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Providers Rostelecom and MTS provide subscribers with a Sagemcom ADSL router with a modified firmware. If you switch to the services of a provider that “supplies” the Internet via an Ethernet cable, such a router, in particular, fast 2804 V7, can still be used. Even though there is no WAN port. Simply, you need to try to configure this device correctly.

We will consider the following connection option. This is the DHCP protocol, the easiest to set up. For the WAN port, it makes more sense to use the port closest to the ADSL connector (labeled "eth3" in the setup program). So the patch cord going to the computer is connected to the LAN 1 - LAN 3 port. Be careful.

Rear panel of the router

Setting router Sagemcom for a DHCP connection - does not require a hardware reset. If the user has the ability to open the interface for configuration (with some address and password), this should be done. But first, we advise you to properly connect the signal cables.

Setting Basic Functions

Hardware connection of the router

Connecting to a PC is performed in the same way as for setting up ADSL connections. At the same time, it is not necessary to occupy the hardware port with the designation "4".

Device connection diagram

The network card of the computer must be configured to "Auto" IP and DNS. Then, connect the provider's cable to the fourth LAN port. Lastly, connect the power (and send the PC to reboot).

You need to find out what the router's IP address is, as well as the password value for the setup interface.

For the Rostelecom device, the values ​​​​are as follows:

  1. router address -
  2. login for settings - admin
  3. password - too, admin

Open the web interface, make the start tab appear.

Setting up an ETTH connection

How to set up a Sagemcom router is described in the instructions supplied by the provider. But the ADSL connection option is not required for us. First of all, we perform a "soft reset". You need the tab "Management" -> "Settings ..." -> "Reset":

Soft reset

After performing the reset, go to the tab " Additional settings» -> «WAN service», and delete all available interfaces. There shouldn't be one left. The same is done on the "Interfaces of the 2nd level" tab:

Clearing Internet Connection Tables

We have shown how to perform the preliminary steps.

Now, go to the "ETH interface" tab and configure the connection:

  • Select the port number that will act as "WAN" and set the "VLAN MUX" mode:

WAN port selection

  • We configure this port, for which we first click "Next", then - select the type of connection (IP over Ethernet), click "Next"
  • We configure the connection option "DHCP", so that the IP should be "obtained automatically":

Setting connection parameters

  • Turn on NAT, Firewall and just in case IGMP Multicast (click "Next")
  • How we chose the "Default Gateway": in the left column - leave "eth 3.1", in the right - nothing (click "Next")
  • DNS can be set explicitly, but it's safer to use automatic fetching:

WAN interface tab

The configured connection should work. If this is not the case, we call the provider and report the MAC address change. Successful setup!

Additionally, we note that the router of the model in question performs a “substitution” MAC addresses- does not allow.

Wireless network in the router

Actually, setting up a wireless access point is discussed in the instructions. How to configure a Sagemcom wifi router so that an “unsecured” wireless network appears, we will briefly consider.

Open the "WLAN Settings" -> "Basic" tab. Verify that the checkbox "Enable wireless communication” (as well as “Enable multicast transmission ...”). We set the SSID, that is, the name of the network, and press the button labeled "Apply / Save".

Setting up a wireless network

It is important to know that we configured the router in such a way as to make it possible to view IPTV (through any PC connected to the router's network). The IPTV option for STB set-top boxes is configured differently.

In fact, to broadcast IPTV to the local network, it remains to enable “IGMP Snooping” in the “Advanced Settings” on the “LAN” tab.

Happy routing!

In the movie - the option of setting up a Wi-Fi network with encryption is shown:

Router AFPU AFIE 2804 is a modern ADSL modem with a wide range of functions and stylish design. This device successfully competes with brands such as ASUS or. In addition, the equipment has a useful plus, it has USB ports. Thanks to this, Sagemcom 2804 can be used as a backup link with a 3G modem.

Router Specifications

Like any other router, Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 provides the ability to distribute Internet traffic and provide access to IPTV to several nodes local network. But, in addition to this, the Sagemcom 2804 modem has several equally useful features:

  • Creation of a backup channel that will work in case of power failures, breakdowns at the provider, and so on.
  • The router can be used as an intermediate point for connecting all devices on the network to a shared printer.
  • Connecting to a hard drive router allows you to use it to accumulate data as your own mini-server.


To connect a Sagemcom Fast 2804 V7 router using telephone line ADSL, you need to connect the Internet cable to the input of the splitter with the signature LINE. You need to connect a router to the MODEM jack, and a telephone set to the PHONE jack. If the connection is made via WAN Ethernet, the cable from the provider must be connected to the first LAN connector of the router.

After that, the router can be connected to a PC via a network cable and configure the Sagemcom 2804 equipment, as well as configure network card PC.

Setup instructions: Rostelecom Fast 2804 v7 modem

If the computer is connected to configure this router correctly, the display on the device will be as follows:

  • 1st indicator is constantly on
  • The 2nd LED flashes green.
  • The 4th indicator can blink or glow constantly.
  • One of the LAN ports is also lit or blinking.

If the router has already been used before, you must first reset it to factory settings. To do this, it has a Reset button. After that, the Qtech Sagemcom PPPoE configuration can be carried out. If you are connecting for the first time, follow the instructions below.

How to set up a router using the hardware setup wizard

A setup wizard sheet is provided with the router. To run it, you need to put the disc in the CD drive of the same computer to which you connected the router. After that, it is enough to follow the solutions proposed by the program.

Once software installed, the Setup Wizard program will start automatically. If this doesn't happen. You can find it in the "Programs" section of the general "Start" menu.

launch auto tuning parameters of the Sagemcom 2804 V7 Rev 1 router will allow:

  • Update the router software.
  • Choose in which configuration you will use the router.
  • Carry out 3G reservation and PPPoE connection.
  • Check the parameters and correct operation of the device.
  • Install the latest firmware on the router from the manufacturer's website.

Setting up a Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router manually

If for some reason the installation disk is missing, there is no CD drive on the computer, or for some other reason you cannot use the Setup Wizard, you can configure the router manually. This process is a little more complicated and requires certain skills, but following the instructions will allow you to set up the equipment no less qualitatively.

First of all, you need to open a browser and write the static ip address of the device in the address bar. It is indicated on a special sticker located on the back of the router. It usually looks like

In the authorization window, you must enter your username and password. For a new device, the login and password look the same - "admin". After that, just click "Login" to go to the settings of the Sagemcom router. By default, you go to a page that displays the main specifications router.

Rostelecom modem - Ethernet connection instructions

To configure the Sagemcom modem using an ethernet connection, you must follow the instructions:

  • In the menu on the left, find the advanced settings section and go to it.
  • Delete the default settings in the "Wan service" section.

  • Delete the "DSL ATM" value in the "Layer 2 Interface" section.

  • In the "ETH interface" section, switch to the "VLAN/MUX" connection mode and select "eth0/eth0" from the drop-down list.
  • After removing unnecessary settings, you need to go back to the "Wan service" and click on "Add".
  • Select the port you entered earlier - "eth0 / eth0".
  • Go far and select “PPPoE” as the service type, and in the lines below, enter the value “-1”.
  • After that, you need to enter the login and password for connecting to your Internet provider.
  • In the next window, find and check the boxes next to "Enable Firewall" and "Enable NAT".

After that, we don’t change anything, just click the “Next” button, and on the last page, the “Apply / Save” button.

WiFi setup

If you need a Wi-Fi connection necessary for the operation of mobile devices and laptops, you need to go to the "WLAN Settings" menu.

Then we do according to the instructions:

1. Check the boxes "Enable multicast transmission over wireless network" and "Enable wireless".

2. In the "SSID" column, enter the name of your Wi-Fi access point.

3. Apply changes.

4. In the "Security" section, select "WPA-PSK" authentication.

5. Specify encryption "TKIP+AES".

6. The WPS option can be disabled if necessary.

7. Apply the established settings.

Setting up a 3g modem on a Fast 2804 v7 router

While the 3G modem is not working, the red indicator is on when it is connected. To set up a 3G modem, you must select a model that matches this router model. The device works with Yota, Anydata, Alcatel, HUAWEI, Withtel, ZTE, Airplus USB modems. The list of models that can be connected to the router must be checked with the manufacturer.

To set up a 3G modem, you need to proceed as follows:

1. Connect the modem to one of the router's USB connectors.

2. In the section settings, go to the "3G Configuration" section.

3. Enable 3G redundancy.

After that, when disconnecting the connection via the main connection channel, the router will be automatically redirected to connecting via the LTE / 3G channel. Television in this mode will not be supported, but Internet access will be.

How to set up a Rostelecom Fast 2804 v7 router with an ADSL connection

Debugging an ADSL connection on a router usually does not cause problems. To make settings manually, you need to use a browser and go to the device administration menu. After that, in the settings you need to do the following operations:

  • Delete the existing PPP connection. To do this, go to advanced settings and find the WAN service.

  • After that, you need to delete the WAN port settings. In the advanced settings, select the line "Layer 2 interface", and from this subsection go to "ATM PVC interface". Here you also need to remove the default settings.
  • After removal, a new PVC connection must be added. Its VPI/VCI parameters are 0/33, DSL Link type is EoA, LLC mode encapsulation.
  • Apply and save settings.
  • Then you need to create a connection on a new connection. We go to the WAN service, click on the "Add" button, select the physical interface atm0.

After that, you can use the router in ADSL connection mode.

If all the algorithms are followed, debugging the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router will not take much time and will be carried out successfully the first time. No complicated operations are required for this - just follow the instructions and act step by step. As a result, you will get a functional reliable device.

Rostelecom is the largest telecom operator and Internet provider in Russia. Today it provides telephone services (both local and long-distance), access to the global Internet, digital interactive television and cellular communication in the face of Tele2. When connecting to the Internet, Rostelecom offers branded routers to its subscribers Sagemcom [email protected] 2804 v7.
They look like this:

This is a classic model. For several years of active use of the router by the company's subscribers, it has shown itself to be a reliable and unpretentious device, like a cast-iron frying pan.
Subsequently, he had several hardware versions. The closest one is Sagemcom 2804 v7 rev.1. There she is:

All subsequent versions (rev.2 and rev.3) have different firmware and we will consider them in another article.

How to set up Sagemcom 2804:

In order to enter the web configurator of the Sajemcom 2804 router, you need to open the Internet Explorer web browser or Microsoft Edge and enter in the address bar of the ai-pi router - .

If everything is entered correctly, then we see the following authorization request:

You must enter a login admin and password - admin. Click on OK. If the password does not fit, carefully study this one.

Internet connection using FTTB technology (optics to the home):

You need to start by deleting existing connections. They are present even in a config completely adjusted to the factory. Go to the Additional section settings-> WAN Service:

We put the "Delete" checkboxes on all existing rows in the table and confirm by pressing the button of the same name. Let's go to the section Layer 2 interface.
After you nailed the WAN port - go to the subsection Eth interface and click the "Add" button. A window will open:

In the list of ports, select Eth0 - it will now be the WAN port, into which you will need to include the Rostelecom cable, which the fitters brought to your apartment.
Click "Apply". The result should look like this:

Excellent! Now select the "WAN service" menu item and click on "Add" in it. We will see a dialog for creating a new connection:

You need to start by choosing a protocol. Some branches of Rostelecom use Dynamic IP, then you need to select the "IP over Ethernet" item, go to the next window and select automatic receipt addresses.
Most RTK branches use the PPPoE protocol. If you select it, then by clicking "Next" you will be taken to the authorization parameters:

Enter the username and password for the Internet connection. It was given to you when you signed an agreement with the provider. That's it, we don't touch anything else and move on:

In the "Routing" window, you will need to check that our created ppp1.1 interface is in the field on the left. Then just click on "Next", then on "Finish". The connection of the Sagemcom 2804 v7 router to the Internet is completed.

Setting up WiFi on a Rostelecom router:

In order to set up Wi-Fi on Sajemcom 2804 - go to the section WLAN setup, tab Main:

Check the "Enable" box.
In the "SSID" field, enter the name of the WiFi network. It can be anything - everything is limited by your imagination.
Check that the field "Country" is "Russian Federation" and click on "Apply". Let's go to the next tab - Safety. Here we write down the password for Wi-Fi so that no outsider connects to us:

Here, start by disabling WPS. Because of this almost goofy feature, home networks are often hijacked by juvenile hooligan neighbors.
In the "Select SSID" list, select your newly created network.
Authentication must be set only WPA2-PSK. Below, in the line "WPA / WAPI Password" you need to write the WiFi password that you will use on your network. It is best to make it no shorter than 8-10 characters. And preferably mixed of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. Click on the "Apply" button.
Setting up the Sagemcom 2804 v7 router for Rostelecom is completed!

The most affordable and highly functional modern router today is Sagemcom [email protected] 2804v7. Setting up this device using the example of connecting to Rostelecom equipment, its main technical specifications and capabilities will be described within the framework of this material. All this will allow the new owner of such a router to start using it for its intended purpose and with minimal problems.

Briefly about the device

As noted earlier, this device belongs to the series of the most budgetary routers with good technical parameters. On the top side of the case there is one universal USB connector and two dedicated buttons. One of them disables the wireless segment of the computer network, and the second activates WPS technology, with the help of which smartphones or tablets are automatically connected to the router.

The following information LEDs are displayed on the front panel of the case:

    The first indicator indicates the presence of power.

    The second signal element indicates an active connection using a technology such as ADSL.

    The third LED is an indication of receiving information using the Ethernet standard.

    The fourth indicator characterizes the operation of the Wi-Fi transmitter.

    The last, ninth signal element characterizes the operation of the USB ports.

On the opposite side of the body of the device, wired communications are displayed, which include a power socket, 4 LAN ports, 1 USB connector and 1 ADSL port. There are also power and reset buttons.

There is an information sticker on the bottom of the case. It contains the name of the wireless network (SSID) and password to connect to it. It is better to write this information down on paper right away or remember it for the reason that it may be needed in the process of setting up the Internet. Rostelecom sets individual values ​​for these parameters for each such solution, and this ensures a high level of network security during operation.

The main characteristics of the router

Only in combination with Rostelecom equipment, the Sagemcom router [email protected] 2804 v7 can function. The manufacturer indicates the presence of such parameters for him:

    Single-band wireless Wi-Fi signal transceiver that can transmit information at speeds up to 300 Mbps.

    Four RJ-45 sockets allow you to fully create the wired part of the computer network. In this case, the speed will decrease and will be 100 Mbps. Also, one of them can act as a WAN input port. That is, it will provide information from the Internet.

    Two unified USB ports. They can be used to connect a printer / MFP, and to create a network drive, and to install a 3G modem.

    One input ADSL-connector for the implementation of switching with the global web.

Delivery list

The manufacturer equipped this network gateway with the following list of equipment:

  1. The cord is computer, interface, which is crimped with connectors on both sides.

    User manual detailing Sagemcom setup [email protected] 2804v7.

    A CD with an updated version of the software shell of this network gateway.

    One year warranty card.

First step in the setup process: connection

Setting up Sagemcom [email protected] 2804 v7 begins with the right choice of the installation site for this solution and the supply of all necessary communications. That is, it is desirable to position the router in question so that it is as close as possible to the geometric center of the room. This will ensure the maximum quality of WiFi network coverage. The second important circumstance is that all wires should reach the place where the network gateway is installed without problems (this is both the input twisted pair from the provider and the power cable). After choosing the installation site and supplying communications, you must perform the following actions:

    We install the power supply in the socket, and we bring its cord to the router and connect the plug from it.

    We connect the wire from the equipment of the Rostelecom provider to the ADSL port.

    In the 3G modem, we install the SIM card of the cellular operator, and itself in the USB port.

    Using the twisted pair cable that is included in the delivery, we switch directly from the PC to the router.

    At the final stage, if necessary, we perform all other wired connections.

    Router Shell Update

    The next step is to run the Sagemcom Setup Wizard [email protected] 2804 v7 from CD. In the window that opens, select the “Update router” item and, following its instructions, update the router shell. By default, this device has an international version of the program v5. And in order for this solution to start functioning successfully with the equipment of Rostelecom, you need version v7, which is recorded on disk. It is this problem that is being solved at this stage.

    Reconfiguring program parameters

    Next, you need to reconfigure the router software shell. To do this, we launch the setup wizard from the disk and select the “Full setup” item in its autorun menu. Following his instructions, we configure properly and save the values ​​​​in Sagemcom [email protected] 2804v7. WiFi setup is not required. You can use its default settings.

    Backup way to connect to the global web

    In this case, the cellular network of any possible operator and a 3G modem act as a backup method for connecting to the global web. Before choosing the latter, it is necessary to clarify its compatibility with the network gateway in question. You will also need a starter pack with a SIM card. Otherwise, the software setting of the Sagemcom modem [email protected] 2804 v7 comes down to performing the following manipulations:

      On the computer connected to the network gateway, launch any browser available for use.

      In the address bar of the latter, you need to type

      Then, in the login window, you need to type the word admin in both fields. This is the login, this is the password.

      After that, an interactive interface will open without fail, with the help of which the software parameters of the device in question are configured.

      We save the entered values.

      Exit the configuration interface.

    IPTV activation

    The router of the Sagemcom model considered in this material fully supports interactive television technology [email protected] 2804v7. Setting up IPTV consists of the following actions:

      In the previously described way, we go into the interactive interface for configuring the network gateway.

      Then you need to select the “Additional settings” section in it, and “Interface grouping” in it.

      We save the specified parameters and exit the interactive interface.

    Testing the health of the network node in question

    After that, the Internet setup is completed. Rostelecom, as we see, has greatly simplified the process of performing this operation. Now you need to make sure that the computer network is working. To do this, on any device that is connected to this network gateway, launch the browser and open any test page. You also need to turn on the IPTV set-top box and check it in action.

    Price. Users about network gateway

    Now Sagemcom router [email protected] 2804 v7 from Rostelecom can be bought at a price of 1100-1200 rubles in a new condition. If you look in the direction of trading platforms where you can buy used computer components, you can reduce the cost to 500-600 rubles.

    The owners characterize the considered network node as reliable, affordable, functional. At the same time, no significant shortcomings were found in the process of its use.


    As part of this review, the Sagemcom setup was considered in detail and step by step. [email protected] 2804v7. There is nothing super complicated in this operation. And the main merit in this is the specialists of Rostelecom, who simplified the process of its implementation as much as possible.


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