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How to organize a sewing business - a detailed business plan for production, we determine the profitability of opening + 7 sections of the business plan + 4 potential risks.

Opening expenses: from 610,000 rubles.
Payback period: 12-18 months.

Before thinking about how to open a sewing factory, you need to understand that without the necessary knowledge in this area there is nothing to do.

The fact is that many experienced tailors are moving from working at home to opening a private workshop, and competition is increasing significantly every year.

Small ateliers should not be taken into account as competitors, since they do not sew on such a scale, but only on order.

When opening a sewing business, it is worth choosing a specific direction in which to work, something relevant.

If the area of ​​work performed is dispersed, then the quality of the manufactured products may decrease.

In order for the business to be relevant enough, you can work in the following areas:

  • sewing children's clothes (children's clothes always cost more than adults, and you have to buy them much more often, as children grow up quickly);
  • tailoring products from fur and leather (can be sold much more expensive than cost);
  • tailoring of suits for marriage ceremonies;
  • tailoring of outerwear (coats, raincoats, jackets);
  • sports paraphernalia (tailoring of nominal sports suits, tailoring of team uniforms).

Detailed sewing business plan

First of all, you need to draw up a smart business plan for clothing production in order not to miss important points organization and outline the sequence of actions.

For example, if you order from another city, you will only have to pay for shipping.

But if from another country, then also the import tax.

Required employees

The main means of activity of this production are employees.

In order to sew high-quality products, you need experience and knowledge, and even better, a diploma on obtaining this specialty.

In order to save money, you can hire several employees with more experience and appoint them as seniors.

Others may be less experienced but learn as they go.

This should not affect the quality of the product in any way.

To motivate employees to more productive work, and seamstresses of the first category, so that they contribute to the training of less experienced, in addition to the rate, you can pay a percentage of the profit (if the plan for the month is fulfilled).

Calculation of personnel costs:

How to find clients in the clothing business?

As mentioned above, without advertising, many customers in the clothing business cannot be found.

However, nothing says as good about a company as a job well done.

Therefore, quality must always be monitored.

It is necessary to engage in the search for clients long before work begins.

The sooner orders start, the before business will pay off and begin to make a profit.

This is done before hiring people, purchasing equipment and renting premises.

Start with small shipments, and as the demand scales your business and conquer new markets to sell products.

Monitor the quality of the produced goods, provide better conditions than competitors.

This will help to earn a name in the market, thereby firmly gaining a foothold in the clothing industry.

Sales of products

Another important fact is the sale of products, after all. the greater the supply of goods, the greater the profit.

Nowadays, more and more people go shopping on the Internet.

Using this, you need to make your own website or sell products using .

If the business is only growing, and there is no boutique yet, then you can open a point in the market.

It is also possible to agree on the supply of goods to stores, thereby expanding the range of outlets for the sale of products.

The store, in turn, will make a profit from the price of the product.

Calculation of advertising costs

General calculation of the cost of opening a clothing business

Profitability of opening a sewing production

The payback period for the sewing business will be at least a year or a year and a half.

Because it takes time for a business to grow.

Time to set up wholesale distribution, speed of production, perhaps even expand its scale.

With all this, the business has a good, even high profitability, which is equal to 60% (of course, subject to the prosperity of the business).

It is also worth considering the scale of production: a small workshop will pay off faster, but a larger enterprise will bring more profit.

A young woman entrepreneur shares her experience of opening and running a clothing business in a video:

Possible Risks When Starting a Sewing Business

In any business, there are a number of factors that can make it unprofitable, and maybe even unprofitable.

  • A long payback period can lead to a shortage of funds.
  • Lack of customers will lead to work at a loss.
  • Lack of skilled workers in the market.
  • The cost of materials, when ordering foreign ones, will fluctuate along with the currency.

To sewing business brought a decent income and quickly paid off, all possible risks should be ruled out beforehand.

Or, at least, prepare to minimize negative consequences.

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The desire of women housewives to become independent motivates them to look for additional income.

He will be successful if he discovers in himself talents or abilities to engage in some kind of manual work. If you turn needlework into a small home business, you can really get the desired independence.

How much can you earn on handmade?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. The range of possibilities is quite wide. The amount of earnings depends on the chosen type of handmade. The amount of work and the amount of time spent are also important.

An equally significant factor influencing the result is advertising company, the ability to disseminate information about your small business to a wide audience.

At a minimum, you can earn from 7-10 thousand rubles. However, this is not the limit. In order not to work blindly, it is desirable to compose exemplary business plan. For example, a woman is content with limited time opportunities. Most likely, she will be happy with even a minimal additional income.

If the plans are far-reaching, and there is enough time for this, you need to start the calculation, starting from the desired amount. For example, a housewife who knows how to knit, plans to earn 15 thousand rubles. It is necessary to build a earnings scheme in this way:

  • Decide on the types of knitted items for sale or on order.
  • Specify the cost of yarn.
  • Take into account the consumption of threads per unit of the finished product.
  • Take into account the amount of time required to knit one thing.

for one thing, the average consumption of yarn is 500 g;

at a cost of 100 g for 200 rubles: 200 x 5 \u003d 1000 rubles (plus accessories 200 rubles);

the price of finished products - from 4000 rubles.

At a cost of 1200 rubles, the profit is 2800 rubles.

To earn 15 thousand rubles. per month, you must knit at least 5 sweaters. With a high level of skill, it is quite possible to produce such a quantity. One thing can be knitted in 4-5 days, and in about 21 days of work you can get the planned amount.

If you improve the quality and take more expensive materials, you can increase the price of the product. Thus, the loads will be more acceptable, and the income will be the same. For example, by knitting only 3 sweaters per month, you can get the desired 15 thousand rubles, while spending not 21, but only 12-15 days.

In this case, you can make a choice for yourself: leave your small business at the level of the original goal or still increase the workload and raise income.

Which type of needlework to choose depends on the abilities of the one who wants to make money on it. There are a great many activities, among which the most profitable can be distinguished.

Knitting to order and sale

Knitted things never go out of fashion, this fact speaks in favor of this type of needlework. If a knitter is "experienced", she probably has a circle of acquaintances who know about her abilities. As soon as she starts knitting for money, it will be easy for her to get her first customers.

The initial moment is very important here: the better, the more original the first order is, the more effective the work to attract customers will go. We can say that the manufactured thing will work like advertising.

You can knit one type of clothing or several:

  • Children's clothing: suits, booties, Knitted hats, overalls, dresses, blouses, sundresses.
  • Caps and scarves for adults.
  • Dresses.
  • Cardigans, jackets and sweaters.
  • Gloves, shirt-fronts, socks, handbags and other accessories.

You can become universal knitter or specialize in one type of knitting, and taking into account the direction of women's or men's clothing.

To sell knitted items by hand, it is enough to have 3-5 clients per month, and you can get a good additional income. After all handmade valued more than machine. Having received a high-quality order, the happy owner of a beautiful thing will definitely tell his relatives, friends and neighbors about it.

Thus, the number of likely customers may increase first in arithmetic and then exponentially. This means that you can get good money for your work.

You can also do knitting on a machine, but so that the thing does not look like stamping, it can be supplemented with hand embroidery (satin stitch, cross stitch), appliqué, decorate with ribbons or in other ways that will give it individuality.

Sewing home business

Sewing at home on individual orders has always been a popular business. Previously, people turned to home craftswomen, because it was almost impossible to buy a fashion item in a retail chain. Now, with the advent of a huge variety of clothes, I want to choose the perfect option, so that it is both fashionable and not very expensive.

Now is the time to sew, because you can buy fabric of any texture, color and cost. Dozens of new types of fabric appeared.

Fashionistas who cannot afford to buy a dress that has sunk into the soul, because it costs fabulous money, can use the services of local craftswomen. To succeed in this type of needlework, you need to know all the subtleties: how to get a slanting inlay, cut out intricate details to decorate the finished product, and many other tricks.

Professional seamstresses or even self-taught, but well-versed in sewing, able to recreate the style of the outfit depicted in a magazine or on a TV screen, will not lack clients.

Women who have non-standard forms, too full, tall or short, face serious difficulties in finding the right size and style. It is this category that will always come to an individual seamstress and help her get additional income. , sitting at home.

Sewing needlework involves not only tailoring. These can be of the following types:

  • Tailoring of soft toys.
  • Bed linen.
  • Curtain and tulle.
  • Quilting blankets.
  • Leather sewing.

When choosing to earn money for sewing, you will have to provide for the cost of purchasing materials for finishing sewn products. After all, in addition to fabrics, sewing machine, a set of needles, scissors, overlock, accessories are needed.

Sewing dolls

This type of handmade provides not just tailoring of individual dolls, you can create entire collections. Depending on the craftsmanship and artistic intent, such products may be among the most sought after.

There are hundreds of examples when a needlewoman, having shown maximum imagination and creativity, turned, it seemed, an ordinary toy into a branded product. These include Tilda dolls, dolls in national costumes made of kapron, porcelain angel dolls.

Adults are more fond of collectible dolls, and for children you can design educational toys, dolls with a set of clothes and accessories, a doll family (dad, mother and daughter or son).

By the way, such goods can be sold by prior agreement in the toy store. The result of home needlework will not keep you waiting, so you can prepare for a good income.

Decoupage: universal decoration

This type of needlework is not widely known, but it appeared in the distant medieval era. In those days, wooden decoupage was used: various pictures were cut out, varnished and decorated with furniture.

This type of needlework is divided into several types:

  • Straight.
  • Back.
  • Volume.
  • Smoky.
  • Decopatch.

The basic principle of the decoupage technique is to stick cut out elements, composing patterns, ornaments, pictures from them. After that, the surface is varnished.

This type of manual work can become a source of income. Created by the hand of a home master, unique in their beauty and originality, samples can be a wonderful memorable gift. By the way, the client can order a specific drawing or image related to the person to whom the present is intended. The master will be faced with the task of doing exactly what the customer wants.

Items decorated with decoupage can be put up for sale as exclusive souvenirs. Thus, you can win your circle of customers, and build a small business on this. The author of decoupage will get double pleasure: from performing interesting work and receiving remuneration for this - payment for the completed order.

Felting (felting)

This handicraft method is becoming more and more popular. It is interesting in that you can create a variety of items: certain types clothes (hats, scarves), toys, interior items, decorating items.

Customers are attracted to this kind of things because they are natural, because they can only be made from wool.

Learning how to felt with your own hands is not difficult, but first of all, you need necessary tools and materials:

  • Special needles.
  • Felting solution or liquid soap.
  • Merino wool.
  • Sintepon.
  • Cotton wool or other material as a filler.

Crafted items must be completed at a high professional level to amaze customers with its uniqueness. Then success in earning money will be ensured.


One of the traditional types of needlework that has come since ancient times and has not lost its popularity and attractiveness is embroidery. There are many varieties, some of them are:

  • Cross stitch.
  • Satin stitch.
  • Stalk.
  • chain.
  • Ribbons.
  • Beaded.

For some girls, this activity develops into an exciting hobby with which they do not part all their lives. Thus, there is an improvement of skill to the level of professionalism.

Such craftswomen can quite engage in earning income on embroidery, which turns ordinary thing into an amazing work of art. You can specialize not only in embroidering shirts, blouses, dresses, you can choose one or more directions:

  • Tablecloth embroidery.
  • Napkins.
  • Pillows.
  • Towels.
  • Bed linen.
  • Knitted things.
  • Volumetric embroidery (decoration of souvenirs with embroidery).
  • Embroidery pictures.

For embroidery, you can use a variety of threads and materials:

  • Muline.
  • Acrylic.
  • Gold or silver threads.
  • Beaded.
  • Ribbons.

In order to make sure that it is possible to earn income on this type of needlework, just look at the prices for embroidered products on the Internet. Paintings made based on the works of famous artists cost fabulous money, calculated thousand rubles and even dollars.


Interesting and unusual view handmade, you need to master a special way of twisting paper, as a result you get details from which you can create beautiful little things. Craftswomen make jewelry of stunning beauty:

  • Panel.
  • Paintings.
  • Snowflakes.
  • Flowers and flower arrangements.
  • Postcards.

To work, you will need the following set of devices:

  1. Colored paper cut into strips.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Sample.
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. Tweezers.
  6. A device for twisting paper strips.

Needlewomen with experience in this business create masterpieces of souvenirs that can be successfully put up for sale.

Cold porcelain

The creation of porcelain figurines and various handicrafts is an interesting activity, pleasant for the soul and profitable at the same time. Modeling from cold porcelain can really be used to earn quite decent money. The work is fascinating, but it requires a lot of time, physical and creative energy.

If you have the ability and skills in this direction, you can create unique interior and decor items that will be in high demand.

The starting material is inexpensive, but the cost of labor is high enough that incredibly high lifts are possible here: at a cost of 2000 thousand rubles. can be obtained from 10 thousand rubles.

Creation of designer beaded jewelry

Jewelry that does not lose its popularity continues to interest the female half of humanity. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look and doing, for example, weaving jewelry items from beads:

  • Bracelets.
  • Necklace.
  • pendant.
  • Earrings.
  • Clips.
  • Diadem.
  • Hair clip.
  • Obodkov.

For such small business investments of about 10 thousand rubles will be required. At a price per unit of work 300-1500 rubles. (depending on labor costs) and an average daily sale of 6-8 pieces of jewelry, income can average about 4000 thousand rubles.

Vine weaving

It is enough to take special courses or a master class from a good professional and get to work. Items made by weaving from a vine have always found their buyers.

You should start with simpler items:

  • Baskets.
  • Khlebnits.
  • Planters.
  • Decorative items (souvenirs in the form of woven bast shoes, panels, amulets).
  • Hats.

After the circle of consumers is conquered and income stabilizes, you can continue to develop. To do this, learn and create wicker furniture. This is a more serious form of income. Such products attract with their naturalness and beauty.

iris folding

All kinds of souvenirs, accessories, decorative interior items can be created from ribbons. Such art has no limits in the choice of a wide variety of compositions. These can be paintings, decoration of wedding dresses, curtains and other interior elements or clothing decorations.


Such needlework is mistakenly considered too expensive. Starting from scratch, you can use improvised materials that you can always find at home. You just have to purchase a simple photo album or notebook and create a masterpiece based on it.

Scrapbooking is an artistic design, giving individual originality to various objects:

  • Photo albums.
  • Notepads.
  • personal diaries.
  • invitation cards.
  • Gift packaging (from a regular box).
  • Pictures.
  • Envelopes for money.
  • Books.

Such things can be made to order, but in order to increase your income, you can offer them for sale in the distribution network.

soap making

This is a highly profitable business. They should be addressed to those who are looking for ways to make good money at home. The lesson requires preparation, but it is not difficult to master the technique, the main thing is to have a desire.

This type of income will be successful if you cook not ordinary bars of soap, but make author's works of art out of it. The calculation for the profitability of soap making is based on the fact that this niche is not sufficiently filled, which means a high demand.

Starting with the first steps and small volumes, gradually this type home production can grow into a small factory and generate higher incomes.

Homemade cosmetics

Cosmetics are always needed by everyone, without it it is impossible to imagine any woman. In the cosmetics market, hundreds of companies create the highest competition for each other, but the prices remain quite high. Yes, and the quality of industrial cosmetics can be argued.

Some craftsmen tried to make cosmetics by hand and they did a very good job. Now they are doing this with success not only for themselves, but also under the order. The main positive point is the use of only natural raw materials.

If you start a small cosmetic business, you can make these types of natural cosmetics:

  • Oils.
  • Creams.
  • Face and hair masks.
  • Lotions.
  • Scrubs.
  • Rinsers.

Decorative candles

Paraffin or wax is a convenient tool in the hands of the master. From an ordinary candle you can make unique souvenirs. To create a unique sample are used natural materials and any auxiliary small items:

  • Groats.
  • Pasta.
  • Nuts.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Acorns.
  • Beads.
  • Beads.
  • Foil.
  • artificial stones.
  • Shells.
  • Decorative braid.

Dyes are also used to make a candle of any color. The result is an interesting result, for example, candles for a romantic evening, New Year's, for children's holiday, For birthday. By adding fragrances, you can create a real miracle that emits enchanting smells.

Leather Products

To make money on this type of sewing, you need to be a professional. Working with leather is one of the most difficult jobs, but the demand for leather clothing and accessories never subsides.

In addition to sewing clothes, you should learn how to make bags, belts, jewelry. Then you don’t have to worry about earnings, it will always be high enough. For example, a set of clothes with accessories will always find its buyer, who wants to look "not like everyone else."

Reasons for the high demand for handicrafts

Against the backdrop of an abundance of various goods, it is easy to get confused, and it is difficult to find a thing that is suitable in size, taste and style. People are looking for the perfect option and go in search of a contractor for their individual order. As a result, they get a unique thing that you will not find even on the Internet.

So, we can highlight the main advantages of maidid and the reasons for its popularity:

  • High quality.
  • Artistic value.
  • Originality.
  • Exclusivity.
  • Affordable price.

Armed with the confidence that needlework is profitable, it's worth a try. To choose a more popular direction, you can view information on the Internet, look for reviews about different ways earning income from handmade.

In these short stories, the needlewoman will always express her sincere wishes and give a real assessment of this or that type of income. With the desire and dedication, a good result is always obtained.

How to make money on needlework on the Internet

Needlewomen who have mastered one or more types of craftsmanship can create their own exclusive items to order. But to increase the implementation, you can use several methods:

  • Through specialized platforms:, Fair of Masters, City of Talents.
  • Social networks, in particular, the creation of a profile page. You will need advertising, which should be placed on thematic sites with high-quality photographs.
  • Partnership with trading network. It is enough to agree with the management on the supply of your unique product in one or several stores. This should be a mutually beneficial deal, in which the supplier sets his own price, and the seller sells it at a certain percentage more expensive.

You can use all sorts of thematic forums where you can have useful dialogues with colleagues not only about sales problems, but also about the development of a particular type of handmade. exchange of experience and useful tips with like-minded people will contribute to improving skills and obtaining better results of creative work.

The demand for quality clothing will always be among people, despite the high competition and economic instability in the country. The niche of the clothing business has just begun to actively develop in our country, so there is no need to worry about the future profitability of this business. We present a detailed business plan for garment production, which will allow you to properly organize your business and calculate profitability and payback.

At the stage of forming a business plan, it is important to note all the risks and prospects of such production. If you correctly approach the implementation of the project, you can get a good stable income.

Clothing business: definition

This type of production belongs to the light industry. This creative direction can be directly related to making a profit by tailoring clothes and then selling them. The main thing in the sewing business is competent implementation and well-thought-out strategies.

In order not to be mistaken at the first stages of the sewing business, communicate with professionals and eminent craftsmen.

In the video you can find out the typical mistakes of beginners.

Video. Common Mistakes When Starting a Sewing Business

Pros and cons of sewing

The positive aspects of the business include:

  1. Fast and high business payback.
  2. High cost of the average check.
  3. Possibility of long-term storage of products in the warehouse.

For negatives:

  1. Expensive rent of premises, difficulties in finding the optimal location.
  2. Small demand for products of a specific nature.
  3. High level of competition in the sewing business.

Choice of current direction

In the clothing industry, there is a huge selection of different areas. You can stop at tailoring for children or only for adults, overalls, seasonal items. You can sew not only clothes, but also household items or accessories.

Any region is consistently famous for its high demand for children's clothing. If you manage to get a certificate for permission to sew children's products, you can get rich in a fairly short time.

It is very important to take into account the demand in a certain area for a product, for this you need to monitor the market. Careful analysis will be required for a reasonable ratio of income and expenses.

At first, you can specialize in several niches to find your own. However, it is important not to overdo it, the combination of a prom dress and hammocks for summer cottages looks rather ridiculous.

Production technology from A to Z

The whole stage of the sewing business consists of 5 points: design, construction, cutting, sewing and finishing. Let's dwell on each in a little more detail.

The first point - the designer or fashion designer is engaged in modeling. He draws up a sketch of the future product, determines the color scheme and suitable fabric.

The design is carried out by the designer, who must transfer the sketch of the fashion designer into the form of a drawing. He is engaged in calculations of details and material that will be needed when sewing. At the same time, he draws up patterns and the necessary technical documentation.

In the sewing shop, the first two steps are usually performed by the cutter. This is the person who combines the functions of a fashion designer and designer. The main stages - cutting, sewing and finishing are carried out in the sewing workshop by professionals in their field.

It is very important to establish a clear production technology. This will allow the most productive use of available equipment and labor.

Business plan: basic steps


When creating a garment production, it is necessary to register a business in local authorities self-government and pass the inspection of the Fire Supervision. You will also have to create an accounting department with the necessary documentary base and storage facilities. Production problems will be eradicated at the earliest stages through reporting, as information will be generated on the actual state of affairs.

If production involves transportation, it is necessary to resolve issues related to logistics at an early stage.

Production or a sewing workshop at the first stages is formalized as a legal entity. There are two forms of organizations: LLC and IP. Let's compare the package of documents for these types of organizations:

State duty amount800 rubles4000 rubles
Notarized statementform Р21001form 11001
Application for transition to a simplified taxation systemrequiredrequired
Creation Protocol legal entity indicating all foundersnot requiredrequired
Copies of passportsrequiredrequired
Articles of associationnot requiredrequired

A package of documents for any type of organization is usually considered within 5 days. If the tax service makes a positive decision, the entrepreneur is given an extract from the USRIP, OGRNIP or IP number, acts of confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service and Pension Fund and a certificate from Rosstat. The package of documents of an LLC differs only in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the charter of the organization.

After these events, it is necessary to make a seal of the organization, its cost starts from 500 rubles. In addition, it is important to open a bank account. All costs will amount to about two thousand rubles.

When opening a company with limited liability installed authorized capital, its minimum amount should be 10,000 rubles.

Room selection

Finding an area to accommodate a business that will meet all the requirements is an important step. At first, savings in rent will not hurt, it can be achieved by renting premises in remote areas of the city. The production room must be provided with heating, water supply and electricity.

The dimensions of the premises entirely depend on the planned production volumes. If it is planned to produce 200 pieces of clothing daily, then for comfortable and fruitful work, a room with a size of 140 square meters will be required.

The premises must necessarily comply with the requirements of the Fire Supervision; in addition to the alarm system, fire extinguishers and evacuation plans must be installed in the workshop.

Sewing employees

The workforce is an integral part of this area. In the initial stages, the business will need experienced employees who can ensure the success of the garment industry. It is worth remembering that in addition to seamstresses, such a production will need designers, order managers, accountants, a mechanic, a manager and auxiliary workers.

A little later, if resources allow, it is possible to train inexperienced specialists on the basis of production, who will then become permanent employees. The percentage of beginners and inexperienced employees in production should be no more than 40%.

The optimal number of employees for sewing workshop according to various sources, it ranges from 11 to 23 people. They can be grouped into different teams to provide shift work.

The most optimal method in the formation of wages is a fixed rate with an added percentage of revenue.

In addition, you can encourage employees with additional financial bonuses for achieving goals. In this way, employees can be motivated for large volumes of work and stimulate them to efficient production.

Equipment and consumables for work

For the organization and effective process of sewing production, you will need:

  • automatic programs for designing clothes;
  • cutting equipment;
  • sewing and embroidery machines;
  • irons, steam generators and ironing boards;
  • washing machines;
  • printers for printing on fabrics and other specialized equipment.

For sewing, you can buy inexpensive sewing machines from Korea or China, proven manufacturers are not inferior in quality to European suppliers. When choosing a loop semiautomatic device, it is better to opt for imported equipment, since domestic equipment from this area is not fully developed.

Sewing equipment does not have to be new. Many businessmen who are engaged in the sewing business purchase already used machines. This saves costs, but also carries certain risks. Old machines can quickly fail.

The total cost of equipment for a workshop with average production indicators will be about 200-300 thousand rubles. Specific figures depend on the type of production and its volume.

The purchase of consumables is an integral and constant item of expenditure for the garment industry. Therefore, it is important to find reliable suppliers of fabrics and accessories. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their reputation in advance in order to ensure business stability. The best solution would be direct cooperation without intermediaries. The purchase of an initial base of fabrics and accessories will cost about 60-100 thousand rubles.

Marketing plan

In any business, it is important to consider the nuances of marketing. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate the profitability and determine specific points of sale for the goods.

For promotion, it is important to conduct advertising campaigns on a regular basis. The base of regular customers should be created already at the first stages of the workshop. To do this, you need to sell products in all sorts of profitable outlets. It is important to remember about high quality manufactured products, otherwise there will be no influx of new customers.

Estimated costs and planned profit

Average cost per initial investment are:

  • Documentation and registration from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair if necessary from 20 thousand.
  • Equipment from 200 to 800 thousand.
  • Logistics and other expenses from 20 thousand.
  • Total initial costs from 330 to 1210000.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 30 to 50 thousand.
  • Fabrics and expendable materials from 50 to 300 thousand.
  • Salaries for employees from 75 to 100 thousand.
  • Utilities from 15 thousand.
  • Logistics from 20 thousand.
  • Total: from 190 to 485 thousand rubles.

Projected earnings:

  • The wholesale price of one product is from 700 rubles to 1500 thousand.
  • The volume of products sold per month is approximately 500 pieces.
  • Monthly average income from 350 to 750 thousand.
  • The average profit, taking into account monthly expenses, is from 160 to 265 thousand.
  • The payback period for the business is six months.

It should be understood that specific figures depend on the volume of production, individual characteristics business.

Sewing business: smart investment or risk

For the successful opening of a clothing production, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the light industry. Detailed business plan, sharpened under specific conditions, will help to make experienced economists and lawyers.

In such a difficult business as sewing, it is important to focus on the needs of customers. One of the main tasks is to maintain high level product quality. Do not forget about the high competition in this industry. If you have not only the skills, but also the steel grip to keep the business afloat, the clothing industry will bear fruit.

Video. Business plan for opening a garment factory

The ability to sew, cut, invent clothes and accessories, and then make them for sale, can bring very substantial profits. An individual approach and tailoring will always be valued higher than the conveyor production of clothing, linen, curtains, curtains and more.

Therefore, having the skills of a seamstress with minimum investment you can organize a fashion studio at home . Taking orders via the Internet, to make original bed linen or curtains and curtains, taking into account the design wishes of the client. Original handwork is highly valued for its exclusivity and creativity.

The demand for clothing for pets is not falling. You can organize such a sewing workshop in your own apartment or by renting a small room. in the basement . Car seat covers and floor mats are always in demand in the car accessories market. The production of workwear is becoming increasingly popular, as many company owners want to observe corporate style in the clothes of employees. And the opening of a sewing line of such a profile guarantees good and stable profits.

Making leather belts, sewing bags, backpacks, tents and sleeping bags, and even simple repair of clothes with skillful organization will bring tangible profits.

You can sell products on the Internet, for example, through Avito. This is one of the most successful ways that does not require investment, thanks to which you can get stable income.

Read more about business ideas for those who know how to sew, read here.

A tailoring workshop is a place where each of us can place an order for such types of services as tailoring and repair of casual, festive or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open your own tailoring studio? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual, there are no universal tips in this area.

If you have the ability and a great desire to work in the public service sector, then this is not enough to start working and making a solid profit. To start a project on full power, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, competent coordinator, teacher and entrepreneur. If we add to all this entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge of tax legislation and financial sphere- you are guaranteed success.

The competition in this market is quite strong. Therefore, in order to compare favorably with competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

Experts distinguish two types of such an enterprise:

  • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
  • atelier in a rented room.

The Need for a Sewing Workshop Business Plan

If you have already decided what type of business you will be engaged in, you need to carefully plan your work, i.e. write a business plan. it phased plan the success of your future enterprise. If you do not draw up a document, the risk of failure will be too great.

This estimate is necessary for everyone: both the one from whom you plan to take funds for the implementation of your plans (money investors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and tasks. But most importantly, the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to carefully analyze his ideas, to understand how vital and reasonable they are.

AT this document the main points of the future enterprise should be described, possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work should be analyzed, and possible ways to eliminate them should be described.

Purposes of this document:

  • for external use - to present your business in the most favorable light to investors;
  • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

Before you start implementing your plan to open an atelier, you need to analyze the market in your locality. This will help you understand how much competition there is in this industry, whether your business will be successful in the city where you plan to do business.

In addition, you will be helped by the analysis of errors and shortcomings in the work of competitors. Only then will you be able to understand what will be best for your business and what will need to be avoided. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will prompt you for new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

How to start a sewing business: registration and documents

It's worth knowing that this species business is segmented. What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for tailoring, others want to do only repairs, and there are those who are ready to combine both. Therefore, you must immediately decide on the direction of activity.

So, what do you need to open a studio? This type labor activity must be legally registered with the tax office. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. In order to make it easier to keep accounting and tax records, it is better to focus on individual entrepreneurship.

Selection of workers

Minimum staff should consist of:

  • the person who will take orders,
  • couturier designer,
  • master seamstress.

The fashion designer will need to be paid good wages. At first, you may not be able to afford it. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a female student with no specific experience, but with a desire to work and acquire skills in their specialty.

The tailor must have great experience work in this area. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

You can hire people from among your friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a seamstress, in which it is necessary to prescribe her liability. Since customers sometimes bring in very expensive material or items for repair, in some cases an inexperienced technician can damage the item. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged item.

Another important condition in the selection of personnel is that your future employees must be able to communicate with people and be decent.


Studio services include:

  • tailoring;
  • repair and restoration of clothes.

It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you plan to do only repair or tailoring of outerwear. Seasonality also applies to those ateliers that work with knitwear or specialize in sewing dresses, raincoats, coats and fur coats.

How to "untwist" the studio?

After all preparatory work has been completed, advertising campaign your production. This is best done a few weeks before opening.

  • posting information leaflets on advertising boards in your city;
  • announcement in in social networks and on local television;
  • distribution of invitations in mailboxes;
  • advertising in stores and shopping centers.

Financial part: costs, profit, profitability of a tailoring studio

Estimated costs in the first year of operation of the atelier with such services as tailoring of outerwear, overalls, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, repair of women's and men's clothing, are as follows.

To implement the project, you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

For the first 12 months of work, you can get income in the amount of 3.5-4 million rubles, the next years it is planned to increase revenues by 20%.

Net income from the work of the studio- 2,800,000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays off in 10-11 months. Thus, one can speak of high profitability atelier as a business.

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