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Advice from Marten Bogaerts, a service expert with experience in royal houses, will help you feel like a real lady at the highest level of receptions.

There are many misconceptions about the rules of etiquette. Seemingly simple things baffle, and you start to puzzle: how and what to say, how to walk and even how to stand. Yes, etiquette works in any situation, and good manners never go out of style. Advice from Marten Bogaerts, a service expert with experience in royal houses, five-star hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants, will help you feel like a real lady at the highest level of receptions.

Marten Bogarts

service expert with experience in royal houses, five-star hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants

Dress code for a social event

Appearance in itself - already a means of communication and the basis of the first impression. The choice of dress, of course, depends on the event, so you will be very lucky if the organizers indicate the type of dress code in the invitation. If this item is missing, it’s better to clarify: no one likes to be “under-” or too smartly dressed at an event. Let's deal with the main types of dress code.

cocktail- a short dress (preferably to the knees), complemented by accessories. There are cocktail dresses to suit all tastes these days, so don't be afraid to get creative, but make sure you don't go overboard with makeup, jewelry, or other accessories. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking vulgar and catchy, like a Christmas tree.
Black Tie and White Tie- two more types of dress code, implying the choice of a long dress. At the same time, White Tie is more formal and requires compliance with a number of formalities: shoulders must be covered, gloves on hands above the elbow, a hat or tiara on the head. Do not forget that the outfits of the lady and her gentleman should have something in common, for example, a tie in the color of the dress or cufflinks that match the color of the beads on the dress.

How to say hello

The impression of a person is formed in the first seconds of a meeting, which is why a confident but elegant greeting is so important. Handshakes are not always needed, but it is the woman who decides whether to extend her hand or not. Such a rule can be compared to the protocol in the royal families "do not speak until you are spoken to", that is, the king or queen decides whether they will talk to you. In Russia, all girls are princesses, so the right to decide remains with them.
Handshakes are appropriate in business meetings, but nothing compares to the graceful outstretched hand for a kiss. But such a greeting has nothing to do with a real kiss: bowing his head, the man simply brings his hand closer to his forehead. Lips in such a kiss should not touch the hand!

First meeting: how to make a good impression

According to etiquette and diplomatic protocol, in almost all cases, a woman is treated with reverence, and all the rules are aimed at glorifying her. I often ride Aeroexpress trains and watch men help girls get off the train or offer to carry things to the check-in counter. The same rule applies to dating. According to tradition, when introducing people to each other, they first turn to the most honorable person, so the introduction of a woman to a man will look like this: “Anna Ivanovna, let me introduce Vladimir Petrovich to you.” How splendid a charming lady looks, holding out her hand to a gentleman, who greets her with the same dignity and due respect. It is from these small details that the image and impression of a person are formed. Yes, these little things are not striking, but they, consciously or not, will be noticed and appreciated.

Choosing topics for conversation

It is obvious that it is cold in winter and warm in summer, and that dullness and rain are not pleasant to anyone. Talking about the weather shows that you no longer have interesting topics to talk about. Therefore, real ladies always have in reserve a couple of exciting topics and questions for discussion - such preparation helps out when the prospective interlocutor is not very inclined to start a conversation himself. It is considered good form to compliment the interlocutor along with or ask what he thinks about the event. Avoid talking about politics, money and religion because these topics can cause embarrassment on both sides. From time to time, look into the eyes of the interlocutor: it is considered extremely rude to be distracted by other people or not to look up from the phone. It’s better to put it in your purse altogether and not remember it until the end of the event, because you came to enjoy the company of living, not virtual people.

How to hold a business meeting

There are formal (related to work and business) and formal events. The latter suggest an invitation, where strict protocol rules are prescribed, as well as a solid knowledge of etiquette, if you do not want to get into an awkward situation. During formal events like a business lunch or a buffet table, the rules of etiquette change a little. Since the main focus is on business, the status of the director of the company will be higher regardless of gender. That is, it is to this person that the participants of the event are introduced. Women, however, retain the right to be the first to extend their hand in greeting. One rule always remains the same for events of any kind: the right side is the best. A woman always stands or sits on the right hand of a man, with our right hand we give business cards or give gifts, we hold a glass of champagne in our right hand, but we shift it to our left hand if we want to say hello. Hint for men: if the woman continues to hold the glass in her right hand, there will be no handshake. These rules are also valid for lefties.

In the theater and at the concert: rules of conduct

Going to the theater is a great occasion to "walk" the evening toilet. Previously, both men and women spent a lot of time getting ready to visit the magnificent theaters, which are so many in Russia, but now, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people faithful to the tradition in the halls. But part of the enjoyment and pleasure of the hike is just to spend the evening in a beautifully decorated place in the company of educated and beautifully dressed people who sincerely love theatrical art. So insist that your companion dress up in a suit, feel free to put on a beautiful dress and jewelry, do your hair and show what a wonderful couple you are. Correct behavior during performances or concerts is also important, because a lot of things can interfere with the concentration of artists. Be sure to turn off your phone (even the vibration mode), don't think about coughing (thoughts are material) and give applause to the musicians only after they have finished playing. In classical music, there is often a pause between parts of pieces, but the silence that reigned in the hall at that moment does not mean at all that the orchestra is waiting for a standing ovation. How to understand that it is already possible to clap? The conductor steps down from the podium and turns to the audience, or the artists begin to bow, or the curtain closes. It is worth mentioning those concerts at which one inevitably wants to sing and dance. As a rule, they take place outside the walls of conservatories and music halls, but this does not mean that a real lady cannot visit them.

In each country, the dress code rules for women have their own differences, although in general the general canons are almost identical. To decide what to wear social event, you need to be guided by the unspoken laws regarding the clothing of the state where you are.

In most countries of the world, you can surprise others by appearing at a social event in a classic suit or at a cocktail party in full evening dress. The dress code is usually specified in the invitation.

You have received an invitation to an official reception, where the time and place of the event are indicated, and at the end - a delicate reminder of the recommended dress code: “Black tie”, “White tie”, “Extravaganza”, etc. This code for the insiders is secular dress - a code that tells you how to dress.

All secular amusements originated from ritual rites, where ceremonies took place slowly and followed a strict pattern.

Evening wear has always been designed to emphasize the exclusivity of the situation and the importance of the event. This is the case when, with the help of a special dress code at social events, it was necessary to demonstrate respect for the place and for the people, as well as for the whole society as a whole.

In our time, formal wear serves as a reminder of long-standing ceremonies and traditions. The country where the event takes place, the social level of the guests, their age also play an important role.

Compliance with the dress code is a manifestation of respect for yourself and the host. In addition, precisely formulated prescriptions regarding the appearance of those invited save you from much thought in front of a mirror.

What is the secular dress code

Speaking about what a secular dress code is, there are clothes for diplomatic, business and entertainment events.

Diplomatic events are organized according to special rules, only by people of high social status and diplomats. These events include formal formal dinners.

Social events are common mainly in Europe and the USA.

Breakfast. In French-speaking countries, it is called "petit dejeuner". The corresponding English term is "brunch", formed from the merger of two words: breakfast (breakfast) and lunch (lunch). Clothing - the usual urban style casual.

"Five-o-clock", five o'clock tea. From 16 to 18 hours. The meal is rather symbolic and may be accompanied by dancing. Clothes are normal, daytime.

Cocktail party. This is an impromptu party between 17:00 and 21:00. Guests usually stand, come and go as they please. There is no time commitment or greetings. There may be dancing.

Dancing party. The meaning of this technique is to dance.

Garden party. An event at which a table is laid in the garden, each person present independently takes food and drinks from it.

Dress code rules for women at social events

If you're successful in your career and use dance dinners, charity events, and other formal occasions as an opportunity to make the right connections in your circle, then evening formal wear is a must.

All official and social events are divided into daytime, taking place before 18.00, and evening, scheduled for 18.00 and later. Dressy clothes can also be divided according to the degree of formality of the event for which they are intended, and the time of day when the event takes place.

At the morning official reception, scheduled for 11 or 12 noon, they never wear dark evening dresses - only light ones.

The costume "day" ends at about 4 pm. The cocktail is arranged, as a rule, at 17 o'clock or later.

After 6:00 p.m., evening costumes are worn.

Day elegant clothes can be formal and semi-formal and are appropriate from 11 am to 4 pm: at daytime solemn official events, at weddings, christenings and other events associated with solemn ceremonies.

Daytime formal wear - a light-colored, classic-cut suit, consisting of a jacket and or.

The problem for most of the participants in this column is that when they are going to the event, they do not suspect that they will be photographed. And even more so that someone will be interested in a photo with them! So you don’t walk around the house in an evening dress? So they go to parties as if they were at home and sometimes allow themselves to relax. Therefore, today I give some advice on what not to do if you want to look decent in a gossip photo.

Maria Cheblakova at the opening of the Prada boutique

Never wear several recognizable items from different brands at once. You might call this combination high level, but in the photo it always looks like an attempt to show off.

Alexandra Slesareva at the Prada boutique opening after-party

Before you show your originality, try to look good first, and then you can ruin something. If the first associations from your dress are associated with garbage bags and scuba gear, then let at least the hairstyle be a reason for a compliment. Give people at least one chance!

Wearing recognizable things from shows is only worth it if you have a model figure. Especially when it comes to fake Dolce & Gabbana. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming either a camp church, or a branch of the Roman treasury, capable of investing in the construction of a small factory. And never pair warm blush with cold lipstick. Especially if you are hoping that they will make your cheeks look smaller. In total, it turns out a roll with the eyes and lips of a drowned man.

Prada boutique opening afterparty guests

Do not try to create a universal image for all trends and times. Otherwise, you will look like a shopping guide at the station market - with a huge pretension and wild bad taste. Most often, novice stylists and designers sin with this, fantasizing about an Indian princess who escaped from the palace and licked a hallucinogenic toad, mistaking it for an enchanted prince.

Dina Garipova at the celebration of Maslenitsa in London

Let's look at things objectively. If you have a waist circumference of 90 centimeters, then no matter how you pull yourself away, no matter how successful the style of the dress you choose, no matter how optimistic you radiate, they will still see in the photo that you have a waist of 90 centimeters, and at the same time you put it on right away two dresses (both, by the way, are worthy of starring in a porn film).

Lida Metelskaya at the opening of the Prada boutique

Continuing the theme of porn. Carnival images are best left for carnivals. Otherwise, the image torn from your charm will seem like an attempt to attract attention. And it always speaks only of despair.

Natalia Sirota at the opening of the Prada boutique

Everyone knows where a woman's boobs are. And if you put on a completely transparent top, then be prepared for the fact that in the photo everyone will look for boobs, and they will be very disappointed if they find something indistinct with a torn off shoulder strap instead. It is in life that people are embarrassed to look so frankly below, and in the photo all your tricks are in full view.

Natalya Turovnikova at the opening of the Prada boutique

In addition to the mentioned part of the body, it is still known that a person usually has two arms, two legs and a head. If any of this is missing, the person contemplating the photo begins to experience a feeling of anxiety. In this case, only the fact that the boobs are in place is reassuring.

Natalya Vornik at the Prada boutique opening afterparty

Red lipstick can turn you into just a langolier hovering over a cloud from a split universe, if you don’t even bother to comb your hair. It's all fun and cool looks in life, but never comes out well in the photo. In general, uncombed hair and naked faces, combined with bright prints, are extremely rare in photographs.

Sasha Fedorova at the opening of the Sintoho restaurant

Sasha Fedorova just dressed well.

A person who constantly visits or is just going to an official celebration needs knowledge of secular etiquette. And it doesn't matter if it's a visit to a private club or a semi-formal dinner, a reception at the embassy or a charity evening. Whatever the degree of pomp of the event, it should be fun, socializing, making friends, negotiating business projects and partnerships, and it is absolutely not good to show constraint, boredom or keep apart. In order to avoid everything unacceptable, you need to know the rules of secular etiquette. It is about them that the article will be discussed, and we will also talk about the types of dress code for such events, about the codes that are indicated on invitation cards, about the truth and misconceptions about secular parties.


Social events are distinguished by their focus: diplomatic, business, entertainment (entertainment).

Diplomatic. These are events that are organized according to strict rules, only for people who occupy a high position, or diplomats. As a rule, formal formal dinners.

Business. They are organized to communicate with business partners, strengthen the image of the company, promote their products. This is, as a rule, a presentation of a product or service, a business reception, a business evening, and so on.

Recreational activities. It can be a party, birthday, corporate celebration. the main objective such parties - team building and informal friendly atmosphere.

Events in Europe and the USA

In the USA and Europe, the following types of official social events are common:

  • Breakfast. In France, it is called petit dejeuner, in English-speaking countries - brunch (the term was formed using the two words breakfast and lunch, breakfast and lunch).
  • Five o'clock tea. It is usually arranged from 4 to 6 pm, at such events the meal is purely symbolic, sometimes accompanied by dancing.
  • Cocktail party. It is arranged from 17 to 21 hours, the invitees leave and come at their discretion. At such events, there are no rules on time and greetings, dances may be provided.
  • Dancing party. The meaning of pastime is dancing.
  • Garden party. At such an event, a table with snacks is set in the garden, each guest serves himself.

Rules of conduct at official receptions

Whatever the event, etiquette must be known in any case. There are a huge number of misconceptions about the norms of behavior. In order not to get into trouble, to know how and what to say, what to wear, how to stand, you need to know some rules of etiquette.

Here are tips from Bogaerts Marten (a service industry expert with experience in European royalty, five-star hotels and famous restaurants) to help you understand the intricacies of etiquette at social events.

Greetings. The first seconds of the meeting form the impression of a person, so an elegant and confident greeting is very important. At social events, handshakes are not always needed, the decision is made by the woman whether to shake hands or not. This unspoken rule can be compared to the protocol in royal houses (do not start talking until you are addressed, that is, it is the royal person who decides whether to speak or not). The same applies to women at any kind of events, it is they who must decide whether to give a handshake or not.

Handshakes will be appropriate at business meetings or corporate events.

Acquaintance. According to tradition, they first turn to a woman and ask permission to introduce a man to her, that is, it looks something like this: “Natalya Nikolaevna, let me introduce Lev Ivanovich to you.” And not vice versa.

Topics for conversations. Talking about the weather always indicates that there are no more interesting topics for conversation. It is always necessary to have in reserve a few interesting and exciting issues for society. This preparation helps out if the interlocutor is not very tuned in to the conversation.

Talking about religion, politics, finances, nationality of anyone should be avoided, as such topics can cause stiffness or awkwardness.

When talking, you should look your interlocutor in the eyes, not be distracted by other people and the phone.

Business meeting. If it is a formal, business or work-related event, then the focus is on the business. The status of the director of the company is higher, and that is why, regardless of gender and age, it will be he who will be the first to introduce all the other guests.

But they are unchanged general rules etiquette:

  • the woman decides whether to shake hands or not;
  • she always sits or stands at the right hand of a man;
  • business cards, gifts are given with the right hand;
  • they hold champagne in their right hand.

At a concert, at the theater, at the opera. Turning on the phone is considered a sign of bad taste, so the first thing to do is turn it off.

Applause should be given to the performers only after they have finished playing (this is the moment when the conductor leaves the podium and turns to the audience, and the artists begin to bow).

The appearance of a person is a means of communication and the first impression of him. The choice of dress or costume depends on the event, very often the type of dress code is indicated on the invitation. If this item is not specified, it is better to check the uniform with the organizers.

So, the main types of dress code:

Dress code

What does

For a man

For woman

Event types

"White tie" is a men's suit for a special occasion.

A tailcoat with a butterfly, a pocket watch and patent leather shoes, white gloves. The vest is white (if it is black, they can be mistaken for a waiter).

long Evening Dress, high heel shoes, gloves, evening bag. Forbidden: loose hair, bare hands, jewelry.

Evening reception at the ambassador, president, marriage of the highest titled persons, etc.

"Black tie".

Long evening or cocktail dress, costume jewelry is possible.

An official reception, a premiere at the Bolshoi Theatre, a wedding, etc.

"Formal evening event" - means the same as the previous one, only sometimes it can involve a more creative approach and a fashionable look.

Dark formal suit and tie.

For a cocktail or long evening dress, suit.

Black tie Invite

"Black tie welcome."

With this designation, it is preferable to wear a tuxedo.

A long dress, or a cocktail dress, or a fancy dress.

Dinner party in a restaurant, family or corporate event, etc.

Black tie Optional

"Black tie is optional."

Dark suit and tie.

Cocktail dress, fancy dress.

Creatie Black tie

« Creativity or black tie.

A tuxedo with accessories, a classic tuxedo with a colorful vest, an informal tuxedo with a dark shirt.

Perhaps a short dress or set.


dark suit

cocktail dress


A tuxedo is optional. For events after 18-00 - a dark suit. Until that time - a regular suit and tie.

After 18-00 - a cocktail dress, but not a long one, before that time - a suit or an ordinary elegant dress.

“After five” - such a designation can be supplemented by A 5 Semi formal.

Not a business suit of any color without a tie.

Cocktail dress or dressy, dressy suit with a skirt or trousers.

Any event that starts after 5:00 pm.

"Easy evening style".

Fashionable and trendy clothes famous brands or from designers, no tie.

An elegant suit or smart day dress.

Casual or Informal

"Free style".

Consideration should be given to the nature of the event.

Corporate party, picnic, etc.

"Business suit".

Ordinary business suit.

Business meeting suit.

"Strict business suit."

Navy blue business suit with red tie. Shoes - black oxfords or derbies.

Blue, gray, or beige suit, white blouse, transparent stockings, suit-colored or black shoes, with heels (up to 5 cm).

Important business meeting or reception.

It should be noted that in each country some dress code rules are different, although in general they are identical. To determine the outfit for a social event, you must be guided by the rules of the state where this event will take place.

The form of clothing, like many other nuances, is specified in the invitation (they are prescribed by the generally accepted names of dress codes, which are indicated in the table). For example, an invitation to an official reception: it indicates the date, time and place of the event, and at the end there is a note Creatie Black tie, which recommends certain style clothes. But this is not all the codes that may be in the invitation. Consider the most common of them.

Mysterious event code

In addition to a note about the form of clothing, other conventional signs can be found in the invitation (very often on English language). The most widespread of them:

  • s. t. (from the Latin sine tempore) - which means to arrive at exactly the appointed time, without delay;
  • c. t. (from the Latin cum tempore) - a delay is possible, but not more than 15 minutes;
  • R. S. V. P. (from the French Re`pon se Sil Vous Plait) - means a request to answer and indicate your intention to attend. To ignore this request is to violate secular etiquette. Moreover, you need to answer on the eve of the start of the celebration.

In addition, if the invitation does not contain a note "for two persons" or the number of those present is not specified at all, then it is better to come unaccompanied.

It would be appropriate to bring a companion only to an entertainment event: a charity evening, concert, dinner, ball.

How to get to a social event

Major ceremonial events may have varying degrees of formality. But everyone needs an invitation. However, there are a number of ways to informally get to a social event. The Internet is full of information on how to do this. Here are some of the most common ways to informally attend an event:

  • Through the service entrance. As a rule, all buildings have service or fire exits. At 90% of closed social events, security is not provided for every door. Therefore, many fans of closed parties try to get to them in this way.
  • Name theft. When the registration desk is asked for a name, and the person who wants to attend the event peers into the list and says whatever he likes (works in cases where the registrar manager does not know everyone present by sight and there are lists of guests).
  • Required contacts. They penetrate the badges of those who leave the event in advance (the method is suitable only for conferences, exhibitions, forums).

Myths and truth about social events

There are a number of myths and stereotypes that have developed about the events. Truth or fiction, let's try to figure it out.

Myth 1. “If you don’t want to attend the reception, there is always the opportunity to stay at home.”

In fact, this option should be used only in the most extreme cases. If called, it is better to visit. Life is very multifaceted, a situation may arise when it will be very necessary to go to one or another event, and invitations are no longer received.

Myth 2. "Every event is special."

In fact, they are all divided into important and not very important. You should not spend a lot of money and time if you were invited to the opening of a store or a presentation of nanopotatoes.

Myth 3. "The event is fun."

This is absolutely not true. A lot of people get bored even at the most fun parties. It all depends on the person himself and his views on life, and not on the program of the event and the host's jokes.

Myth 4. "You can eat there."

In fact, many prefer not to eat at social events or limit themselves to light snacks. Food can crumble, fall, drinks spill, stain clothes, and completely ruin your mood.

Myth 5. "Leaving first is indecent."

This is an erroneous misconception. Each event has a final part, after which it is quite possible to leave.

Instead of a conclusion

A person who is going to a social event or a party must know the rules of etiquette and certain traditions of the country in which the solemn event is organized. It should be remembered that such celebrations are accompanied by recommendations or requirements for clothing of a certain standard (often indicated in the invitation). There are unofficial dress code standards in the world that strictly regulate what to wear to a social event.

Solemn receptions can bring a lot of trouble, but also become a memorable bright event. The person himself decides what exactly his evening will be like.

Any event can be a secular event, whether it's a party, birthday, wedding or corporate holiday (take an example). One of the main success factors for a corporate holiday is the formulation of the purpose of the event. The holiday should strengthen the corporate spirit of the company, unite a group of working people into a team, into a team of like-minded people. The reason for organizing a celebration can be anything.

Sometimes family members of employees and guests are invited to a corporate party. It is recommended to celebrate the “ordinary” date of foundation of the company “in a close circle” of employees, otherwise the goal is “blurred” - team building.

Having determined the audience of the event, you need to set its specific date, draw up estimates and the budget as a whole, choose a venue for the holiday. It is advisable to organize celebrations at the end working week: Friday evening or Saturday. Even if the company celebrates a fixed date - New Year, February 23, March 8, etc. It is appropriate to celebrate the holiday the day before, one or two days in advance. It is better to organize a New Year's event a week before the calendar date, since at this time all people have personal chores, many leave. Other holidays of the company can be celebrated on a weekday - of course, if the entire team is allowed to be absent from the workplace.

Forming items of expenditure, proceed from your capabilities. Ask event agencies for help, ask friends whose companies hosted successful corporate parties, collect private announcements from hosts, producers, and show organizers (be sure to pay attention to their portfolios and recommendations).

What is permissible to save on if the budget of a corporate holiday is very modest? Can:

  • · Independently decorate the place where the celebration takes place.
  • · Do not invite famous artists and showmen.
  • · Refuse expensive fireworks and special effects.
  • · Choose a venue for a holiday near a good transport interchange (for example, near a metro station) in order to save on transportation costs.
  • · Do not purchase invitation cards (it is enough to notify employees orally and post an announcement about the date and place of the holiday).
  • · Do not take photos or videos.
  • · Instead of an orchestra or a group of musicians, invite a DJ with a suitable music program.
  • · Choose a restaurant with a good reputation, but not in the city center.
  • · Write a holiday script, hold contests and games on your own.
  • · The last point of "savings" will require serious efforts from the HR department, but in any case, there must be a host at the event, otherwise boredom and alcohol abuse are guaranteed at the banquet table.
  • · Take note: it is better to appoint your own creative and sociable employee to the position of leading your own creative and sociable employee (and find funds to reward him, since this is hard work) than to hire a very cheap host from the outside. The style of conducting a corporate party is significantly different from the "domestic" wedding or anniversary celebrations.

Don't skimp on…

  • good cuisine;
  • high-quality alcoholic beverages;
  • a sufficient number and convenience of places for the location of employees in the premises in which the holiday takes place (1.5-2 m per person);
  • a good leader
  • high-quality sound (microphones, acoustic system for amplifying or reproducing sound);
  • original music program
  • · symbolic gifts, souvenirs, prizes for winners of competitions.
  • · If the restaurant where the celebration is planned is located far from transport interchanges, you cannot save on the transportation of employees! In this case, it is recommended to book a bus that will take them from the restaurant to the metro or to major highways.

In order for employees to have good memories of a corporate holiday, you should pay attention to a number of important points in organizing this event.


It can be any room where the whole team can comfortably accommodate: a restaurant, a cafe, a bar, a club, a recreation center, a palace or a house of culture, a theater, a motor ship, a park, a sports complex, a stadium (for organizing competitions), an island in a recreation area, etc. The venue depends on the purpose of the celebration, the number of guests and, of course, the budget.

The HR must make sure that there are enough service personnel(waiters, bartenders, cleaners), so that the room is well lit, the wardrobe works. If we are talking about a buffet or barbecue (or a particularly important event with a large number of VIP guests), the staff of waiters and bartenders must be doubled.


The music should match the purpose of the event and be in harmony with its mood. For the celebration of March 8, a criminal chanson is hardly suitable, but for the anniversary of the manager big company- hard rock or hip-hop.


On average, about 1 kg of food and 700 g of alcoholic beverages are required per person. The menu should be dominated by meat and fish dishes, one hot (optional), vegetables. Alcoholic drinks - champagne, wine, vodka/cognac/whisky. Classic ratio: 1/4/2 (100 g of champagne, 400 g of wine and 200 g of spirits per person). Wine is generally preferred dry. Soft drinks and water you need at least 1.5 liters per guest. Dessert is optional (or may be minimal: fruit and/or cake at the rate of 100 g per person).

The administration of many restaurants allows you to bring alcohol to corporate holidays, so you can reduce costs. In this case, drinks must be delivered in advance so that the restaurant staff can pick up dishes and snacks.

The cost of a banquet should not be less than 40-50 dollars per person, otherwise people will leave hungry. If the company is planning a light buffet (for example, during the presentation of a new structural unit or a product/service, organization of a sporting event or a concert/performance), the ratio of menu/other expenses for a holiday can be in the proportion of 30/70. The buffet menu includes light snacks, "one-time" portions (sandwiches-canapes); alcohol will be required half as much as for a classic banquet, but it is advisable to offer a more varied dessert or a more sophisticated cake.

If the corporate holiday is organized outdoors, it is not allowed to use perishable products. When transporting food, sanitary standards must be observed. In addition, the number of service personnel should be at least twice as large as in a restaurant. Furniture for a banquet / buffet table in nature can be rented (or bought and then used for subsequent holidays, if the company has the opportunity to store it). There is even inflatable furniture for such events. In nature, the use of disposable tableware is allowed (an exception is a banquet / buffet table with an invitation to VIP guests). In any case, this issue must be discussed with the restaurant staff helping the company to hold a celebration.

Holiday place decoration.

Balloons are the most comfortable and colorful. It is easy to make themed decorations from them, to compose a company logo. Figures of four or five balls or garlands (chains) look attractive and elegant. For a holiday to which 100 people are invited, an average of 200-300 balloons will be needed. Inflate them yourself or with the help of a compressor (you can rent it). It is recommended to decorate the room with balloons no earlier than two hours before the start of the celebration. We advise you to stick to corporate colors; as an option, you can put the company logo on the balls. Six - eight people for decoration balloons premises where it is planned to accommodate 100 people, it will take at least an hour.

First of all, take care of decorating the entrance to the venue of the holiday (this is where the solemn event begins, this is a kind of business card); aisles, stage (or podium, behind which performances will take place); places for competitions.

In addition to balloons, you can use other accessories: flowers and compositions from them (including dry or artificial ones), exotic plants, hanging panels with various decorations and patterns, decorative screens, glass or ice sculptures, fountains, lighting design, bubble- it all depends on the size of the budget and the imagination of the organizers.

Do not forget that in parallel with the decoration of the premises, other preparatory work is underway to organize the holiday. It is worth discussing the time and sequence of work with the organizers in order to avoid unnecessary fuss during this crucial period.


An elegantly designed invitation is both a "business card" of a corporate holiday and a kind of beginning of a celebration; it should motivate to take part. If the event is held in a VIP format, sending invitations is required. There are no strict requirements for their form and content, the main thing is to clearly indicate the day, time and place of the event. Often, invitation cards indicate the dress code, the duration of the event, the number of guests (indicating VIPs), the possibility of a spouse or close friend attending the evening, summary holiday. This helps relieve organizers from having to answer standard questions.

Invitations are handed over (sent out) no later than two weeks before the solemn date. The name of the invitee must be entered in the standard form by hand, the same requirement applies to the signature. However, a facsimile in blue or violet ink imitating a handwritten pen signature is allowed.

A postcard can be either a standard form or an original one, depending on the profile of the company and the imagination of the organizers; thematic - for example, a postcard in the form of a car (if the event is arranged by a car company), bottles (a liquor manufacturer); snowflakes (refrigeration equipment manufacturer), etc. or fantasy - in the form of a music box, a small tuba with a scroll, an original symbolic coin of the company. You need to be creative so that the invitation creates a festive mood just by its appearance.

If the holiday is held exclusively for the company's team, you can use invitation cards to draw all kinds of prizes.


The storyline of a corporate holiday must be carefully thought out "from and to". Mandatory elements are congratulations (speech), "voicing" the idea of ​​a solemn meeting, as well as games and contests that need to reach as many people as possible, including active fans. The stage and cultural part of the holiday is organized in such a way that all participants feel not just employees of one company, but also friends (Appendix 1).

As a rule, a small but capacious speech of the leader opens the celebration. After that, the floor is passed to top managers and VIP guests. However, such an option is also possible when greetings do not follow one after another, but are interrupted by concert numbers or competitions. After the solemn part, it is appropriate to reward the company's employees.

Attractive is a holistic script program dedicated to a specific theme (for example, "Treasure Island", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Song of the Year", "Oriental Games", "Ball Snow Queen”,“ Dances of the Year ”, etc. - see Appendix 2). In this case, you need stylish scenery, costumes and characters of the theatrical performance (if they are employees of your company, they need to be encouraged - they will work on the holiday, not rest).

If VIP guests or more than 300-400 people are invited to the celebration, competitions are not recommended. An element of competition at such events is acceptable only if the competition is organized according to the principle of an elite casino club with very expensive prizes. It is recommended to involve professional presenters, well-known artists. On its own, the company is unlikely to be able to withstand all the requirements for such shows, it is advisable to resort to the services of an event agency.


A party attended only by company employees may be accompanied by an entertainer by one of them. This person should be able to attract attention to himself, clearly express his thoughts, be witty, open, with good diction. If VIP guests and competitors are invited to the celebration, a professional host should be hired. The options in this case are:

  • a well-known TV presenter (however, the services of such a specialist are very expensive);
  • Club presenter (works quite well with certain groups of people, but is not always able to capture and convey the corporate spirit of the company);
  • Entertainer (indispensable in the conduct of the official part, but rarely a good organizer joke contests);
  • toastmaster (his invitation is advisable only if this person has significant experience in holding corporate celebrations);
  • DJ (only appropriate in a youth team);
  • sports commentator (useful if at least one third of the holiday is occupied by sports games).

The best option is the so-called game presenters, whose services are provided by event agencies.

It is not recommended to keep participants at the table for more than 1.5 hours. Eating and drinking should not be the end of the holiday in itself! At the same time, competitions, games and competitions should not be held less than half an hour after the guests have started the meal - guests should be given the opportunity to taste dishes and drinks.

After the holiday. The next day after the holiday (or for three to four days, if there were a lot of invitees), it is necessary to thank the VIP guests for participating in it (necessarily in writing).

The final chord of the celebration within the company will be corporate newspaper with a "report" about the holiday (or video, files with photos on the company's server). If the shooting was carried out by employees on their own, it would be good practice for an HR to organize a competition for the most successful (funny, curious) shot.

Preparatory work for a corporate party should begin at least two months before the date of its holding. An order for turnkey services in an event company must also be sent in advance - at least a month before the planned celebration. A well-organized event will remain in the memory of employees for a long time as evidence of care for them on the part of management, serve as an incentive for conscientious teamwork and creativity, and also significantly enhance the company's image.


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