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If you don't take your chance with your own hands, someone else will surely do it.

Jack Welch CEO company "General Electronics"

Any human activity consists of certain stages. Sales are no exception. And how effective sales methods will be depends on the seller himself.

After all, the more positively you relate to the process, the more successfully it will go. Believing in yourself will surely lead to success. That is why the seller must master any sales methods, be able to sell both to one client and to a group of people.

Selling to a group of people - true professionalism

Good seller knows how to qualitatively teach his product, thereby increasing the level of sales. But he will become a real professional in his field only when his methods and sales technologies allow him to sell goods not to one person, but to a whole group of people.

This skill is not given to everyone and not immediately. It is not enough to be able to sell, it is necessary to understand people perfectly, to feel the group, its dynamics. Well, at a high level, use all your sales skills.

There is always a risk of convincing six people out of seven, but still not bringing the deal to its logical conclusion. One person will not agree and that's it, the sale did not take place.

This is especially disappointing when there are a large number of clients: out of 100 people, 99 can be convinced, and one cannot be persuaded. This is a real failure for a successful manager.

Methods of successful sales for a group of people

When two people approach the seller, this is already a group. And in any group the main problem is vanity. An experienced seller will try not to choose one main client, but to turn his attention to all at once, to flatter each one individually, thereby endearing buyers and inspiring their confidence. It's hard but modern methods sales in retail allow for success in this field.

Each seller finds and uses their own methods successful sales. However, there are general recommendations, using which it will not be difficult to achieve good results. So,

  • A neutral choice of clothing that should be nice but simple. A non-standard approach to clothing will divert the attention of customers. They will consider the seller, not listen to him. This is by no means part of the tactics of successful sales, since it is in the interests of the seller to make sure that customers listen to him carefully.
  • If a scheduled meeting is scheduled, the manager should be the first to be sure to introduce himself to everyone present, and not to individuals.
  • In the process of getting to know each other, mentally single out the most active client who shows enthusiasm, but does not show this with his actions.
  • The task of the seller is to remember all the named names of buyers. When a person is addressed by name, he feels a little proud, and it's nice when the buyer sees that he is being treated carefully, since they even remember the name. Such sales methods bring significant benefits, since the use of a name is one of the most important tools in a salesperson's arsenal. Even if there is a doubter in the group, upon hearing the name, such a person is guaranteed to change his mind, and the entire group as a whole will be inclined in favor of the purchase.
  • If possible, the seller is obliged to collect information about prospective customers in the group in advance. To carry on a conversation with people on an equal footing is a rather significant advantage over the role of an outsider.
  • It is extremely important to single out the leader of the group and focus on him. He can become an assistant, as he has influence in the group.
  • In addition to the leader, such methods of selling involve the selection of a problematic and doubting person in the group. Such a buyer must be addressed immediately with convincing arguments. It is required to identify all possible objections and write them down point by point in a notebook. In the process of answering, it is good to cross out those that have been answered in case of a doubting buyer.
  • Naturally, a seller using his methods of selling services or goods knows what he is selling and can anticipate the actions and questions of customers. Therefore, many people plan their actions of conducting a conversation in advance.
  • The sooner the interaction with the group is established, the sooner the sale transaction will be completed.
  • The seller competently ensures the decision of the group in his favor. To do this, you need to remember the leader who was addressed at the beginning of the conversation. It has long been known that one person who is trusted is able to convince everyone else.
  • When working with a group in which the majority tend to think logically, it is necessary to stock up on facts about the product being sold and use them in favor of a successful sale.
  • The main part of the deal being made is gaining trust. Thus, the task of the seller to emerge as a winner becomes realistically solvable, and the methods of effective sales are concluded in this case in the emotional perception of a person.

And, finally, the technology of effective sales methods provides for different, and big role they are reserved for handouts, promotional literature. Such things should be done very high quality, concisely, understandable for customers.

Not bad if all this is printed on high quality paper. Most customers will judge the entire company by this kind of promotional information, and it should be framed in a way that promotes successful sales.

Effective 7 Step Sales Technique for a Group of People

The process of effective sales consists in presenting a specific offer to a potential client (the “client” means a group of people) and includes 7 main stages:

  • Training commercial offer in advance. It should be unique and show the benefits of the product or service. In this case, all the beneficial aspects of the product being sold are listed.
  • Establishing a relationship with a potential client. It all depends on the sphere of trade or services. The important thing is to make a good first impression.
  • Identification of customer needs. The seller is obliged to find out for what purpose the buyer came and only then begin to offer the goods.
  • Presentation of a product or service. Argumentatively talk about the product, show it strengths and indicate the benefits of such a purchase.
  • Work with objections. A good salesperson knows how to respond to any customer objection. Persuade him. The fact that the client doubts does not mean that the purchase will not take place. Here much depends on the seller, his ability to convince and give answers to questions and objections.
  • Completion of the deal. As soon as the client is ready to conclude a transaction, it is necessary to complete it quickly. You can take him to the cashier or sign the contract yourself.
  • Building long-term relationships. This stage is beneficial for both the seller and the buyer. At this stage, various additional service, discounts, discount cards and other similar things. The client will feel like a significant person and will definitely return.

The key to the success of any company is effective sales. Even if we assume a situation in which the product offered by the organization is the best in the world, without the appropriate qualifications of sales managers, a more or less serious result is not very likely.

But what needs to be done so that the product is in demand and successfully implemented? For this, there are sales techniques developed by specialists - following them will allow company employees to offer products as profitably as possible.

Stages of a Sales Manager

For development, you can conditionally divide them into five stages:

  • acquaintance and. It implies the beginning of communication with the client. Many believe that in this case the main thing is to establish informal contact. It is necessary to liberate a potential buyer, at the same time setting it in the right way;
  • . Do not forget how important it is to understand what exactly the client wants and then offer the product based on his needs. Everyone's priorities are different, but they still fall into a few quickly recognizable categories;
  • . After that, a story about the product is possible with the formation of a specific proposal. But the presentation will be ineffective without observing the second point - it is important to know what a person needs in the first place. That is, any presentation should be based on needs and nothing else;
  • . Contrary to logic, objections are great and worse when they are absent, which means there is no chance for further work with the client. In principle, this is work on the bugs - something was wrong at one of the stages. Perhaps the needs are not clearly identified or they are far from all defined. The correct reaction to objections will be the next step on the way to victory;
  • . The best option will be the customer's question of the delivery time of the goods. But there are not many perfect endings in life. The closing technique should be used even if the interlocutor does not show any sign of readiness to purchase the product.

Sales techniques: what are

There are many sales techniques that managers use to get the attention of buyers. It is important not only to know their theory, but also to be able to apply such knowledge in practice. The sales manager must be able to find an approach to each client and feel what tactics will “play” at the moment.

  • "on the same wavelength." Everyone is subconsciously drawn to those who are similar to us in habits or behavior. So the seller, who managed to "tune in" to the buyer, can succeed. A little observation and you can understand how the client behaves and slightly copy this manner;
  • on one side of the barricades. If the buyer feels that a “friend” is next to him, this can be one of the steps to success. The manager should be impressed as a good person - this will serve as a foundation for concluding and subsequent transactions;
  • touch. Casually touching the shoulder or arm of the client can have a positive impact on establishing contact with the interlocutor. Especially if he is of the opposite sex. Otherwise, you need to think about such a “chip” several times, but if the seller works professionally, a touch will still help to achieve a result;
  • "compliments". Pleasant words give rise to positive emotions. If you note the appearance, voice, abilities of a potential buyer, this may affect sales. But the compliment must be sincere and not give the impression of flattery.
  • "gift". Sometimes a customer likes everything…except the price. But the mood can be improved by a small gift - a compliment from the chef, a souvenir, etc. Having received something free, a person is embarrassed to leave "just like that";
  • "An answer to an unasked question" Each salesperson can jot down a list of standard questions and answer them during the presentation. In this case, the client will have significantly fewer options for objections;
  • "Yes! but…” any objection of the client must be answered in the affirmative, and then we can talk about the facts, this is the very objection of leveling. But it is better to forget about the words “you are wrong” and “you are mistaken”.

Classic sales technique

All of the above can be brought to a definition. By following all the steps when communicating with a client, you can achieve good results. At the same time, the seller himself must answer the question of which tactics to choose, based on his experience and the psychological characteristics of the client with whom he has to work. As such, there is no sustainable model, but it is necessary to follow the rules of sales, have an understanding of the techniques and be able to or use.

SPIN sale

One of the popular modern techniques, which allows you to identify the needs of the client and influence them, is (Situational, Problematic, Extracting and Guiding Questions). But what is it and how are they set?

An experienced manager will quickly “try on” the technique for himself. First we talk about the current situation, then about the problems in it, the consequences of such problems and the benefits of resolving them. It is this sequence that allows the client to think and independently realize the benefits of the purchase.

That is, in order for the client not to change the store or supplier, one should stop “just selling”, but start solving the problems of a potential buyer. Of course, with him. What problems can the purchase of the proposed product solve, what difficulties will it help to overcome? In this case, the "set" of SPIN questions will provide an opportunity to identify both the problems and the needs of the client.

Straightforward Persuasion System

The person who proposed this method claims that selling is a straight line. Its beginning is the first moment of contact with the client, the end is the completion of the transaction. But direct is precisely the ideal sale, when the transaction is simple and fast. When a potential buyer is “doubted”, three rules of a straight-line system should be followed:

  • contact must be constantly developed. The established connection with the client should not end. Throughout the communication, he should prove his professionalism;
  • collection of information. A salesperson should listen more than talk. To do this, you need to be able to set the right questions, finding out the necessary information, and not in the format of hard communication, but elegantly. In a situation where the client's need cannot be identified, it is better to end the communication;
  • stay straight. The seller must not leave the selling line. If he is “carried” abroad, it will not be easy to return.

System 5 and 8

Familiar to everyone who has dealt with sales, it includes not only the 5 stages described above. There are also eight steps to success, which can be formulated as follows:

  • serious and positive attitude to business;
  • punctuality;
  • readiness for everything and composure;
  • ability to plan;
  • continuous self-improvement;
  • goal awareness;
  • control of the situation.

It should be noted that the system of 5 steps and 8 steps is valid not only in the areas of sales, but is also useful for doing business in general.

In active sales of goods and services, the sale itself is conditionally divided into sales stages and usually distinguish five classical stages, these are sales stages from establishing contact to closing the deal.

Stages of sales guide for b2b managers:

It is customary to consider stages in sales that there are five or 7, 10, 12 or even 13, but this is a conditional division into sales stages of a technique for better memorization, because the sale itself is precisely the sales process, that is, the manager doing certain actions.

In addition, depending on the situation, you can completely skip some actions and still get the desired result.

In fact, in our trainings, we cut the entire process of active sales into separate frames, we make such a minute-by-minute storyboard of the entire sales process.

Therefore, we have each of these five classic sales stages divided into several smaller stages, one or two short specific phrases long, which you use in a live dialogue with the client.

We do this in order to make it easier for you to remember the sales technique, the stages from the first contact to the completion of the transaction and to quickly master the sales skills themselves, in fact, this is one of the features of our sales school.

Let's go back to the classic division into sales stages.

Usually a manager needs to do all these steps one step after another in sequence, this is the classic sales manager's sales technique, then he can get the result.

The result is to sell, that is, to receive money from the client "for that super-duper vacuum cleaner or nano-excavator" that you usually sell to the client.

But life is such a thing that everything always goes according to plan and this is absolutely normal.

Therefore, some stages in some sales for one reason or another in real life with a real client are skipped or truncated, or swapped. Some stages can be swapped and skipped, some cannot. More on that below.

These five classic stages of b2b sales are a blueprint for an ideal sale, a plan that is better to follow, remembering that in real life everything will definitely not go according to plan.

The basic idea is that when you have a plan, which means you are prepared, so when you are prepared, it is very easy to improvise.

If, for example, you work in a car dealership (MVideo, Leroy Merlin) and sell cars (vacuum cleaners, mowers), and a client with money stands in front of you and begs to sell him a car (vacuum cleaner, mower) faster, because in an hour football starts at the stadium. No need to force him to do a test drive.

Take the money, fuck this test drive, let him catch the football.

On the other hand, it's important to remember that if the customer doesn't like you (Sales Stage #1 Establishing Contact), then don't sell, they'll buy elsewhere. Why? Because a person usually buys from someone he likes and doesn't buy from someone he doesn't like.

Therefore, before you sell, you first need to please the client.

Establishing contact - sales stages No. 1.

How to do it? Very simple. In the first 1-5 minutes of the meeting, you can easily solve this problem.

There is a rule of three pluses when establishing contact.

It says: in order to please a stranger, you need to call him at least three times positive emotions. You can easily do this with:

  1. Non-verbal behavior (including smiling)
  2. Make a compliment
  3. Ask a question like “tell me YES!”

Establishing contact is also very much facilitated by a business suit (it will be much more difficult to sell in fins and a diving mask), polished shoes, a confident voice and goodwill towards the client.

After you have established a positive contact (this is about five minutes of your time), you move on to the second stage of sales, Identification of Needs.

Just make sure you have the boss in front of you. And the guard, and the driver, and the secretary can be interesting conversationalists, only you will not sell them anything, because they have no money, the boss has all the money. Who is the decision maker and how to properly ask him the question “hey, uncle are you the boss?” .

Identification of needs - stages of sales for sellers No. 2.

This stage of sales by phone or during a personal meeting must be earlier than the presentation stage, otherwise the deal is considered a failure.

The main problem of many sellers is that they immediately start presenting their product, telling how super and duper it is.

Usually they do this knowing about the stages of sales, but they do it out of fear that they will have nothing to say to the client. If you do not talk about a product or service, then what to talk about?! They are afraid of an awkward pause, silence, so they immediately begin to chatter, quickly giving the client a lot of characteristics of their product.

The stage of identifying needs is very fond of lazy sellers. Lazy in the best sense of the word.

The more the customer talks, the more likely you are to sell them your superfood [your product name here].

The trick at the stage of identifying needs is to ask certain questions in a certain sequence and be able to agree with the client (active listening) so that he answers the questions with pleasure.

The recipe in a nutshell is this: about 20 questions no more, mostly open-ended questions, a few closed ones, a little alternative, and a pinch of closed ones.

Once you've done the research phase and figured out what idea a customer would part their money for and buy from [your product name here], you move on to the next sales phase, the presentation phase.

Presentation of goods - stages of sales No. 3.

Here, too, everything is simple. At the presentation stage, you simply repeat the idea that is valuable to the client and for which he is ready to fork out and make a deal with you. He told you about it himself at the research stage.

By the way, a presentation is not a PowerPoint presentation. A presentation is any convenient place where you can "show the product face": in a restaurant, on a hunt, in a sauna, in an elevator, finally, a car, etc. etc.

The trick is that you express the idea voiced by the client in specially composed phrases, which are called in the sales of HPV (FAB) phrases.

These phrases link your product feature to a specific customer benefit. With the benefit of this specific client of Ivan Ivanovich, and not all clients similar to Ivan Ivanovich, who usually buy your ideal and wonderful [here is the name of your product].

There should be no more than 5-7 such phrases in the presentation of your product, the client will no longer be able to perceive.

Be sure to tell the client colorful stories about third parties at the presentation stage. About how cool it was for one of your clients who bought from you, or about how everything was covered with a copper basin from another, because he did not buy on time.

These are selling bikes. All sellers tell them, successful professional sellers have 10-20 sales tales prepared in advance (video).

At our trainings, we teach to tell sales stories, this is a special technique used in politics, psychiatry and in church sermons, that is, where the speaker's speech should convince other people of something. Yes, well, we also teach you this at our trainings.

After you've made your presentation, the classic division of the sales stages is the stage of overcoming objections.

Overcoming objections - stages of selling goods and services No. 4.

In fact, objection handling is needed at any stage of the sale of the goods or services that you are selling. The seller's task is to anticipate customer disagreement by reducing their total number at all stages of interaction with the customer. Well, for those "no" that still remain, they competently deal with them.

The client will definitely argue and resist, the sale is made only after five or six "no" of the client is an established medical fact.

The main feature that helps to successfully overcome these obstacles on your way at the stage of selling goods or services No. 4 is “agreement” with the client.

No matter what the client says, we "agree" with him.

We need his money, not a medal with the inscription "I [your name here] is right!" We don't need such a medal, do we?

Here important point, please note - we do not agree with what the client specifically says. Not with his words, but with the fact that "yes, my friend, you have the right to think so."

We show the client that we respect his opinion, whatever it may be. The client has the right to his personal opinion, we recognize this right, and then we apply a special algorithm to overcome his "no".

How do you agree with a client who says "...your plastic windows are of poor quality"?

Very simple.

“Peter Ivanovich, I agree with you that the issue of quality when choosing plastic window very important, …." and then continue, putting forward an argument FOR.

That is, when answering an objection, not boxing "I'm a fool", but aikido.

In every industry, clients disagree on my experience as a salesperson and sales coach in different ways. Well, just because they sell windows there, another customer sells steel pipes, third yellow bulldozers.

Well, see for yourself:

Why do you have such expensive windows?

Why do you have such expensive steel pipes?

Why do you have such expensive yellow bulldozers?

You see, they're a little off.

But regardless of the industry, there are about 20 - 30 of the most common "no", no more. That is, every time the same "no", everything is very simple, whether it be sales of cars, trucks or power equipment, sales of log houses, sales commercial equipment or sales of services.

Once you have dealt with and overcome the "no" of the client, you move on to closing the deal.

Completion of the transaction - sales stages No. 5.

At the stage of closing the transaction, you simply gently push the client to the fact that it would be time to buy already.

Of course, there are small nuances of how to do this, but the general meaning is this: stop presenting when it's time to finish. Easily move to the completion of the transaction, offer the client to make a purchase.

There are several simple techniques for doing this, for example, such as a sample:

After you have given a presentation, you make a short summary of what has been said:

“So we have considered this and that, Pyotr Ivanovich, tell me which of these did you like the most? (PAUSE, waiting for customer response).

Usually the client liked at least something, otherwise he would have kicked you out the door a long time ago. Here the client, seeing that you have stopped and are waiting for some answer from him, understands that he must give birth to something in response, he says something like: “Well, you have that shiny crap on your tractor / haymaker / intergalactic vacuum cleaner [here, in general, the name of your product] seems to be nothing." Then you ask the following question

How about you in general? (PAUSE, waiting for customer response)

Once the client liked at least something, then in general it will be easier for him to convince himself that he likes the whole of your [here is the name of your product], so the client usually answers this question in the same positive way or approvingly mumbles or nods in agreement head. Next you ask the following question

Petr Ivanovich, Would you like to clarify something? (PAUSE, waiting for customer response)

If yes, please specify; if not, then...

“Peter Ivanovich, I am very glad that you liked everything, and then the only question that remains for us to discuss ....” then some particular (for example, pickup or our delivery?)

PS To make the topic of 5 stages of sales better put in my head, here is a video not about sales, but about positive ☺

test a friend for a positive attitude to life, send a link to the video to a work colleague ☺

Sales stages - Executive Summary, i.e. PPPS, or more simply - ZYYY.

The stages of sales will help you remember the sequence of what you need to do to sell and effectively apply these stages of the sales technique in real work with your customers.

When selling, remember that your bonuses are not only in this first sale, but in many repeat ones. Therefore, do not promise too much, justify the expectations of customers and you will be happy.

In sales training, we remember with visual imagery (think now of a polar bear wearing a yellow football jersey with "Just Do It." written across the chest).

In general, the images are about the same, sometimes a little less decent, they help to quickly remember the necessary information for many (but not for everyone - if the bear in your T-shirt is OK, it will help you, if not OK, then it’s also normal - just not your method), we have others .

Without a need discovery step, your presentation is not worth a dime. Find out what the client is ready to buy for and sell him his own idea.

By stage 2, we give two question-based methods for identifying needs and a couple of useful chips for them, and by stage 3, one technique "we speak the language of benefits and benefits."

This is very short about sales stages, the most important thing that a sales manager needs to remember is that the sweetest customers are regular customers.

Why repeat customers are the sweetest

Because you don’t need to look for them as new (you already have all their phones, passwords and appearances), and you don’t need to persuade them much, they come and buy again and again, and you get your bonuses for them again and again.

In order for the client to make a repeat purchase, remember that your task is not to set * your product to him, but to sell something that will solve the client's problem. Then he will be satisfied and will come to you again, buy again and, therefore, bring you your bonuses again.

* To vparit means to promise, stir up, confuse, lie three boxes. Say for example that with the help of this new nano-app on the iPhone, you can now seduce any girl. Who would turn down an app like this? Nobody. Everyone will buy. And what's next? They will beat your face and the second time they will definitely not buy software from you, you will need to look for new l...v.

Psssss!, that's the secret of the profession of sales managers

Salespeople who take life too seriously and try to do everything right usually earn less than those who are bullies in life (Sssss!, this is the secret of the sales profession, no one will tell you about it).

Let's be honest: selling is hard. Only 3% of people trust salespeople, HubSpot found in a 2016 study. To increase your chances of success, use the experience of knowledgeable people - for this we studied different methods of working with clients and collected the best tips on sales techniques.

Advisory sales

Who suits: For "difficult" markets, where the choice is not easy for the client.

essence: You try to identify the problems and needs of the buyer, to become his assistant and mentor, to offer him the best solutions.

Example: The insurance agent offers the company to insure employees under VHI. It works like this:

  1. Hello.
  2. Asks questions: do employees get sick often? Are there high risks at work? Does the firm have a contract with an insurance company?
  3. Offers insurance and talks about the benefits: income tax will decrease by the amount of insurance premiums, staff will get sick less often and recover faster, the company will become more attractive to job seekers.
  4. Now, when the client understands that the cost of insurance will be covered by the benefits that he will receive, the agent names the price of insurance.

SPIN sales

Who suits: This technique in sales works best in the field of high-value goods and services.

Essence: Push the client to the right conclusions that will help him make a purchase decision by asking 4 types of questions:

Example: The company offers PBXs for large enterprises. The manager asks questions about:

  1. What type of telephony are you currently using? How many calls are received daily?
  2. Does it happen that customers cannot get through to you due to the fact that all lines are busy?
  3. What is your lost profit due to each lost customer?
  4. If you could reduce the number of missed calls to a minimum, would you do it?

Concept sales

Who suits: B2B companies that work not for quantity, but for quality.

Essence: The principle of this sales technique or technology is “everyone wins”. We sell not a product, but a concept. Instead of persuasion - client analysis:

  1. We study the client in order to understand what concept of the “ideal” product or service is embedded in his mind.
  2. We present the product in the right light.
  3. We identify the client's interest in the transaction.

If the transaction is not profitable for one of the parties, then the seller must refuse it. If the client is not "your" - even the best sales techniques will not help.

Example: The insurance agent found out that the company is experiencing personnel problems and is looking for ways to solve them. He presents VHI insurance as the main element of the social package, mentioning that for 30% of job seekers the social package is a key point when choosing a job.

SNAP sales, they are also flexible sales

Who suits: Companies in highly competitive and rapidly changing markets.

Essence: You need to follow 4 principles:

Example: Let's say you sell an electronic document management system to a law firm.

S. First, you tell what it is and how it will help the client: The electronic document management system reduces the time for working with documents by 10 times, the cost of paper by 30 times.

N. show competitive advantages: The document can simply be photographed, the system itself recognizes it and converts it into digital format, competitors cannot do this.

A. Say that you are "sharpened" for the client: There is a special version of the program for law firms.

P. Motivate to make a deal as soon as possible: Only until the end of the month, the implementation of the system is free, usually it costs 10,000 rubles.

Challenge Sales

Who suits: any B2B company.

Customer focused sales

Who suits: Companies in highly competitive markets.

Essence: At the forefront is the client, and everything we do should solve his problems. The best tips for this kind of sales technique are:

  1. Do not sell according to a template, proceed from the situation.
  2. Don't just give advice, but listen and be interested.
  3. Interact only with decision makers.
  4. Try to close the client's problems, and not sell for the sake of sales.
  5. Solve problems, don't build relationships.
  6. Sell ​​quickly and efficiently, get rid of stuck deals.
  7. Adjust to the pace and deadlines of the buyer, and do not bend your line.
  8. Do not persuade to buy, but inspire to buy!

These are the seven basic selling techniques that we think are worth paying attention to. Write which technique seems more effective to you, and we will devote a separate text to it. And if you need help in choosing the right equipment for your company, then order an audit from professional business analysts. They will analyze your business by 50 indicators and suggest what needs to be improved and in what ways it is better to do it.

Incompetence, lack of basic knowledge and sales strategies spoil the opinion not only about the seller himself, but also about the company as a whole. In addition, with an illiterate approach, the manager himself sets the buyer against himself, which leads to a decrease in sales and a significant reduction in income.

You will learn:

  • What is a classic sales technique.
  • What are the features of the SPIN sales technique.
  • What sales technique is suitable for b2b.
  • How to improve the effectiveness of sales techniques.
  • What are the most common selling mistakes salespeople make?

The classic technique of selling goods and its features

The most significant stage in building a thriving business is to learn the basic principles of marketing, allowing you to develop your own effective ways of interacting with the buyer. As a basis, you can consider the classic technique of selling a product, consisting of 5 steps. This model is used by many marketers.

In the course of communication with a potential client, you must go through the following steps:

  1. Establish contact and win over.
  2. Identify existing needs.
  3. Present your product or service in the best possible light.
  4. Handle objections and questions.
  5. Make a deal or sell a product.

Most people are familiar with this five-step selling technique, so its open use is perceived as manipulation or even deceit. To avoid negative reactions, it is necessary to disguise the classic sales technique: it will have to be made the framework of the first contact, and competently adapted information about a specific line of business should appear on top.

The first step to being able to sell something is to establish contact with the interlocutor. The buyer will not communicate with an unpleasant person, much less share his needs or hear about an unfamiliar product. The easiest way to start is to refuse to emphasize your expert status and not speak down, but to switch the client's attention to a simple dialogue, ask for his opinion, while directing the conversation in the right direction with the help of well-used phrases and questions. In this way, you can encourage the interlocutor to start talking about himself, which will allow you to identify his needs and smoothly move to the second step of the negotiations.

The objection handling phase is most of time. The implementation of scripts, the use of ready-made answers to typical questions make it possible to identify and close the client's concerns. This forces the buyer to think about the purchase and make it later, even if he initially refused. It is important to learn to hear the interlocutor, not to turn to aggression and imposing a product.

Each stage of the generated sales algorithm takes certain time, thanks to which the buyer can weigh all the information and consider the proposal received. The entire dialogue should be adapted to the personal characteristics and character of the interlocutor.

In the field of marketing, this technique of selling goods is recognized as basic; on its basis, detailed and deep approaches can be used. The use of the classical technique of selling goods in practice allows you to hone your communication skills, identify and prevent many mistakes.

How to write a selling script

The editors of the Commercial Director magazine have developed 6 universal rules that will help you create a selling script. With their help, you can interest a potential client, find out which script phrases spoil the conversation and how to find convincing arguments.

5 stages of the classic technique of selling a product

Stage 1. Establish contact and win over the interlocutor.

Think back to how you feel when you walk into a store and the clerk approaches you with a forced, insincere smile. Or when the manager of a company calls you, energetically reciting a memorized text. At such a moment, many understand that now something unnecessary will be imposed on them.

In the first minutes of interaction, the client builds an invisible barrier, protection from the actions of the seller. Imagine the image of an intrusive manager. How does he communicate? What offers does it use? Surely his speech is composed of the following questions: “How can I help you?”, “Did you want something?” or “Is there anything you can suggest?” Removing the defensive reaction of the buyer and simple communication, without a visible desire to sell anything, is the first skill that every marketing specialist should master.

A real professional should approach a potential client, sincerely smile and introduce himself, tell a little about the variety of models or the range of services, emphasizing that there is no need to purchase anything. At first glance, an ineffective method, but allows you to win over a person.

In stores, you can use welcome phrases or thank you for visiting, but without offering help or selling goods. This significantly increases the chance not to frighten off the buyer.

This approach is also applicable to calls to the "cold" base. The main purpose of the call should be to establish contact and a pleasant dialogue in which you can briefly talk about the product and its benefits. Of course, the product will definitely not be purchased the first time, but you will establish a connection with a potential client.

Avoidance of intrusiveness in marketing should not be confused with a complete lack of attention on the part of the seller. It is also important to remember that correct speech without stylistic flaws, clear pronunciation, rich vocabulary, and correct placement of stress are valued in this area. If the culture of the manager's speech is low, the client may completely lose the desire to listen to him, and even more so to acquire something.

Stage 2. Identify existing needs.

Immediately after you have managed to establish communication contact with the buyer, you need to unobtrusively lead to the product, having previously found out what the person needs. Leading questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” engage the customer in a conversation and help to make appropriate accents during the presentation of the product.

A simple, relaxed dialogue allows you to get to know a person, his circle of interests, experiences and dreams. By adapting this information to the capabilities and benefits of the product, you can get a new loyal and grateful consumer.

Stage 3. Competently present the product or service.

At this stage, you need to convey to the interlocutor how this product or service can be useful to him. To do this, you need to use the key information collected during the dialogue. It is not enough for a product to be simply attractive; it must solve specific customer problems. And the task of the seller is to talk about it beautifully.

Do not overload your presentation with unnecessary terms from your industry. You can use some highly specialized words to raise your status in the eyes of the client or to keep up the conversation with an informed interlocutor. But a person who is not familiar with the terminology should not feel stupid and uneducated against your background.

A bright presentation with visual accompaniment, video, website demonstration and handouts is remembered better. This allows you to touch different ways perception, using different channels to convey all the necessary information about the product - and eventually sell it.

Stage 4. Close all objections and answer the questions that have arisen.

As a rule, even after the most successful presentation, the client still has doubts, and he refuses to make a deal, arguing that he wants to think it over. An experienced seller immediately understands that this is a hidden form of refusal. In such a situation, it is worth clarifying what exactly the buyer does not like, what scares him and stops him. Let the person calmly think aloud, and he will independently find answers to his questions. At this time, new customer needs may emerge that can be used in further dialogue.

It happens that the meeting went perfectly, and the client purchased a certain product. You may think that the work of a sales specialist at this stage is over, but this is not at all the case. The new challenge is to create special conditions so that the customer makes as many purchases as possible and creates high level turnover. With an increase in the amount of money spent, loyalty to a particular store or company increases, which leads to multiple repeat sales.

This result can be achieved by influencing sales and introducing cross-sell and up-sell price regulators, which are successfully used in any direction and business format.

Cross-sell (cross-selling) - the sale of an additional product to the main one, due to which the value of the average bill grows. For example, an offer to purchase special glasses, a set-top box or a cabinet for a new TV. This technique is effectively used in online stores, when a field “Also with this product is purchased ...” appears next to an already selected product, or a picture of a possible location, design with related products is immediately offered.

Up-sell (raising the check) - the sale of a more expensive product from one category, which allows you to increase the value of the average check. Using the example of a TV, you can offer to purchase a model that is more expensive, but with a built-in Smart TV function.

Both options can be used when the buyer has decided to purchase a particular product. This is one of the safest ways to stimulate sales that do not require any financial outlay. To get the most out of these techniques, follow these three tips:

  • Choose cross-sell and up-sell for each product from the assortment of the store or company.
  • Use price adjusters in every sales process.
  • Check how effectively employees implement innovations in their work.

Stage 5. Close the deal.

The final stage of the transaction should be as simple as possible, without feeling constrained or pressured. Try to communicate at ease and relaxed, boldly ask, “Are we making out?”

Remember: people hate to be sold, but they love to buy. Create the feeling that the client himself made the decision to purchase and felt the joy of the perfect action.

Top 10 Selling Techniques Your Colleagues Have Tested

Your colleagues sent 2,000 tips with cold calling techniques to help increase sales to the editorial office of the Commercial Director. Together with experts, we analyzed the recommendations of commanders, made a rating of 10 top tricks, chose effective and versatile scripts, and recorded a video test better conversation manager with a client.

SPIN product sales technique: features and pitfalls

SPIN-sales(the abbreviation is derived from "situation, problem, implication, need-payoff") can be safely called the most productive technique. This is the result of a major experiment, simultaneously conducted in more than 20 different countries around the world. During the negotiations, the participants of the study asked 4 types of questions, thanks to which the effectiveness of meetings and the percentage of deals made increased many times over. To achieve a result, the seller needs to contact the client in time with the right questions.

The author of the technique, Neil Rackham, developed a completely new approach to the sales process: during communication, all the attention of the seller should be focused on the thoughts and words of the buyer, and not on the product. At the heart of the SPIN technique of selling a product are such questions, answering which, the buyer independently pushes himself to conclude a deal.

The SPIN selling technique transforms negotiations into a funnel of follow-up questions, under the influence of which, as if in a chain, interest grows into need, need becomes necessity, and necessity turns into complete confidence in making a purchase. Leading questions allow the client to understand how much change is needed in their life and increase the attractiveness of your offer.

Important feature new technology sales of goods lies in the focus on the customer. By carefully studying the interlocutor, you can get a picture of his needs, and this allows you to expand your sphere of influence. Observing the manifestation of a person's individuality, his thoughts and experiences, you can get away from stereotypical thinking and a generalized image of the client.

First of all, you should completely switch your attention from the product and its sale. Focus on the reasons why people buy certain goods or services - or, conversely, refuse to buy at all. You need to understand what path the buyer goes through before taking a key action: superficial doubt is replaced by a feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with the situation, after which a problem appears that, perhaps, the person has never even thought about.

The SPIN selling technique is in close contact with psychology. Technology is able to identify the hidden needs of the buyer and transform them into actual, conscious ones. A person has a feeling: it is necessary to correct the current situation, and your product acts as the most appropriate solution.

There are three stages in SPIN sales negotiation:

  1. Needs awareness stage.
  2. Options evaluation stage.
  3. Stage of overcoming doubts.

When the buyer clearly understands the need for change, he evaluates different options based on personal criteria (price, quality, time, efficiency, etc.). The seller's task is to emphasize the criteria by which the product or service will have an advantage over competitors' offerings.

Once the buyer comes to the conclusion that your offer is the perfect solution to their problem, they will have doubts that prevent them from making a purchase. The specialist must close questions and eliminate all questions regarding the product in order to help the client make the right choice.

Questions allow you to influence the buyer's hesitation. And the longer and more complex this process, the more hidden human needs are manifested. The information obtained will be "food for thought" for the buyer and will allow the seller to manage the negotiations.

The questions themselves are divided into 4 types and are used at certain stages of negotiations. Before making a promotion or presenting a product, it is necessary for the buyer to realize the need for the proposed product. In addition, if the client says that it is expensive and inaccessible to him, he (with the help of leading questions) has not fully convinced himself that solving his problem costs so much money.

AT free access There is a lot of information on the Internet about the SPIN selling technique. Question Types and their sequence is presented as follows:

  1. Situational questions.

The dialogue begins with situational questions that can determine the state of the client on this moment. At this stage, most of the information is clarified and basic needs are identified. Situational questions are relevant only at the beginning of negotiations. The seller should be as interested as possible, but at the same time respect the boundaries, so as not to put the interlocutor in an awkward position or not create a difficult, oppressive environment.

A clear example of asking questions about the SPIN selling technique would be a dialogue with the owner of an online boutique who is offered new method SMM promotions.

  • How long has the online store been in existence?
  • What are the website traffic and conversion rate?
  • What promotion methods do you use?
  • What customer acquisition channels are the most effective?
  1. Problematic issues (problems).

Questions of this type reveal the existing problems of the client and make you think about what consequences the current situation can lead to. If negative trends are observed in the future, the buyer can choose the proposed options as a way to prevent or correct the current state of affairs. It is important to be extremely careful and not allow the client to doubt the effectiveness of the product.

Examples of problem questions:

  • Is there a problem with the generation of incoming applications (leads)?
  • What indicators in in social networks from competitors?
  • What percentage of first time buyers came from social media?
  • How regularly do you talk about new products and promotions in the store's social networks?
  1. Extracting questions (implication).

Extractive questions work in tandem with problem questions, pushing a person to realize the possible consequences for the business and for him personally. It is important to take your time and use these questions at the right moment. You need to wait until the client realizes that there is a problem, and only after that ask about further prospects. If you hurry with such questions, it will be perceived negatively: as an attempt to intimidate and impose something unnecessary. Also, the stereotyped approach to formulating questions will negatively affect the opinion of the interlocutor. But live, sincere questions, asked in the right context, take negotiations to a new level and significantly increase the productivity of communication.

Examples of extraction questions:

  • What can the absence of your store in social networks lead to?
  • What happens if the old customer acquisition channels stop working?
  • What happens if competitors poach all your potential buyers?
  • How many customers do you lose monthly? What are the consequences of a complete lack of action?
  1. Guide questions (need-payoff).

Guiding questions are the final stage of the SPIN sales technique. The client independently answers the existing questions, dispels his own doubts and comes to the conclusion that the new proposal is ideal for solving his question.

Examples of guiding questions:

  • Do you think the modern SMM method will raise the reputation level of your store?
  • Do you think new promotion methods will help attract the right category of customers?
  • Tell me, do you really want to keep existing customers and significantly increase the average check?
  • Do you agree that the methods you are using are not generating enough customers?

To avoid repetitive questions and to keep the dialogue going without causing a sense of interrogation, include "anchors" in your speech. Before each question, take a proactive step, tell interesting information about the company, reviews or real stories when the use of the product has a positive effect on a person's life.

Bindings are of three types. You can build communication:

  • starting from the thoughts and words of the interlocutor;
  • talking about personal experience;
  • sharing other people's stories.

This technique will create a full-fledged conversation and eliminate boring communication in the “question and answer” format.

Like any sales technique, SPIN is subject to evaluation and criticism. Most often, a negative opinion is left by sellers who have not worked out the questions enough and give the buyer only two answers (“yes” or “no”), which do not allow maintaining a detailed detailed dialogue. An overabundance of questions to create the appearance of communication is more like an interrogation and does not lead to the desired result. Also, unnecessary questions arise when the specialist is not sufficiently prepared for the meeting and does not have the right information about the client. In any case, an individual approach and thoughtful questions are the basis for the successful application of this technique of selling goods.

On the other hand, buyers have developed a clear immunity to sales. Inexperienced salespeople who try to put into practice various techniques have themselves raised customers who understand when certain manipulation is applied to them. It is worth remembering that the SPIN sales technique is a psychological impact on a person. Choose your questions carefully, stay within limits, and manage the conversation so that the buyer doesn't lose the illusion that they're making their own decisions based on their own reasons. The seller should act as a kind of assistant in solving the problem.

The SPIN method is designed for big deals and, most often, is used separately from the classical technique of selling goods. This approach completely excludes presentations with the conclusion of a deal in the final.

In practice, the SPIN selling technique is one of the most productive modern methods. To increase the chances of success, prepare for a meeting with a potential client, collect the necessary information, analyze the offers of competitors, identify the advantages of your product, include them in your speech. During negotiations, record the dialogue on a voice recorder to find and remember mistakes, to prevent their occurrence in the future. Regular and skillful application of this technique will increase professional level and competence of the salesperson.

Practitioner tells

Use non-standard questions

Igor Belousov,

owner of Card Express

I take an original approach to communicating with the client and ask atypical questions, in the spirit of "What does it take to become your supplier?" or “Under what conditions will my offer be attractive to you?”. This works successfully both in telephone conversations and in personal meetings. Of course, often such questions make a person think for a while. In life, such unbanal communication strengthens the connection with the interlocutor and gives impressive results in the field of sales of goods and services.

What other sales techniques are effective in practice

Technique 1.We draw perspectives.

In applying this technique, the main task is to draw a picture that will attract or terrify the buyer. On the positive side, the desired result should be described in as much detail as possible, with the placement of accents necessary for the client's perception. In this case, you can use ready-made cases and existing examples with reviews. The goal is to give the customer the impression that they already have the product and use it to solve an existing problem.

The second side of this technique is to sketch frightening, negative perspectives. Unlike a nice picture of well-deserved success, such a sketch should demonstrate what exactly can happen in the future if a person does not take advantage of your offer, and almost cause a panic.

Technique 2.From big to small (payment in installments).

If you offer a client to buy a product worth half a million, most likely the transaction will not be completed. But if we say that the entire amount will be divided into 5.5 years, and the monthly payment will be a little less than 8,000 rubles, a person will probably decide to buy. This technique is widely used in the credit industry, when a frighteningly large amount is divided into small payments. Of course, the client buys the product for the same price, but partial payment is less painful for him.

Technique 3.Decent price for the quality.

Often during a conversation, a future buyer is sincerely interested in the product, ready to purchase it. But as soon as it comes to cost, his opinion changes. The person refuses the deal, arguing that it is an unreasonably high price. This is a standard objection, which is eliminated by pronouncing all the advantages of the product and the benefits of the purchase.

If this technique is used in the presentation process, each objection of the client must be covered by a demonstration of the merits of the product and service.

Technique 4.A game of selfishness.

Everyone wants to stand out from other people. The purpose of this technique is to convey to the buyer that the use of a product or service will make his life brighter, better, raise his status in the eyes of the people around him, attract the attention of the necessary personalities, etc. Moreover, buying a product is the only thing that will allow a person to achieve this result.

In this technique, you can not overstep the boundaries, so as not to lead the negotiations in a negative direction. It is strongly not recommended to underestimate the client's self-esteem or create a feeling of his imaginary inferiority. Moreover, no one will take seriously the criticism of unfamiliar people.

Technique 5.Create excitement.

If you see genuine interest in the product from the side of the buyer, but at the same time he delays the completion of the transaction, push him to make a decision. The easiest option is to report a limited number of goods, the end of a profitable promotion and special purchase conditions. The feeling that the right thing is slipping out of your hands stimulates a quick deal.

The main difference of a successful sales specialist is complete confidence in the usefulness and quality of their product. On the one hand, a manager who truly respects himself and values ​​his own reputation will work only with the best goods and services. On the other hand, such an approach completely erases the need to impose and “push” something. The seller is sure that the purchase of a product for the client is much more important than for himself - selling and making a profit. This feeling is more important than the techniques and methods used as tools in business.

Expert opinion

4 New Effective Selling Techniques

Ivan Maltsev,

owner of Moto-RR

New techniques for selling goods, regularly applied in practice by our employees, will help to complete negotiations with the desired result.

  1. Who is leading the meeting?

One of the most common mistakes among salespeople is acting as a guide or consultant. At a certain point, the manager simply loses interest and mechanically answers the questions that the interlocutor has. The client came, received the information he was interested in and left without performing the targeted action.

Therefore, each question of the buyer should be replaced not only by the answer, but also by a counter question from the seller. The detailed reasoning of the interlocutor will help to formulate new questions and place the necessary accents in order to induce a deal.

Take note. The buyer appreciates being addressed by name. Discreetly record the name of the interlocutor in a notebook, use it during the dialogue.

  1. Always say yes"!

It is necessary to win the favor of the buyer before the presentation of the product. This sales technique involves a series of questions that the interlocutor can only answer in the affirmative. Otherwise, he may say that the proposal received is irrelevant.

To advertise a product unobtrusively and easily, you need to ask the client what specifically attracted and interested him. When a person answers this question, he will independently push himself to buy. The task of the manager is simply to lead the client to the right product. It will seem that the buyer made the decision himself, and the manager helped to choose the best product from the entire range.

Take note. Use the technique of three consecutive "Yes". Ask a couple of simple questions that the person will answer yes. Consent increases the chances of an affirmative answer to the third, main question as well. Use a simple sequence, such as: “I see this is your first time in our store? Do you want a new TV? Do I understand correctly that you are interested in this model?”

  1. Reflection.

In practice, 4 questions allow you to assess the prospects for interaction with a particular buyer. The first thing you need to know is what product the customer needs. Next, you should decide on the date of purchase. The next question is to find out who makes the purchasing decision. If a person independently purchases a product, it is necessary to ask about a suitable price.

In the event that the decision maker is another person, you need to contact him and clarify the points of interest.

Take note. In psychology, the method of “mirroring” the interlocutor is often used. In order to win over a person, his body position, gestures, facial expressions, manner of speech and voice features are exactly copied. The use of this technique in sales increases customer loyalty, increases his interest in the product. It is important that the buyer does not notice the copying and does not take it for a parody, or even a personal insult.

  1. Genuine recognition.

In the process of any negotiations, it is important to be able to make honest compliments, express respect or admiration. This raises the mood and significance of the interlocutor, which contributes to the successful conduct of the meeting.

  • Use an outside perspective. At the beginning of the meeting, tell the interlocutor about the person who spoke positively about him. For example: “Greetings, Vladimir. Are you the genius programmer who developed the software for the company…?”

To emphasize the "value" of the buyer, use a comparison. For example: “The other day I had a meeting with a person who does not understand at all how much he needs a revolutionary approach to conquering the market. I had to explain and talk about elementary things for a very long time, but the interlocutor decided to leave the business in the current situation and work with the old methods. Therefore, I am especially pleased to talk with a wise person who understands the trends of the modern market.”

As a simple compliment You can loudly praise the client in a conversation with other people.

  • Take the side of the interlocutor. During negotiations, unobtrusively clarify some detail that you already know for sure, express sincere admiration. In colors, tell how much the quality of life would improve if you had a thing that the buyer already has. For example: “It's great that you have such a car. I have long dreamed of changing transport, but every time I doubt it. On the one hand, I can go hunting or fishing in an SUV, and on the other hand, in urban conditions it is better to give preference to a coupe or station wagon. But just the thought of a big, powerful car makes me think about buying it.”
  • An unexpected compliment. Most often, the buyer tries to keep aloof and “with a stretch” perceives any attention from the seller. To avoid embarrassing situations and win over the interlocutor, emphasize a sincere compliment with your subjective opinion. For example: “You look amazing! Sorry, I'm not used to hiding my real thoughts." This will convince the honesty of the delivered speech. Sentences such as "I feel...", "It seems to me..." or "How do you do it?.." reinforce the action.

Take note. Speak sincerely, you should not attribute unnecessary facts to a person so that the compliment does not turn into overt flattery. Tell about what you really like in the interlocutor: appearance, style, company, friends, skills, victories and achievements.

What sales technique is suitable for b2b

Often, sales techniques in the b2b segment are perceived as something incomprehensible or prohibitively difficult even for the managers themselves. In practice, 4 key b2b sales techniques can be identified.

  1. Product sales techniqueagainst the backdrop of a favorable relationship with the buyer.

This technique is based on personal sympathy and the ability to win over any interlocutor. If the manager is pleasant to the buyer, they communicate well, the client is more willing to purchase products. In this situation, sales are made thanks to the charm and communication skills of the seller.

Of course, this approach has a certain effectiveness, and every sales professional must learn to inspire confidence in the buyer. At the same time, one must understand that business is not built on sympathy, but on correct calculations and fulfilled promises. Moreover, in large companies Decisions are made collectively - by a group of several people. To please everyone and convince everyone is not an easy, rather, even impossible task.

  1. Product sales techniquethrough presentations.

One of the techniques often used by Apple specialists. When introducing a new product to the market, Steve Jobs gave a bright and rich presentation. He painted the perspectives behind the new product line, playing on the advantages and innovations compared to other models. The presentation of the product turned into a real show that attracted the attention of the buyer and aroused interest.

If you think about it, the new Apple products are not significantly different from their predecessors. Yes, old versions are being upgraded, bugs are being fixed. But the very promotion of the product, the picture that catches the client, is much larger than the novelty as such. The company's brand creates hype and a huge demand for new products.

During the presentation, you need to be able to capture the attention of the buyer, change the pace and pitch of the voice, and focus on the necessary details. Boring monotonous dialogue with a one-sided set of template phrases will not surprise anyone. Remember how the phrase is perceived: “We treat each client with respect. We value your opinion."

  1. Technique of proactive sales of goods.

First of all, this technique requires the entrepreneurial spirit of a salesperson who does not sit around waiting for customers, but finds them on his own. The quality of initiative is especially appreciated in those business segments where there is high competition.

An enterprising seller uses all methods to get in touch with the right buyers: uses networking, attends industry events where you can get acquainted with potential clients and partners. Having established contact and identified the need of the interlocutor, the manager offers attractive conditions that fully meet the criteria for making a positive decision.

This approach provides a strong bond between trading parties, and long-term, fruitful relationships can be predicted.

  1. Professional sales technique.

This technique involves creating a need among customers, even if there is no apparent need or the interlocutor uses the product of another company. Professional salespeople are able to "sell without selling" through the effective combination of many well-known techniques.

The manager who uses this technique must be a real sales expert, correctly understand the specifics of the business of partners and customers.

  • 3 "magic" indicators: how to analyze the sales channel in 15 minutes

Expert opinion

For successful sales, the appearance of a specialist is important

Ilya Malikov,

General Director of Samospas Company (Moscow), Candidate technical sciences

At the very beginning of the launch of my project, I needed to meet with the vice-rector for security of a well-known university. I didn't pay enough attention business style and came to the meeting in casual clothes: a T-shirt and jeans. The vice-rector mistook me for a student and pointed to the door. Of course, then everything turned out, but the meeting did not end with the desired result. Since then, image has become very important to me.

All employees of my company follow a certain dress code. Even in summer, the specialist negotiates only in a formal suit, despite the high temperature outside. For managers courier service provided special clothing, company branded transport and a suitcase.

8 secrets that will make your sales technique more effective

  1. Create comfortable conditions.

Before moving on to negotiations, let the interlocutor get used to your company. Say hello, make a simple compliment, and start the conversation with something off-topic, like the weather or the interior of the place where you met. Be smiling and easy to communicate with.

  1. Find out what the buyer needs.

Remember obsessive salespeople in the store, constantly asking what to tell and how to help. At such a moment, each person has a protective reaction and the desire to acquire something disappears.

Wait for the visitor to respond and tell what he is looking for. For example, after the phrase: “We have a new collection of swimwear made in the fashion trends of this season”, the buyer will familiarize himself with your offer or report his requests.

  1. Apply psychological methods.

This approach is relevant only for sellers in stores and boutiques, as you need to evaluate the visitor very quickly. If a man wanders uncertainly among the rows, superficially examining everything around, offer him to try on and purchase something suitable. If the visitor immediately went to the suits, choose the right size and style for him, without describing all the advantages of this purchase.

Adopt popular personality types, based on the characteristics of character and temperament. Prepare a behavior model for each representative.

Unlike salespeople, sales managers who promote products over the phone can familiarize themselves with the available information about the client in advance and work out an interaction strategy.

  1. Work positively.

Of course, when you describe all the advantages of the product for a long time, and the interlocutor refuses to purchase, the mood decreases instantly. But you should not put pressure on the client and continue to persistently convince him, all the more so by coloring the conversation in a negative tone. This is unprofessional and once again emphasizes the inconsistency of the specialist. Any meeting should end on a pleasant note. Invite the interlocutor to meet or call after a while and return to this conversation.

  1. Take care of the quality.

The quality of the promoted product is the first thing the seller must make sure of. Promoting effective products is much easier and more enjoyable than offering something dubious. Money can be earned in any way, but reputation and name are achieved only through honest deals.

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words.

No need to long and inexpressive describe the benefits of the product, let the customer try. Offer to try on a pair of patent leather shoes, pick up accessories and a handbag. It is much easier to sell what a person has already tried on and presented to his own.

  1. Offer to choose.

If the buyer is hesitant to make a purchase, offer him new options. Most likely, one - and maybe some - of them will appeal to the client. In addition, if you make a little more effort, the person will want to thank you for the time and effort spent. Such situations significantly increase the chances of making a sale.

  1. Offer more.

For example, a wealthy man came to the boutique who needs a business suit and a pair of shirts. Suggest suitable ties, boots or cufflinks, think of several combinations. It is possible that the visitor will purchase everything at once.

4 Common Sales Technique Mistakes Salespeople Make

Mistake 1. Communication barrier.

This is one of the biggest mistakes salespeople make, especially newbies. The manager knows everything about the product and is ready to talk about it all the time, filling in all the pauses in the dialogue with this information. Such an attitude towards the client will not only alienate him, but also spoil the opinion of the general opinion about the company.

At the meeting, the seller should act as an assistant, using thoughtful questions to find out what the client needs. The interlocutor himself must tell about the desired product and the necessary criteria. The manager at this time captures the necessary details and asks leading questions.

In the first 15 minutes of interaction, the buyer should see that he is provided with all the options that fit the given parameters. It is important to focus on the details and clarify the final order of the visitor.

If the negotiations are at an impasse, in no case should one resort to aggression or compulsively continue to recite the memorized text. Ending the dialogue on a pleasant note is the best decision.

Mistake 2. Reduce the importance of the buyer.

Regardless of what sales technique you use, you need to listen and hear the client correctly. The buyer comes to the store with a specific generated request that meets his needs.

If the customer cannot afford to purchase expensive products, arguments in favor of this product will lead to aggression and negativity. A person knows better what he currently has enough money for and what he doesn’t, so pressure and attempts to make him feel his own insolvency will reduce all sales efforts to zero.

Provide a choice, hold a presentation of the assortment from different price categories so that the visitor can make the best decision.

Mistake 3.Forced purchases.

Novice sellers believe that constant pressure on the buyer will allow them to develop successfully and for a long time in the trading field. This opinion is wrong, and many people very soon stop their careers as sales professionals. Even if weak-willed buyers meet on the professional path of such managers, the chance to stimulate repeat sales of the product is zero.

There is a joke among the sellers that you can offer to marry, or you can persuade them to cohabit. A professional must strictly adhere to the necessary technique for selling a product, communicating freely and politely with a client, finding out the main requests. But any aggression and the imposition of goods is prohibited. A grateful customer will not only continue to make new purchases, but will also become a source of good advice that will increase profits.

Mistake 4.Incorrect assessment of the visitor's intellectual capabilities.

An inexperienced seller in a boutique at first does not understand how to communicate with potential buyers. All visitors merge into one stream, so it is extremely difficult to assess their abilities and knowledge in professional field. It's funny to see how a newly minted consultant convinces a designer of the advantage of buying a dress from a new collection.

Or, on the contrary, in order to increase their expertise, the seller uses complex terminology that is incomprehensible to a simple visitor. The person feels stupid and refuses to make a purchase.

Of course, the seller must know everything about the product, but at the same time, it is necessary to hone the skill of correctly assessing visitors.

Information about experts

Igor Belousov, owner of Card Express. Business angel and CEO of Card Express manufacturing company plastic cards in St. Petersburg. Businessman with many years of experience. He graduated from the Orenburg Higher Anti-Aircraft Missile Red Banner Command School (OVZRKKU) in 1984. In 2003, he received a diploma in economics from the South Ural state university. In 2005 he entered the graduate school of the North-Western Technical University. Candidate economic sciences. He is fond of reading specialized literature: he reads 10-12 books per month on management, finance, business planning. AT free time loves to cook.

Ivan Maltsev, owner of Moto-RR. Graduated from the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. In 2009, he founded Moto-RR. Since 2013, he has been managing the Za Rulem company, since 2014, the Nadezhny Loan company. In 2015, he became a co-owner of Bambini-club. Moto-RR Company established in 2006 in Novosibirsk, has subdivisions in Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and Vladivostok. Specializes in the sale of motorcycles. Official site -

Ilya Malikov, General Director of Samospas, Moscow. Graduated from Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman with a degree in economics-manager. Candidate of Technical Sciences - received a PhD from St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Worked in the company "Vento", which sells climbing equipment: went from a courier to a manager retail network. In 2006, he founded the Samospas firefighting center. He teaches at the Moscow Educational and Scientific Complex of Fire Fighting of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Samospas LLC. Field of activity: production and sale of means of rescuing people in case of fire. Number of employees: 25. Annual turnover: 85 million rubles.


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