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In the modern business world, the saying “live and learn” is quite popular. Many of today's leaders - top-level managers - study under various programs, receive education abroad, including remotely, but some of the skills necessary for a leader can only be developed through management training.

Management training is mainly effective because it deals with those situations that constantly accompany the activities of a particular leader. The presence of feedback at the training allows the trainer to help exactly in those issues that are relevant for this group.

Topics of training for managers

The topics of trainings on the development of managerial skills can be different and solve some private management tasks:

  • Leadership and Leadership Styles. The training will help determine which style is most effective in certain situations and how to adhere to it, which style suits a particular leader.
  • Increasing the motivation of partners and employees. Management training on this topic will allow managers to learn when additional employee motivation is required, what types of employee motivation are, and how to motivate staff and partners without much financial cost.
  • Work planning. Managers will benefit from knowledge about the main stages of effective planning, the formulation of precise goals and objectives before work, and planning actions to achieve the goal quickly.
  • Time management or time management. This is a popular direction in management training, as in modern conditions often the best is the one who does the work faster than others. Managers are trained to make optimal use of their working time and the time of subordinates.
  • Delegation of authority. Management trainings on this topic will teach you how to distribute responsibility between managers of different levels, from top to bottom. At the same time, they are also trained to monitor the performance of work by subordinates and middle managers.
  • Proper assignment of tasks to subordinates. The purpose of this training is to teach you to set tasks for your subordinates, but at the same time not to demand the impossible from them. To do this, it is necessary to adequately assess the capabilities of employees and give instructions in accordance with these capabilities.
  • Establishing relationships with subordinates. This management training provides basic knowledge of the psychology of employees. Special situations that arise when interacting with "difficult" employees, conflicts in the team are considered. At the same time, the leader learns to maintain authority in front of his subordinates, to adequately resolve issues of disobedience in the team.
  • Holding constructive meetings. To avoid situations in the work of managers when a large amount of time is spent on meetings, and they do not give a result, it is important to learn the techniques of conducting meetings. The training teaches the distribution of functional roles during a meeting, introduces the stages and basic rules for conducting a meeting.

Choosing the Right Management Training

In order for management training to give a positive result, it is necessary to choose them correctly. What works for the leaders of one company may not necessarily work for others.

It is important to determine the purpose of attending classes. Often people come to such trainings, striving to develop: receiving a high income, they do not want to stop there. Or it can be the heads of firms that bring an average profit: even when there are no special problems at the enterprise, something interferes further growth arrived. Looking for new opportunities for development and learning, those who always strive to achieve more, plan their future.

Before choosing the necessary training, you need to think about what tasks need to be solved first: either increasing motivation for even more effective work enterprises, or the correct distribution of responsibilities and delegation of authority, etc.

For this, it is important to have a preliminary consultation with the trainer, where it is better to tell as much information as possible about the company, its achievements and problems, employees, etc. It happens that the presence of only one problem interferes with the effective operation of the company. Sometimes you have to solve a whole range of tasks to achieve a result.

In training centers, the “post-training support” service is possible, which makes it possible to consolidate the result or timely adjust actions to achieve it.

Management skills training is quite popular among successful bosses and managers who strive to be on time. Participants are interested in purchasing a new useful information and practical knowledge that can be easily applied in daily work.

A professional manager must be able to manage a team, have an idea about recruitment, understand sales and successful negotiations, marketing, advertising, and also skillfully use time management in work. Therefore, standard training for company management is not enough. To improve skills, update knowledge and share new useful experience, it is necessary to conduct personnel management training for company managers and managerial trainings for managers.

It should be noted that, of course, it is important that the training consists not only of theory, but also of practice and examples of application. management decisions at work. Since, without a practical part, training courses are considered ineffective in work. Only the processing of the information received can translate this knowledge into a skill and give a result that justifies the money invested in training.

But, despite these advantages, many business owners think that training is a waste of money and time. Managers believe that having own business, they have already gained sufficient experience and achieved leadership, so there is nothing new and necessary in training. I would like to note that to some extent this opinion is true, for the reason that a significant part of the courses is low-quality information. Typically, such trainings are conducted by theorists who do not have practical experience and achievements.

Management trainings for managers are the main indicators of successful training choice.

As noted earlier, many sales executives, directors and business owners still need to visit at least a few various forms vocational education from the best strong experts. How to choose worthy trainings for leaders? There are key criteria to look out for, including:

  • Useful training can only be given by a practitioner with extensive experience;
  • Availability of videos from an expert with a speech (watching videos will help to form an opinion about his activities in advance);
  • Cost of education (a real useful course cannot be cheap);
  • Number of participants (maximum 25 people).

Following the above nuances when choosing a course of study, it will bring a worthy result to the company and increase profits.

Conduct an express audit of the sales department on your own according to 23 criteria and identify sales growth points!

Conduct an audit

After active use of the acquired knowledge and new experience gained in the lesson from the expert, each participant will be able to conduct negotiations more effectively and, therefore, come to a positive result.

The manager of the department must properly plan the work, assign tasks to subordinates in order of importance, manage himself and the team. In order to fulfill all the planned plans as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to periodically attend trainings to gain knowledge on solving complex problems.

Executive training - classification

Also, when choosing a training, you need to pay attention to their separation. There are two objectives of the course - motivational and technological goal. In the first case, the expert is faced with the task of conveying energy to the participants during the training, adding motivation to work. After the end of the training, participants feel a real flow of energy, a charge to perform their work tasks. But there is one significant drawback - the surge of energy is not endless, and sooner or later it will end. And then again, additional motivation will be required, which means another training course. In the second case, the expert tells specific effective methods work, and be sure to work them out on a practical example with the participants. After analyzing the technologies, the manager introduces new ideas into his business and gets a decent result. For example: personnel management training for managers involves a phased analysis of the following important points:

  • How to motivate staff to fulfill the monthly plan;
  • Delegation of duties between employees of the sales department;
  • Setting goals for the team;
  • Methods for assessing the quality of personnel work and ways to increase labor efficiency.

Proper training for senior managers will enhance team management skills. A professional expert in practice will consider the entire process of working with the team, the participants do practical tasks and analyze difficult situations.

How to Organize a Training Session for Executives

Before proceeding with the leadership training, it is recommended to gather all the managers of the department and figure out what topics need to be covered in the training. After discussion, the business owner will decide on the subject of the course and organize the process itself. Important point: Only an experienced expert will be able to turn an ordinary sales manager into the best chief employee with high indicators for the implementation of the plan. At the same time, the director of the enterprise is advised not to skimp on the costs associated with training, and one should remember about systematic courses, since students will not be able to understand and learn everything the first time.

© Konstantin Baksht, General Director of "Baksht Consulting Group".

The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to visit K. Baksht's sales management training "Sales System".

The concept of "middle manager" is rather vague (it depends very much on the size of the company and the branching of its internal structure). Therefore, the range of training for this category of leaders is very wide: from communication skills with subordinates to the development of strategic thinking.

In our opinion, middle managers are a key category of the company's employees, performing a connecting role between top management and employees who "make" the company's results.

Middle manager:

  • responsible for the direct work of his unit - sets tasks and controls their implementation, resolves complex and unforeseen situations in the current work;
  • on a daily basis, implements communication between the company's management and ordinary performers;
  • participates in the formation of the personnel of his unit;
  • timely takes measures of influence or stimulation to increase the motivation of the team.

The middle manager is a "buffer" between the immediate supervisor and the executive staff of the company.

And this "buffer" requires constant swapping and upgrading.

When is training for middle managers needed?

Leadership development is the key to improving business performance. Therefore, the answer to the above question is “constantly and purposefully”. But it is worth doing it carefully.

The planning of trainings for middle managers is carried out according to several principles:

  1. according to the results of the assessment of managers by competencies, groups and training programs are formed for the targeted development of declining skills;
  2. by precedents - a general understanding that the effectiveness and motivation of managers have decreased;
  3. as a purposeful formation of the necessary skills, translation and maintenance of corporate culture.

We will not describe the first point in detail - this is a separate conversation about personnel assessment. Let's focus on the last two.

How to diagnose that training is needed?

An observant HR specialist or top-level manager notices negative changes taking place in departments. These are the signs:

  • deterioration in performance, increased costs, the number of defects (if we are talking about production);
  • regular detection of the same type of errors in the work;
  • an increase in the number of destructive conflicts;
  • decrease in discipline, frequent "diseases" of employees;
  • increase in staff turnover in individual departments.

All these and many other signals tell us that the head of such a unit may need a shake-up in the form of training.

Training for managers - to lay straws?

Yes, the organization and its environment are constantly changing. Therefore, training allows middle managers to develop, “pump” their skills, to be saturated with new concepts that can be applied in their work. It is also important to maintain a unified corporate culture. Especially in companies represented by divisions in different regions.

Do not forget that the best prevention of problems during organizational change is employee training. Also, any training is an event that helps the exchange of experience and the formation of informal connections between employees.

Therefore, in anticipation of organizational changes, training for middle managers will reduce tension in teams and prepare the ground for change.

Executive Training Program: Putting the Puzzle Together

Any training can be thought of as assembling a puzzle with many elements. We “build” a training program for managers from:

  • mini-lectures - they provide a basis for understanding the material, form a conceptual core on the basis of which skills should be formed;
  • cases (descriptions of problematic situations) - allow you to gain experience in analyzing information and developing an optimal solution, are the basis for group discussions;
  • role-playing games - provide an opportunity to work out the communication skills necessary in different situations: with subordinates, partners and clients;
  • discussions - in them, leaders can exchange views and their own experiences, and also form a common value field;
  • questionnaires and tests - diagnostics of their personal characteristics and knowledge.

Sometimes the purpose of training for middle managers is to enable them to see their limitations and find ways to improve.

How best to plan training for leaders

Please note that the best choice among the various training programs can only be made after assessing the current state of affairs, the level vocational training middle managers, general and particular tasks of the business project.

Usually we start to prepare the training in 3 weeks. During this time, you can meet with several managers, get acquainted with the specifics of the work, and diagnose the main difficulties. In order to then draw up an optimal program, select a theoretical base and form information materials.

What after training?

Traditionally, we end the training project with a report to the customer, which contains a description of the work carried out, the trainer's comments on the group: general dynamics, the most prominent participants, topics that aroused interest. And of course, recommendations for the further development of middle managers of the company.

Management training programs

"Laboratory of Business Games" implements management training programs, which cover the following topics:

  • planning and organization of the current activities of the entrusted unit;
  • situational guidance, methods and ways of motivating staff;
  • selection of personnel and formation of a team to solve permanent or one-time tasks;
  • assessment of business and personal qualities of subordinates;
  • proper distribution of authority among subordinates;
  • skills in conducting production meetings, working groups, etc.;
  • developing mentoring or coaching skills in the workplace;
  • improvement and development of presentation and oratorical qualities of the leader, etc.

Training for middle managers is a theoretical training that can be immediately put into practice.

We offer both standard and individual (specially adapted) training programs for middle managers. For example, "Corporate culture", "Leadership in management", "Personnel motivation", "Communications of the head", etc.

Let's present some of them.

Training "Leadership in Management"

The key task of the program - this is an assessment and improvement of the manager's influence and leadership skills, which allow influencing subordinates in the most effective way.

Target audience - heads of departments and business project managers who should be involved in common work each member of your team.

The main directions of the program:

  • familiarization with basic and new concepts of leadership;
  • formation of positive attitudes in the head for implementation in current activities;
  • development of communication skills with colleagues and subordinate employees;
  • the ability to choose the best forms of influence on subordinates with a combination of authoritative and informal methods of team management.

Training "Staff Motivation"

One of the most requested programs is . It is intended for middle managers associated with direct operational management.

Key objectives of the training:

  • clarification modern approaches to staff motivation;
  • development of practical skills and ways of non-material incentives for employees;
  • study and practical implementation of the mechanisms of personal interaction with staff to improve performance;
  • assessment of the most common models of behavior of the leader, the choice of optimal forms of motivation.

This program provides for maximum interactivity - each participant is involved in situational role-playing games, discussions, and practical exercises.

During the training, the most problematic issues are worked out - feedback mechanisms for the resistance of an employee or team, methods of influencing corporate culture, identifying and eliminating signs of staff demotivation.

Leadership Skills Training

For managers structural divisions and representatives of the personnel reserve of the enterprise, we recommend training .

The program focuses on the following areas:

  • general and particular rules for formulating goals, prioritizing tasks, effective workload planning and time management principles;
  • increasing efficiency in organizing the current activities of the unit - delegation and assignment of tasks, their distribution among subordinates, control over the correctness and timeliness of the execution of powers;
  • the basic principles of team motivation - assessment of motivational potential, methods and mechanisms for increasing the motivation and interest of ordinary employees, the rules of behavior for a manager in case of team resistance.

This program is a classic combination of practical and theoretical classes. The participants of the training are offered role-playing games with actual problems, practical exercises in multitasking mode, etc.

Trainings for middle managers

You can find trainings for middle managers below.

Leaders who quickly learn new competencies and ways of working in a dynamic business environment bring unique value to their companies. competitive advantage. That is why soft skills training for managers today is a key aspect in the personnel training system of enterprises.

The personal effectiveness of a leader is his ability, due to his personal characteristics, to lead the company, manage it and be responsible for the result and its consequences.

PwC is one of the leaders in terms of training and improving the personal effectiveness of managers. Our experience shows that an effective leader must have operational management skills, be a leader and have a strategic vision in solving the problems facing the company.

The Leadership Effectiveness training program at the PwC Academy consists of three thematic blocks:

Management and Leadership

These are trainings for managers of different levels: from taking the first steps in the field of management to CEOs. Programs will help to better plan and organize work, motivate employees, give feedback, control and delegate, successfully respond to change.

Effective Communication

These are universal soft skills trainings aimed at developing skills: communications, negotiation, presentations, conflict management, etc.

Team management

Team management trainings will help you learn how to form and manage any teams, bring them to the maximum level of professional efficiency.

The PwC Academy employs trainers accredited to conduct SDI ® assessments.

SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory) is a learning and assessment method that uses a set of unique tools to learn how to effectively and accurately understand the motivations and values ​​behind people's behavior.

This technique is built into most of our seminars.

Why PwC Academy

  • The PwC Academy provides training exclusively in practical business skills and tools that can be applied the very next day after the seminar.

SDI assessment and training

The first step to effective learning is understanding yourself, your strengths and areas of development.

Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)– an assessment technique based on the Theory of Relations. SDI allows you to define strengths personalities and motivational values ​​that help build effective communication.

The SDI technique helps you evaluate your personal leadership style, as well as learn about the styles of other people. Depending on the situation, task and level of subordinates, a leader can learn to apply different leadership styles, responding flexibly to a changing business environment.

If you want to skillfully influence the team - develop! Experienced HRs shared the secrets of what kind of training for managers is needed for professional growth, how to find time for learning.

From the article you will learn:

Review of the best trainings for managers

Before choosing which direction to move in, determine what qualities need to be developed in this moment- personal or professional. Don't try to learn everything at once. Otherwise, you will not be able to learn the material, work out the application of theory in practice and consolidate your skills.

Programs and trainings for managers



Trainings are more like extended programs with theoretical and practical information for personnel management. At the trainings, you can learn new management technologies, ways of motivation, methods for identifying problems and eliminating them. offers 9 programs, which can be completed at a convenient time. After successful testing, they issue a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training.

Human Resources

The leader learns the secrets of building relationships with subordinates, ways to influence problem employees and resolve conflicts. At the trainings, methods of creating teams, rallying participants in them are discussed. After passing them, you will learn to maintain authority, inspire respect for yourself, make adequate and balanced decisions.

It could be a program " or " ».

Personal growth and development

The purpose of the programs is to learn how to manage oneself, one's emotions, in order to more effectively influence subordinates. Impulsive leaders are unable to soberly assess situations - they make unreasonable decisions that harm the company. If you notice this in yourself, visit trainings and seminars for managers aimed at personal development .

Leadership, leadership style

The seminars examine the main styles of leadership, teach how to choose effective management methods. You will find answers to the most common questions, understand how to stick to your chosen style and be a leader. for managers can be accessed remotely.


All managers should be trained in planning. If you do not learn to set tasks for subordinates, to determine the main and secondary, you will not be able to achieve effective work of the unit. The basics of planning should be learned at the very beginning of a career, and then improve skills. For example, take the training ».

Recently, trainings in oratory, meeting techniques, and time management have been gaining popularity. But these are rather auxiliary programs that should be taken only after the main ones.

Important! When choosing trainings for managers, look not only at the names, but also at the content of the programs and their duration. Study several proposals, compare them with each other.

Where to go for leadership training

Trainings for managers sales department or other units are conducted in licensed schools. Keep in mind that some seminars and courses do more harm than good. When choosing where to take training for managers, be extremely careful - weigh all the pros and cons.

  1. Private trainers

The law does not regulate who can conduct trainings, so seminars are organized by everyone who is not lazy. Often, they consider irrelevant information, give unreliable facts, which disorientates novice managers. If you want to improve your skills, but there is no way to contact schools, choose trainings organized by well-known experts. Their main advantage is the small time spent on training.

In "Personnel System" you will find many interesting seminars and webinars useful for managers. Galina Tikhonova, HR Director at Orange, will talk about staff motivation during the crisis - « Non-monetary motivation and other ways to save».

  1. Licensed Schools

In schools, you can take not only business training for managers, but also full-fledged courses personal growth and development, programs for personnel motivation, strategic and operational management. For busy people who devote a lot of time to work, distance courses are suitable.

Important! Choose licensed schools that issue a diploma or certificate after training. With the help of the document, you can confirm your qualifications, achieve a salary increase, career growth.

  1. State organizations

On the basis of state institutions, trainings for managers can also be completed. Most often, the opportunity is given to those who are currently studying in the organization. This type of personal development professional qualities and skills suited to managers who have just started the long journey to being a leader.

The experts of System Kadry told how to choose the right learning format what to pay attention to. The material compares the pros and cons of professional training, presents expert opinions. Seminars, trainings, webinars and other forms of education are considered separately. Having studied the information, you can avoid mistakes when choosing educational institutions and programs.

How often to attend leadership training

Management does not stand still - there are new methods of personnel management, more effective ways motivation, reward, punishment. In general, the process of interaction between managers and subordinates is changing. If you want the company to take a leading position, to be valued and respected by colleagues, grow professionally, develop as a person.

Periodically track changes, see what trainings for managers are conducted by experts. Take an accelerated course every 5 years advanced training. Work on yourself every day, analyze successes and failures, the causes of problems at work and in life.

Tips on how to find time for trainings and seminars for executives

Council number 1. Plan your time

Make a to-do list for tomorrow, for the week, for the month. During work hours, do not be distracted from the implementation of tasks. You won’t be able to strictly follow the schedule, but you won’t accumulate cases that you have to spend time on weekends or in the evening. When planning, you can set aside an hour or two for executive training.

Council number 2. Delegate authority

Managers who do not know how to distribute responsibilities do not have time to do anything. Constant stress leads to nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue. Delegate authority, choose those responsible for this or that work. This will allow you to engage in personal and professional development.

Council number 3. Develop in free minutes

Learn new information on your way to work or home, at lunch breaks or smoke breaks, because your career directly depends on your education and skills. Do not be distracted by empty talk - they are rarely useful. But this does not mean that communication with subordinates should be minimized. Listen to colleagues when employees need it, and do not initiate dialogues about the weather, entertainment.

Council number 4. Choose your programs carefully

Avoid trainings and seminars for executives, which consider everything at once. They take a lot of time, but are of no practical use. Choose thematic programs in a compressed format.

Council number 5. Consider Distance Learning

If you do not have time for trainings, take distance learning. For example, makes it possible to study the material, to be tested when it is convenient. You do not have to leave work earlier or ask for time off, take student leave - all courses are available at any time of the day.

If you are a beginner manager, comprehensive rather than concise programs will suit you. Think about what is most difficult for you, what problems you are experiencing. Only after that proceed with the selection of training for managers. Do not forget about training your subordinates, because an educated team is the most powerful weapon in the fight against competitors


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