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Now it is necessary to understand what the regional image is formed from, what mechanisms are involved in this process, what factors influence the creation of the image of the territory.

In Public Relations, the objects of image formation are conditionally divided into 3 categories:

1. Objects for which image fluctuations are not a decisive factor in their success. Basically it's small trade organizations. Their success in the market depends to a large extent on the quality of the products offered.

2. Objects whose rating depends solely on the image created by them or for them. This category includes individuals (politicians, TV presenters, leaders of social and religious movements), social groups (military, students, pensioners, etc.), parties, radio and television companies and individual programs, social movements (“Greenpeace ”, feminism, nudism, the anti-abortion movement, etc.). The objects listed are mostly commercial organizations. They do not sell goods or services, their position is determined by the attitude of the public towards them.

3. Objects, the rating of which equally depends on both the image and the quality of goods or services produced by them. Basically, these are large national or transnational corporations (firms: “Philips”, “ZIL”, “Valio”, etc.) and smaller firms, if their success in the market depends not only on what they sell, but and how they do it. Experts also refer the image of the region we are considering to the same category.

If for objects of the first category it is enough to try not to allow a deliberate or accidental reduction in the image, otherwise relying on the successful spontaneous development of the image; then for the second and third categories it is necessary to think over each step of the image campaign.

Experts give the following parameters that determine the image of the region:

quality of life - the availability of housing for various social groups of the population, social services, the quality of food products, facilities for recreation, the level and availability of education, treatment;

human resources - training, advanced training, adaptation to new conditions and requirements;

infrastructure - transport, communications, data transmission facilities, hotels, personal services, etc.;

high technologies - the ability of the territory to develop and support high-tech industries, to update the existing base;

capital - the mass of capital concentrated in the territory in the form of own and borrowed funds;

regulatory bodies - rationality, mobility, efficiency, honesty, lack of bureaucracy;

business infrastructure - availability and level of services in the field of consulting, audit, advertising, law, information, public relations, institutional conditions for transactions with titles of ownership;

power - a team of individuals, competence of team members, non-standard ideas, decision-making style, transparency of lawmaking, attitude to social problems, etc.

If we look at the regions, at the cities, they were largely formed as inward-oriented formations, focused on creating conditions to ensure the life of their inhabitants. This is precisely the key point associated with the need to form the image of the regions - that in the current situation a city, region, territory cannot be considered as an independent closed territory. He lives to a large extent at the expense of the resources that he attracts, at the expense of those systems of connections in which he is included, and it is precisely for this that it becomes necessary to determine his place in this more global system than a specific territory.

Serious competition for foreign investment, for state subsidies, for the influx of tourists, for attracting qualified work force is a kind of incentive for the regions. The territory should not just have a certain image, it should enjoy a good reputation and be recognizable.

Experts give the following definition to the process of forming the image of the region - this is the process of establishing associative links between the basic representations of the region and other representations by repeatedly jointly reproducing the corresponding representations of the object within a single situation.

On the initial stage creating the image of the territory, it is necessary to take into account the primary tasks and goals, the achievement of which is necessary for the object of image-making (Image-making is the process of creating and managing an image through PR and advertising tools Creating an image

object positioning;

formation of a favorable image of the object;

maintaining and elevating this image;

Correction and change of image;

· Orientation to a competitor, detuning from him.

Considering individual characteristics their image, individual regions can use different technologies for their development. Researcher R. Turovsky identifies the following types of such technologies (mostly mixed ones are used):

· Renaissance - reliance on historical roots (Pskov region);

· Self-exalting - presenting the role of the region as more significant (Saratov is the capital of the Volga region, Krasnoyarsk is the center of Asia);

Imitative - associations with famous foreign centers (Moscow - the third Rome, Nizhny Novgorod- Russian Detroit, Ivanovo - Russian Manchester, St. Petersburg - Northern Venice, Samara Russian Chicago).

Naturally, for each of the regions it is necessary to develop strictly individual image programs, using a variety of techniques and taking into account the specifics of the territory, only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired results. But, nevertheless, it is possible to list some methods of forming both external and internal regional image, which are suitable for universal use:

· At the initial stage of developing the image, it is necessary to determine the most promising direction for the development of the region, the goals of the image campaign and draw up action plans, focusing on the uniqueness of the services or goods offered by the territory, thereby determining the future niche of the region;

· Creation of an individual "face" of the region, taking into account the historical, cultural, political, economic and other aspects;

· Establishing active work with the media, including the press, television, radio, Internet, news agencies. Support for the policy of "information transparency" of the region, saturation with information about the life of the region, both inside and outside it;

· Organization of information monitoring - both to track information from other regions, and to adjust their own image policy;

· Development of relationships with prospective potential clients, in connection with which the activity on the formation of personal images of the leaders of the region is being updated;

Selection and placement of employees adequate to the position and common goals companies;

· Carrying out various studies and making forecasts for the development of the company with the help of one-time involvement of experts;

· Carrying out activities that create a "good name" for the region, work on the introduction and strengthening of traditions, demonstrating both the stability of the region and its readiness for innovation, etc.

I will dwell in more detail on a complex method called “regional marketing”, which has recently become very widespread, primarily abroad.

The question of the correctness of such a purely economic approach to territorial policy is still controversial, but it cannot be denied that the territory is now increasingly acting as a seller of goods and services, i.e. becomes an equal participant in the market. The region is sold as a commodity that has its own value and utility, and, therefore, such an economic one has the right to exist for its promotion.

Marketing of the region” is a new term that is close to the concept of “product marketing”, but differs from it in its focus on solving the problems of the region. There are various interpretations of this concept. Some authors believe that regional marketing is "marketing carried out at the regional level, reflecting and absorbing the specifics and characteristics of a particular region." Others define territory marketing as "a means to improve its image, to attract investors and industrialists." Some experts believe that regional marketing is "a philosophy that requires the entire system of government and management to be oriented to the needs of target population groups, consumers of goods and services in the region." Lapaev S.P. The use of regional marketing to improve the competitiveness of the Orenburg region // Vestnik OSU. - 2003. - No. 4. But we will focus more on the definition of territorial marketing, which is given by A.P. Pankrukhin: "Territorial marketing is marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal subjects, as well as external subjects, in whose attention the territory is interested." Pankrukhin A.P. Territorial marketing// Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2003. No. 5-6.

To achieve the marketing goals of the region, it is necessary to develop a set of measures that provides:

· formation and improvement of the image of the region, its prestige, business and social competitiveness;

· expanding the participation of the region and its subjects in the implementation of international, federal programs;

· attracting to the region state and other external orders in relation to the region;

· increasing the attractiveness of investments, the implementation of resources external to it in the region;

· Encouraging the acquisition and use of the region's own resources beyond its borders to its benefit and in its interests.

The most active participants in marketing relations are manufacturers and consumers. Consumers of the territory (persons living in the territory, visitors, tourists, guests, etc.) are interested in the most efficient use of the competitive advantages of this territory - for life, for business, for short-term stay, which can be expressed in the following indicators: market, development of infrastructure, cultural and recreational potential of the region, comfort, rich raw materials, skill level of the workforce, etc.

The subjects that actively promote and “sell the region” are, in this case, the regional authorities, trading houses, enterprises, tour operators and agencies, mass media, sports committees, educational establishments, any other structures located in the region and being active in order to attract the attention of potential consumers (customers of products and services) to it and retain those already present. The most active subject of the region's marketing is its administration and personally the governor.

main goal these subjects of the region's marketing is to create, maintain or change the opinions, intentions and behavior of consumer subjects. These goals make it possible to increase the attractiveness, prestige of the region as a whole and the attractiveness of the natural, material, technical, financial, labor, social and other resources concentrated in the region, as well as the opportunities for the implementation and reproduction of such resources. Traditionally, there are five large groups of strategies aimed at attracting visitors, developing industry or exporting regional products. These strategies can be conditionally called: image marketing, attractiveness marketing, infrastructure marketing and population and personnel marketing. To ensure the overall attractiveness of the region and its development, experts offer an integrated approach to the marketing of the region, which will allow the use of all strategies and require the formation of a development program for the region as a whole.

Strategic Directions

Event (venue)

Image marketing

Eiffel Tower (Paris), St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow), Admiralty (St. Petersburg)

Tour of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)

Holding an annual world championship in any sport (Novgorod region)

Infrastructure Marketing

Improving and Supporting the Education System (Cincinnati, USA)

Metro construction (Nizhny Novgorod)

Restructuring the work of the police according to the principle of "Total Quality Management" (Madison, USA)

Attraction Marketing

Reconstruction of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and the Chkalov Stairs (Nizhny Novgorod)

Weeks of Light (Essen)

Opening of the water park (Rostov-on-Don)

Holding Pushkin Days (Mikhailovskoe)

Carnival (Cologne)

Citizen support

Education service personnel hotels, taxi drivers, etc. (England)

Campaign to improve foreign customer service (Paris)

Souvenirs with regional symbols (everywhere)


Department of International Relations
Specialty: International Relations

Course work
Formation of the image of a big city

Prepared by:
Doronin P.E.,
faculty student
international relations

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
__________ Lyulko A.N.

"Grade" -
Department head
international relations
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.
__________ Plotnikova O.V.
"____" ______________ 2010


Chapter 1. Basic concepts and methods of forming the image of the city…….….8

      The concept of image and its importance for the development of the city…………....8
      Methods and means of forming the image of the city……………...13
Chapter 2 big cities ………………….…21
    2.1. Russian experience (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk)……….…21
    2.2. Foreign experience (Amsterdam, Paris, New York)……………..30

Chapter 3. Formation of a positive image of the city of Novosibirsk……………41
3.1. The formed image of the city of Novosibirsk………………….…41
3.2. Perspective models and means of realizing a positive image of the city of Novosibirsk……………………………………………………………44


Relevance of the topic The study of the mechanisms of formation and promotion of the image of the city is due to several reasons: firstly, a new stage in the development of society, accompanied by an unprecedented increase in the influence of mass media, when issues of image, image, brand become factors in changing reality; secondly, the features and method of influencing people's perception of such a phenomenon as image; thirdly, the need to use the image approach in city management.
A person lives not only in the real world, but also in the symbolic world, and we can consider the image as a unit of this symbolic world. We actively operate with symbolic processes, in some cases without even realizing it. It is believed that many problems of the modern world can be solved at the communication level; at the initial stage, they do not require serious material investments for their solution.
As a purposefully structured image, the image carries an evaluative and motivational load, due to which it influences the behavior of people who bear this image, their attitude to real events. As a relatively independent motivational factor, the image affects the strategic line of people's behavior on the basis of the underlying social attitudes and stereotypes. Being a stable spiritual formation in the mass consciousness, the image models the reactions of the masses of the population to new, often unforeseen situations.
Imageology, as one of the new sciences that emerged at the end of the 20th century, is brought to life not only by the new role of mass media in the information society; today they talk about information weapons, and future wars are called information wars. Information technologies raise the importance of knowledge and information flows to hitherto unknown heights.
The degree of knowledge. Interest in the formation of the image of cities and regions has recently been growing. The current stage of the civilized development of society is characterized by changes in the content and direction of scientific and technological progress, the nature of information and communication interaction, the transformation of socio-economic and political processes. Today, the study of the formation of the image of the settlement is closely connected with attempts to comprehensively comprehend the processes taking place in society and the world as a whole, taking into account the historical context.
The city has been and is an object of complex study. But every scientific discipline has its own ideal
the image of the city, corresponding to a number of features of a particular branch of science.
The ideas of K. Marx, M. Weber, E. Durkheim left their mark on the development of the entire sociology of the city. The views of E. Durkheim on the role of the "division of labor" in the formation of the city, the Marxist theory of class conflict, the development of rational thought and the ideal bureaucracy of M. Weber are the methodological basis of most of the works of modern authors involved in the sociology of the city.

F. Tennis and G. Simmel can rightly be attributed to the number of founders of modern sociology of the city. It should be noted the contribution of M. Castells to the study of the life of social groups and minorities in cities, he wrote a number of works on the study of the informal economy and its role in the development of the city, the formation and functioning of technopolises, the role of informatization in the future development of cities, and the restructuring of the largest cities.
In the works of D. Bell, G. Newby, E. Giddens, J. Goldthorpe and others, much attention was paid to substantiating the difference between the approaches of K. Marx and M. Weber to the analysis of basic social processes. The researchers started talking about the new "political economy" of cities. In it, the actual political dimension is much more important than the economic one; it must have a certain autonomy. In this sense, the party coloring of the economic development of cities, the political reasons for their decline and rise, are of particular importance. The "interpretative approach" to the study of urban life and urban processes deserves more attention, it requires an explanation of the emergence of ideas, beliefs, symbols and their systems. This makes it possible to analyze collective actions based on shared values.
The city develops both according to the laws of relationships between large groups, and according to the laws that are in the field of view of various branches of science, such as architecture and urban planning, economics, cultural studies, ecology, ethnography, political science, history, geography, etc.
The integration of sciences (history, philosophy, urbanology, etc.) around the socio-psychological problems of the city gives rise to theories that consider the life of people in the city as a complex “sociocultural phenomenon”; the city as a carrier of special mental properties, as a multifaceted phenomenon, as a complex biosocial-economic organism (E.Saiko, T.Alekseeva, V.Glazychev). In other scientific theories, the subjects of research are: a person in urban space (T. Dridze), the process of division of labor (A. Svanidze), preferred places in the city (G. Kovalev, Yu. Abramova), etc. The features of urban space and phenomena, generated by its structure (L. Kogan, V. Semenov, S. Poltorak, I. Strautmanis, M. Chernoushek, etc.).
The problems of improving the management of cities as territorial socio-economic entities were considered, among other issues, in the works of a number of domestic and foreign scientists. The most famous studies include the works of P. Berger, J. Bonnet, J. Broadbent, P. Baroch, V. Glazychev, D. Gordon, D.M. and D.Kh. Medouzov, V. Chekalin, M. Mezhevich, A. Kogut and other researchers. Recently, the attention of scientists to the system properties of the city has increased (A. Wilson, S. Kapitsa, J. Kerry, G. Malinetsky, I. Prigogine, M. Robinson). However, many methodological issues in the field of management have not been resolved and need further research.
One of the areas of strategic management and development of the city can be purposeful activities to create, maintain, positively change the image of the city.
At present, it becomes relevant to develop and solve the problems of forming the image of cities. The latter is reflected in the organization of scientific conferences, seminars, in the decisions of municipal governments to pursue a policy of creating a positive image of urban settlements. In this area, there are well-known developments on reputation management of territories (A. Pankrukhin, I. Oleinik, A. Lapshov), on the image of regions (L. Stepnova, G. Pocheptsov, I. Arzhenovsky, E. Bogdanov, V. Zazykin). The issues of forming a positive image of the city are discussed in predictive and analytical studies and scenario design in the development of concepts for the socio-economic development of cities: St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Kazan.
Nizhny Novgorod did not stand aside either.

In 2008, a unified action plan was developed under the name “Program for the development of the city of St. Petersburg”. The goal of the program is “the need to turn the city into a modern metropolis with great industrial and business opportunities, a high standard of living for the population, an attractive appearance and significant investment potential. The declared participants of the Program were representatives of all branches of government, commercial organizations, the church and the residents of the city themselves.”
Despite the recognition of the fact of the need for an integrated approach to the study of the formation of the image of urban settlements, there are clearly not enough general theoretical and methodological developments in the formation of the image of the city in the socio-administrative context.
object research in this course work is the city as an open socio-cultural system.
Subject The research focuses on the social and managerial aspects of the formation and promotion of the city's image, the system of image characteristics in the international aspect, as well as feedback channels with the subjects of the image.
aim course work is the development of a theoretical model of the formation of the image of the city.
The implementation of the stated goal involves the solution of the following tasks:
- analysis of the main approaches to the study of the city as an object of complex scientific research;
- description of the modern systemic idea of ​​the city as the basis that forms its image;
- study of existing approaches in urban management;
study of image aspects in city management, consideration of the concepts of the city's image and identification of its components;

- analysis of activities to create an image as a way of constructing social reality;
- substantiation and presentation of the model of the stage-by-stage formation of the city's image;
- Applied research of aspects of formation of the image of St. Petersburg.

Chapter 1. Basic concepts, methods and means of forming the image of the city

      The concept of image and its importance for the development of the city
Image (English) - an image, that is, it is the visual attractiveness of a person, self-presentation, the construction of one's image for others. The primordially Russian word, carrying the same semantic load as the image, - the image - has always existed. According to S.I. Ozhegov, “an image is a kind, appearance; performance; type, character; order." In Russian, there is an even more appropriate equivalent to the word "image", this is "opinion". According to S.I. Ozhegov, "an opinion is a judgment expressing an assessment of something, an attitude towards something, a look at something."
The basis for the formation of the image, brand and reputation of the city is the territorial identity. These are, firstly, its official, "identifying" characteristics, a kind of "passport" of the territory (place on the map, country and subfederal affiliation, name, coat of arms, flag, etc.). Secondly, territorial identity includes a set of features and resources of the city. These are natural, demographic, historical, social and cultural features and resources; economic features and resources; organizational and legal, as well as information features and resources; thirdly, technologies and approaches to work, the trust of partners and expert information, the level and quality of leadership, communication features, and much more are highlighted.
On the basis of territorial identity are formed image , brand and reputation of the city
City image is a set of beliefs and feelings of people that arise about its features. This subjective idea of ​​the city can be formed as a result of direct personal experience (for example, as a result of living on its territory) or indirectly (for example, from the words of eyewitnesses, from media materials, etc.). The image of the city is a very diverse, emotionally colored, sometimes artificially created, often superficial image of it, which is formed in the minds of people. The most important tool image formation are media .
City brand is considered as a set of enduring values ​​that reflect the unique original consumer characteristics of a given city and communities , widely known, received public recognition and in stable demand of consumers. The brand is formed on the basis of a pronounced positive image of the city, which is based on unique opportunities satisfaction of certain needs of its consumers; brand is the highest manifestation emotional consumer preferences. At the same time, it acts as the most important factor in the competitive advantages and income of the city, a valuable asset of the city's economy.
City reputation represents a dynamic characteristic of his life and activity, formed in society over a sufficiently long period of time. These are value beliefs, an opinion formed by a person (people) based on the received reliable information about the city, personal experience of interaction (comfort of living, safety, social security, the degree of favorable conditions for doing business, the authority of the authorities, etc.).
The reputation of the city represents a set of opportunities for realizing the significant interests of members of various groups of the target audience. This is a guarantee of the effective use of the competitive advantages of a given territory for life, business, investment, recreation, study, etc. Annex A presents the main components of the positive reputation of any territory (including the city) in terms of the main groups of the target audience of its consumers.
The city's reputation is closely tied to its image; they strongly influence each other; Ideally, their formation and development should take place in parallel, in close coordination.
Image promotion, brand building and city reputation formation should be implemented using territorial marketing tools.
The main recommendations for organizing the processes of territorial branding, building a reputation and promoting the city:
    The image, brand and reputation of the city should be recognized as one of its assets, which is based on the exclusive features of the territory that need to be studied, developed and actively promoted.
    A unified strategy for promoting the city is needed, based on traditions and involving innovations.
    Issues of forming the image and reputation of the city should be considered at the level of regional authorities.
    It is recommended to create a special city committee dealing with the branding of the city and the formation of its reputation. The main task of this committee is to develop recommendations, both for regional authorities as well as for private companies.
    The special committee should include sociologists, historians, cultural figures, business leaders, politicians, public relations specialists, journalists, economists, marketing specialists, lawyers, and territory promotion experts.
    The implementation of the strategy of image and reputational transformations is recommended to be carried out using the mechanisms of public-private partnership.
    It is recommended to use the ideas and intelligence of the population. For these purposes, it is possible to organize (on an ongoing basis or periodically) the acceptance of proposals from everyone (in writing, on a pager, free phone calls, etc.), hold competitions, establish grants, etc.
    It is desirable to involve diplomatic departments in the process of promoting the strategic image of the city, forming its reputation, if necessary and possible.
In many cities, prosperity is based on the so-called event economy - when the main budget revenues are associated with regular large-scale festivals, exhibitions, conferences, etc.
Resources for constructing an image can be anything: natural, landscape, historical features, local legends, sights, past economic achievements, modern festivals and annual holidays. It is important to correctly build an image based on them.
The main goal of the city's image is to strengthen the position of this territory in the regional competition for attractive target groups. In particular, the following target areas of territory marketing can be distinguished:
- attractiveness, prestige of the territory, place in general;
- the attractiveness of the natural, logistical, financial, labor, organizational, social and other resources concentrated on the territory, as well as the opportunities for the implementation and reproduction of such resources.
Quite contradictory requirements are presented to the urban image. On the one hand, the concept of urban marketing must respond to demands coming from outside, and in accordance with this, initiate and implement political, economic and social transformations. On the other hand, it must provide its people with the opportunity to improve their well-being and protect them from the negative effects of globalization.
The image of the city is understood as a universal means of motivating and supporting communication processes between external partners, regardless of whether commercial or non-commercial goals are pursued. Having originated at the micro level, at the enterprise level, marketing is able to balance the interests of many market entities at the city level. It is designed to implement the general direction of improving the economy in the city, taking into account its characteristics and changes in the surrounding world.
The city image acts as an active element of modern regional policy and can be effectively used in substantiating the modern city development strategy.
Processing a huge amount of information, a person creates a certain image of the city. It seems that the image of the city cannot be assessed, let alone measured, but there are certain standards that help in this.
Image as a set of emotional and rational ideas is an ambiguous concept. It largely depends on the person, on the associations that arise in relation to this city. But the image is not a static concept, it changes under the influence of changes taking place inside the city, both in the desired and in the undesirable direction. If the image is taken for granted and does not receive constant nourishment, then it gradually dies off, turning from an advantage into a disadvantage.
It is customary to distinguish between the concepts of internal and external image of the city. The external image is a set of certain elements, such as the attitude of consumers to the product offered by the city, the ongoing advertising campaign and work with the public (media, investors, the public, etc.), as well as a tangible image perceived by the potential consumer with their senses.
The internal image is how the city is perceived by its own inhabitants, and how they project it into the outside world. The internal image should strengthen the morale of the inhabitants and their devotion to the city, but in no case should lead to an unfavorable attitude towards visitors. The image measurement is carried out, first of all, through the measurement of the city's fame, since it is an indicator of the image.
      Methods and means of forming the image of the city
In general, the image of the city can be defined as its psychologically formed image, focused on the main groups of the public.
Based on the theory of virtual concepts developed by the famous Russian PR specialist Anton Vuyma, we can state that “image” is also a virtual concept. It does not exist outside of human consciousness, because it cannot be identified by any organ of human perception.
The image of the city has a positive or negative connotation or does not have it at all, due to the elementary lack of information from the public. As a rule, as a result of purposeful formation, the image of the city becomes positive. If it develops spontaneously, then it is unlikely to turn out attractive.
This is explained by the fact that in the process of constructing the image, an ideal model is created that reflects the bright advantages of the city. At the same time, negative social stereotypes are identified and neutralized, which is excluded in the absence of control. It is not always necessary to eliminate them materially, because often this is not possible. It is enough to make them less noticeable, insignificant against the general favorable background.
Positivity is a core quality that forms a channel of trust between the subject and the object of promotion. On the other hand, in addition to having a positive color, an attractive image of the city must have a number of design characteristics. Such as integrity, recognizability, expressiveness, relief, stability, clarity, congruence and uniqueness.
Due to insufficient marketing efforts or anti-advertising from competitors, the image of the city may have a negative connotation. There are other forms of the destructive image of the city. These are such characteristics as a weak, mosaic, copying, blurry and abstract image.
The image of the city is made up of many elements, forming a specific system. To one degree or another, each of them is able to influence the attitude towards the city as a whole. It should be borne in mind that individual indicators are difficult or almost impossible to control.
The solution to any problem begins with its competent formulation. In the case of the image of the region, it is necessary to clarify what kind of attitude towards the region we intend to form among certain target groups. At the same time, it is important that the target groups and their perception of our region be described in as much detail as possible. This will make it possible to avoid the dissipation of forces and resources on unpromising projects for the region.
For example, you can often hear the phrase: "We need to attract money to the region." Despite the apparent obviousness of the task, there are many ways to attract money to the region. The question is, whose money will it be, on what conditions will it be attracted, and what consequences await the region after attracting such money. Even banks, and they are not welcome to every depositor, and not all organizations are ready to open accounts. And if for the bank attracting and increasing money is the goal of activity, then for the region it is rather a means for solving its key tasks: strategic development, security, social policy, preservation of cultural values ​​and natural resources, etc.
Therefore, the first step is to identify all the target groups that are of interest to the region and describe what ACTION you want to achieve from each of them. For a competent statement of the problem, you can use the Rating Analysis technique or S.V. Sychev's Advertising Campaign Design Algorithm.
Investing in existing enterprises in the region;
Creation of new enterprises, incl. creating jobs for residents of the region;
Investing in the development of the region's infrastructure;
Implementation of social programs based on enterprises;

Federal authorities, major political figures
Adoption of normative acts regulating issues;
Inclusion in targeted programs objects;
Creation of a special economic zone in;
Representing/protecting the interests of the region at the international level;

Influx of tourists (permanent + new) to XYZ sites at the level of … people per year;
Increase in the average amount of expenses during the holiday period per each tourist to the level of … rub. per week (increase in profit per tourist);
Uniform influx of tourists throughout the year, smoothing out seasonal "failures" in the period;
Careful attitude of tourists to the natural and cultural wealth of the region;
Patrons, charitable organizations

In modern conditions, the ability of the state to influence the external internal public by the power of ideas and purposeful information flows is becoming increasingly important. Along with state priorities (such as innovation, investment, infrastructure), a special place is occupied by the image as a condition for the strategic development of the state, a way of necessary and successful protection of the interests of the country and its citizens, providing support for domestic and foreign policy, as one of the conditions for social security and etc. Realizing the importance and relevance of the topic of forming and maintaining a positive image of the state, more and more scientists have recently paid due attention to it. The problems of creating the image of the country are now encountered not only in the field of journalism, serious scientific works and research are devoted to them. The sphere of state imageology is firmly entrenched in such Russian scientists as O.P. Beryozkina, O.G. Leonova, M.P. Bocharov, D.V. Olshansky, T.E. Since then, many monographs have been published on the problems of the foreign policy image of the Russian state: a study by E.A. Galumov “Image vs. Image”, a collective monograph edited by M.V. Larionova “Group of Eight” and international multilateral institutions”, etc.
The relevance of this topic is also confirmed by the fact that today's political competition is undergoing some transformation in terms of conflict resolution. The political struggle, before taking on a forceful form, is carried out exclusively in the information and communication space, where the main rivals are the images of states. In such cases, the media ruthlessly try to undermine the authority of the leader and the state as a whole, becoming one of the instruments of destructive information influence from the outside. The objects of destruction are the value orientations of society, the national mentality. The effectiveness of such actions directly depends on the stability of the image of the state. Therefore, there is a need to form a strong image in the global information and communication space, acting as a defense against the loss of international positions. An example is the work of the US news agency, which is absolutely well-established in this regard, to ensure the work of which, significant funds are allocated from the country's budget for marketing communications (according to not entirely verified data, their amount is one and a half times higher than defense spending). The mass production and dissemination of positive information about the country, video news that form a positive image of America, its people, and politics, the idea of ​​which corresponds to the state strategy, is actively carried out. Developed countries that have truly achieved recognition of their global significance pay serious attention to the ongoing information policy, the well-thought-out image strategy and its compliance with specific political tasks. Tens of millions of dollars are spent on researching public opinion in other countries in order to correct it in time and avoid serious consequences if necessary. Under the governments of most Western countries, I successfully operate information and PR services, whose task is to create a favorable background for political, social and commercial activities. Thanks to the timely informing of state structures, foreign missions about the possible consequences of certain actions, the steps taken by the state become transparent and understandable to the public. The information bureau of many states is engaged in technical maintenance of PR activities, creates and distributes propaganda films, photographs, articles, organizes exhibitions, etc.
Today, in the era of information transparency, if the state does not pursue ways of communication openness, does not prioritize respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, freedom of political elections and freedom of the press, it is impossible to achieve the image of a “democratic” state in the eyes of the world community.
How a country is perceived by the world community determines its place and significance in the system of international relations, its ability to solve competitive problems, its investment attractiveness (as the basis for future prosperity), expansion of opportunities for business cooperation, tourism, etc. The success of the country's foreign policy, the development of trade and economic relations with other states depends on whether the image of the state is positive or negative. The foreign policy image also has an impact on domestic political processes: the opposition forces can use the existing negative image of the country as one of the arguments in criticizing the government's policy.
Thus, the image of the state is the basis of its success in economic development in the conditions of dependence of the economy of an individual state on the world economy, world capital.

The image formation technique can be represented by the following sequence of steps:

    Analysis of the marketing environment and identification of target (most important for the activity) groups of the public.
    Formation of a set of the most significant image-forming factors for each of the target groups of the public.
    Development of a desired image (in terms of established strategic goals) for each target group of the public.
    Assessment of the state of the image in each of the target groups of the public.
    Development and implementation of an action plan to create a positive image in the minds of target groups.
    Control of achieved results and correction (if necessary) of the plan.
To identify the state of the image, experts are invited to assess the degree of compliance of each parameter of all components of the image with a positive one - to give marks:
    "5"- if the state of this parameter fully corresponds to a positive image;
    "four"- if the state of this parameter corresponds to an incompletely positive image;
    "3"- if the state of this parameter weakly corresponds to a positive image;
    "2"- if the state of this parameter does not correspond to a positive image at all.

In addition, according to the results of an expert survey of senior management, a “mirror” image was assessed - the representation of management about what different groups of the public think about the CITY. As the practice of conducting marketing audits has shown, in most Russian cities the “mirror” image differs markedly from the real one in the direction of approaching a positive image.
Based on the results of the image assessment, an action plan was developed aimed at bringing the image parameters closer to the values ​​corresponding to a positive image.

Chapter 2. Experience in building the image of large cities

2.1. Russian experience (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk)
The relationship between the images of Moscow and the state as a whole not only exists at the level of a stereotype in the minds of Russians, but is also really important for most of them. In particular, about half of Russians (51.6%) believe that the image of the capital is very important for the formation and maintenance of the image of a strong, prosperous state. Another 29.7% of respondents believe that the image of the capital is more important for the image of the state than not. Neither yes nor no, - answered 5.6% of the respondents. Only 6.7% of Russians consider the image of the capital rather unimportant, and 3.4% consider it not important at all. 3% of citizens found it difficult to answer.
At the same time, 75.4% of Russians believe that Moscow as the capital Russian Federation able to adequately represent Russia in the world, which also debunks the myth of a very negative attitude towards Moscow in the Russian provinces. Only 14.1% of respondents think otherwise. 10.5% of respondents found it difficult to answer this question.
The image of the capital consists of many strokes, sometimes paradoxically mutually exclusive. An interesting research task here is to study their totality and consider the most important of them separately in a general context.
The main components of the image of Moscow were, first of all, the well-being of citizens (66.9%), the guarantee of personal safety (66.5%) and cleanliness on the capital's streets (58.7%). This is followed by a good state of ecology (46.9%) and a low level of corruption and crime (44.9%). The rich cultural life (30.5%) and the preservation of city attractions (30.1%) are approximately equally important for Russians. Somewhat less important are: a large number of green spaces (24.8%), modern buildings (23.5%), as well as a respectable metropolitan leadership (20.4%). Also important are factors such as opportunities for holding sports events (14.6%), the availability of convenient modern infrastructure (14.5%), providing effective work and business security (12.1%), opportunities to attract foreign tourists (10.3%), the opportunity to relax in nightclubs, restaurants, casinos (7.3%).
Thus, the image of the capital is perceived by Russians mainly through guarantees of personal well-being and security of citizens - i.e. subjectively. This phenomenon is not an exclusive tendency for the perception of Moscow, but a general characteristic of the modern Russian mass consciousness, for example, a key requirement for political leaders. That is why the positive image of the capital is primarily associated by public opinion with concern for the well-being and safety of citizens. It is also noteworthy that such objective, key characteristics for the life of the city as the presence of a convenient modern infrastructure, ensuring the efficient operation and safety of business, as well as the respectability of the leadership turned out to be quite unimportant for the perception of the desired image of the capital.
As the data of this and other studies show, an important component in the image of the capital is traditionally cultural life. In the complex of various characteristics of the capital's image, it turns out to be slightly less important for Russians than the personal well-being and safety of citizens, corruption and crime, as well as cleanliness and a good environmental situation, however, it is more important than, for example, the modernity of buildings, respectability of management or recreational resources. In the opinion of 44.5% of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, Moscow fully meets the criterion of having a rich cultural life in the capital. Another 27.2% of citizens believe that the Russian capital is more likely to meet this criterion. This is a fairly high result, characterizing the image of Moscow in the eyes of compatriots as the capital of the country's cultural life. Neither yes nor no, - answered 9.8% of respondents. Only 8.1% of citizens consider Moscow fully or partially as not meeting the criteria for a rich cultural life. 10.3% of respondents found it difficult to answer.
As for the proper preservation of city sights for the capital, Moscow fully complies with this criterion, according to 32.4% of respondents, but rather corresponds - in the opinion of 37%. This is also a very good indicator, confirming that, in the opinion of the Russians, the Moscow authorities are actively taking care of the proper preservation of cultural monuments in the capital. Neither yes nor no, - said 11.4% of citizens. Rather and completely, our capital does not correspond to the expected level of preservation of city sights, only in the opinion of 7.7% of respondents. 11.5% of respondents found it difficult to answer. Thus, by constantly developing the positive characteristics of the image of Moscow as the capital of the cultural life of Russia, carefully preserving the sights, it is possible to further improve the perception of the city by Russians. These characteristics can also become the main successful distinguishing features of the image of Moscow, gradually replacing negative characteristics and emphasizing the originality of the Russian capital, both in the eyes of Russians and foreign citizens.
As for the modern and convenient urban infrastructure, according to 14.1%, Moscow fully satisfies all the necessary requirements. 31.6% of respondents believe that the Russian capital rather satisfies the conditions of convenience and modern infrastructure. Neither yes nor no - the position of 17.2% of respondents. Rather or completely, Moscow does not meet the criterion of convenience and modern infrastructure, according to 9.9% of survey participants. More than a quarter of Russians found it difficult to evaluate the criterion - 27.1%. In general, this indicator is also positive, and a large number of those who found it difficult to answer, as in the case of ensuring the efficient operation and security of business, is most likely due to the lack of awareness of Russians about what exactly the concept of "modern urban infrastructure" includes.
St. Petersburg has always been considered the cultural capital of Russia. For many years now, both the government and the residents have been steadily following this and adhering to this opinion. Thus, they set a certain image in the eyes of other people - both visitors and viewers of television channels. Here the image takes on its external appearance and has a filling that does not contradict words and ideas.
In order to preserve and constantly maintain the image of St. Petersburg as a cultural capital, a lot of money is spent: both material and moral and material. First of all, the Administration of St. Petersburg has long been concerned about the problem of increasing the flow of tourists. According to the Russian Union of Tourism Industry (RCT), in 2007, about 3.5 million tourists visited St. Petersburg, the city received the same number of guests in 2008, and in 2009 the tourist flow decreased to 2.5 million people. Already in 2008, the city administration ordered the American Boston Consulting Group to develop a "Program for the development of St. Petersburg as a tourist center." The study cost 15 million rubles and was financed by the Ministry of Economic Development. According to the most optimistic forecast of American consultants, by 2012 St. Petersburg should be visited by 5.3 million tourists a year. For this, consultants advise, in particular, to reduce the cost of air travel, build more hotels, ease the visa regime and improve the safety of tourists.
One of the first attempts to stop the city's counter-marketing was made by St. Petersburg. In December 2008, the city government held advertising campaign in three European cities. More than 300 billboards placed at airports and on the streets of London, Amsterdam and Paris for a month showed Europeans the main sights of St. Petersburg, against which a bear was depicted. The slogan on the posters read: "No bears, just beauties" ("No bears, only beauty").
The campaign, which was organized by the City Marketing Agency, Schastye Corporation and the Volga Volga Design Bureau, cost about 1 million euros. According to information from the City Administration, about half of the funds were allocated by the city budget, the rest was provided by tour operators. Experts say in unison that this amount is clearly not enough, especially considering that tourism generates 10% of GRP and provides 5% of St. Petersburg's tax revenues. In 2009, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Prague, Berlin, Shanghai, New York were added to the list of cities - objects of advertising activity. PM materials are also distributed at international tourism exhibitions, in tourist information centers and offices in St. Petersburg, and in Russian consulates abroad.
The concept of socio-economic development of St. Petersburg until 2025 includes the formulation of the main goal of the socio-cultural development of St. Petersburg, a system of ideas about strategic goals and priorities of the socio-economic policy of St. Petersburg, the most important directions and means of achieving these goals, the forecast of the main parameters of the socio-economic development of St. Petersburg, as well as targets for indicators of the quality of life of the population in St. Petersburg.
Image of St. Petersburg in 2025:

    Clean and safe city.
    City of science, culture and education.
    A major center of innovation and high-tech industries.
    Open city.
St. Petersburg is a city of federal significance, the center of the Northwestern Federal District (some federal government bodies have been moved here).
St. Petersburg is the center of international events, congresses, summits. Headquarters of international organizations and offices of transnational corporations and financial structures are located in St. Petersburg, international organizations are widely represented. A large number of consular offices and representative offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are accredited in St. Petersburg, and branches of international cultural institutions operate. Chambers of commerce and industry and business centers of foreign countries represented in St. Petersburg contribute to the expansion of economic cooperation.
St. Petersburg has a high authority in regional international and Russian organizations, influences decision-making in the federal bodies of the Russian Federation. St. Petersburg plays a decisive role in the international system of labor distribution.
The main partners of St. Petersburg in the Russian Federation are Moscow and the cities of the Northwestern Federal District; abroad - Finland, Sweden, Germany, other countries of the Baltic region. Ties with Asian megacities are being strengthened. Permanent cultural and economic ties have been established with partner cities and regions. In many foreign countries information business centers of St. Petersburg operate. Representatives of St. Petersburg participate in the work of international regional, European, world organizations.
To achieve the strategic goals of the development of St. Petersburg, it is necessary to achieve the following strategic objectives:
to ensure the growth of incomes of the overwhelming majority of the population of St. Petersburg (public sector employees - by increasing the budget revenues of St. Petersburg, non-budgetary workers - due to the growth of the St. Petersburg economy, unemployed - by increasing social transfers);
    constantly improve the quality of the urban environment (develop the infrastructure of St. Petersburg, improve the state of the environment, improve the territory of St. Petersburg);
    increase the competitiveness of St. Petersburg by creating a favorable economic climate.
    To achieve the set strategic objectives, actions are required in the following areas:
    human development;
    development of the urban environment;
    improving the quality of the environment;
    economic development;
    system improvement government controlled and local government in St. Petersburg, strengthening external relations, development of civil society.
To create this, the following steps are required:
    activities for the development of external relations of St. Petersburg should become more subject-oriented and concentrated on the directions indicated in the Concept. To this end, it is expedient, leaving the functions of determining policy, priority geographical areas and general coordination of interregional and international cooperation, to strengthen international and interregional activities to the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg executive bodies the state authorities of St. Petersburg to expand economic, investment, cultural, educational, youth contacts and exchange of experience;
    in the structure of the executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg there should be a special unit responsible for shaping the image of St. Petersburg;
    the budget of St. Petersburg should provide for expenses related to the formation of the image of St. Petersburg;
    for each target group(inside and outside St. Petersburg) an appropriate system of measures should be developed aimed at shaping the image of St. Petersburg, including the publication of brochures, booklets, maps and other information materials about St. Petersburg.
An active policy of developing external relations and promoting the image in such areas as promoting the growth of foreign trade and foreign investment, participation of St. Petersburg in international projects and programs, promotion of options for the development of transport corridors that are beneficial to St. competitive advantages Petersburg and attract financial and labor resources from abroad and other subjects of the Russian Federation.
Today, Russian cities have entered into fierce competition with each other... Any city is obliged to take care of its positive image. Tomsk has been proving to itself for a long time that it is special, that it is great, that it is the Siberian Athens. The outside world does not know about this, the reputation of a smart city must be promoted outside of Tomsk. Another reason for creating this program is that the city has never had a special image promotion program. The image of Tomsk as Siberian Athens is outdated. Any city is obliged to engage in its positive image. The possibility of attracting additional resources for the development of the city depends on how positively the city is perceived in business and government circles. Expected results from the implementation of the program: an increase in the volume of foreign investment, an increase in the volume of incoming tourism, the number of foreign students, the influx of qualified personnel from other regions.
The city has several challenges to which it must respond with a new program. The reputation of the university city needs to be promoted again beyond the boundaries of Tomsk. The external positioning of the city is named as a strategic direction in this strategy. Tomsk should welcome with open arms not only Italian developers, not only Swedish sellers, but also students. The directions that this program includes, in addition to information, are revision, audit of relations between Tomsk and sister cities, membership in international associations. The city is obliged to enter foreign educational markets, and to attract students by the fact that this city is safe for life, that they teach well and treat here. First of all, officials and professional PR people will analyze the traditional brands of Tomsk - "Siberian Athens", "smart city", "capital of Siberia". If all this is nothing more than stamps, then you will have to come up with new brands and go with them to neighboring regions and abroad. Tomsk's external positioning program is designed for 3 years - from 2009 to 2011. During this time, the city needs to make a kind of revision of its contacts with the outside world.
Tomsk has a sister city in the USA, the meaning of cooperation with which is unclear even to people from the mayor's office. Monroe from Michigan, with whom Tomsk signed a twinning relationship in 1995. In general, there are 7 cities with this name in the USA. This is a city with a population of 20 thousand people, its only attraction is a coal-fired power plant. All contacts with this city are actually a sham. Today, the region's relations with foreign countries are incomprehensible. There was a summit, there was a 400th anniversary and guests, but this is not enough. Tomsk also has two sister cities: Korean and American, and even friendship with the Chinese province of Liaoning - gave Tomsk a fountain and a Chinese wall.
Tomsk's image-building program is also necessary because of the competition between Russian cities. This is competition for federal resources, for business investment, technology, offices. large companies, leading positions in world rankings, for labor resources. Any city is obliged to take care of its positive image, the possibility of attracting additional resources for the development of the city depends on how positively the city is perceived in state and business circles.
The activities planned by the program include the development of presentation products, a city-wide Internet portal - the “electronic business card” of the city, the development and implementation social advertising about Tomsk, as well as the reception of foreign delegations and the annual holding of the Siberian media forum in the city. Advertising companies actively involved in new social projects initiated by the mayor's office. First of all, these are broadcasts of matches of the European Football Championship on an outdoor LED screen - the action itself is unprecedented. This also includes the photo contest "I'm from Tomsk", which was held on the eve of the City Day, as a result of which 80 banners with portraits of Tomsk residents adorned the streets of Tomsk.

2.2. Foreign experience (Amsterdam, Paris, New York)

Amsterdam - capital and largest city Netherlands . located in the provinceNorth Hollandin the west of the country at the mouth of the rivers Amstel and Hey . Amsterdam is connected to North Sea channel.
As of May 31 2009 The population of the municipality of Amsterdam was 761,395 inhabitants, together with the suburbs (city district) - 2.2 million inhabitants. Amsterdam is part of the agglomeration Randstad , which is the 6th largest in Europe.
The name of the city comes from two words: Amstel and ladies. Amstel is the name of the river on which the city is located, and dam means "dam" in translation. In the 12th century it was a small fishing village, but during the Golden Age of the Netherlands, Amsterdam became one of the most important ports in the world and a major trading center.
The city is a place of concentration of various cultures - in April 2009, representatives of 177 nationalities lived here.
Amsterdam is also the financial and cultural capital of the Netherlands. The offices of 7 of the 500 largest global companies, such as Philips and ING, are located here. Also in the city center is the world's oldest stock exchange.
Many attractions such as Rijksmuseum, Vincent Van Gogh Museum, Hermitage on the Amstel, Red light district, annually attracts about 4.2 million tourists to the city.
The appearance of Amsterdam has retained many features acquired by him in the 17th century, Gold for the Netherlands. Then semicircular concentric canals were built that surrounded the old city center. Today Amsterdam is international business center where the new and the old successfully coexist. Amsterdam - museums: Van Gogh, Rembrandt, the Historical Museum of Amsterdam, the famous Riksmuseum, located in a beautiful building of the XIX century. Tropical Museum, Diamond Factory, Royal Palace and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.
A special pride of Amsterdam is the world-class symphony orchestra. Amsterdam captivates its visitors very quickly. At night, many of the capital's more than 1,200 bridges are lit up with tiny lights, giving them a fairytale look. And on a foggy morning, you can watch the city slowly appear through the scattered haze, revealing its treasures. Old curving buildings, cobbled streets, tree-lined canals and magnificent parks also contribute to the city's special atmosphere. The capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, lies on the banks of the IJ Bay and the Amstel River. A small fishing settlement that arose at the end of the 12th century grew and turned into the largest city in the country, its financial and cultural center. The population of Amsterdam reaches one and a half million people, including the suburbs. Although Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, the capital of the province where it is located is another city in Holland - Haarlem. And the country's government is located in The Hague. Carefree and liberal, Amsterdam has never completely lost its reputation as a hippie haven, though the city's economy has long belied that cliché. It is surprising that many still consider Amsterdam to be a city frozen in the times of free love, free drugs and other free pleasures, because the reckless legendary times of the 60s and 70s are gradually giving way to the realities of the new millennium. A walk through the thriving business suburbs can showcase the new priorities. The city government has worked hard to transform Amsterdam into an international business center, and their efforts have been successful. Numerous foreign companies seek to establish their head offices here and take advantage of Amsterdam's central position in the European Union.
Overall, the capital of the Netherlands is a careful mix of old and new, with radical squatter art structures looming over 17th-century eaves, BMWs giving way to cyclists, and strong beer made by monks sold in shimmering, reflective, minimalist cafés. Compared to other cities in Europe, the historic center of Amsterdam occupies the largest space. Its formation refers mainly to the 17th century, the Golden Age in the history of Holland, it was here that the main events took place. At that time, a number of concentric semicircular canals were built around the old city center, defining the appearance of the city to this day. Along the canals there are many beautiful houses and mansions, most of them are residential buildings, others are reserved for public buildings and offices. Some of the narrow brick houses are slowly flooding as they are built on stilts that sink into the marshy ground.
Amsterdam captivates its visitors very quickly. At night, many of the capital's more than 1,200 bridges are lit up with tiny lights, giving them a fairytale look. And on a foggy morning, you can watch the city slowly appear through the scattered haze, revealing its treasures.
Old curving buildings, cobbled streets, tree-lined canals and magnificent parks also contribute to the city's special atmosphere. The capital of the Netherlands is remarkable not only for its style, but also for its content: there are many significant museums here, including the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, the Rembrandt House Museum, the Anne Frank House; the city is also famous for its own world-class symphony orchestra. And, of course, liberal Amsterdam attracts with its famous Red Light District.

Paris - capital France , the most important economic and Cultural Center country located in north central France, in

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As a result of studying the issues discussed in this chapter, the student will: know

  • key concepts in the field of territory image management;
  • basic structural elements regional image;
  • main types of territorial image;
  • ways of forming the image of territories; be able to
  • determine the role of the image in the management of territorial development;
  • use different tools marketing communications when analyzing the process of forming the image of a territory (region);


  • conceptual apparatus in the field of image management of the territory;
  • the skills of forming the image of the territory.

Image and reputation are the most valuable assets.

Image cannot be bought. It must be created.

T M. Orlova

The concept and types of territorial image

The need to use marketing technologies in the development and promotion of territories is beyond doubt. Foreign experience shows that in order to form the image of the territory, increase competitiveness and market attractiveness, it is necessary to use marketing tools. A favorable image of the territory is a necessary and extremely important factor in the development of the economy. In addition, the image and reputation of the territory are also strategic components of the intangible assets of the regions.

Territory image- its image in the eyes of the external and internal world and the population living on it is diverse, sometimes artificially created, which is formed in the minds of people. The term "image" does not have a single and clear definition. AT English language image means "image", "image", "metaphor", "icon". AT marketing technologies this term It is customary to understand it as a complex of emotional and rational ideas formed from a comparison of all the objective qualitative characteristics of the territory, subjective knowledge and experience, and properties and characteristics attributed to the territory. Here are some interpretations of the category "image of the territory", published in different sources.

The image of a territory is defined as a relatively stable and reproducible in the mass and (or) individual consciousness, a set of emotional, rational ideas, beliefs and feelings of people that arise about the characteristics of the region, are formed on the basis of all information received about the region from various sources, as well as their own experience and impressions.

The image of the territory is an intangible asset of the territory, which is an accumulative capital that increases or reduces the "value" of the territory in the eyes of the public, business, etc.

The image of the territory is an important intangible asset of the region, despite the fact that it differs significantly from other (classical) intangible assets in content, methods of creation, acquisition and accumulation, methods of evaluation. Its use is regulated by specific regulatory legal acts (laws on intangible assets, trademarks, copyright, intellectual property, etc.).

A positive image of a territory helps to increase the efficiency of using its competitive advantages in all areas of activity. In this regard, all more of territorial communities is aware of the importance of forming its own favorable image, shows an active interest in the information and analytical improvement of the communication policy of its territory.

Closed in Soviet times The city of Kolomna, Moscow Region, has completely changed its image. From a city with a predominantly machine-building specialization, it has turned into a cultural, historical, sports and business center in the southeast of the Moscow region. This transformation was largely facilitated by the active policy of the city authorities, which was accompanied by the promotion of the city's image through significant events. Thus, according to the results of the all-Russian voting in 2013, the Kolomna Kremlin was among the ten most image-worthy sights of the country in choosing the main sights of Russia. The celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, which has become an annual tradition in Kolomna, contributed to strengthening the positive image. The regular holding of all-Russian and international sports competitions in the Kolomna Skating Center also contributed to new look cities.

The image is one of the determining factors in the perception of territories, the formation of a favorable social environment. It acquires the status of one of the main resources that determine its economic, political, social, and innovative prospects. The new paradigm of governance and regionalization adopted as strategic framework development modern Russia, involves not only partnership, but also competition between regions. The formation of a positive image of the region objectively becomes a priority for the activities of public authorities. The image of the territory is considered as a real managerial resource, which largely determines the success of its positions: social, economic, innovative, political. As a purposefully formed sustainable image, it is associated with public opinion.

Germany evokes associations with the quality and practicality of its products, the pedantry and professionalism of its employees. Japan is the embodiment of new technologies, the highest quality of products, corporate devotion and employee discipline. Great Britain is an example of conservatism and a quality education system.

How do they see Russia abroad? In 2003, commissioned by the Government of the Russian Federation, a survey was conducted among Americans: they were asked to name 10 things that they associate with Russia. Most often, respondents named communism, the KGB, snow and the mafia. The only positive association - Russian art and culture - was in last place. The results of an August 2005 survey of foreigners' knowledge of Russian brands were even worse. The only "brands" that foreigners managed to remember are the Kalashnikov assault rifle and the Molotov cocktail.

In 2014 International Service air force a study was conducted to assess the nature of the influence of the 16 largest states on the state of affairs around the world. The survey involved 24.5 thousand people from 24 countries, including Russia. The survey was conducted from December 17, 2013 to April 28, 2014 (before the development of the Ukrainian crisis and partially coincided with the Olympics held in Sochi). In half of the countries, attitudes towards Russia have deteriorated. Compared to the previous year, the negative attitude towards Russia increased by 4 points, and since 2005, monitoring shows a loss of reputation by 12 points.

The article “Russia through the eyes of foreigners” cites the following statements of foreign tourists: “Going to Russia in winter, you should definitely take warm boots. Snow and icing are usually removed very selectively, therefore, walking along the street, you can slip. For Russians, this seems to be a common occurrence, and they are used to walking like bulldozers!” and "Confirming the words of Napoleon and Otto von

Bismarck: the first thing you should remember when going to Russia is the weather! It is better not to visit this country in March and November! In March, the snow begins to melt, and the puddles look more like lakes. In November, a strong wind breaks down, and rivers of water flow along the sidewalks.”

The image of the region is closely related to two components such as the brand of the region and its reputation. The image of the region largely determines the brand and reputation of the region, and the brand and reputation, in turn, influence the construction and development of the image (Fig. 13.1).

Rice. 13.1

The reputation of a territory is a dynamic characteristic of its activities, which is formed in society over a long period of time from the totality of information. These are value beliefs, opinions about the territory that people have formed on the basis of personal experience of interaction and the information received (for example, comfort of living, safety, social security, conditions for doing business, the authority of the authorities, etc.). The reputation of the territory is closely connected with the image, they strongly influence each other, their formation and development occur in parallel. A good reputation of a territory is a resource that can provide sustainable competitive advantages and strong partnerships. Reputation is increasingly recognized as an important asset, even more important than specialized knowledge. It is always associated with certain features or a set of interrelated characteristics of stakeholders. A good reputation can translate into high ratings, low capital costs, and high shareholder value.

Any image of the region has the following character traits.

  • projects the image of a particular territory;
  • reflects its typical advantages, disadvantages and quality of functioning;
  • meets the expectations of target segments and is focused on their needs;
  • is the result of purposeful work;
  • formed taking into account the ideal idea of ​​the territory.

Considering the image of a territory as an economic category, one

of the ways to increase its status and prestige in the eyes of economic agents (stakeholders, potential investors etc.), we single out the constituent elements of its structures, objective and subjective components.

Objective component includes strong and weak sides region, i.e. competitive advantages and disadvantages of the territory, which are formed on the basis of the industry specialization of the subject, the degree of development of infrastructure support, the level of development social sphere, existing potential of the region and other aspects .

Subjective component formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • assessment of the region by residents and non-residents based on personal experience of management and observation. The negative or positive nature of the experience can significantly affect the emerging image of the region;
  • actions of regional and municipal authorities that create an association with the public this region with certain persons, objects, actions;
  • characterization of the region in the media. A one-sided characteristic enhances the subjective nature of the perception of the image. The predominance of negative information about the situation in the region can create a stable negative image.

When forming the image of the region, an extremely important factor is the trust of the population (authorities, the media, etc.), the reliability and reliability of the information that goes on the air, the press, etc., and how objectively this information is presented.

The subjective element of the image is important for its positive nature, as it has a significant impact on the formation of the image of the region, and is also significant for potential investors and stakeholders.

All views on the regional image can be reduced to four systematizing approaches (Fig. 13.2).

Territory image depending on the source of perception can be divided into two components: internal and external. The internal image (given) is connected mainly with the attitude towards the territory of one's own population. The external image (accepted) is determined by the guests and the population of other territories.

By number of speakers The image of the territory is distinguished by an individual and a group image. Any individual image unique. It covers some content that is never or almost never transmitted to others, but at the same time, to a greater or lesser extent, coincides with the public image. Group, or public, image territory is created by superimposing one on the other many individual images. A number of social images are developed by a significant group of people.

Rice. 13.2.

According to the way of perception the image of the territory is divided into tangible and intangible components. tangible image is created as a result of the perception of the territory with the help of five senses: the impression of the territory is made up of what can be seen, heard, felt, inhaled, touched. Everything belongs to this type, starting from the name of the territory, its symbols, ending with the architecture and cleanliness of the streets. intangible image represents an emotional connection with a particular place. Often, the media form the prerequisites for an intangible image.

Types of image on final evaluation results, overly attractive, positive, weakly expressed, controversial, negative, mixed, overly traditional images, were discussed in paragraph 4.2.

The image has a direct impact on the positioning of the territory and implies the presence of the following components of the territorial image.

  • 1. Territory Status- this is its place among other territories, determined by the level of development and importance for the economy. The status of a territory is closely interconnected with its potential and resources.
  • 2. The appearance of the territory it is her appearance, which is characterized by architecture, natural and historical sights, the development of industrial and social infrastructure, etc.
  • 3. The soul of the territory this is a subjective idea of ​​it, based on folklore, its traditions, legends, emotional perception, etc.

The images of different territories are saturated to varying degrees with each of these components, and the brightness of the image depends on this.

The image of the territory differs from its stereotype. A stereotype is a well-established image, often greatly distorted and simplified. Moreover, it can have a positive and negative value. In contrast to the stereotype, the image is associated with the personal perception of the territory and depends on the specific subject.

Creating an image specific territory usually followed by a series goals.

  • ensure the recognition of the territory both in the national space and abroad;
  • identify the positioning of the territory, its role in interregional and international interaction;
  • inform about the diversity of historical and cultural attractions, about the range and quality of goods or services, innovative, infrastructural, social, technological opportunities and resources of the territory;
  • inform about the traditions of the territorial environment and about its change;
  • demonstrate the professionalism of the residents of the territory, ensuring its promotion.

The nature of the perception of the image of the regions, reputation, status, prestige in the eyes of economic agents is influenced by the indicator of economic freedom. Economic freedom in the modern sense implies freedom based on the inviolability of private property to produce, trade, save, invest, use what is created and earned, enter into economic contacts with compatriots and foreigners, set prices, use any monetary unit by mutual agreement of the parties participating in the contract. The lack of economic freedom leads to a drop in the level of public confidence in the authorities, to the arbitrariness of officials, an increase in the corruption component in business, rampant crime, and a decrease in economic indicators, fall innovative activity and the quality of life of people.

The concept of economic freedom is based on the ideas of the Scottish economist A. Smith. In his classic work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, the most important conditions for the prosperity of countries and peoples were named: good laws (which are enforced), easy taxes and peace. These are the main components of the canonical definition of freedom economic activity. Smith also formulated the main rule of economic policy: the less the state does the economy, the better it is for the economy. He was a great economist, but his work was written in 1776.

In modern theories of well-being, as the reasons explaining the achieved level of wealth of peoples, as well as the rate of its multiplication, they name: a successful (convenient) geographical location, a favorable climate, the presence (absence) of natural resources, investments and savings, health and education of the population, participation in international relations, good relations with neighbors and others, including "soft" factors.

Assessing the relationship between the level of economic freedom and the image of the territory, we can deduce the following relationship: the less economic freedom, the less attractive the image.

Within the framework of this concept, the index of economic freedom is calculated. The compilers of the index believe that there is a relationship between the freedom of the economy and the success of its development, which can be observed thanks to this index. When evaluating the success of the state, experts focus primarily on the degree of economic liberalism.

Index of economic freedom consists of 10 components: business freedom, trade freedom, tax freedom, freedom from government, monetary freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom, protection of property rights, freedom from corruption, freedom labor relations. The study unequivocally shows that countries with the highest levels of economic freedom also have more high level life. Hong Kong has been recognized as the freest economy in the world for many years in a row: 88.6 points out of 100. Singapore is in second place in 2016 (87.8), and New Zealand is third (81.6). Russia (50.6) is in 153rd place out of 178.

Types of territorial image. stand out different kinds the image of the territories. Let's consider some of them.

Socio-economic image of the territory is a combination of economic and social features and resources (quality of life; level of development and features of the economy; industrial infrastructure; labor resources, availability of skilled labor, employment; investment potential and innovative resources; financial resources; level of business activity; degree of business-friendliness) of the territory that is assessed using the complex indicators of her well-being.

According to the World Bank methodology, four main indicators are used to assess well-being of the territory." 1) share of GDP (GRP) per capita; 2) the level of provision of the population with production resources (fixed assets, roads, buildings); 3) the level of provision of the population with natural resources; 4) security level by human resourses(the level of education).

Business image of the territory characterized by the concept of "competitiveness" (see paragraph 3.2). The level of competitiveness of countries and regions is also affected by the indicator of economic freedom.

Business image of the territory formed through business reputation, business activity of economic agents, compliance ethical standards doing business, through the efforts of the regional authorities.

Investment image of the territory- a systematic reflection of the investment climate, including taking into account regional features of development, which is formed in the view of investors under the influence of their subjective views and determines the investment attractiveness of the region (detailed in paragraph 16.2).

Visual image of the territory consists of visual sensations (streets, people, houses, roads, sidewalks, playgrounds, parking lots, green areas, plantings, recreation areas, park areas, monuments, etc.), fixing information about environment, symbols of the territory, its features.

The image of the population of the territory is formed on the basis of contacts, communicative features of residents and takes into account the most diverse aspects of such interaction and interaction.

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  • Ugryumova A. A., Erokhina E. V., Savelyeva M. V. Regional economics and management: textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate students. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2016.
  • Khvylya-Olinter N. Russia in the eyes of foreigners // Sulakshina Center. October 23, 2014. URL: http://rusrand.rU/events/rossija-v-glazah-inostrantsev#_ftn3; Russia through the eyes of foreigners // Tourweek. 10/18/2016. URL: Erokhina EV Problems of trust in the creation of the Russian innovation system // National interests: priorities and security. 2013. No. 19. S. 32-39.
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  • Rating of countries in the world in terms of economic freedom. Encyclopedia of Humanities // Center for Humanitarian Technologies. URL:

Annotation. The purpose of this study is to collect theoretical material on the topic of the image of the territory and describe the current state of the image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is necessary to identify the main factors in the formation of a positive image of the territory, to analyze state of the art image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Keywords: image of the territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In recent years, there have been active shifts in the Russian tourist market towards an increase in citizens traveling around the country, who, due to political events and the depreciation of the ruble, have reoriented themselves to tourist trips in their own country. Also, due to the depreciation of the ruble, the attractiveness of Russia for foreign tourists increases due to a decrease in spending due to the difference, for example, when exchanging dollars or euros for rubles. Also, recently much attention has been paid to the problems of tourism in Russia, the problems of infrastructure, the image and image of territories as attractive for tourism and business.

So, on December 7, 2015, the National Tourist Rating (No. 1) was released, which examines the regions of Russia in terms of infrastructure development, availability of beds and recognition of the region and its attractions. When discussing the problems and prospects of tourism in the country, much attention was paid to creating an image and promoting tourist areas in domestic and foreign media. According to Tamara Vlasova, President of the National Academy of Tourism, Rector of the Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (), “Potential tourists, tourism industry specialists, and officials need a national tourism rating. It allows you to assess the state of tourism in specific regions, destinations, encourages their leaders to take actions to improve the state, to promote the region and its image, to attract new tourists, to use positive experience, etc.”

For further analysis and description of the image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, below are the main concepts and theoretical basis image, brand and image of the territory.

An image is an artificial image that is formed in the public or individual consciousness by means of mass communication and psychological impact on the audience. The main purpose of creating an image is to develop a certain attitude towards a particular object. An image is understood as an already formed, vivid and emotionally colored image, based on the real and attributed properties of a given object.

The image of the territory, its reputation in Russian and foreign socio-political and business circles is the basis for effective promotion of the territory, increasing the attractiveness of territorial products and services in the domestic and international markets. .

A properly selected and created image is the most successful way of working with the mass consciousness, reflecting the main positions, it can cause automatic reactions in the population. In our time, advertising producers have accumulated considerable experience in the principles of creating a positive image. The image with the ideas of uniqueness, the ability to satisfy a particular need, stimulate to experience new emotions and sensations is highly popular.

If a positive image has already been created, you should not stop there, as the image can change under the influence of various factors. Factors that affect the image of the territory are divided into two main groups:

- objective: geographical location, history and culture, social policy, scientific and technical potential and resource base, innovation policy, investment climate, statistical indicators and ratings of the territory, technological and information potential, etc.;
- subjective: consumers' perception of the level of hospitality based on mentality and national characteristics, consumers' perception of attributive signs of the territory, the image of the territorial leader in the eyes of the public, the impact of communication policy on the perception of the image of the territory by consumers.

Closely related to the concept of the image of the territory is the term branding of the territory, and simply brand. So, in order for the region to develop and attract investments from entrepreneurs and the state, financial resources from the influx of visitors both from the country and from abroad, the region must have an original, recognizable and positive image - in a word, everything that is included in the brand concept.

Any symbols, names, sights that are associated with the region and evoke positive emotions.

A certain historical event, which is directly or indirectly related to the region, can also become a brand. At the same time, it is always worth remembering that the features of the territory that are selected to become a brand should evoke only positive emotions and feelings in their image.

To form the image, it is necessary to study the opinion of the audience, identify the audience's ideas about the object, determine the preferences, expectations and requirements of the audience for the selected object. After collecting information, analyzing data, measures should be taken to form and develop a strategy to create a positive image of the territory.

At present, the image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is poorly developed and has an impact and impact, mainly, only on the citizens of the region. Since when promoting the image and brand of the region, only regional and local media are used. Attempts to deal with the image of the region were made back in 2003-2004, conferences and discussions of this problem were held. For example, in April 2003, a conference was organized on the theme "Image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Future of the Region", which discussed the problems and prospects for the formation of a positive image of the region. A delegation of deputies even took part in the conference. Since that time, the development of a logo, brand, image has hardly been actively involved, therefore, the population of the country knows little about the Krasnoyarsk Territory and has almost no idea about its objects, sights, events, which are the main factors in the formation and development of the image of the region. Also in Krasnoyarsk since 2003 on the basis of SibGAU im. Academician M.F. Reshetnev annually hosts a week of PR and advertising. So the Round Table "Image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory" was included in a number of events of the IX All-Russian Student Festival "Week of PR and Advertising on the Yenisei 2011". Also, since 2005, a competition for a scholarship program from the "PR CENTER Studio" was held in 2007 and 2008, the theme of this competition was "PR technologies in shaping the image of the Krasnoyarsk Territory." The Krasnoyarsk regional tour of the All-Russian student competition in the field of public relations development "Crystal Orange", which periodically discusses certain problems of positioning objects, territories and sights of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for their popularization and building a positive image.

In connection with all the events, the shifts were small, since the main measures were aimed at the internal audience of the region, which is an inferior development of the image of the region, since not only residents of the region, but also residents of other regions and countries need to know about its positive aspects.

The main brands chosen were the Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and the ten-ruble note, which depicts the Communal Bridge, the Chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa on the top of the hill, and the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. All objects on the banknote for a long time, were the main brand objects of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Also calling card city ​​of Krasnoyarsk and the region is the state natural reserve "Stolby" - it is considered to be the main candidate for the "post" of the brand of the city of Krasnoyarsk. It is this object that is most known outside the region. In 2014, as part of the Alley of Russia campaign, the cedar became a plant - a symbol of the region. The symbol was supported by 60 percent of respondents. It is also important to note that the cedar cone in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the main element of the “quality mark”, which is developed by the system of voluntary certification of regional products. Thus, this symbol carries not only a sign of the rich Siberian nature, but also a positive sign of quality.

But the listed list is not enough to create a positive image with the help of the image of the region, therefore, attempts to develop a brand of the territory are still being made. So, for example, on December 1, 2015, the Minister of Culture of the region, Elena Mironenko, announced the start of a competition for the development of a brand for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in which everyone can take part. This event is aimed at activating the local population in order to show their initiative in developing a positive image of the region. The involvement of the citizens of the region in such measures leads to the fact that the local population begins to pay attention to what positive aspects, objects, places there are in their region and what they can be proud of. These measures are initially aimed at the internal audience, since local residents are directly involved in the development of the brand-logo, then a bright image will be used to promote the territory outside the region. The regional administration was prompted to take such measures by the project of SibFU student Margarita Stasevich, who on September 21, 2015 presented the Krasnoyarsk City Brand project, Krasnoyarsk Mayor Edkham Akbulatov, which contained the corporate red color, lettering, illustrations of stylized sights and souvenirs. The project was implemented with the help of the youth project "Art-Coast" and the deputy of the Krasnoyarsk City Council of Deputies Alexander Gliskov.

1. Krasnoyarsk is the city of sturgeon.(in 2013, the idea was proposed to build the brand of Krasnoyarsk on the king-fish and the name of Astafyev).
2. Krasnoyarsk - the city of "Pillars". This idea is supported by officials.
3. Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum. This event attracts the attention not only of the city residents, but also of other regions, so the economic forum is considered a good idea for the brand of the territory.
4. Cannes Video Short Film Festival, which is held annually and attracts participants not only from other regions, but also from other countries, which gives this event a great regional and international significance.
5. Festival of ethnic music "Sayan ring"(renamed to "World of Siberia"). This festival also attracts guests and participants from different regions and countries. This event is indeed considered a hallmark of the South of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
6. Minusinsk tomatoes. This idea was expressed by the former governor of the region Alexander Khloponin. Minusinsk tomatoes are famous for their size and high yield. Every year after the harvest, various fairs and competitions are held.
7. Vasily Surikov. Proposals to use the name of the artist for branding the territory - both the city and the region - appeared repeatedly.

Thus, after analyzing the branding of the territory and creating its image on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is periodically carried out and more attention has recently been paid to this, as the tourist flow in Russia is beginning to reorient from foreign to domestic destinations. Creation of a new brand, its promotion, creation of a positive image of the region will help the region to attract both investments and attract Russian and foreign tourists.


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