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The connection process is extremely simple and for the successful connection of the fiscal registrar and scanner, we need quite a bit, namely:

The latest version of 1C Retail (At the time of this writing, the version Retail

Latest driver version Atol: KKM driver v.6.18 (did not try with the eighth version)

Let's get started:

Step 1

On the "Administration" tab, go to "Accounting Settings" and check the box - "Use plug-in equipment".

Step 2

fiscal registrar

We connect fiscal registrar(click to enlarge image)

Select a handler from the list provided:

I will consider the example of "ATOL: Fiscal registrars". Worth paying attention to interesting fact— Added fiscal registrar emulator. The emulator is suitable for those who have an autonomous cash register and do not want to pay for the FR at all, but give the account. Select the required driver workplace and save the card.

Step 3

Step 4

We go to the settings, if everything is fine, then we see:

Please note that the driver from Atol GK must be installed, otherwise nothing will work! Who does not work, close 1C and install the driver latest version from office Atol site.

In the list of models we find the piece of hardware we need, if one was not found there, then once again we make sure that we have the latest versions of 1C and the Driver. If not, then we update 1C from the official site (updates from the site are available only if you have a valid ITS, if you do not have one lying around, then welcome to the franchisee - Maintenance of 1C software products in St. Petersburg).

Set the desired port, speed, timeout. Click "Functions" - "Device Test". Everything is ok, it worked! Let's move on to the barcode scanner.

Connecting a barcode scanner:

As you can see on the screenshot, we have three options, each of them will require a driver. Atol's driver is paid, to use it you will need a security key. The SCANCODE driver is designed to work with CipherLab scanners. 1C: Barcode scanners - a free driver, and we will use it.

It can be downloaded from the 1C website (, we install it.

Before the purchase commercial equipment the list is rarely asked. Usually, a POS system is purchased for a cash point, and it is completed in a standard way. But in some cases it is possible to select by individual order. So, instead of the fiscal registrar, a cash register (KKM) is supplied. Program 1C: Retail, the most common in these cases, supports both options.

Significant differences between the devices:

  • There is no keyboard for input on the FR; information is transmitted to it by a computer. You can work on the KKM both autonomously and in the registrar mode (the model must support it, the help of a specialist is needed in the selection).
  • When using the FR, errors in entering the value of the goods are excluded, it is selected on the display by name, and more often automatically by a barcode. For cash registers, the possibility of a "mechanical error" remains.
  • KKM can only print cash receipts, while FR is used to print sales receipts, invoices and other documents.

The acquisition of a fiscal registrar makes the cash register more versatile. And in addition to the 1C: Retail 8.2 program, POS systems can use products from the Shtrikh-M company, which produces the FR of the popular Shtrikh FR K model. software of this equipment is 100% sold.

How to add sections when working with KKM and FR

Differences in cash registers and fiscal registrars are also noticeable when working with their settings. In practice, often the goods are divided into several warehouses, the same alcohol is beaten off separately from other products. Therefore, it is customary to introduce sections, each of which has an individual characteristic (another taxation system, etc.).

If, in the case of using a FR, it is enough to make the appropriate changes in the database, then the POS printer will have to be programmed through the built-in menu. When using the cash register to work in the registrar mode, external processing can be used. This allows you not to change the settings in the global module, but to make new ones by changing and editing processing.

Connecting a fiscal registrar in 1C

This procedure often remains generic regardless of the specific model. After all, many of them use only two types of interface: USB and RS232. Which mode to use is usually indicated using jumpers on the device. You should read about this in the instructions or contact an experienced master.

Typical sequence of user actions:

  • Driver installation and physical connection of the FR;
  • Testing using the installed program with setting the exchange rate for stable communication;
  • In the "Connected equipment settings" tab of the configuration, select desired model devices;
  • The settings corresponding to those specified in the driver are made;
  • The changes are saved and the configuration is rebooted along with the computer.

Usually, upon completion of this procedure, the FR is ready for use, which can be verified by printing test documents. If the device model is not in the list, you will have to add it manually, but this should be done by a competent specialist, so that later there will be no problems with his work.

Possibilities for setting up a check template in 1C

And the last step is choosing a layout ( appearance) cash receipt and other documents that are planned to be printed on the FR. There are almost no options for cash registers, and they are limited to the built-in capabilities of cash registers. Thanks to the registrars, you can print different checks when goods go on sale for a promotion or separate invoices for the sale of products of certain brands.

If it is relatively easy to figure out the procedure for editing a template, then in case of problems, you should immediately invite technical specialists. Often there are situations when the driver does not support the transfer of modified and non-standard templates to the machine. In this case, write the driver yourself.

In general, the procedure for “deep” tuning of 1C requires serious qualification. Escort must be entrusted to experienced personnel.

In 2017, new rules for trading using electronic checks are introduced. One of mandatory requirements there will be a connection to the fiscal data operator (OFD), which ensures the collection, storage and transfer of data from the cash register to the tax office.

To work with OFD, we chose the ATOL 55F cash register, which meets the requirements of 54-FZ and is included in the register of cash registers.

How does the OFD work?

After the purchase is made by the buyer, the checkout creates a transaction and sends it to the fiscal accumulator.

The fiscal accumulator saves the check, signs it with a fiscal sign and sends the data to the OFD server.

In turn, the OFD creates a response fiscal sign, which it sends back to the cash register and transmits the data on the calculations to the tax office.

The whole chain of actions takes only a few seconds.

After that, the buyer receives a paper and electronic check (sent to email or subscriber number). These checks contain a QR code and a link that the buyer can use to check the check with special services.

How to configure KKM ATOL 55F to work with 1C via RDP?

Installing KKM ATOL 55F on a local computer

First you need to install the KKM drivers on the computer to which the cash register will be connected. The driver can be downloaded from the official ATOL website or from [email protected].

After installing the driver, it will take 2 ports, in our case it is Com3 and Com4.

Why did the driver take up 2 ports? Everything is simple! One port will be used to exchange information with the KKM, the second port will be used to transmit OFD data.

We connect the KKM to the computer and proceed to the configuration.

Now we need to enter the Driver Management application. To do this, go to Start - All Programs - ATOL - Commercial Equipment Drivers v. 8 - Driver management. In the window that opens, we need to activate the free version. Free version works with KKM ATOL, for other KKM the Full version is required.

You can check the operation of the cash register through the application "KKM Driver". To do this, go to Start - All Programs - ATOL - Commercial Equipment Drivers v. 8 - Tests - KKM Driver.

In the window that opens, we go to the "Setting properties ..." section and click "Search for equipment". We select the KKM model from the list, mark the necessary ports and all the speeds of the COM ports. Press Search and wait until KKM is found. After the cash registers are found, it is necessary to select our cash register and click "Create".

Now, if you check the box “The device is on”, go to the “Properties settings ...” section and click “Check connection”, then in the “Result” field we will get the name of our cash register, serial number and firmware version. This means that our cash register is working.

The driver does not allow several programs to work through one COM port, so close the "KKM Driver" and continue the configuration.

We return to "Driver Management" and go to the "FDSVC Service" tab. You must start the service if it is not running. This service will monitor our requests from 1C to port 6220. If the computer to which you are connecting via RDP is not in your local network, then you need to open port 6220 to connect via the Internet.

Setting up KKM ATOL 55F on a remote RDP computer

On the local computer We have set up the KKM, now we need to make the cash desk work with 1C on a remote desktop, to which we connect via the Internet. Administrator rights are required to install drivers on a remote server!

To do this, we do the same. Install the drivers, turn on the free mode.

Unzip the file from the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\ATOL\Drivers8\1Cv82" to the bin folder of the 1C platform. Now, just in case, you need to manually register FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll in the system registry, if this did not happen during the installation of the drivers. To do this, run Windows PowerShell as an administrator and type the following command:

Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\\bin\FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll"

Your path to FprnM1C82_54FZ.dll may be different! It all depends on what version of 1C you have and where it is installed.

Setting up KKM ATOL 55F in 1C Integrated automation

Now let's start setting up KKM in 1C. In our case, we set up KKM in 1C Integrated automation 1.1. I think in other configurations the setting is not much different.

We launch 1C as an administrator (otherwise the drivers may not be loaded). Switch the interface to "Full". Go to "Service" - "Trade equipment" - "Connection and configuration of trade equipment".

KKM requires external processing, ShtrihMkkt.epf. They are included in the configuration releases distribution kit and posted on the website: We need external processing.

We add processing to the reference book "Processing maintenance of commercial equipment."

Now let's start adding the KKM itself to 1C. To do this, in "Connecting and configuring retail equipment" go to the section "CRE with data transfer" and create a new CCM.

We indicate the cash desk with which the trading equipment will interact and go to "Parameters".

In the KKM parameters, fill in the following fields:

  • A computer- indicates the external IP of the computer to which the KKM ATOL 55F is connected and port 6220, which we opened for access via the Internet. For example,
  • Port- COM-port to which KKM ATOL 55F is connected on the local computer. In our case, this is COM3.
  • Speed- COM port speed.
  • Model- model of our KKM.
  • Leave the rest of the fields as is.

Now you can click on "Device Test". A request will be sent to the KKM to the local computer. If everything is configured correctly, then 1C will display the message “The test was successfully completed. ATOL 55F, No. **********, version: 3.0.1245 RU, FISK. This means that you have everything set up correctly.

Errors may occur during testing. You may not have opened port 6220 on your local machine for internet access. You may need to create firewall rules for incoming and outgoing connections on port 6220. You may have forgotten to close the POS Driver application or start the FDSVC service. Or maybe you did not run 1C as an administrator and 1C did not connect the KKM driver.

How to enable sending checks to the fiscal data operator (OFD)?

If everything is fine and the test passed, then you can now configure and enable the "EthernetOverUSB Service". This service sends punched checks to your Fiscal Data Operator (FDO).

To do this, you need to add a second COM port in the “Driver Management” on the local computer to which the KKM is connected, in the “EthernetOverUSB Service” tab, in our case it is COM4. Check the box next to "Autostart" and start the service.

That's it, now every punched check will be automatically sent to the OFD with which you have an agreement.

We offer program users"1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0practical advice on organizing work with cash register equipment(CRE) with the transfer of fiscal data to the Federal Tax Service (online cash registers) in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003.

The main purpose of "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0 is the automation of accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting. At the same time, the program supports integration with existing state information systems and work with online cash registers (with cash registers that provide online transmission of fiscal data to the tax authorities).

Consider how to organize work in the program with the cash desk of the enterprise in the new conditions.

How to get started with online checkout

Cash desk selection

Many more users will have to go through the checkout selection stage.

When developing models of online cash registers, manufacturers create special software components (device drivers). To support work in the new conditions, 1C is carefully testing the joint operation of its programs and equipment connected using such drivers. If everything works correctly, then the manufacturer of the CCP model is issued a certificate “Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system.

A complete list of certified CCP models with data transmission, as well as other commercial equipment, is published on the 1C website. The list is constantly updated as new models of cash registers are certified.

A list of equipment models connected using certified drivers is also published on the 1C website. The work of application solutions with these models of equipment is guaranteed by the driver manufacturer.

Checkout connection

Connection of CCP is carried out in the form Connecting and configuring equipment, which is accessed from the section Administration - Connected Equipment.

The user needs to select the type of equipment: CCP with data transmission and create a new directory element Connected equipment. When creating a new instance of a connected CCP, you should specify the hardware driver by selecting it from the list of supported devices (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Online CCP connection

According to Law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the cashier must be printed on the check. The program will take this data from the card of an individual specified as the current user of the program. Before you start working with the cash register, you need to check whether the necessary information is filled in for those users who will generate receipts.

Registering a cash desk with the Federal Tax Service

In accordance with federal law dated 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ, the key element of the cash register is a fiscal drive - a software and hardware encryption (cryptographic) tool.

It is this device, along with long-term data storage, that provides encryption and transmission of secure fiscal data to a fiscal data operator (OFD).

The fiscal drive is subject to replacement upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource. Newly acquired CCP with a new fiscal accumulator subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Registration with the Federal Tax Service can be divided into the following stages:

  • filing an application for registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • registration on cash registers from the program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0);
  • completion of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

It is recommended to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in in electronic format through the personal account of a legal entity or the personal account of an individual entrepreneur (IP) on the website of the Federal Tax Service. If there is no connection to your personal account yet, then you can get it by contacting your tax office. To fill out an application for personal account it is necessary to prepare information about the cash register and its owner. After tax office will accept this application, she will assign the CCP registration number.

Registration on CCP is performed directly from the program. To do this, in the CCP card (in the form of a directory element Connected equipment) you must select a command Operation with fiscal accumulator - Registration.

In the fiscal accumulator registration form (Fig. 2), it is necessary to indicate the registration number of the cash register, which was received from the Federal Tax Service. It is also necessary to indicate the details of the organization, the taxation system (it is permissible to set several flags when combining modes), as well as the details of the OFD. Signs in a group CCP setup depend on the specifics of the use of CCPs and must be determined and agreed upon jointly with the OFD.

Rice. 2. Registration of a fiscal drive

After pressing the button Continue operation the data will be transferred to the cash register and stored in the cash register registration card (group CCP registration parameters). A report will be printed on the CCP. To complete registration in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you need to specify the data from this report: document number, fiscal sign, and the exact date and time of the transaction.

Upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource, the used fiscal drive must be closed (menu Operations with fiscal accumulator - Close), and then register a new fiscal accumulator (menu Operations with fiscal accumulator - Changing registration parameters). In the form that opens, indicate the reason for changing the parameters - Change of fiscal drive. With the command Changing Registration Options you can also reflect a change in user details, a change in CRE or OFD.

Opening shift

Work with fiscal equipment is divided into cash register shifts. Before starting work, you must open the shift, and at the end - close the shift. The opening of the shift is carried out in the section . The list of cash shifts is in the section Bank and cash desk - Cash shifts.

At the time of opening in the form Cash shift the organization is indicated; KKM to which the device is connected; date and time the shift started. In field Status value is automatically set open. After closing the shift, the status will change to the value Closed.

How to generate a check in "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0)

Depending on the type and specifics trading activities enterprise, receipt printing is possible from the following program documents:

  • Retail sales (checks);
  • Cash flow;
  • Operations with payment cards.

Document Check (chapter ) is used in the case of small retail automation to reflect each sale to a retail (impersonal) buyer. After pressing the button Accept payment the form opens Payment, where you can specify the email address and / or phone number of the buyer. The receipt is printed after pressing the button Accept payment out of shape Payment. Sending an electronic check is carried out by means of OFD.

The check automatically reflects the item composition specified on the tab Products and service document. For organizations that combine the OSNO or STS with special regimes (UTII, patent), one document can reflect sales related to only one taxation system.

Payment agent operations (for example, accepting payments in favor of the operator cellular communication) can be displayed on the tab Agency services. In the tabular part, you need to indicate the counterparty-committing party, in whose interests the payment is attracted, and the contract with him. The contract must look like With a committent (principal) for sale. In the contract card in the group Paying agent flag must be set The organization acts as a paying agent and filled in the relevant information. This information will be indicated on the check.

The sale of gift certificates (both own and third-party certificates) is reflected in the tab Sale of certificates. In this case, the name of the certificate will be indicated on the receipt.

Document Cash flow (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with operation type Receipt from the buyer designed to reflect cash settlements with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Also, this procedure is applied to sales made to individuals who need to be personally accounted for in the directory of counterparties (for example, when the moment of sale of goods (works, services) does not coincide with the moment of payment).

So that in a check generated from a document Cash flow, the nomenclature composition of goods (works, services) was reflected, the user must first issue an invoice and indicate it in the field An invoice for payment. If the invoice for payment is not specified, then instead of the names of the goods, the receipt will indicate that payment has been received from the buyer (his name is indicated) according to the basis document. Foundation document is indicated in the group Requisites printed form document Cash flow.

By button Print receipt a check is generated, and a preview form becomes available, where you can make adjustments if necessary. By button Proceed- The check is printed.

Document Payment card operation (chapter Bank and cash desk - Cash desk) with operation type Payment from the buyer is intended to reflect settlements by electronic means of payment (acquiring transaction) with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The same procedure can be applied to the settlements with individuals which need to be taken into account separately. The procedure for printing a check in the program for this document similar to the procedure for printing a check from a document Cash flow.

In the case of a refund to the buyer, a refund receipt can be printed from the documents Cash withdrawal and Payment card operation with type of operation Return to buyer. These documents must be formed on the basis of documents Cash flow or Return of goods from the buyer- only then the nomenclature positions will be filled in the checks.

Document cash receipt corrections (chapter Bank and cash desk) is available in 1C:Accounting 8 starting from version 3.0.45. This document is intended to correct a broken check in an open cash register shift and transfer this information to the fiscal data operator.

How to close the cash register

You can close a shift in various ways. From forms:

  • management of the fiscal registrar (section Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management);
  • cash shift;
  • list of checks (section Sales - Retail sales (checks)).

If the program takes into account retail sales, then it is preferable to close the shift from the receipt list form. Upon completion of the cash register shift, you must execute the command close shift, after which the program will prompt you to select the organization and equipment for which you want to perform the operation. As a result, a Z-report will be printed on the selected equipment, and documents will be generated. Report on retail sales and Cash flow according to receipts reflected on the specified equipment (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Closing the shift

How to work with cash registers in a non-automated outlet

Online cash desks provide the widest possible opportunities for settlements with customers (in wholesale and retail trade, in the provision of services, etc.) and work directly under the control of the program. However, the use of such a cash register requires an automated cashier's workplace.

Autonomous cash registers (KKM Offline) are designed to work in non-automated retail outlets.

Possibilities of working with KKM Offline are limited retail. Integration of 1C:Accounting 8 with such stand-alone cash registers is carried out manually through file exchange.

Small organizations and individual entrepreneurs that sell retail at non-automated outlets (including traveling and remote sales) and provide services can use the 1C: Cashier software and hardware complex, which is a ready-made cash solution that supports the requirements of Law No. 54 -FZ.

The complex "1C: Cashier" includes:

  • autonomous cash machine"Shtrikh-MPAY-F" for the workplace of the seller with a fiscal drive;
  • cloud application for the entrepreneur "1C: Cashier", which is designed to work with the nomenclature, maintain a simple commodity accounting, adjusting balances, analyzing the efficiency of the store and performing other daily tasks. You can work with this application wherever there is Internet, many kilometers from the outlet.

Starting from version, 1C:Accounting 8 supports synchronization with the 1C:Kassa cloud application. To set up the exchange, you must specify a list of outlets whose cash desks will exchange data with the program (section Administration - Data Synchronization).

When the exchange is configured, information about the range and prices is transferred from 1C:Accounting 8 to the cloud application, and a retail sales report and information on returns are loaded into the program from 1C:Checkout. Using the program "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0 and setting up an exchange with different outlets, an outsourced accountant can effectively serve several organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

What to do if there are difficulties in working with the CCP

To simplify the connection of cash registers to fiscal data operators and interaction with them, the 1C-OFD service is intended. The following services are provided to users of the 1C-OFD service:

  • consultations on the issues of connecting the cash register to the system of transmitting and receiving OFD data and working with OFD;
  • assistance in identifying problems that hinder regular work on the transfer of data from the cash register (fiscal drive) to the OFD;
  • assistance in registering cash desks in the taxpayer's personal account with the Federal Tax Service;
  • assistance in obtaining and setting up a qualified electronic signature(CEP) to sign an application for registration of a CCP in the taxpayer's personal account on the website, as well as an application for joining the OFD offer.

Connecting cash registers to 1C (hereinafter referred to as CCP) is a very simple procedure. After reading this article, you can easily configure it yourself, without the help of a technical specialist. All examples are given for the configuration 1C: Retail 8 edition 2.2.

Setting up CCP

To connect a CCP and set up data exchange in 1C, perform the following steps:

  • install drivers (usually bundled with CCP or downloaded from the official website of the supplier);
  • set up Internet access for cash registers (performed through drivers)

As for the 1C system itself, go to the "Administration" section, then "Connected equipment".

After that, we select the desired type of connected equipment with the ability to transfer data and create a new element of the directory. After the performed actions, we select the company in your database from which the sale of goods on a particular device will be carried out, as well as the CCP driver.

The serial number is written on the case of any CCP - we must enter this code in the "Serial number" line. Next, click on "Configure" and install the drivers. Usually these are ports, network settings and others that are specific to a particular CCP model. After all of the above, you need to test the correct operation of the device by clicking on the "Device Test" button.

If your device is connected successfully, an information box will appear on the screen confirming this fact. To close the message, click on "Record and Close".

We have previously written step by step instructions connecting an online cash register to the 1C8 UT configuration. You can read it.

We register a fiscal drive (hereinafter - FN)

The next step, after the successful installation of the CCP, is to register the FN. We do the same operation when replacing it. The change, most often, is done in such cases: when the validity period of the FN expires or when there is not enough memory. The old FN must be replaced with a new one and registered.

To perform such an operation, go to the "Operations with a fiscal drive" menu, click on the "Registration" item. Once completed, a form will appear. We will enter the KKT renomer, which we received from the Federal Tax Service. Next, we check the correctness of filling in the details of the enterprise and indicate the "Address of the CCP installation".

The user has the option of choosing several taxation systems. More than one system is usually used if checks need to be punched on a specific machine to register settlements for goods and services for activities with different forms of taxation.

1C controls the content of the check if sales are executed at the cashier's workplace. One check includes those goods whose balances will be written off from a warehouse with an identical taxation system. Goods are written off in accordance with the setting for assigning sales by warehouses, and services - by enterprises.

Setting up a CCP has many features for doing business. The user must independently enter the name and TIN OFD.

To view the CRE registration data, go to the card of the connected equipment instance.

The registered device is selected at the Cash Desks of the KKM. If you need to re-register FN - perform the operation "Change registration parameters". Depending on the selected reason, various CRE details are available that can be replaced.

CCP with data transfer does not support the division of income by FR sections. In the parameters of the "KKM cash desk" for cash registers with data transfer, in the line "Revenue distribution by FR sections", a pre-installed element of the settings directory is set, which cannot be replaced. Work with FR is supported in the same volume.

We hope this article was helpful to you. And if suddenly, in the process of installing, configuring or registering a CCP, you have any difficulties - write them in the comments below. We will be happy to help you and try to solve the problem in a short time.


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