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Itzhak Adizes

Managing change. How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life

Foreword from the publishing partner

First you decide what to do and then you effectively implement your decision

If you don't want to make changes, I guarantee that there will be someone who will do it for you.

Jack Welch

The Stins Coman group of companies traditionally supports the publication of new books by Professor Yitzhak Calderon Adizes in Russia. The approaches that the author talks about are necessary and in great demand in the Russian business environment. This is evidenced by the fact that Adizes books are constantly reprinted and new ones appear.

According to Professor Yitzhak Adizes, to live means to solve problems, and to develop means to acquire the skills to solve more complex problems. The book by I. Adizes "Managing Change" is devoted to the processes of acceptance management decisions. The purpose of management, nurture, government - in a word, any form of organizational leadership - is to solve today's problems and prepare for tomorrow. This is change management.

The problems that arise as a result of ongoing changes are quite predictable. Professor I. Adizes clearly reveals the nature of problems and, in his characteristic thorough manner, explains how to effectively resolve situations related to the creation of a workable team, be prepared for a clash of interests, how to increase the number of constructive proposals from employees, how to eradicate disrespect for other people's opinions and mutual distrust of the participants of the ongoing change.

Yitzhak Adizes is an unsurpassed author of paradoxical managerial decisions. In one of his books, published four decades ago, he stated that there are no ideal managers and managers at all. In this book, he says that the concept of a “good solution” also does not exist. There is a "good solution for this moment”, and it must be borne in mind that their period of life is rather short, so decisions should be evaluated by their impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization in the short and long term. “The right actions must be done at the right time, in the right order, with the right intensity, and in the right sequence.” The task of the manager, according to the author, is to learn how to do the right things correctly.

The recommendations of I. Adizes are addressed to those who are ready to work on themselves in order to achieve their goals, while demonstrating a sufficient level of reflection and the ability to move away from stereotypes. First of all, I would advise managers to read this book, career which turned out to be fast. I. Adizes not only lays out the nuances of management "in theory", but also explains how to use this knowledge in practice.

The methodology of I. Adizes is a kind of matrix that can be applied in any system - be it an organization, a family or a team of like-minded people. Roles in the system should be distributed so that there is integration (I), entrepreneurship (E), administration (A), and production of the desired result (P). Only when all these roles are performed can the management team make the right decisions and subsequently implement them effectively.

The book is written in the form of a conversation and is easy to read. Methods and approaches are not only understandable, but also well structured. In addition, the main ideas to which the author leads are presented in the form of brief conclusions.

After reading this book, one cannot hope to obtain the only and completely necessary knowledge. But taking it as a basis and building up your own experience and knowledge, you can count on success.

Irina Slesareva,

Vice President for Marketing and HR, Stins Coman Group


Dear reader!

The book you are holding in your hands is written by Dr. Yitzhak Calderon Adizes, the famous "guru" of management theory. About ten years ago, this name in Russia was known only in narrow scientific circles - it was referred to in dissertations and scientific articles. But in most cases, these were links to a link, since the books of I. Adizes were practically inaccessible in the original, and Russian translations did not exist. But over the years the situation has changed dramatically: almost all of his books have already been published in Russian; his articles and interviews regularly appear on the pages of domestic newspapers and magazines; as a consultant he works with the largest Russian companies; Dr. Adizes regularly delivers his lectures in Russia, not only to students and professors, but also to government officials, including the governors of all subjects of the Federation. All these positive changes have occurred to a large extent thanks to the efforts of the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, where he is a scientific consultant for the Executive MBA and MBA programs. His applied management theory, known throughout the world as the "Adizes methodology", is the basis of our curricula. And in the Executive MBA program, which is focused on training owners and top managers, this methodology is a mandatory part of the program and has been implemented for many years in collaboration with the Adizes Graduate School (Adizes Institute Postgraduate School).

In all his monographs (and there are already about thirty of them), Dr. Adizes considers the development of organizations and their behavior within the life cycle, the problems of leadership, change management, and management styles. Thanks to the unique methodology of Adizes, all these elements of management theory not only received a new scientific sound, but also began to be used in practice to solve the most complex management problems.

What is the essence of this methodology? If we try to define it briefly, then two concepts are quite enough for this - analysis and synthesis. Any community, be it a company, a family or a country as a whole, is a living organism that has its own life cycle. They are born, grow, reach their peak, eventually enter the stage of decline and die. This is a classic life cycle curve where only the first and last stages are the same. The set of all other stages and their sequence is idiosyncrasy each organization, its management system. Therefore, the ability to effectively solve problems that periodically arise in the organization comes to the fore. To do this, it is necessary to constantly analyze the situation in which the company is located, revealing what is “normal” and what is “abnormal” at this stage of the life cycle. Efficiency decisions taken depends entirely on how fully the features of managing an organization at various phases of the life cycle are taken into account. The fundamental monograph by Yitzhak Adizes “Corporate Life Cycle Management” is devoted to a detailed analysis of all stages of the life cycle.

At the same time, any management process is a relationship between people. Three remarks must be made here. First, everyone is different.

Second: ideal people (including leaders) do not exist - everyone has their own strengths and weak sides. Third, change is a constant factor in any activity. These three conceptual remarks form the foundational part of the Adizes methodology.

The book "Managing Change" is devoted to the consideration of managerial decision-making processes. The problems that arise as a result of ongoing changes are quite predictable. To make quality decisions, you need to create a balanced and efficient complementary team of managers. However, any team is a clash of different interests, styles of thinking and behavior. Therefore, conflict is inevitable, but it is very important that it be constructive so that the parties hear each other and take advantage of their differences. And such a situation is possible only when people trust and respect each other. It would seem that these are absolutely abstract concepts that are difficult to apply in a real decision-making process. But it's not. The essence of trust is that, while diverging in particulars, the team is united in their strategic interests. And respect for someone else's opinion, even if it is different from yours, allows you to take into account all the nuances and make a quality management decision. That's why effective manager gathers around him people with different styles of behavior, whom he respects and trusts, as they are united by common strategic interests.

Would like to note important feature methodology of Adizes, which is most clearly manifested in this book. The vast majority of modern management theories are based on the American experience of doing business and rely on the Anglo-Saxon model of behavior. But the modern world is diverse, and standard methods and techniques are by no means always applicable and effective in different regions. That is why the theory of Adizes compares favorably with all the others, since the author considers the processes of management and decision-making through the prism of national characteristics in a particular country. He is always trying to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, the specifics and the mentality of various national groups through a serious study of the business cultures of various peoples.

Managing change [How to effectively manage change in society, business and personal life] Adizes Yitzhak Calderon

Key concepts of the Adizes methodology

Map of changes

Opporthreat- an "artificial" word that combines "opportunity" ( oppor tunity) and "threat" ( threat).

constructive conflict- a variant of the development of the conflict, leading to synergy, when the whole, which arose from disagreements, is better than the accumulated differences.

destructive conflict- a variant of the development of the conflict, leading not to synergy, but to the disintegration of the system (organization).

Complementary team- a balanced team in which all four management styles are present and have the opportunity to manifest themselves in the process of developing a solution.

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I. Adizes is interesting not only for his own ideas, but also for his ability to present them. So, with regard to change management, the visual scheme proposed by the management gurus is very interesting. It is described in detail in the book ““, but first I will offer you my visual version of the idea of ​​Yitzhak Adizes, and below is his map ...

Here we see that I. Adizes adheres to the rational, which was the basis for changes even when creating mechanistic organizations (conveyor production) and creating automated systems management. Those. managers, as experts, are able to analyze and draw a conclusion about what the situation is now, and based on this, set realistic goals. Someone may ask the question - "how else can you?". Then I will bring to your attention the ideas of such authors as G., M. and others.

Adizes road map

At the same time, I. Adizes tries to take into account the dynamics of the external environment and human factor. Thus, within the framework of the “as is - how it should be - what needs to be done” scheme, steps and tools are proposed that the reader will not find in other authors.

This figure will be useful and meaningful even for people who have not read the work of I. Adizes. It reflects:

  • two main tasks: making a good decision and implementing it;
  • the impossibility of change without conflict and the need to translate it into a constructive one - the great role of training in making changes - the possibility of effective long-term cooperation only through mutual trust of employees;
  • implementation of organization management through structures, processes, employees;
  • planning for change from the way it is, through the way I want to, to the way it should be.

And so, we have a scheme. Who controls it? According to the author, in order to manage efficiently and effectively in the short and long term, a team is needed that performs four functions (entrepreneurial, administrative, production and integrating), expressed in the figure by the PAEI code.

Changes are raining down on this team like snow on their heads. Moreover, some are typical and predictable (for example, those associated with). In the case when the work of the company has been debugged, then such changes violate them, creating problems. But the ideal PAEI team is able to make the right decisions to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. And, if she also has capi (at the same time has power, influence and authority to implement decisions), then she is on the way to coping with all problems. But…

Change management using the Adizes scheme

Here I. Adizes offers us the following….

To manage change, you need transfer attention from the problem to the people who will work with it . And if an employee performs the role of a specialist, it is important that he knows. And if a manager - then who is he, (after all, he will always find the necessary specialist for himself, but if ....).

Since there are no ideal leaders (super performers of entrepreneurship, integration, administration and production), it is important that the manager be a mature person who is trusted by other employees. After all, it is the team that makes it possible to compensate for the shortcomings of an individual leader and to fully realize the roles of PAEI.

But people are different. Some tend to regulate and stabilize everything in the organization (administrators), others are full of new ideas and want to change everything (entrepreneurs), etc. In addition, employees have different interests. And all this leads to inevitable conflict. But if such a conflict is translated into a constructive one, then it will allow finding the most correct solutions due to the synergistic effect. At the same time, overcoming each problem, coping with new conflicts, the organization learns, mutual respect arises between colleagues and a team is formed.

How to create a culture of trust

The organization must be designed to develop a culture of trust and respect (observance of the rights of other employees). By itself, such a culture will not appear in the organization, moreover, even if there is already trust, it must be maintained, because. social system tends to entropy if you don't give it extra energy.

Therefore, management must create the right structure, rules/decision-making processes and select people.

Structure determines how people behave because it distributes authority, power, rewards. This makes it possible to take into account the different interests of people.

The structure should allow managers to work their way in an environment where they can thrive.

processes Employees have personal characteristics. Some of them are expressed in their own styles according to the PAEI code. To help establish synergistic communications in the company, it is necessary to establish decision-making rules to create an environment of mutual respect, to create a scheme for participation in decision-making.

employees It happens that organizational measures associated with the organizational structure and processes, is not enough. Then the people who interfere with the creation of an environment of trust, treat the company disrespectfully, conflict on a personal level - must be fired.

Usually, when changing the organizational culture of the company, managers begin by laying off employees. But the experience of I. Adizes advises the opposite ...

It is necessary to start with process management, then change the distribution of responsibility, authority, power and rewards.

“As you change the structure and processes, people's work styles will also change. Their behavior will also change. those who fail to change are likely to leave the organization.”

Subsequently, I. Adizes called his approach “”, where he included all his organization management tools.

A small summary

If you asked me to express I. Adizes' approach to change management in one sentence, then I would say:

create a mature organization and it will successfully adapt itself to the inevitably changing conditions

“The way to improve the performance of a company, country or individual is not to change the strategy, but to change the internal environment.”

Yitzhak Calderon Adizes is a Macedonian and Israeli writer, an expert in the field of business efficiency. He gained general fame for his organization life cycle theory and typology of leaders. Below you will find the main theses of his theories.

1. Typology of managers according to Adesis

Yitzhak Adizes argues that for the prosperity of any organization, its effective work, a combination of four main functions is important.

These four functions form the model PAEI:

  • Producing results- the production of results, in fact, for which the organization exists;
  • Administering– administration required to ensure efficiency;
  • Entrepreneurship– entrepreneurship serving to manage change;
  • Integrating- the integration necessary to ensure the viability of the organization in the long term by combining its elements.

Depending on the dominant function, I. Adizes distinguishes four types of leaders:

  1. Producer- focused, first of all, on the result, which is the satisfaction of the needs of its customers, which will be more and more, provided that enough quality goods or complete service.
  2. Administrator– aims to optimize and minimize the use of available resources. He must also systematize the entire process of managing the organization, streamline it, establish the so-called bureaucratic order, prescribing all functional duties, defining the rights and obligations of managers at various levels, and ensuring standardized workflow.
  3. Entrepreneur- is able to invent and successfully implement new things, he always has a lot of plans and ideas. Such a leader is often not only loved, but also feared, as he can completely rethink everything and offer something very creative. The presence of such ideas allows any organization not to stop there, but to go further and develop.
  4. Integrator is not just a leader, it is a leader capable of creating common traditions, values, corporate culture organizations. It defines a common strategic goal, encourages everyone to work together, thereby maintaining unity in the organization.

Each of the types of leaders is focused either on result(product produced by the organization) or efficiency(well-established business processes, production efficiency, cost, etc.) and operates in short-term or long-term perspective.

Manufacturer and Administrator can already ensure the successful functioning of the organization, but they will not be able to develop it, adapt to changing circumstances, the business environment, this requires leaders with the type Entrepreneur and Integrator.

According to the role of the manager, you can compose his code, where uppercase letters (P, A, E, I) in the code indicate that the function is brilliantly performed, lowercase letters (p, a, e, i) indicate that the function is performed satisfactorily by the manager. Poor performance or non-performance of functions is indicated by a dash (Manufacturer - Paei, Administrator - pAei, Entrepreneur - paEi, Integrator - paeI). There are a lot of variants of the PAEI code - there are as many of them as there are all people on earth. By replacing letters with numbers from 1 to 9, you can get more accurate codes. So, for example, a manager with a code of 1935 will perform best in the A-function, things will be worse with the I and E-functions, and the P-function will be the worst.

The ideal leader who can simultaneously perform all four functions, according to I. Adizes, does not exist. To be a really good leader, it is enough to be able to perform at least a minimum of each of the functions and to have a style corresponding to both the stage of the organization's life cycle and the task facing it.

2. Life cycle of the organization

According to I. Adizes, any organization has a life cycle that includes predictable stages. Each stage contains its own problems and tasks. Adizes identifies 9 stages:

  1. Courtship
    • The role of the Entrepreneur is clearly expressed.
    • At this stage, the organization does not yet exist, but there is an idea to create it. The founder collects opinions, necessary information, lays the theoretical foundation for the future organization.
    • The founder of the organization must have answers to the questions: “What will the organization do? How and when can this be done? Who is going to do this and why?
  2. "Infancy" (Infancy)
    • The role of the Producer is clearly expressed
    • At this stage, the organization does not have a clear structure and system for the distribution of powers, responsibilities, and a hiring system. She is very personalized, has a small budget.
    • The main focus of the organization's activities is on meeting the needs of its customers and on the results of its work. Decisions at this stage are usually made quickly, but due to the lack of sufficient experience, they may not always be successful.
    • The development of the organization will continue if a constant flow of funds is ensured. And if its founder is fully confident in the success own idea, devoted to her.
  3. "Forward" (Go-go)
    • Development requires the roles of Entrepreneur and Producer
    • Activities and cash flows organizations become stable. The organization is successfully developing, rapid growth is taking place. The organization still lacks a clear governance structure and established functional duties. The organization is not centered around tasks, but around people.
    • The organization will develop further if the leader begins to delegate his authority and responsibility in time.
  4. "Youth" (Adolescence)
    • The roles of Administrator and Entrepreneur come first
    • At this stage, the organization changes a lot. Its further development will be possible only if discipline, system and order are established. The structure of the organization is changing, professional managers are being hired.
    • A large number of conflicts and contradictions appear between old and new employees of the organization, contradictions may begin in its goals. To continue development, it is necessary to systematize administrative activities.
  5. "Blossom" (Prime)
    • Producer, Administrator and Trader roles are active
    • This stage occurs if the systematization of administrative activities has been carried out successfully.
    • At this stage, the organization is both flexible and manageable, has prescribed functions and a clear structure. She plans her activities and subsequently follows her plans, is focused on results and meeting the needs of her clients, and works efficiently. Its employees are good team players. Often at this stage, affiliated infant organizations are created.
  6. "Stabilization" (Stabilization)
    • The role of the Entrepreneur is supplanted by the role of the Integrator
    • This is the first stage in the aging of an organization. The organization's flexibility is decreasing, innovation is being reduced, it is not striving for change. Increasing importance is given to interpersonal relationships between employees, rather than capturing new markets, expanding the coverage areas of existing ones. All this can negatively affect the satisfaction of the organization's customers in the future.
  7. "Aristocracy" (Aristocracy)
    • The Administrator and Integrator roles are still active
    • At this stage, the organization owns significant financial resources, which it spends on strengthening the existing control system, arrangement, and insurance. The main thing in its activity is not what and why is produced, but how. For the purpose of development in the organization small innovations can be introduced, other organizations can be acquired. But the orientation of the organization to the long-term result is much lower than in the previous stages. To maintain the existing level of profit, prices for its products or services rise, but this process is not endless.
  8. "Early bureaucracy"
    • The roles of Producer and Entrepreneur are degenerating
    • This stage characterizes a large number of conflicts and problems, distance from customer satisfaction. Now the focus of the organization is on who is to blame for problems rather than on what needs to be done to solve them.
  9. Bureaucratization and death (Bureaucracy and death)
    • The role of the Integrator is degenerating
    • The organization does not seek to improve the efficiency of its activities, to change, is not focused on the result, on the needs of consumers. It has strict control over activities, compliance with all accepted rules, regulations and procedures.
    • If the activities of the organization are directly dependent on customers, then at the time of their complete failure her services could be the death of an organization. The onset of the stage of death for it can be delayed for some time if the organization produces some kind of monopoly product or has state support.

Properly built strategy and tactics for the development of the organization will help not only to reach the stage of prosperity, but also to remain in it for a long time.


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