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The concept of the structure of the enterprise, its characteristics

2.2.4 Workshop and its types.

Workshop - an administratively separate part of the enterprise, specializing either in the manufacture of products or parts of it, or in the performance of a certain stage production process. Headed by the department head.

By appointment, the workshops are divided into:

1) the main ones - the production of the main profile products or the finished part of the production process. According to the stages of the production process, the main workshops are divided into procurement, processing and releasing;

2) providing - the production of auxiliary products for the intended purpose for the main shops (tool, repair shops, energy facilities, construction shop);

3) serving - the provision of production services to both the main and supporting shops (transport, energy, construction shop);

4) experimental - production and testing of mock-ups and prototypes of new types of products being designed;

5) auxiliary and secondary. Ancillary shops include shops that mine and process auxiliary materials, for example, a quarry for the extraction of molding earth, peat extraction, a refractory shop that supplies the main shops with refractory products (at a metallurgical plant). The auxiliary workshops also include workshops for the production of containers for product packaging. Side shops are those in which products are made from production waste, for example, a shop for consumer goods. In recent years, the share of these workshops in the production structure has grown significantly;

6) auxiliary - cleaning the factory area, growing agricultural products.

Depending on the type of specialization, the following types are distinguished production structure main workshops:

· technological;

subject (or sub-assembly, if the enterprise specializes in the production of parts or assemblies for products);

Mixed (subject-technological).

In workshops with technological specialization, a certain part of the production process is performed. The products produced by the workshop often change and are not assigned to jobs. This kind industrial structure least effective in comparison with the subject and detail-nodal.

The subject or item-by-node structure of the main workshops is typical for the mass production of products of a stable nomenclature, with this type of production structure, each workshop specializes in the production of one or more structurally similar products. In the workshops, sections are created according to a subject-closed principle.

The most common is a mixed structure (subject-technological). Under it, procurement shops have a technological structure, processing - by detail-nodal, and producing - subject.

A production unit as an element of the production structure is a complex of specialized workshops that have an independent management structure (but do not have the right to legal entity). The production unit is created at very large enterprises, holding companies, concerns; may operate as a branch (subsidiary JSC) while maintaining legal independence.

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Enterprises can differ from each other not only in size production areas, structures, buildings, infrastructure, scale of production, equipment, but also the degree of specialization in the manufacture of a particular product in the quantity and nomenclature specified by the plan. So, the more limited the range of products manufactured by the enterprise, the higher the level of specialization will be considered.

An increase in the scale of production, which is primarily characterized by the number of goods produced, with a decrease in the number of nomenclature names will further contribute to the deepening of the specialization of firms.

Definition 1

In this way, production structure the enterprise is a reflection of the nature of the division of labor between its individual structural divisions - workshops (that is, the nature of their subject or production and technological specialization), and also determines the degree of interconnection between workshops and various other divisions of the company (that is, determines the methods and forms of intra-factory cooperation)

The most popular are 3 main types of production structure: technological, subject, as well as subject-technological or mixed(Fig. 1):

Technological structure

This type of production structure implies a rigid technological isolation of individual industries. With a technological production structure, a certain part is made in the shops technological process, which includes only a few operations of the same type. At the same time, in the shops, as a rule, the same type of equipment is installed (sometimes even comparable in size). With this type of production structure, the production process is based on the principle of technological specialization. That is, each section performs strictly defined technological operations of a certain type (for example: a sourdough shop, a dough mixing shop, an oven shop, a brew shop, etc.).

Basically, according to this principle, workshops are formed at enterprises of small-scale and single-piece production, where a diverse and unstable range of goods is produced.

Subject structure

This type of production structure implies the specialization of the main workshops, as well as their sections, in the manufacture of only a certain product or part of it (aggregate, unit) or a certain group of goods. The subject production structure is typical for plants with a narrow subject specialization. So, for example, a bakery may have workshops where buns, pies, loaves, etc. are baked.

For structural divisions enterprises with a subject form of specialization are characterized by a wide variety of equipment and equipment, but at the same time, there is a rather narrow range of products. The equipment is selected in strict accordance with the technological process. The equipment is located depending on the sequence of operations performed (the principle of direct flow). This kind of formation of workshops is typical for mass and serial production firms.

The subject structure makes it possible to:

  • arrange the equipment in accordance with the course of the technological process
  • organize high-performance conveyor production
  • significantly reduce the cost and simplify inter-shop transportation of products and semi-finished products
  • use high-performance equipment that contributes to a significant reduction production cycle

Subject-technological structure

This type of production structure, as is already evident from the name itself, is characterized by the presence of the main workshops at the enterprise, organized both by subject and by technological principle.

The main link in socialist industry is the enterprise. Each enterprise produces certain products needed by the national economy or the population. For this purpose, enterprises have specialized equipment, technical means, the necessary staff of workers, and funds for the purchase of raw materials, materials, fuel, and energy necessary for the production.

Within the enterprise, depending on the range of products produced, the complexity of the technology and the scale of production, production links are distinguished. The basic structural production unit of many industrial enterprises is a workshop.

The workshop is a production, administrative separate subdivision an enterprise in which a product is manufactured or a particular stage of production is carried out. The workshop within the enterprise is a territorially isolated production area.

A significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises have been built according to a non-workshop structure; such enterprises are divided directly into production sites. Production areas are also allocated in large industrial workshops. There are the following types of workshops and production sites: main, auxiliary, service, side.

In the main workshops, the main products of the enterprise are produced. The main workshops within the enterprise are usually formed according to the stages of the technological process (for example, foundries, mechanical, assembly as part of a machine-building plant) or according to the type of product produced (for example, workshops for the manufacture of individual parts of the assembly).

Auxiliary shops contribute to the production of the main products, creating conditions for the normal operation of the main shops, that is, equipping them with tools, providing electricity, repairing equipment and other fixed assets of the enterprise (for example, a mechanical repair shop). Service departments and farms perform work on servicing the main and auxiliary shops, are engaged in the transportation and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the manufacture of containers, etc.

Side shops are engaged in the use and processing of waste from the main production (for example, a consumer goods workshop). At the head of each plant, each factory is a director appointed and dismissed by a higher organization. He is a trustee of the state and is endowed with certain rights. His duties include managing all the activities of the enterprise - planning, selection and placement of management personnel, technical control of product quality, etc. The director is fully responsible for the implementation of the plan by the enterprise. The most important duty of the director in the exercise of leadership is the control of state and labor discipline.

The planning department of the enterprise develops and controls long-term and current plans for the enterprise, manages the preparation of plans in the shops. coordinates the work of other departments of the plant management on the development of individual sections of the long-term and annual enterprise plans.

The department of labor and wages organizes labor, wages and regulation of labor in the enterprise. The department develops and applies production standards and rates, monitors the implementation of the established indicators of the number of employees of the enterprise.

The Human Resources Department manages the staffing of the enterprise. He or the training department organizes the work educational institutions at the enterprise, as well as various training courses for workers.

The accounting department keeps records of the use of funds allocated to the enterprise, controls the progress of the plan, determines the cost of production, and controls the state of finances at the enterprise. In large enterprises, this is done by the financial department.

The supply department organizes the supply of production with all necessary materials, fuel, tools. The duties of the department also include monitoring the use of materials, organizing storage and issuing them to the workshops.

The sales department is responsible for the sale and marketing of finished products.

The technical control department carries out quality control of finished products. The task of this department is not only to control the quality of manufactured products, but also to prevent defects.

The department of capital construction deals with the issues of capital construction at the enterprise. At small enterprises, the mechanic of the enterprise is in charge of capital construction.

Housing and communal departments are organized at large enterprises, where there is a large public utilities, children's institutions. They manage the housing and household facilities of the enterprise.

An important part of the enterprise management is the technical management, whose tasks are the design of new products and the improvement of manufactured products, the development and improvement of technological processes, the introduction of new equipment, tools and fixtures. Technical management at the enterprise is carried out by the chief engineer, who is the first deputy director.

The technology department develops the manufacturing process new products, improves it, organizes work on drawing up a plan of organizational and technical measures.

Each workshop is headed by a workshop manager who manages all production areas included in the workshop and helps the craftsmen in their work.

The head of the workshop organizes the production process in the workshop and leads the work on the organization of labor, is responsible for economic activity shop and provides financial incentives for employees.

The governing bodies in the workshop are subordinate to the head. The only exception is the apparatus technical control and dispatcher. Technical control bodies are usually subordinate to the technical control department (QCD) of the plant, and the dispatching apparatus is subordinate to the heads of workshops, but the instructions of the plant's chief dispatcher on the timing and procedure for manufacturing products are mandatory for them.

The master is the direct organizer of production. He is responsible for the fulfillment of the production tasks of the site, organizes the smooth operation of his site. The master is the full head of his site. He disposes of the arrangement of workers, participates in the selection of personnel for the site, has the right to impose disciplinary action on his subordinate employees. A special bonus fund is allocated monthly to the master in heavy industries. In large workshops, to help the craftsmen, technological bureaus are created that improve the technological process and control technological discipline.

Production and dispatching bureaus are created in large workshops to establish operational production targets for production sites and workplaces. They make up monthly, weekly and shift-daily tasks, plan the loading of equipment, provide jobs with work, determine, together with the foreman, the sequence of work at each workplace.

The workshop mechanic ensures the serviceability of the equipment, by means of the workers at his disposal, carries out small and medium repairs of the equipment, conducts current supervision of its condition.

Works related to the regulation and organization of labor, economic planning, accounting and analysis production activities shop, is led by a group of organization and labor rationing. Such groups are created, as a rule, in large workshops.

A manufacturing enterprise is a separate specialized unit, the basis of which is a professionally organized labor collective. Manufacturing enterprises include plants, factories, combines, mines, quarries, ports, roads, bases and other economic organizations for industrial purposes.

Each enterprise is a single production and technical organism. Production and technical unity is the most important feature of the enterprise. It is determined by the common purpose of manufactured products or the processes of their production and creates conditions for qualified and efficient management of the enterprise.

An enterprise may consist of technologically homogeneous shops or sections (spinning shops at a spinning mill, shops for small, large and other types of casting at a foundry); from technologically heterogeneous shops or sections, as a result of the joint efforts of which certain products are produced (foundry, forging, thermal, mechanical and other shops of machine-building plants; spinning, weaving and finishing shops of textile factories; blast furnace, open-hearth and rolling shops of metallurgical plants, etc. .).

An essential feature that unites the enterprise into a single organism is the presence of a common auxiliary economy serving all parts of the enterprise, as well as the unity of the territory (the latter is not necessary in some cases, for example, at combines). The common auxiliary economy and the unity of the territory create closer ties between the individual links of the enterprise.

The enterprise also has organizational unity, which means that there is a single management, accounting, and development strategy.

An important feature that characterizes an enterprise is its economic unity, that is, the unity of the team of workers employed on it, the commonality of material, technical and financial resources, as well as economic performance.

Company structure

Structure is a set of elements that make up a system and stable links between them. The structure of an enterprise is the composition and ratio of its internal links: workshops, departments, laboratories and other components that make up a single economic object. The factors that determine the structure of an enterprise are: the nature of the product and the technology of its manufacture, the scale of production, the degree of specialization of the enterprise and its cooperation with other factories and plants, as well as the degree of specialization of production within the enterprise.

There is no set standard for structure. The structure of a particular enterprise is constantly being adjusted under the influence of production and economic conditions, scientific and technological progress and socio-economic processes.

Along with this, with all the variety of structures, all manufacturing enterprises have identical functions, the main of which are the manufacture and marketing of products. In order to ensure normal functioning, the enterprise must include workshops or workshops for the manufacture of the main products (performance of work, provision of services) and maintenance of the production process.

In addition, each enterprise, regardless of its size, industry affiliation and level of specialization, is constantly working to place orders for the manufacture of products; organizes its preservation and sale to the customer; ensures the purchase and supply of the necessary raw materials, materials, components, tools, equipment, energy resources.

Finally, in order for each employee at any time to do exactly what is needed for the rest and the entire enterprise as a whole, governing bodies are needed. These bodies are entrusted with the task of determining a long-term strategy, coordinating and monitoring the current activities of personnel, as well as hiring, processing and placement of personnel. All structural units of the enterprise, thus, are interconnected through the management system, which becomes its head body.

Unlike overall structure the production structure of an enterprise is a form of organization of the production process and is expressed in the size of the enterprise, in the number and composition of workshops and services created at the enterprise, their layout, as well as in the composition, number and layout of production sites and jobs inside the workshops created in in accordance with the division of the production process into large links, partial production processes and production operations.

The production structure characterizes the division of labor between the divisions of the enterprise and their cooperation. It has a significant impact on the technical and economic indicators of production, on the structure of enterprise management, the organization of operational and accounting records.

The production structure of the enterprise is dynamic. With the improvement of technology and production technology, management, organization of production and labor, the production structure is also being improved. Improvement of the production structure creates conditions for the intensification of production, effective use labor, material and financial resources, improving product quality.

Elements of the production structure

The main elements of the production structure of the enterprise are jobs, sites and workshops. The primary and most important link in the spatial organization of production is workplace. A workplace is an organizationally indivisible link in the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform a specific production or service operation, equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means. One worker can work at the workplace (for example, a turner on a lathe, a locksmith at a vice) or a group, a team of workers (for example, a blacksmith, a heater, a feeder - at a blacksmith's hammer, a team of locksmiths - at an assembly stand). In some cases, a multi-station workplace is created when one worker uses two or more pieces of equipment.

Plot- a production unit that combines a number of jobs grouped according to certain characteristics, carrying out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process. In small and medium-sized enterprises where a shopless structure has been introduced, the production site may have features characteristic of a shop (see below). Only the degree of administrative and economic independence of such a section is less than that of the shop, and the service apparatus is much more limited than the shop apparatus. At the production site, in addition to the main and auxiliary workers, there is a leader - the foreman of the site.

Production areas are specialized in detail and technologically. In the first case, jobs are interconnected by a partial production process for the manufacture of a certain part of the finished product; in the second - to perform the same operations.

Plots connected to each other by permanent technological connections are grouped into workshops.

Shop- the most complex system included in the production structure, which includes production sites and a number of functional organs as subsystems. Complex relationships arise in the workshop: it is characterized by a rather complex structure and organization with developed internal and external relations.

The workshop is the main structural unit large enterprise. It is endowed with a certain production and economic independence, is a separate organizational, technical and administrative production unit and performs the tasks assigned to it. production functions. Each workshop receives from the plant management a single task that regulates the scope of work performed, quality indicators and marginal costs for the planned scope of work.

Usually, the following types of workshops and production sites are distinguished: main, auxiliary, service and secondary.

AT main workshops and at production sites, either a certain stage of the production process is performed to convert the main raw materials or semi-finished products into finished products of the enterprise (for example, foundries, mechanical and assembly shops at a machine-building plant), or all stages of production are performed for the direct manufacture of any product or part of it (shop of refrigerators, shop of round calibers, etc.).

Auxiliary shops or sites contribute to the production of the main products, creating conditions for the normal operation of the main shops: they equip them with tools, provide energy, etc. Repair, tool, model, energy and some other shops are among the auxiliary ones.

Service shops and farms perform work on servicing the main and auxiliary shops, being engaged in the transportation and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, etc.

Side shops are engaged in the use and processing of waste from the main production (for example, a consumer goods workshop).

These principles underlie the structure of the enterprise of any industry. Enterprises have especially much in common in the construction of auxiliary and service farms. Repair and energy shops, transport and storage facilities are created at enterprises of any industry. The machine-building enterprise has a tool shop, and the textile factory has roller and shuttle workshops that produce the tools necessary for textile production.

At the same time, enterprises of various industries have individual characteristics in the structure, which are determined mainly by the nature of the main production. As for the organizations for servicing workers, they are, as a rule, of the same type as those that exist at enterprises in other industries.

Workshop specialization

The main production shops are formed in accordance with the profile of the enterprise, as well as depending on specific types of products, scale and production technology. At the same time, they are faced with the tasks of timely release of products, reduction of production costs, improvement of the quality of products, the possibility of prompt restructuring of production for the production of new products in accordance with rapidly changing market needs. These tasks are solved on the basis of rational specialization and location of workshops, their cooperation within the enterprise, ensuring the proportionality and unity of the rhythm of the production process from the first to the last operation.

The specialization of workshops takes the following forms: subject; detailed (aggregate); technological (stage); territorial, as well as mixed.

Subject specialization consists in concentrating in separate shops the main part or the entire production process for the manufacture of specific types and sizes of finished products. For example, in a confectionery factory, there are separate workshops for the production of caramel, for the production of cookies and for the production of cakes. Common to these various shops is a single engineering and technical service, logistics and sales of products, storage facilities, which reduces their overall production costs.

Detailed (aggregate) specialization most common in mechanical engineering. Its essence lies in the fact that each workshop is assigned the production of not the entire machine, but only individual parts or assemblies. For example, on car factory engines are manufactured separately in specialized workshops, a gearbox, a cabin, etc. are separately manufactured. All these units are transferred to the assembly shop, where the finished car is assembled from them.

Technological (stage) specialization based on the operational division of labor between departments. At the same time, in the process of movement of objects of labor from raw materials to finished products, fundamental differences in the production technology of each workshop stand out. So, at a textile mill, raw materials first enter the carding shop, where they are converted into fiber. The last goes to the spinning shop. Threads are spun from the fiber in this workshop, from which the fabric is made in the weaving workshop. The final finishing of the canvas is carried out in the dyeing shop.

At a number of enterprises in order to improve the quality of processing, reduce production costs or improve sanitary conditions labor for individual workshops and sections is assigned one any technological operation. For example, the painting of individual components and parts from which the finished product is completed. These can be heat treatment operations, drying of materials, etc., i.e., a separate technological stage in the manufacture of finished products. Stage specialization of workshops and sections is widely used in almost all industries, in construction, and partly in agriculture.

Territorial specialization production units is most typical for transport enterprises, Agriculture and construction. At the same time, each workshop, section can perform the same work and produce the same products, but in different, distant territories.

A mixed type of production structure is often found in light industry (shoes, clothing industry), in mechanical engineering and in a number of other industries. This type of production structure has a number of advantages: it reduces the volume of intrashop transportation, reduces the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing products, improves working conditions, and reduces the cost of production.

Improving the production structure implies the expansion of subject and mixed specialization, the organization of sites and workshops with a high load of equipment, the centralization of auxiliary departments of the enterprise.

Vasily Ilyich Titov, doctor economic sciences, Professor, Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR).

The main elements of the production structure of the enterprise are jobs, sites and workshops. The primary and most important link in the spatial organization of production is workplace. A workplace is an organizationally indivisible link in the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform a specific production or service operation, equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means. Plot- a production unit that combines a number of jobs grouped according to certain characteristics, carrying out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process. In small and medium-sized enterprises where a shopless structure has been introduced, the production site may have features characteristic of a shop (see below).

Shop- the most complex system that is part of the production structure, which includes production sites and a number of functional organs as subsystems. Complex relationships arise in the workshop: it is characterized by a rather complex structure and organization with developed internal and external relations.

The workshop is the main structural unit of a large enterprise. It is endowed with a certain production and economic independence, is a separate organizational, technical and administrative production unit and performs the production functions assigned to it. Each workshop receives from the plant management a single task that regulates the scope of work performed, quality indicators and marginal costs for the planned scope of work.

Usually, the following types of workshops and production sites are distinguished: main, auxiliary, service and secondary.

AT main workshops and at production sites, either a certain stage of the production process is performed to convert the main raw materials or semi-finished products into finished products of the enterprise (for example, foundries, mechanical and assembly shops at a machine-building plant), or all stages of production are performed for the direct manufacture of any product or part of it (shop of refrigerators, shop of round calibers, etc.).

Auxiliary shops or sites contribute to the production of the main products, creating conditions for the normal operation of the main shops: they equip them with tools, provide energy, etc. Repair, tool, model, energy and some other shops are among the auxiliary ones.

Service shops and farms perform work on servicing the main and auxiliary shops, being engaged in the transportation and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, etc.

Side shops are engaged in the use and processing of waste from the main production (for example, a consumer goods workshop).

The specialization of workshops takes the following forms: subject; detailed (aggregate); technological (stage); territorial, as well as mixed.

Subject specialization consists in concentrating in separate shops the main part or the entire production process for the manufacture of specific types and sizes of finished products. For example, in a confectionery factory, there are separate workshops for the production of caramel, for the production of cookies and for the production of cakes. Common to these various shops is a single engineering and technical service, logistics and sales of products, storage facilities, which reduces their overall production costs.

Detailed (aggregate) specialization most common in mechanical engineering. Its essence lies in the fact that each workshop is assigned the production of not the entire machine, but only individual parts or assemblies.

Organization of the main production

Primary production- the composition of workshops and sections of the enterprise in which operations for the manufacture of products are performed.

The task of organizing the main activity of the enterprise is to choose such combinations of objects, means of labor, which would ensure the performance of a variety of services in accordance with the wishes of customers. High Quality and within the stipulated time. Moreover, when organizing the main activity, the enterprise seeks to provide itself with the conditions of self-sufficiency, i.e. achieving profit. Therefore, a very important issue is the choice of types of production.

Type of production- a comprehensive description of the organizational and economic features of production, due to its specialization, volume and constancy of the product range, the form of movement of products in the workplace. There are three types of production.

Mass production- a large number of homogeneous products are produced over a long period of time. In mass production, prerequisites are created for the widespread use of special equipment, the organization of production lines, the narrow specialization of jobs and workers, and the increase in production labor on this basis.

Mass production provides for the manufacture and processing of products in series (batches). Orders in a batch are selected according to the commonality of production technology. Series of homogeneous products may be repeated from time to time. Compared to mass production, the range of manufactured products is narrowed, a significant amount of special equipment is used. Production is characterized by periodic breaks in the operation of equipment for changeovers.

Single production- involves the manufacture of a wide range of non-repeating products or occasionally repeating out of any sequence or pattern. Mainly universal equipment is used, workers must be highly qualified, labor productivity is the lowest.

The analysis shows that according to economic indicators mass production is the most efficient.


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