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Magazine "Kommersant Money" is a weekly business economic journal, offering you professional articles by journalists, expert research, publications of famous financiers and economists, ratings, research, advice. And all this concerns the question of how best to increase, more reliably save and profitably spend money. The main topics of each issue of the magazine "Kommersant Money" are issues related to the reliability of certain financial instruments, determining the most promising species activities and directions in business, the economic situation in Russia and in the world markets. In addition, each issue covers the cultural and social events of the country.

Theme of the issue- analysis and solutions to topical financial and economic problems.

How are you- an overview of the main events that took place in the financial, economic and political spheres during the week, business movement trends large firms, organizations and projects.

Real money- the world of business, the mechanisms of its conduct, investment methods, professional research and analysis.

unreal money- a detailed presentation of new popular types of income that are not always immediately noticeable.

Funds- company secrets, practical advice economics of business and home accounting, review and comparative articles by financiers, economists and experts.

Bonus- feature articles and interviews with well-known businessmen, bankers and directors on complex economic issues.

The following topics are of increased interest to the reader: acquaintance with bills in the tax and financial areas; analysis and comments of political events taking place in the state; discussion by well-known politicians and statesmen of topical problems of the development of society.

Magazine "Kommersant Money" is aimed at managers of small and medium-sized businesses, economists and investors, and will also be useful to all readers interested in economics and finance, who want to learn how to earn consistently and spend money wisely.

Distinctive feature of the magazine "Kommersant Money", perhaps the main thing competitive advantage, - special attention not to the general, but to the personal and selfish interest of the reader. This, firstly, implies a focus on a wider audience, and secondly, a certain focus on this audience. In particular, the focus on personal financial success, on the competent management of personal funds.

According to the results of measurements of the readership for the 1st quarter of 2008, conducted by TNS Gallup Media, the magazine "Kommersant Money" was the undisputed leader in terms of audience size.

The magazine is published by Kommersant Publishing House. Chief editor The editor of the journal is Sergey Yakovlev.

On Monday, January 9, they told on the pages social networks that the leadership of the publishing house "Kommersant" stops the publication of the publication. In addition to Deneg, this initiative also affected another weekly, Vlast. According to journalists, the decision was made in December last year due to falling advertising revenue.

Despite the fact that in an interview with Sekret Firmy journalists, the editor-in-chief of Kommersant stated that no final decision had been made regarding the fate of the magazines, CEO The ID nevertheless confirmed the closure of the paper version.

“From now on, paper versions of Dengi and Vlast magazines will simply not be published, they will be online. All employees involved in the production of printed versions will continue to work at the publishing house - they will work on online versions and in other projects of the publishing house, ”he told the agency RNS .

Such a decision, according to Zhelonkin, was dictated general trends transition of media to the Internet.

At the same time, the general director of Kommersant said that he did not know about the plans to close the printed version of Ogonyok.

According to Association of Communication Agencies of Russia(ACAR), the share of advertising in magazines decreased by 7% in the first nine months of 2016. In general, the volume of this market in 2016 amounted to 7.3-7.5 billion rubles. A year earlier, this figure was 7.9-8.1 billion rubles. According to statistics ACAR, for the period January-September 2015, the share of advertising in magazines decreased by 32%.

At the same time, the Internet market is growing. Thus, in the first nine months of 2016, online advertising sales increased by 24% compared to the same period in 2015, to RUB 83-96 billion.

Premature funeral command

Media expert Alexander Amzin did not comment on the rejection of the paper versions of Vlast and Deneg, but expressed doubt that the transition of media to digital played a key role.

“One thing is for sure - this is a blow to the image, and Ogonyok will be especially sorry if something happens to him,” added the source of Gazeta.Ru.

In turn, media manager and publicist Natalya believes that the “funeral team” was created prematurely and it is necessary to psychologically perceive the situation not as the closure of publications, but as a rejection of media that are probably less profitable and less strategically important.

“Today it is a normal phenomenon when paper versions of various publications are closed, regardless of their genre and orientation,” the expert said in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru.

Loseva also stressed that Deneg and Vlast have unique content in their niche on the Russian media market.

“We do not have a shortage of news, entertainment and pop content, but there is a shortage of explanatory and in-depth materials. Kommersant's magazines - Vlast, Dengi, Ogonyok - are an example of such rare and eligible content that can be hidden behind a paywall,

- the interlocutor of the publication believes.

Loseva has no doubt that the reforms will not affect this unique feature of Money and Power, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the further prosperity of the media.

Editorial director Sergey Paranko warns that moving away from print and going online won't necessarily lead to higher online advertising revenue. “Closing the seal will really help to save on production and resources, but the media advertising model exhausts itself on the Internet,” the expert points out in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

Paranko predicts that the number of online publications, as well as printed ones, will decline.

“Those who learn to engage their audience and switch to a subscription model will survive. This is good news for both journalism and the reader in the long run. But bad for journalists and publishers in the medium term,

he concluded.

Paperless Moscow

In 2014, another socio-political weekly, Itogi, important for the Russian media market, was closed. The decision on this was made by the owner of the journal in connection with the unprofitability of the publication.

Kommersant, on the other hand, began to get rid of “paper” back in 2014, publishing the last “offline” issue of Secret of the Firm in December. In 2015, the publishing house sold the publication to the Rambler&Co holding. Decision on full translation The media in the online format was adopted during the preparation for the deal.

In 2016, the publishing house "Expert" stopped the publication of the weekly "Russian Reporter". The magazine has not been published since the summer, but its online version is updated with new materials.

Printed versions of not only socio-political and business media are dying, but also urban publications, especially loved by Muscovite hipsters.

At the end of 2015, it became known that Afisha had a reduction in staff for the subsequent reorganization of the publication. It was reported that Afisha is now a special project and will be published quarterly. It was a kind of "last chance" to save the print edition.

In December 2016, the creative director of Afisha stated that

the paper "Afisha" is finally closed and will no longer be issued.

Previously, the decision was made to printed publications"Afisha-Mir" and "Afisha-Food", as well as from a series of their own guides. Now Afisha safely continues to exist online.

"Party" Moscow was left without " big city"(BG). The publication of the printed version of the publication was suspended in February 2014. The magazine's investor said that this decision was partly due to the shutdown of the Dozhd TV channel by cable operators, which, together with BG and Republic (formerly Slon), is part of the same holding.

Nevertheless, the magazine staff said that the problem lay in a completely different area. One of the reasons for the decision could be

the desire to reduce costs - back in 2013, the entire editorial office of the "Big City" was fired, but paper magazine continued to exist despite rumors of its unprofitability.

Unlike Afisha, the publication did not live long without a printed version - the project's website was not updated for about a year. At the same time, there was no official announcement of the closure of the media.

  • Placement of advertising in the magazine "Money (Kommersant)"
  • Journal rubricator Ad closing schedule and issue release

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in the magazine "Money (Kommersant)"

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"Money (Kommersant)"

The cost of text ads in the Kommersant Dengi magazine (Moscow)

  • Dengi magazine (Kommersant) has not been published since 2017.

Magazine "Money (Kommersant)" -
help for advertisers

Magazine circulation

85.000 copies


Moscow, MO, Russia

Release frequency

1 time per week (Monday)

About the publication Money (Kommersant)

The audience

Socio-demographic characteristics of the readers of Dengi magazine (Kommersant): 59% men, 41% women. Age of readers: 16-24 years old - 12%, 25-34 years old - 15%, 35-44 years old - 30%, 45-54 years old - 25%, 55 years old and above 18%. 21% of readers have a high income, average - 24%, low - 10%. Higher education 65% of readers, average 35%.
The social status of the readers of the Dengi magazine (Kommersant): managers - 38%, specialists - 21%, employees - 10%, workers - 11%, students - 3%.


The Dengi magazine (Kommersant) is published once a week, each issue has 150 pages. Distribution of the magazine: retail - 63%, subscription - 37%. 64% of the circulation is distributed in Moscow and the region, 9% in St. Petersburg, 26% in the regions of Russia, and 1% in the CIS countries.

The main headings in the Dengi (Kommersant) magazine are: Topic of the issue, How are you, Current exchange rate, Unreal money, Funds, Bonus.
The main headings of the section "Classified" in the magazine "Money" (Kommersant): " Business proposals”, “Education”, “Work”, “ Legal services, consulting.

Magazine "Money" (Kommersant) - readers of the magazine and distribution of the publication.

The magazine Dengi (Kommersant) is published once a week on Mondays, the volume of each issue is 150 pages. Distribution of the magazine: retail - 63%, subscription - 37%. In Moscow and the region - 64% of the circulation, in St. Petersburg - 9% of the circulation, in the regions of Russia - 26% of the circulation, in the CIS countries - 1%.

Data for Moscow: The audience of one issue of the Dengi magazine (Kommersant) is 106,300 people. The semi-annual audience is 486,800 people, 67,700 people read only the Dengi magazine (Kommersant).

Socio-demographic characteristics of the readers of Dengi magazine (Kommersant): 59% men, 41% women. Age: 16-24 years old - 12%, 25-34 years old - 15%, 35-44 years old - 30%, 45-54 years old - 25%, 55 years old and above 18%. Income: high - 21%, medium - 24%, low - 10%. Education: higher - 65%, secondary - 35%.

The social status of readers of the magazine "Dengi" (Kommersant): managers - 38%, specialists - 21%, employees - 10%, workers - 11%, students - 3%

Magazine "Money" (Kommersant) - the main headings of the magazine.

Text ads in the magazine "Money" (Kommersant).

The maximum length of a line advertisement in the Dengi magazine (Kommersant) is 100 characters. There is no strict form for an inline declaration, the number of characters can be any (but not more than 100).

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Publishing house "Kommersant"- was created on the basis of the private weekly Kommersant, founded in June 1988. The history of Kommersant Publishing House begins from the moment when, on June 15, 1988, Vladimir Yakovlev, a correspondent for Ogonyok magazine, registered an information ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

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  • Kommersant Money 16-2015, Editorial board of Kommersant Money magazine. Weekly economic magazine about how to earn, save and what is the best way to spend money. Journalists of the publication give answers to questions that concern everyone, namely ... How not to ...


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