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Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter, Alyonushka, and a son, Ivanushka. The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left alone. Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They go along a long way, across a wide field, and Ivanushka wants to drink.

slide 3

Sister Alyonushka, I'm thirsty! - Wait, brother, we will reach the well. We walked and walked - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, the sweat comes out. There is a cow's hoof full of water. - Sister Alyonushka, I'll take a sip from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a calf! The brother obeyed and moved on. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a horse's hoof full of water.

slide 4

Sister Alyonushka, I'll get drunk from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a foal! Ivanushka sighed and went on again. They go, they go - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a goat's hoof full of water. Ivanushka says: - Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I'll get drunk from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat! Ivanushka did not obey and got drunk from a goat's hoof. Got drunk and became a goat...

slide 5

Alyonushka calls her brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white kid runs after her. Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down on a stack - crying, and a little goat jumps next to her. At that time, a merchant was driving past: - What are you crying about, fair maiden? Alyonushka told him about her misfortune. The merchant says to her: “Marry me. I will dress you in gold and silver, and the kid will live with us.” Alyonushka thought and thought and married the merchant. They began to live and live, and the kid lives with them, eats and drinks with Alyonushka from one cup.

slide 6

Once the merchant was not at home. Out of nowhere, a witch comes: she stood under Alyonushkino's window and affectionately began to call her to swim in the river. The witch brought Alyonushka to the river. She rushed at her, tied a stone around Alyonushka's neck and threw her into the water. And she herself turned into Alyonushka, dressed up in her dress and came to her mansions. Nobody recognized the witch. The merchant returned - and he did not recognize.

Slide 7

One kid knew everything. He hung his head, does not drink, does not eat. In the morning and in the evening he walks along the bank near the water and calls: - Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore ... The witch found out about this and began to ask her husband - slaughter and slaughter the kid. The merchant felt sorry for the kid, he got used to him. And the witch pestered so much, begged so much - there was nothing to do, the merchant agreed. The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast-iron boilers, sharpen damask knives. The little kid found out that he did not have long to live, and said to the named father: - Before death, let me go to the river, drink some water. - Well, go.

Slide 8

The kid ran to the river, stood on the shore and cried plaintively: “Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore. Bonfires are burning high, Cast-iron boilers are boiling, Damask knives are sharpening, They want to kill me! Alyonushka from the river answers him: “Ah, my brother Ivanushka! A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, Silk grass tangled legs, Yellow sands lay on the chest. And the witch is looking for a goat, cannot find it, and sends a servant: "Go, find a goat, bring him to me." The servant went to the river and saw: a little kid was running along the bank and plaintively calling: “Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore. Bonfires are burning high, Cast-iron boilers are boiling, Damask knives are sharpening, They want to kill me!

Slide 9

And from the river they answer him: “Ah, my brother Ivanushka! A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, Silk grass tangled legs, Yellow sands lay on the chest. The servant ran home and told the merchant about what he had heard on the river. They gathered the people, went to the river, threw down silk nets and pulled Alyonushka ashore. They removed the stone from her neck, dipped her in spring water, dressed her in a smart dress. Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than she was. And the kid, for joy, threw himself three times over his head and turned into a boy, Ivanushka. The witch was tied to a horse's tail and let into the open field.

Slide 10

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Class: 3

Presentation for the lesson

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  • To introduce students to the Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”; introduce children to the peculiarities of a fairy tale.
  • Develop fluent reading skills.
  • Cultivate love for loved ones.

Planned results


  • get acquainted with the plot and content of the fairy tale; learn to identify the features of fairy tales; classify fairy tales (everyday, magical, about animals), distinguish fairy tales from each other; navigate in the text; read the text expressively, convey correctly with the help of intonation the character, feelings and mood of the heroes of the fairy tale; compare the heroes of fairy tales, their appearance, actions; quickly view the text with the installation to perform a specific task;


  • cognitive: highlight features fairy tale, give a description of the hero of a fairy tale; find the necessary information in the book; are guided in educational and fiction; reproduce the conclusions on the fairy tale made in the previous lesson;
  • regulatory: they strive to organize their work (in cooperation with the teacher or independently) to draw up a lesson plan (determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, planning actions to complete the tasks of the lesson, evaluating the actions performed), evaluate the results of their work;
  • communicative: choose for themselves the appropriate role when reading (or staging) a fairy tale and explain their choice to their comrades; understand dialogue as a type of speech - they are able to understand questions, answer them


  • comprehend the moral concepts and values ​​accepted in society; acquire aesthetic values ​​and ethical feelings based on the experience of listening to and memorizing works of oral folk art, as well as their own composition of folklore works; show interest, responsiveness to the cultural heritage of other peoples

This lesson was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FGOS IEO). At the lesson, a set of universal learning activities (UUD) is formed, technologies are used that contribute to the formation and development of students' ability to learn, learn creatively and independently.

The lesson is built on the technology of developing critical thinking. It can be divided into 3 main stages. The stage of challenge, comprehension, reflection.

In stage call existing knowledge and ideas about the topic being studied are updated from memory, personal interest is formed, goals are determined. The children found the letters and learned the topic of the lesson, with the help of key words they set tasks. At this point, we have used the technique of critical thinking. The children got involved in activities.

In the comprehension stage, children come into contact with new information. At this stage, the children listened to the audio recording in order to track the process of learning and understanding the text. The children were asked to come up with their own questions. It helps children to read more attentively, turns reading into an exciting journey.

In the stage of comprehension, the direct work of the child with the text is directed and meaningful.

The children responded to subtle questions(questions that require a “yes”, “no” answer), to thick questions (questions that require a full answer), and also worked on the text.

The work went on the development of critical thinking through clarifying questions, with the help of which the children came to a conclusion. When analyzing the work, work was carried out on semantic reading.

In the process of working on the development of critical thinking, the ability to work in pairs is developed. Work in pairs took place in the preparation of proverbs.

The reflection was carried out using the techniques of developing critical thinking through syncwine, this requires the student to briefly tell the most important thing on the topic of the lesson.

The work went on the development of critical thinking through questions - interpretations. These questions teach children to understand the reasons for certain actions.

Throughout the lesson, the children developed not only critical thinking, but also the development of communicative, personal, cognitive, regulatory UUD.

Technological map of the lesson

Lesson stages Stage task Scheduled time Teacher activity Student activities
I. Organizing time Motivation for the lesson. 30 sec Video . (Click on the word “Let the new day bring only good things)

May your mood be wonderful
teaching is easy and charming.

Show readiness for the lesson.

Welcome teachers

II. Speech warm-up Development of the articulatory apparatus 3 min On the board speech warm-up

On the edge of the hut
The old chatterboxes live.
Every old woman has a basket.
There is a cat in every basket.
Cats in baskets
Sew boots for old ladies.

- Read what is written on the blackboard.

What sound is repeated in the tongue twister?

Read in unison.

Read slowly.

Read offended.

Read fun

Read quickly.

Why did you do this work?

Why did you do this work?


The sound [sh] is repeated

Children read everything together.

One student reads

One student reads

One student reads

One student reads

To speak beautifully, expressively, correctly.

III. Setting the goal of the lesson 5 minutes Listen to the song and say what our lesson will be about.

Audio “A fairy tale walks around the world” by V. Tolkunov (Click on the sun).

Our lesson will be about fairy tales.
Guys, in one fabulous country, the Evil Wizard bewitched good tales. Almost all fairy tales have disappeared, scattered around the world. The titles of the stories have been erased. There are pictures left. Can you help me to disenchant fairy tales, to remember what they are called.

What good fellows you are! Fairy tales shattered.

- Fairy tales are called folk wisdom. They were made by the people. The stories were passed from mouth to mouth. The author of the folk tale cannot be determined. There is a scientific interpretation of the word story. Choose the correct one from the options I have provided.

Swan geese,
Fox and Hare,
By magic,
The wolf and the seven Young goats,
Princess Frog
Story- this is...

Science fiction work;

A work about fictional events, more often with the participation of magical powers, in which good always triumphs over evil.

Find the most important thing in this definition.

Does good always triumph over evil?

Prove it.


There is a wonderful tale in our textbook that will help answer this question.

Provide answers.

Good always triumphs over evil

Read the title of the story on the board.


State the objectives of the lesson.

Let's meet...

We will develop...



Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

With the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

Conscious, expressive reading skills.

Your speech.

Your luggage with new tales

IV. Learning new material They follow the rules of relationships and cooperation, argue their answers using the information received and existing knowledge. 8 min 1. Primary reading of a fairy tale.

(Audio supplement to the textbook L.F. Klimanova Grade 3 (click on the picture “Alyonushka and the kid”)

Listen to the story, imagine the characters. Make up questions for the story.

2. Initial check of understanding.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Name the characters in the story and describe them. You can use the Glossary of Adjectives.

What helped us characterize the characters?

Why did we characterize the characters?

Who liked more? Why?

You have sheets of different colors on the tables.

Green - high level.

Yellow is medium.

We learned that all heroes are different.

A minute of independent work.

Make up your own questions about the story. Write down in a notebook.

What have we checked now?

Let's continue with the text.

What did you learn about Alyonushka and Ivanushka from the first lines of the fairy tale?

Have you listened carefully to the story?

Alyonushka and Ivanushka were brother and sister. Their parents died and they were left alone - alone.

Where did Alyonushka go and why did she take her brother with her?

Who did Ivanushka become? How did it happen?

Find these stocks and read.

Alyonushka went to work. Ivanushka had no one to leave home with.

He turned into a goat because he drank water from a goat's hoof.

Why do you think the boy did not listen to his older sister?

How Alyonushka reacted to her brother, who became a goat.

Is it good not to listen to the elders - and why do you think so?

It was really hot. Ivanushka was very thirsty.

Alyonushka loved him as before.

The elders must be listened to. They know better what can happen because they have more experience.

What did the merchant offer Alyonushka? Find these lines.

Did they get on well together?

Who prevented their happiness? How did it happen? Find these lines and read.

He proposed to marry him.

Yes, they lived well.

The witch interrupted them. She drowned Alyonushka, and she herself turned into her.

Who knew about her deceit?

Did the little kid become a boy again? How did it happen?

What did they do to the witch?

Little kid.

Yes. He threw himself over his head 3 times with joy.

She was tied to a horse's tail and let into an open field.

Why did I ask you questions? To better understand the story

Relationships of close people are the same in joy and in sorrow.

V. Physical education 1 minute Now we will rest and continue to work further. (click on the word "PHYSMINUTKA"). Perform movements to the music.

Children name fairy tales

VII. Work in pairs Learn to fully and accurately express their thoughts. Possess independent work skills 12 min Work in pairs.

Let's continue to work on the problematic issue. let's work in pairs.

You need to collect scattered proverbs.

What is a proverb?

A minute of independent work.

Do good to others - you yourself will be without trouble.

Doing evil, do not hope for good.

If you wish well, do well.

Good is not dashing - walks quietly.

For good, good and pay.

Perform the task on their own.

A short folk saying, which reflects folk wisdom, life experience.

Read the collected proverbs.

– What unites them?

What proverbs about kindness do you know?

So, back to the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”.

- Which of the collected proverbs can be attributed to our fairy tale.

Prove they fit.

Why were proverbs collected?

Wise sayings that teach life.
VIII. Lesson summary Accept and save the learning task. 2 min 30 sec What does this tale teach?

How should we live in order to live in goodness?

Let's return to the problematic issue.

Does good always triumph over evil.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case in life.

Who does it depend on?

Obey elders, love each other, do not leave in trouble.

Yes, and we proved this by the example of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”.

Now let's make a syncwine.

Choose the most important topic.

Complete the sentences.

I found out today...

I learned...

I was...

Give yourself an overall rating.

IX. Homework They learn to choose a task according to their abilities. 1 minute multilevel task.

1. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale.

2. Prepare an expressive reading of the fairy tale by roles.

3. Make a crossword for a fairy tale.

Write the assignment in a diary. They ask questions.
X. Reflection Possess introspection skills 1 minute Two trees "Black" and "Green".

Glue a leaf to one of the trees. Choose your tree.

Why do you think one tree is black?

Video application (click on the picture).

Carry out self-analysis of educational activities.


1. Disk “Info-lesson”

2. Internet resources



primary school

GBOU School No. 648

Moscow city

Literary reading lesson Grade 3 EMC "School of Russia"

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Fairy Tale Features:

- beginning;

- repetitions of words and situations;

- trial;

  • transformations (magic items, magic helpers);

- struggle between good and evil;

good conquers evil

- magic numbers;

- special folk vocabulary;

- happy ending.

Fairy tale composition


Main part


Put the parts of the story in the right order

Read expressively

Alyonushka, my sister!

swim out on the coast.

Bonfires burning high, boilers boiling iron,

Knives sharpening damask,

want me kill!

Selective reading

Find in the text and read how Alyonushka persuaded her brother not to drink from a puddle? - How did the witch drown Alyonushka? What did the kid goat call his sister? What did his sister say to him? - Read the passage where the witch asks the merchant to get rid of the goat? - Read how Alyonushka was saved.

  • What words characterize Alyonushka,
  • which ones are witches?

Connect with lines.











Replace the underlined words with modern ones: sobbed, girl, come out, in gold and silver, she thought

flooded Alyonushka, with tears, sat down under the stack, crying, and the little goat jumped next to her.

At that time, a merchant was driving by:

-About what, red girl, are you crying?

Alyonushka told him about her misfortune.

The merchant says to her:

- Go marry me. I will dress you up in gold-silver and the kid will live with us.

Alyonushka thought , thought and went to marry a merchant.

What proverbs are suitable for a fairy tale

  • Who does not listen to advice, there is nothing to help.
  • A good deed does not sink in water.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
  • Treasure friendship, do not rush to forget it.
  • The whole family is together and the soul is in place.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.

What helped the heroes pass all tests ?

Quiz based on the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

1 Why Alyonushka and her brother were left alone?

parents died


went to trade in the city

got sick

Why was the red girl crying?

she was bored

lost brother

brother turned into a goat

brother turned into a calf

How did the witch manage to deceive Alyonushka?

pretended to be sick

threatened to kill her brother


persuaded to go swimming

Why didn't anyone in the palace recognize the witch, not even the merchant himself?

she turned into Alyonushka

she bewitched the merchant and his servants

she became a servant

she became invisible

Why did the witch demand the death of the kid from the merchant?

the kid is tired of her

I was afraid that the kid would tell the merchant the truth

the kid reminded the merchant of his wife

the goat threatened her

How did the merchant find out the truth about what happened to Alyonushka?

the witch herself admitted that she had killed the merchant's wife

Alyonushka managed to save herself from the shackles of the river and told her husband everything

the servant told the merchant that the goat was going to say goodbye to his sister by the river

the merchant himself went to the river and found out the truth

How did the fairy tale end?

Alyonushka was saved, but Ivanushka remained a kid and lived with his sister and a merchant

Alyonushka was saved, and Ivanushka became a man and lived with his sister and the merchant

Alyonushka was saved, but she left her husband with her goat brother

Ivanushka was saved, but Alyonushka could not be saved from death

Continue the offer

  • - In class, I learned...
  • - Today I was able to...
  • - I would commend myself for……

Literature 1. Programs educational institutions. Primary classes(1-4) according to L.V. Zankov. M.: Education, 2012. 2. Sviridova V.Yu. Literary reading, textbook for grade 2. - Samara: Educational Literature Publishing House, Fedorov Publishing House, 2013. Internet resources

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Slide 7

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Slide 10

The presentation on the topic "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

Artist Cleopa Marina

slide 2

slide 3

Sister Alyonushka, I'm thirsty! - Wait, brother, we will reach the well. We walked and walked - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, the sweat comes out. There is a cow's hoof full of water. - Sister Alyonushka, I'll take a sip from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a calf! The brother obeyed and moved on. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a horse's hoof full of water.

slide 4

Sister Alyonushka, I'll get drunk from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a foal! Ivanushka sighed and went on again. They go, they go - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a goat's hoof full of water. Ivanushka says: - Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I'll get drunk from a hoof! - Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat! Ivanushka did not obey and got drunk from a goat's hoof. Got drunk and became a goat...

slide 5

Alyonushka calls her brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white kid runs after her. Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down on a stack - crying, and a little goat jumps next to her. At that time, a merchant was driving past: - What are you crying about, fair maiden? Alyonushka told him about her misfortune. The merchant says to her: “Marry me. I will dress you in gold and silver, and the kid will live with us.” Alyonushka thought and thought and married the merchant. They began to live and live, and the kid lives with them, eats and drinks with Alyonushka from one cup.

slide 6

Once the merchant was not at home. Out of nowhere, a witch comes: she stood under Alyonushkino's window and affectionately began to call her to swim in the river. The witch brought Alyonushka to the river. She rushed at her, tied a stone around Alyonushka's neck and threw her into the water. And she herself turned into Alyonushka, dressed up in her dress and came to her mansions. Nobody recognized the witch. The merchant returned - and he did not recognize.

Slide 7

One kid knew everything. He hung his head, does not drink, does not eat. In the morning and in the evening he walks along the bank near the water and calls: - Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore ... The witch found out about this and began to ask her husband - slaughter and slaughter the kid. The merchant felt sorry for the kid, he got used to him. And the witch pestered so much, begged so much - there was nothing to do, the merchant agreed. The witch ordered to build high fires, heat cast-iron boilers, sharpen damask knives. The little kid found out that he did not have long to live, and said to the named father: - Before death, let me go to the river, drink some water. - Well, go.

Slide 8

The kid ran to the river, stood on the shore and cried plaintively: “Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore. Bonfires are burning high, Cast-iron boilers are boiling, Damask knives are sharpening, They want to kill me! Alyonushka from the river answers him: “Ah, my brother Ivanushka! A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, Silk grass tangled legs, Yellow sands lay on the chest. And the witch is looking for a goat, cannot find it, and sends a servant: "Go, find a goat, bring him to me." The servant went to the river and saw: a little kid was running along the bank and plaintively calling: “Alyonushka, my sister! Swim out, swim out to the shore. Bonfires are burning high, Cast-iron boilers are boiling, Damask knives are sharpening, They want to kill me!

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.


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