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Thinking Upgrade: Looking at Business from 10,000 Meters Cordoc Richard Parkes

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Michael left and Tom began to analyze his notes. Soon he realized that one thought was constantly spinning in his brain. He began to form an idea of ​​what it means to be successful, and an idea popped into his head that haunted him. Tom kept coming back to her, checking and examining her from different angles. Could this be the business idea he's been waiting for so long? He looked back up at the mountain that Michael had drawn in his notebook and imagined what it was like to be at the top and what a view it would be like from there. He barely noticed the presence of other passengers. The woman sitting across the aisle had long since finished painting her nails and was now flipping through brochures and what appeared to be conference promotional materials in a thick cream-colored leather folder. He wondered if she noticed the change in him. Tom definitely felt different, and it seemed to him that he looked different too. He boarded the plane restless and preoccupied, now he felt new strength in himself, but at the same time he was less tense. The thought swirling around in his head suddenly took on a sharp and clear outline, and Tom knew he had to write it down before it slipped away. This idea could be expressed in one or two sentences, but, using Michael's terminology, which he was already somewhat accustomed to, Tom felt that this was the seed from which possibilities could grow. He barely glanced at Michael as he slowly made his way back down the aisle. Before taking his seat again, he stopped to talk to a man a few rows away. Michael saw that Tom was deep in thought, and instead of sitting down, he went to the kitchen, from where his low voice soon came - the businessman was talking to Olivia. Tom looked at his notes again and then noticed that Michael was returning to his seat. He straightened up and collected his thoughts.

It looks like you've completely withdrawn into yourself. What are you thinking about? Michael asked as he settled back, and Tom wondered if he should tell him how enthusiastic and energized he felt and that he had a hint of a business idea. He hesitated, but then he realized he didn't want to talk about her without thinking it over, but he didn't want to lie to Michael either.

I seem to have a possible business idea, but if you don't mind, I won't talk about it just yet. I want to think more.

Michael nodded in approval.

Of course, but if you have a good idea, then it's time to tell you about the last principle from "I'm sure." The fact is that this acronym completely sounds like "I'm sure of."

Tom was happy. It was what was needed. Just great! He picked up notebook and a pen, indicating that he is ready to continue.

So, we got to the last letter - "B". It signifies a principle whose importance to success is, in my opinion, underestimated by many.

Tom really wanted to actively participate in the conversation.

Let me in last time try to guess what the principle is. Maybe this time I'll be lucky!

Well, you have already begun to show perseverance, - Michael laughed. - Try. - He leaned back in his chair, and Tom thought about what else a successful entrepreneur needs.

The first "B" meant "Get out of your comfort zone." I think the second can mean imagination, inspiration, delightful - am I close to the goal?

Michael laughed out loud at Tom's tense face. It was obvious that young man I really want to guess the last principle.

Yes, it's all very good qualities, although they are not related to the last principle "I am confident in". Remember when I told you how I was in the sporting goods business?

Tom nodded and wondered what Michael had prepared this time. He was already used to the fact that Michael jumped from subject to subject, and this no longer confused him, but rather intrigued him: following Michael's thoughts turned out to be very interesting.

The last "B" stands for a lesson I learned pretty early on, which is "Possibility of defeat". In those days, I read a lot, almost everything I could get my hands on, and one statement stuck in my mind.

It belonged to a certain politician who said that success is the way from one defeat to another, in which you do not lose enthusiasm. I would even go so far as to say that failure should be seen as part and parcel of success.

Tom was confused. He was burning with desire to hear the last secret of how to become a successful entrepreneur, and Michael talks about defeat! But Tom understood that he had to agree, because until now Michael had only said the right things. He must have just missed something.

I don't understand why failure is necessary for success. It is clear that no one can be prosperous all the time, but an integral part ... How is it?

Michael thought for a moment how to explain this last principle from "I'm Sure of" as clearly and clearly as possible. He looked out the plane's window; beyond it nothing could be seen but a huge cloud. This white background helped him focus on a topic that he knew most people would studiously avoid.

When I already had a network sports shops I started thinking about another business. I was very attracted to the idea of ​​a specialized magazine dedicated to running. Running has been my true passion since childhood. It was thanks to him that I started my business. I researched the market, found no similar magazine, and decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to combine business and pleasure. I researched the issue, recruited people who were supposed to write articles, take photos and sell advertising space. These were writers with specialized knowledge who, like me, dreamed of seeing a magazine dedicated exclusively to runners. All the omens were good, I foresaw everything, but after a year it became obvious that the idea had failed, and I had to close the magazine.

Tom was intrigued. He thought that everything that Michael touches in one way or another turns into gold, but now he saw the interlocutor from a new side. He hoped that Michael would not be offended, because he really wanted to know more about this case.

You talk so calmly about what was dear to you.

Of course, now I am calm, although at that time I was very upset because I lost a lot of money. It was also my first major business loss, and perhaps my ego was hurt too. But whatever happens, it's all for the best. In the moment of failure, it is not always obvious that defeat is a wonderful lesson. You can learn a lot and not repeat your mistake again. Through defeat, we gain experience that cannot be obtained in any other way. You see, we all make mistakes at one time or another, but it is important to treat them as a learning process, and then the wisdom gained through this mistake or defeat will help you achieve even greater success in the future. Michael spoke sincerely. Tom felt it in his voice and thought hard about the words of the interlocutor, who tried to convey the importance of the lesson to his, Tom's, consciousness. - I want you to understand from this example of a failed magazine that it is very important for any successful entrepreneur to be prepared to fail. The possibility of failure is an integral part of business. As I said before, failure teaches better than success. After defeats, you become wiser, and, believe me, it’s not scary if you are defeated. I'm sure, that losers are people who never tried to fulfill their dream.

I have some thoughts about defeats, but they are not at all like what you are talking about. In my environment, they are afraid of defeats, they try to keep silent about them. There it is customary to talk only about success.

Michael thought for a moment and answered in a confident, firm voice:

This again speaks to you in the mindset of a hired worker. When you need to report to someone - to your boss or employer, you naturally do not want anyone to know about your failures. When you think like a millionaire, you realize that from every defeat, a powerful sprout of opportunities breaks through, you just need to see them. And these opportunities provide a chance for even greater success. No successful entrepreneur could achieve results without a sufficient number of failures. Businessmen learn from their failures. You could even say that if you don't fail, you're not doing well!

What? - Tom even flinched in surprise. - Trying to fail is original!

No, don't try to fail, just try again and again. Remember we talked about the need to be incredibly tenacious? You are not guaranteed to win 100%, so you need to consider losses as part of the rules of the game and learn from them in order to move on. You see, entrepreneurs don't always have the answers to all the questions they need to run a business, they often have to come up with them along the way. Sometimes they choose the wrong answer but keep trying. After each defeat, you will know more, plan better and avoid old mistakes. Do you understand where I'm getting at?

Tom wrote so fast that he didn't even want to stop to answer, so he just nodded and kept scribbling. Michael watched and waited for the young man to finish.

- I want to say that there is nothing wrong with defeat, it's all about how you treat it. That's what I meant when I quoted the words "success is a path from one defeat to another, on which you do not lose enthusiasm" a few minutes ago. Now you see why it's so important to stay optimistic and stay positive: because in business, if something can go wrong, it will. It is up to you whether you count the cup as half empty or half full, but whichever you choose will affect the result. You learn to deal with failures and move on, and you can't afford to sit and worry about them or the possible consequences. The case may end with the fact that you generally stop doing anything, and it will be terrible.

Tom understood what Michael wanted to tell him, although the words about the consequences made him think. He felt it was time to ask for clarification to make sure he was on the right track.

It seems to me a little strange idea Don't think about the consequences of decisions. Shouldn't you be worried about the result?

Michael was somewhat surprised by this question, but he saw that Tom sincerely did not understand.

No, I'm not saying that you don't have to worry about the consequences at all. They need to be carefully considered. I want to say that you don’t need to worry about them and you shouldn’t allow these experiences to prevent you from making decisions and moving forward. Only you yourself are able to protect your business, and for this you may need to take risks. Your job is to solve problems in a way that puts every need of your business first. Sometimes it means taking risks, and it's not always clear what the outcome will be, but in some situations, risk is the most prudent response to a problem.

Now Tom's head was spinning with another concept. The idea that taking risks means acting prudently was something he had certainly not encountered before, and it needed more explanation. He heard the stewardess loading the cart with duty-free goods, clinking bottles and rustling boxes, and hurried to speak in order to get an answer before they were interrupted.

I don't quite see how risk can be prudent. After all, the very nature of risk is directly opposite to prudence.

Michael listened, but it was clear that he did not agree.

I understand why you think so, but for me risk comes from common sense, and common sense comes from wisdom. We just discussed that you become wiser through your failures, and experience and knowledge helps to calculate what the real risk is. Successful entrepreneurs do this on a daily basis, and while outsiders may feel like they're taking a huge risk, those close to them, who know what decisions are based on, see that the risk is calculated. If you use your experience and common sense when calculating, you will minimize the risk.

Michael leaned back and seemed to wonder how else to help Tom understand this thought.

I'll give you an example. Like I said, I've been running all my life. At first it was short distances, then middle distances, and now marathons. You can tell that for someone my age, running a marathon is a risk and I might not be able to take it. I may have seizures, my heart will start beating fast, I may have a heart attack or faint. It's all risk. But since I have been running almost since childhood, I am in very good shape and I know the capabilities of my body. Over the years I have adjusted to my age and ability and I know I can run a marathon. I have calculated the risk and its level is acceptable. My goal is just to run a marathon, although in the past I would have set a goal to win. But if I tried to win now, it would be an unacceptable risk. This would mean demanding more from your body than it can. I gained such experience and knowledge by participating in other marathons, and they allow me to calculate my capabilities. Some may say that it's still too risky, but not me. Now it is clear?

Tom thought about what he heard and realized that for Michael the risk meant something completely different. Now he saw the positive side of taking risks, but he still didn't fully understand how it related to the idea of ​​defeat. Only now did he notice that he was idly drawing in his notebook while Michael spoke. The words "risk" and "defeat" Tom placed in two separate circles connected by arrows, and decorated the image with a large question mark on top.

So, in your understanding, risk and defeat are somehow connected?

Michael thought for a moment.

Do you know the old proverb “He who does not take risks does not drink champagne”? - Tom nodded, and Michael continued: - Yes, I definitely see the connection between risk and defeat. We have already said that to take risks, you need to have common sense, and common sense is acquired through failure, and thus you receive valuable information for the future. You could even say that the more defeats you have suffered, the more common sense, of course, if you have drawn the necessary conclusions from these defeats. The more common sense you have, the more risk you can take and achieve greater results. So losing isn't such a bad thing, right?

Finally it hit Tom and he really liked the idea. He had never thought about it before, but when Michael talked about the defeat, he again remembered his father, who was always afraid to take risks. Once he tried to organize his own business, into which his hobby grew, but after a few months he was defeated. He never mentioned it or said how he felt when he had to return to his old job. Growing up, Tom realized that this was a taboo subject that none of the family members touched, and that this incident influenced his father's attitude to life: he definitely considered the cup half empty. These thoughts of Tom perfectly confirmed the words of Michael.

I've seen what happens when a person accepts defeat and doesn't try again. I always thought that failure is very difficult to survive, but you talk about it as something completely ordinary.

Perhaps the problem is in the word "defeat". It carries such an expressive assessment that you begin to experience shame, anger, grief, guilt, or other negative emotions. Try to think not about "defeat" - it seems to be something huge and terrible - but about an ordinary, routine mistake. We all make mistakes and put up with it, pay for them if needed, and move on. If you know at least one person who has never made a mistake, tell me, because I have never met such a person!

Tom smiled slightly.

I have to admit, "mistake" doesn't seem like such a scary word as "defeat."

That's it. If you make a mistake, you consider it part of your experience and don't go back and waste time on it. Draw conclusions and work to end this, do not allow yourself to be tormented and inactive. It's important, Tom. It is important to bring to the end even what you made a mistake. Make no mistake, being a successful entrepreneur means working under stress, anxiety, and pressure, perhaps more than you experience. wage-earners. When you're working for someone else, you can always leave and find another job. But if this is your own business, then only your task is to make sure that it survives at all costs. You can't leave without losing everything you have. It's hard, but you can keep stress to a minimum by keeping every element of your business under control as much as possible. The more you control the field, the less chance things will go wrong, and therefore the less need to worry and experience pressure. Listen to the advice of someone who knows all about pressure on how to deal with it, make quick decisions and take immediate action.

Even if the decisions turn out to be wrong? Tom clarified.

I am sure that more often they will be correct. Like I said, we all make mistakes, it's just a matter of how you feel about it.

Satisfied with the answer, Tom leaned back in his chair again. He was now familiar with all eight principles that make up the acronym "I'm Confident." It remains to put them into practice. He smiled at Michael and began to write in his notebook, but felt he should thank him.

Michael, you have been so generous in sharing your secrets with me. I am so grateful to you. Thank you so much.

Michael smiled back too.

Please. I really hope that you achieve the success you aspire to.

Tom began to write intently and winced slightly when Michael touched his arm, wanting to get his attention.

By the way, that's not all. There is another secret that will help you fulfill your dream, but more on that later.

Pleased that he had confused Tom, Michael glanced at Olivia, who was approaching them with a cart of duty-free goods. He reached into his inside pocket for his purse, and Tom began to finish his notes.

Tom's Notes


- The possibility of failure is part of the path to success. Defeat and success go hand in hand, one cannot exist without the other.

- Success is the way from one defeat to another, on which you do not lose enthusiasm.

- Through defeat, you gain wisdom and common sense. Failure teaches better than success. Defeat is a great lesson.

- With the help of wisdom and common sense, you can calculate the big risks that are very important for a big success.

- Be prepared to be defeated. Real losers - only those who have not been able to get started.

- Defeat can be turned into good - be sure to look for seeds in it from which new possibilities can sprout.

- Defeat - a very emotional word that carries a strong negative charge. In fact, we just make a number of mistakes. Learn from these mistakes and don't repeat them again.

If you can't stand defeat, then you're not trying hard enough.

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Chapter Seven The sons climbed into my lap. The eldest, six years old, was the first to speak. “Mr. Jones is so good!” “Yes! I agreed. Jones had just left after spending the whole evening with Polly and the boys and me. As usual, he turned down the invitation.

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It's believed that successful businessmen have something that makes them stand out from the crowd - a kind of "magic gene", a secret or a special gift. But this is a myth. It's all about the quite accessible, simple and consistent type of thinking of these people - "millionaire thinking". It can be studied, sorted and learned to use.

The book is based on real events. In the dialogue of her two characters, the author reveals a number of simple, but extremely important principles necessary for success in business, and shows how anyone can master them.

The publication is intended for start-up entrepreneurs, students, as well as all those who are thinking about creating own business or interested in commercial matters.

On our website you can download the book "Upgrading Thinking. A View of Business from a Height of 10,000 Meters" by Richard Parkes Cordock for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

Richard Parkes Cordoc


A look at the business from a height of 10,000 meters

Kordok R. P.

K66 Thinking Upgrade: Looking at Business from 10,000 Meters / Richard Parks Cordock; Per. from English. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2006. - 155 p.

ISBN 5-9614-0357-2

It is believed that successful businessmen have something that makes them stand out from the crowd - a kind of "magic gene", a secret or a special gift. But this is a myth. It's all about the quite accessible, simple and consistent type of thinking of these people - "millionaire thinking". It can be studied, sorted and learned to use.

The book is based on real events. In the dialogue of her two characters, the author reveals a number of simple, but extremely important principles necessary for success in business, and shows how anyone can master them.

The publication is intended for beginner entrepreneurs, students, as well as all those who are thinking about creating their own business or are interested in commerce.

The translation is based on the English edition published by Capstone Publishing Ltd. (A Wiley Company)

Preface to the Russian edition

Dear readers!

You are holding in your hands another bestseller from the How to Become a Millionaire series. Publications belonging to this genre are very popular all over the world. This book is no exception either. The answer to the question "why are they popular" lies on the surface - the recommendations outlined in them really help. And don't listen to those who say it's not.

And they help because when we read such books thoughtfully and attentively, doing exercise after exercise, we learn to think differently. This literature pushes the limits of the habitual, worked out mental circuits that have become our second self. Of course, the good old schemes have proved their viability and allowed us to become who we are (and, by the way, earn money to purchase these books, which, of course, cannot be a daily necessity).

Yes, the old schemes work. But before certain limit. And we always want more. But in order to get it, you need to change, first of all, your own thoughts and inner convictions. Of course, in the familiar world you always feel more confident and comfortable. Starting to think (not to mention act) in a new way is scary. But it is the one who overcame fear, who felt delighted with the emergence of new opportunities, who believed in himself and gladly accepted the challenge of the unknown, he becomes the winner!

I believe that the readers of this book are just that kind of people.

Happy reading!

Sincerely, Andrey Uspensky,


Expression of gratitude

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who supported me and helped me in the last few years as I embarked on a new journey into the world of entrepreneurship.

I want to give special thanks to my father, who encouraged me to write this book and was always there for me.

Thanks to Anna Rushton and Nuala Mullen for helping me with advice on writing the book; John Moseley of Capstone Wiley and Simon Benham of Mayer Benham, who brought this book to life.

I would also like to thank Simon Woodroffe, Sir Tom Hunter, and Sir Richard Branson, who inspired me to write this book, and all the other entrepreneurs and professionals I interviewed for The Millionaire MBA Course. Without their help, Thinking Upgrade: A 10,000 Meter View of Business would never have existed.

Thanks to Napoleon Hill, who came up with the idea of ​​such publications.

I am grateful to George Zambartas, who gave me the opportunity to start giving lectures and practically forced me to take a fresh look at my material. My sincere thanks go to Jason Murphy, who helped conceive the idea for the plot of this book, and to Philip Allen for the idea of ​​the acronym.

Special thanks to my beloved wife Jane for her patience and faith in me and daughter Amelia, who asked me to tell this story to everyone (but only to those who need it).


The story you're about to read like everyone else good stories is based on real events. Jason Murphy, a relative of the author, was given a more comfortable seat on a plane bound for Australia, where he was to start new business. Surprisingly, he ended up in seat 1B next to Sir Richard Branson, who shared his thoughts with the young entrepreneur during the flight.

Lessons in success from those who
travel at the sharp end of the plane
Richard Parkes Cordock

Preface to the Russian edition

Dear readers!

You are holding in your hands another bestseller from the How to Become a Millionaire series. Publications belonging to this genre are very popular all over the world. This book is no exception either. The answer to the question “why are they popular” lies on the surface - the recommendations outlined in them really help. And don't listen to those who say it's not.
And they help because when we read such books thoughtfully and attentively, doing exercise after exercise, we learn to think differently. This literature pushes the limits of the habitual, worked out mental circuits that have become our second self. Of course, the good old schemes have proved their viability and allowed us to become who we are (and, by the way, earn money to purchase these books, which, of course, cannot be a daily necessity).
Yes, the old schemes work. But up to a certain limit. And we always want more. But in order to get it, you need to change, first of all, your own thoughts and inner convictions. Of course, in the familiar world you always feel more confident and comfortable. Starting to think (not to mention act) in a new way is scary. But it is the one who overcame fear, who felt delighted with the emergence of new opportunities, who believed in himself and gladly accepted the challenge of the unknown, he becomes the winner!
I believe that the readers of this book are just that kind of people.
Happy reading!

Andrey Uspensky,

Expression of gratitude

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart everyone who supported me and helped me in the last few years as I embarked on a new journey into the world of entrepreneurship.
I want to give special thanks to my father, who encouraged me to write this book and was always there for me.
Thanks to Anna Rushton and Nuala Mullen for helping me with advice on writing the book; John Moseley of Capstone Wiley and Simon Benham of Mayer Benham, who brought this book to life.
I would also like to thank Simon Woodroffe, Sir Tom Hunter, and Sir Richard Branson, who inspired me to write this book, and all the other entrepreneurs and professionals I interviewed for The Millionaire MBA Course. Without their help, Thinking Upgrade: A 10,000 Meter View of Business would never have existed.
Thanks to Napoleon Hill, who came up with the idea of ​​such publications.
I am grateful to George Zambartas, who gave me the opportunity to start giving lectures and practically forced me to take a fresh look at my material. My sincere thanks go to Jason Murphy, who helped conceive the idea for the plot of this book, and to Philip Allen for the idea of ​​the acronym.
Special thanks to my beloved wife Jane for her patience and faith in me and daughter Amelia, who asked me to tell this story to everyone (but only to those who need it).



Ironically, given the peculiarities of this excellent book, I am writing the preface to it to the accompaniment of the on-board radio in the aircraft. The person I'm listening to speaks of the insight of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.
My family and I recently moved to Dubai and are looking forward to what life will bring us.
I am sure that in order to achieve positive results in any endeavor, you first need to create a mental image of what you dream about. This is the beginning of all success, and I was very happy when Richard Parks Cordock, author of Upgrading Your Mind, approached me. He knew how to convey this information to others. I am grateful to Richard for asking me to write this foreword.
I know firsthand the impact the right book can have, how it can help change lives. About ten years ago, I was recommended a book called Think and Grow Rich.
“What is the point of reading something written in the 1930s,” I thought then. And I was wrong! It was this book (which I know inspired Richard as well) that helped me put the principles of success into practice and fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming world snooker champion.
After I won this championship in 2002, I was contacted by my former Latin teacher at Highbury Grove School in London. He asked me to give a speech to his students to increase their motivation.
The event was attended by about 120 laureates of various Olympiads in various disciplines. I gave each of them a copy of the book that inspired me, in the hope that if even one of the students understood the full power and significance of the ideas presented in it, then I would help change that person’s life forever.
I have to say without a shadow of a doubt that if Think and Grow Rich has turned my life upside down, Upgrade Your Thinking may just as well turn yours around.
If you have already succeeded in life or business, then you know many of the principles that Richard proposed. If you are just starting out on your path to success, then I can assure you that in this book you will find all the information you need.
♦ What do you really expect from life?
♦ What do you want to be?
♦ What do you want to achieve?
♦ Are you ready to be the creator of your own life in order to ultimately achieve your goal?
If you are not willing to pay to keep moving forward, then eventually you will have to pay the price of not reaching your goal.
Perhaps the most important starting point is true love for your work. Then, in the words of motivational expert Brian Tracy, “your work becomes play, and play becomes work.” You will gladly work very hard to become as great a specialist as possible, because you love your job. This is your passion.
Passion is what separates successful entrepreneurs and winning athletes from the rest of the people.
Perhaps one of my strengths is perseverance. I believed with all my heart and was absolutely convinced that one day I would become world champion. It took me 17 years to do this. I made many mistakes in the course of achieving my goal, but I know that each of them was absolutely necessary in order to succeed in the end.
We learn and grow from our mistakes, become stronger.
Many lose heart and give up when they fail, but this is a very important turning point! This is the moment when you need to concentrate as much as possible, gain determination, stock up on perseverance and faith, because it is during this difficult period that you will find your “second self”. You will find a person inside you who is so eager to achieve the goal that he turns you into a powerful laser beam that can destroy any obstacle that stands in the way.
Always focus on your goal, not on obstacles, and then your dreams and goals will come true.
When I needed circumstances to be in my favor and internally I felt strong, I concentrated on my goal.
In psychology, there is a term denoting the concentration at one point of desire, faith and love. When combined, they form that very irresistible, powerful ray of concentration that helps a person achieve his goal.
In order to defeat Stephen Hendry, the undisputed seven-time world champion and the most successful player in the history of snooker, in the final, I focused all my attention, desire, faith and love for my wife and children into a “laser beam” of a degree that I had never been able to imagine before. Perhaps it was a necessity, but it seemed to me that love lay at the core. I knew how important it was for my wife, relatives and friends that I become a world champion, and I focused on that.
Such love, combined with absolute faith in the ability to achieve my goal and a burning, all-consuming desire, helped me climb to the pinnacle of success. And let me tell you that after all the hard work, annoyance, crash, and at times disappointment, the view from above is absolutely magnificent!
I will never forget this feeling.
FROM financial side the victory was also significant, but nowhere near as important. I have reached the goal of my life, that which cannot be bought. I paid in advance, believed in myself and my abilities and got what I deserved.
I am sure that nothing in life happens just like that. I believe in cause and effect. Nothing happens by accident. Perhaps the most difficult thing in life is to keep moving forward when we do not achieve success, believing that we already deserve it.
You can only get as much out of life as you put into it. This is the law of physics, and you can't get away from it.
I really like the line from one of Elton John's songs from the album Peachtree Road, which says: "We all get what we deserve." I think it's right.
My own formula for success looks like this:

preparation + chance + faith = RESULT.

And the result cannot be better or worse than what you deserve or earn.
When I beat Matthew Stevens in the semi-final of the World Championship, I presented my victory in the final so vividly that I felt as if I had already won! A wave of confidence swept over me, and in the future I did not lose the composure necessary to win the match of the highest class.
However, it is very easy to fall into the trap of complacency or stay in your personal comfort zone. This happened to me in the last two seasons, although I knew about such a danger. But it's not enough to know what to do. You have to try. Serious efforts need to be made. We need to grow and learn, because we do not stand still, but we slide back, and then it will take much more effort to return to the old place.
Upgrading Your Mind helped me focus again, and I would like to thank Richard from the bottom of my heart for getting me back on track.
Even if you know perfectly well all the principles of success, you will fail if you lack self-discipline.
Brian Tracy summed it up nicely when he said, “Do what you feel like doing, when you need to, whether you like it or not.” In short, self-discipline is the price of success.
With Richard's book, you will embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery, but the final destination of knowledge will depend entirely on you, your passion, faith, desire and perseverance.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I hope someday we will meet, and perhaps at the airport, and tell each other about the positive impact this wonderful book has had on our lives. We may have different destinations, but with the help of the Thinking Upgrade book, we will ALWAYS be on the same flight!

FROM Best wishes, Peter Ebdon
September 2005

Chapter first

Why does it always happen that the more important the matter, the sooner you manage to do everything wrong? Tom knew that he left for the airport too late. Buried again: another phone call, a frantic search for papers related to the project, the last cup of coffee ... Frustrated, he dragged himself in the express train towards the terminal, watching with concern how the second hand on the clock moved inexorably, and for the umpteenth time scolded himself for not leaving the house early. Passenger check-in ended an hour before departure, the situation was serious. Tom tapped his foot nervously, leaning against the closed doors, mentally adjusting the train. Finally! The doors opened. He jumped out first and rushed up the escalator straight to the front desk.
While Tom was rushing with all his strength to the counter, he managed to notice a man in his fifties, dressed in an expensive dark linen suit and a fresh shirt without a tie. He was calmly talking on the phone, writing something with a silver pen on the latest issue of a business weekly. With a smile and a wave of his hand, the stranger politely declined his cup of coffee and returned to his full focus on the conversation.
Tom walked up to the check-in counter and his heart sank when he realized there were no other passengers. Really late? He smiled hopefully at the blonde at the counter and handed her his passport and ticket. The girl replied with a glance at him.
“I can check you in, but it's too late to look for a place for you. Go straight to exit number thirteen, they will tell you what to do next. Please hurry, boarding is ending.
Tom immediately thought that number thirteen was another bad sign on this already not perfect day, but he grabbed his briefcase and rushed to the far end of the terminal, to the exit. Hot and sweaty, although not too out of breath, he rushed there at the moment when the passengers were already entering the plane. Tom explained the situation to the man at the counter, believing that he would immediately be asked to come on board. But the clerk, whose business card read "Andrew" in a soft Scottish accent, asked Tom to wait: they wouldn't be able to find a seat for him until the last passenger had boarded the plane.
He waited with growing fear that there would be no empty seats at all. In turn, Andrew, without stopping looking at him and smiling reassuringly, suddenly leaned all over in the direction of a man walking slowly towards the aisle. It was the same stranger Tom had seen near the front desk. His appearance betrayed a man accustomed to getting the best out of life. Andrew greeted him respectfully, but like an old acquaintance, and asked him something. The man looked at Tom with a smile, then turned back to Andrew and nodded. The stranger then entered the plane, and Andrew beckoned to Tom, who was prepared to hear the worst.
“I'm sorry, but all the seats in economy class are taken.
I knew it, thought Tom. - Today is not my day". Disappointment and annoyance showed on his face, and Andrew hurriedly spoke again.
- Don't worry, sir, you are our regular customer. We are ready to provide you with a free seat in business class. The gentleman who has just entered usually takes two places, and he agreed to give up one. This means that you will take the second of the best seats - 1B. Believe me, traveling in it is much more convenient! Have a nice flight, - the employee with a smile held out the boarding pass and removed the rope barrier.
Hardly believing his luck, Tom boarded the plane, took a seat and immediately buckled up, as the liner was already preparing for takeoff. He was in a hurry and nervous, as was often the case with him in recent days, but he nodded gratefully to his unexpected companion. Tom could not help but notice that the stranger was calm and even relaxed, so he took a deep breath to calm his excitement, and only then turned to his neighbor.
- I'm very grateful to you. If I couldn't fly, it would be a disaster. Thanks a lot.
Tom extended his hand and they exchanged a quick, firm handshake. The neighbor smiled kindly.
- No problem. Perhaps we should get acquainted, since it fell out to travel together. My name is Michael, Michael Redford. I'm glad I won't be alone.” He looked inquiringly at Tom as two stewardesses passed by, checking to see if the overhead bins were closed and the passengers were strapped in.
“I'm Tom, Tom Macmillan. I was lucky that there was a free seat ... To be honest, I ended up in this chair only because I arrived too late, and the seat for which I had a ticket turned out to be occupied. So thanks again.
Michael made himself comfortable.
- All right, it's all right. I always take two seats in case an assistant flies with me, or just to have more space - he looked at Tom curiously. - Was it difficult to get there? I heard there was a traffic jam on the way out of town.
No, it's not because of traffic. I just couldn't get out of the house. There was too much to do... Lately I don't have enough time for anything!
Michael nodded sympathetically.
- In my youth, I also always did not have enough time, I understand you perfectly. I'm very glad I could help. Michael leaned back and straightened his seat belt. Tom stroked the leather upholstery of the seat and smiled blissfully at the unexpected comfort. Flight attendants explained the rules of conduct in flight. Tom's companion slowly removed the cap from the pen and took out a leather-bound notebook. Tom thought he could at least read in relative silence, and took a book out of his pocket. It was a book on how to succeed in business, one of many he had looked over in the past few months. Some were helpful, but none gave an answer to the question of what he should do in the current situation. He knew he wanted more out of life. He knew he wanted to succeed. Before starting to read, Tom carefully studied what was written on the cover. Maybe this book will tell him how to get out of the plight in which he was? For the past three months, the clouds have been thickening and soon a thunderstorm was clearly supposed to break out. He was about to read when Michael, noticing the title of the book, Think and Grow Rich, looked at him curiously.
- An interesting choice. Young people don't often turn to this book these days. Napoleon Hill has a lot to learn.” He smiled at Tom. You will receive advice that will help you achieve real success in life. I learned a lot from this book at the beginning of my career, and I see that you, too, want to know the "secret of success."
Tom was intrigued. He had not heard of this book before he bought it and was surprised that Michael knew the author's name. Nobody at the software company where Tom worked ever said they read books about how to succeed in business. However, they generally considered it strange a person who reads anything other than project documentation.
I bought it yesterday, but I thought it was new.
His companion smiled.
Actually, this book is many years old. Yes Yes. I'm sure, it was written in the thirties and it was she who helped me find out what changed my life. I'm sure that through this book, I learned the basic principles that allowed me to succeed in business. Hope it helps you too.
The plane taxied to the runway. Tom looked out the window and out of the corner of his eye noticed a page on which Michael began to write something. The notes were like calculations, with quite a lot of zeros at the end, and Tom wondered how successful Michael was. Curiously, the companion mentioned some kind of "secret", but would he want to tell Tom what it is? “After all, what do I need? thought Tom. “Just a few hints, advice on how to move forward.” He was still thinking about it when the "You can unfasten your seat belts" sign lit up. Loosening the buckle, Tom thought about how to get close to the topic that interested him, but Michael himself came to his aid. Bending down a little, he asked:
“So what field do you work in, Tom?”
This is the question Tom has been asking himself very often lately and even began to believe that he had chosen the wrong field of activity. He thought about what to say to Michael, and was about to throw something short and abrupt, when suddenly the thought dawned on him: “What am I missing? This person can look at my situation from a different angle. He obviously succeeded in life and, perhaps, will give good advice».
I am a project manager in an IT company. At least for now - this trip could be the last, the company is going through a lot of changes, and there is talk of layoffs. It may not affect me, but if I were late for departure today, it would not turn out in my favor. I am not thrilled about what I have to do on a business trip, but if I had missed the plane and postponed it, it would not have been easier. I prefer to get rid of it quickly.
“In business, you often have to do things that you would rather not do,” Michael pointed out. - I'm sure that if I am engaged in something that I am not passionate about or convinced of, then this is like a hard climb to the top. May I ask what is unpleasant job?
Tom suddenly felt that he really wanted to tell a stranger about this, who had nothing to do with the firm.
- Please. I'm even glad to have the opportunity to talk about it. I'm on my way to close the regional office and return its property to the parent company. Recently, things have not been going well there, but the problem is not even in work, but in people. Some of them will not be able to find another place. And the prospects for the whole company are not very good. It feels like you're trying to catch your own tail.
“Sounds depressing,” Michael remarked sympathetically, and asked to continue. Tom nodded.
“Lately, I've been in this state all the time. The problem is that my activity lies in the field of development software. Changes happen so fast here that it's hard to keep track of them. Like on a treadmill: just think that you have achieved something and you can stop, it turns out New Product and have to start all over again. It takes a lot of work for me to control the situation, and, frankly, things are not so good. Rumors of layoffs or transfers to another position within the company instill uncertainty and make it difficult to focus on their work. It's hard to feel like you're making progress when you're only busy running, trying to keep up. I've read a lot of books on how to be successful in business, but I can't figure out what's missing to make a difference.” He sighed softly. “I wish I knew what to do.


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