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Guests, we have news

I'll tell you about it now.

Cat Matroskin is calling us

meet in the village New Year.

Let's go to Prostokvashino:

Fresh air, pines, firs,

Let's sing and dance

Celebrate the New Year together!

Let's sit in the sleigh

And have fun, let's ride together!

(Children enter the hall to the music)

Presenter: So we arrived in Prostokvashino.

Ball: Hooray! The guys have arrived! That's great!

Matroskin: Wow, how many children from other cities came to visit us in Prostokvashino! You, boys and girls, also all ran away from your parents?

Presenter: Not! Our children came to celebrate the New Year together with their parents and teachers!

Ball: And they did it right! There is no better village in the area! Nothing, Matroskin, you’ll see what a fun holiday we will have, you’ll start to get better right away. So guys, let's get started.


1. Ice sparkles on the river,
The snow swirls softly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's snowy!

2. Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will drink loudly.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because it's loud!
3. There is a huge cake on the table,
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Glorious New Year's holiday,
Because sweet!
4. Round dance around the Christmas tree,
Lights on branches...
Happy New Year's Eve!
Too bad it rarely happens.

5. Hello New Year holiday!
How beautiful we are!
Santa Claus is coming
On big Russia.

6. In the meantime, we are waiting for frost
Let's have fun
He will hear - we sing,
And knock on us.

Speaker(recording): Attention! Attention! This is Prostokvashino radio speaking. Listen to an important message: Everyone who arrived in Prostokvashino for the New Year celebrations is asked to gather in the central square.

Matroskin: To us, here! Gather people! Today you have a lot of interesting things waiting for you!

Ball: Games! fun! Miracles of miracles! Hurry! Enough gifts for everyone!

(Open the curtain, the tree lights up)

General dance "New Year's Tale"

Ball: We have a wonderful holiday.

Matroskin: Only I have a feeling that something is missing, or rather someone.

(The postman Pechkin enters to the music)

Pechkin - It's me, the postman Pechkin. Brought the magazine "Murzilka" ... Ugh, you! New Year's greetings I brought! Only I won’t give them to you, because you don’t have documents!

Ball - And why do I need documents, everyone already knows me - I'm Sharik.

Matroskin: Mustache and tail are my documents.

Pechkin- There is a seal on the documents, but you can fake a mustache and a tail! In the hairdresser to increase! So I will not give you congratulations! They will lie in my mail for a month, and I will send them back!

Matroskin - I'm sorry you're so incredulous...

Pechkin - What are you doing here? Why are you burning electricity for nothing?

Leading - The guys and I are celebrating the New Year, Grandfather Frost should join us soon ... If you want, you can celebrate the New Year with us ...

Pechkin - Nah! What are you! I don't want to celebrate the New Year with you! And do not persuade!

Leading - Why?

Pechkin - Yes, because! What is the main decoration of the New Year's table in our time?

Ball - Bone?

Pechkin - Television! And I don't see a TV anywhere! How are you going to watch New Year's TV programs? So I'm going to go home before it's too late! And then you will miss the whole New Year here with you!

Leading - By the way, dear Pechkin, today we have our own, one might say, exclusive TV program. The guys have prepared a New Year's performance, so you can see for yourself that it is no worse than the TV one!

Pechkin - Yes? (skeptically) Interesting interesting …

Leading - So sit down, please, comfortably, and let's start watching our New Year's program!

Dance "Vyuzhenka"

Pechkin: Here's what I think. Your children haven’t stayed too long, isn’t it time to play?

Ball: I brought snowballs for the guys. Take a snowball soon, but come out my friend in a circle!

Game "Pass the snowball"

(Call signs "If there was no winter")


Attention! Attention!

Prostokvashinsky radio says:

At the request of the postman Pechkin, the song "Winter-winter" sounds for the cat Matroskin.

Matroskin: Thanks, how nice.

P song "Zimushka-winter":

1. A blizzard-commotion covered everything around.

Zimushka winter captivated with its beauty.

Silvery snow crunches underfoot

Zimushka crystal children amuse


Oh, winter-winter, you came with frosts,
We swept snowdrifts with ice braids.

I ran barefoot along the paths cheerfully,
Curtained the windows with lace.

2. Fun and joyful for all our children

A high hill has grown in the yard

We sat on the sled and we took the skates

Crystal winter, clear days

(After the song Sharik shudders, tries to keep warm)

Matroskin- Well, well, it's 2015 in the yard, and we have one pair of boots for two.

Pechkin- And why did it happen? Not enough funds?

Matroskin- We don't have enough brains. I told this hunter - buy yourself boots, and what is he?

Pechkin- What?

Matroskin- I went and bought myself some sneakers. They are more beautiful, he says.

Pechkin He did it without thinking. In our village in winter, what are the national shoes?

Children- Valenki!

DANCE "Boots"

presenter- We'll have to give Sharik felt boots, we have a lot of clothes in the bag with us, maybe Matroskin too, something will do.

GAME "The main thing is that the suit sits." Winter fashion show.

(Call signs "If there was no winter")


Attention! Attention! In the vicinity of Prostokvashino, an unidentified object was spotted with a heavy object in its hand. Signs: a long fur coat, a red nose, a long white beard. Orientation lost - need help.

(Sharik and Matroskin wonder who it is, the children suggest that it is D.M. who got lost)

presenter- It is necessary to rescue Grandfather Frost, otherwise the New Year will not come without him.

(Sharik and Matroskin take a shovel and leave to look for Santa Claus)

Leading - We will not be bored at a party. Together, we will dance together.

"Incendiary Dance"

Presenter: Dancing, music and singing, right there is no more patience!

We will play in the orchestra, we will celebrate the New Year together!

"Crystal Orchestra"

Pechkin - Well, what can I say - with such talas, no TV is needed - and they will sing and dance, and they themselves will rejoice, and the people will have fun and create a New Year's atmosphere! One word - well done! And thank you for inviting me to your party! Why was I so bad before? Because I lacked inspiration! And now I, maybe, will write poetry myself, and I will buy a drum kit for myself! So maybe I'm just starting to live now! That's what it means - the great power of art! Okay, I’ll go, I still need to deliver congratulatory telegrams before the New Year. Goodbye.

(Pechkin leaves, Santa Claus enters the hall)

Father Frost-: Happy New Year, kids,

Both girls and boys.

I hurried, got lost on the road,

But still, I ended up in Prostokvashino.

Grab your hands quickly

Spin in a round dance.

Round dance "Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Christmas tree"

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys for singing the song with me. And tell me, children, do you know a lot of winter games? Want to play.

Game "Winter Fun"

presenter -

Santa Claus, take a rest

Only, fool! Don't fall asleep!

And the guys - right there -

And poetry will be read to you


Leading - Grandfather Frost, the guys tried to sing songs, recite poems. Have you forgotten about gifts?

Father Frost- Of course, I didn't forget. Oh, only, I dropped a bag of gifts in the forest along the way.

(Santa Claus leaves to look. Matroskin and Sharik enter, drag a bag, sit under the Christmas tree)

Matroskin - And how did I not think of the treasure myself (dreamily) Now we’ll buy another cow, we don’t have to work in the garden. We can buy everything in the market.

Ball - Meat is better to buy in the store

Matroskin - Why?

Ball - And there are more bones.

Leading - What did you bring in the bag?

Matroskin - We went for mushrooms, okay?

Leading- In winter? You darken something ... Show what's in the bag

(Santa Claus enters)

Father Frost - Sharik, Matroskin, did you find a bag with gifts? Well, well done.

Sharik and Matroskin - No, we found the treasure! He is ours!

Father Frost - let's open and check (until bag) and the truth is a New Year's treasure for children!

Distribution of gifts

(Distributes gifts to children, Sharik - a bone, Matroskin - cow Murka)

Matroskin - Now I will never part with my Murka.

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More than thirty years have passed since the release of one of the most beloved cartoons by all the inhabitants of our country: “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino” and “Winter in Prostokvashino”. Much has changed over the years, but not the popularity of his characters, invented by E. Uspensky, and half of the text was literally "disassembled into quotes." We propose to include a fairy tale written based on this brilliant work in the program of the New Year holiday with family, classmates, colleagues or friends.

The text of the tale is read by the host or the organizer of the idea, and the task of the participants is to impromptu beat the heard musical compositions and the actions of their character. Part of the tracks for musical arrangement are cut from the cartoon, dance tracks can be selected to the taste of the assembled company (recommendations from the author are in brackets). Impromptu musical fairy tale "New Year in Prostokvashino"- fun and versatile, which is not necessary to costume, although the elements of a costume or props characteristic of each character will certainly decorate the scene .

The text of the fairy tale "New Year in Prostokvashino"

Heroes of the fairy tale:


Cat Matroskin,

Dog Sharik,

Postman Pechkin,

Uncle Fedor,


It was New Year's Eve. Winter danced, circled, did different dance steps to cheerful music

(It sounds like “If there was no winter in cities and villages ...”)

And in one of the snow-covered houses of Prostokvashino, preparations for the New 20 ... year were in full swing! Cat Matroskin sat behind sewing machine, pressed his paw on the pedal, muttering under his breath ...

A cut from the cartoon sounds: “I can also embroider, and on a typewriter too ...

The cat sewed a real bag for New Year's gifts. His eyes shone with a New Year's light, suddenly lyrical feelings flooded over him and Matroskin sang ...

(Sounds “And I increasingly notice

It’s as if someone has replaced me ....”)

Not far from the cat sat the dog Sharik and rubbed the photo gun to a shine

(Sounds of creaking on glass)

The photo gun rattled, shining with the purity of the metal. Sharik lubricated the photo gun with oil and, putting it in a corner, barked three times with pleasure...

(Joyful barking)

Sharik looked out the window ... Winter did not let up, danced as much as possible ...

(Sounds like "If there was no winter")

At this time there was a knock on the door

(loud knocking)

Postman Pechkin entered the room

(The cut sounds “I may just be starting to live: I’m moving on to retirement.”

or "Hello citizens parasites and alcoholics")

The postman brought a large bag of sweets. Show me, citizen Pechkin, the size of the bag... More! Even more! Matroskin, grabbing a brand new bag, jumped up to Sharik. Pechkin poured all the contents of the bag into a bag. Putting the bag down, Sharik and Pechkin danced an incendiary dance around it.

(It sounds like “The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon ...”)

Uncle Fyodor entered the room. He took off his hat from his head, shook off the snow, knocked his boots against each other.

(Knock on the floor)

Uncle Fyodor was in a wonderful mood, seeing the animation on the faces of those present and a bag of sweets, Fyodor danced Michael Jackson's "Moonwalk"

(Sounds like moonwalk)

Sleeping on the window Galchonok woke up

(Sounds "Who's there!")

The little gal was well fed by the New Year, and looked like a well-fed crow. He flew up to Uncle Fyodor and offered him several lambada dance moves.

(Sounds like Lambada)

Winter opened the door and beckoned outside.

(Sounds like "If there was no winter")

The whole cheerful company ran out for a walk. First they made snowballs and threw them at each other.

And then Sharik began to take photographs with a photogun.

- Frame one: Matroskin, Fedor, Galchonok, Pechkin make "cheese"

(Camera click sound)

Frame two, everyone is spinning, holding hands...

(Camera click sound)

Frame one hundred and one: a satisfied, but pretty tired company languidly hugging each other in a circle.

(Camera click sound)

Frame five hundred. Got a second wind...

(Sounds "Everybody dance!" and dance melody)

Winter and all the inhabitants of Prostokvashino make such pretzels that you can only wonder.

(Sounds "Blue frost...")

And it was only a warm-up before the New Year, and what happened on New Year's Eve... the year is a completely different story!!!

We invite all the actors for an encore, redeem with applause from the heart !!! I propose to raise a glass for the upcoming New Year, which is welcome not only in Prostokvashino, but in our hall !!!

(Sounds like "If there was no winter ..")

P.S. For those who want to arrange a completely New Year's holiday for children with the heroes of their favorite cartoon, we offer you to look at ready-made scenarios, perhaps these ideas will help arrange a fun and unusual performance with the participation of children

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Uncle Fedor

Cat Matroskin

Dog Sharik

Postman Pechkin

Uncle Fyodor's mother

Father of Uncle Fyodor

In the hall where the Christmas tree is installed, music sounds. It suddenly stops and

the request of the people of our village. Prostokvashinsky time….hours….minutes.

Listen to an urgent announcement. All those who arrived in Prostokvashino for the celebration

New Year's Eve, please gather near the central village Christmas tree on the square

Edward Uspensky. Postman, comrade Pechkin, you are instructed to meet

arriving guests. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? This is an order

chief postal administration. You need to meet the guests! Pechkin enters the hall, he

addresses the children standing in a circle.

what came, someone's president! Well, okay, let's, or something, become in a circle and

meet. Yes, hurry up, I have no time with you for a long time. Come on, hold hands and

form a circle ... Boy, where are you going? Why are you not following orders? Fast in

circle! .. Lined up? That's right. Now let me introduce myself. I am mulberry

postman, Pechkin is my last name. And you, therefore, are guests. Why is it just me with you

do? Play or something? So after all, I don’t know how to play. I am a service person, that is

serious. Not like everyones there, Balls. They run around the village, neither "hello" nor

"Bon appetit". He is impolite with us at all; uncivilized, others

words. And you, dear guests, by the way, do you know any polite words? "With kind

check. I will now turn to you with various requests. If at the same time I say

the word "please", you fulfill my request. And if the word "please" is not

I'll tell you then you don't do anything. Did you get my idea? Then let's start the experiment

verification, that is. Please tell me loudly "Hello!". Well done! And now,

please put your hands up! So. Now slap them!...Yeah, who's that

clapped? I didn't say please. You have to be more careful, more cultured.

Let's continue.

Pechkin is playing a game called "Please" with the guys. During

games, he confuses the guys: he says several times in a row polite

appeal, then "forgets" to do so. Pechkin's requests may be as follows:

- jump in one place

- jump now on one leg

- now lift that leg too

- say loudly "Long live the postman Pechkin!"

Fast - clap fast hands

- now clap your hands with your hands behind your back

- reach your left ear with your right hand over your head

- and now hold your nose with your left hand and say: “Who is there?”

- and now answer: "It's me, the postman Pechkin"

- hold hands and waving your hands back-go ahead, chant the poem:

“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter, we took the Christmas tree home from the forest”

- Now say to yourself: "Well done!".

Pechkin . You are really great! Not like Sharik with Matroskin. In the past

year - you probably remember - they didn’t talk to each other at all, figs

painted, the hut was going to be made. And this year is even worse! They staged a competition:

who better to prepare for the New Year and better to congratulate Uncle Fyodor on the holiday. And

whoever wins this competition, it turns out, loves Uncle Fyodor more.

And, therefore ... Oh, look, easy in sight!

Sharik runs into the hall.

Ball . Hello, Uncle Pechkin, do you have a butterfly?

Pechkin . What, my dear, are butterflies in winter? In winter, even flies do not fly. Only snowflakes!

Ball. Not! I need another butterfly. Which is worn around the neck like a tie.

Pechkin. We postmen don't carry butterflies. We are instructed to only cap

a bag for correspondence is also required.

Ball. It's a pity! I'll run, who else- I'll ask anyway. And you, if you see Matroskin,

tell him that his milk ran out.

The ball runs away.

Pechkin. Seen! A collar is not enough for him, give a bow tie too. No, here is Uncle Fedor

When he comes, I will tell him everything...

Matroskin enters the hall.

Matroskin . Who is talking about my beloved Uncle Fyodor here? Hello comrade

postman, I forgot your last name .... Skameikin, in my opinion. No, not Skameikin, but


Pechkin . How are you, citizen Matroskin, not ashamed? How is it you, my last name

forgot? Pechkin is my surname. And my dad was Pechkin, and my grandfather was also Pechkin.

Matroskin. I remembered. Your grandfather fell off the stove as a child. And since then it

They began to call Pechkin. Do you also regularly fall off the stove?

Pechkin. I don't fall off the stove. I sleep on the sofa.

Matroskin. So you're falling off the couch?

Pechkin. I don't fall off at all. And you, Matroskin, by the way, milk

Matroskin . My milk isn't running anywhere. I only have Sharik running around. You are not here

Pechkin . More like I saw. Runs around the village looking for a butterfly.

Matroskin . Looking right. I told him to find a tuxedo.

Pechkin. No. He won't find a tuxedo. At my post office, a citizen with such

does not live with a foreign surname.

surname, and the clothes are like a jacket.

Pechkin. And why, I'm sorry, Sharik needs a pinzhak, that is, this ... smorking?

Matroskin. And what is a buffet table without smog?

Pechkin . It is not right. You can't talk with your mouth full. Because it's not

culturally and you can choke. Food should be taken silently. Here I am, for example, always in

I eat in silence.

Matroskin. And what do you eat in silence?

Pechkin . Yes, different. What I buy in the store, I eat.

Matroskin. What store do you buy your groceries from? By chance not in the furniture?

Pechkin. I ask you, Matroskin, without hints. By the way, you are in no way at all

do not go to the grocery store: neither to the furniture store, nor to the grocery store. I never see you there

Matroskin. Why should I go to the store? I have my own farm. Everyone knows about it.

Just ask our guests. Guys, do you know what I have on the farm?

(Most likely, the children will answer that Matroskin has a cow and Sharik). Yes you

know nothing about my farm! I'll tell you now. And I'll even show you. And you to

it is better to remember, repeat all the words and movements after me.

The game that Matroskin offers is somewhat similar to English

folk song, known in the translation of S. Ya. Marshak, - “The house that built

Jack". Just like in this song, the game has an initial line and its

final phrase. These lines are repeated many times, and each time

between them there is another sentence. The first time the song sounds like this:

Matroskin got himself a chicken,

Hen by grain


The second time the song goes like this:

Matroskin got himself a duck,

Duck tata-tata,

Hen by grain


The third time the song looks like this:

Matroskin got himself a turkey,

Turkey shaldy-bastards,

Duck tata-tata,

Hen by grain


And in the last, final performance, the song appears in this form:

Matroskin got himself a refrigerator,

Refrigerator buzz, buzz,

Cow of flour - flour,

Goat baby-bebe,

horse skoki-skoki,

Piglet grunts, grunts,

Turkey shaldy-bastards,

Duck tata-tata,

Hen by grain


But that's not all. The performance of the song is accompanied by gestures-movements.

Movements can be:

- “where-tah-tah” - a gesture imitating a chicken pecking at grains;

- "tata-tata" - gesture "sliding snake", imitating the sliding of a duck on

- "shawls - bastards" - movement - go-ahead with right and left hand (like a turkey

flutters its wings)

- "grunts-grunts" - movement - twisting with clenched fists near the nose,

denoting "piglet" pigs;

- "skoki-skoki" - movement that imitates a rider sitting on a horse and

holding the reins;

- “bebe-bebe” - movements - chin twist to the right-to the left (like a goat waving


- "torment-torment" - a gesture of "horns" imitating a butting cow;

- "buzz-buzz" - movement "chills", imitating a person shivering from the cold.

This game assumes a high degree children's attention and good coordination

movements. Matroskin should be in the game a model for the execution of all movements.

Pechkin, who at this time is also in the center of the children's circle, must

to show that he is trying to repeat all the gestures with Matroskin and the children, but

like nothing works for him. Such behavior of Pechkin will certainly cause

guys laugh, and this is another important result of the game.

Matroskin . This is how my business is now.

Sharik runs.

Ball. What are you doing here?

Pechkin. We are shawls here - bulldozers and grunts - grunts!

Matroskin. We're learning animal husbandry here!

Ball . It's all nonsense! It is necessary to prepare for the New Year, and not breed pigs.

Matroskin. And I'm ready for the New Year. For Uncle Fyodor, I have so many delicious things

cooked food! You can eat all night.

Ball . Is this the main thing in the holiday?

Ball. How boring you are! You just need to fill your stomach and stare into the box!

Matroskin . And what do you propose?

Ball. Yes, a lot. In the New Year, you can, for example, sing songs.

Matroskin. Who sings songs on an empty stomach? You, Sharik, when you are hungry,

all you can do is howl at the moon.

Ball . And that's not true! I can not only howl. I was recently told that I'm a singer

Leonid Agutin looks like.

Matroskin . Very similar! Same shaggy.

Ball. Yes, is it a matter of shaggyness?!

Matroskin. You also look like Vlad Stashevsky. Just twitch when fleas

Ball. And you yourself do you know who you look like?

Matroskin . I know. To Philip Kirkorov!

Ball . And what do you look like him?

Matroskin . And the fact that I'm just as well-fed and sing loudly.

Ball. Here - here, sing to us "My pussy, I'm your cat, my sausage, I'm your tummy!"

Pechkin. Let me sleep better! I recently heard such a good song!

Matroskin. And you, it turns out, comrade ... er ... Lockers, can you also sing?

Pechkin . Of course! I always sing when I ride a bike.

Matroskin . So, you will sing to us about the bike?

Pechkin. Why! This is a New Year's song, or rather an old one.

Pechkin sings to the tune of the song “Wait, locomotive” from the movie “Operation Y”:

Hold on, old year

Don't ring the chimes.

I don't need to rush anywhere.

And their songs

Do not sing musicians.

Let the star not burn on the tree.

I have no joy

In a merry round dance.

And it hurts me to hear children's laughter.

Please old year

By rain a little more

Let the New Year come not for everyone.

Ask me

Why am I sad?

And why do I look so gloomy?

And the thing is,

What's in the coming year

I'm retiring!

Ball. Very nice song.

good to deal with cockroaches.

Pechkin. Like this?

Matroskin . After your singing, all the cockroaches will do hara-kiri at once.

Ball. Remembered!

Matroskin. About what? About the fact that today it's your turn to lick the dishes?

Ball. In the New Year, you can still play different games. I remember a very good game.

It's called New Year's Eve. Uncle Pechkin, do you have four postcards?

Pechkin. But how! I carry all my New Year's correspondence in my bag.

Ball. Then give me four grand.

Pechkin .And who will be responsible for their delivery to the address?

Ball. I will. Together with the guys. Guys, now we are organizing a speedy

new year mail.

The ball is playing a game with the guys. He takes four postcards from Pechkin and hand them

their children standing in a circle. Children who receive postcards must be

equidistant from each other. At Sharik's signal, the children begin to transmit

postcards from hand to hand clockwise. The game stops when one

the child will have two cards in his hands at the same time: he has not yet had time to

"send", and the other has already "received". Sharik leads such children out of the circle, so that

then give them some task. The game may have complications: postcards

can be passed over the head, behind the back, between the legs, etc.

Pechkin. And I know another game. Also the postman. let's-let's play it...

In the game that Pechkin offers to children, it is necessary to sing a verse several times

songs, while gradually replacing their words with gestures. The melody of the song - "In the forest

a Christmas tree was born. The lyrics to the song are:

The postman is coming, coming to us,

The postman is coming to us.

And we know that the postman

The letter will bring us

At first, this song is sung without changes. When the song is sung for the second time,

the word "postman" is no longer pronounced in it. Instead, the guys touch

hand to an imaginary postman's cap - "salute." Next time

the word "goes" is excluded from the song. Instead, the guys step over

place. Then the words "us" and "we" can be replaced with a gesture pointing to yourself.

Then instead of "know", you can put your index finger to your forehead. And finally

"writing" is replaced by the movement of the hands describing a square in the air. As a result, at

The last performance of the song takes the following form: "... to ... to ... and ... what .... will bring."

everything else will be shown with gestures. Pechkin explains and shows this game.

Sharik and Matroskin at this time should help him by working with guys from different

halves of a circle.

Ball. Very good game, Uncle Pechkin. I didn't think you postmen were like that.

good games you know.

Pechkin. We postmen know a lot. Because we are the most needed people on

light. You can't live without postmen, but you can live without cats.

Pechkin. Yes, because there is no need for you.

there will be no comfort in the house.

Ball . You also say that cats can be used instead of heating pads.

Matroskin. And I will say! But you can’t put a postman on your stomach instead of a heating pad! Even

the smallest.

Pechkin . But we bring newspapers and give pensions.

Ball. And we, dogs, even flew into space.

Matroskin. Oh, who would you, Sharik, into space about the rules. Together with

comrade ... er ... postman.

Ball. And what?! I won't get lost in space either. We dogs are oh so resourceful. About us

even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote.

Pechkin . And who is this? Steamboat man? How is Admiral Krusenstern?

Pechkin . I know! This is about how Gerasim threw the dog into the river.

Ball . No, that poor fellow was called Mu-Mu.

Matroskin . Here again is discrimination: why was the dog given a cow's name?

Ball. And there is a whole science about us, “cynology”. And about the cats of the science of "catology"

Matroskin. Well, also tell me that you dogs performed heroic deeds. What do you need

set the bust of the hero at home.

Ball . Of course. And the dance is named after us.

Matroskin . What is this? "Bite your own tail"?

Ball. But no! "Dance of the little puppies" is called.

Pechkin . Dance of the little swans" - heard! "Dance of little puppies" - I have not heard!

Ball . This, Uncle Pechkin, is very simple. Let's show.

Matroskin. Here - Here, dance a dog waltz for a couple.

Ball . No "dog waltz". A very modern dance. Come on guys

do as I do, to the music. And whoever performs the “dance of little puppies” best of all, I will

I will give you a medal. See what I have. "For the exterior"!

The dance that Sharik proposes to teach Pechkin and the children is performed to

the music of the very popular "Dance of the Little Ducklings". As you know, ducklings dance

there are few movements, and all of them are an imitation of the movements of a duckling: duckling

opens its beak, the duckling shakes off its feathers, the duckling waves its tail, etc. AT

puppies dance the same principle: all movements must be

imitating a small dog. For example, movements might be:

- the puppy scratches behind the ear with its paw;

- the puppy is wagging its tail;

- the puppy rakes the sand with its hind legs;

- The puppy breathes loudly, sticking out his tongue.

During the dance, Sharik should become the main performer and organizer.

Matroskin at this time can condescendingly observe what is happening.

Pechkin must first try to repeat the movements for the guys, then he

may wave his hand and go into a squat, shouting: “Wow-wow-wow-wow!”.

Ball. Great guys! A little more practice and you can go to the big stage

go out. And I'll keep the medal for myself, I danced the best!

play postal games or prepare for the New Year?

Ball. One does not interfere. When we play, we prepare for the New Year's Eve.

Matroskin. Yeah. Played a little- and the dishes are washed. Played a little more- and

the curtains have been washed. It's only with you, Sharik, it happens. Because you think

just as long as you run.

Ball. And the ancient Greeks said about this: “If you want to be smart, run. Want

be healthy - run ... "

Pechkin. I want to ask who are- ancient Greeks?

Ball. They lived in Greece. For a long time. Now everyone is dead.

Matroskin. Exactly. We ran!

Ball. But they were the first to say that the dog- man's best friend!

Ball. No, dog!

Pechkin. No postman!

Matroskin . You still hold a referendum on this issue. Talk show "One on one".

Ball. And we will. Because it- fundamental question!

Matroskin . The main question now is one - preparation for the New Year!

Pechkin. And I read an article in a newspaper. FROM useful tips. About how

properly prepare for the holiday. I can retell!

Matroskin. We don't need,, your useless advice.

We ourselves know what and how to do.

Pechkin . Or maybe you know wrong?

should we prepare for the New Year? ... Well, then you will judge us now. We will now

talk about how we prepare for the holiday. If you are preparing in the same way, then you should

our words to say: “Me too!” And if you don't, then shut up! Clear?

Matroskin, Sharik and Pechkin are playing the game. They take turns saying the phrases

who talk about their preparation for New Year's holiday. Children after

of each phrase, they either remain silent, or loudly declare: "Me too." Phrases can be

Matroskin: Before the New Year, I decorate the room ...

Sharik: Before the New Year, I prepare gifts for all my friends ...

Pechkin: Before the New Year, I go to the store and buy food ...

Matroskin: I comb my tail before the New Year ...

Sharik: Before the New Year, I decorate the Christmas tree ...

Pechkin: Before the New Year, I watch TV all day ...

Matroskin: Before the New Year, I rake the snow around the house ...

Ball: Before the New Year, I clean my collar to a shine ...

Pechkin: Before the New Year, I send greeting cards to all my friends ...

Matrsokin: Before the New Year, I hang a new calendar on the wall ...

Sharik: Before the New Year I eat "Pedigrey fell" ...

Pechkin: I cut my mustache before the New Year ...

Matroskin: Before the New Year, I make visits to relatives ...

Ball: Before the New Year, I clean my wool with a vacuum cleaner ...

Pechkin: Before the New Year, I put on my best suit ...

Matroskin: Before the New Year, I milk my cow ...

Sharik: Before the New Year I go sledding ...

Pechkin: Before the New Year, I go to the bathhouse with my friends ...

In the case when individual children confirm that they, like Matroskin,

combing the tail, Pechkin and Sharik can wittily comment on these


Matroskin . Well, here we figured out how to prepare for the New Year. And now I will

prepare to meet Uncle Fyodor. He will arrive any minute. And I will be his


Ball. And I? I will meet him too!

Matroskin. And how are you Sharik, will you meet him? You have only games and dances on

Ball. I will greet Uncle Fyodor as an honored guest. With all solemnity!


Ball. Could be so. It is possible in another way. I will meet him with flowers!

Matroskin. And where do you get flowers in winter? Dandelions from under the snow

pick out?

Ball. Why dandelions? We have a cactus growing on the window of our house.

Ball. Well, for Uncle Fyodor, you even feel sorry for the cactus.

Matroskin . I don't feel sorry for Uncle Fyodor. But cacti and ficuses at a meeting do not

Pechkin. We must meet your Uncle Fyodor with bread and salt!

Ball. Then we will meet with bread and sugar.

Ball . Then we will meet him with bread and butter. Or bread with mayonnaise.

Matroskin . You still offer bread to be smeared with shoe polish.

Pechkin . But I read in one newspaper how one minister was met with an orchestra. And

lined up a guard of honor for him.

Matroskin. We have Sharik a specialist on guards. He considers himself a guard dog.

As he sees the thief, so "Sentry!" screams.

Pechkin . And in one newspaper they wrote that for one president right at the airport

carpet was laid.

rugs… I wonder if they greet presidents with rugs?

Pechkin. Nothing was written about rugs in the newspaper. But about the fact that after meeting the guest in

the car is planted and driven to the residence, - wrote about it.

Matroskin . We don't have a car either. There are sleds. Sharik, and you, by chance, are not riding with us

dog? We would have harnessed you to the sled.

Sha rick. I am a hunter. And you can harness a cow to a sled. She has antlers, she is on a deer

Ball . Now, if I had a real gun, I would for Uncle Fyodor

salute fireworks fired. From both stems.

instructions are prohibited.

Matroskin . You, comrade ... er ... Etazherkin, wherever you spit - all instructions

Pechkin . That's for sure. The instruction does not allow spitting in public places.

Ball . Eureka!

Pechkin . And who is this "Eureka"?

the word one ancient Greek shouted while sitting in the bathroom.

Ball. Don't know. But on - to me, he's all out of the bathroom - did come out.

Pechkin . So he didn’t drown, but ran!

Matroskin . Say what you came up with, you ancient Greek dog.

Ball . When Uncle Fyodor arrives, we will chant loudly!

Pechkin . Why make a fuss? There is no need to quarrel!

stadium: Spar - So - champion - he!".

Ball . Or as at a wedding: "Woe - to! grief - ko!”

Pechkin . Shouting loudly is also not advisable. This is a disturbance of the peace!

Ball . We will not just scream, but in honor of Uncle Fyodor.

Matroskin . And what are you suggesting we shout?

Ball . The guys and I will chant:

“Happy New Year, congratulations, happiness, joy!”.

Ma troskin . And I don't like it. Because it is not clear for whom we shout and to whom

we wish you joy.

Ball . Isn't it clear to whom? Uncle Fyodor!

Matroskin . Maybe uncle Fyodor, or maybe some - some Uncle Bonifitius.

Ball . And what do you suggest?

Matroskin . I'm with the guys - to another I will shout:

"He came to us, he came to us

Uncle Fyodor dear!

Ball . Why will you be with the guys? I'll be with the guys. I came up with it first!

Matroskin . This is discrimination! Cats are being bullied again!

Pechkin . Don't chant! That is, do not scandal! Both of you are screaming. You guys are equal

share and each his own ... this ... scandal, that is, chant.

Ball. The right idea, you, Uncle Pechkin, prompted us.

guys standing in a circle into two halves. Sharik conducts explanatory work with

one half of the hall, Matroskin - with another. They convince the guys of the need

Matroskin must agree on a conditional sign ke- signal. Or guys should

chant at the wave of Pechkin's hand. The game is repeated three - four times. After

each attempt, Sharik and Matroskin argue over whose children scream louder. After

After another shouting over, Uncle Fyodor enters the hall.

Matroskin. Hooray! Uncle Fedor has arrived!

Uncle Fedor . Hello Matroskin. Hello Sharik. Hello citizen

Pechkin. Hello guys! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

Pechkin . They are here without you, citizen Uncle Fyodor, they almost had a fight. They are here

generally live like a cat with a dog.

Uncle Fedor. Sharik, Matroskin, what happened?

Matroskin . Yes, nothing actually happened. just something - who is too much about himself

imagines. And he himself still believes that there are three letters "A" in the word "dog".

Pechkin . And here is the lie. When Sharik sent a telegram to England, he

“Dog” through “O” wrote, that is, correctly.

Uncle Fedor . Sharik, did you send a telegram to England?

Matroskin . Well well! Even I didn't know that. What do you have relatives Abroad

showed up?

They adopted a hundred puppies. Organized the first dog orphanage.

Uncle Fedor . Well done Sharik! This is a truly noble act.

found another treasure and did not share?

Ball . I just sold the collar. I have it, it turns out, was made of non-ferrous metal.

Matroskin . Sold the best parade - exit collar? Yes, you know who you are e

translates telegrams!

Ball . I am everything - then sent six of them.

Pechkin . I want to clarify, not six, but eight!

Matroskin . How?! Who did you send telegrams to?

Ball . One at to a shelter for stray dogs. One - Mikhail Shirvindt. it

which on TV broadcast is "Me and my dog."

Matroskin. I won't survive! Which-then Shirvindt is dearer to him than his best friend. You to me

no longer a friend.

Uncle Fedor. Matroskin, stop! Sharik sent me a telegram too!

Matroskin. I could have done with a postcard, as I did.

Uncle Fedor. Stop it! If you don't reconcile now, I'll go back to the city.

Matroskin. For you, Uncle Fyodor, I am even ready to do the impossible. Even with this

irresponsible animals to make peace. Come here, prodigal brother! Let's have a truce

Tatyana Gerasimova

Tree off.

The presenter stands at the Christmas tree, congratulates all those present on New Year(poem).Then the leader says:

HOST: And now we meet our children!

To the hall to the song of D. Bilan "New Year's" children enter, sit on chairs. Then the screen saver sounds (balalaika) from "Winter in Prostokvashino» . On her background presenter says:

HOST: Oh, guys, hush, hush!

Something strange I hear!

Someone is talking...

What will happen now!

The host and teacher open the curtains. Matroskin the cat sits on the stove (in felt boots).

MATROSKIN: And where did this Ball go!

Sharik enters with a gun and in sneakers.

MATROSKIN: Aah, the hunter has come! Where is the prey, Sharik!

BALL: A snowstorm howls for two days! All the hunting is swept over, little animals from

the cold is gone! At the very paws stiffened!

MATROSKIN: Ball, you are a dunce: I told you "buy boots!", and you

bought sneakers!

BALL: They are prettier!

MATROSKIN: Who is winter in Prostokvashino wears sneakers!

Leit motif "Winter in Prostokvashino» . A knock is heard at the door. Matroskin and Sharik ask who is there. Pechkin's voice outside the door:

PECHKIN: It's me, the postman Pechkin, brought a letter from your


BALL: Come in, come in, dear comrade Pechkin!

The postman Pechkin enters the hall.

PECHKIN: Here (shows letter)what does your boy write:

“Hello, my dear Matroskin and Sharik! Writes to you

your uncle Fedor. Coming soon New Year and me and dad and

mother wanted to come to Prostokvashino…»

MATROSKIN: Hooray, our uncle Fedor will come!

I'm sick and I'm at home. And so you don't get bored

meet New Year, call the children from kindergarten. They are

cheerful and kind. Goodbye. Your uncle Fedor. ate

snow your uncle Fyodor and now lies at home!

BALL: And we will call the guys! Matroskin, write!

MATROSKIN: I feel good here too! Write yourself!

Ball "writes" letter, gives Pechkin. Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» Pechkin bypasses the Christmas tree, approaches the presenter.

PECHKIN: Kindergarten?. You have a letter from the village Prostokvashino.

HOST: Thanks! (opens envelope, reads)"Hello,

dear children - preschoolers! Come visit us at

Prostokvashino to celebrate the New Year. Cat Matroskin and dog

Ball." Dear comrade Pechkin, how can we get to

before Prostokvashino?

PECHKIN: Yes, it’s not far, you’ll reach it on skis! And it's time for me to write and

deliver parcels! (leaves the room)

HOST: Guys, we need to hurry up, Matroskin and Sharik are already

are waiting for us! Go!

DANCE OF SKIERS Gr. Stagecoach - "Snow and trees"

Matroskin and Sharik come out to the Christmas tree.

TOGETHER: Hooray! The boys have arrived! We will greet the new year! BUT

here is our beauty - a Christmas tree!

HOST: Yes, your Christmas tree is beautiful, tried - dressed up! Just how

as if something is missing ... What is missing on the Christmas tree,

CHILDREN: The lights don't burn!

HOST: It is necessary to light the Christmas tree,

Magic words to say!

Come on, children, one - two - three ...

CHILDREN: Our Christmas tree, burn!

Ringing. Christmas tree incl. Applause.

REBO NOC 1: That's the tree! Good!

And elegant and slim!

Thousands of lights at once

Fired up on her!

REBO NOC 2: And under the tree a round dance

And dancing and singing!

Cat Matroskin, Sharik - friend

Invite to the circle!

"NEW YEAR DANCE" Hizhinskaya

After the round dance, the children sit down.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, did you like our song? It's time and

Call Santa Claus. Let's all come together guys

let's call grandpa!

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» instead of Santa Claus, Pechkin enters the hall with a parcel in his hands (it says "From Santa Claus").

HOST: It's you again, Comrade Pechkin! And we called Santa Claus!

PECHKIN: I came to you on business.

HOST: What business?

PECHKIN: I brought you a parcel from Santa Claus, but I didn’t give it to you

I'll give it away because you don't have any documents.

MATROSKIN: Give us our package now!

PECHKIN: What documents do you have?

MATROSKIN: Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

PECHKIN: There is always a seal on documents! Do you have a stamp on

tail? - no! And you can fake a mustache!

HOST: Come on, you get angry, better go drink tea. Ball,

Matroskin, pour hot tea - it's winter outside,

cold! Sit down, please, comrade Pechkin! Already everything

on the table and there are even a lot of delicious sweets! Come on

candy, show yourself!

DANCE OF CANDIES Gr. "Samantha" - "We are candy"

During the Pechkin dance "drinking tea",then says:

PECHKIN: What beautiful and delicious sweets you have! Give me that one

candy, they are very wonderful! (pointing to a girl)

The girls run to the chairs, Pechkin follows them. (runs out of the room).

BALL: Now we'll see what the postman Pechkin brought.

Sharik opens the box, but does not have time to look - Baba Yaga appears in the hall.

BABA YAGA: All on holiday invited,

Everyone forgot about me!

Having fun here celebrating... Ooooh(notices the parcel, even

parcels are received ... Well, go away! (Sharik; reads

inscription) "From Santa Claus" (opens) yes here

a bag ... probably with sweets ... then I'll open it - I'll see!

(pulls bag out of package).

Well, and at parting I will avenge you:

I'll turn off the lights on the tree in no time!

Fly, toad, nonsense - go out, Christmas tree, forever!

Tree off. Baba Yaga, with a malicious laughter, with a bag in her hands, runs away from the hall.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, look, Baba Yaga extinguished our Christmas tree!

MATROSKIN:And let's say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

BALL: That's right, Matroskin!

HOST: Guys, let's all say together: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

The children are talking, but the Christmas tree is not on.

HOST: Baba Yaga so bewitched our Christmas tree that we cannot

light her fire! What to do? Who will rescue us!

2 gnomes with flashlights run out.

GNOME 1: We are fabulous gnomes,

Let's light the lanterns

Frost with the Snow Maiden

On the let's call a holiday!

GNOME 2: Let it be joyful and fun

Lights will be lit!

Magic lanterns -

Magic lights!


During the dance, the Christmas tree is on. The song is playing right away "Hello Dedushka Moroz" in Spanish Lizaveta. The voice of Santa Claus is heard from the corridor.

HOST: Hear! This is Grandfather Frost with his granddaughter rushing to

light of lights! Gnomes, go meet Santa Claus!

The gnomes come out and then come back with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Everyone stands at the tree.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, kids - cute girls and


SNOW MAIDEN: Hello, dear guests.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone on New Year,then turns to Matroskin and Sharik:

SANTA CLAUS: Matroskin, Sharik, how are you in Prostokvashino in winter

Good! How beautifully you decorated the Christmas tree! In many places I

I have never seen such a Christmas tree! And how many lights on it!

(admiring) We walked into their light with the Snow Maiden, very much

they burn bright!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, if not for the dwarfs-wizards

with your flashlights, would you find the way to

Prostokvashino! It was they who lit the lights on the Christmas tree and

light the way for you!

SANTA CLAUS: Thank you, dear gnomes!

HOST: Sit down, relax!

The gnomes sit down, put away their lanterns.

HOST: Can holiday continue,

Let's sing and dance

Let's be together with Santa Claus

See off the past year!

SNOW MAIDEN: Move the circle wider,

Everyone get up in a round dance!

AT Prostokvashino we are together

Let's meet together New Year!


After the round dance, the children remain in the circle.

SANTA CLAUS: And I, guys, not only give gifts: I'm cold

There is a lot of frost, I hid it in my magic mittens!

Watch out, I'll freeze you now!

HOST: And you try! Nothing will work for you, grandfather!

SANTA CLAUS: How can that not work!


HOST: Nobody, Santa Claus, you did not freeze. Go guys to your

places ... And you, Santa Claus, sit down. Snow Maiden, help

Children sit down. A sad Pechkin enters the hall.

HOST: Comrade Pechkin! Why are you so sad?

PECHKIN: Why, why! It's frosty outside! And then I have a bird

candy stolen! She must be taken to the clinic for experiments!

SANTA CLAUS: Well, what are you, postman Pechkin, so worried about!

Matroskin, Sharik, did you receive a parcel from me? There after all

many candies!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, they are no longer there!

SANTA CLAUS: Where did they go?

HOST: Guys, tell us who comes to us, stole sweets and

extinguished the tree!

Children talk about Baba Yaga.

SANTA CLAUS: And where is she, this Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

BABA YAGA: And here I am!

SANTA CLAUS: Answer, Yaga, why did you extinguish the Christmas tree, sweets stole children?

PECHKIN: The parcel was not addressed to you! And you arbitrarily

Opened, the contents were dragged away!

BABA YAGA: They also ask ... they are indignant! On the holidays

never call me, don't play with me, don't do anything to me

treat! So I stole your candy! Maybe me too

I wanted something sweet!

I'm tired of flying in my old mortar,

Tired of doing bad things!

I gathered for you at the Christmas tree,

Curled, dressed up!

I'm still young, I'm only 200 years old,

And what a merry one - there is no dancer equal to me!

HOST: Baba Yaga, you dance and teach the kids!

BABA YAGA: Come out to the Christmas tree, people, we will start a round dance!


BABA YAGA: Phew, tired! Haven't danced in years!

Now it's your turn, Santa Claus, to amuse the people!

SANTA CLAUS: And I would like to listen to the children with the Snow Maiden,

right, granddaughter? We haven't seen each other for a whole year, very much

I want to hear your poetry! I know, prepared, taught!

HOST: Of course, Grandpa, get ready! Learned a lot of verses for

SANTA CLAUS: Something hot became me,

I'm not used to living in the heat!

Granddaughter, I'm getting sick ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ...

SNOW MAIDEN: For you I make a snowball -

Cold white lump!

Stand with us in a circle,

Play with the snow!

HOST: Guys, get up in a circle,

Pass the snow to your friends!

THE GAME "SNOW" (music) "Who has a snowball in his hands"

PECHK., B. Ya. : And we will play with you,

We'll throw snowballs at you!

SNOWBALL GAME U. Karakoz - "Zimushka-winter"

SANTA CLAUS: Well, it's enough for you, kids, to indulge - throw snowballs!

Let's collect snowballs - we'll put things in order near the Christmas tree!

Children collect snowballs in a basket. Baba Yaga puts them under the Christmas tree. The children are standing by the tree.

HOST: Grandfather Frost, did you feel good?

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, nice to play snowballs!

BABA YAGA: Oh, and how good you are in Prostokvashino!

PECHKIN: And let's sing our favorite! Well, guys, sing along!


Children freely stand in front of the Christmas tree. After the song, they sit on chairs.

HOST: All this, of course, is good! But what about gifts?

Santa Claus - Baba Yaga stole all the candies in the bag

to yourself in the hut!

BABA YAGA: Oh, kids, it's nice how you are! And I'm ready right now

fly after the bag!

PECHKIN: You leave - and then look for you and our sweets!

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, you don’t have to go anywhere and fly, Yagusya! Have you forgotten

that I am a magician! Now I will say the magic words, and the bag

he will come!

I'll call him soon - he's probably at the door!

Hey, bag, come here and bring us gifts!


To the music hall "comes in" Bag.

SANTA CLAUS: You, my bag, spin around,

Dance and bow!

And then don't yawn -

Give gifts to everyone!

The bag dances and spins.

BABA YAGA Q: What's in the bag?

HOST: Oh, don't touch it - it will run away!

BABA YAGA: I'll take a look!

BAG: You can't handle the bag!

Santa Claus conjured

No one should open!

BABA YAGA: Oh, curious, I can't!

BAG: Well, then I'll run away!

The bag runs out of the room. Santa Claus is behind him: “Stop, bag, but what about the gifts!” Then Santa Claus enters the hall, carries exactly the same bag (with gifts)and says:

SANTA CLAUS: Here ... I caught it by force! Oh, and he's smart! Came

it's time to distribute gifts, Snow Maiden, let's go - help


New Year is a magical holiday. All children and adults are looking forward to it. According to the scenario of the event, the pupils met with the heroes of their favorite cartoon. Everyone plunged into the atmosphere of celebration and fun. The children sang with pleasure, danced, participated in the competitions “Feed the piglets”, “Dress up the Christmas tree”, “Guess how many sweets are in the bag?”, danced round dances with the main character of the holiday, Santa Claus. The holiday "New Year in Prostokvashino" turned out to be bright, rich, cheerful and magical in New Year's!



"Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Support and Correction "Harmony"


"New Year's holiday in Prostokvashino"

Educators: Koltinova L.V.

Mileshkina N.I.

Nepryakhina E.N.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere for the New Year.


Create conditions for self-realization and self-expression of the personality of pupils;

Develop creative activity;

Develop communication skills;

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance;

To attach to the traditions of celebrating the New Year;

To form the ability to behave at a holiday, to rejoice oneself and bring joy to others;

Create a psychologically favorable atmosphere in the children's team.

Characters:Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, postman Pechkin, Sharik, Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor.
Scenery: House, sign "Prostokvashino". At the Christmas tree - a table with a samovar, four chairs, on the floor - a homespun path.

The music from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" sounds, the children enter the hall, imitating the train.

Children read poetry.

1. Our train is rushing
Through the fields and through the forests
Sweeping sparkling snow
We go to visit friends.

2. We eat to the far side,
Where they rise in the sun
Where are the harmonicas incessantly
On holidays they sing merrily.

The song "If there was no winter" sounds (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino").

Leading: So we arrived in Prostokvashino. And where are Uncle Fyodor and Sharik? They must meet us (Uncle Fyodor and Sharik run out.)
Ball: Hooray! The guys have arrived! That's great!
Uncle Fedor: Come into the house guys. We are very glad to see you! (children walk around the Christmas tree, "enter" the house where Matroskin and Galchonok are sitting at the table.)
Matroskin: Well, well, what is being done ..

Matroskin: It's the twenty-first century outside, and in our house we have one pair of felt boots for two. Well, as with the king of peas.

We have the funds. We don't have enough mind. I said to this hunter: “Buy yourself boots, and what is he?” ...

Went and bought sneakers! They say they are prettier.

He's a dunce, a dunce (hitting his head with his fist)

Matroskin (displeased): Well, how many parasites came in large numbers! It's not like they'll drink all my milk, they'll eat my Murka and Govryusha!

Ball: Shut up, Matroskin, no one needs your milk. Our kids are celebrating New Years!

Matroskin: I know them! .. Well, all right, have fun, just don't indulge, otherwise you will break the furniture, but we don't have money to buy new ones. Sharik is a loafer, there is no use for him, he drives around with a gun!

Leading: Nothing, Matroskin, you’ll see what a fun holiday we will have, you’ll start to get better right away. So guys, let's get started.

Voice of the radio . Attention! Attention! Prostokvashinsky radio says: Listen to the announcement: All those who arrived at the New Year's Eve, please gather near the Christmas tree. Postman Comrade Pechkin, you have been instructed to meet the guests. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? You need to meet guests!

(includes Pechkin)

Pechkin: I hear, I hear! Are you guests? Well, let's get acquainted. I am a local postman, Pechkin is my last name. And what is your name.

Dima, Sveta, Seryozha, Alena Arina, Darina, Christina - wave your right hand.

All Veronica, Alina, Catherine, Alexandra, Victoria, clap,

Polina, Olesya, Kirill, Alexei, Evgenia stomp.

Sergeys, Artems, Andreys, Nikitas, Vladimirs, Arsenii, jump,

Gleba, Valeria, Lyubov, Elizabeth, Ivana, Maxima, kick your feet,

Dmitry, Yegora, Ksenia, Carolina, Elena, Daria raise your hands up,

Alena, Constantine, Daniel, Anton, Alexandra swear

Denis, Mikhails, Igors, Mariannas, Rostislavs circled

And the rest as loud as possible

They call their names.

So, one, two, three - say your name.

It seems no one has been forgotten.

What should I do with you? Play what?

Game "Yes or no?"

Well, what else can I do with you? Let's play some more, shall we?

Game - dance "Balloons - lanterns"


1st student:
Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.

2nd student:

With new happiness,
Happy New Year,
Congratulations to everyone, and then
And we walk in a round dance
We will dance and sing.

3rd student:

Shine with lights, tree,
Invite us to the party.
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Everyone turns to the tree, the tree is not on fire.

Leading: Guys, the tree is not on fire, something is wrong here ... (there is a knock on the door)

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you an important package! (gives package)

Leading: Let's see what kind of package this is, maybe this is a hint how to light the Christmas tree? (opens package, takes out code)
(4 - children Sharik, Matroskin, Uncle Fedor ..)

Pechkin brought us a package,
And in the package is an envelope,
And in the envelope is a secret,
And in secret is the answer,
Encrypted, numbered,
Like no matches and no candles
Light our Christmas tree? (opens package)
Oh, friends, here is a secret cipher,
Secret cipher from different numbers. (shows numbers: 0, 2, 1, 9)
If we decipher the code,
Under which the New Year, -
The tree will light the fire for us.
How to arrange these numbers?
Come on, answer kids!

Arranging: 2019. As soon as the last digit is set, the Christmas tree lights up.

Leading: Alright guys it's 2019

The old year is leaving us

And say goodbye to winter.

New Year comes to visit us,

Long-awaited, young.

Of course we were waiting for him

The trees in the house were decorated.

Congratulations to all of us, brothers,

Year two thousand and nineteen.

We will stand near the Christmas tree
Let's start round dances
Happy New Year to all,
Let's sing the song together!

Leading: I announce the most important New Yearround dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"


Oh what a good

Good Santa Claus!

Christmas tree for our holiday

Brought from the forest.

The lights are sparkling

Red, blue!

Good for us, Elka,

Have fun with you.

Dance "I'm a modern Christmas tree ..."

Matroskin: These dances of yours will not lead to good, soon the floor will fail!

Uncle Fedor: And I liked it, and the floor, if anything, we'll fix it.

Matroskin: Wrong at us any New year turns out.

Host: Why is that?

Matroskin: For the New Year, Santa Claus should be, Snegurochka, but we don’t have them. Wrong this New year.

Ball: Again you, Matroskin, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are about to come to us. They promised. Maybe the blizzard delayed them (Knock on the door).

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin! (Pechkin enters) Brought you a letter from Santa Claus.

Uncle Fedor and Sharik:Hooray! Santa Claus is coming to us! Come on, Pechkin, you will celebrate the New Year with us.

Matroskin: There is nothing to roam about other people's houses on New Year's Eve. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.

Pechkin: Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you need to be taken to the clinic for experiments.

Leading (examines the letter): The letter is addressed to the cat Matroskin, Sharik and Uncle Fyodor. Come on, come here! Read the letter.

Matroskin (sniffs):Smells like milk chocolate.

Sharik (sniffs):Not! Smells like tangerines!

Uncle Fyodor (examines):I don't understand what is written here. You can't see anything without glasses!

Leading: Well, let me help you (reads):

Hello my guys!

I will describe everything in order:

I got stuck on the way

I can't find you!

The blizzard is blocking my way,

The evening is already coming.

Help me find the way

Sing a song together!

Host: Let's help our grandfather. Let's sing a song.

Song (New Year at the Gates)

Leading: Something Santa Claus does not hear us, let's call him together ....

Father Frost:
Oh, so many kids!
Both girls and boys!
happy new year, happy new year
Congratulations to all children!
Congratulations to all guests!
I was with you a year ago
I'm glad to see everyone again.
And ready to dance
Together with you right now.

Snow Maiden:

Last year you had us
Nobody has been forgotten
They grew up, they became big,
Are you already in? Class.
And did you recognize me?
Or seeing it for the first time?
I'm still young
Good-natured, cheerful.

Snowflake dance

Father Frost:

Stand up guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Song, dance and fun
Let's meet the New Year with you!

Round dance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,……)

Father Frost: Tell me, children, what do you like in winter? (Children answer) Do you like frost? Who among you is not afraid of the cold?

Children: That frost is not afraid, who knows how to have fun!

Father Frost: And now let's see. Let's play with you

Game - "Santa Claus and children."

Santa Claus - 1. .You kids, do not yawn, close your cheeks quickly ...

("freezes cheeks")

2.. Now hold on tighter

I will freeze your ears ... ("freezes ears)

3.. Take care of your shoulders

I’ll freeze, you won’t notice (“touches the shoulders”)

Santa Claus: Oh, and smart people live in the Harmony Center.

Leading: Grandfather got tired, tired. Let the tree rest. Who will read poetry to him? (Children read poetry).

I'm sitting, waiting for a gift.

I'm behaving well.

Santa Claus, look, take into account:

I'm almost not kidding anymore.

Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with dreams, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

Round dance with the Snow Maiden

Leading: Guys, and now I suggest watching TV, there are so many interesting programs!

Matroskin: There is nothing to watch TV, you need to save electricity. And what's the use of it? Harm one for children!

Uncle Fedor: Yes, we don't need it. We'll set up the TV ourselves. Guys, let's play a game called Rubric Game.

Leading: And it consists in this: name your favorite television shows.

Children list: “Visiting a fairy tale”, “Funny notes”, “Blue bird”, “Voice. Children. ”,“ Morning Star ”,“ Best of all ”,“ Finest Hour ”.
A "garland" of pictures (headings) with plots corresponding to the names of TV programs and the name of the program is hung on the Christmas tree. Then those who wish come out and, with their eyes closed, point to a rubric. Each rubric corresponds to the number of amateur performances. Next, the children perform a number of amateur performances, the selected TV show.

Amateur performance numbers:

  1. "Visiting a fairy tale" - Dance
  2. "Funny notes" -Song "Hello Santa Claus"
  3. "Blue bird" - The poem "What is the New Year?"
  4. "Voice. Children" - Song "New Year"
  5. Competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"(for 5 people 2 teams)
  6. "Morning Star"Song "New Year's Eve"
  7. "You are super. Dancing"Song "White Snow"

Summing up the results of the competition

Uncle Fedor:

Here is the New Year's Eve

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to you today

Wish the kid.


Be kinder, smarter, more courageous,

Keep joy for everyone!

And now - goodbye to everyone

And see you again!


Be naughty, only in moderation

I wish you not to know worries,

I wish you more sweets

And may it be a good year!

Snow Maiden:

I want you to laugh out loud

And you don’t shed tears, kids,

And enjoy the magic

Forget about all the problems!


Don't piss me off

Don't offend

love me

And adore!

And if you let it go

I wish you not to be sad!


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