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Every year on June 8, the country celebrates the Day social worker. This is a professional holiday for the workers of the system social protection population. Those who daily solve the problems of people who need help and support.

AT current year social service modern Russia turns 25 years old. Much has been done in the Vladimir region to create an optimal social system capable of promptly and flexibly solving assigned tasks while achieving high results of its activities.

Just-in-time delivery of all payments and benefits, high standards social service in stationary institutions and at home, the search for new forms of providing social services— have become habitual in working with the population of the Vladimir region.

Assistance is successfully provided to the elderly, families with children, citizens with disabilities in 77 social protection institutions, which employ more than 6,000 specialists.

The level of professionalism of social workers is constantly growing. Many representatives of our region became winners and prize-winners of all-Russian competitions.

Dear social workers! Your service brings together hundreds of educated, creative and enterprising professionals. Today, a social worker is not just a profession, it is, first of all, a moral choice and a state of mind of a person. There can be no place for callousness and indifference in this service. In your profession, it is still important to be able to understand each person and patiently listen, support, and help.

Dear friends! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let the work bring you not only satisfaction, but also the well-deserved respect of those to whom you give your warmth.

I wish you and your loved ones all the best.


Governor of the Vladimir Region

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - Social Worker's Day!

Your profession is one of the most humane and in demand in society. You have a high responsibility - to take care of those who are unable to cope with life's troubles on their own, who need moral and material support. First of all, this applies to the elderly, the disabled, children, large and low-income families.

People with a high sense of responsibility work in the social service, giving their energy, patience and spiritual strength to charity. And we must pay tribute - you are successfully coping with your tasks, sharing someone else's pain, taking care of the weak and needing support from the residents of the area.

On this festive day, we express our sincere gratitude to you for your attention and care, for your sensitivity and participation in the fate of people in need of state support. Good health, wisdom and patience, happiness and prosperity to you and your families!

Head of Administration

Kirzhachsky district Kirzhachsky district


Dear social workers!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

The social worker is one of the most difficult and demanded professions. It requires high qualifications, deep knowledge, a special temperament, devotion to the chosen path.

The social security system employs specialists who help everyone who needs support and attention. Large families, teenagers and children, veterans and pensioners, people with disabilities need your care. Some expect real deeds from you, others - simple human participation, good word empathy in difficult times.

Thank you for your hard work, selflessness and mercy. May your efforts be appreciated by fellow citizens. We wish you good health, happiness, well-being and success in your difficult but necessary work!

Chairman of the SND Chapter

urban settlement urban settlement

Kirzhach city Kirzhach city


Day of the social worker belongs to the category of annual holidays. It is usually celebrated on the eighth of June. The date is not from the weekend category, and therefore is not marked in red in production calendars. The professional holiday is becoming increasingly important in Russia every year, since the work of social workers has become more appreciated and noticed by many, including government officials.

history of the holiday

Social Worker's Day was established several years ago. In the number of professional Russian holidays, the date was officially introduced by the President of the Russian Federation. It happened on October 27, 2000. But it was proposed to celebrate the celebration at the beginning of summer. The date was chosen by the head of state himself. This is very succinctly and transparently indicated in the Decree he signed. The choice of such a day to celebrate the professional holiday of social workers is not accidental. The number is directly related to the history of the activities of such people in Russia.

The fact is that almost 300 years ago, on June 8, the first Russian emperor issued a decree that spoke about the arrangement of almshouses for the elderly, the sick, and the poor. Peter I the Great established that according to the regulations for 10 weak people there should be one healthy person. He is simply obliged to help the sick and infirm, providing them with all kinds of moral and physical support.

Today, on this day, it is proposed to honor the activities of social workers. Employees of nursing homes, various shelters, social services, rehabilitation centers, psychologists, medical staff, and lawyers call it their professional holiday. The date has become significant for researchers, students, teachers educational institutions whose profile is the social sphere.

Social Worker's Day is a professional holiday for employees who provide social assistance. Among them are workers of rehabilitation centers, shelters, nursing homes, social security, as well as doctors, psychologists, lawyers. Their acquaintances, friends, relatives, close people also take part in the events. The holiday is considered by teachers, students of educational institutions, researchers, whose profile is the social sphere.

In Russia in 2019, Social Worker's Day is celebrated on June 8 and takes place at the official level 19 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the creation of almshouses (the prototype of modern institutions providing social assistance) 06/08/1701.

On this day, solemn events are held in professional circles. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, diplomas.

history of the holiday

The history of honoring social workers began with the issuance of a corresponding decree by the president in 2000. The document prescribed on June 8 to hold events dedicated to specialists in the provision of social assistance.

The date has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to creating a prototype of modern institutions that provide assistance to those in need. In 1701, Peter the Great ordered the formation of almshouses (charitable institutions for the sick and incapable of working people). In these institutions, the sick, the elderly were cared for, and the poor were given shelter and food.

Holiday traditions

Social Worker Day 2019 is marked by celebrations in the professional circle. Colleagues gather at the festive tables. They exchange news, share plans, discuss prospects. Congratulations, wishes of health and success sound, toasts end with the clink of glasses. The first persons of the Russian Federation make speeches and statements. They mention the achievements and difficulties of the industry and its importance for the development of society.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to social workers, tell stories about their lives and working days. The best employees are awarded with medals, diplomas, valuable gifts, diplomas for outstanding achievements.

Russia is not the only country where such holidays have been established. International Day of the Social Worker is a worldwide event. It has become international and is celebrated on March 20.

Task for the day

Think about the importance of helping people in need. Think of a good deed you could do for families in need. Help raise money for sick people on charity websites. Review your wardrobe, clothes and toys of your children. Select unnecessary things and take them to an orphanage or shelter.

  • In 1951, the United Nations passed a resolution that made social work professional activity.
  • According to statistics, 70% of social workers are women.
  • There is an international association of schools in the world social work. It includes representatives from more than six dozen countries. The association holds conferences and publishes manuals for social workers.
  • In the world ranking of philanthropy, Australia is the most generous country. It is followed by Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, USA. Russia in this rating was on the 127th place.
  • In 1930, the scientist Albert Einstein went to the United States. During the trip, he charged for autographs: a simple autograph cost one dollar, and a painting on a commemorative item cost $5. He spent the money he received on charity.
  • In the United States, children are beginning to be taught to help those in need from kindergarten and lower grades schools. They collect clothes and toys, which they donate to poor families. Schools organize paid concerts and performances, and the money raised from ticket sales is transferred to charitable foundations.


“Today is a professional holiday for the owners of the noblest profession - social workers who help and support people in our society! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, and wish you more justice, which is now lacking in our world, determination in complicated situations, peace of mind and hope for a better future!”

“Today social workers celebrate their professional holiday. These are people of the kindest soul, in whom mercy and kindness come first. I congratulate all the workers and wish them great patience, endurance and willpower. May only meet on your way good people. May people always need your help. I wish you good health, great happiness and great pure love.”

“Dear social workers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Your work gives people hope for a happy and prosperous life. We wish you patience in your difficult task. Get the given heat in double size!


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers will serve as a wonderful way to express gratitude to an employee on a professional holiday for his work and patience. Such a gift will give joy and bring a smile to your face.

Gift Certificate. A gift certificate to a store of household goods, appliances, professional cosmetics or equipment for outdoor activities will allow you to independently choose a present that you will like.

Photo collage. A photo collage of photos of beloved wards will be a touching and unexpected surprise that will not leave the social worker indifferent and will remind you of the best moments of work in the future.

Sweets. A set of chocolates, gingerbread cookies, cakes will be an excellent gift option for a sweet tooth.


I love - I don't love
The competition can be held both at the table and on playground. Participants are asked to name the part of the body that he likes in his neighbor on the right, and the part of the body that he does not like in this person. After everyone has announced their choice, each participant must kiss the part of the body that he likes and bite the one he does not like.

Slow motion
Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards on which some action will be written: pour tea into a cup, put on socks, insert the key into the ignition, chop an onion, change a light bulb, etc. Participants in the competition take turns taking out cards and must demonstrate the action they have come across in slow motion. Guests of the holiday must guess what the contestant is showing.

Most valuable
Participants of the competition are given a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. Everyone should draw the most valuable thing they have in life. After that, the participants should present the drawing to the audience and explain their choice. The winner is the one whose drawing and story will be the most original.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in providing assistance to various segments of the population. Their efforts and efforts overcome the difficulties in the lives of many people who have physical limitations, serious illnesses, live below the poverty line.

The path to a profession begins with obtaining an education in a specialized higher or specialized secondary educational institution. It covers basic and specialized subjects. Students take courses of theoretical and practical classes. Graduates receive a specialty and can start working in a relevant public institution or conduct research activities.

The range of tasks of social workers is diverse. This may be the provision of legal, psychological, medical care, care and educational mission.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, on the first Sunday of November, the Day of Social Worker is celebrated.

In Kazakhstan, on the last Sunday of October, the Day of Social Security Workers is celebrated.

In Latvia this holiday falls on the second Tuesday of November.

On the third Sunday of June, Medical Worker's Day takes place.


    We heartily congratulate you!
    You are a social worker, you are a hero!
    We are eternally grateful
    For your work is very difficult.

    We wish you more happiness
    Love, luck and warmth.
    May God protect from bad weather
    And will give you a lot of good.

    Your profession is one of the noblest in the world.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart, both the elderly and the children.
    And so I with a sense of pride and admiration
    Happy Social Worker's Day, I send you congratulations.
    I wish you all the best and earthly blessings,
    So that life is perceived in bright and colorful colors.

What date is Social Worker Day in 2020, 2021, 2022

2020 2021 2022
8 June MonJune 8 Tue8 June Wed

Unprotected segments of the population need additional attention, which can be provided by a person by vocation - a social worker. That is why the wards are interested in the question of what date the Social Worker's Day is celebrated. In Russia, workers in this area are officially congratulated on June 8. This day is not a public holiday, but is massively celebrated in all parts of the country, which emphasizes its importance and relevance in modern society.

Who is a social worker?

On Social Worker's Day local authorities municipalities celebrate the best employees. But who is a social worker? This is the person who serves the vulnerable segments of the population. These may be the elderly, the disabled, low-income or large families, orphans. It is on the Day of the Social Worker that the importance and necessity of such an area of ​​employment is noted.

A social worker is the person who can help his ward not only with a deed, but also with a pleasant word of support. Therefore, often people become social workers not by coercion, but by vocation. Very often these are people who have previously volunteered. It is also important here that a person's purposefulness, psycho-stability, respect and sociability, since each ward will have to find his own approach, and sometimes it is very difficult.


Events on the day of a social worker in recent years have become mass-produced in order to show the importance of this profession and the demand in the labor market. There are many vacancies for qualified social workers, since the demand for this profession is low.

In order to start working in this area, it is not necessary to graduate from a university, you can take special courses or have a secondary specialized education. A feature of the profession is that every year a specialist is assigned a certain category that affects the level wages. So, after three years of work in this area, an employee can receive a 10% increase in salary, and after five - 30%.

But the distinguishing feature of this category is the lack of career development, which deters young professionals from going to work in this area.

Pros and cons of the profession

Social Worker's Day is another opportunity to remind modern society of the importance and necessity of such employment. Like any profession, it has its pros and cons.

Some of the benefits of social work include:

  • being in demand regardless of the time, economic growth or decline in the country, since the unprotected segments of the population have always been and will always be in any state;
  • versatility (often a social worker is not only a personal assistant who can, if necessary, buy bread, help clean the apartment and pay for services, but also a huge psychological, and sometimes legal assistance).

Despite the demand, this profession has its drawbacks:

  • (despite the fact that a social worker has certain responsibilities, very often the problems of a person or family must be approached individually, so a social worker is always a bit of a psychologist);
  • low pay (despite being in demand and necessary, this area of ​​employment is not considered prestigious, therefore, low-paid);
  • human qualities and the ability to empathize (this is what the employee needs, but these should be his innate qualities, since this cannot be learned, often because of empathy and sympathy, the employee transfers the difficulties of his ward to his personal life).

So far, in Russia, there are much more disadvantages of employment in the social sphere than advantages, despite the importance and significance of the profession. Another shortcoming or imperfection of this system can be considered inadequate training of competent specialists, since scientific research This area in Russia has been taken up quite recently.

The history of the celebration of the Day of the Social Protection Worker

The Day of Social Workers is one of the youngest holidays in the territory Russian Federation. It has been officially celebrated for only 17 years, since 2000. On June 8, all social workers celebrate their professional day. Often official events are held on this day at the level of districts and districts.

The history of the development of the profession dates back to the Petrine era. The decree on the creation of special institutions for the elderly, the poor, and the sick was signed by Peter I back in 1701. Then such almshouses were opened on the territory of churches, and real doctors worked in shelters. Officially, the profession of a social worker appeared in Russia at the end of the 20th century.

Now the Social Worker's Day is a special holiday for those who are themselves called wards by those employed in this area. On this day, they can express their gratitude to their helpers and saviors and thank them for their work.

Event format

Events that are held in honor of social workers are more official than entertaining. On this day, in each district or district, as a rule, small gifts and flowers are solemnly presented to the most the best workers this area of ​​activity.

Scenario of the Social Worker's Day is a cultural event held in districts of the same format. Often children and children are invited to such holidays. creative teams.

Social work in different countries

Back in 1951, the United Nations adopted a resolution that recognized social work as a professional activity. Workers in this area were required to receive special specialized education or take courses. In many countries there are special training programs at universities for obtaining the profession of a social worker, while 70% of students and employed in this area are representatives of the weak half of humanity.

Social Worker Day celebrates the importance of this profession. Thus, in many countries, those employed in this area undergo mandatory refresher courses, which is not the case in Russia. Public funds are allocated for these advanced training courses, according to statistics, about 75% of employees continue to study after receiving a profession, remotely or periodically attending courses. After passing special training, each employee employed in the social sphere passes special tests to determine the level of knowledge he has acquired.

There is also the International Association of Schools of Social Work, which includes representatives from more than sixty countries. International conferences are held, a reference book is published, which acts as a work guide for each social worker.


Social Worker's Day is not a tribute to fashion, it is another opportunity to remind everyone how important the work that is done by such employees is.

In such a person as a social worker, not only professional skills should be successfully combined, but also such human qualities as endurance, patience and compassion. After all, these people cooperate and help precisely the unprotected segments of the population: poor or large families, elderly people who cannot serve themselves. Their assistance includes not only assistance in daily matters and payment for some services and food, but also legal and psychological advice.

Happy social worker day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You have a lot of good and patience,
I want responsive people.

Let life go well
And happiness is in full swing.
Caring for family and friends
Let it flow like a stream!

The June storm is thundering.
Gloomy rain beats the tap dance.
And he goes, and he hurries
To the one who is waiting for him,
Who with the blackness of emptiness
For a long time I could merge imperceptibly,
But the gilding of kindness
Cares with radiant light
Painted and heated
All loneliness features.

Wet. Prodrog. But on the threshold
Steps with a smile habitually,
Not just doing duty, -
The soul is full of indifference!
She has compassion as the key.
Pours its waters endlessly.
And gratitude this day
For work, attention, humanity
We'll send the social worker
Wishing you good health.

On this day we congratulate
Great people.
May health be strong
Your life will be brighter.

Social congratulations to workers
On this holiday from the heart!
Your business is very important.
Many people need you.

We congratulate you today
Those whose work is more expensive than others,
Those who help people
And he can't feel sorry for himself.

We wish you good health
And good luck and good
Our social worker
Happiness, peace and warmth!

We congratulate social workers,
We wish you health, happiness, smiles.
May your work bear fruit
Bow to you today our to the ground.
We wish you patience, strength and kindness,
May you all have the best life.

June 8th in the seventeenth century
Tsar Peter issues this decree:
He created a social security system
And thus protected the lower class.

Over the years, the decree has lost its force,
And everyone lived on their own.
But Brezhnev built such a system,
That we are all equal.

But perestroika divided into classes
The people who worked and lived.
Where did the rich people come from?
And who is more honest - that wilted.

And again the problem is relevant:
The people need protection!
And who will protect? And who will lend a shoulder?
The whole native country is in tears.

Same date in the twenty-first century
And Putin issued his decree:
Protect the people! And there are millions of them.
We need to raise the lower class!

Patriots joined the ranks of social protection -
Here is help in the people's destiny!
Who can hear him, calm him down,
Who does not think about himself.

And on the Day of Social Protection, we will unanimously congratulate
All those who stand for the people:
He will wipe away a tear, even stroke his back,
Anyone will come to the rescue.

Our Russia is rich in reserves,
The country is rich in people.
Doesn't appreciate the government
Human strength, that is given to the Fatherland.

And to raise the standard of living for the people,
Fields to plow now
Build farms, build factories -
The lower class itself will also disappear.

All social workers
Today we send congratulations.
Opens doors hospitably
Thanks to our people
Because you are kind to people
And give warmth to your soul.
May your hard work be respected.
We wish you luck in life!

Who will help the weak people?
Protect them and save them.
Many bitter difficult fates
Who will take it into your heart?

Social worker only.
He's on the lookout for things like this.
So that in making decisions
He was confident and brave!

Congratulations - the holidays are here.
Happiness to you all and love.
And good luck, different successes
And patience in the chest.

YES, social problems
Pretty hard to get around.
But it's good that in that system
You meet on the way
To all those who need
Support, help from people.
You are irreplaceable for such
Because the world is kinder.
But the salary has shrunk
More precisely, there is none at all -
On a voluntary basis
Everyone has to work.
We want you to be heard
Who is sitting at the top in the Duma
And the salary was raised
Who will protect all the weak.

The social worker seeks
Bring kindness to every home
So that hope can be kept
For large and small families.

So that the homeless, and the poor, and the weak
The cruel world could not offend.
They think forever about the main thing,
And do not count their ways and roads.

social worker today
We celebrate your glorious day.
Warmth to you, happiness, health
And success always and everywhere.

May your worries return
Labor will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.
And let them reign in your family
Understanding, order and harmony.


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