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Instructions for using the vacation days calculator

  1. Change the data in the "Duration" field annual leave” if you have a different duration. Also enter the number of days used, if you know it.
  2. Enter your dates in the Hired Date and Estimated Date fields. The settlement date is the date on which you want to receive the settlement. These fields are mandatory.
  3. The data entered in the fields of the tables “Absence from the workplace for no reason” and “Parental leave” will deduct vacation days in proportion.
  4. The data entered in the fields of the table "Vacation without saving wages» will also deduct vacation days proportionately, excluding the first 14 calendar days in each year.
  5. Click "CALCULATE". You can save the result to a doc file.

Also take into account:

  • Use the Today button (circle with a dot) to quick insert current date.
  • Use adding, deleting and clearing the necessary fields with the corresponding buttons for faster and more convenient entering and changing information.

About the vacation days calculator

Calculator vacation days it will easily allow you to find out how many days of vacation the employee has accumulated at one time or another.

Legislative basis for calculating vacation days

The vacation period is calculated in accordance with Art. 121 Labor Code Russian Federation.

Why know your vacation experience

The time worked for one employer, giving the right to take annual leave, which will be paid, may be needed not only directly to calculate this period, but also in order to know how many days are compensated upon dismissal.

What is included in the vacation experience

An employee who works continuously for the same employer will be entitled to annual leave subject to the following periods:

  • the time when he actually performed his duties;
  • periods when the employee was absent from work, but his place was saved (vacation, sick leave, decree, military service, etc.);
  • weekends and other non-working days;
  • forced absence from work due to illegal dismissal;
  • suspension due to untimely medical examination (if this is not the fault of the employee);
  • additional administrative leave (no more than two weeks per calendar year).

IMPORTANT! Amendments were made to the legislation regarding the accrual of seniority during administrative leave:

  • from 30.12.2001 to 05.10. 2006, no more than 7 days of vacations at their own expense per year were taken into account;
  • from 06.10.2006 this limit has increased to 14 days.

What is not included in the vacation experience

Some periods of time will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service required for vacation, namely:

  • employee absenteeism;
  • suspension due to alcohol, narcotic, toxic intoxication;
  • non-permission to work due to ignorance or failure to pass the safety rules check;
  • employee did not pass mandatory medical examination through his own fault;
  • inability to perform work on a medical report;
  • termination of the license required for labor activity(eg driver's license, gun permit, etc.);
  • leave to care for a child older than 1.5 years.

Counting features

The duration of the annual leave of 28 days is taken as the basis, unless otherwise specified for special categories of employees.

In the first year of work, the minimum length of service for the opportunity to go on vacation must be at least six months. This is not included in the calculator, just keep in mind.

In the event of dismissal, 100% compensation for unused vacation days can be calculated by employees who have worked for at least 11 months.

If an employee went on vacation before 11 months of continuous work, and then was fired, then he will have to return part of the vacation pay received in advance upon dismissal.

Annual leave is prohibited not to be used for more than 2 years in a row.

Breaking the vacation into parts is allowed, but one of the parts should not be shorter than 2 weeks.

Do you want to quickly calculate vacation pay in accordance with all approved rules? Use the free online vacation pay calculator from the Kontur.Accounting service.

After entering the required data, the calculator will automatically calculate the amount payable to the employee going on vacation. The calculation is based on the average earnings for the previous 12 months. If during this period your organization had a massive salary increase, indicate this and the employee's earnings for the months before the increase will be indexed so that the calculation is performed according to the current earnings and the employee does not lose money. Also, when filling in the fields, you can see hints with links to articles of regulatory documents.

Instructions for using the vacation pay calculator

The calculator calculates holiday pay in just 3 steps.

  • Step 1. In the first step, you need to specify data on the vacation period, billing period and massive salary increases, if any.
  • Step 2. At the second step, the actual accruals of the employee for billing period, which is used to calculate the average daily earnings.
  • Step 3. At the 3rd step, the amount of vacation pay to be issued to the employee is calculated, taking into account the approximate amount of personal income tax.

Vacation pay calculation on video

This calculator is part of Kontur.Accounting. We have many more easy and quick calculations for complex things. You can easily calculate salaries, sick leave and vacation pay, keep records of employees, calculate payroll taxes and contributions, prepare reports on employees in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Tax Service.

Good afternoon, dear readers. In this article, we will talk about holidays.

Today you will learn:

  • What is vacation pay, what are the types of vacation pay;
  • How to calculate vacation pay, what formulas are used;
  • What are the terms for paying vacation pay (and accruals for vacation pay);
  • Unusual calculation of compensations for the departing and regular leave of the "maternity leave".

I assure you that every employee of yours considers himself the best specialist in this matter. And the employee will definitely be able to prove to you that the accounting department deceived him. All he needs to do is stamp his foot and the accountants must return their hard-earned vacation pay.

In order to competently fight back in such a situation, let's take a closer look at this topic.

What is vacation pay

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states: every employee is entitled to another paid vacation once a year. This is a fairly long rest of a colleague, for this period he retains his official position, his position. Per given time payment is charged.

This is his twelfth salary, which is paid by the enterprise, it is more correct to call vacation pay.

In total, there are five forms of leave:

  • Basic annual leave;
  • study leave;
  • Leave at your own expense;
  • Maternity leave;
  • Leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Basic vacation

In another way, it is called the next one, it is given for a year. This means that workers who have worked eleven months during the year are entitled to claim a month of rest (more precisely, 28 calendar days: the main one).

To clarify, the law allows you to go on vacation after six months, however, having taken it off in advance, the person remains obliged to the company for the advance vacation. (In all organizations, annually, until December 15, a vacation schedule for the next year is drawn up. According to these data, workers and employees take vacations at a pre-scheduled time).

study leave

Your colleague receives study leave if the following conditions are met:

  • Education (for example, higher education) is obtained for the first time,
  • Type of training - part-time,
  • The university (or college) has received state accreditation,
  • You yourself sent your employee to study (study leave is given only upon presentation of a call certificate), in other situations there will be a different leave.

Vacation at your own expense

Unpaid leave, usually colloquially referred to as "leave at own expense", speaks for itself. This type of leave is provided on special important occasions. The term is set by agreement of the parties, usually up to 14 days per year. Exceptions: for example, disabled employees are entitled to take 60 days.

Maternity leave

It is usually issued for 140 days, with the presentation of a sick leave. It is possible to extend the vacation in case of complications and the birth of more than one child. An exception is the adoption of an infant less than three months old, then leave is given for 70 days.

Leave to care for a child up to 3 years

It is issued with the presentation of a birth certificate of a child, or adoption. The end of the vacation coincides with the birthday of a 3-year-old baby.

There is another, not previously listed vacation, called additional. But in fact this extra days, which are added during the next vacation. They are provided, for example, to employees of enterprises in the Far North, or according to the provisions of a collective agreement in the form of a “bonus” for an employee.

Completes the list - an extended vacation.

It can be received by a certain contingent:

  • Working disabled people - 30 calendar days,
  • Under 18s - 31 days
  • Medical personnel working with HIV - 36 days,
  • State. employees - 40-45 days,
  • Research workers of universities, due to the degree - 36/48 days,
  • Teachers (including teachers) - 42 or 56 days.

Now let's move on to the payments themselves, that is, vacation pay. Maternity leave (maternity leave and leave to care for a child up to 3 years) is paid for by the FSS.

You, as an entrepreneur, provide "mommy" with an exclusive privilege to rest and a guarantee for the return of her workplace. And only "regular", additional and student holidays imply payment of vacation pay from the company's fund.

For their accrual, the employee must personally draw up an application for vacation. Get a resolution from you as a leader. Further, the "cadres" draw up an order and give it to the accountant for calculation.

How to calculate holiday pay

The principle of calculation is simple and understandable to everyone. We take and multiply the number of vacation days by the cost of one day. Here the fun begins: how to calculate this cost, or rather, the average daily earnings of an employee?

For these purposes, we use the formula:

SDZ \u003d D / (12 * 29.3)

SDZ - average daily income
D - is the employee's income for the billing year,
12 – months of the year,
29,3 – coefficient taking into account the average number of days in a year.

And again, nothing complicated, right? Let's go investigate further.

What is meant by "income"?

  • Salary (base salary + monthly bonus)
  • for results at the end of the year,
  • Surcharges for class, length of service, allowance "for harmful conditions", overtime, a percentage of revenue (if it is registered in), and so on.

Various benefits (for example, sick leave), compensation for travel, meals, cellular communication including financial assistance.

Of course, the above formula assumes an ideal variant. This is not the case in life. Both workers and employees get sick, take unpaid days off, and so on. How then to calculate correctly? In the formula, our year will consist of the sum of fully and partially worked months.

Therefore, our formula is somewhat transformed:

SDZ \u003d D / (T * 29.3 + (DNO / DNA) * 29.3);

  • T- the number of fully worked months, according to the time sheet;
  • BOTTOM- days worked in a calendar month;
  • DNA- the number of calendar days of the month.

Vacation pay period

So, the order came along with a signed application to the accountant. What and when should he do so that the employee receives his vacation pay?

  • First, check the set of documents giving the right to vacation pay (this was discussed earlier);
  • Secondly, actually calculate the amount of vacation pay, book it at the box office;
  • And, thirdly, do not forget about taxes.

Holidays, as well as wages are taxed at a rate of 13%. Therefore, the company is obliged to withhold and transfer the amount of tax no later than last day month in which vacation pay is paid.

Let's talk about timing. According to the legislation, all workers receive vacation pay three calendar days before the vacation. For violation of this provision, you, as a manager, face a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles and an enterprise from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. (if the labor inspectorate finds out about the violation).

Of course, in practice, these deadlines are not always observed, and not only through the fault of the entrepreneur, but this is another topic.

There is another special case of payments for missed vacations. Or compensation for unused vacation.

It can only be issued in 2 situations:

  • For extra days
  • At the time of dismissal.

Compensation is considered similar to holiday pay, based on the employee's statement, using the same formulas. It is paid, as a rule, together with the current salary.

The decision to pay compensation is yours as an employer. However, often an employee simply asks to pay the current vacation in full. Then, as a leader, you risk being fined from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, and the enterprise from 30 thousand rubles.

Vacation pay examples

Example 1 Ivanov I.I. signed a vacation for the period 04/01/18 - 03/31/19. Cash payments from the enterprise: monthly salary of 15,000 rubles. + allowances (total 174,516 rubles), annual bonus 5,000 rubles, quarterly compensation for gasoline and cellular communications 10,000 rubles. From November 10 to November 20, 2018, Ivanov was on sick leave, on March 20 he issued without maintenance (due to the arrival of his son).

Substituting the data into our formula, we get: SDZ \u003d (174,516 + 5,000) / (10 * 29.3 + (14/30) * 29.3 + (21/31) * 29.3). And the amount of vacation pay is: 28 * 549.79 or 15,394 rubles. 12 k.

Let's comment:

  • Gasoline and cell phone allowance is not included in income;
  • Number of fully worked months - ten,
  • 21 working days in November, 7 working days missed due to sick leave (see calendar),
  • There are 22 working days in March, of which 1 was missed.

Example 2 Petrov P.P. signs a vacation according to the schedule from 04/30/2019. His income for the previous year consists of a monthly salary of 15,000 rubles. + allowances and financial assistance, in the amount of 5,000 rubles. On the new year holidays and after them: 01.01 - 14.01 Petrov P.P. was on sick leave.

Calculate his vacation and vacation pay. The vacation period will be from 30.04. to 29.05. (May 30 is the first working day).

We consider vacation pay: SDZ \u003d 175 588 / (11 * 29.3 + (12/31) * 29.3). Total: 28 * 526.28 or 14,735.84 rubles.

Let's comment:

  • Mat. assistance is not included in the amount of income;
  • Completely worked out 11 months;
  • There are 17 working days in January, 5 of which were missed.

Calculation of compensation for leaving

At the moment of dismissal, both parties always have the question: who owes whom? Vacation days and holidays are contested. As mentioned above, from a legal point of view, workers can go on basic leave after six months.

And what to do with the resigning, not finished the year, but took a vacation? Based on the credentials, the number of excessively “vacated” days is determined. The days for deduction for unworked vacation fit into. The order is given for review to the resigning person for signature. After that, the calculated amount is deducted from the payable salary.

There is also an opposite option. According to the schedule, the employee will have a vacation in a couple of weeks, but in the “cadres” a dismissal is being prepared. In this option, you need to calculate and pay for a vacation that is not “vacated”. And the dismissal order reflects the days for compensation for unused vacation.

The amount of compensation in both the positive and negative example is considered the same and is similar to the calculation of vacation pay (the cost of one day is multiplied by the number of days).

The final and most important question remains: how to count the days? There are two counting methods (both are not perfect).

Consider the most commonly used:

Having worked at one enterprise for 11 months, a colleague earned himself the 12th month of vacation (we repeat! See the main vacation). Based on this assumption, you can find out how many vacation days a worker will earn in one month: 28/12=2.33. But it is not at all a fact that a worker and an employee will work for an integer number of months, and indeed a full month.

Based on the rules in force since 1930:

  • If he has not worked 15 days of an incomplete month, this month is not taken into account,
  • If 15 days or more are worked in an incomplete month, the month is considered full.

The next and other holidays of the "maternity leave"

It is equally important to be aware of all the options for vacations and vacation "maternity leave". In practice, you, as an employer, are not particularly interested in increasing the birth rate in your enterprise. And this is understandable, because you need to look for a replacement for the employee, besides, it is not clear for how long.

However, during this period, a woman is endowed by the state with special rights that you need to know, especially for you, in order to correctly navigate the current situation.

Let's talk about everything in order. The woman is expecting a baby. She will have maternity leave (with presentation of a sick leave, as mentioned above) and further leave to care for a child. This is the surface of the question, let's talk about its depth. A woman is now entitled to take the main paid leave.

There are three possible options here:

  • Sign another vacation before "maternity leave";
  • Go on vacation, celebrating the birthday of a three-year-old baby;
  • Sign the main leave at the end of the maternity leave.

A woman has the right to the next vacation, regardless of the period of work in your organization, moreover, if the employee was not on vacation in the previous year, she can take a vacation for two years.

For example, such a development of events is possible: the first regular vacation (28 days), maternity leave (140 days), parental leave (~ 3 years), subsequent regular vacation (28 days).

Consider another scenario: woman went to 2 maternity leave, without leaving the previous one, however, our legislation does not oblige it to notify its management in advance. Then the “maternity leave” writes 2 applications at the same time: about going to work and about granting maternity leave.

For the second maternity leave, a woman can go on the next parental leave.

In both scenarios, you (the entrepreneur) need to be clearly aware that the dismissal of a woman who has three-year-old children is unacceptable (see Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Let's talk about the vacation pay itself and how to calculate it correctly.

If a woman took another vacation before the “maternity leave”, then the calculation rules are similar to the calculation of ordinary annual vacation pay. If a woman is going on her next vacation at the end of parental leave, a dilemma arises about her income. Once a woman did not work in the previous year, then two years before maternity leave are taken for calculations. Vacation pay is calculated in the same way.

A third case is possible: leave at the end of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. Then the parental leave is reduced by 28 days. (Combining 2 vacations is prohibited; similarly, payment of a monthly allowance for a child is not allowed).

However, in our turbulent times, an employee has the right to interrupt her own maternity leave and begin her duties, moreover, to go out both on an 8-hour and a part-time working day. Under such circumstances, the employee writes an appropriate statement.

Let's summarize. The problem of holidays and vacation pay is very voluminous. We hope that this note has given you valuable information for understanding both general issues and some of the nuances of calculating vacation pay.

There are no fundamentally new laws regarding the registration of holidays in 2019. However, the calculation of vacation pay this year involves some nuances, which we will talk about today.

The BukhSoft program will automatically calculate vacation pay, taking into account all changes in legislation. She will independently determine the billing period, the amount of payments for it and average earnings to be taken into account in the calculation. You will receive a ready amount of vacation pay for the selected period of time. Try it for free:

Calculate holiday pay online

Calculation of the number of days worked

After the total amount of payments should be divided by the total number of days worked.

Let's look at the examples above:

For an employee who has worked a full year, the calculation of the average daily earnings will be as follows:

  • Average daily earnings = all payments for the billing period / 351.6 days.

For an employee who has worked only 7 months, 8 days of which he was on sick leave, the formula will be as follows:

  • Average daily earnings = (All payments minus benefits for sick leave) / 198.33 days.

Vacation pay calculation in 2019

Another important component of calculating vacation pay 2019 is the number of vacation days. According to the current legislation, each employee is entitled to 28 calendar days of vacation annually. The number of vacation days may be more, this condition is stipulated by the collective agreement and labor agreement with a specific employee, but it cannot be less than 28 days. The employer is obliged to provide 14 calendar days in the form of continuous leave, the remaining 14 can be divided into several parts at the request of the employee.

To calculate vacation pay in 2019, the number of vacation days should be multiplied by the average daily earnings.

Let's analyze the calculations on the above examples. Let's say an employee who has worked a calendar year decided to take all 28 days of vacation. Therefore, his average daily earnings must be multiplied by 28. An employee who worked in our example for 7 months wrote an application for 14 days of vacation. We multiply his average daily earnings by 14.

The procedure for calculating vacation pay in 2019 and the calculator, see the link.

Vacation pay in 2019

Vacation pay must be accrued 3 days before the first day of vacation. In the month of accrual of vacation pay, from the resulting amount, all insurance premiums: and pension, and medical, and social. Important: the calculated contributions in 2017 should not be paid to extra-budgetary funds, as before, but to the Tax Office. On the day of payment of vacation pay, and they can be issued in cash through the cashier or transferred to bank card employee in accordance with the procedure established within the organization, personal income tax is required to be withheld from the funds issued to the employee.

Examples of calculating vacation pay in 2019

Based on the same examples above, we calculate vacation pay for both employees.

The annual earnings of the first, who worked a full calendar year before the vacation, amounted to 270,000 rubles.

For 28 calendar days of his vacation, the following calculations should be made:

  • Number of days worked: 12 x 29.3 = 351.6 days
  • Average daily earnings: 270,000 / 351.6 = 767.92 rubles
  • Vacation pay for 28 days: 767.92 x 28 = 21501.76 rubles

The second employee, who worked for 7 months, earned 160,000 rubles for the billing period and goes on vacation for 14 days. At the same time, we do not forget that he was on sick leave for 8 days in April and the amount of sick leave payment was 7,000 rubles. Consequently:

  • Number of days worked: 6 x 29.3 + (22 x 29.3 / 30) = 197.29 days
  • Average daily earnings: 153,000 / 197.29 = 775.51 rubles
  • Accordingly, vacation pay for 14 days will be: 775.51 x 14 = 10857.14 rubles

Before starting a conversation about how vacation is considered, it is necessary to recall the most important norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that regulate the procedure for granting vacations.

By general rule For each working year, an employee is entitled to 28 calendar days of vacation. How to calculate this working year? From the first day the employee this employer. It is from this date that 12 calendar months are counted (Art. 114, 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Letter of Rostrud dated December 18, 2012 N 1519-6-1). That is, for the year the employee "earns" his 28 days of vacation.

But by agreement between the employee and the employer, the vacation can be divided into parts, and one of them must be at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the right to the first paid vacation appears with the employee after 6 months of continuous work with this employer (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, each employee who has worked for six months in the organization has 2 “earned” weeks of vacation that he can use.

At the same time, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit granting leave to employees before the expiration of 6 months of work or after 6 months, but for a period of more than 14 calendar days. In this case, the vacation is actually provided to the employee in advance. If subsequently the employee does not “work off” the vacation days and decides to quit, the overpaid vacation pay will need to be withheld from him, which employers do not always succeed in. After all, the amount of deductions from employee payments in the general case cannot exceed 20% (Article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This must be taken into account when calculating the vacation days provided to the employee.

How to calculate vacation days

For the most part, vacations are granted to employees in calendar days (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), less often in working days (Articles 291, 295 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But in both cases it works general rule: non-working holidays those falling on vacation are not included in the number of vacation days and are not paid (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let's look at an example of how vacation is calculated on calendar days.

Vacation calculation in 2017: example for vacation in calendar days

Sales manager Koreneva I.V. I wrote an application for vacation from June 5 to June 18. The employee will have 14 calendar days to rest. But June 12 is a public holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the employee uses only 13 calendar days of vacation out of her 28 days (per year) and she will be paid 13 days.

How to calculate vacation in working days

Leave in working days for employees with whom labor contracts have been concluded for a period of up to 2 months or contracts for the performance of seasonal work are provided in the following order: 2 working days for each month of work (Articles 291, 295 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Holidays are calculated on a 6-day basis. working week(Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 1, 2002 N 625-BB). Let's take an example of how to calculate vacation in working days.

Calculation of vacation in 2017: example for vacation in working days

With an employee Krechetov E.S. concluded labor contract to perform seasonal work from June 1, 2017 to November 1, 2017. From November 1, the employee plans to go on vacation with subsequent dismissal.

First, let's calculate the number of vacation days. By November 1, 2017 Krechetov E.S. work for 5 months. Therefore, he will be entitled to a vacation of 10 working days (2 working days x 5 months). This will be the period from 1 to 13 November. Since November 4 is a non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and November 5 and 12 are days off (Sundays) for a 6-day working week.

Vacation pay and salary after vacation

After the number of paid vacation days is determined, it is necessary to calculate. By the way, information about the duration of the vacation, specific vacation dates, billing period, calculation of vacation pay, etc. are indicated in the note-calculation on granting leave to the employee (form N T-60, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1).

Usually, for his "holiday" month, the employee receives vacation pay and a salary for the worked part of the month. At the same time, the calculation of wages after vacation is carried out as follows: the employee's salary is divided by the number of working days in the month when the employee was on vacation, and multiplied by the number of days worked by him in this month.


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