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MES is a project for all participants in the education system, from teachers to students and their parents. It includes several components at once - a comprehensive infrastructure and content - electronic journal and a diary, a library of electronic materials. About how this project is developing and what plans for its improvement the developers have, was told by the head of the product of the direction "Information technologies in education" of the Department information technologies Moscow Svetlana Romanova.

Power in knowledge Svetlana Anatolyevna, the library of educational materials is of great importance in the project. On what basis is it formed?

Svetlana Romanova: MES is a very large and informative resource for teachers, students and parents. Today, the library of the project already has over 70 thousand electronic lesson scenarios, which were compiled by the teachers themselves. Each teacher can develop their own scenarios for conducting a particular lesson, find necessary materials for its organization, etc. All this he can load into the system. Other teachers can take these developments as a finished lesson written by someone else and adapt it for themselves, or create their own lesson scenarios. As a result, teachers themselves become the main participants in filling the library of electronic materials of the project, which allows them to develop creatively and reveal their potential more fully.

For students, this option also turns out to be useful, because they can find any lesson in the platform and pick up additional material on topic which will greatly expand their knowledge. Parents, on the other hand, have their advantages from this library - they can study the content at any time curriculum children.

The fact that the teachers responded enthusiastically to this project is indicated by the fact that the number of materials in the library has increased significantly over the year. Indeed, at the time of the start of the project, there were only 1.5 thousand scenarios in the system. Moreover, they were compiled by the methodologists of the city methodological center. Now the increase in the number of scenarios by the efforts of teachers is more than 10,000 per month. The situation is similar with test tasks. We initially did not plan to introduce any restrictions, but on the contrary, we wanted to provide teachers with the most flexible opportunities for self-realization. The same applies to the selection of content for placement in the platform: the teacher can create materials and save them in his workspace. To make the lesson available to the whole city, the teacher can send their developments for methodological and content moderation. It is important that the content is educational and does not contain material inappropriate for children, otherwise we only welcome diversity and encourage the most active developers.

- How to get access to the library, where you can find out news about new products that have appeared in it?

Today, all Moscow school teachers, students and their parents have access to the library. You can enter the library through the electronic journal and diary (by selecting the "Additional" - "External links" - "Textbooks" tab) or via a direct link: Access through this link is provided to authorized users. You can get acquainted with the novelties in the library itself by selecting the type of content, subject and level of education you are interested in.

Wide functionality

Today, for parents, MES is most often just an electronic diary. How do you plan to show them the full range of project opportunities?

Of course, MES, as I mentioned above, is a much more complex project and includes not only an electronic diary and a journal. This is also the MES library, the content of which, in addition to lesson scenarios, today includes more than 700 thousand individual elements (photo, video, audio, text files), more than 4 thousand tests, 35 textbooks, 181 piece of art, 6 virtual laboratories and 6 volumes of anthologies.

In addition, MES is a separate infrastructure for educational organizations. Includes turnstiles. information system"Passage and meals", from which parents receive daily notifications about the visit and meals of children. Each school is equipped with a video surveillance system that allows you to be aware of all the processes taking place in the school. A certain set of equipment is also supplied to schools: servers, Wi-Fi points in classrooms, interactive panels and laptops for teachers. It is convenient to work with the system inside the school with the help of gadgets - today this issue is solved by various methods: either the school itself purchases them for students, or it is allowed to connect the devices of the students themselves to the system - smartphones or tablets. The platform allows the use of any device on modern mobile operating systems.

In order to visually show parents all the advantages of MES, open events with representatives of DIT will be organized in the Smart City pavilion at VDNKh this academic year. During such meetings, leading experts on the implementation of IT in education will introduce those who wish to the project using examples of individual services and services. Details of the events will be published on the MES project website - We invite everyone both to these events and to the permanent exhibition in the Smart City, where excursions are held daily, where you can learn about the services implemented by the Moscow Government not only in the field of education, but also in such industries as medicine, construction, video surveillance, transport and housing and communal services. The exposition of the pavilion presents all the components of a "smart" city that will be of interest to both children and adults.

Benefits for students

How does MES make life easier for the student himself? How electronic version diary and the system as a whole helps the child to organize himself and his learning process?

MES greatly simplifies the student's life. Firstly, the weight of the portfolio is noticeably reduced, because all textbooks are now in in electronic format. Secondly, the service is always at hand: from anywhere you can go to the platform and find out about the schedule for tomorrow, inform the teacher about the completion of homework. In addition, lessons using interactive scenarios make the learning process more vivid and exciting. If earlier students did not want to go to the blackboard, now teachers say that children are eager to show their knowledge at the modern interactive panel. MES is an opportunity for a child to always be aware of their grades and homework, learn by playing and go through all the necessary topics on their own.

Required Functions

- What services for teachers are most in demand? Which have not found practical application?

The most actively used service by teachers is the electronic journal, and this is obvious. This year, including the results of processing applications received by the technical support service, the magazine has been visually updated, and working with it has become easier and more comfortable. Most often, the teacher needs to give grades, mark those absent from the lesson, or give out homework. These features are currently only available in the web version. Teachers ask us to implement the same functions in mobile application. By the end of this year, we plan to publish an application for smartphones in which this functionality will be available. This will make the teacher's work even more comfortable and independent of the place of the lesson - be it a classroom, a park or a museum.

As for unclaimed services, there are none. Before starting a project, we, together with the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, analyze its potential relevance.

What opportunities does a teacher get when working with the system? To what extent is the interaction between him, the child and the parent worked out in such a bundle?

MES is a system in which teachers can create by creating new content, children can search for what they are interested in, and parents can view information about the progress of the educational process. Each participant will find something useful here. MES helps teachers save time and develop creatively in their profession. For the teacher, this system is primarily a convenient implementation of pedagogical tasks, adapting the content of the lesson to the needs of a particular class and the ability to improve academic performance due to the interest of children in learning. It is now possible to find an approach to each student, create a personal educational trajectory, and offer an individual set of content.

Function feedback in an electronic diary and journal is one of those features that, as surveys show, is most needed. The possibility of interaction not only in face-to-face communication or through social networks, but also with the use of various new digital mechanisms in the Unified Electronic Educational Space of the city - this is a requirement of both teachers and parents.

- What other services are planned to be implemented in the MES to make it even more useful and necessary?

A number of key trends are now clearly visible in the world: this is distance education, its individualization, and the introduction of game mechanisms into the educational process. We try to keep up with the times, so in the future we are planning to launch projects that will use the concept of gamification (increasing the involvement and quality of information absorption by schoolchildren using game methods), and we will also organize co-working spaces and IT test sites, personalize education using big data .

The student's electronic diary will expand through communication services, targeted newsletters with the possibility of individual subscription to e-mail to materials about a student's academic record, information about academic debt, and the need to take action in cases of poor performance. It is also planned to inform about the holding of city Olympiads, events and important events of the city.

After the new year, the magazine will start working additional education, where all information about the circles and sections of the child will be displayed.

Very soon, a new type of content will appear in the MES library - educational applications. Anyone who wants to be individual or big company, will be able to place their developments in the platform. This will allow students and teaching staff to choose the best applications and use them in the educational process for free.

Parents against the Moscow Electronic School project

The Moscow Department of Education has been forcibly transferring metropolitan schools to e-learning since September this year. The process is very active, but so far in a semi-official format - within the framework of internal orders and interagency cooperation. According to one of the main "innovators" of education, a supporter and Moscow official Isaac Kalina, the time for testing has passed - it's time to bring "wi-fi", the Internet and gadgets to every class. One misfortune is the opposition of parents, who, unlike officials, worry about the physical, psychological and moral health of their children. In response to reasonable arguments from parents, a group of anonymous developers from the Department of Education (DOGM) and the Department of Information Technology (DITgM) of Moscow declare an incredible breakthrough effect and safety of the Moscow Electronic School (MES), refusing to consider it a social experiment on the younger generation with unknown consequences .

According to all the basic criteria - the absence of analogues in the world, the lack of detailed expert reports and a positive assessment of the application based on the results of 10 years of pilot use - the MES (about the pitfalls of which Katyusha was previously mentioned) is precisely an experimental educational platform that is unacceptable to plant according to the order. Members of the Moscow Parents' Club turned to the DOGM for clarification: on what basis are modernizers replacing traditional education? Social activists drew the municipality's attention to the fact that sanitary and psychological-pedagogical examinations of information technologies used in the MES were either not carried out at all or were an empty formality. In the public domain there is no data on the studies carried out, on technical regulations for equipment, on hygienic requirements for the operation of devices.

In an official response from the Department of Education, it is reported that the MES is being implemented as part of "providing modern conditions education and upbringing, modernization of the outdated digital infrastructure of educational institutions, distance learning technologies”, with numerous references to strategies state development, instructions of the President, the government program "Digital Economy", etc. were then listed federal laws and legal acts stipulating the creation of the MES.

Note: the very fact that the answer was prepared by specialists in additional professional education is strange, while the MES is imposed on all schools as the main and only system of general education. To what extent the competence of the employees of the City Methodological Center (GMTs) allows to analyze electronic project? It seems that there were simply no other specialists in the DOGM. Therefore, there is no assessment of the content and expected effect of the MES in this reply - it only talks about the legal framework that allowed the experimenters to “swim beyond the buoys” from education.

Finally, on the basis of instructions written mainly by officials of the Ministry of Education and Science and the same DOGM, the department categorically stated that the MES is not a large-scale experiment on children, but a means of modernizing the infrastructure and providing all those who suffer (students, teachers, parents) with electronic materials. That is, we are convinced that this is just an updated form of knowledge transfer with the same content. Although in fact it involves a fundamentally different, clip format of the lesson, called the "scenario". By the way, it is approved by specialists from the same HMC, who check the text of the script for the absence of factual and logical errors (obviously, based on their own knowledge), as well as violations of Russian law. Anyone can become an author - that is, not only a teacher or a person with a specialized education. But the clip nature of the presentation, even with the most vivid illustrations and videos, will never convey information in the way that a classic book does. Along with the form of information transfer, both the content itself and its perception by the student will inevitably change. The MES project itself, which verbally supports traditional education, calls the traditional textbook "boring" and offers to say goodbye to it.

It is no coincidence that in the previous material on the MES, we drew attention to the fact that this project is fully correlated with the globalist plan of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives "Foresight education-2035", offering a transition to virtual, remote learning with the replacement of teachers by managers of "personal career trajectories". Forsyth introduces such unthinkable concepts as “gamification of education” (learning as computer game), "live textbook" (an electronic textbook with changing content), "virton addiction", "children of tablets", "augmented reality learning systems" and much more (for more details, follow the links: or http :// Clearly, Foresight is aimed at demolishing the traditional education system in Russia. In the same way, accents are placed in the Ministry of Economics: developers of game applications are invited to cooperate in writing scripts, and instead of systematized textbooks, the child is invited to carry a tablet with him as a platform "for bold experiments." If all this can be called a unified educational space, which the Ministry of Education and Science sought in declarations, then only a single space of chaos and lack of system.

Activists of the Moscow Parent Club are forced to independently look for experts from the field of healthcare, education and IT who could talk about the dangers and risks in the implementation of the MES, translate relevant materials and studies on the impact from foreign languages. electronic devices and Wi-Fi radiation on health. Specialists in the field of sanitary legislation conducted an analysis of SanPiN for the use of electronic learning tools and came to the following conclusions:

Interactive whiteboards/panels:

1. Requirements for the use of interactive whiteboards / panels (in reflected light) in general education schools are reflected in SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions» to the lighting conditions when they are used (clause 5.7).

At the end of 2015, changes were made to SanPiN and in clause 10. 18, requirements for interactive whiteboards / panels (in reflected light) were added: should not exceed 5 minutes, in grades 5-11 - 10 minutes. The total duration of using the interactive whiteboard in classes in grades 1-2 is no more than 25 minutes, in grades 3-4 and older - no more than 30 minutes, subject to a hygienically rational organization of the lesson (optimal change of activities, lesson density 60-80%, physical education minutes, ophthalmotraining). (The paragraph was introduced by Amendments No. 3, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2015 N 81).

In accordance with clause 13.1, the responsibility for the implementation of these standards lies with the head educational organization. Control over compliance with these requirements should also be carried out as part of the production control program, which indicates a specific responsible executor.

In order to prevent fatigue of students, it is not allowed to use more than two types of electronic learning tools in one lesson. The requirements for the duration of continuous use of technical teaching aids are established only for electronic boards / panels with reflected glow screens.

2. The screen of the new MES interactive panels (Moscow Electronic School) is a source of light, which, in accordance with the classification of technical teaching aids, reduces the safety index of these devices and requires more stringent requirements for their use. MESh interactive panels refer to low-voltage equipment, the safety requirements of which are reflected in TR TS 004/2011 “On the safety of low-voltage equipment”. Replacing ordinary blackboards with MES interactive panels is not provided for by SanPiN In accordance with the requirements of TR TS 004/2011 "On the safety of low-voltage equipment", a certificate of conformity issued by an accredited certification body included in the Single register certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers). Certification of equipment is carried out on the basis of information on testing product samples. If the equipment is mass-produced, then in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 7 TR TS 004/2011, along with product testing, an analysis of the state of production is carried out.

Conclusion: At the moment, studies of the impact of the learning process using interactive panels that are light sources (new MES electronic panels) on the body of children in the territory of the Russian Federation have not been carried out, SanPiN hygiene standards have not been developed for them.

Use of laptops, tablets and other electronic devices:

The use of laptops is regulated by the requirements for a PC (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03, clause 10.18 of SanPiN The requirements for typography of text on a screen that is a source of light (having a low security index) should be stricter than for text displayed on a reader screen, and even more so for a paper educational publication. The requirements for typography of text for educational publications on paper are reflected in SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and elementary vocational education”, requirements for font design of text on the screens of the reader in guidelines"Hygienic assessment of readers and their use in educational organizations".

Conclusion: The use of personal tablets with a screen that is a source of light in secondary schools is not provided for by any current normative document in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. The use of smartphones in the educational process is not provided for by any regulatory document in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

Influence of electromagnetic fields of the microwave range:

The main harmful factor in the use of access points wireless internet(Wi-Fi) is the presence of microwave electromagnetic fields. The assessment of the impact of EMF on the population is carried out according to the effective values ​​of the electric field strength (V / m) in the frequency range of 30 kHz-300 MHz (SanPiN 2.1.8 / Also, temporary permissible levels of EMF created by PCs at workplaces in the frequency range of 5 Hz-400 kHz (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03) are established. Installed standard values are used to assess the impact of EMF on the general population, but children and adolescents are a more vulnerable group, which implies a higher susceptibility to the action of this factor.

Conclusion: At the moment, the normative values ​​for assessing the effect of EMF on the body of children and adolescents have not been established.

Thus, everything that DOGM offers is in its purest form an experiment, moreover, an experiment on the health of our children. Parents have every reason to be worried, including for the pedagogical effectiveness of the MES, about the level of skills and competencies of graduates of this system in comparison with traditional forms of education. It would not be superfluous to note that at a school for children of advanced American employees of Silicon Valley (Google, Yahoo, etc.), before the start of classes, students are required to leave all gadgets (including phones) in special lockers. They study in classes with the usual blackboards and crayons, with paper books, which Mr. Kalina and the army of globalizers call “old-fashioned” in our country.

And here is how Apple co-founder Steve Jobs solved the issue with the use of gadgets by his children: “They don't use them. At home, we limit the time children spend on iPad screens. We communicate a lot with them, discuss books, history - yes, anything. But at the same time, none of them, during a conversation with their father, have a desire to bury themselves in an iPhone.

EU expert, biologist, PhD Arik Sigman spent many years researching the influence of computers and mobile phones on human health. He has traveled all over the world with lectures and is welcome guest in Russia. Sigman came to the conclusion that those who spend more than two hours a day in front of the monitor experience microdamage to cells and arteries and increase the risk of cancer.

During the tests, it turned out that the pages on the Internet, as already mentioned, are not readable, but are skimmed through in a pattern resembling the Latin letter F. The user first reads the first few lines of the text content of the page (sometimes even completely, from beginning to end), then jumps to the middle of the page, where it reads a few more lines (as a rule, only partially, without reading the line to the end), and then quickly descends to the very bottom of the page - to see “how it ended”.

The work of the brain when reading a website. Red shows the areas where the reader's attention lingers the longest. Yellow - skimming zones. Blue and gray areas are not readable at all.

And here the MES lays a real time bomb. All Internet-addicted consumers of simplistic information find even blog texts longer than three or four paragraphs too boring and difficult to read, not to mention serious books. Thus, the unfortunate reformers from the DOGM stop the ability of a new generation of Muscovites (and after them they will try to extend the new system to the whole of Russia) to think logically and critically evaluate what they see and read, reducing their brain work to “I didn’t master it - a lot of bukaffe”. Even people with good (formerly) reading skills notice that after a whole day of surfing the Internet and navigating among tens and hundreds emails, they are physically unable to start even a very interesting book, since reading the first page alone turns into real torture. Try to repeat their experience to see for yourself.

This was not just a lyrical digression, but the most important well-known facts that our officials and digital lobbyists continue to maliciously ignore. And parents continue to fight for the future of the country and insist on recognizing the MES as an experimental project, which assumes the voluntary consent of students (for minors - the consent of legal representatives). Each student should be given a choice - to study according to the MES, the traditional system of education, or the traditional system with elements of new technologies. Accordingly, every Moscow school should be able to provide such an alternative. A comprehensive state expertise of this educational technology is needed with the involvement of experts from the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the FBUZ Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow, both short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (8-10 years). All technical regulations for MES equipment, as well as hygienic requirements, must be made available to the public.

One gets the impression that, under the sauce of innovation and "keeping pace with the entire developed world," outright wrecking and sabotage on a national scale is being committed. In the very near future, public hearings on this topic should be held with the participation of the parent community and the expert community. The more platforms for discussion, round tables, the more citizens will be informed about the situation in our education, the better. After all, it concerns the future of our people and state. This is a matter of national security, sovereignty, a strategic issue in every sense of the word.

The Moscow Electronic School platform was presented in early September 2016. It works in all metropolitan schools. Today we will look at exactly how it works, and most importantly, what advantages the participants in the educational process now have.

What does the Moscow Electronic School consist of?

The main elements of the system are a library of electronic materials and an electronic journal and diary. The latter has been working for a long time, but thanks to the platform, it has more features.

What are the advantages?

Let's start with the obvious. Since textbooks are now stored electronically in the library, children do not have to carry heavy briefcases. Instead, you need to take a tablet. If you don’t have a gadget, but you don’t want to carry a textbook, you can print out the materials needed for a particular lesson.

In addition, it is not necessary to write down the homework: it is displayed in the electronic diary. By the way, parents can log into their diary account from anywhere in Russia and the world - you just need to connect to the Internet. This is especially convenient when traveling. Everywhere you can see what grade the child received and what knowledge his bright head was enriched with.

Library of electronic materials - what is it?

This is an electronic resource that stores not only textbooks and manuals, but also lesson plans that have replaced lesson plans. They are like a presentation with visual materials and tasks. Teachers across the city can borrow a suitable script from the library and use it. There is also a way to make adjustments to the finished material or create your own. In the latter case, teachers can post the script in general access- you just need to send it for moderation.

Such a system allows all teachers in the city to exchange experiences and creates healthy competition between them. After all, any scenario has the ability to evaluate, and the number of downloads of each material is also monitored. It should be noted that since the start of the project (September 2016), teachers have already created more than 3.5 thousand lesson scenarios for the library.

How does the child use the library?

Students download the application to a tablet or computer. When a teacher starts a lesson, students automatically join his script. They can do this at home if, for example, they get sick, but do not want to miss classes. You can go into the script and repeat the topic after the lesson.

What has changed in the diary?

The electronic journal and diary are linked to the library. The diary displays the topic of the lesson. To do homework, the student just needs to follow the link that leads to the desired material in the library. Parents can also do this if they want to know what the children went through in the lesson.

Note that any parent, thanks to the electronic journal (diary), can correspond with the teacher, which will not be visible to the child.

How do interactive whiteboards work?

This is a large touch screen with a diagonal of 84 inches. The boards are connected to the Internet and, of course, to the library of electronic materials. The teacher controls the board directly by touching it or from his tablet. It launches the lesson script, the children through the application get into this script on their personal devices. By the way, the material in the script has three layers, they are similar but not identical. The first is what's on the board. The second one is on the teacher's tablet (there may be additional comments). And finally, the third is what is on the students' tablets. By the way, when a child watches a script at home, he has the opportunity to go to all layers, including the teacher's one.

Thanks to interactive whiteboards, teachers can present material in a colorful and creative way. Some subjects, such as stereometry, especially benefit from the ability to display three-dimensional images. Thanks to the Internet connection, it is possible to quickly find anything - the law, scientific article, video and so on.

You can draw on the board. Instead of chalk - a finger. Modern children who are accustomed to gadgets like it very much. For example, when studying history, students go to the blackboard and are happy to draw trade routes or circle the territories inhabited by certain tribes.

Tablets - a mandatory element of the program?

No. The system is designed so that tablets are not required: children can look at the interactive whiteboard and work, and use traditional textbooks instead of a tablet. The tablet is just one of the tools, scripts work both with it and without it. As already mentioned, script slides can be printed.

Who decides whether to use a tablet?

First of all, family.

Do his parents buy it?

Some schools buy some of the tablets. But mostly yes, parents. The good news is that the system connects tablets to any operating system- Windows, Android, iOS. Parents can choose an available device. Technical specifications are not a matter of principle.

How are interactive whiteboards and tablets related?

They are synchronized over the Internet at the database level. This is a Russian development. A role model has been built in relation to each of the devices, and within its framework, the corresponding functionality is available inside the running application. There is a single source of control - the teacher's tablet.

Communication also goes through an electronic journal and a diary. All children are assigned to a class. Let's assume that the lesson starts at 5th B. The teacher selects a class and by default all students from 5th B join. Thus, the children who have the application open become participants in the lesson.

Do you need internet all the time?

Looking for what. To be present in the lesson script online - yes. And in the library, textbooks, manuals or script materials can be placed in your workspace and read offline.

How will all this affect the ratings?

Throughout the city, the system has only been operating since 2016. But in some schools it began to be used earlier. For example, at school No. 1995. In the past two years, new scheme three subjects were taught there - biology, history and chemistry. Academic performance (that is, the number of grades 4 and 5) increased: in biology - by 12 percent, in history - by 15 percent, in chemistry - by 10 percent.


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