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Catherine II

Russian Empress (1762-1796); Since 1744 - in Russia. Since 1745 the wife of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, the future Emperor Peter III, whom she overthrew from the throne (1762), relying on the guards (G.G. and A.G. Orlovs and others). She reorganized the Senate (1763), secularized the lands (1763-64), abolished the hetmanship in Ukraine (1764). She headed the Legislative Commission of 1767-1769. During her time, the Peasant War of 1773-1775 took place. Published the Institution for the management of the province in 1775, the Charter of the nobility in 1785 and the Charter of the cities in 1785. Under Catherine II, as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars of 1768-1774, 1787-1791, Russia finally entrenched itself on the Black Sea, the North was annexed. Black Sea coast, Crimea, Kuban region. She took Eastern Georgia under Russian citizenship (1783). During the reign of Catherine II, sections of the Commonwealth were carried out (1772, 1793, 1795). Corresponded with Voltaire and other figures of the French Enlightenment. Author of many fiction, dramaturgical, journalistic, popular science works, "Notes".

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Origin, upbringing and education

Catherine, the daughter of Prince Christian-August of Anhalt-Zerbst, who was in the Prussian service, and Princess Johanna-Elisabeth (nee Princess of Holstein-Gottorp), was related to the royal houses of Sweden, Prussia and England. She was educated at home: studied German and French, dance, music, the basics of history, geography, theology. Already in childhood, her independent character, curiosity, perseverance and, at the same time, a penchant for lively, outdoor games, manifested itself. In 1744, Catherine and her mother were summoned to Russia by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, baptized according to Orthodox tradition under the name of Catherine Alekseevna and named the bride of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich (the future Emperor Peter III), whom she married in 1745.

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Life in Russia before accession to the throne

Catherine set herself the goal of winning the favor of the Empress, her husband and the Russian people. However, her personal life was unsuccessful: Peter was infantile, so during the first years of marriage there was no marital relationship between them. Paying tribute to the cheerful life of the court, Catherine turned to reading French enlighteners and works on history, jurisprudence and economics. These books shaped her worldview. Catherine became a consistent supporter of the ideas of the Enlightenment. She was also interested in the history, traditions and customs of Russia. In the early 1750s. Catherine began an affair with the Guards officer S. V. Saltykov, and in 1754 gave birth to a son, the future Emperor Paul I, but the rumors that Saltykov was Paul's father are unfounded.

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In the second half of the 1750s. Catherine had an affair with the Polish diplomat S. Poniatowski (later King Stanislaw August), and in the early 1760s. with G. G. Orlov, from whom she gave birth in 1762 to a son, Alexei, who received the surname Bobrinsky. The deterioration of relations with her husband led to the fact that she began to fear for her fate if he came to power and began to recruit supporters for herself at court. Catherine's ostentatious piety, her prudence, sincere love for Russia - all this contrasted sharply with Peter's behavior and allowed her to gain authority both among the high-society capital society and the general population of St. Petersburg.

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Accession to the throne

During the six months of the reign of Peter III, Catherine's relationship with her husband (who openly appeared in the company of E. R. Vorontsova's mistress) continued to deteriorate, becoming clearly hostile. There was a threat of her arrest and possible deportation. Catherine carefully prepared a conspiracy, relying on the support of the Orlov brothers, N. I. Panin, K. G. Razumovsky, E. R. Dashkova and others. On the night of June 28, 1762, when the emperor was in Oranienbaum, Catherine secretly arrived in St. Petersburg and In the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment, she was proclaimed an autocratic empress. Soldiers from other regiments soon joined the rebels. The news of Catherine's accession to the throne quickly spread throughout the city and was greeted with enthusiasm by the people of St. Petersburg. To prevent the actions of the deposed emperor, messengers were sent to the army and to Kronstadt. Meanwhile, Peter, having learned about what had happened, began to send proposals for negotiations to Catherine, which were rejected. The empress herself, at the head of the guards regiments, set out for Petersburg and on the way received Peter's written abdication from the throne.

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The nature and manner of government

Catherine II was a subtle psychologist and an excellent connoisseur of people, she skillfully selected her assistants, not being afraid of bright and talented people. That is why Catherine's time was marked by the appearance of a whole galaxy of outstanding statesmen, generals, writers, artists, and musicians. In dealing with subjects, Catherine was, as a rule, restrained, patient, tactful. She was an excellent conversationalist, able to listen carefully to everyone. By her own admission, she did not have a creative mind, but she was good at capturing any sensible thought and using it for her own purposes. During the entire reign of Catherine, there were practically no noisy resignations, none of the nobles was disgraced, exiled, let alone executed. Therefore, there was an idea of ​​​​Catherine's reign as the "golden age" of the Russian nobility. At the same time, Catherine was very vain and valued her power more than anything in the world. For the sake of her preservation, she is ready to make any compromises to the detriment of her beliefs.

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Catherine was distinguished by ostentatious piety, considered herself the head and defender of the Russian Orthodox Church and skillfully used religion in her political interests. Her faith, apparently, was not too deep. In the spirit of the time, she preached religious tolerance. Under her, the persecution of the Old Believers was stopped, Catholic and Protestant churches, mosques were built, but the transition from Orthodoxy to another faith was still severely punished.

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Attitude towards religion and serfdom

Catherine was a staunch opponent of serfdom, considering it inhumane and contrary to the very nature of man. In her papers, many harsh statements on this subject, as well as discussions about various options for the elimination of serfdom, have been preserved. However, she did not dare to do anything concrete in this area because of the well-founded fear of a noble rebellion and another coup. At the same time, Catherine was convinced of the spiritual underdevelopment of the Russian peasants and therefore was in danger of granting them freedom, believing that the life of the peasants among caring landowners was quite prosperous.

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Domestic politics

Catherine came to the throne with a well-defined political program based, on the one hand, on the ideas of the Enlightenment and, on the other, taking into account the peculiarities of the historical development of Russia. The most important principles for the implementation of this program were gradualness, consistency, and consideration of public sentiments. In the first years of her reign, Catherine carried out the reform of the Senate (1763), which made the work of this institution more efficient; carried out the secularization of church lands (1764), which significantly replenished the state treasury and eased the situation of a million peasants;

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liquidated the hetmanship in Ukraine, which corresponded to her ideas about the need to unify administration throughout the empire; invited German colonists to Russia to develop the Volga and Black Sea regions. In the same years, a number of new educational institutions were founded, including the first in Russia educational establishments for women (Smolny Institute, Catherine School). In 1767, she announced the convening of a Commission to draft a new code, consisting of elected deputies from all social groups of Russian society, with the exception of serfs.

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Catherine wrote for the Commission "Instruction", which was essentially a liberal program of her reign. Catherine's appeals, however, were not understood by the deputies of the Commission, who were arguing over petty issues. In the course of their discussions, deep contradictions were revealed between individual social groups, the low level of political culture and the frank conservatism of the majority of the members of the Commission. At the end of 1768 the Legislative Commission was dissolved. Ekaterina herself appreciated the experience of the Commission as an important lesson that introduced her to the moods of different sections of the country's population.

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After the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-74 and the suppression of the uprising led by E. I. Pugachev, the new stage Catherine's reforms, when the Empress herself developed the most important legislative acts. In 1775 a manifesto was issued allowing the free establishment of any industrial enterprises. In the same year, the provincial reform was carried out, which introduced a new administrative-territorial division of the country, which was preserved until the October Revolution of 1917. In 1785, Catherine issued her most important legislative acts - charters to the nobility and cities.

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A third letter was also prepared - to the state peasants, but political circumstances did not allow it to be put into effect. The main significance of the letters was associated with the implementation of the most important of the goals of Catherine's reforms - the creation in Russia of full-fledged estates of the Western European type. For the Russian nobility, a charter meant a legal consolidation of almost all the rights and privileges that they had. In the 1780s The education reform was also continued: a network of urban school institutions based on the class-lesson system was created. In the last years of her life, Catherine continued to develop plans for major transformations.

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In 1797, a radical reform of the central government was planned, the introduction of legislation on the succession to the throne, and the creation of the highest court based on elected representation from the three estates. However, Catherine did not have time to complete her reform program. In general, Catherine's reforms were a direct continuation of the transformations of Peter I.

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Foreign policy

Having ascended the throne, she tore up the alliance treaty concluded by Peter III with Prussia. Thanks to her efforts, Duke E. I. Biron was restored to the throne of Courland. In 1763, relying on the support of Prussia, Russia achieved the election of its protege, Stanisław August Poniatowski, to the Polish throne. This led to a cooling of relations with Austria, which, fearing an excessive strengthening of Russia, began to incite Turkey to war with Russian Empire. The Russian-Turkish war of 1768-74 was generally successful for Russia, but the difficult domestic political situation prompted Russia to seek peace, for which it was necessary to restore relations with Austria.

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As a result, a compromise was reached, of which Poland fell victim: in 1772 Russia, Prussia and Austria carried out the first division of part of its territory. With Turkey, the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhysky peace was signed, which ensured the independence of the Crimea, which was beneficial for Russia. In the war between England and its North American colonies, Russia formally took a neutral position and Catherine refused the English king to help Great Britain with troops. At the initiative of N.I. Panin, Russia came up with a Declaration of Armed Neutrality, which was joined by a number of European states, which objectively contributed to the victory of the colonists.

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In subsequent years, the strengthening of Russian positions in the Crimea and the Caucasus took place, culminating in 1782 with the inclusion of Crimea into the Russian Empire and the signing of the Treaty of St. George in 1783 with the King of Kartli-Kakheti Erekle II, which ensured the presence of Russian troops in Georgia, and subsequently its annexation to Russia. In the second half of the 1770s. formed a new foreign policy doctrine of the Russian government - the Greek project. Its main goal was to restore the Greek (Byzantine) Empire with its capital in Constantinople and the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, Catherine's grandson, as emperor.

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In 1779, Russia significantly strengthened its international prestige by participating as an intermediary between Austria and Prussia in the Teschen Congress. In 1787, Catherine, accompanied by the court, foreign diplomats, the Austrian emperor and the Polish king, made a trip to the Crimea, which became a grandiose demonstration of Russian military power. Shortly thereafter, a new war with Turkey began, with Russia acting in alliance with Austria. Almost simultaneously, the war began with Sweden (1788-90), which was trying to achieve revenge for the defeat in the Northern War. However, Russia successfully dealt with both adversaries. The war with Turkey ended in 1791. In 1792, the Treaty of Jassy was signed, which secured Russia's influence in Bessarabia and Transcaucasia, as well as the annexation of the Crimea.

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In 1793 and 1795, the second and third partitions of Poland took place, finally putting an end to Polish statehood. Catherine initially reacted to the events in revolutionary France with a certain degree of sympathy, seeing them as the result of the unreasonable despotic policy of the French kings. However, after the execution of Louis XVI, she saw in the revolution a danger to all of Europe.

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Russo-Turkish War

Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. was generally successful for Russia, but the difficult domestic political situation prompted Russia to seek peace, for which it was necessary to restore relations with Austria. As a result, a compromise was reached, of which Poland fell victim: in 1772, Russia, Prussia and Austria carried out the first division of part of its territory. With Turkey, the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhysky peace was signed, which ensured the independence of the Crimea, which was beneficial for Russia. In the war between England and its North American colonies, Russia formally took a neutral position and Catherine refused the English king to help Great Britain with troops.

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At the initiative of N.I. Panin, Russia came up with a Declaration of Armed Neutrality, which was joined by a number of European states, which objectively contributed to the victory of the colonists. In subsequent years, there was a strengthening of Russian positions in the Crimea and the Caucasus,

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which ended in 1782 with the inclusion of Crimea into the Russian Empire and the signing in 1783 of the Treaty of St. George with the King of Kartli-Kakheti Erekle II, which ensured the presence of Russian troops in Georgia, and subsequently its annexation to Russia. In the second half of the 1770s, a new foreign policy doctrine of the Russian government was formed - the Greek project. Its main goal was to restore the Greek (Byzantine) Empire with its capital in Constantinople and the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, Catherine's grandson, as emperor.

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In 1779, Russia significantly strengthened its international authority by participating as an intermediary between Austria and Prussia in the Teschen Congress. In 1787, Catherine, accompanied by the court, foreign diplomats, the Austrian emperor and the Polish king, made a trip to the Crimea, which became a grandiose demonstration of Russian military power. Shortly thereafter, a new war with Turkey began, with Russia acting in alliance with Austria. Almost simultaneously, the war began with Sweden (1788-1790), which was trying to achieve revenge for the defeat in the Northern War. However, Russia successfully dealt with both adversaries. The war with Turkey ended in 1791. In 1792, the Treaty of Jassy was signed, which secured Russia's influence in Bessarabia and Transcaucasia, as well as the annexation of Crimea.

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In 1793 and 1795, the second and third partitions of Poland took place, finally putting an end to Polish statehood. Catherine initially reacted to the events in revolutionary France with a certain degree of sympathy, seeing them as the result of the unreasonable despotic policy of the French kings. However, after the execution of Louis XVI, she saw in the revolution a danger to all of Europe.

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Personal life

The time of Catherine II is the heyday of favoritism, characteristic of European life in the second half of the 18th century. Separated in the early 1770s. with G. G. Orlov, in subsequent years, the empress changed a number of favorites. As a rule, they were not allowed to participate in solving political issues. Only two of her famous lovers - G. A. Potemkin and P. V. Zavadovsky - became major statesmen.

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Catherine lived with her favorites for several years, but then parted for a variety of reasons (due to the death of a favorite, his betrayal or unworthy behavior), but none of them was disgraced. All of them were generously awarded with ranks, titles, money and serfs. All her life, Catherine was looking for a man who would be worthy of her, who would share her hobbies, views, etc. But she, apparently, did not succeed in finding such a person. However, there is an assumption that she secretly married Potemkin, with whom she maintained friendly relations until his death. All sorts of rumors about orgies at court, Catherine's tendency to nymphomania, etc., are nothing more than a baseless myth.

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Death of Catherine II

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On Wednesday, November 5, 1796, Her Majesty Empress Catherine II, Autocrat of All Russia, woke up as usual at 6 o’clock in the morning, drank coffee in perfect health and, as always, sat down to write, which she did until 9 o’clock. Half an hour later, the valet Zakhar Zotov found Her Majesty on the floor in the wardrobe, lying on her back, as a result of which he called his colleagues, Ivan Tyulpin and Ivan Chernov, to help him transfer the Empress to her bedroom. They felt it their duty to lift her up; but, devoid of feeling, she only half-opened her eyes, breathing weakly, and when she was supposed to be carried, her body was so heavy that six people were barely enough just to put her on the floor in the named room.

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However, his Eminence, Gabriel, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg, having been invited, advised to take Holy Communion, because the flow had stopped, and then proceed to the unction, which he performed in concelebration with Father Sergius, the court archpriest, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Their Imperial Highnesses Sovereign Grand Duke Pavel, betrothed Heir to the Throne, and His August wife, Empress Grand Duchess Maria, to whom a courier was sent, arrived from Gatchina at 9 p.m. and, seeing their Mother in such a deplorable state, they prostrated before her and kissed her hands, shedding tears. Since there were no means to provide real help, Their Highnesses spent the night near Her Majesty.

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The next morning, November 6, based on the report of the doctors that there was no hope, the Sovereign Grand Duke Heir gave the order to the Chief Chamberlain Count. Bezborodka and the state prosecutor general gr. Samoilov to take the Imperial Seal, sort out in the presence of Their Highnesses the Grand Dukes Alexander and Konstantin all the papers that were in the Empress's office and then, having sealed them, put them in a special place. His Highness himself proceeded to this, taking the notebook on which Her Majesty's last writing was located, and putting it, without folding it, on the tablecloth already prepared for this occasion, where they then put selected from cabinets, drawers, etc. carefully emptied, handwritten papers, which were then tied with ribbons, tied in a tablecloth and sealed by the valet Yves. Tyulpin, in the presence of the aforementioned high witnesses.

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The same measure was taken, in the presence of His Highness Grand Duke Alexander, by His Grace Prince Platon Zubov, Feldzekhmeister General, regarding the service papers that he had: they were also placed in Her Majesty's office, the doors of which were locked, sealed, and the key was given to His Highness the Sovereign Grand Duke Heir. This order was completed at noon, and at 5 o'clock His Highness, seeing that the death of His Most August Mother was approaching, invited the Metropolitan to read the departure, which was immediately read by His Eminence. But the agony of Her Majesty, revealed by constant wheezing, raising of the stomach and a fetid dark-colored matter, at times flowing out of the mouth, with closed eyes, lasted thirty-six hours without the slightest interruption.

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Finally, on Thursday, November 6, at 9:45 pm, the Empress expired, 67 years, 6 months and 15 days old, plunging all those present and the whole of Russia into the deepest sorrow and sobs. As soon as the Imperial Family finished its last farewell to the glorious deceased, the noble persons present, Vice-Chancellor Count Osterman, Count Bezborodko and Count Samoilov, as well as court servants and servants, brought their humble congratulations to His Majesty the new Emperor, as well as Her Majesty the Empress on the occasion of their accession to the throne; after which the Monarch was pleased to notify the metropolitan of the death of his August Mother and order that the court church be prepared for the reception of Her Majesty. The Empress took upon herself the care of the late Empress.

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So she made the proper arrangements for the body to be washed and pre-dressed in a silk dressing gown; as soon as this was done, the body was laid on the ordinary bed of Her Majesty, placed in the middle of the bedroom and covered with a burial cover of a golden eye, trimmed with the same galloons; then the court priests, in turn with the parish priests, began to read the holy gospels. To the body were put on duty: His Majesty's adjutant, two ladies-in-waiting, two chamberlains, two chamber junkers, two valets, two maids, one physician, two chamber pages and 6 pages.

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On Saturday, November 8th, the body was embalmed. The embalming continued from 8 o'clock in the morning until noon; at the same time, the cause of her death was recognized as a blow to the head, because the blood poured onto the brain from two sides: on the one hand, black, thick and curdled in the form of a liver, and on the other, liquid, flowing out of a ruptured vein. They also found two stones in the bile, which spilled over the whole heart. When the autopsy was completed, the body was dressed again as before, and Their Majesties came to bow to him. Thus ended the life of this great woman.

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Catherine composed the following epitaph for her future tombstone

Catherine II is buried here. She arrived in Russia in 1744 to marry Peter III. At fourteen, she made a threefold decision: to please her husband, Elizabeth, and the people. She did not miss anything in order to achieve success in this respect. Eighteen years of boredom and loneliness led her to read many books. Having ascended the Russian throne, she made every effort to give her subjects happiness, freedom and material well-being. She forgave easily and hated no one. She was indulgent, loved life, had a cheerful disposition, was a true republican in her convictions and had a good heart. She had friends. The job was easy for her. She enjoyed secular entertainment and the arts.

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Card 1. Karl Peter could become the heir to the Swedish throne, and therefore he was brought up in a purely Protestant spirit. Having taken the throne, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna could not help but think about the heir. The first name was given to the boy in honor of the Swedish king Charles XII, to whom he was a great-nephew, the second - in honor of his maternal grandfather - Peter the Great. It was Elizabeth's nephew, the son of her older sister Anna, Holstein Prince Karl Peter. 3

Card Having taken the throne, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna could not help thinking about the heir. 2. It was Elizabeth's nephew, the son of her older sister Anna, Holstein Prince Karl Peter. 3. The first name was given to the boy in honor of the Swedish king Charles XII, to whom he was a great-nephew, the second - in honor of his maternal grandfather - Peter the Great. 4. Karl Peter could become the heir to the Swedish throne, and therefore he was brought up in a purely Protestant spirit. four

Card 3 Establish a correspondence between dates and events: Dates of Events A) 1761 - 1762 1) Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility B) 1762 2) Seven Years' War C) 1756 - 1763 3) The reign of Peter III D) January 28, 1725 .4) Beginning of the reign of Peter I 5) Death of Peter I 5

ABVG 3125 Card 3 Establish a correspondence between dates and events: Dates of Events A) 1761 - 1762 1) Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility B) 1762 2) Seven Years' War C) 1756 - 1763 3) The reign of Peter III D) January 28 1725 4) Beginning of the reign of Peter I 5) Death of Peter I 6

Ekaterina Alekseevna knew how to charm people, not only with her treatment of them, but also with her compositions. The Empress was characterized by a number of features of a truly statesman. She had a clear mind, a polished reading of Plutarch, Cicero, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Corneille. Catherine accustomed herself to intense daily work, for the first time during the five years of her reign, she issued 22 decrees per month. She was well versed in people, able to appreciate in them and business qualities. 9

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Catherine II - Great Russian Empress. The second half of the 18th century in Russia is associated with the name of the empress, whose reign constituted a whole epoch in the history of the country. A wise politician and subtle diplomat, Catherine II sought to strengthen the autocracy and create favorable conditions for the economic and spiritual development of the country. Catherine's reign is one of most glorious and difficult periods, which is listed in the national history as great.

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Catherine was born on April 21, 1729. Her real name is Sophia Augusta Friederike Anhalt of Zerbst, having converted to Orthodoxy, she was betrothed to Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich Romanov, after which she received the title of Grand Duchess and the new name Catherine. Slowly but surely, she moved towards the Russian throne, according to Klyuchevsky: “She made a double seizure: she took away power from her husband and did not transfer it to her son, the natural heir of her father.” “Either I die, or I will reign. » The coronation of the new empress took place on September 22, 1766.

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Personality of the Empress The Empress was self-possessed, well able to control herself, suppress outbursts of anger, keep up the conversation, at the same time patient with people's shortcomings, but implacable towards opponents, she knew how to be cruel. Ekaterina had a fairly developed sense of humor; there is a lot of causticity and mockery in her correspondence.

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Favorites of Catherine II The empress failed to experience family happiness. Relations with his son did not work out, he could not forgive the mother of the occupied throne. Catherine's heart affairs characterize the relationship with her many admirers. Count G. Orlov. Prince Potemkin. A. Lanskoy Dmitriev-Mamonov. The last favorite of Catherine II is Prince Peter Zubov, governor-general of Novorossia and commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

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Immediately after the accession of Catherine, a vigorous activity in the state body was noticeable. She belonged to those statesmen who intended not only to reign, but also to govern. “You need to act slowly, with caution and reason. » Catherine II.

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Senate 1 department. - was in charge of the most important affairs of administration. (Possibility of publishing laws). 2 department. - Dealt with litigation. 3 department. - managed the outskirts, medical affairs, education. 4 department. - in charge of military affairs. 5 department. - dealt with the affairs of Ukraine and the Baltic states. 6 department. - Performed the functions of the Moscow Senate Office. During the reign of Catherine the Senate was divided into 6 departments:

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Order of Catherine II. If Peter I took the first steps towards a rule of law state regulated by laws, then the “Instruction” deepens this idea, in many articles, explaining the meaning of the law in all spheres of life. The main text of the "Instruction" contains 20 chapters, divided into 546 articles, of which 245 are borrowed from the work of Montesquieu, 106 - from the book of the learned lawyer, Beccarn. In addition, Catherine used the works of German scientists: Bielfeld and Just, as well as the French encyclopedia and Russian legislation.

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Complaint to the nobility. According to the charter, the nobles received a number of personal and corporate rights. The main ones were the right to own land, freedom to choose occupations, to have their own factories, needlework and factories - which was in their interests. A nobleman could not be subjected to corporal punishment and without trial could not be deprived of noble dignity, honor, life and property.

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"Charter to cities" transferred to urban societies the right to legal entity, which could independently dispose of property and income from it. Diploma for the "middle kind of people." Merchants registered in the guild received special privileges - to pay off recruitment duties with money and be free from state outfits. Merchants of the 1st and 2nd guilds were exempted from punishment. The philistines, like the nobles, received personal and cooperative rights.

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The uprising of E. Pugachev. In the reign of Catherine II, the largest popular uprising in the history of Russia took place under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. The idea to raise the throne of the “peasant king” shocked the empress, in fear and anger she ordered a massacre of the rebels, but forced the authorities to look for ways to resolve the peasant issue.

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Secularization of church lands. Under Catherine II, monasteries and dioceses became completely dependent on the state, which took them for its maintenance. Catherine II also made life easier for the monastery peasants, freeing them from everyday punishments, from service in the household, and forced marriages. Of course, such changes caused discontent on the part of the church. Serious was the case of Arseniy Matseevich, who spoke out against such a solution to the issue of church estates.

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Reforms in the field of education. In 1763, a medical academy was opened to train professional doctors. In 1764, the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens was opened in St. Petersburg. The indisputable merit of Catherine was the opening of the Academy of Sciences, Catherine's School, many closed gymnasiums, etc. Smolny Institute.

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Russian banknotes. Banknotes were printed in the most primitive typographical way, but in order to avoid fakes, fonts and triple numbering were of a special type. Also, a special paper was made for each denomination: for 5 rubles - blue, for 10 rubles - red-pink, for 25, 60, 100, 200 rubles - white. They had water drawings. In 1769, assignation banks were organized in St. Petersburg and Moscow "for the exchange of money."

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Directions and tasks of foreign policy Accession Black Sea coast; Accession of the lands of the Right-Bank Ukraine and Belarus; Strengthening the influence of Russia in the Baltics; Getting access to the Azov and Black Sea. Ensure the security of Peter's conquests in the Baltic; To prevent the spread of the ideas of the French Revolution in Russia; Achieve free navigation of Russian ships in the Black Sea and their passage through the Bosporus and Dardanelles.

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Russian - Turkish war of 1768-1774 "Mustafa was as little prepared for the war as we are" - Catherine II wrote to Voltaire. War was declared by the Sultan's court. The Empress set to work with her characteristic energy and methodicalness. She was sure of success, but the time when the Turks would be beaten had to wait for a long 6 years.

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RESULTS OF THE WAR The territories between the Southern Bug and the Dnieper were annexed to Russia: fortresses - Kinburn, Kerch, Kabarda in the North Caucasus. The Turks were forced to recognize the independence of the Crimean Khanate. Russia received the right to freely navigate the Black Sea and freely pass the Bosporus and Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea.

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Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791 The reason for the new war was Turkey's attempt to return Crimea under its rule. In the summer of 1787, Turkey demanded the return of the Crimea and opened hostilities. The war was marked by a number of brilliant Russian victories, and A. V. Suvorov became its main character. The final chord of the war was the capture of the impregnable fortress of Izmail by the Russians. In 1791, a peace treaty was signed in Iasi, according to which the entire northern coast of the Black Sea, Crimea and the Novorossiysk steppes were given to Russia, Turkey recognized the patronage of Georgia, established by the Treaty of St. George in 1738.

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RUSSIA'S PARTICIPATION IN THE DIVISIONS OF POLAND ON THE FIRST DIVISION OF POLAND in 1772 Russia received Eastern Belarus and the Polish part of Livonia. The SECOND DIVISION took place in 1793. Right-bank Ukraine and Belarus with Minsk went to Russia. In 1795, the THIRD - final DIVISION of POLAND took place. The main part of Lithuania, Western Belarus and Western Volhynia were annexed to Russia.

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The struggle of Catherine II against revolutionary France. The revolution in France greatly overshadowed the last years of the reign of Catherine II. She in every possible way prevented the spread of freedom-loving ideas in Russia, strict censorship was introduced, persecution of the press and authors such as Knyazhin "Vadim", Derzhavin "Lords and Courts" was not ruled out, and Radishchev was sentenced for "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow". to death (replaced by exile in Siberia.) Knyazhnin Ya.B. Novikov N.I. Derzhavin G.R. In 1793, Catherine was unable to organize the escape of the French King Louis XVI and, after his execution, fell ill in a serious illness, and died three years later.

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The results of the reign of Catherine II. After the reign of Catherine, Russia was in power and glory. The space of lands was increased by almost 15 provinces. The number of inhabitants increased from 10 to 40 million. Government revenues have increased. Education developed. The people's welfare improved. Russia has received worldwide recognition. Gubernias were organized according to a new model - 29 Cities were built - 144 Conventions and treaties were concluded - 30 Remarkable decrees were issued - 88 Decrees for the relief of the people - 123 Victories won - 78 Increase in domestic turnover by 148 million rubles. A total of 492 cases!

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Appreciating the great merits of Empress Catherine II, a magnificent monument was erected to her in St. Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo, Yekaterinoslav, Simferopol, Nakhichevan, and on the centenary of the death of the Empress, a magnificent monument was made in Odessa.

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1 slide

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Catherine II - Great Russian Empress. The second half of the 18th century in Russia is associated with the name of the empress, whose reign constituted a whole epoch in the history of the country. A wise politician and subtle diplomat, Catherine II sought to strengthen the autocracy and create favorable conditions for the economic and spiritual development of the country. The reign of Catherine is one of the most glorious and difficult periods, which is listed as great in Russian history.

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“Either I die, or I will reign. » The coronation of the new empress took place on September 22, 1766. Catherine was born on April 21, 1729. Her real name is Sophia Augusta Friederike Anhalt of Zerbst, having converted to Orthodoxy, she was betrothed to Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich Romanov, after which she received the title of Grand Duchess and the new name Catherine. Slowly but surely, she moved towards the Russian throne, according to Klyuchevsky: “She made a double seizure: she took away power from her husband and did not transfer it to her son, the natural heir of her father.”

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Personality of the Empress The Empress was self-possessed, well able to control herself, suppress outbursts of anger, keep up the conversation, at the same time patient with people's shortcomings, but implacable towards opponents, she knew how to be cruel. Ekaterina had a fairly developed sense of humor; there is a lot of causticity and mockery in her correspondence.

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Favorites of Catherine II The empress failed to experience family happiness. Relations with his son did not work out, he could not forgive the mother of the occupied throne. Catherine's heart affairs characterize the relationship with her many admirers. Count G. Orlov. Prince Potemkin. A. Lanskoy Dmitriev-Mamonov. The last favorite of Catherine II is Prince Peter Zubov, governor-general of Novorossia and commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

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“You need to act slowly, with caution and reason. » Catherine II. Immediately after the accession of Catherine, a vigorous activity in the state body was noticeable. She belonged to those statesmen who intended not only to reign, but also to govern.

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Order of Catherine II. If Peter I took the first steps towards a rule of law state regulated by laws, then the “Instruction” deepens this idea, in many articles, explaining the meaning of the law in all spheres of life. The main text of the "Instruction" contains 20 chapters, divided into 546 articles, of which 245 are borrowed from the work of Montesquieu, 106 - from the book of the learned lawyer, Beccarn. In addition, Catherine used the works of German scientists: Bielfeld and Just, as well as the French encyclopedia and Russian legislation.

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Complaint to the nobility. According to the charter, the nobles received a number of personal and corporate rights. The main ones were the right to own land, freedom to choose occupations, to have their own factories, needlework and factories - which was in their interests. A nobleman could not be subjected to corporal punishment and without trial could not be deprived of noble dignity, honor, life and property.

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The "Letter of Letters to Cities" transferred to urban societies the right of a legal entity that could independently manage property and income from it. Diploma for the "middle kind of people." Merchants registered in the guild received special privileges - to pay off recruitment duties with money and be free from state outfits. Merchants of the 1st and 2nd guilds were exempted from punishment. The philistines, like the nobles, received personal and cooperative rights.

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The uprising of E. Pugachev. In the reign of Catherine II, the largest popular uprising in the history of Russia took place under the leadership of Yemelyan Pugachev. The idea to raise the throne of the “peasant king” shocked the empress, in fear and anger she ordered a massacre of the rebels, but forced the authorities to look for ways to resolve the peasant issue.

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Secularization of church lands. Under Catherine II, monasteries and dioceses became completely dependent on the state, which took them for its maintenance. Catherine II also made life easier for the monastery peasants, freeing them from everyday punishments, from service in the household, and forced marriages. Of course, such changes caused discontent on the part of the church. Serious was the case of Arseniy Matseevich, who spoke out against such a solution to the issue of church estates.


Slides: 31 Words: 1186 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Catherine the Great. The world. When Catherine II moved to Russia at the age of 14, Elizabeth Petrovna reigned here. The sharp and lively mind, the beauty of the German princess attracted the attention of the empress. Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna - the future Empress Catherine II. Years of reign 1762 - 1796. In 1782, a monument to Peter I - "The Bronze Horseman" was erected in St. Petersburg. Journey to St. Petersburg. Empress Catherine II sought to give St. Petersburg the character of a European city. Under Catherine II, the Hermitage was being built. Hermitage, front staircase Pavilion Hall of the Hermitage - Ekaterina.ppt

Russia under Catherine II

Slides: 18 Words: 984 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

The image of Catherine II through the eyes of historians, artists and writers of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Levitsky D.G. Portrait of Catherine II. Annotation. Project goals. Fundamental question. How objective is the portrayal of a historical figure in different types artistic creativity? Problem questions. What is the purpose of creating a formal portrait in the era of classicism? How do the features of the historical image of Catherine II correlate with the literary image? T e m e s o f resear ches. Catherine Corps. (virtual tour) presentation. Stages of project implementation. Bibliography. - Catherine II.ppt

Catherine II

Slides: 23 Words: 474 Sounds: 0 Effects: 76

Plan: The golden age of Catherine II. Personality of Catherine II. Educational activity. Changes in public administration. Letters of grant to the nobility and cities in 1785. Decrees of Catherine II on the enslavement of the peasants. Conclusion. Catherine II Alekseevna - Empress of All Russia. Born Sophie-Frederika-Amalie, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst. Personality of Catherine II. Fikke was a kind, patient, inquisitive student. A family. Wedding of Catherine II and Peter III. Catherine II. Peter III. Catherine had enough time to read many books. Count Alexei Orlov is one of the main participants in the conspiracy. - Catherine II.ppt

Catherine the Great

Slides: 9 Words: 56 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

The name of Russia is Catherine the Great. Catherine II the Great (1729-1796) Sophia Frederick Augustus of Anhalt-Zerbst. The coronation of Catherine II on September 22, 1762. Empress Catherine II with M.V. Lomonosov. Travel Palace. Summer Palace. “Well, brother, Let all the German blood out of me so that only Russian remains. I am proud that I am Russian.” - Catherine the Great.ppt

Empress Catherine II

Slides: 33 Words: 351 Sounds: 0 Effects: 176

The golden age of Catherine II during the reign of 1762-1796. Lesson topic. Lesson Plan: The Golden Age of Catherine II Personality of Catherine II. Educational activity. Changes in public administration. Letters of grant to the nobility and cities in 1785. Decrees of Catherine II on the enslavement of the peasants. Conclusion. Peter i. Catherine II is the successor of the ideas of Peter I. "To Peter the First - Catherine the Second." the inscription on the pedestal of the monument by E. Falcone. 1. Personality of Catherine II. A family. Princess Johanna Elisabeth of Anhal-Zerbst. Prince Christian-August of Anhal-Zerbst. Catherine II Alekseevna - Empress of All Russia. - Empress Catherine II.ppt

Empress Catherine 2

Slides: 35 Words: 1713 Sounds: 3 Effects: 39

Rush hour with Catherine the Great. Step in the soul. Catherine II. Empress Catherine II. Prince Pyotr Fedorovich. Order of Empress Catherine II. Legislator. A.V. Suvorov. Russia. Motherland. Small home. Chepega Zakhary Alekseevich. Letter of Complaint. Letter of Companion from Empress Catherine II. Commendable behaviour. Expenses. Punishment. Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega. Icons of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Monument to Catherine II. Return of the monument to Catherine II. Head of Administration. Relics of the Kuban Cossacks. The idea of ​​M.O. Mikeshin. The figure of a blind kobzar. Fragments of the monument. Signs of monarchical power. - Empress Catherine 2.pptm

Empress Catherine the Great

Slides: 11 Words: 318 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Presentation "Catherine the Great". Catherine the Great. Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna - the future Empress Catherine II. When Catherine II moved to Russia at the age of 14, Elizabeth Petrovna reigned here. The sharp and lively mind, the beauty of the German princess attracted the attention of the empress. Years of government: 1762 - 1796. Tasks of government: It is necessary to educate the nation, which should be ruled. It is necessary to establish a good and accurate police force in the state. It is necessary to make the state formidable in itself and inspire respect for its neighbors. St. Petersburg became the most populous city of the Empire. - Empress Catherine the Great.ppt

Biography of Catherine II

Slides: 20 Words: 702 Sounds: 1 Effects: 96

named after Catherine. Dictionary. Icons of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Life of Saint Catherine. Sophia Frederick Augusta of Anhalt-Zerbst. Chronology of the life of Catherine. Grand Duke Pyotr Fedorovich. Shubin. Life of Catherine. Catherine II. Accession to the throne. Favorites of Catherine II. Empress Catherine. Letter of Complaint. Beginning of Yekaterinodar. Cossack regalia. Krasnodar. Back to the roots. Return of the Cossack regalia. The return of the name to the city. - Biography of Catherine II.ppt

History of Catherine 2

Slides: 42 Words: 2417 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Catherine II. Targets: Portrait of Catherine II in a fur hat. Catherine II. Unknown artist (circle of Roslin-Rokotov). 18th century She came from a small North German princely family. Born Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst. Received home education. In 1744, Catherine II came to Russia at the invitation of Elizabeth Petrovna. Highlights of life. Russian Empress (1762-1796); Since 1744 - in Russia. She headed the Legislative Commission of 1767-1769. Black Sea coast, Crimea, Kuban region. She took Eastern Georgia under Russian citizenship (1783). It seemed that the little princess had nothing to expect from fate. - History of Catherine 2.ppt

The reign of Catherine 2

Slides: 8 Words: 368 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

The main measures of the policy of enlightened absolutism. Events in the interests of the nobility of Russia. The reign of Catherine II left a very significant imprint in the history of Russia. Either I die or I reign.” Under Ekaterina Alekseevna, the territory of Russia, the population (almost 75%), and incomes increased many times over. “I wanted to be Russian, so that the Russians would love me. Results of the board: But the position of the working strata of society was difficult. The people's war led by E. Pugachev is a black spot in Catherine's politics. - Catherine's reign 2.ppt

The reign of Catherine II

Slides: 28 Words: 1195 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Catherine II. Promotion to the Russian throne. People are multifaceted and contradictory. Biography. The overthrow of Peter III. Captured power. Empress. Results of the first years of government. Favoritism. Orlov. Peasant War. Raising the wages of bonded peasants. Politics. The nobility was the backbone of the throne. Reforms. Fixed commission. It is necessary to be on friendly terms with all powers. foreign policy tasks. Effects. Catherine. Notes. Under Catherine II, Russia joined the Union of European States. - The reign of Catherine II.ppt

Russia under Catherine II

Slides: 37 Words: 3773 Sounds: 0 Effects: 83

Catherine II. Catherine II. Russian Empress (1762-1796); Since 1744 - in Russia. She headed the Legislative Commission of 1767-1769. Black Sea coast, Crimea, Kuban region. She took Eastern Georgia under Russian citizenship (1783). Corresponded with Voltaire and other figures of the French Enlightenment. Author of many fiction, dramaturgical, journalistic, popular science works, "Notes". Origin, upbringing and education. Life in Russia before accession to the throne. Catherine became a consistent supporter of the ideas of the Enlightenment. In the early 1750s. - Russia under Catherine 2.ppt

Golden age of Catherine 2

Slides: 14 Words: 556 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The golden age of Catherine II. Activities of Catherine II. Execution check homework. reign trends. enlightened absolutism. First reforms. Filling in the table. Fragments of prepared materials. Close a window. questions for the document. Internal reforms. Consolidation of the studied material. - Catherine's golden age 2.ppt

Favorites of Catherine II

Slides: 9 Words: 275 Sounds: 0 Effects: 43

Favorites of Catherine II. Catherine II. Purpose: Conclusion. Sometimes the face of the emperor was only a mask of the ruling favorite of the country. Portraits of favorites of Catherine II. G. Orlov. Lanskoy. Korsakov. Potemkin. Chronicle of humanity. - Favorites of Catherine II.ppt

Russia's foreign policy

Slides: 26 Words: 571 Sounds: 0 Effects: 104

Lesson: Russia's foreign policy. A lesson in studying new material in the course of the history of Russia in the 10th grade. Assessment of Russia's foreign policy: The main question of the lesson: Eastern policy. Far East policy. Lesson questions: The main directions of foreign policy. East. Far East. Western European. Fight against revolutionary France. The struggle for access to the "warm seas". Ensuring the security of the south of Russia. Accession of fertile lands. Accession of new territories. Strengthening positions in the region. "Greek project". "Northern Accord". foreign policy projects. Literacy and clarity of speech. - Russia politics.ppt

Foreign policy of Catherine II

Slides: 15 Words: 1588 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Catherine the Great. Goals. Origin, upbringing and education. Catherine became a consistent supporter of the ideas of the Enlightenment. Life in Russia before accession to the throne. Soldiers from other regiments soon joined the rebels. Accession to the throne. The nature and form of government. In dealing with subjects, Catherine was, as a rule, restrained, patient, tactful. Attitude to religion and the peasant question. Domestic policy. In the last years of her life, Catherine continued to develop plans for major transformations. However, Catherine did not have time to complete her reform program. - Politics of Catherine II.ppt

Slides: 9 Words: 262 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Domestic policy of Catherine II. Lesson plan: Lesson objective: Prove that Catherine was indeed an "enlightened" empress? To prove that Catherine really was an "enlightened" empress? "Enlightened Absolutism". The beginning of Catherine's reign was marked by reforms, within the framework of the policy of "Enlightened absolutism". Catherine's policy ii. She tried to create new legislation and convened in 1767 the laid commission. Decree of 1767 “On the prohibition of peasants to complain about the landowners. Judicial system. - Ekaterina 2 politics.ppt

Foreign policy of Catherine II

Slides: 15 Words: 2263 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Foreign policy of Catherine II. Catherine II. The international position of the empire at the time of Catherine's accession to the throne. Directions of foreign policy. North. Southern. Polish. St. Petersburg was well aware of the long-standing aspirations of the Swedes and was ready to fight back. North direction. The alliance with Austria led Russia to clash with Prussia in the Seven Years' War. South direction. Polish direction. In 1762, Catherine decided to put her henchman on the Polish throne. I period of Catherine's foreign policy (1762-1774). The beginning of the war turned out quite well for Russia. - Politics of Catherine 2.ppt

Foreign policy of Catherine II

Slides: 11 Words: 732 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Foreign policy of Catherine II. Directions of Russia's foreign policy under Catherine II. The southern direction of Russia's foreign policy under Catherine II. Conditions of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace. Establishment of the highest military award. Main events. Russian-Turkish war. Accession to Russia lands. Western direction. Suppression of the uprising T. Kosciuszko. Northwestern direction of foreign policy. - Catherine's foreign policy 2.pptx

The direction of the foreign policy of Catherine 2

Slides: 18 Words: 626 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Foreign policy of Catherine II. Workbook. Russian-Turkish wars. Aivazovsky. Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774 Rumyantsev Pyotr Alexandrovich Spiridov Grigory Andreevich. Alexei Grigorievich Orlov. Engraving by S. Shiflyar. Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791. Suvorov's troops. Ushakov Fedor Fyodorovich Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich. Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin. - Direction of Catherine's foreign policy 2.ppt

Russian troops

Slides: 22 Words: 896 Sounds: 2 Effects: 53

The mighty foreign policy stride of the empire. O loud century of military disputes, Witness of the glory of the Russians! A.S. Pushkin. Problem task. 1. The political situation in Europe in the second half of the XVIII century. What foreign policy tasks faced the Russian Empire in the 18th century? How has the alignment of forces in the international arena changed? Which state has become the main enemy of Russia at this stage? Russian-Turkish wars of the XVIII century. Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774 Main events: The Turks agreed to sign a peace treaty. July 10, 1774 - Kyuchuk - Kaynarji peace. Basic conditions: - Russian troops.ppt

Azov-Mozdok defensive line

Slides: 16 Words: 874 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

The need to create. The need to create a defensive line. Potemkin. The main provisions of the report. Special card. Fortress names. Project scheme. Chronicle of the construction of the line. Stavropol. Stavropol settlement. Alexander fortress. Grushevsky redoubt. The value of the defensive line. Check yourself. - Azov-Mozdok defensive line.ppt

Domestic policy of Catherine II

Slides: 23 Words: 643 Sounds: 2 Effects: 112

Domestic policy of Catherine II 1762-1796. "We are immortal forever, giants of Russia, Brought up in battles Amidst warlike bad weather." Local government reforms. 3. Change and streamlining of the administrative-territorial system of Russia. 1775 - "Institutions for the management of the provinces". Subordination of all military units of the province to the governor. provincial government system. Treasury Chamber. Governorate government. Order of public charity. Elected body of local government from representatives of the nobility, townspeople, state peasants. He was engaged in the creation and patronage of schools, hospitals, almshouses. - Domestic policy of Catherine II.ppt

Domestic policy of Catherine 2

Slides: 14 Words: 603 Sounds: 0 Effects: 75

Domestic policy of Catherine II. enlightened absolutism. The policy of a number of European monarchs with unlimited power. Fixed commission. Cities. The results of the work of the Legislative Commission. Provincial reform. Governor-General ("guardian of the law"). Social politics. 1785 - "Charter granted to the nobility". 1785 - "Charter to cities". The results of the domestic policy of Catherine II. The popular movement under the leadership of E.I. Pugachev. - Domestic policy of Catherine 2.ppt

Reforms of Catherine 2

Slides: 15 Words: 800 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

Domestic policy of Catherine II. Goals. Historical portrait of Catherine II. Goals of the reign of Catherine II. "Enlightened absolutism" - the policy of Catherine II. Transformations of Catherine II. The facts of the manifestation of the policy of "enlightened absolutism". Fixed commission. Catherine II submitted to the laid commission "mandate" - an essay. "Golden Age" of the Russian nobility. Provincial reform. The tightening of domestic policy in the 70-90s. Catherine II was awarded the title of "Great, Wise and Mother of the Fatherland". - Catherine's reforms 2.ppt

Pugachev Emelyan

Slides: 37 Words: 1164 Sounds: 0 Effects: 125

Hero or antihero?! Emelyan Pugachev. Is Emelyan Pugachev a passionary? Reasons, goals, participants in the war. Main stages: Peasant War 1773-1775. Manifesto of Emelyan Pugachev. Announced to the public. Given on July 31st, 1774. Peter. Results and meaning. Conclusion: E. Pugachev is a hero and an anti-hero E. Pugachev is a passionary. Mari region and the Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugachev. E. Pugachev. Reasons for the participation of the Mari people in the peasant war (1773-1775). The course of the uprising. Peasant War. The famous oak of Pugachev. Generals and atamans. Chiktaknur Grigory Vasiliev (Yanysh) - vil. - Pugachev Emelyan.ppt

Pugachev's Peasant War

Slides: 21 Words: 2600 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Peasant war led by E. Pugachev. Topic questions. Causes of the peasant war. The strengthening of serfdom, the growth of duties and taxes provoked the resistance of the peasants. Flight was one form of peasant resistance. In 1730-1750. Robbery gangs of fugitive peasants began to organize. The uprisings of peasants and working people in the factories of the Urals and Karelia became active. P. Sokolov. Grass landowner bread on the Peasants' field. In 1771, a plague came to Moscow from the front of the Russian-Turkish war. Up to a thousand people died every day. Many rich people fled from Moscow, factories and shops were closed. - War of Pugachev.ppt

Pugachev's uprising

Slides: 39 Words: 607 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

The uprising led by E.I. Pugachev. 1773 - 1775. "God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless" A.S. Pushkin. Uprising I.I. Bolotnikov. Uprising S.T. Razin. The uprising of Kondraty Bulavin. Diploma of Bulavin to the Belgorod governor D.M. Golitsyn. Reasons for the uprising. Sale of serfs. Could the uprising end with the victory of the rebels? I group. Ural Mountains. Composition of the rebels. Yaik Cossacks. Peasantry of the Volga region. Working people of the Urals. Non-Russian peoples of the Volga region, Bashkirs. stages of the uprising. Stage I - September 17, 1773 - March 1774 Stage II - April - July 1774 - Pugachev's uprising.ppt

Peasants' War

Slides: 9 Words: 205 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Peasant war led by E.I. Pugachev. Hall 1 "Life of the population of the country in the 18th century". The punishment of the peasant by the rich in the presence of the landowner. Engraving from the early 19th century. Hall 1 "Life of the country's population in the 18th century." I.A. Ermenev. Peasant lunch. Watercolor. Hall 2 "Personalities of the 18th century". Pugachev E.I. Unknown artist of the 18th century. Hall 2 "Personalities of the 18th century". Catherine II. Hall 3 "Economic regions of the Urals in the 18th century". Avilov M.I. Ural workers bring guns to Pugachev. Hall 4 "Mari region during the Pugachev war". Pugachev's oak national park"Mari Chodra" of the Republic of Mari El. - Peasant War.ppt

Pugachev's Peasant War

Slides: 20 Words: 824 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Peasant War. The uprising of the Yaik Cossacks. Insurrection. Bashkirs. military defeat. Orenburg. Panorama of Orenburg. Army of Pugachev. Reinsdorp. The decision to defend. Pugachev's detachment. after taking the fortress. Part of the peasants. Court. Pugachev uprising. Cinema. - Pugachev's Peasant War.ppt

Resettlement of Greeks from Crimea

Slides: 15 Words: 472 Sounds: 5 Effects: 5

Odyssey of the Crimean Greeks. Did you know. Objective. Mariupol. Metropolitan Ignatius is the inspirer and organizer of the resettlement. Crimean Greeks. Map of the resettlement of Greeks from the Crimea to the Azov region. The Bible brought from the Crimea (from the funds of the Mariupol Museum). Sculpture of a Greek woman (from the funds of the Mariupol Museum). Reason for the need to relocate. -


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