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This question arises for everyone who is thinking about online trading, because the product is the key issue of your future business. In this article, we will tell you how to choose a niche that will be popular, and also give you the opportunity to test it using a special service. After reading, you will not only be able to understand what can be sold via the Internet, but you will also be able to use it for free for two weeks.

1 step. Find out what's hot right now

Gather information about what's trending in e-commerce right now. What products are at the peak of their demand. The best-selling products on the Internet today are books, clothing, household and computer technology. Also, goods that people need every day are in great demand: this creates a demand for online grocery stores with home delivery.

2 step. Sell ​​the product you love, choose the area you are good at

This will help create an excellent quality of service: the question of what to sell in an online store is becoming more and more popular, which means that there are more and more online shops today and buyers have a choice. Last but not least, they will see how well you understand your assortment.

3 step. Decide on an assortment

The more popular the product, the more interest you will arouse among potential buyers. But keep in mind that a popular niche is also the niche of your competitors, they also thought about what to sell in an online store in 2013, so you need to be different - be it promotion methods, positioning or quality of service.

4 step. Consult Yandex.Wordstat

With rare and original goods, due to which you want to get high sales, you need to be careful. On the one hand, a product may be needed by everyone, and on the other hand, it may be of interest to only a few dozen people in the world.
When asked what to sell in an online store, Yandex and the service answer with great success. Here you can select the region for which you are going to sell. For example, you want to sell designer sneakers. Request "buy sneakers", region - Moscow region.

Using the service, you can see how many times a month people ask this question to Yandex and actually show buying interest. If the result is practically zero, the product, alas, will not be in demand, which means that the online store of such a product will not be profitable. If hundreds or even thousands of people make a request every day, you can move on to the next step and think about how to sell a product on the Internet.

5 step. Decide on upfront costs

6 step. Promote your online store so that it is popular

You have taken a decisive step, decided what to sell in an online store, and now you are an online businessman. You need to increase traffic to your online store. Here, tips on the most popular ways to promote an online store, which we described for you in the article on increasing online store traffic, will help.

You can get even more answers to the question of what else can be sold in an online store, and business ideas in our blog.
Have you made up your mind? Have you decided to become an Internet businessman? Then create your first online store now using the form that will allow you to try all the features of a real store!


During a crisis, many trade enterprises suffer serious financial losses, as the purchasing power of the population is sharply reduced, and many goods remain unclaimed. But, despite this, experts believe that economic instability is the most best time to start your own profitable business. To get a good income, you need to know what to trade in the 2018 crisis. This will be discussed in this publication.

Anti-stress products

Thinking about the best way to trade in a crisis, many entrepreneurs for some reason forget about products that help get rid of stress. In order not to become depressed due to financial problems, people use different methods that allow them to relax and forget about all the troubles for a while.

Some citizens prefer to relieve stress with alcohol, while others buy sweets to cheer up. There are also people who buy various sedatives in pharmacies. If you cannot decide which product to trade in a crisis, try to focus on such products.

Funeral paraphernalia

It sounds sad but funeral services in our country are in demand in any economic conditions. People escort loved ones and relatives on their last journey, regardless of their financial position, so the trade in grave goods does not stop even in times of crisis.

When choosing an assortment of what to trade in a crisis, give preference to goods in the economy segment. Unusual funeral supplies are too expensive, so they are too costly for beginners. At the stage of business formation, they can be completely excluded from the assortment.

Environmentally friendly products

Recently, many people are trying to buy only natural, ecologically clean products. On this addiction, residents countryside can build profitable and sufficient promising business. So, what to trade in a market crisis?

Experts have compiled a list of the most popular home-made products:

  • Meat;
  • Dairy;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Smoked products;
  • Pickles and conservation.

This is the best-selling in a crisis in any region of our country. If you are looking for sources of additional income, choose any products from this list and boldly enter the market with them.

Real estate

Many citizens who have additional living space are thinking about what? Experts believe that the crisis is not the best time to sell real estate, but if you see no other way out, you can try to make money from it.

Let's talk in more detail, how to sell real estate in a crisis and get a decent income from it? First of all, try to sell your apartment as profitably as possible. Invest the proceeds in the purchase of housing in new buildings at the construction stage. When the house is put into operation, the cost of square meters will rise by 20-30%, respectively, the sale of the apartment will bring you a good profit. You can also buy housing in disrepair, make it overhaul and sell for a lot more.

Internet trading

Recently, online shopping has become very popular. Beginners are often interested in what is profitable to sell on the Internet in a crisis?

On the network you can trade any product:

  • Food;
  • Appliances;
  • Shoes and clothes;
  • Children's products;
  • Flowers;
  • Auto parts and more.

At first, choose 2-3 categories of goods and gradually expand the range. For example, you can add watches or jewelry to an online store for shoes and clothes. This will allow you to increase the profitability of your business.

Children's products

Parents try to give their children the best. They make every effort to provide their child with a comfortable life. Therefore, children's toys and clothing are goods that never fall in demand.

If you are attracted to this market segment, before opening a store, you need to decide what is profitable to trade in a crisis. Experienced businessmen do not advise focusing on children's clothing, because in difficult economic conditions, people are trying to save money, so they often buy used items. In addition, babies wear clothes after their older sisters or brothers. Therefore, in the assortment of a children's goods store, clothing should not occupy more than 10% of the total volume of products.

hot baking

Can't decide what to trade in a crisis small town? Everything ingenious is simple. The simplest option is street trading hot pastries. Such a business does not require large financial investments and at the same time is highly profitable.

To open one landline outlet, you need 1-2 thousand dollars. The main cost is the purchase of equipment. From one point per month, you can get 300-500 dollars of net profit. If you expand trade in holidays in places of mass festivities, you can get a monthly profit in one day. This is an excellent one that can be realized during the summer holiday season.

Second hand

Cheap used clothes are the best option for people who can't decide what to sell in a crisis. Such a business is characterized by high profitability and quick payback.

In order to open a second-hand store, you do not need large financial investments. Rent a small space, buy a small batch of goods and get to work. To understand what is profitable to sell in a small town, at first buy a cheap product and sell it by weight. Over time, you can add a few expensive positions and open a stock. Competent price policy is a guarantee of the success of your enterprise.

Coffee machines

During the crisis, many people save money, so they try not to visit cafes and other establishments Catering. They prefer to drink a cup of coffee from a coffee machine located near the place of work or study. Coffee machines are the easiest and most profitable option to trade in a crisis.

To open such a business, you need to purchase vending machines. If financial possibilities do not allow you to make such a purchase, at first you can rent equipment. In addition to the coffee machine, you will also need a selection of coffee, sugar, dry cream and disposable tableware. The next important step is choosing a location. The coffee machine can be installed in mall, any educational institution, clinic, hospital, etc.


Since recently the economy of our country has been oriented towards import substitution, before deciding what to trade during a crisis, pay attention to products domestic production, in particular on pasta. These are inexpensive and tasty food products that are bought by almost all citizens of our country. The greatest demand is observed for products of the middle price segment. Usually buyers are not tied to any particular trademark. Much for them quality is more important and affordable price. Buy pasta from the manufacturer and sell it in bulk at your own markup to supermarkets, canteens, cafes and companies that prepare and deliver hot meals. According to experts, it can bring a decent profit, especially when it comes to inexpensive food.

Educational courses

During the crisis, many people lose their jobs, so they are forced to look for other sources of income. To do this, they have to learn new professions that are in demand during a period of economic instability. In this regard, the demand for various educational courses begins to grow. If you are thinking about what is profitable to sell in a crisis, try to offer consumers your knowledge. Foreign language courses, playing the guitar or cutting and sewing are always in great demand, so you will not be left without making money.

Post advertisements in printed publications or the Internet and wait for customers to call. In addition, you can offer your services to acquaintances and friends who may become your first students. Educational courses are one of the most, which opens up great opportunities for beginners.

Goods from China

Previously, many people believed that any Chinese products are consumer goods, which are not of high quality. But the situation has changed and now you can build a profitable business on goods from China. As you know, in China you can buy products 50% cheaper than in our country. Everything is produced here, from clothes and children's toys to high-tech medical equipment. Before starting a business with China, you need to decide what to trade in a crisis.

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to pay attention to the following product groups:

  • Shoes and clothes;
  • Electronics;
  • Accessories;
  • Textile;
  • Kids toys;
  • Cell phones.

The easiest way to make money on the resale of goods from China is dropshipping. This is a great option for those who are looking for . Create your own online store, place photos and descriptions of goods from Chinese sites in it, and wait for buyers. When the client pays for the purchase, use this money to buy the goods from suppliers in China at a lower price and send it to the address of the buyer. The price difference is your net income.

Do not forget that the best-selling goods in a crisis are essential products. Expensive goods that are not in great demand may remain unclaimed for a long time, so they will not bring you a good income.

Medical preparations

Everyone knows that medicines are essential goods. Any person who feels unwell goes to a doctor who prescribes the necessary medicines for him. After that, he goes to the pharmacy and even buys medicines with the last money to improve his health. Therefore, if you are wondering what to sell in a crisis, open your own pharmacy.

In difficult economic conditions sales medicines don't fall. On the contrary, they can even grow if you replace expensive drugs with cheap domestic-made analogues. Thanks to this, consumers will be able to save money, and you will get a good profit.

Naturally, opening a pharmacy is not easy. It is necessary to obtain activity permits (a license for the sale of medicines), as well as register your type of activity.

It will be quite problematic for aspiring entrepreneurs to open such a business because of the large start-up capital necessary for the implementation of this idea of ​​​​earning. The way out of the situation is the search for investors. You can read about how to find an investor on our website.

How to choose what to sell in an online store in 2018? This question is faced by hundreds of entrepreneurs who have decided to open their online business. Let's consider the main criteria when choosing a product for online sales, and also offer ideas for a business.

What you will learn about:

What criteria to consider when evaluating a product

The process of finding a product that is suitable for distance selling is considered the most important step in the creation of profitable business. When choosing the right product, you need to determine two things:
  • demand for it
  • your financial capabilities and development prospects.

After all, theoretically, almost everything can be sold online, but not every product will bring good profit. For profitable sales, it is desirable to evaluate a number of factors that will affect the profit.

Potential Market Size

Most of the data on the possible size of the market is available on the Internet in the public domain. Take a look at the numbers from Data Insight, the Association of Internet Commerce Companies and individual market participants.

True, the size of the Internet sales market of 1 trillion rubles, named by experts, will not tell you anything. But the data on the most popular products- suitable ground for thinking about what is better to sell in an online store.

Statistics show that electronics, clothing, home and repair goods, etc. are well sold on the Internet.

To assess the market, analytics about its consolidation is useful. According to the data of 2017, there are already highly consolidated industries in online commerce that have serious leaders (for example, in the book segment there are “Labyrinth” and “Read the City”, in Moscow among online food supermarkets - “Utkonos”).

However, there are niches where there are many small online stores. For example, in the field of goods for the holidays, the sale of flowers, groups of building materials.

There are also universal niches where both large and small stores feel good. These are electronics, clothing, shoes, accessories.

The analysis of search queries will also help to evaluate the market. For this, Google Adwords Keyword is used. The information collected by the company allows you to determine whether there will be a wide demand for the product, how much potential clients looking for this item online.

You can also determine specifically what to sell in an online store using the Wordstat service from Yandex by typing in the phrase “buy + [name of the product intended for sale]”.

Level of competition

How to conduct competitor analysis? This will also require internet. Enter the name of the product you plan to sell into the search engine and select 5-10 online stores from the first page. You can use the Yandex.Market service and see those who sell this product there.

What is better to consider in a competitive analysis of online stores? It is worth seeing:

  • price level (how much potential competitors sell this or that product);
  • attendance of competitors (the counter from liveinternet can be on the site in the public domain, if it is not there, the free Alexa service will do);
  • where visitors come to the site, channels and geography of users (SimilarWeb site analytics);
  • what keywords customers use to go to competitors' sites from the search (features of the paid resource SpyWords);
  • how much money is spent on contextual advertising (SpyWords).
In addition, before building your own website, it is desirable to understand how competitors keep customers on their Internet resources, how they encourage them to make a purchase, and also what payment methods they offer.
Important! Analysis of other online stores will allow you to find out what else you can sell in your store (related products, services). You will definitely have ideas on how to increase the average check.
Go to a competitor's website and try to find a product, add it to your shopping cart and checkout. Write down your impressions, think about how you can improve the service offered by another store. When analyzing, pay attention to the little things:
  • are there any reviews;
  • quick contact form;
  • advice related to the use of the product, etc.
When opening an online store, use the CRM system from Business.Ru. With this online service, you can manage your product range, automate work with suppliers, quickly process orders, provide high quality customer service, conduct promotions and analyze sales.

Stability of demand for goods

Earlier we wrote that not every product will be profitable to sell in an online store. However, there is a group of subjects that are well implemented, but only in certain time. We will talk about seasonal goods and goods of impulse demand.

The former, for example, include flowers (sales peak on March 8 and September 1), goods for summer cottages (sales peak from April to June).

Everyone knows that it is much easier to sell goods for sea holidays in an online store in summer than in winter. However, at this time you do not sell goods for winter sports (sales peak in November-January).

Impulse goods are those that a person saw by chance, but at the same time decided to take it. A vivid example is the useless small things for the kitchen, bought by accident on AliExpress.

Such goods include tea, coffee, chocolate, unusual items for the home, accessories. Due to the low cost, the level of their sales does not fall during the crisis, but it directly depends on the activity of the store's advertising campaign.

Important! If you want to make a profit every month, choose to sell something that does not fluctuate significantly.
How stable is the demand, you can find out from the analysis services keywords from Google.Adwords and Wordstat from Yandex.

In addition, before opening an online store, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. Decide on the size of the investment. The dropshipping system (when the supplier himself sends the goods to the buyer) allows you to work with little or no investment, but you won’t earn much in this way. If you work directly with buyers, you need funds to buy the goods from the supplier, because often the consumer pays for the goods when he receives them personally;
  2. Find a supplier with pleasant working conditions, ask him for a price. If the supplier is located abroad, you need to find out if there are restrictions on the import of goods into Russia, whether he needs additional certification in our country;
  3. Calculate what markup you can set (taking into account all expenses) in order to make a profit;
  4. Consider delivery terms free shipping is undoubtedly an advantage for your online store);
  5. Evaluate, using previous findings about competitors, how you can plan advertising campaign. It could be contextual advertising, promotion through social networks or even guerrilla marketing. It all depends on the item you are selling;
  6. Draw up a business plan for an online store based on the conclusions made earlier.
The business plan should include:
  • type of goods;
  • market analysis;
  • analysis of the positive negative aspects business, opportunities and threats;
  • description of organizational and legal conditions;
  • advertising campaign plan;
  • revenue calculation and other financial calculations.

What to sell in an online store: ideas and ways to choose a niche

Before presenting ideas for products that will sell well online in 2018, here are five ways to choose a niche:

1. Define the problem and identify products that solve it. For example, the rise in crime has created a demand for the so-called "anti-theft backpack". Statistics from 2018 only confirms this:

2. Find products that you and those around you are passionate about. For example, if you love running, you can open a running store. You can sell sports accessories, water, and even comfortable jewelry for people involved in this sport. If you are excited about new gadgets, sell new ones. So, there is still an increase in demand for robotic vacuum cleaners (not to mention quadrocopters).

3. Look for a niche with branding potential. For example, on the wave of patriotism in Russia, stores with themed clothing and paraphernalia have been well developed.

4. Identify a product whose demand has the potential to grow. So, among men it is now fashionable to grow a beard. Demand for beard care products has doubled over the past year. Great demand is observed in the autumn-winter period, as well as before the holidays (New Year and February 23).

5. Identify products that are hot right now: ask your friends what they are going to buy. For example, many teenagers are now excited about Bluetooth speakers. The growth in demand for them is confirmed by statistics:

The proposed niches should suggest what you can sell in an online store.

Having opened an online store, try the Business.Ru CRM system for in-depth sales analytics. The service allows you to receive real-time detailed information about the profit and profitability of goods, control the revenue and all expenses of the company, predict sales and increase work efficiency.

The 2018 trending ideas from the list below will help you decide on the choice of goods for e-commerce.

Goods for home and garden

Product options:

  • little things that make life easier (like AliExpress products);
  • bed linen and pillows;
  • swing chair made of artificial rattan (original ones are expensive, but inexpensive substitutes can be sold);
  • hammocks;
  • pools and loungers.
Please note that goods for summer cottages are characterized by seasonal demand.

Digital technology and electronics

Popular in 2018:

  • mid-range smartphones;
  • Bluetooth speakers;
  • video cards (for mining);
  • robotic vacuum cleaners.

Children's products

it a good option for an online store run by a woman with children. The owner of the trading platform must understand the main trends in demand, understand popular and fashionable brands.

Demand for baby products, according to search engine statistics, is falling in 2018. The reason is the decline in the birth rate and the fact that women do not use search services to search for goods for children, but Yandex.Market and social networks. So selling children's things in an online store is not so easy.

However, there are things, the demand for which practically does not fall. Among them:

  • child car seats;
  • children's hammocks (seasonal demand!);
  • scooters, balance bikes and bicycles;
  • children's clothing and footwear.
Many children's goods fall into the category of impulsive demand: women on maternity leave to receive positive emotions spend a lot of time aimlessly wandering around online stores, imperceptibly filling the basket with things for the child.

Auto parts and car accessories

Have you noticed that auto parts stores rarely sell auto accessories? This is because those who sell spare parts specialize only in them, because you need to be well versed in details, analogues, etc.

Often the owners of car dealerships deal only with certain brands, for example, "Korean" or "German".

Car accessories trade is great for those who are just starting to understand cars. However, the competition in this area is higher. Read about how to open an auto parts store.

Unique food

Food products are not often sold on the Internet, as it is easier for the consumer to buy them in a regular store. However, when specializing in niche products, an online store of unique food products will have regular customers.

When we talk about niche products, we mean:

  • farm products;
  • goods for vegetarians;
  • special varieties of tea, coffee;
  • dietary supplements for sports nutrition.

Sportswear and footwear

The number of people who want to go in for sports in Russia is constantly increasing due to the trend towards healthy lifestyle life.

An entrepreneur who wants to open his own sports goods store must himself “spin” in this area. After all, you need to understand the trends.

Popular in 2018:

  • accessories for those who go in for sports (demand is growing even for banal yoga mats!);
  • gadgets for runners and cyclists;
  • sports nutrition;
  • tourism equipment.

Goods for pets

According to statistics, there is a stable demand for animal feed in Russia. Veterinarians regularly remind cat and dog owners that it is forbidden to feed pets with food from the common table.

To save money, people order pet food in large packages with courier delivery.

In 2018 are in demand:

  • feed of the middle price category;
  • cat litter;
  • carriers, leashes and harnesses.

Natural cosmetic

"Organic" cosmetics - a trend in the market cosmetics, which was observed in 2017 and will clearly be recorded for several years.

Its main advantage is the absence of harmful ingredients and a small likelihood of allergies.

Sell ​​well online:

  • oils;
  • herbal cosmetics;
  • Korean cosmetics;
  • Indian goods.
It is desirable to promote natural cosmetics through social networks and recommendation services.

Inexpensive goods from China

If you doubt the stable demand for the goods listed above, and are also afraid to start a business because of expensive goods, start by selling goods from China. To do this, look at the trends of AliExpress, Taobao and other Chinese sellers. And create your own assortment.

Everyone can earn, just a few make maximum efforts to realize their dreams. It is not necessary to invent something new, there are so many interesting things to do around! Resale business is very important.

Where to begin

The first thing to think about is how exactly you plan to offer the product. There are two main ways:

  • online store;
  • own little company.

Next, we study the sales market and determine the demand. It's actually quite simple. There are categories of goods that a person always needs, which means that regardless of the financial situation, he will purchase them. These goods include food, household items, footwear and clothing. It is up to you to decide what is more profitable to resell in a certain region.

Advantages and disadvantages of owning an online store

It is worth noting that online stores are also different. Creating a separate web page, promoting it, choosing an attractive design, taking care of the search system and product delivery - all this is very difficult and takes a lot of time. The most relevant today is to make a separate page in social network and post the items there. Consider the pros and cons of this method.


  • you do not need to invest money to create a page;
  • the ability to conduct a direct dialogue with a potential client;
  • a quick set of clients, over time they themselves will add the page to their favorites;
  • rapid dissemination of information.


  • there is a risk that a person will not redeem the ordered goods;
  • you can work only with the region in which you live (delivering goods to other places will be inconvenient and expensive);
  • many competitors.

Own company: advantages and disadvantages

  • there will always be demand;
  • quick payback;
  • constant flow of customers.
  • initial investment required;
  • many competitors.


When it comes to what is more profitable to resell, food immediately comes to mind. This is not surprising, because absolutely every person goes to stores for food. Before you open your grocery outlet, you need to carefully consider some details.

Important nuances:

  1. You need to find a place for your store so that there are no more competitors nearby. It is very profitable to open a grocery store near residential buildings.
  2. It is important to take care of the assortment. On sale should be not only essential products, but also semi-finished products, confectionery, even
  3. Before you open your small business, you should definitely consult with a lawyer, calculate the possible income, payback of the enterprise and losses. Everything needs to be taken into account, including renting a room, paperwork, advertising, paying salaries and purchasing products.

Car resale

It should be noted right away that in order to implement this idea, you will need to have start-up capital, and a decent one at that. It is not necessary to register your company. You can do everything in the garage. Of course, there are risks, but the profit is worth it. The scheme for generating income is very simple:

  1. Buy a car in poor condition.
  2. Bring it to mind, give a decent appearance.
  3. You take into account the initial cost and the cost of repairs, put a markup and sell it.

You can start such a small business if you have all the necessary knowledge and repair skills. Vehicle. Over time, there is a possibility of expansion and increase in income. You draw up documents for opening a company, hire employees and continue your activities. There will be an opportunity to buy and resell more cars.

Clothing and footwear

Another type of profitable business. What is more profitable to resell from this category? Of course, children's clothes and shoes. For this case, it is best not to open your store, but to make a page on social networks. Moms do not always have the opportunity to go shopping, because they still need to do laundry, cook food and take a walk with the child. It is much more convenient to sit on the Internet, order what you need, and wait until the order arrives.

The business of reselling goods for children implies the presence of many competitors on the Internet. True, you should not be afraid of them, there will always be a buyer for you.

Income scheme:

  1. Looking for a place where you will take the goods. It may be a foreign store. You study all the conditions - delivery times to your region, discounts and more. Copy product photos, size chart.
  2. Make a page on a social network. Place photos in various photo albums, specify prices. By the way, you should always inform the client about great deals and discounts. You place information in the status - it is ready.
  3. You add friends. The first step is to find the same online stores in your area, they always have a large list of friends. You send out invitations to a few on your own, others over time will begin to “knock” on you.
  4. A potential buyer looks at the offered goods and places an order. You report the delivery time, take the phone number.
  5. When the order arrives, call up the person, tell him where you can drive up to pick everything up.
  6. You take away money - a difference of cost also will be the income.

Reselling goods in this way has only one drawback. A person may simply not redeem an order. However, a way out of the situation can be found. Create another album, add a photo there, and, believe me, sooner or later the goods will be bought.

Holiday Offers

Before the holidays approach, people always buy a lot. Holidays are common - this is New Year, Christmas, Easter. Individual - these are birthdays, christenings, anniversaries. You should act in the same way as in the case of clothing. Pay special attention to the fact that in your albums a person can find a gift for any occasion, age and gender.

What can be profitably resold:

  • balloons (various colors, shapes and sizes);
  • sweets in the theme of common holidays;
  • children's toys (soft and radio-controlled);
  • women's and men's accessories;
  • disposable tableware (for example, for children's day birth).

household trifles

Any woman wants to fill her home with coziness and comfort, so household trifles are very popular. You can also make a page on a social network. This is convenient, as women who are on parental leave most often buy. Again, due to lack of time for shopping.

What is more profitable to resell:

  • bath and kitchen towels;
  • bed linen (regular, 3D, 5D);
  • kitchen utensils - spatulas, baking dishes, blenders;
  • crockery - bowls, cups, plates, etc.;
  • kitchen scales and clocks, timers;
  • vegetable cutters, vegetable peelers, knife sharpeners.

This is far from the whole list. There are many interesting household items that are in high demand.

  1. Never expect to receive a large income immediately. Net profit becomes noticeable only after a few months.
  2. If there are no clients right away, you should not despair, be patient, because soon the business will start working for you.
  3. Don't over-price products. Try to make the cost more attractive to the consumer than competitors.
  4. Remember the main rule: you can not earn without investing. For development even small business minimum capital required.
  5. Never develop a business alone in an area where you know nothing. In this case, you definitely need to have a more experienced assistant.
  6. Be sure to evaluate all risks and losses before opening a business. Consult with a lawyer.

Ideas for profitable business a lot of. This means that you can earn money even in times of crisis. If there is a desire, then there will be opportunities. Money does not just fall from the sky, in order to achieve what you want, you need to work hard.

Nowadays, so many things are sold: clothes, appliances, and books - everything your heart desires can be ordered through the network. But let's get specific and figure out what sells well.

What items are always in stock?

Is there a product that is sold at any time of the year and even during a crisis? Below we have given a list of such products in decreasing order of their popularity.

  1. Food. Bread stalls, grocery stores, ready-made meals, vegetables and fruits, hot dogs, donuts, ice cream and so on are profitable.
  2. Mobile phones and accessories for them.
  3. Car dealerships: spare parts, car oils and so on.
  4. Household goods, repair materials, Appliances, locks.
  5. Alcohol and tobacco products.
  6. Pharmacy: nutritional supplements, vitamins, muscle building and weight loss drugs.
  7. Hair products, cosmetics and perfumes.
  8. Second hand, clothing and footwear stores, underwear or catalog sales.
  9. Computers, accessories for them, office equipment, software.
  10. Appliances.
  11. Press, books, DVDs.
  12. Flowers: live, indoor, artificial.
  13. Sports accessories and goods: travel accessories and sportswear.
  14. Pet supplies.

These are what are best sold both through online stores and in brick-and-mortar stores.

For those who sell online

If you decide to build your business on the Internet, then you need to know what sells best on the Internet. E-commerce is becoming more and more popular every day, and many people are thinking about this type of income. But what about selling online? Having visited sites in search of services and goods, we will see that you can buy anything on the Internet. Online sales have two integral moments - delivery and service maintenance. If you cannot provide this, then consider selling information products via the Internet. After all, the Internet is a space that thousands of people surf in search of the necessary information. That is why the category "information and books" takes the first place among the best-selling goods on the Internet. It turns out that selling information over the Internet is most profitable. And if earlier such a phenomenon as an eBook (a book in electronic format) was biased, now it is perhaps the most hot commodity online.

On the Internet, information can be sold in the form of articles, e-books, official documents, statistics and reports. Experts in culture, science, sports or industry can sell their knowledge and ideas. There is an interesting one on the Internet trading floor clickbank. Here you can see what is selling well on the Internet, or rather, what kind of information genre.

What information is most in demand?

Although information is a commodity with high demand, it is not easy to develop and sell it profitably. And all because on the Internet you can find a large amount of free information, and they are reluctant to pay for it. So it is important to choose the right type of information that could be promoted on the Internet.

Information is in demand if it:

  • has special knowledge necessary for a certain circle of people;
  • saves time and simplifies life;
  • interesting and teaches people something.

What information meets these requirements? Ideas, advice, recommendations in various areas: for example, diet secrets, bodybuilding instructions, stock trading tips, dating ideas and so on. Forecasts of upcoming changes: many are ready to spend huge amounts of money to learn the course of development of certain areas of the economy - the stock market, the region high technology, internet. Such information may be provided in special reports or in newsletters. But the most difficult thing is to prove that the author is an expert in this field.

You can sell knowledge and various courses. Now distance learning courses are very convenient and popular. Teachers or people who have enough knowledge in a certain subject will be able to create training courses.

Good statistics and reviews. Running and planning a business requires a variety of marketing research, trade statistics and so on.

Analysis and research. Companies, in order to save resources and time, are ready to pay for information of an analytical and research nature in their field of activity. No wonder research sites like this are so successful online.


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