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Seamstress is a profession in the clothing industry. Possible locations seamstress work: sewing factories, ateliers, salons, fabric departments in stores, educational institutions, private practice.

Functional and job responsibilities of a seamstress

A seamstress is engaged in tailoring a finished product made of fabric, leather, other materials, controlling the entire sewing process, and the quality of work performed. Basic working tools: needle, pins, scissors, sewing machine, iron. A seamstress can act as a cutter.

Seamstress Qualifications

The seamstress is required to have a medium vocational education, good sewing skills, the ability to work with drawings, knowledge of the varieties of fabrics, their properties, processing methods. A seamstress must have manual dexterity, a good eye, artistic taste, spatial imagination, be versed in fashion, new seasons, possess such qualities as attentiveness, accuracy, perseverance, stress resistance, goodwill.

Seamstress career and salary

Level wages seamstresses largely depends on the place of work and the level of professionalism. Seamstress with high level professionalism, can be engaged in the manufacture of exclusive models under the guidance of a well-known fashion designer or designer.

The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand. This specialtiescan sew not only clothes, but also shoes,leather goodsaccessories, car covers and other things. Dresses, coats, trousers,bags, fur coats, sheepskin coats - all these are the products of the work of seamstresses.

The history of the profession goes far back centuries. The need for sewing services appeared when a person first came up with the idea to protect his body with clothes - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters got food, and with it - the skins of animals; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, headdresses, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed before the time when well-known fabrics appeared (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) along with new technologies for sewing such clothes that would be on the shoulder of a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first garment factory appear, and it was then that the profession of a seamstress became in demand.

In the twenties of the XIX century. on the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags, who wandered from city to city. He lived by showing the public an amazing object - a sewing machine, invented by himself. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! V. Timonier organized a sewing workshop, where 80 machines worked. But his workshop did not last long. Fearing competition, the Parisian tailors attacked and smashed the atelier-workshop at night, throwing all the machines out into the street. Only one survived. V. Timonier used a needle with two points and a hole in the middle. The design of the machine was still imperfect, and yet it gave impetus to the fact that several inventors immediately began to improve it.

In 1814, a needle appeared with an eye not at the blunt end, but at the point. The most successful model of a machine for such a reversing needle was created by the American inventor E. Howe. In 1845 he received a patent for a shuttle sewing machine. He invented a two-thread seam. But the needle of E. Howe's typewriter moved horizontally, while the fabric moved vertically and could only move in a straight line.

I. Singer, an American manufacturer and mechanic, did the opposite: he placed the needle vertically and the fabric horizontally. She was pressed when sewing by a small but strong foot. I. Singer's machine was a success, and its fame spread all over the world. At the end of the XIX century. The Singer company produced 600,000 sewing machines a year. Even now, some respectable old women still have the old Singers, which they got as a dowry from their grandmothers.

In 1872, the first model of an electric sewing machine was offered to consumers. It was invented by the Russian electrical engineer V. N. Chikolev. The car was driven by a small electric motor, which was powered by a battery. In the West, it was introduced into production immediately, and in our country it began to be produced in the 50s of the XX century.

Professiogram of a seamstress

Job titles: Seamstress / Sewing equipment operator

Related professions: Embroiderer, cutter, tailor, technologist-designer

Spheres professional activity: about service, production

Occupation classification

Type of profession by subject of work: a seamstress in her work uses a variety of manual and mechanical means of labor, so the profession can be attributed to the type of "Man - Technique".

Occupation type by purpose: transformative.

Type of profession by means of labor: use of manual machines.

Type of profession according to working conditions: work indoors in "room" conditions.

Profession class: performing (algorithmic); By the nature of work, the profession of a seamstress involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to the model, with strict observance of the rules, regulations, and instructions.

Description of the profession

Seamstress- a specialist who creates textile products of various types using automatic or semi-automatic universal and special machines.

To the main duties of a seamstress relate:

  • performance of work on filling and adjusting the sewing machine, taking into account the peculiarities of performing various operations;
  • management of universal and special sewing equipment;
  • care, cleaning and lubrication of machines, if necessary - troubleshooting in their work;
  • execution of operations for tailoring clothes from various materials;
  • final finishing of finished products, cleaning and wet-heat treatment with an iron.

Requirements to individual characteristics specialist

The seamstress must have such personal qualities, as patience, a tendency to perform monotonous and monotonous actions, steady attention, perseverance, accuracy.

K professionally important qualities seamstresses include: excellent vision and accurate volumetric eye; good coordination, dexterity and dexterity of hands; high tactile sensitivity of fingers; visual-figurative memory; physical endurance; the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance.

Medical contraindications

The seamstress profession is not recommended persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with dysfunction of the hands, varicose veins, myopia high degree, mental disorders, chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system; allergic reactions to dust, products of animal and vegetable origin, polymeric materials.

Professional training requirements

The seamstress must know: technology of sewing production, assortment of sewing products and properties of materials; methods and techniques for performing operations for tailoring clothes from various materials; design features serviced cars.

The seamstress must be able: perform on machines or manually operations of varying degrees of complexity for tailoring products, taking into account the range of products; take into account the properties of the materials used in the performance of the relevant work; use equipment, tools and devices when performing sewing operations; to identify and eliminate minor problems in the operation of serviced machines. She must be able to select the numbers of needles and threads, adjust the thread tension, the height of the presser foot and the magnitude of its pressure, the length of the stitch; adjust the speed of the machine when performing various types of seams; prepare the cut for work, check its quality; perform various stitches, connect the details of products with the help of seams.

Application area

Seamstresses / operators of sewing equipment are employed at light industry enterprises in the clothing, knitwear, fur, felting, textile and haberdashery industries.

Seamstresses are in demand in ateliers and salons, fabric departments in stores, etc.

Working conditions

A seamstress can work independently or in a team.

A seamstress can perform the entire cycle of sewing work (a seamstress-tailor in an individual form of employment and when working in an atelier) or one operation (a seamstress-minder in production).

Seamstresses work in special production facilities (workshops, halls) of sewing enterprises. The seamstress can work individually at home.

Workplace seamstresses- this is the place of direct sewing operations. It should be organized in such a way as to ensure maximum comfort and safety for the work of a specialist. The workplace may include an industrial table with equipment installed on it, additional tools, fixtures and organizational equipment, a chair, a semi-finished product storage area before and after the operation. The workplace should be well lit.

Seamstress's special clothes: a dressing gown that protects clothes from dust, a headdress, armlets, etc.

Professional risks

For specialists on clothing industry there is a risk of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, since a number of technological processes associated with the formation of harmful fumes and dust.

working posture- sitting position. Prolonged stay in this position can lead to diseases accompanied by pain in the back and neck.

Cutterers often suffer from diseases of the joints of the hands. The load on vision in the process of work is very high, especially if we take into account the fact that the time for performing technological operations is limited.

seamstress profession

Who doesn't want to look beautiful, fashionable and elegant? This problem can be solved by a professional seamstress. It is to them, the “mistress of needles”, that we owe our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, strict blouses and ... this list can be endless. The colorful and rich world in which the seamstress lives and rules is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By bringing together all these elements, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable or, on the contrary, extravagant outfit. As soon as she sits down at the sewing machine, beautiful and practical things appear, without which it is impossible to imagine our life.

The need for sewing services appeared even when a person first came up with the idea to protect his body with some kind of clothing - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was their own seamstress, but over time, new fabrics, new technologies appear, and, of course, more serious requirements are imposed on clothing, its tailoring, which only an experienced master can satisfy. The first garment factory appears in the 19th century - that's when the profession of a seamstress becomes in demand.…

The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand, there are jobs for them in factories and small private firms, in ateliers and for individual tailoring. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather accessories, car covers and many other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, fur coats and sheepskin coats - all this is the work of seamstresses.

Straight lines, pattern matching, knowledge of the intricacies of sewing technology and the ability to independently eliminate elementary malfunctions of a sewing machine are the main requirements for seamstresses. To this we can safely add accuracy and patience, as well as the willingness to quickly switch from one operation to another.

The ability to sew for yourself or your family any thing you like is the advantage of the seamstress profession. And the most vulnerable place of skilled seamstresses is the eyes and back, so they need to be given rest, and also not to forget to perform simple physical and relaxing exercises.

To master the art of sewing, you can use one of several options: amateur courses will allow you to make clothes for yourself and your loved ones at home, various school-based training facilities and vocational technical schools open the doors of sewing factories or ateliers. Another option is practical training directly at a sewing enterprise, where you can gradually grow from a “student” into a “master”. The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by her rank, from 1 to 5.

Attachment 1


Seamstress - a sewing worker (an obsolete word is a dressmaker).

Tailor(obsolete) - a master, a specialist in sewing clothes.

Atelier - tailoring workshop.

fashion designer- a person who invents new styles of clothing.

Model- a person who shows samples of new clothes.

a brief description of professions

The 21st century is fast-paced, but who doesn't want to look beautiful, fashionable and elegant? This problem can be solved by a professional seamstress. It is to them, the ladies of needles, threads and sewing machines, that we owe our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, strict blouses. The colorful and rich world in which the seamstress lives is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By bringing these elements together, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable everyday outfit or, on the contrary, an elegant, festive one. But even for the most daring extravagant ladies, she will sew models to their liking. She has only to sit down at the sewing machine, and beautiful and practical things appear.

The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand, there are jobs for them in factories and small private firms, in ateliers and in individual labor activities at home for sewing bed linen, kitchen utensils and various types of clothing. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather accessories, car covers and other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, sheepskin coats - all these are the products of the work of seamstresses.

Straight lines, pattern matching, knowledge of the intricacies of sewing technology and the ability to independently eliminate elementary malfunctions of a sewing machine - these are the main requirements for seamstresses.

The ability to sew for yourself and the whole family exactly what is most acceptable and liked by all family members, not to walk in standard clothes, but to carry individuality in yourself - this is the advantage of the seamstress profession. And the biggest disadvantage is the loss of vision and back pain. Therefore, it is necessary to give rest to the eyes and back, and also to perform simple physical and relaxing exercises during working hours.

By enrolling in vocational schools or practical training at a sewing company, you can grow from a “student” to a “master”. The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by her rank, from first to fifth.

Historical background: how the seamstress profession appeared

The history of the profession of a seamstress goes far back into the depths of centuries, and the need for sewing services appeared already when the idea of ​​protecting one's body with clothes first came to a person - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters got food, and with it - the skins of animals; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, headdresses, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed before the time when well-known fabrics appeared (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) along with new technologies for sewing such clothes that would be on the shoulder of a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first garment factory appear, and it was then that the profession of a seamstress became in demand.

sewing needle

Gold is a respectable metal, but it is not the most suitable for a needle. Over time, bronze and iron needles began to be made. But only with the invention of strong steel in the XIV century. people received a solid, strong, comfortable needle. And at first, the eyelet in this steel needle was not drilled - they simply bent the tip of the needle and threaded the thread into this bend. The first steel needles were not yet the shining, slender beauties they are now. They improved and became prettier gradually.


Do you know what gift in the old days was the most desired and expensive for the bride? Large, heavy iron. The presented iron meant that the bride was considered a needlewoman and an excellent hostess. He was kept as a family heirloom, he passed from mother to daughter.

The iron is no more than 500 years old. The first predecessor of the iron was a frying pan! Hot coals were poured into it, and, holding the handle, they stroked it.

Another device for ironing, which was used by many in Russia, is a rubel with a roller. Rubel - a corrugated board with a handle at the end. Bed linen was wound on a roller, and a rubel was rolled over it.

The first written mention of the iron was found in the book of records of Tsaritsa Evdokia, the wife of Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. The entry was made in 1636: “On January 31, the blacksmith Ivashka Trofimov got 5 altyn, and for that money he made an iron iron in the Tsaritsyn chamber.”

Casters also cast small irons for ironing lace, collars, and handkerchiefs. In the XVIII century. irons were mainly cast at the Demidov plant. An iron was considered an expensive and solid thing: it cost a ruble - a lot of money then. The most popular of all irons is the wind iron. He burned with coal. The lid was folded over to load coal, and there were holes on the sides - “portholes”.

Rice. 3. Irons

At the end of the 19th century, when chemists were discovering new substances, inventors replaced coal with alcohol, gas, and kerosene. Gas turned out to be the most suitable fuel, and gas irons appeared. They were a small factory: they had a barrel of liquid fuel, a blower.

A real revolution in the state of irons was made by an electric iron. The spiral that heats the sole of the iron is its entire design. The first electric irons did not have a humidifier. At the end of the last century, two residents of Germany received a patent for an iron, to the nose of which a glass of water was attached on a small platform. There was a hole in the bottom of the glass, which was closed by a cork with a long handle. You press the handle with your finger - and the cork opens to release some of the water onto the fabric. It was the first iron with a humidifier.

And yet the most modern and best design of the humidifier appeared in the sixties. The steam simply escaped through the holes in the soleplate of the iron.

Sewing machine

In the twenties of the XIX century. on the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags who wandered from city to city. He lived by showing the public an amazing item - a sewing machine, invented by himself. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! V. Timonier organized a sewing workshop, where 80 machines worked. But his workshop did not last long. Fearing competition, the Parisian tailors attacked and smashed the atelier-workshop at night, throwing all the machines out into the street. Only one survived. V. Timonier used a needle with two points and a hole in the middle. The design of the machine was still quite imperfect, and yet it gave impetus to the fact that several inventors immediately began to improve it.

In 1814, a needle appeared with an eye not at the blunt end, but at the tip. As it turned out later, it was the right decision. The most successful model of a machine for such a reversing needle was created by the American inventor E. Howe. In 1845 he received a patent for a shuttle sewing machine. He invented a two-thread seam. But the needle of E. Howe's typewriter moved horizontally, while the fabric moved vertically and could only move in a straight line.

I. Singer is an American manufacturer and mechanic. He did the opposite: he placed the needle vertically and the fabric horizontally. She was pressed when sewing by a small but strong foot. I. Singer's machine was a success, and its fame spread all over the world. At the end of the XIX century. The Singer company produced 600,000 sewing machines a year. Even now, some respectable old women still have the old Singers, which they got as a dowry from their grandmothers.

Today, sewing machines, thanks to devices - attachments, knife switches - can not only sew, but also embroider, overcast buttonholes, hem edges, sew on buttons.

In 1872, the first model of an electric sewing machine was offered to consumers. It was invented by a Russian electrical engineer. The machine was powered by a small electric motor that was powered by a storage battery. In the West, it was introduced into production immediately, and in our country it began to be produced in the 50s of the XX century.

Brief history of the costume

The concepts of "clothing" and "suit" are largely similar, but there are differences. Clothes include different kinds products: underwear, dress, shoes, hats, stockings, etc. A suit is a single ensemble of garments, important role in which accessories (gloves, bags, belts, jewelry, etc.), hair, cosmetics are allotted.

We are accustomed to the words "fashionable", "unfashionable". What is fashion? In some cases, this means clothing, in others - lifestyle, in choosing a car, etc. “There is no person outside of fashion,” emphasizes Russian fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev. “He is either old-fashioned, or modern, or ahead of the times, that is, ultra-fashionable.”

Fashion is a stylish suit, and the style of a suit is determined by its silhouette. According to their design, costumes of all eras are divided into three types.

The oldest costume draped, that is, consisting of a piece of fabric wrapped around the body, fastened directly on the figure: all types of raincoats, aprons, Greek chiton, etc. Over time, a more complex costume appeared - overhead worn over the head (as if superimposed on the furnace): dress, shirt, caftan, sundress.

Costume hinged, having a front cut from top to bottom - a contemporary of the overhead suit. Swing clothes include: dressing gowns, vests, jackets, coats, jackets, dresses, sweaters, frock coats, etc.

Emphasizing or hiding certain parts of the body, clothes bring the silhouette closer to the generally accepted ideal. Today, numbers are the world standard for women: these are the results in centimeters of successively measured bust, waist and hips. Clothing, as it were, corrects nature and “stylizes” the appearance, visually changing the proportions.

The most conservative concept in fashion is the concept of “decency in dress”. For a long time the scale of the feeling of shame (at least in Europe) was determined by the size and shape of the neckline on the chest. One of the first decolletes appeared in the women's costume of Ancient Crete, and was so bold that the rest of the bodice almost failed to cover the chest. In Ancient Hellas, necklines were stricter and more varied. The ladies of the Middle Ages, following the Burgundian fashion, flaunted dresses with a neckline that exposed not only the chest, but also a fair amount of the back. This element of cut was not forgotten in the Renaissance.

Only Spanish fashion primly forbade a frivolous neckline. True, the Baroque era returned large cutouts to the women's costume, over time (rococo style) expanding the boundaries of what was permitted. The revolution in fashion, which changed the concept of decorum in clothing, occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. with the advent of a suit that no longer hides women's legs.

Rice.6 . clothing

How did the hats come about?

The hat takes its name from the Old English word, which means "to cover": it gives us an idea why people began to use hats.

At first man wore cap to protect your head from rain and snow as well as sunlight. In the northern countries, hats were made of leather and skins, in the southern countries they were made of reed and straw.

Later came up with helmet. People of different tribes wore it for different reasons. Some tribes wore a helmet to intimidate the enemy. Over time, each nation developed its own style of headwear for decoration and various ceremonies.

Fez- a red brimless felt headdress was common in Western Asia. Turban with different decorations invented by the Arabs. Crowns denoted the title of the kings and queens who wore them.

It was only five or six centuries ago that people began to seriously engage in the manufacture of headdresses. At first they were made from sheep's wool, later they began to use beaver wool to make felt hats. Over time, hats began to be worn and simple people, a hats with wide fields have become the privilege of gentlemen. Religious and political figures had unusual hats. The Puritans, followers of Oliver Cromwell, wore "witch hats" with a pyramidal crown!

Many hats are named after the people who first invented and wore them - for example, bolivar, or places where people wore them - Homburg. But a simple panama invented in Panama 300 years ago.

Rice. 7. Types of hats

School sewing workshop

School sewing workshop - a class equipped for sewing fabric products. In the sewing workshop, under the guidance of a teacher, students learn how to make useful things for themselves and their families.

Rules of conduct in the workshop:

Ø do not be late for the beginning of classes;

Ø before starting work, put on overalls - an apron and a scarf (takes);

Ø use the tools assigned to each student;

Ø Follow the rules of safe work with stabbing and cutting tools.

Workshop cleaning rules:

Ø put the tools in place;

Ø fold the needlework and put it in the designated place;

Ø collect threads, scraps of fabric and paper from the table and from the floor;

Ø remove special clothing and put away in the designated place.

Attendant Duties:

Ø sweep the floor;

Ø wipe the board;

Ø wipe dust from tables, window sills, sewing machines;

Ø wash the floor;

o Ventilate the room.

Tools and fixtures for sewing work:



Tape measure






Needle and thread



Rice. 8. Sewing supplies

What a beginner seamstress needs to know

Pattern -

template for marking and cutting fabric

Rice. 9. Pattern

Dart -

small tapering fold

built from the inside to sew clothes on the figure

Rice.10 . tuck


drawing tool for drawing curved lines


figure in the form of a human body,

Necessary when sewing or finishing clothes

Rice. 11.LekaloRice. 12. Mannequin

Excerpts from literary works about tailors and sewing

... She had to iron her sisters' dresses, starch their skirts, plait collars and frills.

“And I will put on the most modest dress, but I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers and a diamond belt, which no noble lady has.

They sent for the most skilful milliner to make double-frilled caps for them, and bought the flies from the best craftswoman in the city ...

C. Perrault. "Cinderella"

... For her birthday, her grandmother sewed a red cap. Since then, the girl went everywhere in a new, elegant red cap ...

C. Perrault. "Red Riding Hood"

... He went home, asked his mother for a needle, thread and a piece of green cloth. He cut out a patch the size of a cucumber from the fabric and sewed it to his pants.

The matter was not easy. In addition, Bobka was in a hurry and pricked his fingers with a needle.

- What are you up to? Oh you're nasty! - Bobka said to the needle and tried to grab it by the very tip so as not to prick ...

N. Nosov. "Patch"

And Nina asked quietly:

Is it bad to be a dressmaker?

Who sews pants for the guys?

Well, not a pilot, of course.

S. Mikhalkov. "What do you have?"

S. Marshak. "That's how absent-minded"

Stories and poems about tailoring

How Mitya was sewn a frock coat

Father wanted to sew a cloth coat for Mitya. The tailor came and took Mitya's measurements. Returning home, the tailor unrolled a piece of cloth and drew on it with chalk parts of the coat: back, chest, skirts, sleeves, collar, lapels and cuffs.

Rice. one3 . frock coat

frock coat

kind of long

single breasted or

double-breasted jacket, usually fitted





Rice. one4 . patterns

Then he took large scissors, cut out all these parts and gave them to the workshop, where the workers sat on the benches and sewed. Workers began to sew one part of the coat to another and smooth the seams with an iron. A week later, everything was sewn, the loops were overcast, the buttons were sewn on, the lining was lined. Then the worker cleaned the coat and took it to the owner, and the owner took it to Mitya. The coat was just right. Mitin's father paid the tailor for the material, for the stock, and for the work; and said to his son:

- Wear it in good health, but take care! The coat is not cheap.

K. Ushinsky


Proverbs and sayings


In a woolen meadow

Dancing thin-legged.

From under a steel shoe

The stitch comes out.

(Sewing machine)

Through the linen country, along the river Sheet

The ship is sailing, then back, then forward,

And behind him such a smooth surface -

Not a wrinkle to be seen.


I am the little sister of the needle,

me too with long neck thin,

I'm only slightly different

Instead of an ear, a head.


Look, we've opened our mouths

You can put paper in it:

Paper in our mouth

Will be divided into parts.


He covers everyone in the world,

What he sews, he does not wear.


On one finger

Bucket upside down.


One goes in, three goes out.

(Shirt, sweater)

I am small,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me.

(Needle and thread)

I walked along the road, found two roads,

Went to both.


Tongue Twisters

Say a word


Rice. 15. Puzzles

Questions for self-examination

1. What things does a seamstress make?

2. What does a fashion designer do? What knowledge should he have?

3. What tools does the seamstress use?

4. What is the meaning of the proverb “Measure seven times - cut once”?

5. Why you need a mannequin in a sewing workshop


1. Alyonkina O. A. Classroom hours for vocational guidance of schoolchildren: textbook.-method. allowance / ; ed. ; foreword. – M.: Planeta, 2011. – 242 p. - (Educational work).

2. Alyonkina, O. A. Active forms of work at the circle "Fun Dough", contributing to the education of aesthetic taste in schoolchildren with disabilities [Text] // Psychology and Pedagogy: Methods and Problems of Practical Application: Sat. scientific Materials XV Int. scientific-practical conf.: / [and others]; ed. . - Novosibirsk: NSTU, 2010.

3. Zakharov, N. N. Professional orientation of schoolchildren / . – M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

4. My profession is my future: Sat. articles / resp. ed. , . - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. state ped. un-t, 2009. - 60 p.

5. Sakharov, V. F. Professional orientation of schoolchildren [Text] /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

6. Starobina, E. M. Professional training persons with mental retardation: Method. allowance. - M.: Publishing House of NC ENAS, 2003. - 120 p.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Research work Topic: "Professional vocabulary - a step into the specialty" The work was performed by a student of the H-25 group: Malova E. Supervisor: Kulygina M.A. GBPOU "Lyskovsky Agrotechnical College"

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The needle is in a hurry, rustling, The head is bowed, Lace is spinning on the blue silk, Frills are bristling, The shuttlecock is agitated, And the nimble white bow Sits on the pocket... Not knowing is tantamount to not developing, not moving. Seneca Hypothesis: understanding of professional vocabulary, its use in oral and written speech is an indicator of the level of proficiency in the native language and professional competencies.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The purpose of the work: to show the meaning of professional words and the frequency of their use in speech; formation professional competence, activation of cognitive activity of students by profession; compiling an explanatory dictionary of tailors. The object of the study is the professional vocabulary of tailors. The subject of the study is the lexical meaning, origin, use, classification, methods of application and methods of using professional vocabulary.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Professionalisms are used as colloquial substitutes for terms in the speech of persons related by profession, limited to a special topic. Often professionalisms have a local, local character. There is a point of view according to which professionalism is a synonym for the concept of "term". Skillful use of professional vocabulary in oral and written speech is a sign of a high speech culture of a specialist, professionalism. Special vocabulary Terms are the legalized names of any special concepts. Professionalisms are words and expressions characteristic of the speech of any professional group.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

baste a buttonhole punch a roll measuring tape centimeter duplicate the detail cutting out the details glue cut cut sew remove from the needle seamstress sewer braid Professionalisms and terms

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Professionalisms are formed: in a suffix way - nouns with the meaning of a person according to the type of activity, profession with the help of suffixes -shchik-, -shits-, -ist- - nouns with the meaning of a person on the basis that determine his attitude to the subject, occupation with the morpheme -nick- - nouns with the meaning of subjective assessment, accompanied by the expression of endearment, playfulness, irony, give the suffixes -ets-, -k-, -ishk-, -zh-, -ih-. (tailor) by the way of adding the basics (costumer, seamstress) by narrowing the semantic meaning of commonly used words (punch) by means of their figurative use (rulik) by reducing phrases and words (centimeter) there is a predominance of verbal nouns (podrubshchitsa, shitnitsa) Stitch - sew on a sewing machine . From scribbling, the word line, scribbled (suffixal method), embroidered (addition of bases) was formed.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Professional terminology from the lexical aspect TAILOR (derived from the Old Russian port - a cut or a piece of fabric, clothes; obsolete Swiss, seamstress) - a craft profession for making clothes from textile fabrics of the 14th century. TAILOR (modern meaning master, specialist in tailoring). The word goes back to the Old Russian "ports" - clothes. A certain Chernorian “working with his own hands, acquired few estates, because he was a Swiss tailor” ... “Pechersky Paterik”, p. 41. Novgorod. years., p. 503. “And all about Sweden. If the Swedish man distorts his retinue, not knowing how to sew, or with anger, yes, beat him, but he is deprived of the price. "The Law of Judgment by People"

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Dictionary of Russian surnames Pontryagin - patronymic from a tailor - "tailor", Portnoy, Portnov, Portnyagin, Portnyakov, Tailor, Portnovsky adjective) skill. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Poshekhonskaya old times" "He himself gave instructions to his tailor (noun) how to sew." N. Goncharov "Ordinary History" According to Ushakov's Dictionary Tailor, tailor (outdated). The same as the tailor's "And he did not drop himself and did not betray the tailor's art either." Gogol DICTIONARIES DATA

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Delimitation of the lexical meanings of the words tailor and seamstress seamstress (other Russian. shveya derived (suf. -ѣi) from sew. tailor (other Russian. * prtny shvts) Synonyms for the word tailor have the meaning of the result of the action: costumer, tailor, tailor , a seamstress, a coat, a trouser, a jacket, a vest, a face worker.Synonyms for the word seamstress denote the activity itself: a seamstress, a seamstress, a looper, a seamstress, a seamstress, a seamstress, a seamstress, a seamstress, a stitcher, a sewer, a milliner, a dressmaker, a linen worker, a seamstress, a dressmaker

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borrowed vocabulary native Russian vocabulary common Slavic proper Russian Old Russian thread, thimble, pattern Polish language Kant Turkish language braid French dummy German The word needle appeared in the 11th century from the common Slavic yoke “yoke” and –la “a thin stick that fastens the yoke on the side of the animal’s neck”, and since the 15th century the word hairpin, which comes from the German spille “needle”, has been included in the vocabulary. From the noun needle, several terms were formed: needle holder (addition of the bases) - a device for fixing the needle, needle case - (suffixal) - storage case sewing needles. ORIGIN of professional words

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Terminological meaning of commonly used words: DRAP - heavy dense woolen fabric made of fluffy yarn (special); - run away, run away Stitch - action on the verb to quilt (special) - a place stitched with a seam or seams. (special) - the same as the path Back - a detail of clothing (special); - part of the chair Turn over - sheathe, border with a piping (special); - trim timber, board, stone, etc., forming a piping; - turn blanks, parts, products during processing or cargo during movement; - to feast, to feast. A line is an action from the verb to scribble (special)) - a continuous seam along the surface of the sewn pieces of fabric (special) - the same as a line. (Poetic line) Cutter - a tool with a blade for cutting something (special) - a front tooth of a flat shape. Bike - soft, loose cotton fabric with pile (special), - stories. Lightning accessories, usually used in belt products (special) - a natural phenomenon. Shelf - item of clothing (special) - stand for books Sleeve - item of clothing (special); - fire hose Relief - constructive line (special) - mountain bend Atlas fabric name (special) - collection of maps on geography. Coquette - girl - fashionista - now the upper, finishing, cutting part of the product (special)

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Dictionary-reference book on the profession "Tailor" Terminology of hand-sewing works Sewing is a combination of two parts of different sizes. Terminology for machine sewing Terminology for wet-heat work Sewing is the attachment of trim or accessories to the main part using permanent stitches. It can be sewing on buttons, hooks. Bed - the base on which the parts of the sewing machine are mounted. Pressing is a wet-heat treatment of a product on a press.

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A good tailor sews with a margin. Seven times measure cut once. A long thread is a lazy seamstress. Where the needle goes, there goes the thread. There are no thieves against tailor masters A tailor will steal a penny, but he will make a flaw for a ruble. The tailor takes for the style. The style is more expensive than the butt. At the tailor and the elbow on the fly. Not a carpenter without an axe, not a tailor without a needle. Cut do not sew: after you do not rip. Not a carpenter without an axe, not a tailor without a needle. Like a needle dressed. The literal meaning of the turnover, which came from the professional vocabulary of tailors: "just sewn, taken from the tailor's board" Sew on a zhivulka. Zhivulka (a dialect word) is a “living thread” that is easy to pull out Proverbs of the Russian people. . Professionalisms in popular expressions Phraseologisms of professional origin Place a miller, a tailor and a weaver in one bag and shake. The first one to fall out is the thief. One hundred tailors, one hundred millers, and one hundred weavers make up three hundred thieves. English proverbs.

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The use of professional terms in speech by representatives of different age categories The skillful use of professional vocabulary in speech is a sign of a high speech culture of a specialist, professionalism. To study this linguistic phenomenon, a survey and a selective survey of students in the profession of "tailor", masters of industrial training, and atelier specialists were conducted. A total of 126 respondents were interviewed. In the course of this study, it was supposed to find out the reasons that prompt people to resort to the use of professional vocabulary in speech. 84 people out of 126 use it in their speech. Atelier specialists often use professional words in oral speech, and students in writing. 36 people use professional terminology in order to improve their professionalism, 42 - to show professional literacy, 22 students - to remember the terms. All respondents consider it necessary to use special vocabulary in speech, but this must be done correctly so that it exactly matches the content of the statement, its goals, and the nature of the text. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the meaning of terms, take into account their stylistic features, grammatical properties, and know the origin.

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This is interesting. A bad customer will not lead to a good one. To learn how to sew loops, sew a hundred loops. One hundred and one will be good. You can not sweep with black thread. You can not repair clothes before going out in it. You will sew good luck. You can not wear a thing on the day you finish it. This is for trouble. You can not leave the mannequin "naked". This is for poverty. Do not overcast your products with any kind of thread. This leads to "disorder in life" and failures in work. Only threads to match! Never steal the remnants of fabric from customers and do not ask. This is for need. You can take it if they give it themselves, without your asking. Don't cut the threads with your teeth. To scandals with customers. Folk omens: Parallel seams intersect. Proven by Vietnamese tailors! Joke

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Sewing without fitting is an art The longest muscle in the human body is called the "tailor". If the gyrus of the brain would have names, then the longest gyrus would also be called the "tailor's gyrus". After all, mankind has been plowing space for a long time, descended to the bottom of the ocean, drilled long wells, but still has not learned how to sew without trying on. Sewing without trying on did not become a technology, but remained at the level of art, it is almost never transmitted in the form of knowledge. There are fewer tailors who can sew without trying on than hereditary clairvoyants who correct congenital defects of fate. There are fewer such tailors than astronauts, and at the same time their names are not well known.

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Secrets of the true profession of a tailor The work of a tailor has always provided an opportunity for communication and influence, sometimes the most direct (the image of the Armored Duke from that same Munchausen). All of this could mean that, like free masons, there is an even more closed community of free tailors who run the world. Maybe it's not without reason that presidents order a new jacket and trousers before important meetings, secret agents are sewn before and after the assignment. But by the shape of the lapels and additions, without even asking, you can determine where the agent is going and what he will have under his jacket. This is like a reminder from Vysotsky: “And she will put a tola under a corset, you check what gender your neighbor is.” Which was reflected in the film “From Paris with Love”, where the terrorist needed minimal sewing skills to almost blow up the US ambassador, but she did not succeed and she was opened, including because she sewed badly.

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A POEM ABOUT A TAILOR Once upon a time there lived a skilled tailor, He knew his job perfectly: He chose fabrics for us - Cotton, chintz and satin. And then he took measurements, made a pattern, fitting, swept the fabric with white thread, sewed everything on a typewriter. And for the holiday, the guys always had a new outfit. Author: S.A. Vasilyeva Thank you for your attention! Don't neglect anything that can make you great. Stendhal


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