same level as the factors influencing the success of the enterprise.

Marketing has become a general and central management concept, containing the function of coordinating all market activities of the enterprise. The slogans were: "Customer in the center of work" and "Produce only what the consumer needs." The state of modern society and the market, as part of it, on the one hand, as well as new methods of managing the market activity of an enterprise, as a reaction to obvious market development trends, on the other, necessitate the refinement of the above classification, as well as the need to identify a new stage in the development of the market and methods of influence on it from the side of the enterprise. The beginning of this stage dates back to the mid-end of the 80s, when in countries with developed market economies there is a clear formation of a new management concept based on the maximum orientation of the entire enterprise to the market in the broadest sense of the word. Called integration marketing, in the 90s this concept, for the most part, took shape in a single system. The very fact of its emergence and further spread was a kind of response to the difficulties that the market faced during this period. The eighties are the time when individual authors began to talk about the inefficiency of traditional marketing tools. The framework conditions of the period of integration marketing are characterized by the following features. Firstly, technological progress has reached an unprecedented level and its results have left a significant imprint on essentially all spheres of human activity. Despite the obvious potential of this level of information technology development, such a situation meant and means at the same time a certain risk associated primarily with the correct distribution of investment funds. Secondly, the intensification of competition is obvious - among other things, also as a result of the globalization of the economy. Thirdly, there are significant changes in consumer behavior. Their sophistication and experience, as well as a wider choice, force the enterprise to look for new ways to build relationships with its consumer. According to the changes in the framework conditions, the approach to marketing has also changed.

Modern marketing (Fig. 1) is not only a market-oriented way of thinking and acting, but also the coordination of all processes and circumstances, without exception, one way or another connected with the market or society.

At this time, the point of view on marketing as the main science of management in market conditions and a kind of foundation for all market activities of an enterprise was strengthened. Orientation to a management system based on the principles of integration marketing is the hallmark of this, the fifth, according to our classification, period. At this stage of development, it is realized that long-term success in the market is guaranteed by establishing long-term balanced relationships (ie, relationships in which mutual interests are satisfied) between the enterprise and all involved groups of influence. Creating and maintaining competitive advantages in these conditions requires special efforts, including the availability of additional reserves, both tangible and intangible. Due to the limited availability of tangible and intangible resources, marketing faces new challenges - reducing costs by optimizing its own work, reducing product costs, as well as finding and using new potentials. Enterprise management based on integration marketing has become more actively involved in the social factor in the process of adoption management decisions. Environmental, social, political and ethical aspects, as well as the development trends of society as a whole, could not but be reflected in the management system at advanced enterprises. Under these conditions, the quality of goods and services produced and the competitiveness of the enterprise become synonymous. competitiveness of economic entities, entrepreneurs, when their independent actions effectively limit the ability of each of them to influence general terms and Conditions the circulation of goods in this market and stimulate the production of those goods that are required by the consumer; competitive, rival relations between two or more economic entities economic activity, manifested in the form of the desire of each of them to bypass the others in achieving a common goal, to get a higher result, to push back the opponent. Competition - is a special kind of honest economic struggle, in which, in the presence of basically equal chances for each of the claiming parties, the more skillful, enterprising, capable side wins; Marketing is the most “sore” place for most Russian enterprises. The problem of producing a product fades into the background, and the ability of an enterprise to sell manufactured products is the most important indicator for potential investors. Many enterprises are taking steps to reorganize or re-create the enterprise marketing system. Before the theorists and practitioners of marketing, time sets the task of implementing certain marketing constructions in practical activities. The crisis of 1998 gave domestic producers a chance not just to survive, it laid the foundation for a possible long-term and progressive development of enterprises, since many major foreign players actually left the domestic market. Demand for domestically produced products has increased significantly. As the devaluation effect was exhausted, it became more and more obvious that competition in the markets of industrial products was becoming more and more aggravated, both on the part of domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Looking for effective tools strengthening their own market positions, all more manufacturers comes to the need to develop their own long-term development programs and is increasingly turning to the concepts of strategic industrial marketing. The facts presented and the experience available in the modern world effective management industries related to the satisfaction of demand, clearly show that without marketing it is simply impossible to create a self-regulating system that quickly and adequately responds to changes in the situation in the consumer market. Usually these are measures of an organizational and managerial nature, which, if implemented purposefully, will allow the enterprise to significantly increase the efficiency of the marketing and sales service. Of course, it would be desirable to conduct a detailed market research, determine the potential of various consumer groups, assess the company's capabilities and competitive advantages, and develop a new marketing strategy that takes into account these advantages and market potential. This work can be carried out more effectively with the participation of management consultants. It is necessary to appoint those responsible for the implementation of the main functions of the marketing system, give them authority and resources, determine the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of their work and responsibility. The system of remuneration for employees of the marketing and sales department should be related to the results of the company's activities in the market.

1.2. Marketing organization

The organization of marketing activities or marketing includes: building (improving) the organizational structure of marketing management; selection of marketing specialists (marketers) of appropriate qualification; distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities in the marketing management system; creation of conditions for the effective work of employees of marketing services (organization of their jobs, provision of the necessary information, office equipment, etc.); There are no single recipes for using typical marketing management organizational structures. Usually, even enterprises of the same type use different organizational structures. For example, in the General Motors Corporation, its strategic business units (Chevrolet, Pontiac, etc.) use different marketing management organizational structures. Rather, it is about applying certain general principles for building marketing management organizational structures - on the assumption that their materialization can be carried out in quite different ways.

It should also be noted that small organizations developing new products in a rapidly changing environment use flexible structures. Large organizations operating in more stable markets often use more centralized structures to ensure greater integration. Flexibility of organizational structures of management, i.e. the ability to respond quickly and in a timely manner to changes of various kinds, is necessary condition adaptation of the organization to the new realities of life. This is a kind of response to the inability to clearly foresee and predict changes. At the same time, one of the basic principles of organizing marketing management in large companies is the maximum approximation of the places for making marketing decisions to the units where they are engaged in practical marketing (where something is produced and sold). Therefore, in higher large organization echelons of management (at headquarters), any marketing units may be absent altogether. Companies that profess a high level of decentralized management - for example, in the case of the release of products that vary greatly in terms of the range of products supplied to equally different markets - may not develop at the level of their headquarters any policy in the field of marketing activities that is unified for the company.

Let us characterize the individual principles of building organizational structures of marketing management. Any organizational structure of marketing management can be built on the basis of the following dimensions (one or more): functions, geographic areas of activity, products (goods) and consumer markets within the framework of advertising and printing activities, it will be relevant to consider the functional-product-market type of organization. This is the organizational structure of marketing management, in which the functional marketing services of the enterprise develop and coordinate the implementation of some common marketing goals and objectives for the enterprise. At the same time, the managers responsible for working in these markets are responsible for the development and implementation of marketing plans for certain markets. They can also formulate tasks for the functional marketing services of the enterprise in the field of marketing activities in certain markets and monitor their implementation. Product managers are responsible for the development, production, and marketing of specific products or groups of products. They can also formulate for the functional marketing services of the enterprise tasks in the field of marketing of certain products and monitor their implementation. Before making product development and release decisions, the product manager asks individual market managers how these products can be sold in specific markets, thus forming a total portfolio of future orders. The interaction of different managers is largely carried out on an informal basis, since the variety of tasks to be solved cannot be fully reflected in any provisions and job descriptions. The presence of functional services hinders the growth of staff in the product and market divisions. In addition to this approach to the organization of marketing management, two more types of organizational management structures can be distinguished, which are quite universal in nature and are used in the organization of management. various types production and economic activities of the enterprise, including marketing. This refers to project management and the matrix organizational structure of management, used when it is necessary to focus resources, including personnel and management, on solving problems that are especially important for the organization - for example, entering the market with new products. These organizational structures of management do not cover the solution of all marketing problems, but only certain target tasks. As the organization and the customers placed more and more importance on the end results, i.e. end product with high consumer properties, it became increasingly clear that someone should be empowered and accountable for delivering these end results. This can be achieved using traditional structuring by product ranges within the functional product organizational structure of management. If, within the framework of the last organizational structure, the person responsible for marketing a certain product is given wide powers, temporarily subordinating to him all employees from the linear and functional divisions involved in the development, implementation, production, after-sales service, and implementation of other marketing functions, then we will get the organizational structure for project management for the release and marketing a specific product. But for a number of reasons, management on the basis of a project alone is often impossible. It is not always possible to ensure full employment of personnel (the workload of personnel of different specializations as the project develops is uneven). In addition, the duration of the project may be relatively short. Personnel, and above all highly qualified, will not tolerate the uncertainty caused by frequent organizational changes. Further, specialists usually prefer to be organized into groups on a professional basis. They feel more at ease working with peers and feel that belonging to these types of groups is better for their professional reputation and career advancement than association based on a project. Often, project managers do not have sufficient authority to have a real impact on the activities of functional units. In these cases, they act only as a kind of accumulator of information about how things are with the projects entrusted to them, reporting to a higher manager about serious deviations from the plan. A situation may arise when the project manager does not have sufficient authority, but must be responsible for the final results. Therefore, the high turnover of managerial personnel working in such positions is not surprising. Mentioned disadvantages are largely overcome in the organizational structures of the matrix type. The essence of relations in the formation of matrix organizational structures of management is as follows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Matrix organizational structure of marketing management

The manager (project) of the program, for example, to develop a certain market for a certain product, is transferred from the management of the enterprise the necessary powers to allocate resources, as well as to execute the activities that make up the program. The head of the marketing program temporarily reports not only to the employees of the relevant marketing services, but also to the employees of the departments involved in the development and bringing to production of the corresponding product. Thus, each participant in the work under the program, being on the staff list of the corresponding unit, has a dual subordination: along the line program work he reports to the head of the marketing program, in all other respects - to his line manager.

When several programs are being developed simultaneously, then for the general management of all program activities (development of a unified market, scientific, technical and economic policy, distribution of resources between programs, etc.), the position of the head of the marketing program control center may be introduced. Then the heads of individual programs report directly to him. Small-scale program managers may not be released managers, but managers and specialists of individual departments. The matrix management structure eliminates the following disadvantage inherent in the organizational structure of project management: it is easy to achieve a continuous workload of individual employees who are on the staff list of permanent structural units engaged in the same type of activity. The duality of leadership, inherent in the organizational structure of the matrix type, causes the following drawback. If there are difficulties with the implementation of the program, it is often very difficult for the management of the enterprise to find out who is to blame for this and what is the essence of the difficulties that have arisen. Among other things, in such cases, there are also the usual frictions, “kicking off” and confusion, which should be expected in the absence of one-man command. These difficulties are overcome as a result of the establishment of clear boundaries of authority and responsibility of functional managers and program managers. The latter are usually given full responsibility for the implementation of the entire program; they tend to establish contacts with customers, although sometimes this is the responsibility of the marketing departments, and manage the budget of the program, which essentially means turning them into a kind of “buyers” of the services of functional departments. (It is expedient to carry out this on the principles of internal cost accounting.)

Functional managers are empowered to manage employees working in their field and exercise control over the integrity and completeness of their research, design and other work. In general, due to such an organization of the activities of functional managers and program managers, most of the problems associated with the lack of unity of command are eliminated. Matrix organizational structures of management, as a rule, are built into the linear-functional structure of enterprise management as a whole. The task of the marketing service is to keep a course on the consumer, constantly monitor what he needs, monitor the activities of competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses and possible market actions, and based on this, determine areas for improving marketing activities, develop and enforce marketing plans and programs and communicate marketing information to all other business units. Thus, developers receive from marketing services information about the development of the product, about the direction in which it is necessary to improve the manufactured products and which new ones to develop. Manufacturers will find out what the range of products should be, what are the terms for updating them. Divisions associated with pricing policy, based on information received from the marketing service, must be able to correctly determine prices. Personnel, respectively, decide the issues of dismissal and hiring, advanced training, etc. At the same time, the marketing service must accurately represent the capabilities of the enterprise so that, while developing it, it does not break away from the real life of its company. The considered scheme is important as a base, the basis of marketing activities. Based on this basis, you can also draw up job descriptions. This does not mean, of course, that the production and functional units of an enterprise cannot independently communicate with consumers, do not study competitors, and so on. However, this activity of theirs is directed and coordinated, taking into account the interests of the enterprise, by the head of marketing services, whose employees also conduct specific marketing research.

Rice. 3. Place and role of marketing services in the enterprise management system

Thus, marketing is the leading function that determines the technical, production policy of the enterprise, the style and nature of the management of all business activities. Marketers must establish and communicate to every engineer, designer and manufacturer how the consumer wants to see this product, what price he is willing to pay for it and where and when this product is needed. Marketing services influence the implementation of all the most important functions of the enterprise.

1.3 Theoretical aspects of the implementation of the marketing management system, problems and errors. Efficiency control

Preparation for the creation and implementation of an enterprise marketing management system usually begins with an analysis of the following functions (Table 1)

Stages of preparation for the creation and implementation of an enterprise marketing management system


Strategy Development

Determination of directions for improving old and developing new products. Identification of key consumers and marketing policy

Market research

Analysis of sales of products. Market research. Determination of the most attractive sales markets.

Promotion of products to the market

Sales to end consumers

Direct contact with buyers phone calls, personal visits). Determining the reaction of consumers to the company's products.

Sales to intermediaries

Contacts with intermediaries (phone calls, personal visits). Determining the reaction of intermediaries to the company's products.

Sales administrative support

Processing information about the sale of products or services. Financial and technical sales support.


Product delivery and storage management

Payment management

Payment control, accounts receivable management

Legal issues (contracting)

Preparation of contracts and other legal documents associated with the sale of products or services of the enterprise).

Description of products or services:

· Product name;

· Advantages and disadvantages;

Key competitive advantages

· Defining your customers (target customer groups) and assessing the potential of each target customer group.

For each target group of consumers, the formulation of:

The reasons why customers buy your products and services;

· Reasons why customers refuse to buy.

· Description of ways to promote products to target groups of consumers, identify the most effective of them.

· Analysis of pricing policy.

· Determination of the typical sizes of transactions (large, medium, small), their volumes in monetary and physical terms.

Setting priorities, focusing efforts and resources only on those products that make the most significant contribution to covering total costs and only on those target groups consumers of products that have the highest potential.

· Determination of the break-even point of the company (the minimum allowable sales volume) in monetary terms.

· Calculation of an individual sales plan for each employee.

· Determining the minimum number of transactions that the company must make in the reporting period. Analysis of the performance of the sales department.

· Determination of the number of contacts that the company must provide in order to achieve the required sales volume.

· Determining the number of contacts and customers that one sales person should provide.

· Creation of such a system of personnel motivation, which will orient the employees of the marketing and sales department to achieve results.

· Taking into account the data of the analysis of the fulfillment of tasks and functions, the determination of the composition and number of employees of the marketing and sales departments.

· Analysis of the sales process and identification of critical stages (searching for contacts or bringing information to customers, initiating interest, determining customer needs, preparing an offer, receiving payment) that require improvement.

Marketing plan development:

What products to sell and to whom?

Price policy

Distribution system

Product promotion methods, how you will inform customers about your products or services

Definition of a sales plan and other indicators by which the performance of the marketing and sales department will be evaluated.

Although this list tasks looks impressive, this is just the beginning on the way to creating an effective marketing and sales service, but without their implementation it is hardly possible to succeed in the market. Formalization of the above positions of creating an enterprise marketing management system requires the involvement of such a concept as the marketing potential of an enterprise. In this regard, the question arises sharply about the choice of tools for assessing the marketing potential of an enterprise, which will allow you to quickly determine the internal capabilities and weaknesses of a subordinate economic unit, discover hidden reserves in order to increase the efficiency of its activities E. Sunday, under the marketing potential of an enterprise (MP) understands the ability of a marketing system of an economic entity to ensure its constant competitiveness on the basis of:

Quality management and organization of marketing of the enterprise as a whole;

effective use human capital;

Application of the latest marketing tools;

Rational use available financial and material resources.

On a functional basis, the marketing potential characterizes the ability of the marketing system:

Conduct market research;

Carry out segmentation of product markets and positioning;

To study consumers of products and competitors;

Explore the business environment;

Determine the range of products, prices, benefits, discounts;

Develop a brand; conduct advertising company etc.

Let's take a closer look at organizational issues marketing service. Throughout their lives, all organizations go through certain life cycles and, in accordance with this, within each of the phases of the life cycle, the marketing service of the enterprise must highlight the priority areas of its activities. This table is the “time grid” on which it is necessary to solve forecast problems using a simulation model. The realities of most Russian enterprises are such that marketing, as a management function and mode of action, has not become the norm of everyday behavior of employees of all structural divisions.

Table 2.

Priority of implementation of marketing functions depending on the life cycle of the organization

Organization Life Cycle Phase

Priority areas of work of the marketing service

0 phase - becoming

Carrying out marketing research.

Segmentation of sales markets for products and positioning.

Study of consumers of products and competitors.

Study of the business environment.

1st phase - development

Determination of the range of products, prices, benefits, discounts.

Participation in product quality assurance.

Organization of staff training.

2 phase - stabilization

Trademark development.

3 phase - crisis

Initiation of technological innovations.

Refinement of R&D direction

Organization of the market of secondary resources.

External problems may include: Imperfect legislation in the field of regulation of the enterprise. Lack of objective information about the market. In a market economy, an enterprise cannot work effectively without information about what is happening in the market segment it occupies. This information can be obtained through desk and field research. The practice of conducting marketing research at enterprises allows us to summarize and list the most typical mistakes encountered in the course of such work.

When setting a task:

Lack of understanding of the goals and structure of the study;

Lack of methodological approaches to solving individual problems;

Incorrect definition of the time interval of forecasting;

Lack of timeliness (lack of efficiency).

When collecting marketing information;

Wrong choice of sources of information;

Incorrect assessment of the reliability of information sources;

Exaggeration of the objectivity of the opinion of experts on highly specialized issues;

Exaggeration of the importance of quantitative indicators.

When analyzing the market:

Lack of understanding of the place of this market in economic system region or industry;

Lack of understanding of the list, role and relationship of individual economic entities operating in this product market;

Lack of attention to the role of public administration.

When assessing the market size:

Orientation to the declared need, and not to the actual effective demand;

The use of consumption standards that are inadequate to the existing needs of the external environment.

When choosing promising consumer markets:

An erroneous idea about the development trends of the economic crisis in Russia.

When choosing promising territorial markets:

Erroneous ideas about regional features of demand development in Russia;

Lack of analysis of demand for resource support for production.

The instability of the production and economic activities of counterparties.

Drawing up a marketing plan for an enterprise is largely difficult due to the lack of accurate data necessary to predict the behavior of counterparties in the future. This is due to both external and internal reasons. External reasons include the unpredictability of the economic and political situation in the country, which can lead not only to a deterioration in the production and economic activities of the counterparty, but even to bankruptcy. Internal factors include inefficient policy in the field of working capital use, low level of equipment, technologies, etc. Therefore, each enterprise should not only keep a register of its counterparties, but also periodically assess their financial condition, of course, if this is possible.

The external marketing environment is not a tool for the organization to implement marketing activities. However, sometimes organizations take a more active, and even aggressive, approach in their desire to influence the external environment, here, first of all, we mean the desire to change public opinion about the activities of the organization, to establish closer relationships with suppliers, etc.

The following sequence of actions can be proposed as general ways of analyzing external problems: Establishing the boundaries of the external environment. At this stage, you need to determine the scope of your activities. Determination of environmental factors that negatively affect the results of the marketing service, analysis of their significance. Separation of factors into factors of direct and indirect impact. Factors of direct impact have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of the marketing service. Input factors of direct impact include: relationships with contractors, government bodies, adoption of laws, state of the market labor resources etc. The output factors of direct impact should include: the activities of competitors, consumer behavior, advertising media, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that cannot have a direct immediate impact on the results of the marketing service, but, nevertheless, affect them. Determining the magnitude and nature of changes in direct impact factors. Determining the conditions under which factors of indirect impact can move into the category of direct action factors, and reflecting the possibility of such a transition in the predictive model. The internal problems that impede the effective functioning of the marketing service of an enterprise usually include:

· Chronic shortage of funds for the development of marketing at the enterprise. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since the preparation of a financial plan for an enterprise aimed at achieving its strategic and tactical goals is primarily based on a reliable predictive assessment of the level of demand, possible trends in its change, which in turn involves the allocation of certain funds for marketing research.

· Lack of understanding by management of the importance of marketing in the activities of the enterprise. The use of marketing activities at domestic enterprises, as a rule, is one-time. This is due to the fact that the management of many of them misunderstand the importance of marketing. Managers think that the marketing service will help (through advertising) to improve the sales of the company's products, and market research - to develop the right strategy and find new consumers. Most of them characterize marketing as advertising, market research, knowing your customer, etc. Meanwhile, marketing should be considered much more broadly - as a system of interaction between an enterprise and the external environment, aimed at making a profit. This is a system that involves the coordinated functioning of a number of components: the product and pricing policy of the enterprise, marketing activities, promotion of products on the market, market research and marketing management itself (the main functions of marketing). Further, the marketing system determines the interaction of the enterprise with the external environment, i.e. involves two-way communication: on the one hand, the company must receive information about the market, on the other hand, the company must actively influence the market. Moreover, the means of influence are not only advertising, but also the pricing policy of the enterprise, its sales network, image, etc. The main consumer of the results of marketing research on industrial enterprises is their leadership. Therefore, we should dwell in more detail on the problems that arise when using the results of such works. We can list the most common mistakes made by business leaders when interpreting and using the results of marketing research:

Intuitive assessment of economic information about the work of the enterprise;

Focus on private and irregular cases;

Unwillingness to perceive the results and distrust in case of discrepancy with one's own opinion;

Reassessment of the significance of financial indicators;

Focusing solely on quantitative indicators with no attention to qualitative analysis;

Unwillingness to make managerial decisions based on research results.

Awareness of the systematic nature of marketing, its complexity is an important step towards the development of marketing in the enterprise. It is very important that marketing is understood in the same way by all managers and employees of the organization.

The vagueness and confusing nature of the functions of the marketing service and official duties

Thus, the main problems in organizing the work of marketing services in their relationship with other departments include:

FROM top management(selection of a behavior strategy at various stages of enterprise development, assessment of the prospects of individual projects);

With the economic service (information exchange, price design);

FROM engineering service(assessment of proposed developments, exchange of information);

With a technological service (assessment of the feasibility of introducing technological processes);

Sales (coordination of prices, exchange of information, organization of a sales network);

With information services (information exchange);

With production management (assessment of the feasibility of placing and removing products from production, coordinating volumes and terms of production).

Information interaction of the marketing service within the department, as well as with other structural divisions of the enterprise, is traditionally a weak point for most of them. And even a high degree of computerization in an organization can rarely fundamentally change the picture for the better. Of course, all horizontal connections must be written in job descriptions and regulations on the marketing department.

The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing service should be considered:

1. The quality, timeliness and depth of the work carried out to analyze the market situation and, as a result, the accuracy of the developed sales volume forecasts for the main types of products and product groups for short, medium and long-term periods;

2. Searching for consumers of the main types of products of the enterprise and product groups, identifying the main reasons for refusing to conclude supply contracts (quality, assortment, price, procedure and form of payment, terms of delivery and settlements, degree of fulfillment of contractual obligations by the enterprise, level of customer service during shipment products at the enterprise and the organization of after-sales service), the search for new types and forms of settlements with consumers and the development of new market niches;

3. The quality and timeliness of work in the field of developing proposals for planning and / or improving the assortment, organizing product distribution, advertising, including exhibition activities and building the image of the enterprise, public relations and sales promotion programs in accordance with the approved work plans. In accordance with these criteria, the fund is formed. wages marketing services.

1.4. Improving the organization of management of domestic enterprises on the principles of marketing

When improving the organization of marketing management at domestic enterprises, it is advisable to take into account the main patterns of restructuring organizational structures foreign companies when reorienting their activities based on the concept of marketing.

World practice shows that it is advisable to start restructuring the organizational structure of company management by strengthening the role of the sales department and expanding the number of functions it performs (especially when it comes to activities in the domestic market). Sales departments, in addition to the sale of products and services, may be engaged (or are already engaged) in the promotion of goods and individual marketing research. As a result, at the initial stage of restructuring the company's activities on the principles of marketing, the performance of marketing functions was assigned to the sales department in parallel with the performance of its core functions. As the scope trading activities The company is expanding, competition is intensifying, and there is a need to conduct research on a wider range of marketing problems: market and product research, advertising, after-sales service organization. Therefore, a special group was allocated in the sales department and its head was appointed, responsible for all marketing activities, except for sales. Further deepening the orientation of the company's activities on the principles of marketing leads to an increase in the role of all these marketing functions and to the emergence of new ones, for example, the sales promotion function. There is a need to ensure the management of the entire marketing mix as a whole. For the qualified management of the marketing complex, it is advisable to convert the marketing group into a department, separating it from the sales department. Often the marketing department was strengthened by transferring to it specialists who previously performed the functions necessary for marketing (information, advertising, economic) in other divisions of the company. In its new composition, the marketing department became responsible for the implementation of all major marketing functions. At the same time, the status of the head of the sales department was often raised to the level of the vice president of the company for sales (deputy director of the enterprise), to whom the marketing department was also subordinate (along with the sales department). Now the company has two departments - sales and marketing, subordinate to the vice president for sales.

The next step in the restructuring of the organizational structure of management is to upgrade the status of the head of the marketing department to the level of the vice president of the company for marketing. This is necessary to expand the capabilities of marketing services in order to achieve adherence to the concept of marketing from all other services and departments of the enterprise. This path is usually followed by the heads of enterprises that produce products intended for the mass consumer. Because the marketing function is inherently broader than and includes the sales function, often the sales function is transferred to the marketing vice president, i.e. Eliminate the position of Vice President of Sales. (It is possible to simply transform the position of the company's vice president of sales into the position of vice president of marketing.) However, in many foreign companies there are both marketing and sales heads in parallel. The head of sales, if he remains, now reports to the vice president of marketing. It is possible to submit both the marketing department and the sales department to the deputy director for commercial or economic issues. A company's vice president of marketing usually encounters resistance and opposition from other vice presidents of the company. Thus, the vice president of a manufacturing company may have a negative attitude towards the restructuring of production based on market requirements. The same applies to possible resistance from other managers of the enterprise (more on this was discussed above). The best way out of this situation is to upgrade the status of vice president of marketing to the level of first vice president. When considering the organizational issues of reorienting the activities of Russian enterprises to marketing, two fundamental sections of this problem should be distinguished: the development of the concept of marketing in relation to the domestic and foreign markets. For companies in countries with developed market economies, there is no noticeable difference between these two types of marketing. This is mainly due to the following:

· market relations are dominant both in the domestic and international markets;

developed competition characterizes both domestic and foreign markets;

similarity for a number of countries in many aspects regulatory framework;

· Requirements for the quality and price of products are dictated by both domestic and international markets.

For Russian enterprises, a different situation has developed with regard to activities in the domestic and international markets. And the organization of marketing services based on the expansion of the functions and status of the sales department, in our opinion, is only suitable for reorientation to the principles of marketing activities in the domestic market of the country. An analysis of the functions and tasks of the sales departments of typical Russian enterprises allows us to conclude that, as a rule, they are not involved in commercial activities on the international market. Therefore, it is better to start strengthening the marketing orientation regarding work in foreign markets with improving the activities of the enterprise's foreign trade (foreign economic) services (creating such services, if they are absent).

Usually, there are fairly strict staffing restrictions that do not make it possible to create deployed marketing services at the enterprise. This is especially true for medium and small enterprises. We can recommend the following, purely practical, approach to determining the number of marketing services. The number of administrative and managerial personnel, as a rule, is 10-15% of the payroll of the enterprise. Approximately the same percentage of the number of administrative and managerial personnel should fit the number of marketing departments. For an enterprise with a total number of employees, say, 600 people, it is recommended to have the number of marketing departments, including all their heads, equal to 8-12 people. With a small staff, it is not possible to create deployed marketing services; in this case, it is advisable to combine the performance of several marketing functions in one structural link of this service - for example, marketing research, pre-planning analysis and development of marketing plans. For enterprises whose activities are carried out simultaneously in several markets in different regions of the country, especially if these enterprises produce the same type of products, further differentiation of the tasks of marketing services in relation to individual markets is possible (persons are appointed responsible for marketing activities in general in individual markets). If enterprises produce products of a diverse range, then it is advisable to specialize the activities of marketing services according to the product principle, when persons are appointed who bear full responsibility for the marketing of individual products.



2.1. Enterprise characteristics

The enterprise was created with the aim of making a profit from economic activity, which is aimed at replenishing the market with goods and services to meet the needs of the population as much as possible and to realize, on the basis of profit, the social and economic interests of the founders and members of the team.

The company was established and operates as a limited liability company. ARRA LLC. Established type of activity is the provision of advertising and printing services.

The property of the enterprise consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other values, the value of which is displayed in the balance sheet of the enterprise. The property of the enterprise, including the contributions of the founders, the products produced, the income received are the exclusive property of the founders, who have the right to dispose of it independently, sell it or transfer it to third parties.

The sources of formation of the property of the enterprise are:

• monetary and property contributions of the founders;

income received from economic activity, sales of products and services;

income from shares, securities, deposits and contributions to the capital of other enterprises;

Loans from banks and other credit organizations;

other sources not prohibited by applicable law.

The enterprise carries out accounting of all its activities, control over the course of production of products and services, maintains operational accounting and statistical reporting in the manner prescribed by law. The main performance indicators of ARRA LLC in 2006-2007 are shown in Table 3. Part of the indicators was obtained from accounting and statistical reporting enterprises, other indicators are calculated on their basis.

Table 3. Indicators of economic activity of ARRA LLC in 2006-2007.


unit of measurement

Rates of growth, %

Income from the sale of products (goods, works, services)

value added tax

Net income from sales of products (goods, works, services)

Cost of goods sold (goods, works, services)

Administrative costs

Selling costs

Net profit

Number of employees


Administrative and managerial personnel

production staff

Labor productivity

average salary

The data in the above table allow you to track the dynamics of the results of the company's economic activities for the previous two years. In general, there is a positive trend in the growth of gross and net income. However, further analysis of the table allows us to draw conclusions about the sources of such growth. The growth rate of sales costs for finished products was higher than the growth of gross and net income. Another source is the growth in the number of managerial and production staff company, although the growth rate of the number of personnel was lower than the growth rate of income, but labor productivity in the reporting period decreased.

The specifics of the company's economic activity is that all production activity is based on the order principle. The task of finding customers is entrusted to the sales department. All manufactured products are sold to the customer in full, so the company has practically no remnants of unsold products in stock.

As with most young companies, all marketing activities on early stages was led by the CEO, who concentrated in his hands, practically, all marketing functions. Such marketing policy of the company was justified due to the high professional training of the general director, as well as in terms of saving resources and maintaining a uniform and dynamic style of the company's development. However, as the company grew, the CEO focused more and more on the overall management of the company and less on financial management, supply, logistics, marketing activities. ARRA LLC has an acceptable quality and reliability system for its products, which ensures qualified technical control.

Putting into production only competitive products and constant work on improving the quality of manufactured products - these are the problems that are a priority for management. All work in this area, in accordance with the “Quality Policy” in force at the enterprise, is headed by the Deputy General Director for Quality. Quality service technicians have been trained.

The total number of employees of ARRA LLC is 45 people. Availability of modern high-performance equipment dictates strict requirements to the qualifications of not only engineers, but also workers.

ARRA LLC has its own printing shop. The experience of specialists and the available equipment make it possible to organize the production of high quality products on the basis of the enterprise.

A well-established quality system allows us to work not only in our region, but also to establish partnerships with other regions.

Enterprise Management System:


Technical Director,

financial director,

Production Director,

Director of personnel management,

Commercial Director,

Deputy Technical Director,

chief technologist,

Deputy General Director for Quality,

Chief Accountant,

Assistant General Manager for General Affairs,

Head of Financial Department,

Head of property management department.

2.2 The state of the external and internal environment of the organization

The vast majority of the company's customers currently belong to the following segments:

book and magazine printing;

· white paper products.

It is unlikely that there will be an expert who will unequivocally define the boundaries of the market for advertising, book and magazine printing, and white paper products. There are several reasons here:

vagueness of terms and lack of their unambiguous interpretation. For example, some market operators refer to advertising printing all products, including business cards. And can it be attributed to advertising printing, for example, corporate folders, letterheads or pad printing on pens and T-shirts? The magazine printing market is quite diverse. It is segmented by the quality of performance, and by circulation, and by the purpose of the publication, and by the frequency of release;

· most of the printing companies, for example, consider paper and white products as an accompanying, rather than the main line of business, and do not distinguish it from the total cash flow;

Based on all the above reasons, the company's management determined the main features of the market for three areas based on the method of expert assessments. The experts were employees of the sales department, the company's clients and specialists from industry periodicals.

Table 4. The main features of the printing services market in Irkutsk

Book and magazine printing market

Market of paper products

Professional intermediaries

Publishers of periodicals (magazines and newspapers)

Publishers of book (specialized) products

Wholesale buyers (intermediaries)

Retail Buyers(consumers)


Printing products that are exclusively advertising in nature and are intended to bring advertising information to the consumer of the product (service)

Informational magazine and newspaper products of a periodical nature

1. Book (brochure) products, mainly of a one-time nature

Notebook products

Blank products

Paper products for manual labor

Manufacturers (sellers)

Medium and large print shops with a powerful post-press complex

Medium to large print shops with large format printing equipment, bookbinding and binding equipment

Small and medium-sized printing houses that do not have specialized equipment and use a large amount of manual labor

Product distribution channels (sales method)

Personal selling method (manufacturer-client). There may be one intermediary

Personal selling method (manufacturer-client). There are no intermediaries

Developed (multi-element) distribution channels (manufacturer-wholesaler-retailer-buyer)


Professional intermediaries with a high level of specialized training. Often have a prepress complex


Professional intermediaries with developed sales departments and (or) their own retail network

An analysis of the company's macro and micro environment allows drawing conclusions about potential threats and opportunities that the company must take into account in its activities. Such a list is called a SWOT analysis and will be discussed in the next section of the work.

Table 5. Matrix of SWOT-analysis of ARRA LLC.

Strengths (S)

Weaknesses (W)

1. Great experience in the organization of personal sales

2. High level management accounting organization

3. Availability of highly qualified production personnel

4. Established system of supply of raw materials, materials and equipment

1. Insufficient level of customer service

2. Insufficient level of development of distribution channels

3. Average position in market share

5. No system strategic planning

Opportunities (O)

SO strategy

WO strategy

1. Expansion of the market of educational services at the expense of the older generation

2. Changing public stereotypes in relation to advertising

3. An increase in the number of housewives due to a decrease in employment among women

4. Increasing the purchasing power of the population

5. Increasing quantity business structures

1. Expansion of the range of white goods

2. Development of a personal sales system for wholesale buyers of white paper products

3. Increasing the production capacity for the production of magazine products

1. Creation and distribution of free advertising and information materials about the company's activities

2. Creation of a unified marketing service at the enterprise

3. Increasing the company's market share by creating new products and conquering new market segments

Threats (T)

ST strategy

WT strategy

1. Slowdown in economic development

2. Increasing tax pressure

3. Technology development electronic communications

1. Creation of a system of accounting and cost reduction

2. Application of synthetic pulp raw materials

3. Creation of an e-sales system

1. Expansion of distribution channels

2. System creation feedback with company clients

3. Development of technologies and products without the use of paper raw materials

The compiled SWOT-analysis matrix allows us to formulate a list of priority measures that the company should take to improve the marketing management system. Univest Marketing does not have a unified marketing service, and the costs of advertising and sales promotion are one-time and unsystematic.

The results of the analysis indicate that the situation in ARRA LLC is quite typical for Russian enterprises at this stage of the market economy. Among the common shortcomings in the organization of marketing activities are the following:

Lack of a unified methodological approach to the company's marketing concept;

· Orientation of the company's management to the outdated marketing concepts of "intensification of commercial efforts" and "improvement of production";

Lack of clear strategic goals and plans of the company and line divisions;

Insufficient activity of the company in the field of advertising and sales promotion;

Lack of an established system of "feedback" communication with buyers of goods and services of the company;

· the lack of a unified policy in the field of development and improvement of the company's goods and services, as well as the trademarks representing them.

From a methodological point of view, the reason for all the above shortcomings and omissions is a misunderstanding and ignoring by the company's management of the role and place of marketing and marketing management in enterprise management. The main and decisive measure to overcome the current situation should be the formation of a single marketing service, consisting of marketing specialists of sufficiently high qualification.

2.3. Assessment of the readiness of an enterprise to implement a marketing strategy

Currently, many leaders of Russian companies are trying to introduce strategic management into the activities of their organizations, which involves organizing the work of the enterprise in accordance with the chosen marketing strategy. However, before developing a strategy on the basis of which the strategic management of an enterprise is carried out, it is necessary to assess the readiness of the enterprise for just such a strategic approach to management.

These features are manifested in the enterprise in different ways and ultimately characterize its competitive advantages:

the definition of the mission;

Determination of the goals and strategy of the enterprise;

· the presence of a well-functioning mechanism for collecting, analyzing and processing marketing information;

work to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise;

adaptability of the enterprise to emerging opportunities;

orientation current management to fulfill the strategic objectives of the enterprise;

organizational separation of strategic management tasks from tasks operational management;

· the presence of headquarters units that provide in-house consulting on strategic development issues;

Invitation of third-party consultants to solve non-specific tasks;

· constant informing of the personnel about the strategic goals and plans of the enterprise;

high level of corporate culture;

· presence at the enterprise of effectively working marketing division.

Identification of the degree of manifestation of signs characterizing the readiness of an enterprise to use the principles and methods of strategic planning and management was carried out by an expert method using the Delphi method. As before, the company's managers acted as experts, which ensures the confidentiality of the event and does not require the involvement of large resources. In addition, this methodology can be repeatedly applied to control the effectiveness of ongoing measures designed to improve the current situation.

To assess the readiness of the company to work according to the principles of strategic management, managers were asked to evaluate the degree of manifestation of each of the above signs in the activities of the enterprise - to set ratings corresponding to the degree of manifestation of one or another sign:

· "5" - if this feature is fully manifested at the enterprise;

"4" - if this feature is not fully manifested;

"3" - if this feature is weak;

· "2" - if this feature does not appear.

The overall assessment of the degree of readiness of the company is a weighted average score:

, (3.1)

– score of the j-th expert of the degree of manifestation of the i-th feature;

n is the number of experts;

m is the number of features under consideration;

- coefficient of importance of the i-th feature, determined by the rule:

For simplicity, it is assumed that all features are of equal importance and k=1.

Ten experts participated in the assessment, thus n=10 and m=12.

Calculate the following threshold numbers using formula 3.1:

b min \u003d 0.2 - corresponds to the case of complete non-manifestation of all signs;

b sl \u003d 0.3 - corresponds to the case of a weak manifestation of all signs;

b np \u003d 0.4 - corresponds to the case of incomplete manifestation of all signs;

b max \u003d 0.5 - corresponds to the case of full manifestation of all signs.

Now for the formulas:

b 1 \u003d b min +0.75 (b sl -b min) (3.2);

b cf \u003d 0.5 (b min + b max) (3.3);

b 2 \u003d b np +0.25 (b max -b np) (3.4);

The degree of readiness of the company for strategic management should be assessed as:

Very high if the result falls within the range b 2 - b max;

· high, if the result falls within the range b cf - b 2 ;

moderate, if the result falls within the range b 1 - b cf;

· low, if the result falls within the range b min - b 1.

The table below shows the result of a generalized assessment by ARRA managers of readiness for strategic management according to the twelve listed criteria.

Table 5. Readiness of the company "ARRA" to implement the marketing strategy.

Manifesting signs

Assessment of the degree of manifestation of a sign

Mission certainty

manifests itself weakly

Determination of the goals and strategy of the enterprise

manifests itself weakly

The presence of a well-established mechanism for collecting, analyzing and processing marketing information

does not appear fully

Work to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise

does not appear fully

Enterprise adaptability to emerging opportunities

manifests itself weakly

Orientation of the current management to the fulfillment of the strategic tasks of the enterprise

does not appear

Organizational separation of strategic management tasks from operational management tasks

does not appear

Availability of headquarters units providing in-house consulting on strategic development issues

does not appear

Invitation of third-party consultants to solve non-specific tasks

does not appear fully

Constant informing of the personnel about the strategic goals and plans of the enterprise

manifests itself weakly

High level of corporate culture

does not appear fully

The presence of an effective marketing department in the enterprise

manifests itself weakly

A scale for assessing a company's readiness to implement a marketing strategy.

Based on the obtained assessment of the readiness of the enterprise, the following conclusion can be drawn: the company as a whole is ready to form a single marketing service, which will be responsible for preparing the structure of the company and personnel for the implementation of the marketing strategy.



3.1. Formation of a unified marketing service

When selecting specialists for a newly formed marketing service, one should pay quite a lot of attention to the professional training and universality of the skills of new employees. The created marketing service, in addition to purely marketing problems, will have to solve issues related to the redistribution of functional responsibilities and structural relationships within the company, to conduct explanatory work among employees about the role and place of marketing in the modern market economy.

It should be taken into account the fact that the creation of a unified marketing service in an enterprise is a rather costly and lengthy undertaking. If the policy of the company's management in this direction is ambiguous and inconsistent, then the marketing director of the company will have to defend the expediency and necessity of certain measures more than once. Surely, the majority of the company's employees have a dominant stereotype that the effectiveness of events can only be judged by their momentary economic efficiency, which is indirectly confirmed by the company's moderate degree of readiness to implement a marketing strategy. Therefore, advertising and sales promotion activities are recommended as the first activities carried out by the new marketing service.

Priority, organization and competent conduct of advertising and sales promotion activities will allow the company to significantly increase its own gross income, and the marketing service will “justify” its own necessity and efficiency, and cover the primary costs of its own formation and maintenance.

Despite the fact that the enterprise does not have a single marketing service, marketing functions are performed by different departments, since their implementation is an urgent need for any commercial and non-commercial enterprise. This position follows from the very definition of marketing as such: marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and requirements through exchange.

The first step in creating a marketing service in an enterprise is to determine its organization system. The simplest and most common marketing service organization is the functional organization. In this case, marketing specialists manage various marketing functions and report to the head of marketing. However, such a structure was acceptable 2-3 years ago, when the company printing business supported and promoted only one brand.

The printing direction of ARRA currently covers three types of markets:

· the market of publishing houses of periodicals and special literature;

· the market of consumers of paper and white products.

Thus, the organization of the company's marketing service must maintain and develop existing markets and trademarks of the company and have features of a functional organization.

The organization of the marketing service for commodity production, shown in Figure 5, meets the requirements most fully.

Rice. 5. Organization of the marketing service of the company "ARRA".

Let us consider in more detail the proposed structure, as well as the functions of the groups, functional responsibilities employees and communication with other departments of the company.

The main principles that are proposed to be laid down when creating a marketing service are as follows:

The marketing service is organized as an independent subdivision (department);

The marketing department is composed of groups (divisions) that plan, organize and control the implementation of certain marketing functions of the company;

· in the course of their activities, the marketing department in a special (functional) respect is subject to the relevant divisions of the company; those. the marketing department plays the role of a kind of "intellectual headquarters" of the company.

The marketing director manages the company's marketing department, organizes and manages all company activities in the field of marketing, advertising and sales promotion. He is the first deputy general director and performs his functions in his absence. Functionally, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the company and reports directly to to CEO. The heads of the marketing department groups are directly subordinate to him, and in a special respect - the directors of departments, divisions and services that perform marketing functions and tasks in the company.

The Marketing Planning and Control Group is responsible for the strategic and ongoing planning of the company's marketing activities. The specialists of this group monitor the performance of marketing functions by company divisions that are not structurally part of the marketing department. They are also entrusted with the task of periodically auditing the organization of the marketing activity system at the enterprise.

The Marketing Research Group is responsible for planning, organizing, collecting information and processing the results of marketing research conducted by the Marketing Department. At the same time, the scope of research can be any element of both the external and internal marketing environment of the enterprise. If necessary, the specialists of this group can attract external resources (companies) to conduct marketing research.

Group economic analysis and pricing policy analyzes economic indicators enterprise activities. At the same time, the task of the group does not include tasks financial analysis and activity planning. The specialists of this group determine the company's pricing policy, discount policy, and compile the company's price lists.

The advertising and sales promotion group is designed to plan, organize and control the company's advertising activities, activities in the field of product promotion and sales promotion. The same group is responsible for maintaining the public relations of the company.

The brand management group consists of brand managers (brand managers), whose tasks include coordinating the entire marketing mix of their trademark and determination of the company's product policy for each trademark. The managers of this group can respond more quickly to the slightest changes in the situation on the market, they know the features of their market segment and their product (trademark) better than other employees of the marketing department.

The New Products and Services Development Group is responsible for planning, organizing and controlling the activities of the company in the development and implementation of new products and services, as well as the withdrawal from the market of goods and services, life cycle which is coming to an end.

The proposed structure of the marketing department and the level of authority of its employees are maximally adapted to the features and needs of the ARRA company at this stage of activity. It is possible that in the process of implementing this proposal, it will be necessary to review the functions of individual units.

3.2. Carrying out activities and evaluating effectiveness

Sales staff in the process of negotiating with customers constantly have to deal with the problem of the lack of visual samples of printed products and post-print revision. Often, as such, products are used that were made for another client, which has the following disadvantages:

high probability of "replication of ideas" when original idea product performance is copied in whole or in part by other customers;

· there is a risk of demonstration of printing products of competitors of this client;

· New or exclusive types of post-press finishing, as a rule, are not demonstrated due to the lack of samples;

· there is a possibility of accusing the company of unfair and wasteful use of customers' funds, since the demonstrated samples, actually paid for by the customers who ordered them, are used by the company's employees for their own purposes;

organization of storage, accounting and replenishment of samples of printing products is quite complicated, due to the non-standard nature of the products themselves.

These inconveniences often spoil the atmosphere of trust when negotiating with customers and create an unfavorable impression of the company. These problems are especially acute in the period of preparation for industry exhibitions. The most optimal way to solve these problems is to create a catalog of print samples and post-print revision.

The calculation of the cost of printing products is a rather laborious process, because requires sellers to have a certain level of technological and economic skills. In addition, quite often the client wants to personally control this process and receive a calculation of the cost of the ordered products, indicating the cost of each cost item. The specifics of the company's market should also be taken into account. The vast majority of clients are intermediaries who add some extra charge to the cost of a printing order for intermediary services and preparation of an electronic layout. Quite often, the calculation of such an allowance is performed as a certain percentage of the cost of printing services. In this case, the intermediary, relying on their own knowledge and experience, independently calculates the cost of a printing order, which is then specified with the seller of the company. To solve the problem of correct, "transparent" and standardized calculation of the cost of a printing order, as well as to facilitate the work of the seller at the stage of price argumentation, it is proposed to prepare a price list for the company's services for prepress, printing and postpress. The price list should contain a sufficient set of information about the list of company services, their cost and technological features of the equipment.

The presence of a certain level of technological and economic knowledge among sellers, as mentioned above, has a great influence on the organization of the process of selling printing services of a company. Knowledge at the level of a company's price list is sufficient for its client, but not enough for a sales employee. In the process of rotating salespeople, there is a problem of rapid training of new employees and a reduction in the probationary period. At the moment, due to the lack of an organized set of information necessary for the rapid entry into the position of new sellers, probation in the company is three months. And the start time for independent sales is four to six weeks. The preparation of a brochure that would contain the necessary set of technological, economic, as well as information on corporate management and sales standards would significantly reduce the probationary period for new sellers, as well as reduce the number of misunderstandings in the negotiation process.

Summing up the above, I consider it expedient to develop and produce a "seller's portfolio", which should contain the following promotional and informational documents:

· catalog of printing samples and post-printing revision;

· price lists of the company for prepress, printing and postpress revision with a sufficient level of technological information that would allow them to be used correctly;

· brochures containing technological information and corporate management and sales standards.

· Analysis of data from table 6. allows us to draw the following conclusion: the production and distribution of free samples can increase the leadership rating of the enterprise by 10.4%.

· It is to be expected that, with all other factors held constant, this upgrade will have a positive impact on the company's market share and gross annual income.

· To calculate the planned economic effect from the implementation of this measure, we will use the formula proposed by J.-J. Lambin:

where is the planned increase in gross income for period t, is the actual gross income for the previous period, is advertising costs.

· Substitute the company's gross income data for 2007 and the planned cost of making free samples into the proposed formula.

225.02 thousand rubles

· The economic effect of the cost of making free samples of advertising and informational nature is 15.45 rubles. for every dollar spent on advertising. The planned growth of annual gross income is 0.50%.

the main costs of current events fall on the creation of a single marketing service, which does not affect the current (tactical) financial results, but has the character of a strategic event that affects the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole.

In addition, if a single marketing service is not created at the enterprise, then the company does not have marketing specialists to carry out other marketing activities.


The process of managing marketing activities in an enterprise begins with the definition of the concept of marketing management, which is an essential component of the company's mission. Among the main concepts of marketing management, the following are currently known:

· the concept of production improvement;

concept of product improvement;

· concept of intensification of commercial efforts;

concept of marketing approach;

· the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The above concepts of marketing management are a kind of historical stages through which the evolutionary development of marketing in market economies has passed.

A similar process of changing attitudes towards marketing activities is currently taking place at Russian enterprises. Ultimately, those companies that will understand the need and importance of the importance of a marketing approach in organizing their own activities will achieve success before others.

Marketing management, like any management process, has the following components:

marketing analysis and audit;

· strategic and current planning;

organization of the marketing management process;

Control over the implementation of marketing activities.

Marketing analysis and audit is the most important component of the marketing activity management process, which supplies information to all stages of the management process and is a detailed study of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, its strengths and weaknesses. Among the main tools marketing analysis and audit should be called: technical and economic analysis of the enterprise, analysis of the macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise, SWOT analysis, market research.

The information obtained as a result of a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise's activities is used at the stage of formal planning. Companies develop three types of plans: annual, long-term and strategic.

Strategic planning is the first step in the planning process and includes the definition of the company's mission, the formulation of goals and objectives, and functional plans. Gradually, the process of strategic planning descends to the line divisions of the company.

After the completion of the planning process and determination necessary resources follows the process of organizing marketing activities in the enterprise. This process is impossible without a clear definition of the marketing functions of each division and a single center for managing marketing activities in the enterprise. As a rule, this role is assigned to special marketing divisions, which are organized according to the goals, objectives and specifics of the company's activities.

The results obtained as a result of marketing activities are collected and analyzed by a specially appointed marketing controller. This specialist conducts a constant process of comparing the obtained and planned results. Based on his findings, marketing activities are subject to revision and improvement.

In this paper, the organization of management of marketing activities in the enterprise is analyzed and revised.

It should be noted that the entire increase in gross income from the implementation of the proposed activities and part of the company's own resources will be used to create a single marketing service. a significant result of the proposed activities should be considered the overall growth of the company's competitiveness, obtained as a result of a methodologically correct approach to the organization of marketing activities.


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7. How to make a marketing plan for a trading company: Per. from English. / Ed. S.O. Kalenjyan. - M.: Delo, 2001. - 80s.

8. Kotler F. Fundamentals of marketing: Per. from English. - M.: Business book, IMA-Cross. Plus, 2004. - 702s.

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20. Doyle Peter. Marketing Management and Strategy. - Prentice Hall, 1994.

21. Kotler Philip. marketing management. Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control. - 9th ed. - Prentice Hall, 1997.

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The Subject given degree work is a development managerial system by marketing activity on enterprise.

The Purpose given work consists in theoretical motivation and methdological development of the cardinal principles and practical stage of the improvement of marketing activity management on enterprise.

The Put(deliver)ed purpose defines the main of the problem, which subjects to the decision in given to work:

" analysis of the marketing ambience of the enterprise and degree to readiness to realization of the marketing strategy;

"development and motivation action on improvement of marketing activity;

" estimate to efficiency offered action.

The Object of the study emerges the society with limited liability "ARRA", realizing advertising activity and rendering the polygraphic services. The Subject of the study are an aspects to organizations to marketing activity on this enterprise.

It is possible, especially at the beginning of the development of the concept of marketing, to confuse such completely different, but interconnected concepts as “marketing management” and “marketing management”. In order to avoid such confusion, it will not be superfluous to “dot all the j, and identify what is marketing management and what is marketing management.

So, “marketing management”, or “marketing management” is such a management that allows you to achieve the goals of the organization in obtaining the intended amount of profit due to its full focus on the consumer, on the ever more complete satisfaction of his needs and requirements. .

The American Marketing Association, according to F. Kotler, understands marketing management as "the process of planning and implementing a pricing policy, promoting and distributing ideas, products and services, aimed at making exchanges that satisfy both individuals and organizations." Such activities of organizations are carried out in a certain environment, the elements of which interact with each other. In many of his books, Kotler uses the same scheme to explain the subjects interacting in the market, which, with some changes, is shown in Fig. four.

Organizations in the structure of marketing management tasks should also provide for those that are aimed at meeting the needs of all market entities, except perhaps competitors (therefore, there are no connecting arrows between the enterprise and competitors). Suppliers, interacting with enterprises (manufacturers of products, services), must receive their benefits and be satisfied with communication with them, as, indeed, the enterprises themselves must be satisfied with communication with suppliers. The same applies to intermediaries. Only with mutually beneficial relationships with these two groups of market entities can an enterprise achieve mutually beneficial relationships with end consumers, which, in fact, is the essence of marketing management. Such mutually beneficial relationships have to be established by market entities under constant, not always predictable, but almost always in the complete absence of any opportunities for a beneficial impact on it, the pressure of various circumstances of the external environment, represented in Fig. 4 by dotted arrows.

Rice. four

The two categories -- marketing management and organizational cultures -- are closely related. Moreover, the dependence is such that marketing management also requires a marketing organizational culture. Foreign companies also did not immediately come to the idea of ​​marketing management.

Emphasis on managerial aspect marketing is a relatively new phenomenon. Until recently, marketing was considered not as a management activity, but rather as a set of social and economic processes. The managerial approach to the study of marketing arose in the 50s and 60s. Its founders, including F. Kotler, define marketing management as a decision-making process based on borrowed from economics, psychology, sociology and statistics of analytical foundations. Gradually, marketing management is gaining recognition as a function of business activity, which is the development of a more traditional approach known as sales management, when special attention is paid to product development and planning, pricing problems, promotion and distribution of goods.

The evolution of the views of foreign companies on the place and role of marketing in the structure of other management functions (or, in other words, other management objects) is well shown by Kotler in one of his books.

If the main objects of management in enterprises are such as marketing, production, finance, human resources, then the change in the attitude of the management of enterprises to marketing looks like this is shown in the figures below.

On fig. 9 and presents, in fact, marketing management. As we can see, the path to it could not be easy and short. Such a role of marketing is possible only with a marketing organizational culture, when each employee of the organization is fully aware that the overall success of the enterprise in the market depends, among other things, on his personal relationship with the end consumer, even if he does not have direct contacts. Dibb S., Simkin L. Practical guide on market segmentation / Per. from English. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

F. Kotler constantly emphasizes that marketing management, since it is focused on creating and strengthening mutually beneficial relationships with the consumer, has nothing more than market demand management as its main goal. And since demand is a very dynamic category, i.e. is subject to rapid changes, the importance and significance of the conceptual approaches of marketing management for enterprises can hardly be overestimated. In practical terms, demand management involves constant marketing work with two groups of buyers - permanent and new.

Using strategies aimed at attracting new customers and making deals with them, companies do everything possible to retain existing customers and maintain an ongoing relationship with them. Why is there such a focus on customer retention? In the old days, companies operated in an extensive economy, and the rapid development of markets made it possible to use the so-called leaky bucket approach in marketing. The expansion of markets meant the continuous emergence of a large number of new consumers. Companies were able to constantly replenish the marketing "bucket" with new customers, without worrying that the old ones leave the "bucket" through the "leaky bottom". Today, however, companies are facing new realities, both in the economy and in marketing. Demographic changes, slowing economic growth, more sophisticated methods of competition, excess production capacity in many sectors of the economy - all these factors lead to the fact that new customers are becoming less and less. Many companies are now vying for shares in declining or declining markets. Therefore, the cost of efforts to attract new customers increases. More specifically, it costs five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain a satisfied customer.

To retain an existing customer, it is necessary to constantly provide high customer value goods (services) and its maximum satisfaction. Without marketing management, this is impossible. If the attitude to marketing at the enterprise corresponds to the one shown in fig. 8 and 9, then we can talk about improvement, and if, as in Fig. 4, then only about the transition to the concept of marketing management (graphically depicted in Fig. 9 of the same digression).

Thus, marketing management is such a process of situation analysis, planning, implementation of plans and control, which is based on the principles of a mutually beneficial exchange for all participants, bringing, in addition to economic benefits, a sense of complete satisfaction to each of them. Marketing management is the highest form of marketing in general.

Marketing management usually includes such procedures as the development of marketing plans, the design and development of the structures of marketing departments, including the development (improvement) of documents regulating their activities, the preparation and planning of marketing research, and the coordination of non-marketing activities. departments in solving marketing problems.

Of course, marketing management should include everything that leads to the coordinated activities of departments and individual workers marketing services of the enterprise: orders, instructions, instructions, etc.

In other words, marketing management is everything that is aimed at streamlining and coordinating actions, and not only actions, but also thoughts, ideas of employees of both marketing and non-marketing divisions of enterprises that provide marketing management of their activities, those. management that aims to achieve organizational goals by solving customer problems.

This traces the relationship between marketing management and marketing management. Establishing such a relationship is certainly not easy. But if the enterprise succeeds, success in the market is guaranteed to it. Establishing such a connection requires the use of certain methodological techniques by managers, many of which are still waiting to be developed, so this part is marked as a problem area.

It has already been mentioned above that marketing itself is a management function. A function in management should be understood as a set of interrelated tasks. And since several fairly independent blocks of interrelated tasks can be distinguished in the marketing structure, that is, it is quite reasonable to talk about the functions of marketing itself.

On fig. 10 highlights three enlarged functions of marketing. These include market research, production of goods in accordance with the results of this research and marketing.

Rice. ten

This diagram shows four global marketing functions. The fourth is the function of management and control (actually, marketing management). The purpose of Fig. 8. consists in explaining the very nature of marketing, its content and no more. But since marketing itself needs to be managed, that does not require any special evidence. Zavgorodnyaya A.A., Yampolskaya D.O. Marketing planning. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

Domestic enterprises had and still have a clearly defined production orientation. Obviously, at the beginning of the reform, some changes took place among their traditional buyers. The enterprises knew nothing about these changes and, which is typical for many enterprises at the beginning of reforms, they did not even try to find out. Created goods, services, and then wondered why no one buys? This is the main feature of industrial orientation. To avoid such situations at domestic enterprises, they can be offered to change their orientation from production to marketing.

For this you should:

· create a marketing department (service) with a clearly defined structure of functional tasks;

· to rethink and change the philosophy of production interaction between managers of different levels of enterprise management in accordance with the requirements of marketing orientation;

· to carry out a thorough study of the market for its boundaries, needs, requirements, requests, consumer values, quality;

· to choose the concept of management of production and marketing of this product. Market research results may suggest it.

Perhaps the concept of improving production is quite suitable, then the efforts of managers, specialists and workers should be directed to improving technologies, reducing production costs and prices. If it's not just about prices (or not at all about prices), then the concept of product improvement or the concept of integrated marketing can obviously help. The latter, of course, is more reliable and better, but it will also require large expenditures for implementation. However, the results may be more tangible than with the concept of product improvement. As for the concept of socially ethical marketing, it is not suitable for every enterprise.

Thus, the problems of many domestic enterprises (naturally, not all) lie in the lack of effective and efficient marketing in their activities. The transfer of the enterprise management system from a production orientation to a marketing one, as required by a market economy, will certainly solve these problems completely, although not immediately. Positive examples of such a reorientation are quite convincingly demonstrated by some Russian enterprises.

Many people think that marketing is mainly about advertising and sales. However, this is not the case. And the management of Russian enterprises, when creating their own marketing services, needs to keep this in mind.

You can complete the disclosure of the conceptual and conceptual aspects of marketing management with the following conclusions:

Marketing is “a type of human activity aimed at meeting the needs and needs of people through exchange”, it is “anticipating, managing and satisfying demand for goods, services, organizations, people, territories and ideas through exchange”, this is production what people will certainly buy, rather than trying to sell what the enterprise is capable of producing.

· The replacement of planned management mechanisms by market ones, carried out in the course of economic reform, unequivocally presupposes the creation and development of marketing services at Russian enterprises.

· Marketing as a concept of enterprise management, focused on mastering the market, originated abroad, and, consequently, in the course of economic reform, it is necessary to convert it into the structure of the Russian mentality and infrastructure.

The functional area of ​​marketing consists of three large functional blocks:

· market research;

production of products corresponding to the structure of requests;

The evolution of marketing concepts can be traced in the direction from improving production to production and marketing with the aim of simply increasing its volume and reducing costs to taking into account in the consumer properties of the product not only the needs and needs of people (“integrated marketing”), but also the requirements of society in general for the protection of the environment, moral and moral foundations.

The main function (purpose) of marketing is to know the true needs and - based on the latest achievements in the field of science, technology, technology - to create new needs that satisfy the old needs at a higher consumer level. If the study of needs and requirements is necessary for marketers to improve (develop) the consumer properties of the product, then the study of requests allows you to plan (determine) production volumes. The study of goods contributes to the development of their consumer properties, exchange and transaction procedures, and increased sales efficiency. The orientation of the activities of enterprises to the needs of consumers is the essence of marketing management, which is based on marketing organizational cultures.


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