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Access to the program settings is carried out from the subsection:

Reference data and administration - Reference and section settings

Let's get acquainted with the basic settings and how they affect accounting. For example, let's use the demonstration database "1C: Trade Management" in the standard package.



NSI and administration - Settings of NSI and sections - Enterprise, subsection "Organizations" (opened by default)

Here you need to specify the production calendar, which is used as the work schedule of the enterprise. This is necessary for the system to distinguish working days from non-working days. The choice is made from the directory " Production calendars”, the calendar must be filled in for the current year.

Flags are also available here to configure the following features:

  • Several organizations. Enabling maintenance in the information base of accounting for several organizations. If the flag is not set, accounting will be kept for only one organization, and there will be no corresponding selection in documents and reports.
  • Subdivisions. Enabling the use of divisions.
  • Separate divisions on a separate balance. Should be included if such subdivisions exist.
  • Separate purchase and sales transactions for ex. and reg. accounting. If this flag is set, the directory of organizations contains the so-called. " Management organization” (predetermined), on behalf of which operations are carried out for the purposes of management accounting.


NSI and administration - Settings of NSI and sections - Enterprise, subsection "Currencies" (expand)

The "Several currencies" flag enables or disables the possibility of multicurrency accounting in the infobase. When the flag is cleared, accounting is kept in only one currency, and there is no choice of currencies in the documents.

In the corresponding fields, the currency of managerial and regulated accounting is set (by selecting from the currency directory). In the demo database, regulated accounting is kept in rubles, and management accounting is kept in US dollars.

Important. After any transactions have been entered into the system, it is not recommended to change the currency accounting settings.


Item accounting sections

Reference data and administration - Reference data and sections settings - Nomenclature, subsection "Accounting sections"

The flag "Many types of nomenclature" makes it possible to use several types of nomenclature, including the creation of new ones. If the flag is unchecked, only two types of stock items with types "Product" and "Service" are available.

There are also flags for setting options such as:

  • Sets of items for sale.
  • Reusable (returnable) container.
  • Characteristics.
  • Packaging.
  • Series.
  • Goods quality.

If the flags are set, only the possibility of using these functions is enabled, it is not mandatory.


Reference data and administration - Reference and section settings - Nomenclature, subsection "Units of measurement"

This form specifies the basic units of weight, volume, area, and length. When creating an infobase from scratch, the system fills in these values ​​automatically; the user can change them. A reference book of units of measurement and the inclusion of the ability to specify an additional unit for reports are also available here.


Master data and administration – Master data and sections settings – Planning

Scheduling settings allow you to enable and disable features such as:

  • Sales plans.
  • Sales plans by category.
  • Seasonal rates.
  • Assembly plans (disassembly).
  • Procurement plans.

CRM and marketing

CRM settings

NSI and administration - Settings of NSI and sections - CRM and marketing, subsection "CRM Settings"

In the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) settings, you can enable or disable the following features:

  • Manage partners and contractors independently. This function allows you to reflect in the program a complex management structure our partners (for example, if we conduct trading operations with a holding company in which several legal entities - counterparties belong to one partner).
  • Record customer complaints. If the flag is unchecked, claim registration will not be available.
  • Business regions.
  • Projects.
  • Deals with clients and deal management. With the flags set, it is possible to record the stages of the transaction and its result, build a sales funnel.


NSI and administration - Settings of NSI and sections - CRM and marketing, subsection "Marketing"

This includes the ability to use:

  • Several types of prices.
  • price groups.
  • Manual and automatic discounts, their restrictions, loyalty cards, bonus programs.

Sales: Set up customer agreements

Reference data and administration - Reference and section settings - Sales, subsection "Wholesales"

Earlier in the article, we looked at customer order settings.

Now let's turn our attention to the use of customer agreements. They are needed to fix the terms of sales to the client. In the corresponding settings field, you can select the types of agreements that will be available: standard and individual, or only standard or only individual, or not to use. The first option is installed in the demo database.

Warehouse and delivery

Master data and administration – Master data and sections settings – Warehouse and delivery

In this configuration form, you can enable such features as:

  • Several warehouses. As in the case with the use of several organizations, currencies, etc., if the flag is cleared, accounting will be kept for only one warehouse, and there will be no warehouse selection in the documents.
  • Order warehouses. If the flag is set, it becomes possible to use the warehouse workflow order scheme. The corresponding settings must be specified in the warehouse card.
  • Use of packing lists for receiving and shipping.
  • Delivery management. Includes functionality for managing the transportation of goods.

Goods accounting

Reference data and administration – Reference data and sections settings – Financial results and controlling, subsection "Accounting for goods"

Here you can configure the ability to transfer goods between own organizations, including under the Intercompany scheme.

In addition, the setting for controlling the balance of goods of organizations is available here, including at the end of the day and when canceling receipt documents. When control is enabled, the program will not allow posting (or canceling) a document if this action results in negative balances.

We have considered only the most basic settings of the program "1C: Trade Management 8". Other settings will be covered in our next articles on accounting in 1C.

This guide will tell you how to use the Trade Management program, edited 10.3, released on the already new platform 8.2, to make automation retail store building materials . The guide will prove to be an indispensable assistant, both for ordinary users who do not want to resort to the services of specialists to configure the program, and for novice automators and implementers. software products 1C.

Management includes step by step actions with a detailed description of all the main operations performed, as when setting up the configuration, i.e. once, and many times, i.e. throughout the working day.

P. S. The 1C company has long released 11 edition of the Trade Management program, but there is practically no interest in this innovation among active users. Even when buying the next box with the program, which includes the 11th edition, many still install the 10.3 edition. Motivating this by the fact that they are simply accustomed to all the "wisdom" of the previous version and they have no particular desire to change something contrary to the established canons of operational accounting automation.

A task

So we have retail store building materials. All operations with goods, such as admission, revaluation and sale are fixed in the Trade Management program, to which two people have access - the first is Operator (he is also a merchandiser), and the second is Cashier (he's a salesperson). Each of them has their own Personal Computer, therefore, the work of each is carried out independently of each other, but the 1C information base must be located on the computer Cashier , since it is this user who will work with the program all the time.

Store owned For an individual entrepreneur transferred for payment single tax on imputed income(ENVD). Thus, upon receipt and sale of goods, the Value Added Tax (VAT) will already be included in the cost of the goods. Each transaction with goods must be recorded in the Trade Management 8 program and ultimately supported by the corresponding final reports.

Program settings

After installing the configuration 1C: Trade Management 8, first of all, you need to assign program users and determine for each of them the appropriate rights and interface. To do this, open the newly installed infobase in the mode Configurator.

Then go to the menu item Administration -> Users . On the this moment a list of users empty - create three infobase users.

To create a new user, press the key Insert on the keyboard, and in the window that appears User , on the tab Main , specify Name - Administrator , and on the tab Other install Main interface - Full , and Available roles - Full rights and User .

Save the newly created user by clicking the button OK at the bottom of the form window.

In the same way, we create two more users with the following parameters:

For the operator:

Name - Operator;

Available roles - Warehouse manager, Storekeeper, Purchasing manager, Sales manager, User;

Main interface - Retail Management.

For cashier:

Name - Cashier;

Available roles - KKM Administrator, Cashier, KKM Operator, User;

Main interface - InterfaceCashier.

As a result, the window a list of users will look like it is shown in the picture:

After the done actions, close the configurator and open the infobase in 1C:Enterprise mode.

Select a user from the list of users Administrator and click on the OK button.

As you remember, we have set the full interface and full rights to the user named Administrator, that is, in fact, in the Trade Management 8 program, there is no one more important than this user. It is this user who has the ability to set rights and settings to other users, for example, such as - write-off of goods in the negative, conducting documents backdating, possibility void a check etc.

After starting the program, it opens starting assistant, which allows you to set basic accounting parameters, fill in the information about the organizations required to start working with the program.

It is best to use the start-up assistant for those who are not familiar with or are just starting to master the Trade Management program. Filling in the relevant windows starting assistant presented below and does not particularly need comments - everything is already intuitively clear, because he is an assistant!

Now almost all the basic settings are done, with the exception of a few little things.

Price types

Let's define price types with whom we will work.

Opening the menu item References -> Nomenclature -> Nomenclature price types and press the key Insert to create a new price type.

In field Name specify the name of the price - Cost price , Checkbox « Prices include VAT » install, Kind of price type - Base .

Here it is worth noting the following - in Trade Management 8, the same product can have as many prices as registered in the program.

And in fact - for the same product, even in those stores where the entire trading process is carried out manually (from the receipt of the goods to the sale to the final consumer) in the accounting department, well, or at the director, if you like, there are always several types of prices on the papers. As a rule, this is the price at which the goods are received from the supplier (indicated on the invoice) and the price at which the goods are sent to the store (retail price).

In our case, when the goods arrive from the supplier to the warehouse of the retail store, we will assign a price to this product called Cost price, and in the future we will know exactly how much we have in stock at the retail store.

Let's create another price type called Retail . For this price type, let's set a markup of 30% of the base price type (Cost), and set the price type type to Settlement. The price, as in the previous case, will include VAT.

Some novice users do not always fully understand why the program uses several types of prices, so we let's take a small example:

We buy 10 chandeliers from the LLC Lampochka company at a price of 118 rubles. Since IP Sviridov E.N. He does not pay VAT, because he has UTII, then in this case this VAT is already included in the cost of the goods (the price of the goods is 100 rubles + VAT 18 rubles = 118 rubles). This means that for 10 pieces of Chandeliers we must pay exactly 1180 rubles to the supplier. Therefore - Chandeliers will be stored in our retail warehouse at a price of 118 rubles per piece, and sold at a price of 153.4 rubles (surcharge of 30%).

As a result, the total cost of inventory balances at purchase prices (i.e., by price type Cost price) will be 10 x 118 = 1180 rubles. This amount answers a very frequently asked question - "How much was the product purchased for?".

And in order to get a valuation of a warehouse in retail prices (price type Retail) it is necessary to perform simple mathematical operations: 10 x 153.4 = 1534 rubles. And this amount also answers a very frequently asked question: “How much money will be in the cash register if the goods are sold?”.

In this way, Retail the price is calculated based on the percentage markup on base type prices ( Cost price).


Opening the menu item Directories -> Enterprise -> Warehouses (storage locations) . Click on the button Insert on the keyboard to create a new warehouse. We fill in the warehouse card, as shown in the figure:

Props Warehouse type choose - Retail , since we have a retail warehouse (meaning a store). Price type - Retail , at this type of price in our retail store the goods will be sold (we talked about this a little higher). The indication of the section number is also mandatory, although in fact it is rarely used. After filling in all the parameters, click on the button OK.

Choose a user Operator double-click - a list of all possible parameters will open in front of us.

This list is a fairly wide range of all kinds of settings and is intended mainly for automating a large trading enterprise, but it will also be useful to us in part! Moreover, a description of all the functions used in this list can only be found in the literature that is included in the distribution package of the Trade Management 8 program, so fans who like to press the "F1" button can safely go read a book.

Below is a list of those parameters that need to be set to implement our task of automating a retail store.

Mutual settlements:

Conduct mutual settlements according to settlement documents with counterparties - check the box;

Mutual settlements under the contract in conventional units - check the box;

The main currency of mutual settlements is RUB;

Basic management of mutual settlements under contracts - Under the contract as a whole;

The main status of the counterparty is Supplier.

Other settings:

Ask for confirmation when closing the program - check the box;

Control the balance of goods during the prompt execution of cash register checks - check the box;

Register supplier prices - check the box.


The main unit according to the classifier is pcs;

The main type of nomenclature is Goods;

Main warehouse - Retail.

Basic values ​​for substitution in documents and directories:

- Reflection in accounting:

1. Reflect documents in accounting - check the box;

2. Reflect documents in tax accounting - check the box;

3. Reflect documents in management accounting - check the box;

- Other values:

1. Main cash desk - Retail Cashier;

2. The main organization - IP Sviridov E.N.;

3. Basic VAT rate - Without VAT.

Retail trade and trade equipment:

1. Main KKM cash desk- KassaKKM;

2. The main type of operation of the document "Report on retail sales» - KKM

3. Main type of payment KKM check- Cash.

- Pricing:

1. The main type of sale prices is Retail.

After all the above parameters are set, click on the button OK and set exactly the same parameters for the user Cashier .

Actually the user Cashier most of these parameters are completely unnecessary, but as practice shows, very often a person who gets a job as a Cashier is later blamed for his duties by commodity managers ... That's why User Settings what for Operator(merchant manager), what for Cashier(seller) it is better to leave the same.

Now let's move on to the settings for additional user rights, for this we open the menu item Tools -> Users -> Configuring additional user rights . In field User/Group choose a user Cashier

burn .

Then select in the field User/Group user Operator and set the checkboxes, as shown in the figure:

After the done actions, click on the button burn.

Please note that Advanced User Rights Settings for Operator and Cashier are completely different, since these settings directly affect the daily work of each of them.

Now in the field User/Group choose a user Administrator and check almost all the checkboxes:

Generally User setting and Although at first glance they complement each other, in fact they are completely different things. So User setting are parameters that can affect the accounting system as a whole, and Setting advanced user rights - primarily affects the user's work in the accounting system itself.


Creation of the main users of the infobase- each user of the Trade Management 8 program must have his own account, regardless of what role he performs in the program. No one in this life is immune from mistakes, but, nevertheless, it is advisable to immediately identify the culprit in a given situation, and will help us in this. Registration log(menu item Service -> Registration log).

Absolutely every action of any user of the program is recorded in this log. What operation was performed, exactly the time of this operation, the name of the computer from which the program was entered. In general, the thing is very useful! Myself Registration log can be disabled for any user, but this can be done by a user with full rights.

Initial completion of the program- generally during the first installation of the program starting assistant it is recommended to always use it, since it allows you to set most of the parameters, after setting which you can safely start keeping records.

Creating Types prices- here the process is purely individual. According to statistics, most retail stores use the same markup for all goods sold to the final consumer. That is, as mentioned above, the goods arrive at the retail warehouse at one price (it is taken from the supplier's invoice), and is sold at a different price (with an extra charge). But sometimes it is required to indicate the retail price arbitrarily, for example, for different goods there is a different margin - in this case, when specifying the type Retail prices - markup is not set. And in the parameters , the user who will register the receipt of goods at the retail warehouse, allow "Editing prices and discounts in documents" (we have enabled this option for the user Operator - just in case, it will come in handy!)

Creation of a retail warehouse- at least one warehouse must be registered in the Trade Management 8 program, in our case it is a retail one. From this warehouse, goods will be sold by price type Retail, which is calculated based on the price type Cost price. We do not have other types of prices, therefore - the goods can only be sold at the retail price. But as you remember in Additional user rights settings, user Administrator it is allowed to sell goods at zero price - so that it is he who can make a huge discount or give away the goods for free (in general, this is a very useful opportunity, but it is used extremely rarely, for example, to sell goods to “your person” or to quickly write off marriage).

User setting and Setting advanced user rights- at first glance it may seem that everything is clear and understandable and you should not delve into the study of these parameters, but in fact it is not. If you're unsure and can't really explain what action a particular checkbox will entail, then don't do it. Refer to a specialist or to the relevant literature - after all, you don’t want to pay out of your own pocket for stupidity committed out of ignorance?


This concludes the first part of our guide. Perhaps it seemed to you rather complicated and incomprehensible, but you need to go through it and overpower yourself - try to understand what is needed and for what - there is no way without it! All the above settings and settings are done only once, and then only if necessary, something is added and removed.

It is worth noting that the scheme for automating a retail store indicated in the manual has been tested many times and works perfectly. Actually there is nothing to add here - read, print, put into practice, help others, and just do your job.

The second part of the guide, which will be released very soon, will show the entire cycle of document movement with detailed reports on each of them! So stay tuned!!!

Friends! If you have any questions or want to contribute to the work we have done - please leave your comments - we will be very pleased to help you or maybe learn something from you!

For the convenience of users and to speed up the process of filling in the initial parameters of the infobase, the Trade Management version 11.1 configuration has a built-in processing Assistant for filling in settings and directories.

You can open it from the Administration section, if in the Initial filling section click on the Initial filling link:

The Initial filling window will open in a new tab, in which you can perform operations for the initial filling of the infobase, entering initial balances, and also transfer data from other systems already used for accounting:

The most convenient way to enter primary information into the database is to use the Assistant to fill in settings and directories, which is designed to enter initial settings and fill in directories, as well as configure accounting parameters.

All settings are grouped into 4 sections:

  • Basic settings;
  • Setting up subsystems that use inventory accounting;
  • Access limitation;
  • Entering opening balances.

Step 1. Basic settings

This section provides information on the following items:

  • Information about the organization;
  • Checkout setup;
  • Bank account setup;
  • Company structure;

For the convenience of monitoring the filling of the base 1C UT 11.1, it is possible to set marks at the completed stages:

Some parameters are set by default, but they can be edited:

In the Organizations section, you can configure such parameters as the possibility of accounting for several organizations, the use of divisions, internal transfers of goods, the need to control the balance of goods, as well as separate operations for regulated and managerial accounting:

In the Currencies section, set the value of the currencies of regulated and management accounting (by default - the ruble), as well as the possibility of using several currencies to record transactions:

In the Cash section, it is indicated whether the following parameters are used: several cash desks and bank accounts at the enterprise, applications for spending money, payment by payment cards, loan and deposit agreements, powers of attorney for receiving inventory items:

Here you can also choose how payment documents will be grouped in the database - in a general journal or in separate journals by type of documents.

Organization details

If in the previous section, in the settings, the Multiple organizations item was selected, then the link will change its name to Organizations and when you click on it, the Organizations directory will open, which will store information about all created organizations:

By clicking the Create button, you can select the desired type of organization from the drop-down list - entity or IP:

Checkout setup

If the possibility of conducting currency accounting has been established, then the list of cash desks will also reflect information about the currency used by this cash desk:

You can add a checkout by clicking the Create checkout button. The cash desk of the organization (creation) window will open:

  • The Organization and Name fields are mandatory;
  • If only one organization records in the system, then the Organization field will be filled in automatically:

Cash desks can be grouped by organization's cash books. To create a new cash book, click the Create cash book button. The Cash book (create) window opens:

Bank account setup

To create a new bank account, click the Create button. The Company Bank Account (Create) window opens. It is mandatory to fill in the Organization and Account number fields. The name will be generated automatically:

Information to fill in is grouped into tabs:

  • The bank where the account is opened;
  • Setting up printing of payment orders;
  • Setting up an exchange with a bank.

On the tab Bank in which the account is opened, fill in the data on the bank through which non-cash payments are made. When entering information in the BIC field, the rest of the information about the bank will be filled in automatically:

On the Settings tab for printing payment orders, you can change the text of the name of the organization that will be displayed in the Payer field, set the option for displaying the month (by default - as a number) and displaying the payment amount:

On the Bank exchange settings tab, you need to fill in information about the banking program through which the database will interact with the bank system, as well as specify the files for downloading and uploading data, if the exchange option must be enabled:

Company structure

The left part of the form is designed to display the created subdivisions by hierarchy, the right one is for users who belong to the selected subdivision.

To add a new department, click the Create button. The Department (Create) window opens. It is required to fill in the Name field:

The user is added by clicking the Create button. The User (Create) window opens:

Users can be combined into groups. The Access groups link will open a directory designed to include users who perform the same type of functions in the application into groups, as well as allowing you to configure rights and restrictions for them:

Clicking the Create button opens the Access group (creation) window:

It is necessary to fill in the Name field and in the Profile field select a value from the provided profiles in the 1C UT 11.1 program or create a new one:

In the tabular section Participants, it is necessary to indicate those users who will be related to created group. To do this, use the Select button and in the Select access group members window that opens, move the required users to the Selected users and groups column (if the User groups option was checked):

Step 2. Setting up subsystems that use item accounting

The section includes assistants for item accounting settings, purchasing, and marketing and sales.

In the item settings assistant, you must sequentially make settings for accounting for the item, its types and groups, as well as warehouses, by clicking on the appropriate links:

Purchasing Assistant consists of sections:

  • Basic settings:

Marketing and Sales Assistant includes sections:

  • Basic settings:

  • Pricing:

  • Marketing events:

  • Deal management and CRM:

  • Sales management:

  • Retail assortment management:

How to create a new item position in 1C UT 11, how to facilitate the process of entering a new item to the user and minimize the number of mistakes that users can make when adding a new item to the infobase - see our video tutorial:

Step 3Setting up access restrictions

Step 4. Entering opening balances

  • The left tabular part contains a hierarchical list of types of transactions for which it is possible to enter documents for registering opening balances for the organization.
  • All registered documents are displayed in the right tabular part:

To register a new document, click the Create button. The Enter opening balances (create) window opens:

Here you need to select the desired operation. By clicking the Select button, a form for creating a new document for entering initial balances for the selected operation will open:

It is mandatory to select an organization and fill in the information on the entered operation in the tabular section. Their composition varies depending on the type of operation selected.

By the nature of my work, I often help people start keeping trade records. Mostly wholesale. Sometimes I set it up from scratch, sometimes I finish it for someone. This article would like to help people who independently set up this program for the first time.

I will not go deep into the features of each reference book and document, this information is enough both in 1C itself and on the Internet. This article is the "skeleton" of the 1C settings and can change significantly for different accounts. I'm talking about the example of the basic version of UT, a trading company is engaged in wholesale and retail trade. So you have become the proud owner of the program (or your client). You have a 1C box, consider its contents:

  • Books "User's Guide" and "Configuration Description"
  • cd with configuration and platform
  • registration card, the spine of which must be filled out and mailed, the envelope is attached
  • closed envelope with data for obtaining a license (pin code)

Of all this, the most important is the "registration card", a kind of "passport" 1C. But I strongly recommend that you save the entire box and store it closer to the workplace where 1C is used. I also recommend that you immediately register on the site "" to receive updates, for the basic version they are free.

Workplace preparation

First, we create two folders on the computer: "1C Bases" and "1C Programmer". The "1C Base" folder will be for the base and temporary archives. The "1C Programmer" folder will be for 1C distributions and other related programs. We immediately create a folder with our database in "1C Base", for example "TradeBase10.3".

Now we create our base:

  1. in the launch window 1C click "Add"
  2. select "Create a new database"
  3. choose a base template
  4. specify the name "Our store"
  5. specify the path to the database, for example: "D:\1С Bases\TradeBase10.3". By default, usually "C:\Users\Petya\1C...", I recommend changing it, because in case of problems with windows, it will be hard to get the base out of there.
  6. done, waiting for the database to be created
  7. select the database that appears in the list and click "1C:Enterprise"

First run and setup

At the first start, 1C asks us to make an automatic initial filling - we agree. After that we close open windows: "Transition assistant ut 11", "Start assistant", "Function panel". And we begin manual configuration.

Enterprise setup

We go Directories -> Enterprise -> Organizations. We press and in the opened card we fill in the name, for example "IP Menshikov A.Yu.", select "Legal / physical." person (IP is an individual in this 1C), fill in the TIN, and, if desired, contact information (legal / physical address, phone number), it is necessary for the formation of documents and click "Write". Now let's create a KKM cash desk and enterprises. Click the "Go" button and select "Cashier". In the window that opens, add a checkout. At the checkout, fill in the name "Main cash desk" and the currency "rubles", click "OK". We close the list of cash desks, return to the organization card. Again, press the "Go" button and select "KKM cash registers". We also add a cash register KKM. In the cash register of KKM, fill in the name "Main cash desk of KKM", press "OK", close the list of cash desks of KKM.

Next, set up an accounting policy tax accounting. We press the "Go" button in the organization's card and select "Accounting policy (tax accounting)". Adding a new account policy. Suppose we have an imputation (yes, yes, wholesale is not a hindrance), then we check the boxes: "The organization is not a VAT payer", "The organization is a UTII payer", "Retail trade is subject to UTII". We press "OK". Close the organization card and the list of organizations.

Setting up basic directories

We go Directories -> Enterprise -> Warehouses. Adding a new warehouse Fill in the name "Store", click "OK". If several warehouses will be used in accounting, then add them all. If the store has a warehouse in addition to the trading floor, and when selling, the selection comes from both places, then I recommend combining them into one warehouse in the program.

Now let's go to the nomenclature itself Directories -> Nomenclature -> Nomenclature. We add a new nomenclature, we will need it in the future to check the correctness of the 1C settings. Fill in the name, for example "Test", select the type of goods "Product", the base unit is "pcs." and press the "Record" button. This is the minimum we need.

Next, let's look at prices. We go References -> Nomenclature -> Nomenclature price types. Add a new purchase price type, fill in the name "Purchase", currency "rubles", leave the price type "Basic" and press the "Save" button. Next, you need to enter a price type for sale. Adding a new retail type prices, fill in the name "Retail", currency "rubles", select the price type "Settlement", the calculation method "By percentage markup on the base type", the base type "Purchasing", markup % for example "30" and click the "Save" button . If there is another wholesale price or another, we do the same. It is clear that it is unlikely that a fixed markup is suitable for the entire range, where we need to fix it manually. The program has a markup mechanism for price groups, but if you are just starting to get acquainted with 1C, I recommend that you do not use it yet.

Now let's add customers. We go Directories -> Counterparties -> Counterparties. We add a new group of buyers, the name "BUYERS". Let's add a retail buyer, go to the "BUYERS" folder, click add a new counterparty. Fill in the name Retail Buyer", check the "Buyer", press the "Record" button. Next, go to the "Accounts and agreements" tab, here the "Main agreement" "with the buyer" was automatically created, open it. ", check the box" conduct settlements with counterparties according to documents", currency "rubles", go to the "Additional" tab and select the "Retail" price type, click "OK" in the agreement card and in the counterparty card. This completes the buyer's setup , by analogy, we can get a wholesale buyer.

Now let's add providers. We go Directories -> Counterparties -> Counterparties. We add a new group of suppliers, the name "SUPPLIERS". Let's add a new supplier, go to the "SUPPLIERS" folder, click add a new counterparty. Fill in the name "Input of initial balances", check the box "Supplier", press the "Record" button. Next, go to the "Accounts and agreements" tab, here the "Main agreement" "with the supplier" was automatically created, open it. We change "Mutual settlements are being conducted" to "Under the contract as a whole", put a tick "to conduct according to the documents of settlements with counterparties", currency "rub". Go to the "Additional" tab and select the type of counterparty prices, here we click to add a new type of counterparty prices, fill in the name "Purchasing supplier", select our price type "Purchasing", currency "rub", click "OK" and double-click on the created type of counterparty prices so that it is substituted into our contract. Next, click "OK" in the contract card and in the counterparty card. This completes the supplier setup, by analogy we can get other suppliers.

Set up accounting options

We go Tools-> Accounting Setup -> Accounting Settings. We fill in the title of the program "Our Store", uncheck the boxes "Use product series" and "Use internal orders". Choose a method of debt control "by calendar days" and specifying warehouses and orders in the "Do not use" tabular section. On the "Currency" tab, change the currency of management accounting to "rubles".

Next, set up an accounting policy for the entire database, go Service-> Accounting Setup -> Accounting Policy. Here the program has already created a default accounting policy, we need to edit it. We open this entry, it starts with "01/01/1980 ...". Here we check the boxes "keep records of the organization's goods by warehouses" and "write off batches when conducting documents", I also recommend choosing the chronology for writing off batches "Average" and click "OK".

User setup

Now let's create users, go Tools-> Users -> List of users. We add a new user, by tradition this is an administrator, fill in the short name "Administrator" and click the "Record" button. The program will ask "Automatically create an IS user", we agree. The IB user card will open automatically (not to be confused with the user directory!). Here we can put a password (optional), select the main interface "Full" and the language "Russian", in the right window, check the box next to "Full rights" and click "OK". Now we set the settings in the user window, for convenience, I recommend opening all the settings folders. Below are the recommended settings that you need to change, after changing, click "OK".

  • Conduct mutual settlements according to documents of settlements with counterparties - Yes
  • The main currency of mutual settlements - rub.
  • The main management of mutual settlements under contracts - "According to the contract as a whole"
  • Extended report settings form - Yes
  • Register supplier prices - Yes
  • The main unit according to the classifier - piece
  • The main type of nomenclature - Goods
  • Main warehouse - Shop
  • Reflect documents in management accounting - Yes
  • Main cash desk - Main cash desk
  • The main organization is IP Menshikov A.Yu.
  • Basic VAT rate - Without VAT
  • Primary Buyer - Retail Buyer
  • The main type of sale prices - Retail

Next, you need to configure additional user rights. For this we go Tools-> Users -> Configuring additional user rights. In the window that opens, select "Administrator" at the top. And if necessary, set the following settings:

  • Allow overstocking - Yes
  • Allow overstock organization - Yes
  • Allow excess cash balance - Yes
  • Allow conducting without control of mutual settlements - Yes
  • Allow payment without application - Yes
  • Calculate debt when opening forms - Yes
  • Table editing - Yes
  • Editing prices and discounts in documents - Yes

By analogy, you can create other users. It is desirable that not everyone has "Full Rights". The standard features of this program for setting up users are not very extensive. To restrict user rights, I recommend paying attention to the "Date of prohibition of editing". There is also "Restriction of rights at the user level", but it loads the work of 1C very much, and does not solve the whole problem of restricting user rights.


After finishing the settings, close 1C and go into it again, already under the "Administrator". I recommend the following script for testing:

  • We make the receipt of goods Documents -> Procurement -> Receipt of goods and services.
  • Account cash warrant with partial payment.
  • Based on receipts, we do Setting item prices.
  • Let's make a sale Documents -> Sales -> Sale of goods and services.
  • We make based on the sale Incoming cash order with partial payment.
  • Making a profit report Reports -> Sales -> Sales Analysis -> Gross Profit check that the profit is calculated
  • We make a report on mutual settlements Reports -> Sales -> Mutual settlements -> Statement of mutual settlements with counterparties check that there are mutual settlements

On this, the initial setup of 1C: Trade Management 10.3 can be considered complete.

Getting started in 1C

If the store has just opened and has not yet begun to work, until 1C is configured. Then everything is simple, we make receipts from our suppliers, set prices, print price tags and start working.

If the store is already working and we can suspend its work for a full recount. Then first we enter the entire nomenclature in 1C. Next, we print out the list of items, close the store and recalculate. When recalculating, we indicate the quantity, the approximate purchase price, and the current selling price. If the item is in trading floor and utility room write the remainder in two digits. After the end, the store continues to work, but we must record all sales on paper until the result of the recount is entered into the program. Initial balances can be entered into the program in several ways, but I recommend through the receipt of goods and services from the counterparty "Enter initial balances", because. then it is convenient to set prices based on it. It is advisable to make separate receipts for each group of goods. After entering the balances, we finish the sales that were on paper after recalculation and begin to keep records in real time. We make receipts from suppliers either before recalculation or after.

If the store is already open and cannot close for recalculation. The hardest case. For convenience, we need a label printer. The method will be similar to the previous one. We introduce goods into the program in small groups. The goods that have been brought in are marked with our barcodes. We fix each sale of marked goods in 1C.

Theses on accounting in 1C

About the nomenclature. Try to name the product in such a way that it is clear to customers, and not just you. Good product names increase customer loyalty and also speed up the development of the site, if you are planning one. I also recommend that you create a folder "Is Removed from the range", into which you will move goods that are no longer used in accounting.

About backup. There are many ways to back up a database. But I recommend that you make sure to periodically make a copy to an external drive. Because the server can fail entirely with both the database and the archives. The same is true of the attackers, they will block everything - both the database and the archives. And if we have a copy of the database elsewhere, the consequences will be much milder.

About discounts and price editing. Try to remove this opportunity from sellers, tk. this is a major security hole trade enterprises.

On the advantages over 7.7(9.2). Tis 7.7 is a very worthy program. But in 10.3, from the current one, there is standard support for several barcodes, a report builder. And most importantly, there are very few specialists in 7.7.

On the advantages over UT 11. UT 11 is an excellent, modern program. But 10.3 on a weak machine will run MUCH faster.

About USB. If you have a lot of USB equipment, in order to save ports on your computer, be sure to buy a USB hub with external power from a wall outlet.

About the interrupter. The majority (90%) of 1C failures are associated with a crash when the light is turned off. I recommend installing an uninterruptible power supply and turning off the computer in time after turning off the light. Uninterrupted will pay off very quickly, believe me.

about additional costs. In the program, you can keep track of additional costs, such as: rent, salary, household needs. To do this, enter these services in the nomenclature, and then make their arrival a regular receipt of goods and services. You can then see these costs in the purchase reports.

On the difference between wholesale and retail trade. If you have a non-cash payment from buyers, or a shipment on credit, or several types of sales prices, then this is considered wholesale trade. And that means 1C: Trade Management suits you.

Tuning 1C: Trade Management 10.3

After installation, there is a strong feeling that something is missing. First of all, I almost always put the external printed form"Commodity check" for the sale of goods and services. And of course the external processing of printing price tags. Next, you can consider a price list with pictures or even a price order. Then the weak point is the setting of prices, doubling, overfilling with unnecessary entries all the time, it is solved by external processing. Otherwise, most tasks can be solved by standard means - if the programmer wishes.

What I deliberately didn't say

Shop equipment. The topic is extremely extensive, there you can write a separate article for each equipment.

RMK mode. In 1C, RMK is sadness and sadness. If you only have retail, take better 1C: Retail or Frontol.

Testing/correction. In 1C, there are two mechanisms that allow you to eliminate most problems: these are internal and external testing (chbfl). The Internet has the necessary information.

That's all, thanks for watching...

Program " 1C: Trade management» is an excellent solution for the automation of commercial enterprises. Nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to get acquainted with information about what functions are not in the 1C: UT program. Let's look at this information in more detail.

There is no accounting in the 1C:UT program, so an enterprise that has implemented 1C: Trade Management will need a separate program for accounting. But from the program "1C: Trade Management" you can transfer data about trading operations to 1C:Accounting, while the package includes a configured data transfer mechanism.

In a programme " 1C:UT» there is no way to keep records of production operations - the release of products, the write-off of materials into production, and others. But it is possible to perform the operations of assembling and disassembling goods into components. The program has additional module"Our production", designed to record production operations. The module is built into the 1C:UT database and allows you to produce products and post your own products to the warehouse for subsequent sale along with purchased goods. Learn more about the production accounting module

There is no calculation in the 1C:UT program wages, the company will not be able to calculate vacation pay and sick leave for employees based on previously paid wages. For payroll there is a separate program "1C: Salary and personnel management". It is possible to exchange data with this program.

To modify the program "1C: Trade Management" in the "Configurator", you will need to remove it from support, which will make subsequent updates more difficult, automatic installation unfortunately will not be possible. But small changes can be implemented using the new platform mechanism - “Configuration Extensions”. This mechanism allows you to make changes and additions to the program, while leaving it on the support of 1C.

Many mechanisms of version 11 of the 1C:UT program caused controversy and ambiguous reactions from users. For example, the absence in the setup program of the main warehouses and user organizations. The program itself determines which values ​​the user specifies in the database most often and sets them as default values ​​for new objects. Such a mechanism may cause difficulties at first, but then it turns out to be quite convenient and flexibly adapts to the needs of the user.

Another point that I would like to note is that for many programmers, the amount of source code of the typical 1C:UT seems to be redundant. Indeed, it now exceeds 1 million lines of code. Learn more about how the code size changed

A lot of controversy among specialists and users was caused by the mechanism for accounting for consignments of goods - RAUSE. The abbreviation RAUS stands for - Advanced Cost Accounting Analytics. For many years, if not decades, users of 1C warehouse programs have been posting and reposting documents for a time-based calculation of the cost of batches. Although such a procedure was familiar, it took too much time, therefore, in UT edition 11, it was abandoned, replacing the cost calculation through RAUS.

The program also has a number of interface issues that users sometimes complain about. But, they rather relate to the mechanisms of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, and not the program 1C: Trade Management ed. eleven ". For example, you cannot arbitrarily customize the interface in a program by moving elements from one subsystem (section) to another with the mouse. Or there is no way to specify which fields for one user are required in the document and which will be required for another user. There is also no possibility of editing the document at the same time, for example, when one user fills in a list of goods, and the other fills in services or data for a transport company.

In some cases, it would be convenient for users of the program to see data from other sources and databases in the program. This cannot be done in a typical solution, but the Business Analytics and KPI solution provides the opportunity to combine information in one database. More about him

Nevertheless, today the 1C: Trade Management program is one of the best software products for automating the trading and warehouse activities of an enterprise. The program conveniently implements a licensing policy, depending on the number of required jobs. At the same time, the program remains very affordable - its cost starts from 6700 rubles(basic version), the Pro version costs 22,600 rubles.


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