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A professional standard is no longer a new concept, but still little known. About what professional standards are, what changes in labor legislation will come into force in 2017 and how HR should work with professional standards, portal experts shared in the material.

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All types of qualifications that an employee needs for the qualitative performance of his job descriptions can now be characterized by one in simple words- professional standard. This concept is included in Labor Code our country and is already mandatory for many professions.

Professional standards are a comprehensive description of the requirements for a specialist. This is a combination of requirements for knowledge, professional skills, abilities and experience in similar positions. Lists of requirements for certain professions are approved at the state level and are gradually becoming mandatory for many professions.

What professional standards come into force in 2017

Most of the professional standards were formulated several years ago, when legislators were just beginning to promote the idea of ​​standardizing the skills required for representatives of various professions. Most of them came into force before 2017, and some of them will become mandatory from January 1, 2017. First of all, it concerns teachers. employed in any educational or sports institutions (since trainers and fitness instructors also belong to the category of educators). The professional standard for teachers was developed and approved back in 2015, however, for a number of reasons, it was decided to postpone its introduction until 2017.

Professional standards require a certain set of knowledge and skills:

  • from educators working in preschool institutions;
  • from teachers of correctional schools;
  • from school teachers;
  • from teachers of schools, lyceums, colleges and other secondary vocational or special educational institutions;
  • from university teachers;
  • from sports coaches and teachers of additional education.

How HR should work with professional standards in 2017

Professional standards affect almost all areas of the department personnel policy. They must be taken into account:

  • when selecting and hiring new employees;
  • during the development of job descriptions;
  • in personnel management processes;
  • when planning training and professional development specialists;
  • during the development of the wage system;
  • during the development of a system of material motivation;
  • at assignment tariff categories employees (if any are accepted in the organization);
  • when conducting evaluation activities or professional attestation workers.

If the regulations provide for the existence of a professional standard for employees of a certain profession, its application becomes mandatory for the employer. However, this applies only to a strictly defined range of professions, while the main part professional standards is recommendatory. This means that the application of professional standards should take into account the specifics of work, i.e. the employer must include in the job descriptions the main characteristics provided for in the professional standard for representatives of this profession.

Professional standards are mandatory for application:

  • in case with the implementation job duties certain restrictions or provision of benefits (compensations) are associated with these professions;
  • in the event that the qualification requirements for employees of certain professions are clearly established by law and are mandatory.

For representatives of all other professions, the use of professional standards is not yet mandatory. Thus, the improvement of the personnel management system must be carried out using job descriptions that are as close as possible to the requirements of professional standards, however, deviation from these standards today cannot be regarded as a violation of the law.

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How to assess the qualifications of employees for compliance with professional standards

From January 1, 2017, a law regulating the procedure for conducting an independent assessment of the qualifications of employees comes into force. According to this law, only special organizations that have received state accreditation will be able to carry out assessment activities.

Qualification assessment will take place on a voluntary basis. In order for the employer to be able to send an employee for assessment, he needs to fix the procedure for sending employees to assessment activities in a collective or employment contract, and also receive from the employee written agreement. In addition, the employer must provide the employee with a paid day off on the day of the certification.

The assessment will be carried out on a fee basis. If the initiator of the assessment is the employee himself, then after passing and paying for the certification, he has the right to take advantage of an additional social tax deduction (reduce the amount of personal income tax withheld). If the initiator of certification is the employer, then the costs of the evaluation can be written off as other expenses for tax purposes.

Any adult citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign worker will be able to pass a qualification assessment for compliance with professional standards.

We changed the assessment sheet and the Regulations on attestation so as to take into account professional standards

Tatyana Paklinskaya, Head of the Department for Recruitment and Development of Personnel, Baltic Shipbuilding Plant (St. Petersburg)

Previously, during the assessment, we measured whether the employee has the necessary knowledge, what duties he has. We entered only these items on the evaluation sheet. Now that professional standards have appeared, my HRs and I included the lines “Education” and “Practical experience” on the assessment sheet. We have adjusted the responsibilities so that they meet the standard. We have also made changes to the Attestation Regulations. It took three months - it was necessary to explain what professional standards are, to approve the assessment rules.

Is it possible to dismiss employees who do not meet professional standards in 2017

Even if, according to the results of the assessment, the employee could not confirm the level of his professional qualifications and compliance with the professional standard, he cannot be legally dismissed. In addition, the employer does not have the right to refuse to hire a candidate, referring to the applicant's lack of a certificate of compliance with the professional standard.

If the application of professional standards is mandatory for employees of the enterprise, but is ignored by the company's management, the labor inspectorate has the right to issue an order to eliminate violations and issue a fine. If the application of professional standards is not mandatory, then there are no grounds for holding the employer liable either.

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According to some people, the professional activity of most teachers consists solely in conducting lessons and checking notebooks. In fact, everything is much more serious. During the academic year, a truly titanic work falls on the shoulders of pedagogical workers. This applies to both routine daily work and creative inclinations. Consistency in this regard refers to the endless reports on the lessons done, compiled along with another, no less annoying scribbling.

Every year, all employees of the pedagogical sphere receive various instructive and methodological letters and directives from the Ministry of the Russian Federation, which subsequently have to be followed. New information regarding the educational process in 2017 has already been compiled and even managed to fly around all the cities of the Russian Federation. It turns out that from January 1, 2017, an updated professional standard for a teacher is being introduced. It contains a list of all the skills, knowledge and skills that a good employee should have. educational sphere. It should be noted that the noted qualifications are both professional and personal.

Professional standards from January 1, 2017

Despite the fact that the noted standards will come into force only from 2017, the implementation of the document, which indicates the required qualification level for teachers, started in June 2016. On the basis of the described normative act, teacher certification will begin in the near future, followed by the assignment of a certain qualification.

With the help of the noted normative act, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decided to detail the knowledge and skills that any teacher should have. The professional standard of 2017 describes the labor activities of a teacher, divided into modules for various subject areas.

Immediately after the approval of the document, its approbation began, affecting 43 subjects of the federation. Special internship sites were created in them on the basis of the educational institution itself. According to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science D. Livanov, teachers should not be afraid of the adopted innovations, as they will only take effect after the retraining of all representatives of the educational sphere.

It turns out that the implementation of the normative act was decided to be postponed for 24 months. According to the official, as many educators and practicing teachers as possible should be involved in the current testing procedure. True, in the process it is not bad to avoid "paper" red tape and the growth of bureaucracy. In conclusion, Litvinov emphasized that the remuneration of employees of an educational institution should, first of all, be formed on the quality of fulfilling all the requirements of the noted standard.

Structure of GEF 2017

The basis of the professional standard is a system of pedagogical activity, consisting of training, education and
development. The first two paragraphs reflect the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the teacher, who is simply obliged to know his subject at the proper level, as well as to master methodological techniques and techniques in order to convey it to each student.

The development section may seem the most difficult for workers in the educational sector. According to the paragraph described, the teacher himself, together with narrow specialists (psychologists and speech therapists), will have to detect and correctly solve the problems of students in a timely manner, the circle of which is very extensive. The issue in this regard is the economic crisis, in connection with which it is necessary to reduce psychologists, school doctors or speech pathologists in order to optimize staffing in order to collect additional funding for the possibility of increasing the salaries of teachers.

Why do we need a new professional standard 2017 for a teacher?

According to the authors of this document, he will be able to increase the interest of teachers in the results of his professional activity. Next year, the principle of training and retraining of personnel will begin to change so that the described procedure meets the requirements of the updated normative document. From 2017, professional standards will be used as:

  • a tool for the growth of quality domestic education;
  • independent unit of measure qualification level all teachers;
  • fundamental basis labor agreement between the leadership of a certain educational institution and the teacher himself;
  • means of implementation new strategy development of the education sector;
  • a mechanism by which the process of recruiting "quality" personnel for work in organizations of the announced sphere will be carried out.

The Minister of Education emphasized that the evaluation of the results of pedagogical work should without fail take into account the achievements of the students themselves. True, you should not rely solely on them. In fact, each teacher is engaged in the process of learning in real socio-economic conditions with children who have not only some intellectual inclinations, but also psychological characteristics. It turns out that for any student, his personal result is important as part of moving along the intended educational trajectory. Only representatives of the pedagogical society can provide a competent assessment of such achievements.

New responsibilities of the modern teacher

Changes in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation regarding professional standards for teachers have 5 types of qualifications. This is a set of special requirements for the teacher, put forward on the basis of the effectiveness and complexity of the solution of the tasks assigned to him. For example, in order to conduct a full-fledged educational work, a teacher needs to master as many as 18 skills, while for the full development of a student, their number should increase to 20. According to the developers themselves, such a list is considered a kind of benchmark, on the basis of which each individual educational institution plans create your own scheme of work, taking into account the tasks. At the same time, the teachers themselves try on the role of some social therapists who will have to find a psychological and pedagogical problem in the student.

That is why the professional standard approved for 2017 pays enough attention to the work of the teacher regarding the implementation of inclusive education, as well as the support of socially vulnerable and gifted students. A separate topic of conversation is the possession of ICT competence, differentiated into three levels:

  • general pedagogical;
  • general user;
  • subject-pedagogical.

The current professional standard for a modern teacher has finally got rid of the technocratic approach in analyzing the result of the activity of each individual teacher. Now it has a number of provisions focused on a more humane assessment, reflecting professional level competencies. For example, the readiness of the teacher to work with children with different degrees of development is taken into account.

Problems in the implementation of a new professional standard

According to experienced teaching staff, modern educational institutions do not necessary conditions to meet all the requirements of the adopted regulatory act. The main problem in this case is the insufficient material base, and also a large shortage of narrow specialists: psychologists, tutors, speech pathologists.

Before introducing a professional standard and starting to evaluate teachers in accordance with the new criteria, care should be taken to create an accessible environment for all students. No matter how regrettable it may sound, this should include special entrances to the educational institution, equipment for ramps, places in the dining room or toilets. Indeed, while teachers have to spin at two rates at once, and at the same time it is simply impossible to allocate time for an individual approach to each individual child.

Professional standards for teachers 2017of the year is a new phenomenon in Russian labor law. Let's see what exactly the state plans to introduce in this area and for which pedagogical professions professional standards will apply from the beginning of 2017.

The goals of the introduction by the Ministry of Labor of the professional standard of a teacher

Since June 2016, the introduction of professional standards began in Russia - documents that describe in detail the level of qualification that each of the workers listed in them should have. As of May 2017, standards have been approved for more than 35 areas of activity - and education is in the first place among them.

The reason for the introduction of occupational standards by the Ministry was the unsatisfactory situation in determining the qualifications that workers should have in those areas to which the state pays special attention. The norms that were in force before the adoption of professional standards are only advisory in nature and are not always applied in practice. In addition, some of the job descriptions in the field of education were approved more than 20 years ago and simply do not correspond to the current situation.

One of the ways to correct the situation that has developed now, the state and the president personally sees just the approval of universally binding standards for those who work in the pedagogical field. The introduction of professional standards for teachers will solve several issues at once:

  1. Determine exactly what qualifications a teacher should have.
  2. Provide the necessary training for future workers in this area.
  3. Notify educators of the requirements that will apply to them.
  4. Involve the teachers themselves, educators and lecturers in raising the level of education in Russia.

General characteristics of professional standards for teachers

In general, the professional standard of pedagogical workers is a document on which depends:

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  • the ability of a particular person to work in the pedagogical field;
  • the amount of wages;
  • the procedure for calculating the experience;
  • determining the amount of the pension;
  • career planning for teachers.

In a word, the professional standard of a teacher is a document that not only establishes the basic requirements for the qualification of a teacher, but also gives general definition activities carried out by the worker.

In general, the professional standard is a framework document and, if necessary, supplemented by the requirements approved in the regions, taking into account local characteristics. In addition, the internal standards of an educational institution may also contain additional requirements for a teacher.

Draft professional standard for a teacher in 2013, professional standards for teachers in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

The development of professional standards for teachers began long before the date of their planned implementation. The first of the approved projects in this area was the general professional standard that defines the profession - "Teacher". It was accepted in December 2013.

This document lists labor functions for teachers, educators and lecturers divided into several categories:

  • pre-school education (for children under 7 years old);
  • primary education (grades 1-4);
  • basic education (grades 5-9);
  • secondary (up to grade 11).

In this case, we are talking about teachers working in the field of general education, which every child in Russia has the right to count on. Vocational education is described by separate normative documents.

In 2014, no professional standards for teachers were adopted, in 2015, the Ministry of Labor approved 3 professional standards at once:

  • for a teacher-psychologist;
  • a teacher working in the field of additional education (both children and adults);
  • vocational teacher.

Since July 2016, professional standards have become mandatory, however, an exception was made for teachers - for representatives of this profession, the mandatory application of professional standards is dated 01/01/2017.

The content and structure of the completed professional teacher standard

All professional standards are developed according to a single layout, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147n dated April 12, 2013. According to this order, professional standards for any employees, including teachers, should consist of the following parts:

  1. general characteristics professions. It indicates exactly what the profession is called, what specific activities are carried out by the employees engaged in it, as well as its classification according to OKVED and OKZ.
  2. functional card. This section describes the functions that are included in the pedagogical activity.
  3. Characteristics of labor functions. Here, each of the generalized labor functions (in fact, areas of activity) is described in detail, indicating the requirements for the teacher's qualifications. It also describes the knowledge, skills and specific types of actions that a teacher, educator or teacher performs.
  4. Information about the organizations- developers.

The specific content for each of the professional standards depends on the specific pedagogical profession it is drawn up for.

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications of employees who carry out labor activity in any given sector of the economy. Professional standards were put into effect on July 1, 2016 federal law dated 02.05.2015 No. 122-FZ. Currently, there are about 800 standards for a variety of specialties.

Standards are divided into mandatory and voluntary. Mandatory professional standards apply only to those professions and positions for which additional requirements are established by law. Most of the standards are voluntary, the employer himself decides whether to apply this or that standard or not.

For example, now there is a professional standard for an accountant (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n). This standard is advisory in nature. The Accounting Law sets requirements for experience and knowledge only for chief accountants of public joint-stock companies, banks, and insurance organizations. For all other strict requirements, there are no strict requirements in the law, so professional standards for such accountants are just a recommendation.

Compulsory professional standards should be directly provided for in the legislation. If the law does not indicate the obligatory nature of one or another professional standard, it is optional. If the standard is optional, then the company can employ employees without regard to the professional standard. If the standards are mandatory, then the applicant must comply with the requirements of the standard.

If the law requires in any area to hire only those candidates who meet professional standards, but the company does not comply with this requirement, then it faces liability under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If an enterprise is not obliged to obey professional standards and does not use them even as recommendations, then it cannot be punished for not using professional standards.

UNP draws attention to:

To find out if an employer is obliged to apply one or another professional standard 2017, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on this issue. These requirements are set out in articles 57 and 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These articles contain lists of jobs and professions for which professional standards must be applied.

Professional standards from July 1, 2017: application procedure

Occupational standards 2017 help employers determine the level of professionalism and qualifications of employees and applicants for a position. Occupational standards set guidelines for employers to build a personnel policy. Professional standards 2017 will be updated if it is required by changes in legislation or there are other justified reasons. Now there are more than 800 professional standards for various specialties and professions.

In the future, the Unified Tariff qualification guide jobs and professions of workers (ETKS) and the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS) will be completely replaced by professional standards. But it will be a gradual transition. If the qualification handbook and the professional standard for similar professions contain different qualification requirements, then the employer himself chooses which document to use. This is possible in cases where the professional standard 2017 is not mandatory for use.

If the law does not require the application of a professional standard to a specific position, then the professional standard is a recommendation. According to the decision of the head of the company, the requirements of the professional standard can be prescribed in the employment contract or job description. Fully or partially.

Functions, official duties of an employee cannot change at once, just because the professional standard of his position has been approved. Responsibilities may change due to organizational or technological working conditions. But even then, in these cases, a change in the functions of an employee at the initiative of the employer is not allowed (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The entry into force of the professional standard also cannot be the reason for the dismissal of an employee.

The employer decides whether the employee needs to receive additional education. And the conditions and procedure for training employees are determined by the collective agreement, agreements and employment contract. At the same time, the employee's compliance with the professional standard is not a basis for increasing or reducing the amount of wages.

Professional standards 2017: where they are published

From July 1, 2017, professional standards and lists of positions are published on the official website of the Ministry of Labor. The Ministry of Labor maintains a register of standards and receives notifications about the development of new standards. To gain access to professional standards 2017, you need to register on the website of the Ministry of Labor.

The site of professional standards is All existing professional standards are posted here, as well as messages about the development of new professional standards. The register is maintained on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Labor of September 29, 2014. The registry is constantly updated. Now it has more than 800 professional standards.

You can download the list of professional standards 2017 from the link below.

What is the professional standard of a teacher? What is the professional standard of the teacher from January 1, 2017? Teaching is one of the most important professions.

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They will not save people's lives like doctors or firefighters. However, they can influence its further development. The school and student period are important stages in the formation of a person's personality.

And teachers play an important role in this. Not only the child's perception of information depends on their professionalism, but also the formation of certain aspects of the personality.

The interest of children in learning depends on the professionalism of the teacher. And consequently, the definition of sciences more interesting to him, the choice of a further professional direction.

But unfortunately, going to an educational institution, they are not always competent in their profession. In this regard, the state has developed special standards.

General points

The new professional standard for teachers was introduced on January 1, 2017. The norms specified in it made it possible to supplement and improve the previous document of 2013.

It operates under the same conditions throughout the territory. Russian Federation, while the function of introducing this standard is entrusted to regional bodies, and therefore the standard can be supplemented with regional criteria.

The main feature of this standard is the improvement of the education system by providing institutions with qualified competent personnel.

The reason for the introduction of the standard was the elimination of previously adopted norms and rules applied in the Russian Federation.

This process is ensured by a number of regulations issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, government agencies and approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

It is worth mentioning that non-compliance with this standard can be a weighty reason, but if this should happen, weighty evidence is needed.

To this end, an external audit of teaching activities is carried out with the involvement of representatives from districts and other instances.

What it is

The professional standard of a teacher is a documented set of professional characteristics that a specialist working in an educational institution should possess.

The professional standard includes the solution of such controversial issues that arise in the organization of the workflow, such as:

As part of the introduction of the standard in educational institutions, it is mandatory to inform employees about the introduction of new standards.

What is its role

The professional standard applies in the following cases:

But besides this, the experts themselves should also familiarize themselves with the set of rules. This will allow you to develop professional qualities and know what changes in the performance of your duties should be envisaged.

The main purpose of the standard is to improve the quality of the professional activities of the teaching staff.

The new set of rules corresponds to the peculiarities of modern social and social requirements for pedagogical activity.

Have new professional standards for teachers been introduced since January 1, 2017

The introduction of new standards provides for work with personnel in an educational institution, in connection with which only specialists corresponding to the set of rules should remain on the staff.

In this regard, a lot of discussions arose around the document and the introduction of new standards. Society assumes mass in connection with the inconsistency of workers with the necessary standards.

But it is in the interests of the state to get out of this situation with the least losses. Therefore, the reduction is provided only in certain cases.

For the rest, a lot of measures have been developed with the aim of introducing the standard. They include several main steps:

  • informing about the introduction of the latest standards;
  • advanced training to achieve the level of these standards;
  • certification of teachers, which can be carried out within the educational institution or initiated by top management in order to determine the compliance of a specialist with established standards.

The first stage is provided by providing the standards specified in the standard as printed materials to educational institutions, where, in turn, leaders must convey the information received and familiarize the entire teaching staff with it.

It is advisable to carry out an internal one as the next stage, which will allow you to select specialists who do not meet the standard and need help.

According to the results of this audit, specialists can be sent to free advanced training courses.

These events are organized by the regional authorities with the support of the Ministry of Education.

They allow teachers to convey information about the availability of new methods of working with students, both in terms of learning and educational processes. The acquired skills teachers should use in their future practice.

Once the staff member returns from the course, they may again be subject to an authentic assessment to determine if the teachers meet the established standards.

There are several methods of assessment for teachers. The most common of these is open lessons.

They differ from the usual ones by the presence of an audit committee. It may consist of representatives from the district in the case of an external review, and the school administration if the assessment is conducted internally.

But, as a rule, teachers and students are informed about these lessons in advance. They are an event that is not held in a standard form, but has a clearly developed scenario.

Determining the quality level of educational work is much more difficult; for this purpose, an anonymous survey of students and parents can be conducted.

Please note that the most common reason for external evaluation of a teacher's performance is a signal from the parents of his students.

Video: professional standard will be required

Based on this, it can be revised. This is especially true for teachers-defectologists.

Document structure

The professional standard consists of several parts, it includes the following:

There are several methods for assessing the fulfillment of occupational standards. The main one is the result of teaching and educating students, that is, the work of a teacher is evaluated by the level of knowledge and other qualities of his students.

New tasks for teachers

According to the innovations noted in the standard of the teacher, all teachers without exception must fulfill the following requirements:

  • work in the context of the implementation of the program of inclusive education;
  • conduct lessons in the state language (Russian), even for those persons for whom it is not native;
  • educate students with developmental problems.

Thus, the standard applies not only to the professional qualities of a specialist, but also to the features of his personal qualities.

As a professional, the teacher must present information within the framework of the program, but at the same time, the method of its presentation is chosen by him independently.

It has been experimentally proven that the use of video materials and other visual aids can increase the interest of students.

As part of the application of new standards, the main task of the teacher is to create the same comfortable environment for their students, without singling out any of them, regardless of origin, skin color, nationality, citizenship, etc.

At the same time, he needs to develop a methodology for conveying information in such a way that the majority of students are interested in obtaining knowledge. For this purpose, an individual approach to children is applied.

Problems of introducing professional standards

The new standards involve improving the quality of education, but their introduction has a number of problems. The main difficulties arise at the stage of fair audition.

As mentioned above, the majority of persons tested under this program are aware of the upcoming test.

In this regard, the process turns into a theatrical performance rather than a real one. An equally common problem is the lack of specialists with the appropriate qualifications.

In some cases, courses can solve this problem, but this may not be enough. It may be necessary to obtain a different level of education for professionals working in educational institutions different levels of accreditation.

The pedagogical standard, introduced in the Russian Federation on January 1, 2017, involves improving the quality of education by hiring educational institutions qualified specialists.

This set of rules includes not only information on the level of qualifications for persons holding different positions.

It also indicates which main professional qualities must have a teacher. Accordingly, his work must rely simultaneously on an individual approach to each student and equal treatment of all students.


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