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Every person wants to achieve something in life and strive for their success, but how to find your way to success, not many people know and realize. After all, the path to success is the most important stage in order to start acting and go towards your dream, goal and success. Those who do not know and have not found their way to success will not get anywhere, no matter how hard they try, because there is no clear path where to go, how and why.

In the article you will learn how to find your way to success, making for this all efforts and diligence, because without doing this, you will not achieve anything. You need to not just run and strive for a dream, you need to draw up a clear plan and a path to its implementation, otherwise it will drag on for a very long time.

We create the path to success

None path to success there is no need to look for it, since we ourselves create it for ourselves. Someone creates a long path, someone short, depending on the goals and tasks. Those who want to work less will work longer go to the dream, the one who will work, directing all efforts towards the realization of the goal, will achieve it much faster. Therefore, find out, and then install and create your own path to what you want to achieve. No one will help you to put a specific path to the goal, you and only you have the ability to create, not find your way.

When there is a point, it remains just to draw a line to it

When you decide and you know what want to achieve in life, this is your point and your task is to draw the necessary line to it, depending on your efforts. The one who draws a straight line to the dream will reach it faster, but this will require more work and directed to one thing. And if you don't want to to work hard, then your line will curve and scroll around the target depending on the effort. You yourself create time limits for yourself to realize your goals and dreams.

Learn to analyze and think ahead of your plan of action

It makes no sense go blindly to dream and success if it is possible to illuminate your path, planning method. It doesn't take much time and makes it easier for you to move around. path to goals and success. You need to start to understand for what period of time you are going to still get to the goal. Then write what you need to do for this goal every day in order to realize it. Important point, do everything that you wrote every day, not missing a single day, in the end you will reach success.

There is no path to success - you and your actions are the path

It makes no sense to believe that there is already a ready-made path to success for everyone, since everyone has their own goals and values ​​​​in life. Therefore, realize that if the goal and dream is already created and exists, you just have to move yourself and achieve this dream It is up to you to decide which methods and methods, since each person is individual, one or another method and method may suit one person, but not the other.

Try not to follow someone else's path, as you will get lost and achieve nothing

Few people want be a researcher and come up with your plans and path to goals and success, many are used to copying successful people and following their path. Remember, no matter how hard you try, you will never succeed. great success passing on someone else's road. Because this road created the efforts and thinking of the one who created it, and only he has a chance to achieve this success. But this does not mean that you need to stop communicating with successful people and ask for their advice. On the contrary, you need to communicate even more with people and ask them questions. Just need create your dream and path guided by their natural desires, and not imposed by society. And the knowledge and experience of those who have achieved success will be useful to you when you go through your personal path. So find out and start talking to them even more often, but trying to listen more and ask questions than talk.

In this article, I will try to give you an answer to three questions that may be tormenting you now:

How to find your way to success?

How to find your calling?

How to find your path in life?

Of course, the answer for these three questions will be the same, since these questions are very similar to each other.

So, how to find your way, the path to success (In addition, I recommend that you read the article - What is not success?)?

The question is quite difficult!

To date, in this world, a huge number of various articles have been written and published on how to start acting effectively and successfully, how to boldly, without fear, set yourself. There are books that really contain "emeralds" wisdom, but for some reason the methods (approaches) set forth in them are not always applicable to us, in other words, they do not always work.

In this article, I will share with you some ideas on how to find exactly your way to guaranteed success. So, where to start and where to look for this path?

Looking inside is introspection.

Each of us has certain achievements in his life. At first, they may seem rather insignificant to you, but the bottom line is that we live every day with our successes and often forget about them completely.

The first and most significant step towards new success - delve into your memory and recall your previous achievements. Perhaps one of the "dragons" self-abasement. If today you do not begin to perceive yourself as very successful person, You will continue to find it difficult to search for your previous successes. So it is very important to look deep inside yourself and start looking for even the smallest and seemingly insignificant successes of yours. Immersed in the desired state (), you will find quite a lot of achievements in your life.

How to find your way, how to find your way in life?

In no case should you compare your personal achievements with someone else's, someone else's. This lowers your . Your victories (achievements) belong only to you, these successes, achievements were achieved by you in those circumstances in which there were only and only you. From one book I subtracted one statement by L.N. Tolstoy. How exactly it looks, I can not say, but the meaning is this: “If at the beginning of the journey you begin to compare yourself with that person who has already reached the heights in your area (activity) that you are engaged in, then all yours in yourself will immediately leave you. For before you is perfection itself, and next to it you yourself look insignificant.

Comparing yourself to other people is sometimes useful, as it helps to give yourself an objective assessment and makes it clear how well we are moving towards. However, for this you need to compare yourself with people who are not much higher than you in terms of development in this particular area, area. Let you have exemplary sample for imitation, but all the time comparing yourself with him is completely wrong. After all "Your ideal" once he also just started, and believe me, he also had mistakes and no less stupid than yours.

Making very high demands on yourself is a completely wrong step. Know that all your requirements should be at that level, at that step on which you are, or be a little higher, so that there is something to strive for.

How to find your way, how to find your calling, how to find your way in life?

Break your latest success into pieces. And now, when you clearly see your achievements (successes), you feel an influx of energy in yourself for a new beginning. To achieve meaningful results in a new area (activity), I recommend that you follow these steps.

1. Choose your most significant victory (), whose achievement you have spent a lot of effort, nerves and time.

2. Analyze your emotions that you felt inside yourself when

3. In what ways did you overcome obstacles and difficulties on the way to your goal?

5. How consistent were your actions?

6. Did the end result beat yours?

In order for you to understand more clearly how to do it correctly, I will give you a small list of answers to questions about the reasons for the success of one person who correctly completed this task in the field of mastering foreign languages. Here is what he wrote:

1. I really liked learning foreign languages, because I really liked the prospect of communicating with foreigners (powerful motivation).

2. I didn’t worry at all about how much time it would take me for, I just studied the language day after day.

3. By enrolling in English courses, I have acquired something valuable - communication with people whose interests are similar to my interests (this is important!).

4. Difficulties arising along the way never stopped me in the process of achieving my goal (Here's an article for you -). I agree that they could slow down my movement towards the goal for a while, but just not stop.

5. Communication with foreigners (English, Canadians, Germans) gave me a significant (they understood me). The positive charge that I felt when communicating with them remained with me forever. Now I use them as one of the additional incentives.

6. On courses of English language there were several groups that were divided into levels, so I only compared myself with those people who were not much different from me for worse or better. Of course, I tried to be equal to the best.

Here are the most important aspects of my success. I know for sure that your victory (success) is also somewhere nearby. Analyze your past successes (accomplishments) as clearly as possible. Applying our best and strengths start moving towards new achievements.

Everything just seems difficult only to an outside observer ...

How to find your way
how to find your calling
how to find your path in life?

The last piece of advice I'm going to give you in this article is to make sure you put in a hell of a lot of effort.

In fact, a person's view of internal activity (or, so to speak, activity from the inside) is very different from what the eye of an outside observer sees. I will bring specific example the same person. Here's what he said:

I attended English courses for about 1.5 years. This is three lessons per week plus lessons at home, which equals 5 days a week of English, 1-2 hours a day. While the rest of the people went home to watch TV or relax in bars (drink beer), I went to classes after an eight-hour day and continued to strain my already tired brain there. Then also at home written assignments, exercises and so on, as before at school. Everyone has their own desires in sex. Someone looks at nationality or breast size, but for me the main factor is age. It determines the behavior of a person in bed.

Looks pretty hard? To tell you the truth, it wasn't even a bit of the complexity that you most likely imagined. Firstly, I loved attending English courses, having fun and interacting with people. Secondly, we read a lot of various interesting articles about the differences between national cultures - and it was fascinating.

What is the conclusion from this? What looks "terrible monster" from the outside, it may be "fluffy kitten" inside. Appearances are indeed deceptive, not only in relation to people, in the case of deeds - this is also true.

Start today! It makes no sense to wait until tomorrow. Today is the day when all the greatest things begin and happen. Start TODAY. This may be the smallest step on the way to, but, as you most likely know: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."

how to find your path, how to find your calling, how to find your path in life


Some people don't believe there is a shortcut to success. They think that only hard work can achieve everything you want. But do people who work long and hard always win?

Imagine that there really are no short ones and that each person is as successful as he deserves with his work. Does this mean that Bill Gates, who makes $11 billion a year ($1.3 million an hour!), is working 54,000 times harder than the average American worker earning $50,000 a year? How is this possible?

Everyone wants to believe that hard work is rewarded. And it is. But you cannot work more than your limits allow. You also have 24 hours in a day, just like other people. So what to do? You need to learn how to work smarter. And this means that it is worth learning from someone who already does this.

1. Don't start alone - you need a teacher

Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I can remember, involve me and I will learn.

Benjamin Franklin, American politician, diplomat, writer. One of the Founding Fathers of the USA.

Sometimes the road to success seems too long, and then it turns out that it leads not to success, but to nowhere. Because you are missing something important, doing something.

At any great history there is a segment of the path in which the hero meets circumstances that he cannot overcome. This is exactly the moment when he needs a guide, a mentor. You cannot go any further unless someone wise shows you the way. Frodo needs Gandalf. Luke needs Obi-Wan. You need a teacher.

Paul Hudson/

Many people achieve success not because they themselves have come to everything. Because they met the right person at the right time.

You will work hard, but not stupidly, just the way. And not because you have become smarter, but because someone smart has shown you the way. You will direct your forces in the right direction.

Of course, you can't just wait for a mentor to show up in your life. Some will be lucky, others will have to find another shortcut to success.

2. Don't reinvent the wheel - learn from the experiences of others

Real education does not consist in learning a few facts of science or art, but in developing character.

David O. McKay, religious leader and educator.

How will you find a mentor or guide? It's not as easy as we would like. Authoritative people who could help you with advice are usually very busy.

So you will have to try hard just to meet one of them. And he certainly will not have so much free time to constantly teach you. Therefore, you will most likely have several mentors.

You could call it accidental apprenticeship. If you take a closer look at your life and those who appear in it, you will find many people who have a lot to learn from.

The best mentors are the people around you.

Start Small

In other words, don't ask the person, "Will you be my teacher?" Instead, ask him to give you a couple of minutes, invite him to have lunch together, treat him to coffee.

Let the teacher speak

Ask him to share his success story. Ask as much as you can, prepare questions, and try to say as little as possible. No one can resist such interest in their person, and you will be involved in the conversation, which will help you remember a lot of valuable information.

Take notes

When you meet with a mentor, write down everything he has said. So you pay tribute to his wisdom, and gain invaluable experience. Use a notepad and pen instead of your phone. Otherwise, a person may think that you are chatting with someone or checking email during a conversation.

Geek Calendar/

Further actions

This is probably the most important and most often overlooked secret of relationships with people who can teach you something. Thank the person who taught you something. Say thank you or, better yet, show a copy of your notes so he knows that you really listened to him and are going to put into practice what he said.

This is the best thing you can do to get the mentor's attention. Take some advice you got from your teacher (or read in his book or blog) and apply it. Show that it works and tell everyone about it. You will present your teacher in a positive light, and he will want to help you again and again.

No need for empty flattery

Just show that you are someone worth spending your time on.

3. Be generous, help others

Some people, having achieved success, hide from beginners how they did it. Others, on the contrary, share their secrets with everyone - they write books about it or publish articles on blogs.

Fight the urge to hide your success secrets. Going from stinginess to generosity changes a lot.

  • Greed kills creativity. Generosity sustains him.
  • Greed makes us afraid. Generosity makes you brave.
  • Greed pushes people away from us. Generosity attracts.

You will have the opportunity to help other people, and this is one of the best sides success.

Does it really work?

Of course, there may be doubts that these tips will work for everyone. After all, all people are different. Here are answers to some objections that may arise.

Why impress authority figures? Wouldn't they just help out of the goodness of their hearts?

Well, maybe. But they usually don't have much time. When it comes to choosing who to help, they choose people who show promise. It is best to be remembered as an ambitious person with a lot of questions who is eager to learn, and not as a person who “already knows everything” and prefers not to listen to a mentor, but to tell him about himself.

Are people in authority so selfish that it is necessary to talk only about them?

No, certainly not all of them are selfish. But we all love to feel important and significant in one way or another. Therefore, when you seek advice from another person, it is better to turn to this side of his personality, and not to the nobler part.

Does it need to be thought through so carefully?

Can a relationship be just a conversation between two people without any practical benefit? Of course, there are relationships for the sake of relationships. But the truth is, we almost always want to get something out of a relationship.

Maybe you want to receive love and care, or maybe you want to learn something. The fact that you want something from a person does not mean that you use him and give nothing in return.

If you want to learn something, it's really worth thinking through. And above all, you should make time for people who can guide you.

Don't plan relationships - frames kill them. Plan your time and try to dedicate it to those who can justify the hours spent on them. By the way, this is exactly what people who can become your mentors think.

Summing up

Success is easy. Do the right things in the right way and at the right time.

Arnold G. Glasow, American businessman, humorist.

Lesson #1

Find a mentor and follow their advice. There is a difference between a person who constantly struggles, forging his own way, and a person who uses the experience of others to quickly find the right way. Believe me, there are people who want to help you.

Lesson #2

In other words, it's not worth spending years trying to figure things out with your mind. Instead, spend time and money on your education.

Invest in opportunities to learn from someone else's experience, touch someone else's success story and learn something useful from it. And this can be achieved different ways: Sign up for courses, hire a coach, work for free just to gain experience.

Lesson #3

Maybe you should change workspace. Perhaps you should go to a conference where experts gather. Or even just realize that there are many opportunities around.

Where you are matters, but how you think is more important. Opportunities are closer than you think. You just need to take a step towards them. After all, it is better to look for luck, and not wait until it comes to you.


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