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It is believed that career heights are best achieved in big company, since a whole series of steps opens up before a person, waiting for their conquest. Usually, in corporations, the hierarchy of positions is built quite clearly and there is a certain set of tools that contribute to professional advancement, for example, special development programs or a personnel reserve. With their help, the employee understands what actions he needs to take in order to get the desired promotion.

Unfortunately, not all companies can boast of such opportunities, since the needs modern business often dictate the need for flat organizational structures. With this management model in small companies, there are three main levels of hierarchy: top managers, middle managers and specialists, where the latter serve only as executors. This is done to speed up the exchange of information and the fastest possible execution of tasks, since the more complex the organizational structure, the slower all business processes go. It turns out that in small teams, the prospects for advancement are significantly limited: if an ordinary employee has become a middle manager, then his next step is the director, and in order to take it, the place must first be vacated.

Of course, this does not mean that in such cases the possibility of improvement is completely absent. With the right approach, it is possible to organize effective system growth, aimed at improving both professional and managerial skills.

For example, you can divide the development of employees into two types - career and professional. If we visualize this system on the coordinate axis, then the development in the role of a manager will be on the horizontal, as a specialist on the vertical, and the graph will express the dynamics of growth in both parameters. Any career has a dual character - professional development and career growth, this is practiced all over the world. Those who have ambition and managerial ability strive to take the appropriate positions. Of course, not everyone is so ambitious, there are people who are indifferent to the role of a leader, they are more interested in their professional projects, and they grow in the role of an expert.

Different companies vary, but the most successful employee development model is one that focuses on improving a person as a specialist. You can develop a system of grades, each of which will imply its own set of competencies, from a specialist to a manager.

Mastering new skills is a key condition for moving to the next level, as promotion always involves additional work tasks.

In parallel with this, the company needs to grow its own personnel, try to provide opportunities for internal promotion for each employee in order to offer him a promotion in the future for the next year or a year and a half. This applies to both specific positions and expanding the range of responsibilities, for example, work in internal projects of the company, in which colleagues of various specializations participate. You can also involve employees in an initiative related to activities outside of work: participation in sports events, team competitions, quests.

A big mistake is made by those organizations that do not pay attention to internal training. It would be optimal to develop your own program, customized to the needs of the company and employees. It may include the basics of management, effective communications, as well as various industry courses - it depends on the direction of the company and the current situation within the team. Both the leaders themselves and invited speakers can conduct such classes. Such activities are very often very popular within the team.

1. Feel free to express yourself

Often, employees do not express their desire to develop and expect that management will sooner or later notice how talented and promising they are. If you want to career development, then you need to discard false modesty and directly contact your supervisor or HR manager. Practice shows that management usually thinks differently than subordinates, and believes that if a person has any needs, then he himself will come to tell about them.

Modern business is very dynamic, and new directions often appear in companies. So do not be afraid to offer some ideas for development, from them an internal project may well be born, which will be entrusted to you. This applies to both employees who already occupy serious positions, and novice specialists. It is not uncommon for employees who started their journey from starting positions to achieve incredible heights.

2. Your development is happening here and now

Often managers in top positions feel that they have stopped in their development and that further growth is no longer possible. This is not true. As a rule, an employee is not a career management specialist and therefore cannot always objectively assess his prospects in the company. In the meantime, periods of "stagnation" usually only appear to be so. During the period of work in a particular position, a person is faced with similar tasks that, in ever-changing circumstances, require a completely different approach, often even the opposite.

Therefore, I am sure that talking about a "career ceiling" for a top manager is irrelevant, there is no limit to perfection in this role. I repeat, today the business is developing very quickly, often the directors of some functions, being very successful and efficient for a long time, as the scale of the business grows, they simply cease to cope, and the company is forced to transfer them to the positions of deputies, and to attract a candidate from outside for the role of top manager. It happens on the contrary, the active development of the company and the expansion strategic horizon spurs the professional growth of managers, and they willingly take on fresh tasks and conquer new heights.

3. Learning and growth

It's great if employers provide training opportunities at the expense of the company. Nevertheless, not all organizations are ready to invest in the professional development of employees, so most of them are engaged in advanced training for their own money.

Since career development involves the constant development of new competencies, it is necessary to pay due attention to self-education. This advice may seem rather banal, but practice shows that the most successful stories Career growth occurs with those who are "in trend" and have time to navigate the ever-changing business world.

Today, people often change their field of activity, and the key condition for professional success is the ability to learn and quickly adapt to new realities. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly expand your professional horizons: read business literature, specialized Internet portals, attend conferences, and also be interested in related areas. In addition, in the vast majority of areas there are autonomous areas that are quite realistic to master on your own, for example, with the help of master classes or online courses. Subsequently, the acquired skills can be implemented in the workplace, expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits responsibility. In many companies, by the way, they pay additional bonuses for this.

Elizabeth Babanova

For those who are concerned about the question “How to make a career”, such information will be of interest. The legendary Jack Welch, based on his 30 years of experience in managing the international corporation General Electric, came up with the following formula: out of 100% of the employees of any organization, 20% are stars / excellent students, 70% are good employees who will never become high-level leaders and managers , and 10% - threes and twos, which should be disposed of.

You can work with good students if you carefully control them, but they do not shine for rapid career growth. Only stars become leaders! The remaining 80% of employees, even moving up in the service and going through different stages of career growth, will never take leadership positions.

Are you a manager, a business owner or an employee who dreams of one day becoming a manager or opening your own business?

Whatever position you hold today, this article can help you answer the question “How to make a career” on 3 levels:

  1. If you consider yourself a star/excellent student, you can check if you are doing everything in order to achieve a rapid career growth or start your own successful business.
  2. If you do not yet consider yourself a star, but you have a great desire to grow professionally, then the recommendations will be the most useful for you: how to become an irreplaceable excellent student from an ordinary good student who is not afraid of layoffs and layoffs? After all, even if your company files for bankruptcy, the skills you gain from these tips and your career plan will give you a huge head start in your next job.
  3. If you are a manager or leader, you can use these criteria when evaluating your team.

So what do you need to do to become a superstar? I made a list useful tips on the topic “How to make a career?”?


Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee like initiative in work and ability to work. As a rule, it is these qualities that contribute to fast career growth.

Dale Rogers, President of Rogers Capital, where I did an internship during my last 2 years at an American university, once he told me that in his company there are people who work for return and with soul, and there are clerical rats who come to work at 8:00 and leave exactly at 17:00.

"They can neverget a raisein the service,” Dale told me. Comparison with rats, of course, is rude, but this is how the president assessed his people successful company. As an intern, I devoted more and more time to work and carried out the additional projects assigned to me, while my colleagues, who work "from call to call", career , to put it mildly, did not shine. For two years, I, a trainee, overtook many of my colleagues.

People who work more than others in their team are the first to get a promotion, and vice versa - those who work from"call to bell".

Another benefit of working to your full potential rather than a fixed schedule is your increased value to your boss. Only exceptional employees, after receiving a credit of trust from their superiors, subsequently get the opportunity to have flexible schedule and choose which projects to take on.


Despite the fact that for professional and career growth, you need to work hard - this does not mean working smart. In my practice, there were cases when my subordinate worked from morning to night, hoping for fast career growth , but at the same time performed as many tasks as I could complete in a couple of hours.

Learn how to make the most of your time and strive to always exceed the expectations of your manager or client. If you learn to regularly raise the bar for yourself, then for your manager this will be the first signal for your promotion.

While still an intern at Rogers Capital and developing marketing material for an investment project, I, without even thinking about what is needed for career growth , proposed and implemented several innovations: additional graphics, interesting statistics and new handouts. As a result, I earned the right to participate in negotiations that resulted in several additional millions of investment capital for our firm.


If your manager considers such a spiritual impulse a threat to his position, then it's time for you to look for another job. If a job change to this moment is inappropriate, then find yourself a professional mentor who is in a high position in another firm and is ready to help you with development and career growth.

I was very lucky - even at university, my mentors were the dean of an American business school, part-time consultant in an investment company, a hedge fund manager who earned a multi-million dollar fortune in two years. Then the chief financial officer of a multi-billion dollar investment company, the president of Frost Bank, and other mentors from whom I learned a lot, and some of whom later became my friends.

Every time I met interesting person, I asked for an hour of my time to talk about their careers and learn from them. In 100% of cases, I received a positive response. I studied their companies, biographies, and I always had a huge number of questions for them. Meetings were scheduled either in their offices or in a restaurant over a cup of tea, and they shared their principles for building a successful career with great pleasure.

Very rarely our communication ended with one meeting. Feeling my enthusiasm and desire for development, they invited me to interesting business events, and sometimes to visit. Communication with such people is truly an invaluable experience.


How does a mediocre employee respond if his work did not satisfy the manager?

"I'm sorry I couldn't do it."

How does the "star" respond?

“What do I need to do to make you satisfied with my work?”

Each leader on his way to work with career growth has made a lot of mistakes and knows that without them the path is impossible. professional development. But if he became a leader, it means that he worked on his mistakes and strove to correct them.

If your boss is unhappy with your work, do your best to fix it. Don't give up and don't let him finish what you couldn't do. For him, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that he needs to look for another, more capable employee. And for you a serious obstacle on the way to career growth.

If you make a mistake and you have a choice - tell your manager or hide, always do the first. The truth will come out sooner or later, but if you jeopardize the reputation of your firm or your boss, you will lose his trust for a long time. About rapid career growth, respectively, you can forget.

The loss of confidence of the leader in the subordinate most often leads to the replacement of the subordinate, unless he instantly rehabilitates and then proves his honesty and diligence for a long time.

Your manager needs people on whom he can count, otherwise he will have chronic stress from the need to constantly control you, double-check.

If you find a mistake, report it to your supervisor immediately. The best way to voice a problem is to say right away how you solve it. If you cannot solve it on your own, then tell your boss how you have already tried to solve it, what steps you have taken, and only then ask him for help.


This is the best way to make a career. Your manager dreams that you will be able to do your job, and he will be able to delegate additional projects to you. The more he can convey to you, the more irreplaceable you will become for him.

Constantly improve all processes and help your colleagues to improve. Also, do not forget about delicacy in taking the initiative. It is very important that your leader does not feel that you are aiming for his place. A person who is not too developed will start to put a spoke in your wheels and interfere with your development and professional growth. Take the initiative in a subtle way, with the intention of making life easier for your boss, not "hooking" him.


One of the biggest irritants for a leader is when an employee does not complete the assigned task. Often the manager does not explain all the details of the project, but expects the employee to ask him questions to clarify the task.

If you need to get an answer from a boss who doesn't respond to your question, get his attention until you get your way. This is exactly what all people who have managed to achieve professional and career growth do. Very often, an employee comes to a dead end, asks a question, but not having received an answer, shifts responsibility to the manager. Responsibility, however, is not removed from the employee, it is still on him.

Your manager, most often, has 3 times more daily tasks than you do. Therefore, he may postpone the answer to your question, switch to a more significant matter.

Remind him that you are waiting for an answer from him to complete the assigned task.

An annoying, but executive employee who brings everything to the end is much more valuable than one who gives up.

One more recommendation. Before contacting your boss, ask your colleagues if they can help you. Always think about how to make life easier for your leader: if the answer can be found in your organization (your team) - find it!


Only those who know how to obey the leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. If you want to build your own career development plan, then you must understand this.

Sometimes a manager wants your innovations, but sometimes they just want you to get the project done on purpose.

The manager may be in time trouble and not be able to explain to you why the task should be done in a certain way.

You will become an invaluable player if your manager is confident that you can be assigned a task and forget about it, knowing that you will do it right.


This is a big secret that most employees do not know about, even those striving for career growth.

Believing that by working less than the manager (not in terms of hours, but in terms of the number of projects completed as efficiently as possible), they will be able to rise to the next level. Miracles don't happen.


If you don't respect a leader who is on a higher level, find yourself another job and another boss who will be an authority and leader for you, under whose guidance you will not be a burden to make a career. Only then can you learn and grow from him.

There is a law of hierarchy: if you do not respect the one who is higher, your subordinates will not respect you.

Show signs of respect and never allow yourself familiarity.


Never say such words: “Why can’t I make mistakes, but you can?” The leader is, first of all, your teacher and coach. He has his own teachers and coaches who help him work on his mistakes throughout all stages of his career. Teacher lower grades also makes mistakes, but the first grader has no right to point them out to him.


Gossip at work always leads to a loss of trust and sincerity. Your boss will definitely know if you said something negative about him. As a result, this will slow down your career growth, because he will promote you with much less enthusiasm, and even more so, he will not stand up for you with reductions.


To succeed in the professional world and have an amazing career, you need to be physically and energetically strong. Replenish your energy supply daily by exercising and following the basic rules of nutrition. Certainly a huge number successful people leads the wrong way of life. But what pleasure will you get from success if you are constantly sick or experiencing chronic fatigue syndrome?

In the US, almost all successful people devote time to their health. At my last job in America, I was asked what sport I do. And as a reward for the year successful work I was given an unlimited subscription to the best fitness club in the city with daily individual sessions with a trainer.


It is not the organization that decides how much you get paid, when you can be promoted, and when you go on vacation. It is up to the person you report to. Think more about him: how to make his life calmer and more efficient. The dream of every competent leader is to have people on his team who can be relied upon. Become one, and your rapid professional growth will be just around the corner.


The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working like an owner.

This is, in my opinion, the most important skill in developing the leadership qualities of a superstar.

While ordinary employees are always looking for ways to shift responsibility to someone else in their team, potential stars take on any job and treat it like their own business.

It is these invaluable employees who become partners in the future, and also develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

Remember successful people from your environment. Do they do everything listed here? What else do they do to be successful? What are you doing (or not doing)?

Career growth for many people remains a rather abstract concept. Attention should be paid to the fact that any growth is impossible without development, and therefore many could feel that the position they hold does not allow them to realize their potential. There is a feeling that you are standing still, and this cannot be allowed.

Every employee must understand one fundamental thing. Career growth will depend not only on the desires and personal preferences of the bosses themselves, but also on the goals pursued by the person himself. The clearer the plan is, the more likely you will get the best position in this company.

Employees who show purposefulness, are able to organize and structure the activities of the company, will always strive to improve their positions. They are only interested in those vacancies that have the possibility of career growth. This is the only way to develop the level of your professionalism, honing the necessary skills in practice.

Summing up a little, we can say that a career comes down not only to the personal preferences of the boss, but also to the potential of the employee himself. Only the coordinated activity of the manager and the subordinate will make it possible to achieve really great results in the development of the company.

What should be emphasized?

Not every person is attracted by professional growth: someone likes the current position, there are no ambitions to get a new one, and someone is not able to master the tasks. In any case, each person will have their own individual goals in the company:

  • Someone wants to reach a new level of income.
  • It is important for someone to satisfy their ambitions and improve their social status.

In many ways, people choose a combination of the goals described above and proceed to implement them. Career growth has an individual style and involves the solution of the company's tasks. Despite the complexity of the issue under consideration, some typical trends can be identified that are correlated by gender.

Men, as a rule, begin building their careers, focusing on the "ascent" of the hierarchical ladder. Final goal- a leadership position, and therefore the maximum amount of effort will be applied. As for women, they can for a long time show a mediocre attitude towards the company itself, gradually developing the level of its professionalism. Many are surprised when the fair sex in a short period of time become big directors.

How can you grow?

Career growth is multifaceted, and therefore a delusion is often heard in society, which says that development in a company is possible only vertically. It may seem to many that a career is presented in the form of a ladder, where a higher position acts as a step.

It is worth noting that career development is also possible in a horizontal direction. Professional growth is based on the development of skills and qualifications necessary to improve performance within the current position. Horizontal development has its own characteristics, which are often forgotten.

The employee is transferred to a position adjacent to the position held, and the level of income remains the same or slightly increases. For example, a marketing employee can move to another department and sign contracts if before that he was only engaged in business communication with partners. Of course, professional growth will not keep you waiting.

It should be recalled that horizontal development does not prohibit vertical growth: after the specialist learns the specifics of the work of related departments of the company, he can become its head, or combine several roles in his candidacy.

Vertical growth begins both within the organization itself and within the entire industry. Everything will depend on the employees' goals and a strong desire to develop. Most careerists prefer the second option. Development within the entire industry and such a decision is due to the constant increase in income received. Not always the current place of work satisfies the needs of the employee, then he goes in search of a new place.

But before embarking on a “career journey”, you need to understand that professional growth will last more than one year and during this time cardinal changes come. As world practice shows, many popular industries that were on the wave of popularity quickly went bankrupt in the 90s and disappeared from the market. If you want to earn high incomes and make responsible decisions for yourself, then professional growth is the right choice.

Factors affecting the result

We must start with the fact that career advancement is impossible without obtaining the appropriate educational level. In addition, it must match international standards And graduating from such universities is not always easy. Some professions simply will not allow “vertical climbing” if there is no higher education. For example, an accountant, no matter how hard he tries, will never take the position of chief accountant until he has an appropriate educational level.

Of course, the role of higher education is quite large, since it reflects a certain set of professional knowledge that can be used in labor process. In addition, it is easier for superiors to find contact with their subordinates if appropriate confirmation of the quality of knowledge is obtained. We must not forget that professional growth is impossible without constant self-education.

The next factor that is of great importance for a potential careerist is working capacity. But in this issue extreme care should be taken, since irregular working hours are regarded by the manager ambiguously. He may think that a person is not coping with the work on time, and this will indicate a lack of appropriate planning skills. No one wants to promote a specialist who does not do his job well.

Everyday professional growth plays big role, but not decisive. You can constantly improve by staying in the same position for many years. How to get out of such a situation? You need to understand that today's market is constantly evolving and many companies need people who can increase profitability or take a new market share. The manager understands that professional and career growth are the same, and therefore only a few deserve promotion.

As soon as it becomes clear that the employee brings obvious benefits, then the lack of dynamic growth will lead to the loss of a valuable staff, and this cannot be allowed. Only key employees are very popular, both with management and colleagues.

Among the negative factors are:

  • intrigue;
  • dissemination of knowingly false information;
  • fawning over management, etc.

As practice shows, such people begin to spoil the internal atmosphere, and after all, a lot of money is spent annually on the unity of the team. An experienced manager will question the effectiveness of an employee who spreads rumors. Most likely, the efficiency of his work is low, and therefore there is time for other activities. Lack of motivation, punctuality and low efficiency will lead to early dismissal.

What is the development plan?

As mentioned earlier, a career is the combined result of an employee and an employer. The vast majority are successful developing companies seeks to ensure that employees constantly develop. The plan is mandatory, it helps to build a clear vector of further activities.

There are several development plans. For example, one organization has standard plan, and the increase will be received after reaching certain indicators or the onset of a time period, and the other does not have a standardized approach and each person has the opportunity to grow.

If none of the options are being considered at your current job, you can take the initiative and talk to management. This approach will clearly demonstrate the interest in the development of the organization.

Each person consciously writes a career plan, which continues to be followed through many years of work. Its direction must be adjusted depending on the changing state of the market.

Promotion by career ladder- This is a very complex process, especially considering that now the competition is growing very strongly in absolutely all specialties. Therefore, you need to really have outstanding talent and the ability to present yourself in order to seriously qualify for a promotion. Remember that only the very best can improve their careers, so you should learn some ways to accelerate your career in order to achieve success faster.

Work on goals that matter

Career growth is progress. But you won't be able to move forward if you don't have concrete goals in front of you. Therefore, if the authorities do not put them in front of you, install them yourself in order to always have the opportunity to strive for something. Only progress will allow you to grow and thereby qualify for higher positions. At the same time, try not to be scattered on all sorts of small and not the most significant goals - play big, and then you can get a decent win. Of course, tasks that you can easily complete on a semi-automatic are easier to work with, but something that almost everyone can handle will not lead you to a promotion.


If you want to move up the corporate ladder and not always stay at the same level, you may need to good system organization of your working time. Previously, it was not easy to create or find one, but now, in the era of the Internet, there are a variety of organizers and electronic diaries that have great functionality and allow you to organize your workflow in the best way. So don't hesitate to use high technology if they can really help you in your daily work.

Learn to earn more

Do not think that by doing your daily work, you will be able to grow. You will not only be able to move up the career ladder, but even gain new skills and abilities that would help you. So don't try to get higher just by doing what is required of you - learn more. On the Internet, you can now find a huge variety of courses that will help you learn new skills absolutely free. And already using these skills, you will be able to fight for promotion and further career advancement.


High positions are always associated with an ever-increasing amount of power. Almost every person dreams of getting more power - at least a little more. However, it is one thing to gain power, and another thing to use it, to control it. This task looks already much more difficult, but it is necessary to solve it. After all, if you cannot retain power and direct it in the right direction, then you should not even think about higher positions than the one you are currently in.

Focus on results, not time

Almost all people start their careers in jobs that pay for the time you put in. Therefore, many people begin to equate the hours worked with the benefits created. However, one can hardly think of a statement that is further from the truth. You can sit, looking out the window, for several hours at the workplace - and at the same time you will not create any value, although you will receive your money for "worked time". At the most low positions it's possible, but if you're aiming higher, then you need to forget about hourly pay or hours worked. The higher your position, the more emphasis is placed on exactly what you did, and not how much time you spent at the workplace. Good goal setting is the key to success.

Take full advantage

Many people work in companies and do not even think about what exactly this can give them. They focus only on getting a salary and a well-deserved rest on weekends and vacations. But if you are focused on promotion and career advancement, then you need to carefully study all the advantages that your work position gives you. And having studied all the information, you can use it to move up the career ladder as efficiently as possible.

Respect the network

If you work for any company, then you should understand that this is not about you. First of all, we are talking about the company itself, which consists of tens or even hundreds of employees forming a dense network. If you are working in small company, then you should study and respect the entire network - remember your colleagues' birthdays, their favorite foods and movies to improve a good relationship with everyone. You may need the support of your team as you move up the career ladder, so you'd better set everyone up to treat you positively.

Watch your health

Your main value is yourself, your brain, your ability to work. Appreciate yourself and protect, take care of your health so as not to lose the ability to work.

Conflict management

If you want to move up the career ladder, then you will need to practice conflict management skills well, as more high levels It is this skill that is honored the most.

At work, I constantly encounter employees who dream of achieving career growth. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds and it does not always depend on the person, but, nevertheless, making a career is not so difficult if you follow certain rules.

The author of this article received the first leadership position at the age of 20, while the rest of the team was much older and had more experience and education. After that, there were many ups and downs on the career ladder, and there were downs that taught me a lot.

This article is designed primarily for those who want to become a leader and manage people.

Why do you need career growth?

Before you talk about how to achieve career growth, I really want you to answer the question for yourself: why do you need career growth? The fact is that the answers can be very different: who wants to earn more, someone likes to command, and someone is tired of working as a subordinate. Only a few become leaders to achieve new knowledge, gain experience and achieve new ambitious goals. The main difference between a leader and a subordinate is motivation, a leader cannot be, only for achievement. If you don’t quite understand what this means, I recommend reading about it, it will also come in handy in managing people.

I want to deliberately upset those who want to become a leader, because they won’t have to do the work of a subordinate, for example: sell, go to the fields, etc. Even if you become a leader, you still won't succeed. If you don’t like the job, you need to change it, that is, go to another field of activity. There is nothing worse than doing something you don't love.

A young girl worked for me for a long time as a seller, I saw that her work was a burden, she was not, there were often conflicts with colleagues and buyers. She was a veterinarian by profession, and she complained all the time that she liked it, but the veterinarian was paid too little, so she had to work as a salesman. She also often said that animals are much better people(i.e. buyers) and stuff like that. I helped her get a job in a private clinic, where she earns more than me, as she treats purebred animals. A person is satisfied and happy, because he is doing what he loves.

What is the difference between a leader and a subordinate

So, you still decided that you need career growth, then you should, first of all, understand how a leader differs from his subordinate. I will immediately make a reservation that I will not consider professional quality, such as: product knowledge, sales experience, work results. Of course, if you do not know how to work and fulfill your duties as a subordinate, no one will raise you. So the main differences are:

Motivation to work

As mentioned above, this is motivation for work. If you need to be “kicked” all the time so that you deign to do your job, then sorry, you should not wait for a promotion. Sometimes I hear from subordinates something like this: "... if I worked as a leader, then I would not be late and would work well ...". No one will promote you with the hope that you will change. Motivation for work always comes from how much you generally like the work and how interesting it is to you. If there is no interest in work, it needs to be changed, and not to look for career growth. You must show by your behavior that the work is interesting and important to you, when your immediate supervisor sees this, he understands that you can rely on you and add more powers.

Look for opportunities, not reasons

There is a saying - "the strong are looking for opportunities, the weak are looking for reasons." This saying can be built into the life credo of any leader. It is from your reaction to life's difficulties that you can understand what kind of person you are. And how can you be trusted. Remember, if you often complain about the fact that you can’t do something or don’t know how, in general, you always come up with excuses why you didn’t do the job, then you can forget about career growth.

Don't be afraid to take responsibility

It often happens that you are offered to do some work that is not included in your terms of reference. You do not need to immediately refuse it, first evaluate what it can bring you. Maybe, within the framework of this work, you will be able to prove yourself and recommend from the best side.

Many do not take responsibility because they are afraid of embarrassing themselves or failing their work. There is always a risk of making a mistake, everyone makes mistakes and there is no need to be afraid of this. Career growth is provided for people with an active lifestyle.


When one of my former leaders invited to new position, he said "in the first months I will do self-promotion, I need the new leadership to notice me." It is very important that you be noticed, the problem is especially acute when there are many subordinates and there is a lot of competition for the position. They will always pay attention to someone who is famous, whose name is well known. One self-promotion tool is the initiative mentioned above. But in order to “stimulate” career growth, this may not be enough. Most the best option PR is to earn some kind of encouragement, for example: to become the best employee, etc. Remember - you should be noticed, and it’s even better to get to know well from the positive side.


Say what you like, but disciplined employees, and people in general, inspire much more respect and sympathy. Constant delays, systematic, not fulfilling their duties can cut down the possibility of career growth in the bud. In addition, it is the key to successful personal development.

Know your worth

Develop yourself

Career growth through blat

One of the common opinions of employees is that career growth is possible only through connections and nothing shines for us mere mortals. In fact, this is not the case at all. In the conditions of the market and high competition, a highly qualified employee is a very great value and there is always a demand for him. It is important for you to show that you are such employees, and the employer will definitely give you a chance.

Is education necessary for career advancement?

Another common opinion is that you need to get some kind of special education and you can’t do without it. This philosophy has been propagated to us since childhood, but those who graduated from universities with a degree in management can tell you that this education will not give you serious advantages. In general, personally, in all my practice, I have never seen that a graduate without work experience in this field would be taken to the position of an ordinary manager.

Undoubtedly, higher education this is one of the requirements for employment, but I know a lot of good managers who do not have a diploma and they are perfectly hired. For me personally, higher education is a good school of life for a person, but it is not a significant factor in deciding whether to take a leader or not.

How to quickly move up the career ladder?

So you got your first managerial position, for salespeople, this is usually a supervisor. Naturally, having worked in this position for some time and gaining experience, the question arises, what's next? I want to take a new step up the career ladder. In fact, in order to successfully develop in a career plan, you need to work a lot on yourself. Managing people is an art and you can hone it all your life, there is no limit to perfection. Therefore, read literature, go to trainings, get a second education. To advance higher, you need not only to demonstrate all the above business skills, but also to have life experience and experience in communicating with people. From experience, I can say that in order to grow from a supervisor to a store director or head of sales, a year of work is enough. It is important, first of all, to show good results and show growth


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