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Scenario autumn matinee"Autumn in Prostokvashino". Senior group

Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten combined type No. 16 “Mashenka”


To develop the musical and aesthetic abilities of children;

To form a culture of behavior of children.

To encourage cooperation and co-creation of collective musical activity;

To cultivate a culture of listener perception that ensures full-fledged musical development.

To consolidate and improve performing skills through songs, dances, dramatizations.

Tasks: Create a festive holiday atmosphere.

Characters: (adults)



The course of the matinee:Children enter the hall to the music from the Prostokvashino mf, sit on chairs.

Music sounds in the hall, Matroskin and Sharik enter.

Children: Hello!

Ball: Hello! Look, Matroskin, how many Uncle Fyodorov came to us, and with them aunts - pretty! I just don't know what their names are.

Matroskin: Well, you give, Sharik, we have only one uncle Fyodor, and these guys have a different name.

Ball: Then let's get acquainted - Sharik! (approaches the children in turn, shaking hands.) Let's get acquainted - Sharik. Very nice - Sharik ...

Matroskin: What are you, Sharik! So you will say hello until the evening! Guys! Now I will wave my hand and everyone will say the name of the owl. Here we met. Why did you decide to come to us? Uncle Fyodor asked? Well done! Now we'll make it fast. Everything has already been dug up, it remains only to collect. Well, who's next?

Ball: It's good to have many helpers! Woof! Any work is debatable. Now we can celebrate.

Child: It's autumn. Birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

And again autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.

Child: Autumn time again

swirled by the wind,

Miracle - she paints

She bewitched everyone.

Child: It's a pity that bright warm days

A little bit in autumn

But what kind of carpet

Leaves at the door!

"Autumn song" words and music. N. Masluhina, arr. text and music. E. Antipina

(autumn holidays in kindergarten, issue 3, p. 35)

“What happened, what is the secret?” - We all ask.

Suddenly disappeared green - It's autumn.

We found mushrooms with you - and in a basket.

A fine rain often fell along the paths,

The rain was fine and frequent on the zhorozhki.

Chorus: A secret, but there is no secret at all - In yellow paint,

White light in yellow paint!

Look around - what a beauty!

You will never see this!

Noisy autumn garden - it's autumn.

Leaves are flying from the tree - it's autumn.

Let's start round dances and ask:

Don't hurry to leave, autumn, autumn!

Matroskin: What a good song! Take a seat, dear guests!

Ball: Autumn holiday with us

Musicians please!

Ensemble performance. " Autumn marathon» A. Petrova (The ball behind the ensemble scatters leaves)

Ball: Oh, the wind has blown!

And he did so many things! Woof!

Sent the kids home

And plucked the leaves from the tree...

Child: The wind dropped the leaves

The wind swirled the leaves!

We'll pick up the leaves

Let's sing and dance with them.

Song - dance "Golden Leaves" and music. G. Vikhareva

(Autumn holidays issue 3 p. 36)

Golden leaves fly from the tree

The wind is spinning the leaves - this is leaf fall.

Chorus: This, this, this is leaf fall.

This, this, this is leaf fall.

We run through the leaves, and they rustle -

This is also called leaf fall.

the chorus is the same.

Matroskin: Autumn comes every year

Harvest Festival brings us to visit!

Ball: Think Harvest Festival.

These are vegetables, right? And I love sweets! I don't need cucumbers or tomatoes. I don't want bread either. And I want halva, ice cream, and even sweets, cakes! Think about it - it's not sweet, which means it's not tasty. Toli case "Fanta". And if your cow was smart, she would not give milk, but give sparkling water.

Matroskin: Yes, what do you understand! Carbonated water is very harmful! And from milk, children grow.

Ball: Think milk. Snickers is the best food.

Matroskin: Will you eat Snickers sweet,

Your teeth will be out of order!

Ball: Yah.

Oh, well, then always be healthy

They will help me with spicy ketchup hot dogs.

Matroskin: Well, this is not useful at all.

Ball: I still love Pepsi Cola.

Matroskin: You'll get drunk on Pepsi-Cola, injections won't help either.

Fruits, vegetables are healthier - Protect against diseases!

Here, listen.

Scene "Dispute"

Scarecrow: I'm standing in the garden

I drive the jackdaws away

After all, in order to harvest,

He must be protected.

Music sounds. Shouts are heard: Me! No, me! No, me!

What's the matter there? What's the dispute?

Tell me, tomato.

Tomato: Arguing which one of us

From vegetables - both tastier and more important.

Here I am - a tomato - needed everywhere,

For any holiday meal.

Cucumber: Eating a pickled cucumber,

You will be very pleased!

Well, fresh cucumber-

Simply, simply - well done!

Carrot: Yes, it is better to drink carrot juice,

Or chew on a carrot.

Will you all then

Strong and dexterous!

Onion: Did you forget about the bow?

I treat any disease.

Destroy all microbes!

Don't be afraid of bitterness, try it!

Beet: Let me say a word!

Eat beets for health!

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette -

Very tasty and useful!

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage: Better beet shut up.

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies.

Potatoes: You ask the people

There is no vegetable garden without potatoes!

Scarecrow: Yes, you are all right, stop arguing!

To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables.

All without exception - there is no doubt about it!

pok lone

Ball: Thanks guys, now I understand that vegetables are healthy.

Let's play now - plant and harvest.

The game "Who is smart?"

The game involves 2 teams of 4 children. The first numbers stomp around the hoop, they plow. The second, with a bucket filled with vegetables, run to the hoop and put the contents into it - they sow. Still others run with a watering can - they water it. The fourth run with a bucket - harvest.

Matroskin: What guys are great! Smart, fast and hardworking.

Ball: Guys, do you know another song about Autumn?

Children: Yes!

Matroskin: We really want to listen.

Song "Golden Ray" op. and music. E. D. Goltsova

(magazine Kolokolchik No. 58 2013 p. 15)

Hiding the sun in the clouds

Golden beam.

Knock on the window

The ray is in the spring.

In the meantime, while the rain is drizzling

This autumn is in a hurry to visit us in the morning.

Let's go for a walk

Let's take umbrellas.

Autumn we meet

Right out in the rain.

Sunshine, sunshine, show puddles.

It is better to hide the autumn rains in a cloud.

(children sit down)

Child: Come visit us, Autumn,

To our favorite kindergarten.

Here on a merry holiday

Everyone is happy to see you.

Autumn enters the hall to the music.

Autumn: Hello my guys!

Did you invite me over?

Children: YES!

Autumn: I am a natural phenomenon after the summer I run.

I can decorate all the trees with different colors.

I'll catch up with a strong wind and the leaves will fly

And when I cry - children, what will happen then?

Children: It will rain!

Autumn: Correctly. Let's take umbrellas.

Umbrella dance.

Autumn: What a beautiful dance with umbrellas you have prepared for me. If you invited me to your garden, I brought you delicious apples as a gift. Eat for health. I hear they call me to visit the next kindergarten. Goodbye guys.

Music sounds. Autumn is leaving.

Matroskin and Sharik: The holiday has come to an end. Thank you guys for helping us harvest. Uncle Fyodor will be very happy. Goodbye.

To the music, the children, together with Sharik and Matroskin, go to the group.

    You need to download an essay on the topic » Autumn matinee in senior group. Scenario?

Natalia Galieva

The leader and 1 child enter the hall.

1. Host:

Hello dear guests!

Fun and joy to you!

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

And your holiday Autumn start.

Forget your worries

Take a break from work

Have fun, don't be shy

And smile with us!

2. Child:

Brings us autumn sad violin,

So that a sad motive sounds over the fields

But we always welcome autumn with a smile


And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Children enter the hall to cheerful music one after another in a chain with maple leaves (arms extended down, slightly to the sides) and line up in their places.

Poems are told:

1. Look guys, it's so elegant in our hall

We invited guests here, what kind of holiday is in our hall?

TOGETHER: It autumn She came to us and brought gifts for everyone.

2. Fruits, vegetables, flowers - of unprecedented beauty!

3. And nuts, and honey, and mountain ash, and fungus!

4. Gave leaf fall -

TOGETHER: the leaves burn with gold!


After the dance, hide the leaves behind your back and hold your hands like that while the children read poetry.

Children read poetry:

1. Rain pours over the river

A colorful rainbow rises

Look at this miracle

Who could paint it?

2. All paths and paths

As if in colorful patches.

it Autumn imperceptibly

He walks with paint in his hands.

3. Red paint rowan

Decorated in the gardens

Spray scarlet viburnum

Scattered on the bushes.

4. Yellow will decorate Autumn

Poplar, alder, birch.

Gray paint rain pours,

The sun laughs golden.

lowered Autumn brushes

And looks around.

Bright, kind, colorful

TOGETHER: Holiday gave us!

Song being performed "What happened?"

Thunder sounds, then the sound of rain. The children are groaning (together) and cover the head with leaves from above.

Then they run back and sit on their knees, continuing to hold the leaves on top.

Rain runs out to the cheerful music (in a blue-and-white outfit, with droplets and a cloud on his clothes, holding rains in his hands, arms bent at the elbows, waving over his head. them:


Stop, stop, wait!

I don't want you to sing anymore.

Invitation not sent

You autumn rain!

I will be here crying

I will scout a puddle and slush,

I will soak everyone now and of course upset.

The sound of rain sounds. The children run and sit in their seats.

The rain at this time jumps in circles to cheerful music.

The second teacher collects the leaves.


Rain, rain, stay

Have fun with us.

The rain is very friendly with us,

After all, everyone knows -

TOGETHER: need rain!

Leading: And now, my friends, let's sing a song about rain for our guests.

A song is being performed "Rain"

(children take bells from under the chairs and stand in their places like a dance with leaves)


Autumn touches the leaves,

sprinkles handfuls of acorns,

In a moment it will come from a gray cloud,

flooding everything with rain,

Summer has come and gone

time autumn has come.

Whoever autumn said?

Come to our bright room.

TOGETHER: Come visit us autumn, very much all of you we ask.

presenter: Moms, dads, don't sit! With us autumn call! TOGETHER! FRIENDLY!

TOGETHER WITH PARENTS: Come visit us autumn, very much all of you we ask.

coming out Autumn in the center of the hall, spins in place and begins to sing, standing on the right side of the hall, addressing children and adults.


1. The yellow leaf is spinning, (children repeat sitting on chairs)

Flying slowly (children repeat)

The rain is restless (children repeat)

Dripping, knocking. (children repeat)

Autumn is golden, (children repeat)

Came to visit you (came to visit us)

ended suddenly (children repeat)

Summer time. (children repeat)

On a losing streak Autumn tells parents:

Very simple! Now YOU help us, okay?

We listen carefully!

2. Autumn has come - repeat

Flowers dried up - repeat,

We used to watch - replay,

How they bloomed - repeat.

The sky is now gloomy - repeat,

There are no bright colors - repeat,

Golden autumn - repeat,

He sends us his greetings - repeat.


How beautiful in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth

You called me poems

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature,

Trees and fields.

(sit on a chair, puts a magic brush nearby)

Children read poetry Autumn:

1. Autumn how happy we are for you.

Motley leaf fall is spinning.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

2. Autumn decorates the squares

colorful foliage

Autumn feeds the harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

3. And in the gardens and in the garden

Both in the forest and near the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.

4. The fields are being harvested.

People collect bread.

The mouse drags the grains into the mink.

To have lunch in winter.

5. Dry root squirrels.

Bees store honey.

grandma cooks jam

They put apples in the cellar.

6. Who worked hard for glory,

who has not been lazy all summer,

He will be full all winter

Children (in chorus):Autumn will generously reward.


And now, kids, an interesting game is waiting for you!


There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - children in a hat with the image of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, clings to it (takes him by the waist) grandmother, and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, he clings to the mouse "turnip". The team that pulls out the fastest wins. "turnip".

Bye autumn plays with children, "imperceptibly" Baba Yaga enters, steals a magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of the hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices missing magic brush):

Ah, that's the trouble! What to do, I don't know

I don't know where

The golden brush is gone.

magic brush,

which I repaint

All autumn nature,

Trees and fields!

Baba Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings):

1. At the edge of the forest

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

From antiquity house.

And very handy even

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

To be a tower.

2. Golden ceiling

And the window

Even the door behind the wall -

Like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won't forget you, chicken legs!


Autumn, look, so that's who took your magic brush!

(referring to Yaga): Well, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! Whatever got to me is gone!

presenter: But you have this brush Autumn stole how now Autumn without a magic brush will it bring beauty? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, it's Autumn so dressed up. And also Autumn it is necessary to give golden outfits to the trees, to cover the earth with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in such a skewed, shabby hut all my life? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in! (goes to his house)

presenter: What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga for Autumn? came up with (approaches the hut and knocks)

Baba Yaga: Who is there?

presenter: We are your guests.

Baba Yaga: What are the other guests? I won't let you!

presenter: Well, if you don’t want to let guests in, then take us to your place of work.

Baba Yaga:

You? In workers? And what, pray tell, do you know how to do, workers?

presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and bowls, and ladles, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga: Oh, such tiddly - and count! What kind of accountants are you? I have been making my property for three hundred years and three years, and you will let me go around the world in three days.

presenter: We won't let you! And we will rewrite your good.

Baba Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite! Now the hut is falling apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

presenter: Our guys know both letters and numbers, and they also know how to sing.

Baba Yaga: Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

A song is being performed "Leaves are falling!"

Baba Yaga: Oh, the song, what a sincere, touching!

presenter: Baba Yaga, and our guys can also dance!

Baba Yaga A: Oh, I'd love to see it.

Performing "Umbrella Dance"

presenter: Well, what about Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga: Oh, well done, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

presenter: This is Baba Yaga, you are bored alone because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. And who will be friends with me?

presenter: Guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Baba Yaga: Really want to! (approaches children, shakes by the hand, "hello" with them, hugs).

Or maybe you can play with me?

presenter: Let's play guys with Baba Yaga?

Game - attraction "Harvest"

There are 2 trucks near the central wall, and closer to the audience they are scattered in hoops - "beds" vegetables. Two players who play on a signal are driving trucks to the beds by the rope, picking vegetables in the back. Gathering vegetables, they bring the harvest to former place. Whoever collected and brought first - he won.

Baba Yaga: (Gives a brush Autumn) . I see you have a holiday in full swing here. You are all so beautiful and smart!

presenter: Yes, Baba Yaga, we have a holiday today, and you need to dress up - so to tell, change the image.

Baba Yaga: Image? That's right, I'll go and change into something festive! (leaves to dress up)


I don't know how to thank you

I will do so many miracles

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birches - yellow scarves.

Lay a carpet on the ground

I will warm Yezhov's mink.

And the wind - how happy it will be,

When the leaves fall!

And you from autumn hello-

Autumn holiday bouquet.

The music sounds Autumn gives the presenter a bouquet of autumn leaves and leaves.

Leading: And now, guys, while our Baba Yaga is being transformed, I suggest you perform a cheerful "Dance of the Fly Agarics"

Performing "Dance of the Fly Agaric"

The soundtrack of the song sounds “And I’m walking like this…”, fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, sings a song.


Blimey! Guys, you don't recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and fashionable she has become!

Baba Yaga A: Oh guys, that's right! I seem to have rejuvenated. I got my second wind. Thank you guys so much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years life is just beginning!

presenter: Baba Yaga, since you are younger, can you dance with us?

We invite you and our mothers to a common dance!


Baba Yaga: Oh, what a friendly people you are! And now I want you, my friends, to treat! Do you like hotels? (children answer)

Baba Yaga treats children with apples. The holiday ends.

Nabokova Elena Ivanovna,

music director

MKDOU No. 234 "kindergarten "Krokha"

Novosibirsk city

The scenario of the autumn matinee in the senior group

"Garden Tale"

Garden decoration in the hall.

Children run into the hall, perform composition with leaves.

presenter : As if a red fox wanders through the forests in autumn!

Where he will wave his fluffy tail -

The leaves will turn golden

The gardens will turn yellow

Traces of autumn are everywhere!

Children: 1. Who said that autumn is a sad time?

Children joyfully jump through the puddles.

2. Yellow leaves are circling in the air,

Raindrops are merrily tapping on the glass.

3. And sang songs in sky cranes,

They stretch in shoals to the south.

4. Who said that autumn is a sad time?

How many bright colors she gives us!

Song "Autumn"

(put leaves and sat on the "beds" )

presenter : Now we'll show you a performance

Is everyone seated?

And for the first moment

We ask for applause...

Vegetables in order: (poetry):

1. Every day in our garden

Starts with charging

We grow strong

Ripens every day

2. Here are cabbage and carrots,

Eggplant and potatoes.

Onion, radish, garlic

And a fat zucchini.

3. We live here and do not grieve,

We are close friends with each other.

We dance and sing

ALL: We have a lot of fun!

Vegetables sit on the beds.

They all sleep sweetly.

Only the garden will wake up

This is where the fairy tale begins.

Vegetables wake up, stretch.

"Round dance of vegetables". Basov

Vedas. (sits the children)

presenter : Look, guys, this is the Scarecrow talking to us!

(everyone turns towards Scarecrow on screen)

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me ... labor Scarecrow Garden. All summer I stand in the garden, I guard the master's harvest, I don't sleep, I don't eat, in any weather - both in the sun and in the rain. I work without giving up! I really want to play with you

I really want to sing and dance.

But I can’t leave this place, because I stand on one leg ...

Presenter: Scarecrow, is there anything we can do to help you?

Scarecrow : Yes! If you say the magic words:

“Eni, benny, gri, Scarecrow, live!”, then I can go out and play with you.

(children speak 2 times: loudly and in a whisper)

Magical music sounds - the children stand in a circle, the Scarecrow comes out.

Scarecrow: I dress out of fashion, all my life I stand like clockwork,
Whether in the garden, in the field, in the garden, I strike fear at the birds.
Thank you for reviving, for you now, my friends,

I will joyfully sing a song, because my life is in this song!

Dancing with a broom, singing loudly:

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The scarecrow stood.

It is with an old broom

The birds were chasing!

Whether in the garden, in the garden

The fruits were poured

But their birds did not peck -

The scarecrow was afraid!

Presenter: Thank you Scarecrow for the song!

If you came to us for a holiday - do not be lazy, but get up in a circle,

And start having fun with the guys!

Scarecrow: I will dance with you, have fun and play!

Game "Scarecrow"

Scarecrow : (cunningly) Guys, I know this news ... Only, mind you, in secret ...

(children gather around Scarecrow)

Yesterday I stood on patrol, and the wind flew by,

He managed to whisper to me, friends, that the ball will take place!

And Autumn will come to visit us, check the garden!

We will put things in order here, and we will dance and sing together!

So, are you all ready for the roll call? (answer)

Is everyone wearing a new outfit? (answer)

All places!

(Vegetables scatter in places, Scarecrow takes a large notebook and sits down on stump)

Scarecrow : Are there carrots?

Carrots run out. (2 girls)

Carrots: We are funny sisters - yellow carrots.

We shine like firebirds and dance deftly!

Turnips run out.

turnips : Ah, check, did not forget to write down the rep in the book?

We sat firmly in the ground, But we are ready to dance.

Scarecrow: (looks in the book): So ... Turnips, you say?

Yes, I found you, look! (shows the book to the turnips)

Pumpkins run out:

pumpkins : Beautiful pumpkins everyone will love!

Madame-pumpkin is the beauty of the garden, and we are respected by many people!

Scarecrow : There are also pumpkins on my list…

Cabbage run out:

cabbage: 1 . Who is the most beautiful in the garden? Which of us is dressed in fashion -
In a snow-white lace dress, tender?
2. And besides, remember, children, I am the main vegetable in the diet!

Scarecrow: There is cabbage, everything is in order!

Beetroots run out:

Beets: We hurried to you here, because without beets - nowhere!

We want to start dancing, let it be fun with us!

Radishes run out:

Radishes: - And we are funny radishes! Look at us on the list!

Scarecrow : Yes, we have radishes.

Vegetables in chorus : We will all dance together for you!

Vegetable field.

Hear the sound of the rain

Scarecrow : What do I hear? I think it's the sound of rain...

The sun hid behind a cloud, does not want to go out,

And the rain is trying to wash our garden!

The song "Kap-kap" with an orchestra

Scarecrow : The rain stopped dropping,

We continue the roll call again!

Come out Onion and garlic:

1. We are onions and garlic, we are brothers forever!

And we wear similar dresses with you.

2. We will be useful to you from all diseases!

Don't forget about us, don't get sick, don't sneeze!

Cucumber runs out.

Scarecrow : Well done cucumber has finally appeared!

cucumber : I'm good, I'm good, I'm a green cucumber.
I go to salad, to pickles - where I am - always fun!

Disturbing music sounds. Suddenly, a Tomato (adult) appears. Everyone runs and sits on chairs.

Song of the Tomato:

1. My name is Tomato

I am beautiful and lush.

That's what a senor I am!

You went for a walk.

2. I am a famous Pomodoro

With skin I'm satin

That's the kind of senor I am!

Red-cheeked v-azhny.

Tomato: Very important, red is me, (admiringly) beautiful!

Here I am the main general! Who allowed to make noise here?

Scarecrow: Here we celebrate the holiday, we expect Autumn to visit!

Tomato : What is this nonsense? Who's in charge here?...Tomato!

Shh! And then you see ... Make a noise ... Autumn is waiting ...

They don't let me rest. Me - Senor Tomato!

I'll take a nap for an hour, another, let there be silence, peace,

And no music! (lays down on the floor)

Scarecrow (wailing ): How do we celebrate autumn?

Hurt my friends

Dispersed all the guests.


Cucumber: For friendship to win, we need great strength!

Let's not spoil the holiday, we will defeat the Pomodoro!

Tomato : Oh oh oh! Who are you?

cucumber : I am a young cucumber!

Tomato: Cucumber?! You are so small, you dare to contradict me,

Me - Senor Tomato!?

If I only want

I'll crush you here!


(Tomato gets tired of running after Cucumber and sits down on the floor)

cucumber : Come on, onion squad. Get up and line up!

Onion boys run out, dance.

Dance of the bows .

Cucumber: Learn the tomato!

When we can't have fun

He will shed his own tears.

Tomato : Do you think I can't handle you?

Scarecrow: Guys, help, surround!

The onions very quickly surround him, forming a circle around him.

Game "We won't let go"

Tomato: Oyo-yo, what's wrong with me? Tears roll in streams and watery eyes?

Luchki in chorus: Luca, they are afraid!

(tomato cries bitterly)

Luchok We are very ashamed of you, and it is a shame for our holiday!

Apologize to the guests to stay with us!

Tomato : Yes, yes, yes, I'm very ashamed, I promise you, friends,

That I will certainly improve, I will become very kind!

I won't be a senior anymore.... I'll just be a tomato. (crying)

Scarecrow: (asks children) Guys, forgive Pomodoro?

So be it, forgive you, because you can not quarrel.

Everyone in the garden is friendly. Everyone is important in the garden.

And to correct the situation, raise everyone's spirits!

Tomato : I can stand in a circle with you, dance with you.
Don't be afraid, smile, get into the circle soon!

Boogie-woogie with tomato.

Scarecrow : Now everything is all right! All vegetables in the garden!

Tell me, are you all done?

Vegetables (in chorus). All!

Scarecrow: Is everyone ripe?

Vegetables (in chorus). All!

Scarecrow: My garden is exemplary.
Garden beds full of vegetables!
It's time to invite Queen Autumn to visit, show her our garden!

Everyone is calling : Come soon, Autumn, we ask you very, very much!

Autumn appears

Autumn: Good afternoon and good hour
I salute you all!
What a beautiful garden
There's enough vegetables here for a year!
I am happy that you have matured
And they managed to grow up in time.


Autumn: And now it's time to invite you to the round dance!

Get out in the circle soon, the music is calling us all!

Round dance with Autumn.

Scarecrow: The fairy tale has come to an end, and it's time to say goodbye to us!

You always live together! Goodbye, kids!

Autumn : Our meeting is coming to an end.
And there will be day, and there will be evening.
Autumn will prepare a fairy tale again,
And he will come to visit you in the kindergarten.
And to remember for a long time

A photo is waiting for all of us!

Group photo.


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