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We hope that in the future, if we can make changes, we will be able to conclude a supply agreement with your company. : Introductory part: a polite address by name, patronymic, informing about the receipt of an offer for cooperation and expressing gratitude for this offer and the attention shown to your company; Main text: Reasoned refusal to cooperate, indicating the circumstances that prevent the conclusion of the contract.

Rejection letter

Colleague: "I need to do it today." You: "Yes, I know you have to turn in your report today, but I won't have time to help you." Colleague: "But today is the last day for submitting reports." You: "Yes, today is the deadline, but I'm busy in the afternoon and won't be able to contribute to the preparation of the report."
A polite refusal can be used in a relationship with a direct supervisor or director. If he, for example, for the umpteenth time tries to download you overtime work, try to explain that the greater the load, the less your productivity. Explain to him that working time you will be able to complete the assigned tasks according to their priority.

Polite refusal to telephone conversation The task of the secretary is to politely and delicately handle any telephone calls. But even in these cases, partly you have to use the polite refusal forms presented in the table below.

How to express refusal to participate in an event in a business letter


A polite refusal, drawn up taking into account psychological subtleties, will allow you to say “no” in such a way that the addressee will not only not be offended, but will also strengthen his desire for further cooperation. From the article you will learn:

  • when and how polite refusal forms are used;
  • how to politely refuse a telephone conversation;
  • how to make a polite refusal business letter;
  • how to write a polite non-cooperation.

When and how polite refusal forms are used Knowing how to use polite refusal forms in cases where you cannot comply with someone's request will always come in handy. Of course, in the workplace where you perform your professional duties, it is much less likely to fail.

Polite refusal as a tool to increase the loyalty of the addressee

If the proposal was accompanied by documents attached, it should be noted that all of them were studied in detail; Concluding part: An expression of regret that cooperation is not possible at the moment and an expression of hope that it will be possible in the near future. If necessary, you can list the conditions under which this will become possible. A kind of polite refusal to cooperate is also a letter of notice of refusal to hire.

An example of such a letter is shown below. How to issue a polite waiver It is important that a polite waiver is also done in a timely manner, as many events are organized and planned based on the expected number of participants.

Refusal Letter Samples and Examples

  • we cannot meet our addressee halfway (perhaps, the addressee is “not bad”, but does not suit us for a number of objective reasons);
  • we hate to refuse;
  • it is important for us (individually or as a company) to maintain the goodwill and loyalty of the addressee.

I recently gave a business writing training for a large manufacturing company.

sample refusal letter

Who should sign Ideally, the letter should be autographed by the director of the organization, but this may not always be the case (and is almost completely excluded in enterprises with a large number of employees and many structural divisions). Therefore, any employee of the company authorized to create this kind of documentation and endowed with the right to sign correspondence can sign a letter of refusal. It can be a secretary, lawyer, head or specialist of any department.

How to send a letter You can send a letter different ways, while it is best to choose the one through which the original message came. Sending via Russian post is most acceptable, but in this case you should take a registered order with a return receipt, you can also use a transfer through a representative or courier (this method guarantees faster delivery).

Letter of consent to participate in the event

It's important to know:

  • When composing a letter, you need to remember that in no case should it offend a person.
  • The rules for writing a letter should be dictated general rules business ethics and courtesy.
  • The structure of the rejection letter must comply with all standards, not only in the construction of thought, but also in design.
  • Each letter of refusal must have three mandatory parts: an appeal, a main part and a conclusion.
  • Do not overload this type of writing with terms, complex words and conclusions.

IMPORTANT: When writing a letter, you should not “immediately cut off the shoulder”, reporting the most unpleasant information, but, so to speak, leave the “retreat” (if this is really the case), giving a chance for one more attempt at joint cooperation.

How to write a rejection letter - we teach by example

The use of fax, electronic means of communication and even social networks or instant messengers (but only on condition that the sender of the initial letter himself uses this way of communication). Letter of non-cooperation If you need to generate a letter of non-cooperation, see its sample and comments to it.

  1. At the beginning of the letter, write for whom it is intended: indicate the name of the organization, position and full name of its representative, in whose name you are writing the answer. Use a polite form of address, thank you for the attention shown to your company, and then move on to the essence of the message.
  2. Be sure to refer to the letter in response to which you are writing a refusal, indicate the circumstances that caused the negative reaction.

The more known the company, the more often various offers come to the contact address, both from partners and from companies that do not have business ties with you. It is impossible to attend all business meetings and business seminars to which invitations come. This is understood not only by the invitee, but also by the inviting party, because often an offer to participate in an event comes with a mass mailing.
But do not ignore such letters just because you are not interested in them. Silence in response to an invitation can be regarded as an insult. Therefore, it is imperative to send the correspondent something that confirms your refusal to participate in the event - a business letter with apologies and sincere regrets. A well-formulated refusal will allow you to maintain a loyal relationship with the addressee, despite the decision to skip the event organized by him.


First of all, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that the content of the letter can be completely arbitrary, its structure and composition must comply with the standards adopted in the design of business papers, i.e. conditionally divided into three parts: beginning (address and heading of the letter), main section and conclusion (signature and date). The writing style should be restrained, concise, without unnecessarily "loaded" sentences, complex specific terminology. Refusal should be made as correct as possible, rudeness, profanity and other extreme manifestations are unacceptable in it.

When forming a letter, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Russian language in terms of the culture of speech, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and style. The refusal may be unmotivated, but it is still better if the letter indicates its reason.

Example of a business letter of refusal to participate in an event

  • Writing a Rejection Letter Correctly
  • Rejection letter
  • How to Express a Job Refusal in a Business Letter

How to formulate a polite refusal in a business letter Every secretary should know how to write a polite refusal correctly. Large companies daily receive letters containing all sorts of invitations and offers. Many of them, after being reviewed, are sent to the secretary for execution, who draws up letters of refusal.

How to write a polite refusal of an offer According to the rules of business correspondence, a letter of polite refusal to offer any goods or services can contain a polite, but categorical “no” only when this offer is clearly sent to the wrong address.

Rejection letters are an integral part of business correspondence, although not the most pleasant. Nevertheless, one way or another, but in business correspondence, we constantly encounter situations where it is necessary to say “no”. The reasons for refusal are different: they can be both objective and subjective.

Difficulties with the preparation of refusal letters arise when:

  • it is necessary to refuse an “interesting” addressee for a number of objective reasons;
  • unpleasant to refuse;
  • it is important to maintain the location and loyalty of the addressee.

How to write a letter of refusal politely and correctly, so that remorse does not torment you, and the addressee does not erase you from his memory forever?

First, take a stand, denying someone that "no" is just part of a constructive dialogue business people. Each participant in this dialogue pursues its own goals and interests, which, for a number of reasons, may not always coincide. Thus, refusal is a common practice in the business world, which you need to learn how to work with competently.

Second, refuse wisely. A sensible denial is a proper denial. Show that you respect and understand the position of the addressee, but, as they say, your own shirt is closer to the body.

In this article, you will learn 9 secrets on how to write a proper rejection letter.

So, the manner of the rejection letter is evasive, so as not to offend the addressee. First, you argue the refusal so that the reader understands the course of your thoughts, and at the end you report on the decision made.

But let's go in order. In order for the refusal to sound as correct as possible for the addressee, one should adhere to the following scheme for writing the refusal:

1. Start your letter with a personal appeal to the addressee.

“Hello, dear Ivan Stepanovich!”

"Dear Maria Sergeevna!"

2. Thank the addressee for responding to your offer:

“We are grateful for the opportunity you found by providing us with a business proposal!”

"Thank you for taking our offer"

"Thank you for sending us your CV"

3. Set the context. This should be a neutral comment that informs about the subject of the email. There should be no hint of a definitive answer in this part.

“We are informing you about the decision of the expert commission regarding your application for a grant to organize a remote Internet training center…”

Gratitude and the context of the letter can be combined into one block:

“Thank you for the submitted application for a grant to organize a remote Internet learning center and inform you about the decision of the expert commission…”

4. Show the recipient that you have read what you are refusing. The refusal letter should contain facts and words recognizable by the addressee. There is nothing more offensive than a typical refusal to all mailing list participants. Many people stop responding to proposals when they feel that their project (resume, proposal) has not even been opened. Even if this is a mailing list, watch the words, otherwise you risk losing potential partners.

"We have carefully studied the information about your professional experience and knowledge."

“We have carefully studied your project for…”.

"The commission has carefully studied the data and survey results you provided."

5. Express understanding and sympathy.

"We understand how important it is for you to participate in this project."

“We share your interest in the results…”

« Members of the commission share your concern that…”

6. Give a compliment to the addressee, mark the advantages of the offer, what you liked - this will allow the addressee to save face.

"The organization of distance learning would significantly improve the situation."

“Enthusiasm and a quick learner are very valuable qualities for an employee.”

"Your experience and knowledge deserve attention."

7. And now it's time to say "..., but ...". Justify your refusal, referring to objective circumstances. State the reasons in a positive or neutral way. The explanation should not look like an apology. Try to choose the most convincing arguments for the recipient.

“However, at present, due to the lack of technical infrastructure, less than 1% of residents have access to the Internet in the regions. In plans state structures includes an article for the allocation of funds for infrastructure development only next year.

“However, in this moment We are looking for a qualified and experienced car repair technician. The management of the company plans to expand its staff only next year.”

8. Refuse nicely: "... you're too good for me."

« In the absence of the technical possibility of accessing the Internet, the allocation of a grant for the organization of distance learning seems to be somewhatpremature- launching a project without the necessary technical base could only discredit a good idea»

“We see the opening of an assistant vacancy at the moment as inexpedient due to the lack of a qualified master who could transfer knowledge to colleagues.”

The rejection letter should contain a clear wording of the rejection + a clear explanation of the reasons why the decision to reject was made:

“Unfortunately, at the moment we have made a positive decision in favor of another candidate, whose professional experience is more consistent with the volume and complexity of the tasks to be solved in this position.”

9. Offer an alternative to the addressee. Treat him with understanding. Leave hope for future cooperation to the addressee, because he can potentially be of interest to you in the future.

« We regret that at this stage we were unable to contribute to the implementation of your plans in the regions. Perhaps next year the situation with the provision of the Internet will be more favorable, and then these plans will be implemented,-We invite you to submit them to....

"We are ready to consider your candidacy when opening new vacancies."

“If circumstances change in the near future, we will gladly revisit your application.”

Many HR specialists do not respond to sent resumes, citing lack of time. However, this is not very polite, because the people who sent the resume are waiting for the results, hoping and wanting to know about the fate of the vacancy that they liked. Alternatively, a universal rejection letter is used.

We suggest considering a universal letter of refusal on a resume:

“We carefully reviewed your resume, but we are forced to refuse. Your candidacy does not meet some of the requirements that apply to applicants for this vacancy. Thank you for your interest in our company and we wish you good luck.”

We propose to transform the same universal letter using 9 secrets:

"Good day, Sergey!

Thank you for the submitted resume and we will inform you about the results of the competition at vacant position X in XXX company. Personnel service The company carefully studied your resume. We understand how important it is for you to win the competition and get this job. Indeed, your experience and knowledge deserve attention. Unfortunately, at the moment a positive decision has been made in favor of another candidate, whose professional experience is more consistent with the volume and complexity of the tasks to be solved in this position. We are ready to consider your candidacy when opening new vacancies.


Refusal letters written using the proposed nine secrets will help the author (the sending company) create the image of a competent, correct, civilized business interlocutor.

In the business world, specifics are valued. The employer will have less negative impressions if the applicant correctly justifies his act. There are several compelling reasons:

Important! The reasons for refusal should be especially convincing when it comes to applying for a high-paying managerial position or the interview was a complex procedure with a lot of time and effort.

Waiver Forms

How to politely turn down an employer after an interview? The following forms of refusal are allowed:

Right time

Ideally, you should resign as soon as possible.

You have made a decision - inform your employer about it.

The appropriate turnaround time is considered to be 7-10 days from the date of the interview.

The missed correct time for refusal puts the employer in an awkward position, violates his plans. The result is a loss business reputation, getting into the "black list" of candidates.

The rules for constructing a competent refusal are as follows:

  1. timeliness. Do not delay the conversation, try to hide from the employer, ignoring phone calls in the hope that the problem will be solved by itself.
  2. Tact. You should briefly and politely indicate the reasons for the refusal, apologize.
  3. Lack of emotion. Do not apologize too vigorously for the rejection, arouse pity in yourself, hoping to adapt to uninteresting work.
  4. Honesty and frankness. A potential employer has the right to know the reason for the refusal, if it is not purely personal.

Situations when it is better to hide the true reason for the refusal, come up with another explanation:

Important! If not satisfied with certain items official duties, you should tell the recruiter frankly about this. The employer has the right to meet halfway, changing or eliminating such points as far as possible.


The timely refusal of an unattractive position leaves the employer time to look for another candidate, saves him from having to waste time every day on useless activities that do not give a chance to reveal talents and fully demonstrate professional qualities.

In Art. 43 44-FZ establishes the right of the Supplier (contractor, performer) to change or withdraw the application before the deadline for submission. In this case, it is required to send a correctly composed message to the organizers of the procedure. We emphasize that such a message must be received before the completion of the acceptance of proposals. Let's figure out how to issue a response for different procedures, as well as study a sample letter of refusal to participate in the tender.

Withdrawal of an application in an electronic auction

Because the electronic auctions are mediated electronic platform(ETP), then in order to exercise the right to withdraw the offer, you need to send a notification to the operator (part 14 of article 66 of 44-FZ). As a rule, this can be done on the site in one click by clicking on the "Recall" button. Please note that this must be done before the deadline for accepting proposals.

If at the end of the auction the price offer is below the third place, and this is recorded in the protocol of summing up the results, the participant has the right to refuse further participation in the tender and withdraw the offer. In this case, after the protocol is published, the notification is also sent to the site operator by pressing the "Recall" button.

In accordance with the information received from the site operator, the site operator removes the blocking of the money transferred by the participant within one business day from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal.

Withdrawal of an order in a request for quotation

The supplier has the right to change or withdraw the offer only if the customer has made changes to the notice of the request for quotations (part 1 of article 77 of 44-FZ). To do this, the participant must notify the organizer of the auction.

At the same time, if the customer has not made changes to the documentation, and a polite refusal to participate in the tender still needs to be arranged, then this is not difficult to implement. In the Law on contract system a ban on the submission of two or more applications by one participant is established. Thus, if the participant submits the second proposal on his own behalf, in this case, on the basis of paragraph 4 of Art. 78 44-FZ, all documents will be returned without consideration.

Withdrawal of an application in competitive procedures

AT open competition the opportunity to change or withdraw their applications remains until the envelopes are opened or access to them is made available in the EIS (clause 3 of article 52 44-FZ).

The notice of withdrawal can be sent in the same form in which the documents for participation were sent to the customer: in paper form or as an electronic file. In the first case, it is wiser to avoid delivery of correspondence by mail, since delivery times may go beyond the date set by the customer for submission. It is better to send a notification by courier and meet the deadline before the completion of the submission. The courier will also be able to obtain from the customer a registration of refusal to participate in the tender.

In case of timely refusal to participate in the tender (before the submission deadline), the money transferred as security is returned to the participant's account within five working days.

The procedure for drawing up a notice

The letter "Refusal to participate in the tender" does not have a mandatory form, which is established by law. You can make it in a free form, while it is recommended to use the official letterhead of the organization. The following information should also be included in the text of the waiver:

  • date and time of application submission;
  • his registration number;
  • participant identification data;
  • information about the signatory;
  • reasons for refusal.

Each actively working company regularly receives letters with various offers. This may be a proposal for cooperation (commercial), for participation in an event (conference, seminar, celebration), etc. Letters of inquiry, claims, reminders, etc. are also common in circulation between organizations. Thus, the incoming correspondence of an enterprise can amount to tens or even hundreds of different messages that require a response.

How to issue a waiver

Consideration of a letter in no way guarantees that the representative of the organization who received it in without fail will respond with consent to the offer, request or claim contained therein. On the contrary, in many cases employees of companies write refusals.

But in order to refuse correctly, certain skills are needed. It is important not to offend the sender of the letter with negative content - this is dictated not only by the rules of elementary business courtesy, but also by the possibility that in the future he may become a customer, client or partner.

General information about a business letter

All official correspondence subject to certain rules of composition. First of all, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that the content of the letter can be completely arbitrary, its structure and composition must comply with the standards adopted in the design of business papers, i.e. conditionally divided into three parts: beginning (address and heading of the letter), main section and conclusion (signature and date).

The writing style should be restrained, concise, without unnecessarily "loaded" sentences, complex specific terminology. Refusal should be made as correct as possible, rudeness, profanity and other extreme manifestations are unacceptable in it. When forming a letter, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Russian language in terms of the culture of speech, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and style.

The refusal may be unmotivated, but it is still better if the letter indicates its reason.

If the answer is detailed and detailed, then it should be divided into paragraphs or paragraphs - this way the perception of the text is greatly facilitated.

In case of refusal, it is not necessary to chop off the shoulder and “burn bridges”, it is advisable to leave the path to retreat, that is, to thank for the attention paid and express hope for the possibility of further cooperation. To do this, you can specify the conditions that the recipient can fulfill to establish business relations. If there is an opportunity to advise an enterprise that would also agree to cooperation or other proposals made in the original message, then it should not be neglected - this will leave a good mark in the memory of the addressee.

In whose name to write

The refusal must be written strictly in the name of the person who signed the original letter. Otherwise, the refusal may not reach the addressee or get lost in the flow of incoming mail. However, if there was no signature of a specific person under the offer letter, then a neutral form of address can be used (for example, in the form of a simple greeting “Good afternoon”).

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Drafting a rejection letter

The letter can be written by hand (this format will speak of a special, warm attitude towards the addressee) or printed on a computer.

In this case, it is permissible to use a simple sheet of paper or a form with company details and a company logo.

The letter of refusal is formed in a single original copy, must be dated and numbered (in accordance with the document flow of the enterprise). At the same time, information about it should be included in the log of outgoing correspondence, noting its date, number and briefly - content. In the future, this journal may become evidence of the creation and sending of the message.

Who must sign

Ideally, the letter should be autographed by the director of the organization, but perhaps this is far from always (and almost completely excluded in enterprises with a large number of employees and many structural divisions). Therefore, any employee of the company authorized to create this kind of documentation and endowed with the right to sign correspondence can sign a letter of refusal. It can be a secretary, lawyer, head or specialist of any department.

How to send a letter

A letter can be sent in many ways, and it is best to choose the one through which the original message came. Sending via Russian post is most acceptable, but in this case you should take a registered order with a return receipt, you can also use a transfer through a representative or courier (this method guarantees faster delivery). It is also acceptable to use a fax, electronic means of communication and even social networks or instant messengers (but only on condition that the sender of the initial letter himself uses this way of communication).

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Non-cooperation letter

If you need to create a letter of refusal to cooperate, see its sample and comments to it.

  1. At the beginning of the letter, write for whom it is intended: indicate the name of the organization, position and full name of its representative, in whose name you are writing the answer. Use a polite form of address, thank you for the attention shown to your company, and then move on to the essence of the message.
  2. Be sure to refer to the letter in response to which you are writing a refusal, indicate the circumstances that caused the negative reaction. If any additional papers were attached to his proposal by your opponent, indicate that you have read them.
  3. If possible, express in the letter an expression of hope that cooperation will nevertheless take place, without failing to introduce the conditions that must be met for this.
  4. Finally, sign the letter and date it.

Letter of refusal to participate in the event

When writing a letter of refusal to participate in an event, use the above recommendations for a letter of refusal to cooperate. Everything in the letter is standard, but mandatory: information about the sender and addressee, then the appeal, the refusal itself with a mention of the proposal to participate in the event and the circumstances that led to the negative answer, then the signature and date.

Job offer rejection letter

Not only from the enterprise can receive a letter of refusal. In some cases, it can be expressed by a person who has nothing to do with the company: for example, an applicant for a position. If you are just such a person, form a refusal also in accordance with the rules and regulations of business documentation. Use courtesy, indicate the name of the job offered to you, as well as the reason why you refuse it (keep in mind that a potential employer may revise the terms of the job offered to you). Be sure to sign and date at the end.

Letter of Refusal of Offer (Samples)

Dear Albert Semenovich,

We have carefully studied the concept of your proposed commercial. Your idea is professional and creative, but it does not accurately reflect our vision of the project. At the moment, we have decided to conclude an agreement with another advertising agency.

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Thanks for the offer.

Dear Albert Vasilyevich,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our announced contest. The idea and methods of implementing your project are completely satisfied with the management of our company, however, the price you have declared is unbearable for our budget. Now we have concluded an agreement with another company, but if our financial situation improves next year, we will definitely contact you.

Dear Albert Semenovich,

We have reached our verdict regarding your participation in the tender for the purchase medical equipment. Your proposal interested the management of our company, but, unfortunately, we cannot fulfill some of the conditions you set.

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Now we have concluded a contract with another company, but we will definitely inform you about new tenders.

Dear Albert Semenovich,

Thank you for taking the time to describe in detail the terms of your offer. The management of our company recognized it as very interesting and profitable, but at the moment we do not need new contracts.

Didn't find an answer to your question? Find out how to solve your particular problem - call right now:

(St. Petersburg)

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9 secrets of how to write a rejection letter

Rejection letters are an integral part of business correspondence, although not the most pleasant. Nevertheless, one way or another, but in business correspondence, we constantly encounter situations where it is necessary to say “no”. The reasons for refusal are different: they can be both objective and subjective.

Difficulties with the preparation of refusal letters arise when:

  • it is necessary to refuse an “interesting” addressee for a number of objective reasons;
  • unpleasant to refuse;
  • it is important to maintain the location and loyalty of the addressee.

How to write a letter of refusal politely and correctly, so that remorse does not torment you, and the addressee does not erase you from his memory forever?

First, take a stand, denying someone that "no" is just part of a constructive business dialogue. Each participant in this dialogue pursues its own goals and interests, which, for a number of reasons, may not always coincide. Thus, refusal is a common practice in the business world, which you need to learn how to work with competently.

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Second, refuse wisely. A sensible denial is a proper denial. Show that you respect and understand the position of the addressee, but, as they say, your own shirt is closer to the body.

In this article, you will learn 9 secrets on how to write a proper rejection letter.

So, the manner of the rejection letter is evasive, so as not to offend the addressee. First, you argue the refusal so that the reader understands the course of your thoughts, and at the end you report on the decision made.

But let's go in order. In order for the refusal to sound as correct as possible for the addressee, one should adhere to the following scheme for writing the refusal:

1. Start your letter with a personal appeal to the addressee.

“Hello, dear Ivan Stepanovich!”

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"Dear Maria Sergeevna!"

2. Thank the addressee for responding to your offer:

“We are grateful for the opportunity you found by providing us with a business proposal!”

"Thank you for taking our offer"

"Thank you for sending us your CV"

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3. Set the context. This should be a neutral comment that informs about the subject of the email. There should be no hint of a definitive answer in this part.

“We are informing you about the decision of the expert commission regarding your application for a grant to organize a remote Internet training center…”

Gratitude and the context of the letter can be combined into one block:

“Thank you for the submitted application for a grant to organize a remote Internet learning center and inform you about the decision of the expert commission…”

4. Show the recipient that you have read what you are refusing. The refusal letter should contain facts and words recognizable by the addressee. There is nothing more offensive than a typical refusal to all mailing list participants. Many people stop responding to proposals when they feel that their project (resume, proposal) has not even been opened. Even if this is a mailing list, watch the words, otherwise you risk losing potential partners.

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"We have carefully studied the information about your professional experience and knowledge."

“We have carefully studied your project for…”.

"The commission has carefully studied the data and survey results you provided."

5. Express understanding and sympathy.

"We understand how important it is for you to participate in this project."

“We share your interest in the results…”

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“The members of the commission share your concern that…”

6. Give a compliment to the addressee, mark the advantages of the offer, what you liked - this will allow the addressee to save face.

"The organization of distance learning would significantly improve the situation."

“Enthusiasm and a quick learner are very valuable qualities for an employee.”

"Your experience and knowledge deserve attention."

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7. And now it's time to say "..., but ...". Justify your refusal, referring to objective circumstances. State the reasons in a positive or neutral way. The explanation should not look like an apology. Try to choose the most convincing arguments for the recipient.

“However, at present, due to the lack of technical infrastructure, less than 1% of residents have access to the Internet in the regions. The plans of state structures include an article for allocating funds for infrastructure development only next year.”

“However, at the moment we are looking for a qualified and experienced specialist in the repair of vehicles of this brand. The management of the company plans to expand its staff only next year.”

8. Refuse gracefully: "... you're too good for me."

“In the absence of the technical possibility of accessing the Internet, the allocation of a grant for the organization of distance learning seems to be somewhat premature - launching a project without the necessary technical base could only discredit a good idea”

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“We see the opening of an assistant vacancy at the moment as inexpedient due to the lack of a qualified master who could transfer knowledge to colleagues.”

The rejection letter should contain a clear wording of the rejection + a clear explanation of the reasons why the decision to reject was made:

“Unfortunately, at the moment we have made a positive decision in favor of another candidate, whose professional experience is more consistent with the volume and complexity of the tasks to be solved in this position.”

9. Offer an alternative to the addressee. Treat him with understanding. Leave hope for future cooperation to the addressee, because he can potentially be of interest to you in the future.

“We regret that at this stage we were unable to contribute to the implementation of your plans in the regions. Perhaps next year the situation with the provision of the Internet will be more favorable, and then these plans will be implemented - we suggest you send them for consideration to ....

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"We are ready to consider your candidacy when opening new vacancies."

“If circumstances change in the near future, we will gladly revisit your application.”

Many HR specialists do not respond to sent resumes, citing lack of time. However, this is not very polite, because the people who sent the resume are waiting for the results, hoping and wanting to know about the fate of the vacancy that they liked. Alternatively, a universal rejection letter is used.

We suggest considering a universal letter of refusal on a resume:

“We carefully reviewed your resume, but we are forced to refuse. Your candidacy does not meet some of the requirements that apply to applicants for this vacancy. Thank you for your interest in our company and we wish you good luck.”

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We propose to transform the same universal letter using 9 secrets:

"Good day, Sergey!

Thank you for your CV and we would like to inform you about the results of the competition for the vacant position X in XXX company. The personnel department of the company has carefully studied your resume. We understand how important it is for you to win the competition and get this job. Indeed, your experience and knowledge deserve attention. Unfortunately, at the moment a positive decision has been made in favor of another candidate, whose professional experience is more consistent with the volume and complexity of the tasks to be solved in this position. We are ready to consider your candidacy when opening new vacancies.

Refusal letters written using the proposed nine secrets will help the author (the sending company) create the image of a competent, correct, civilized business interlocutor.

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Rejection letter

Unfortunately, there are times when we have to write business letters with a negative connotation. Such letters include complaints, claims, and the hero of this article: a letter of refusal. The desire to save face and maintain a business image dictates certain rules for writing such letters: it is important not to offend the addressee and stay with him, if not on friendly terms, then at least on loyal terms. Today we will consider the structure of rejection letters and give examples of wording for the text.

The structure of a business rejection letter is the same as in any other business letter. I recommend that you read this article as well, because most of the details of the refusal letter are drawn up in a completely standard way, and we will not talk about them here, focusing on the text. The refusal is written on the letterhead of the organization, signed by the general director or an authorized official, and then registered. Next, consider the design features of some details and semantic parts of the letter.

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Rejection letter: how to write a headline?

Or, as they sometimes say, the subject of the letter. There is a small subtlety from the field of etiquette here: if you show obvious negativity and denial, this will not add “pluses” in the eyes of your partner. The subject of your reply letter should not state your decision to refuse anything. It is better to write neutrally: "Cooperation", "On the guarantee", "On the signing of the contract", etc.

Since the rejection letter is almost always a response letter, you can keep the subject that was stated in the request letter.


The text of the letter begins with an appeal to the addressee by name and patronymic. If only the surname is known, then we address by the surname, but we no longer write any initials, and do not forget that in Russia the generally accepted address for such a case is “mister” or “madam”.

Dear Oleg Olegovich!

Dear Mr. Makarenko!

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Dear Mrs. Mitrofanova!

If we doubt even the name of the addressee, we simply write “Dear Sirs!”

Unlike a letter of offer or complaint, a letter of refusal is written only in response to someone else's letter or official request. When you compose the text of such a letter, it should be borne in mind that it must necessarily contain a link to the request, which is placed at the beginning of the text or (even better and absolutely correct) is placed in a special prop - in special marks located under the fields for the letter number and date :

On _____________ from __________ - here the request data is written.

If your company letterhead does not provide these special fields, the first paragraph of the rejection will begin with a link to the request letter:

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In response to your letter dated July 1, 2015 No. 434, we inform you that ...

Before you refuse, you must express regret about this. You can prepare several "template" phrases. For example:

Unfortunately, we are forced to refuse your offer due to…

If there were any documents attached to the request, it is worth showing in the letter that you have read them. This will show that you did not dismiss the proposal, but carefully considered it. In this case, the following phrases are included in the letter:

We have carefully reviewed your offer...

We have carefully studied the documents submitted by you ...

In the case of writing a refusal of a commercial offer, you should definitely thank for the sent offer and for the fact that your company was considered as a possible partner. This applies to everyone. Even if you have a large corporation with many branches in the Russian Federation and the CIS, and the offer came from a start-up LLC, you should not forget about business etiquette. In addition, who knows, maybe in the future it will be profitable for you to work with this particular company. The same applies to those who send you their resumes: you need to refuse correctly and with gratitude for the attention shown.

Thank you for the materials provided and your interest in our company. Having carefully considered possible options cooperation, we, unfortunately, have to refuse.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we are forced to refuse you in connection with the annual preventive maintenance.

Unfortunately, we do not have in our fleet Vehicle the necessary carrying capacity, and therefore, we are forced to refuse to transport you.

We're sorry, but at the moment we can't provide you necessary equipment due to the fact that it is located in the city of Kursk and will be transported to Moscow only at the end of this month.

Often you cannot help your partner or client in any way, and then the letter can be standardly ended by indicating the reason for the refusal. But suddenly you can really give good advice that will help solve the situation? If you are sure that your partner can be useful sent offer, or know which of the familiar organizations can really go forward and provide assistance, write about it. If you have even a small chance to resolve the situation in a positive way, then this will only be a plus for the reputation of your company.

By following these simple rules, you can write a truly competent business rejection letter.

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    Business letter of rejection - rejection |

    The practice of writing business letters does not always mean writing positive letters. There are letters of complaint, and complaints, and letters of refusal. We will talk about them in this article. Saying “no” is already not easy, and even business etiquette requires doing it in such a way as to preserve both the relationship and the image of a partner who is as loyal to the interlocutor as possible. In this article, we will take a closer look at the structure of bounce letters; here you will find samples of speech clichés for writing these letters.

    Like any business letter, a letter of refusal is written on the letterhead of the organization and is subject to mandatory registration. The structure of a rejection letter is also no different from a regular letter.

    The addressee is written first. This is the manager who signed the request letter (that is, not necessarily CEO, it is possible that another person - you need to look at the letter to which the answer is given).

    Letter subject. In practice business communication it is not customary to make negative and negative headlines. So it is here: the subject of the letter is the request with which you were addressed. The topic does not report that the request was denied.

    About the work

    About the conclusion of the contract

    Appeal. There is nothing new here: by name and patronymic to the signer of the request letter, accompanying them with the word "Dear".

    The peculiarity of the text of the refusal letter is that it is always written in response, because you cannot refuse without listening to the request. Therefore, the rejection letter should contain a link to the request. Another mandatory element of such a letter is regret over the refusal.

    Examples of cliché phrases to express regret:

    Unfortunately we have to deny you...

    I'm sorry to announce the denial

    To your ref. From 09. 01. 13 No. 5 (entry from 10. 01. 13 No. 23) we inform you that…

    In response to your request for the allocation of equipment free of charge, set out in a letter dated 09.01.13 No. 17 (input dated 10.01.13 No. 123), we inform you that ...

    If the applicant sent us some documents for consideration, it is important to show that we received and read them. In this case, the letter starts like this:

    We carefully read the documents you provided and came to the conclusion that ...

    The commission has considered your application and thanks you for the timely submission of materials, however…

    We have reviewed the materials presented by you and share your concern about the environmental situation in the region.

    We fully agree with your point of view regarding the spending of funds and thank you for the statistical materials provided.

    If you are writing a rejection of a commercial offer, it is advisable to point out its advantages and thank the sender for choosing you as a possible partner. (Even if you are a large holding and the offer came from a start-up LLC, the rules of business etiquette are the same for everyone.) The same applies to rejections sent in response to resumes. This will allow you to maintain a relationship with a potential counterparty or an experienced employee, so to speak, “leave the door open”, for example:

    Thank you for submitting your presentation. We have carefully studied it and consider you a very promising partner, but we are forced to refuse to cooperate with you ...

    Then you should state the reason for the refusal. The reason must be objective and, preferably, more or less valid. Even if your director scolded the senders of the letter on the face of the earth and ordered you to send them to hell, the rules require a correct and justified refusal.

    forced to refuse you in ... due to lack of technical capability

    unfortunately, the material and technical base does not allow us ..., because of which we are forced to refuse you in ...

    we regret to inform you that all the places in … are occupied, which is why we are forced to refuse you…

    however, the vacancy ... is already filled, and therefore we are forced to refuse your employment.

    Finally, in conclusion, it is desirable to offer the addressee an alternative solution to the issue. Of course, if you can't help him at all, you shouldn't reinvent the wheel. But suddenly you know who his offer can really come in handy, who can help, or (if a person just got to the wrong address) where you should have knocked on the door from the beginning, or your business partners have lost their feet in search of just such an employee ... If there is the opportunity to resolve the situation positively, and the situation deserves it, then you need to do it.

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    Image by David-Castillo-Dominici / www. free digital photos. net Related Articles

    Tags: documenting, outgoing, writing letters, style of business documents


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