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There are no significant differences between these three types of production in terms of basic methods; but since very different grades of clay and individual features of techniques are used for them, then, considering separately the production of brick, faience and porcelain, here we summarize some general information, relating especially to that kind of various earthenware of medium value, which are known in particular under the name of pottery.

"From the peoples of Asia, the Chinese for 2000 years BC. uh. made not only earthenware, but also porcelain, and this already clearly indicates that the beginning of pottery production in China was much earlier than this time."

Varieties of ceramic products

Leaving aside the beauty of the form, the products made in our time differ among themselves not so much in the degree of finishing, but, first of all, in the composition of the mass from which they are made, and the kind of glaze that is poured. All ceramic products in this regard are divided into 2 groups: dense and porous.

Dense are those that, due to the action of high temperature during firing, have fused or merged into a homogeneous solid mass; when broken, they are more or less glassy, ​​translucent, do not absorb water, and spark when struck against steel. Porcelain serves as their type.

Porous, on the contrary, have the entire mass of which they are made, loose, porous in a fracture; break easily; they pass water through their mass if the watering is removed, and stick to the tongue with their break. Their type is faience. There are transitions between the two. Both are covered with irrigation or do not have it. An ordinary brick is a porous product without watering and of lower quality in terms of the type of material.


Dense pottery includes:

  • Porcelain hard, the mass of which is almost fused, fine-grained, translucent, elastic-voiced, homogeneous, hard, not amenable to the action of a knife, conchoidal in a fracture, 2.07-2.49. It contains kaolin, or china clay, and more than that, feldspar, chalk, and quartz. Glazing consists of the same feldspar with gypsum as the mass itself; tin and lead oxides are never introduced into porcelain glazes. Porcelain is subjected to double firing: weak before glaze coating and very strong after glaze coating.
  • Porcelain soft melts more easily than solid; French contains a mass almost glassy, ​​with a transparent lead glaze; the mass of English is composed of kaolin, silica, gypsum and bone ash. Watering consists of chalk, silica, borax and lead oxide, it melts more easily than the porcelain mass itself, and therefore the first firing, on the contrary, should be stronger than the secondary.
  • Biscuit, that is, porcelain is hard, unglazed; the mass is the same as in porcelain.
  • Pariyan has a mass composition similar to English, hard-melting, yellowish in color, without glaze.
  • Kappapa- medium between Pariyan and stone products, slightly transparent, white.
  • stone products consist of a dense fine-grained mass, white or colored, emitting a sound and translucent along the edges of the fracture; they are ordinary and tender (D. Wedgwood).

The mass of ordinary products consists of colored refractory clay, sand and fireclay mass; sometimes without glaze; usually covered with a very thin layer formed from the deposition of thrown during firing table salt. The mass of delicate products consists of refractory clay, quartz and gypsum, sometimes tinted and covered with lead or boric glaze.


Porous ceramic products include:

  • Faience gentle- a mixture of refractory clay with silica; covered with transparent watering, has the bulk of the opaque, unvoiced.
  • Faience ordinary, sometimes called majolica, has a reddish-yellow mass; after firing clay with the addition of clay marl, it is covered with an opaque tin glaze.
  • Terracotta, or fired artificial stone mass, consisting of refined clay and pottery turned into powder, without glaze. It is used for making vases, architectural decorations, floor slabs, etc.
  • Ordinary pottery products, of which the mass consists of clay and clay marl with an opaque lead glaze.
  • Products from ordinary and fire-resistant clay: any brick, tile, drainage pipes, chimneys, etc.

Pottery materials

Tiles. The manufacture of tiles begins with the preparation of plates, rolling pins and rims from clods of brought clay. The first ones are made on the molding blocks of the required pattern, if these are cornice tiles, and the rims are made on the G. machine, which is described when molding the pots. There are 4 blocks for making tiles, with which you can make all types of tiles. The blocks are made from birch boards, they must be smoothly planed and the cornices sawn off. A wooden spatula, knife and thin wire complete the rest of the tool. The assembly of individual parts of the tiles is done as follows: a plate is placed on the block and a rim is placed on it, which is pressed with a spatula or nailed until the height of the rim becomes the required measure, and then the rim is lined with rolling pins or ribbons from the inside and outside, which the worker presses to connect in one piece with its sheer walls, giving them a grooved shape. It remains only to make holes in the transverse walls of the rim with a nail for inserting iron anchors when connecting stoves and take the tile to the dryer. The molding of decorations is done simultaneously with the assembly of tiles in special plaster or wooden molds, in which tiles are pressed out with the images required on their surface using a press. Drying of tiles lasts from 4 ½ - 5 days. After this, the correctness of the front plane of the tile is checked with a ruler, if necessary, they are planed, and the recesses are filled with the same chips moistened with water.

Glaze application

Some pottery products are not glazed, such as refractory bricks, bream, tiles, pots, terracotta, etc., while the rest are usually glazed. Glazing is done so that clay products are not saturated with the liquid that they contain, or falling, or the moisture around them. (The same purpose is also served by milk firing (milk firing) - one of the ancient ways of processing ceramics to make it waterproof and beautiful.)

Cheap pottery is glazed while raw and fired at the same time. This action is called antling; it consists in the fact that during firing, salt is thrown into the furnace, which, turning into vapor, sits on products, and where it sits, clay with its constituent parts and salt forms a low-melting compound, a kind of glass called ant.

The second method of glazing is that the composition of the glaze is crushed into a fine powder, sifted and sprinkled on products, usually of coarse manufacture, such as unfired pipes, tiles, pots, etc. Before sprinkling, the products are coated with flour paste, and then fired.

The third method consists in dousing with watering, diluted to the density of cream. This method covers products that are non-porous, therefore hard, little absorbing water, such as English porcelain and some varieties of faience. The pouring method makes it possible to make the inner glaze different from the outer one.

Finally, the fourth method consists in immersing porcelain and faience products in the glaze mass. All products of this kind are initially weakly fired, without losing the ability to absorb water. Irrigation, pounded into the smallest powder, forms milk with water, in which the immersed products absorb water, while the solid particles of the irrigation are deposited densely on the surface, sticking to it very strongly. On the glaze, sometimes they make picturesque drawings with metallic paints ground on turpentine. To strengthen such paints, you need to melt the glaze, and for this product, burn it for the 3rd time. So that at the same time the paints do not fade from the action of fire, firing is done in a special chamber called a muffle.

Many of us have our own hobbies. Usually these activities bring only moral satisfaction. But who said that a hobby can't be profitable? It is to this profitable type of activity that pottery can be attributed. How much will it cost to open a small pottery workshop? And how much can you earn by spinning a potter's wheel?

Main material with which the potter works is clay. It comes in different varieties and is selected, depending on the product being manufactured.

Technological processes of pottery production - this is kneading, sculpting and firing. In the future, the finished product can be glazed.

The production time for one ceramic pot can take about two hours. At the same time, 20-30 minutes will be spent on kneading and modeling from clay, and the rest of the time on drying and firing.

Every job has its own nuances. In pottery, the total percentage of defects reaches 20-30%, and at first it can be half of all clay pots. The degree of suitability of raw materials, modeling from clay, the level of dryness before firing - all this affects the quality of the finished product. If you intend to rotate the potter's wheel on your own, then you will have to master all the processes and delve into all the technological details. Also, for the manufacture of pottery or souvenirs, you must have artistic taste and imagination.

The composition of the equipment of the pottery workshop includes
- muffle furnace - preferably 3-4 pieces. The price is about 100 thousand rubles;
- potter's wheel - the amount depends on the number employees. The price is 30-50 thousand rubles. But there are ways to make a potter's wheel with your own hands;
- clay mixing machine - the price is about 30 thousand rubles;
- scales - the price is about 6 thousand rubles;
- molds for products - quantity as required.

The composition of the premises of the pottery workshop consists of a production area and a warehouse. The glazing process is best done in a separate room with good ventilation. Glaze contains lead and other chemical elements so you need to take precautions for your own safety.

Room area selected, depending on the volume of production and the number of workers. Minimum industrial volumes suggest at least 50 sq.m. production areas, while about 20 sq.m. The rent of such premises will be about 30-40 thousand rubles. per month.

Pottery activity workshop falls under the OKVED code 26.21 "Production of household and decorative ceramic products." This category includes the manufacture of tableware, household supplies from ceramics, as well as figurines and other decorative items. The manufacture of toys is not included in this group. If it is planned to produce such products, then during registration it is necessary to add the OKVED code 36.50 “Other production”. Number of registered species economic activity should be maximum and include all possible productions.

As an organizational and legal form when registering an activity, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur under a simplified taxation system. This will reduce tax payments and insurance premiums.

Workshop staff directly depends on the volume of sales. As a rule, people who are in love with their craft are engaged in pottery. And there are few of them. In addition, pottery and souvenirs are exclusive author's works. Finding customers and organizing sales is a very time-consuming process. Usually craftsmen take their products to places with a large flow of foreign tourists, to various festivals and exhibitions, closer to Europe. There, where clay pots and do-it-yourself lids are in demand. Therefore, the staff in a small pottery workshop consists of 1-2 people.

Marketing - the most crucial moment in the entire pottery business. Despite the fact that sales of souvenirs have increased significantly in recent years, 90% of all products are produced outside of Russia. In any case, merchants import their goods from Southeast Asia. This means that this market is still free for the domestic manufacturer.

According to wholesalers, Russian manufacturers are very unreliable in terms of terms and quality of their products. For a large souvenir chain, the minimum batch of products of one name should be at least 1000 pieces. Therefore, when concluding a contract with such a customer, there are very big risks for the supplier.
Arrangements with small souvenir shops are more attractive for a small pottery workshop. The volumes are smaller, but the incomes are correspondingly.

One of the options for implementation is the manufacture of products on an individual order. For example, in interior design, many look for special vases, clay pots or reliefs, tiles or frames. As promotional souvenirs, fridge magnets, small stationery stands, clay figurines, beer mugs go well.

Development of the pottery business involves, in addition to the sale of finished products, and the establishment of a program for teaching pottery. The organization of master classes or training courses can be a good source of income. Interest in this kind of art has always been. Turning the potter's wheel, watching the transformation of a piece of clay into a slender vase or jug ​​is truly a pleasure. Therefore, there are many who want to try. In addition, in recent years, pottery therapy has become very popular. By the way, you can conduct master classes with a visit to the customer's home. And, as customers, elite schools and kindergartens can act here.

Advertising products and services is an element of promotion of any business, including pottery. In order to be noticed and appreciated, you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising. But, as they say, the end justifies the means.

The cost of clay products is from 100 to 1000 rubles. a piece. The price depends on the volume, shape, design, complexity of the work. Souvenirs, magnets diverge at a price of 40 to 100 rubles.

Cost of education can vary from 300 to 1000 rubles per hour. It all depends on the professionalism of the master and the presence of those willing to pay one or another amount.

Summing up all of the above, we can characterize the business model of an ideal pottery workshop that works in three directions at once: 1) the production of clay products for large wholesalers; 2) a separate small workshop for the production of copyright works to order; 3) a school for teaching pottery. At the head of this enterprise is himself individual entrepreneur and exercises direct control over the quality of products and delivery times.

As for the initial investment, as you can see, they are small. The opening of the workshop and promotion will cost no more than 10 thousand dollars. But the payback period and the amount of profit will depend on the creativity and organizational abilities of the entrepreneur himself.

Clay souvenirs are always in great demand. In addition, products that imitate antique kitchen utensils made of clay have recently become fashionable. To be engaged in the production of such products, it is necessary to master this ancient craft perfectly. How to Turn Beginner Pottery Profitable promising business you will learn from this article.


Beginners often wonder where to learn pottery in order to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Useful information can be gleaned from books and other specialized literature. In addition, many sites on the Internet have free video pottery lessons for beginners.

The simplest and at the same time effective method, which will help you quickly master this craft - learning from the master. Such lessons will cost you about 1 thousand rubles for 1 hour of classes. But this is the most The best way learning that will allow you to learn manufacturing process from within. For 2 months of classes in special courses, you will pay 10-15 thousand rubles. After completing such courses, it is hardly possible to become a master. But, nevertheless, you will be well versed in pottery.

In principle, even those people who have never encountered pottery can open such a business. It is enough to understand the technology for the production of ceramic products, draw up a business plan for a pottery workshop and hire several experienced craftsmen. If you manage to properly organize this business, it will develop successfully and bring you excellent profits.

Many beginners doubt, ? If you want to get financial independence, try, experiment and you will definitely succeed. The crisis is best time to start a new business, so discard all doubts and get to work.

Business registration

Before you start pottery, you need to register an IP. Such activities fall under OKVED 26.21. This category allows you to engage in the production of various ceramic products, ranging from souvenirs to household products. If you also plan to make clay toys, you need to add the OKVED code 36.50. To reduce taxes and insurance payments, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system.

Workshop space and equipment

After you complete everything Required documents, you can go directly to the organization of the pottery workshop. First of all, you need to rent a suitable room. It is desirable that it consists of two rooms. One of them will be equipped as a workshop, and the second one will be used as a warehouse for finished products. The area of ​​the room should be at least 40-50 square meters. meters.

At first, it is enough to buy:

  • Potter's wheel;
  • Device for kneading clay;
  • Scales;
  • Forms;
  • Furnace for roasting finished products;
  • In addition, you will need shelving with shelves for storing finished products.

Kilns for roasting are presented on the market in a wide range. They can be electric, gas or solid fuel. Such equipment can be made with your own hands, but in home-made ovens it is almost impossible to achieve uniformity and High Quality firing.

Business features

It is most profitable to open a pottery workshop in resort towns, which are often visited by tourists from different countries. In this case, your products will be in demand in the market. Of course, before starting work, you need to carefully analyze the market and study the level of competition. Many domestic manufacturers cannot compete with cheap Chinese products. But after all, this is a mass product that is not as interesting to consumers as individual developments. If you produce exclusive quality products, the demand for them will only grow.

When developing an assortment, you need to take into account that each region of the country has its own traditions and customs. You must learn to reflect them in ceramic products and their paintings. In this case, Chinese manufacturers will not be able to repeat your masterpieces. At first, you should not greatly expand the range. Limit yourself to the production of decorative and household utensils, souvenir magnets, vases and various pots. You should also not forget about such a profitable line of activity as holding master classes. Pottery is a profitable and quite promising business.

Raw material

Finding clay for pottery is not difficult. Using different ways processing can be normalized even raw materials Bad quality. Usually clay lies under a small layer of earth, so you can extract it even on your own personal plot. But it is best to use clean, homogeneous material for sculpting.

To determine the suitability of raw materials, you need to roll a small bundle from moistened clay, as thick as a finger. After that, bend the tourniquet in half and check the bend for cracks. If there are few of them, you can safely use the material for modeling.

In order for the business to flourish, you need to find trusted suppliers of raw materials. Sometimes even reliable partners fail and supply low-quality material. So pay special attention to this important point. Another option where you can buy clay for pottery is the Internet. Here you can find raw materials of any quality at affordable prices. In addition, as mentioned above, you can get clay for modeling on your own. In this case, you will open, because you can significantly reduce the cost of production.

Technological process

The production of pottery is one of the most.

Such products can be made in different ways:

  • Free modeling. Various figurines, whistles and pots are molded from prepared clay;
  • Free formation is performed using a potter's wheel;
  • For plastic molding by hand, plaster molds are used.

For the manufacture of complex ceramic products, several molding methods are usually combined. To give the product an elegant look, it is treated with solutions of gold or silver, they use picturesque decoration with heat-resistant paints or the thinnest transparent film that shimmers in different colors. A very beautiful decoration is obtained from small pieces of colored glass. They are applied to the surface in the right places and the product is fired. Under the influence of high temperatures, the glass melts and spreads over the surface of the product, creating intricate patterns. You can create amazing original products from clay. A pottery workshop is enough, because the demand for ceramic products does not fall even during a crisis.

Sales of finished products

In order for pottery as a business to bring good profit, you need to find reliable distribution channels. Advertising will help you with this, as well as participation in art exhibitions and fairs. Entrepreneurs who work in major cities, can sell finished products to souvenir shops located at airports and train stations, shopping centers, flower shops and other trading companies.

If you are doing pottery at home, you can use another effective way that allows you to sell products in large volumes - this is the Internet. To organize online trading, it is enough to create your own online store. You can also find potential clients through auction sites.

Experienced businessmen advise beginners to take part in exhibitions and fairs as often as possible. Of course, transportation costs, entry fees and rental of exhibition equipment will significantly reduce your profits. But such social events will help you attract potential customers to your products.

Pay attention to the fact that the stand with your products is installed in a walk-through, well-lit place. Create a pleasant, friendly environment, offer customers products in different price ranges - all this attracts people and increases sales. Don't forget to order Business Cards that you will distribute to your customers. Many visitors to the exhibition do not make purchases immediately. They select the appropriate options, after which they contact the seller and place a large order.

Video: Making a simple pot mold

Business development

In addition to selling finished products, you can organize pottery training for beginners. Training courses or master classes, with the right approach, can become a fairly profitable line of business. Many people are interested in this kind of art, so they dream of learning pottery. The miraculous transformation of an ordinary piece of clay and an original jug or vase is a real pleasure. Therefore, there will be many who want to master this skill.

Recently, psychologists often recommend pottery therapy to their patients as one of the most effective methods in the treatment of severe depression. Plus, pottery is a great option for people who can't find one. By the way, many companies offer master classes at customers' homes. This service is often ordered by schools and kindergartens.

Hello, dear ... everyone)) So, we begin to analyze the main stages of work on potter's wheel. Today we will learn centering. This is one of the most difficult stages for beginners to practice pottery. It is somewhat similar to the process of raising children - here, as well as from a child, from clay, obedience must be achieved. And oh, it's not easy...

For work, we need a potter's wheel, a bowl of water, a prepared piece of clay, a string, a sponge, and, of course, grateful spectators)).

First you need to check the clay for softness. If the clay easily leaves fingerprints, but at the same time it does not stick to them (i.e. not very liquid), then proceed to the next step. If not, and the clay is hard, it should be wrapped in a wet cloth and put in a plastic bag for a while. If the clay is too soft, then it must be dried.

Now we cut off a piece of the size we need with a string. As a rule, there are voids in clay, and it may also be heterogeneous in composition and density.

Therefore, before you put a lump of clay on the potter's wheel, you need to give it a good pat with your hand. (Sometimes this has to be done with children, but it’s better to find a different approach to them :) At the same time, we form a ball from our lump.

Now we need to take a small piece of clay, turn on the potter's wheel

and spread the clay in a thin layer in a circle. This layer is needed so that the working lump of clay is well attached and does not fly away during work.

Turn off the circle and attach our main piece, carefully pressing the clay around the perimeter.

Now water comes into play. This is our lubricant, it keeps the clay from sticking to your hands. Water should be added periodically - as it drains and soaks into the clay.

Now we turn on the potter's wheel again and proceed to centering. With both hands we squeeze our lump a little. Here it is important to fix the hands so that they do not “jump” from the unevenness of the clay. This is where it is necessary to achieve obedience from the clay - so that not the hands follow the clay, but the clay follows the hands.

As in the case of children, it is imperative to get them to fulfill their duties (clean up toys, for example), and with clay - you need to “get your way”. And just like with children, it is important not to “squeeze” - this can push the child away from you, while the clay is severely deformed or simply flies off the circle.

This is where soft power comes into play.

Gradually narrow the lump so that it turns into a cone. In this case, the right hand presses harder, and the left hand supports.

Here in this picture you can see which parts of the hands are involved in centering.

Remember to remove excess water with a sponge.

If you have a large lump of clay, then you can also apply such a “super-capture” of pottery kung fu. The right hand is working, it rests with the elbow on the stomach, the left hand firmly holds the right hand, helping it not to react to the shocks of the clay. (Sometimes parents need to combine their efforts in education:) Slowly but surely, hands press on someone of clay, getting the desired shape from him.

Another way is "fine processing". Fingers are involved here - they go from top to bottom and from bottom to top and, like a cutter on a lathe, remove all irregularities.

With your finger, you can cut off excess clay at the base.

Also, by running your finger along the entire height of the coma, you can check how well it is centered, if there is any beating. If the finger bounces in some areas, then you need to trim it a little more.

This is how the cone should look like.

Now our cone needs to be lowered - flattened to make a "stump" (or "fungus"). The right hand - the working one - presses from above, the left holds the shape. At the same time, the pads of the palm of the right hand adjoin to the side and also keep the clay from beating.

These are traces of clay during the "lowering" of clay.

View from above. The right hand passes through the center and covers half of the clay ball.

Slowly but surely we continue to give up (literally, not figuratively :).

This is how the "fungus" should turn out.

Sometimes one rise and fall is enough for a piece of clay to center well and wash out. But usually you need to do several such approaches and only then move on to the next stage.

That's all for now, good luck with your pottery! And see you on the air!

Any creative person sooner or later, he thinks about changing his boring office job to one that will delight his soul. Various ideas come to mind, from drawing to organizing holidays. For many, it is important that their business is ethical and brings real benefit to society. One of these is learning an ancient craft - pottery.

Clay is a pure natural material, which, on the one hand, allows you to relax and escape from the routine. On the other hand, clay has been an excellent material for construction and various production since ancient times. Clay is still used to make bricks, dishes and decorative ceramic products. Expensive porcelain and faience are also made from clay, in a process not unlike that of bricks. The difference in production lies only in the type of clay and some specific final processes. Despite the antiquity of pottery, it is still relevant. And with the increased availability of tools, it has become popular with laymen who want to make pottery for themselves and friends as a hobby. Therefore, the business of training and providing an opportunity to do this wonderful business will always find its consumer.

Why pottery school?

Agree, everyone in childhood loved to sculpt from plasticine, and someone was lucky to work with the purest natural material- clay. By itself, clay is a viscous substance that easily lends itself to plastic changes. Clay is used to make dishes, decorative interior items, jewelry and much more. But learning to sculpt something worthwhile out of clay is quite difficult. That is why people willingly sign up for master classes in clay modeling by hand and on a potter's wheel.

Classes are attended by both children and adult elderly couples. Clay modeling calms, clears the mind and gives a positive attitude for the whole day. In addition, the products received after classes can be fully used in everyday life. Some people compare clay modeling to meditation. Group classes are also in great demand, as an excellent form for holding a birthday or corporate party.

Where to begin?

Many people think that in order to open a pottery school, one must be very good at sculpting from clay. In part, this is true. In your staff, you must have at least two specialists who understand the pottery craft, it is desirable that one of them be a ceramic designer, trained in special educational institution. It is important to understand that after your students mold the clay items, you will need to dry them yourself and fire them at the right temperature. Also, do not forget about technological processes: glazing of products (glazing), painting with engobes, scrap and secondary firing.

Of course, if you do not want to conduct courses yourself, then you should entrust the control of these important components of the business to your employees. But in reality, these processes are not so complicated, but, of course, it is better to hire an experienced specialist in this field for the first time in order to learn from his experience and create your own technological manual. As for the modeling itself, there is nothing complicated here. You can create a training program in just a week. Study the literature on pottery on your own and for the first time this will be enough for children and beginner ceramists.

Some subtleties and tips on equipping and opening your own pottery school

To get started you will need:

  • clay kiln
  • Potter's wheel
  • a set of tools (brushes and special tools)
  • furniture and shelving
  • clay and paint

The business of opening a pottery school has a low entry threshold. First you need to purchase a kiln, its price starts from 90,000 rubles. For the first time, the simplest oven will be enough. Please note that it is important that the kiln can fire clay at temperatures above 1000 degrees. Also, you will need clay itself, tools and special paints for it (engobes and glazes). Do not forget about the potter's wheel, it will be indispensable if you want to start learning from the production of dishes, although for the first time, classes can only be done on hand molding. All this can be purchased in specialized online stores.

An important expense will be the purchase of furniture in order to organize workspace at the pottery school. It all depends on the area of ​​the room. The minimum purchase for organizing a pottery school with a secondary throughput about 100 people per month - 150,000 rubles, excluding room rental.

The area of ​​the room should be at least 30 sq.m, but please note that the larger the room, the more comfortable the students. Try to stay closer to schools and kindergartens, preferably in the city center, so that it is convenient to get to the workshop.

Highlight special place for a furnace (it will be an electric muffle furnace), consider fire safety requirements, consult with specialists who produce clay kilns.

Training formats can be:

  • – individual workshops on hand-sculpting or on a potter's wheel (for everyone)
  • – a basic course consisting of 8-12 lessons (for those who want to learn how to sculpt)
  • — narrowly focused classes for professionals in their field (advanced courses, advanced training)
  • – renting a working space for advanced potters and individual lessons (pottery co-working)
What can you expect in the end?

The payback of such a business is approximately 6-8 months, it all depends on advertising and proper positioning in your city. At the start, it is very important to attract students with friendly service and a flexible pricing system. The average check for a master class can reach 2,000 rubles per listener.

Design is important for the image of the pottery school, so pay special attention to both the name and the external design. The pottery school entices both children and parents with its creative process. As a rule, no one remains indifferent, because clay modeling is a wonderful way of self-expression, which will always be in demand in the service market.


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