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The corporate press includes any periodical issued by the company. Surveying the expanses of corporate media, one can come across newspapers of an impressive size, and compact "battle sheets", and thick glossy magazines, and thin black-and-white newsletters. The format doesn't matter. It is important that a particular publication performs the tasks assigned to it.

The decision to launch your own media depends on corporate policy and the size of the company, as well as how developed communications between different departments. If employees of different departments communicate only once a year at a New Year's celebration or company branches are scattered in different cities and it is difficult to maintain a corporate culture, then it's time to think about publishing your own newspaper or magazine.

The release of a corporate publication is not only a way to disseminate information, but also a significant event in the life of the team. Waiting for the release of the next issue and discussing the news creates positive emotions and provides an additional opportunity for employees to communicate.

So, the corporate press is needed in order to: convey important information about the company to all employees; create a sense of community and team among employees; broadcast and support corporate standards and values; serve as a feedback channel between employees and management of the organization.

Quite often, publication projects are designed not only for the company's staff, but also for consumers, partners, and competitors. In this case, the corporate press, in addition to the functions of internal PR *, is of an advertising nature, demonstrating the strength and stability of the company.

Choosing the format of corporate press

To publish a corporate newspaper or magazine, you first need to develop a concept for the publication. In other words, decide who your readers will be, what the materials will be devoted to, decide what your corporate publication will look like, what circulation and how often it will be published. This directly depends on the goals and objectives that you set for the newspaper (magazine), as well as on the financial capabilities of the company.

There are publications for which the most important thing is the prompt delivery of information from the center to the periphery and the active exchange of data between various departments. The most suitable format for solving such problems is a newspaper. This is a more operational type of publication, since the most important thing in a newspaper is news. Another type of operational periodicals can be an electronic mailing list, which, although outwardly and technologically different from a newspaper on paper, in fact can successfully solve the same problems.

If a corporate publication is created in order to broadcast the standards and values ​​of the company, to form a sense of “we” among employees, a sense of pride in their organization, then a magazine is the most optimal for such tasks. It may contain a minimum of news and enough space to express the position of the company, give examples from the life of the team, etc.

How often to release new number depends on the type of edition. A newspaper, an electronic mailing list can be published once a week, a magazine - once a month or a quarter. Periodicity also depends on the real opportunity to create useful and readable materials, on the necessary speed of communication. So, for example, the newspaper of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company, which is intended only for the company's employees, is published once a quarter, and the newspaper of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, which is also intended for an external audience of all numerous divisions of the organization, is published three times a month and even distributed through Rospechat.

Working on the content of the corporate newspaper

A well-made publication should have clear headings. Recall that a rubric combines materials of the same type (for example, news, congratulations) or materials on the same topic (subdivision presentations, industry or professional reviews, etc.). After deciding which topics will be of interest to your audience and what types of materials your publication should definitely have, you will create rubrics. Most of the headings you should reproduce from issue to issue, this will help readers to navigate well in a newspaper or magazine. But there can be headings periodic and floating, which can appear as needed.

What can you write about in a corporate newspaper?

Of course, nothing prevents you from limiting yourself to news and congratulations. But you must admit that it is possible to use the information space more fully and interestingly.

For example, in the newspaper published by IKEA, there is a column dedicated to various employee innovations. The corporate newspaper of the Wimm-Bill-Dann company has periodic headings - "Resignations and Appointments", "Regional News". The Russian Post magazine publishes a regular column in which they write about cultural events, people of art, and stamps issued by Russian mail. The headings of the newspaper of the EMERCOM of Russia are educational in nature: they talk about new technologies for providing assistance and how to behave in emergency situations.

You can present the work of various departments of the company or publish amateur photos of employees and even organize a competition for these works. You can open a section dedicated to useful tips for organizing working time or arrange computer educational program. The corporate edition is a good tool to teach employees something useful.

Director of Human Resources Department management company MTS OJSC in the Ural region (Yekaterinburg):

In addition to the regular headings in the corporate publication, there should be such headings that appear based on the needs of the company. For example, you can highlight the successes of departments: developed new technology work or new services appeared - it is necessary to praise! Employees must know the leaders, see who to look up to. The personnel manager through the newspaper can broadcast the established norms and rules. For example, you can post "25 expressions that the manager of our company cannot say." Or, so that the accounting department “does not explain ten times to everyone that new rules for filling out invoices have been introduced,” you can submit this information with humor in the newspaper: “Dear manager! We bring to your attention ... ”And give an explanation of how to fill out the documents. And also frame the “scissors” - cut it out and hang it on the wall! The “Our Talents” section is popular and allows employees to talk about their hobbies and find “soul mates”. And be sure to get feedback from the staff. This can be done in the form of a small questionnaire on the last page (what heading did you like, what would you like to read about on the pages of the newspaper, etc.).

Who is responsible for publishing the newspaper?

The answer to this question depends on the size of the newspaper or magazine. You can (and often even need to) find authors within the company. This is a great opportunity for employees to show themselves from an unexpected side. But if you have in mind a large magazine or a serious weekly newspaper, it is better to contact a specialized advertising or PR agency or a design studio.

Counting money

The cost of manufacturing a corporate edition is calculated based on the specific parameters of the order.

Here are some options to look at*.

1. Black and white newspaper, A3 format, volume 4 pages, circulation 1000 copies, newsprint - $400-500 (preparation of materials on your own).
2. Two-color newspaper (black plus one color, for example, the corporate color of the company), A3 format, volume 8 pages, circulation 5000 copies, coated paper - $ 5000-6000 (preparation of materials by a specialized agency).
3. Full-color newspaper, A3 format, volume 8 pages, circulation 5000 copies, coated paper - $7000 (preparation of materials by a specialized agency).

* The calculation is based on prices in Moscow.

They will help attract journalists and editors who will collect information and professionally write the materials you need. We will be happy to develop a layout, professionally make up the publication and monitor the quality of printing in the printing house. Your main task as a customer will be to promptly provide information, help communicate with company employees and clearly explain what result you want to get.

So, if you decide to publish your own corporate newspaper or magazine, remember that this issue must be approached thoroughly, carefully prepared and interestingly designed materials. In this case, the publication will become an authoritative source of information in the company, will resonate with employees and help management achieve the goals that have been set.

Dmitry Shevchenko press secretary of the audit and consulting group "Development of business systems"
Magazine "Consultant" No. 11, 2005

    Companies are growing, their management systems are becoming more complex, and orders, instructions and reports are moving in a stream of managers who are not familiar with each other. "Who are these people?" the directors exclaim as they walk through the office in the morning. You can establish communication between employees and management with the help of a corporate newspaper.

In world practice, corporate publications perform a social function. Such a press is a tool for managing a company. Its role in the process of business communications cannot be underestimated.

The release of a corporate publication must be considered as a project with all its attributes: concept, goals and objectives, material and human resources. We will analyze the type of intracorporate newspaper intended only for company employees.

Tasks and goals

There is no universal concept of corporate publications. To correctly define it, you need, first of all, to know the company itself, its mission and strategy, goals and objectives, to have an idea about the information needs of employees. In addition, you need to have information about the company's industry, its products or services, the ratio of intellectual, physical labor and sales in the business, strengths and weaknesses.

This knowledge, as a rule, is possessed by shareholders and top managers of the company, who can be united in the editorial board. He, in the "brainstorming" mode, should determine the main directions of the editorial policy of the publication, approve the composition of the editorial board (project group), which will have to propose the structure, format and frequency of the newspaper.

Some firms choose a different path. The management approves the general idea, leaving all other processes at the mercy of the editorial board. This option is preferable for companies with a democratic management culture, where the share of intellectual work is high. The editorial board will be useful for large companies with a rigid hierarchy, holdings.

It should be borne in mind that even the slightest disagreement in the opinions of shareholders and the company's management should not be reflected in the pages of the corporate newspaper. The publication does not need to publish devastating feuilletons and insider information useful to competitors. The goals of the newspaper should not diverge from the goals and objectives of the publishing company.

Typical goals of a corporate newspaper are the formation of a single information field and the management of relations with the personnel of the management (shareholders) of the company.

Such a publication will help unite the team, convey the values ​​of the company to it, form an adequate corporate culture, manage the attitude of employees to the processes and changes taking place in the company. The newspaper should create a platform for the exchange of ideas and innovations, motivate professional achievements. This is not a complete list of tasks that the corporate newspaper will help to solve.

It is important to remember that the newspaper is just a tool. With its help, it is impossible to ensure that all readers (employees) think the same way. You can only try to make them think the same thing.

Web page vs print version

Before deciding what form a corporate publication should take, it is necessary to study the information needs of employees, the tasks that are set for a corporate newspaper, and assess financial and technological capabilities.

First you need to decide on the technical performance.

If the readers of your newspaper work on computers connected to a single local network, or have access to the Internet, you can limit yourself electronic version newspapers. She can combine news feed, information and analytical articles, official information and the opportunity for employees to communicate with each other and with company management in moderated forums.

If not all readers are covered by computerization, there are two more traditional options. This is a typographic method or office tools (color or black and white printer or copier). Printing in a printing house is more expensive, however, if the newspaper falls into the hands of not only employees, but also visitors within the office, it is not worth saving on a printing house. It makes sense to use office tools with a small circulation of the newspaper - up to 100 copies, or if it is posted on the information stands of offices.

How to publish?

A lot of things happen every day in every company. The task of the editorial board of a corporate newspaper is to identify them, collect and sort them in accordance with the goals and objectives of the publication, its rubricator. The latter must be tough from room to room. However, at least once every six months, it is necessary to add new headings, new ideas that can be gleaned not only within the company, but also in the business media.

Many companies started their corporate editions with the standard "four stripes" and then moved on to more complex concepts. From corporate newspapers for employees grew specialized magazines with their audience far beyond the boundaries of the organization, image projects aimed at increasing consumer loyalty. However, there were also reverse processes, as well as differentiation of publications. For example, Aeroflot started with a single corporate newspaper, and now it has 13 corporate newspapers and magazines for employees and customers, and more than 50 Internet portals.

When issuing a corporate newspaper, one should rely on the best samples quality business printing. For example, the deadlines for the publication of a newspaper must be strict, since their failure is fraught with a loss of interest, trust and respect for the publication.

Most companies prefer to issue a corporate publication monthly, less often - weekly and quarterly. The limitation here is the amount of news generated by the company, the possibility of preparing analytical materials, as well as the volume of pages and the format of the newspaper.

Articles in the newspaper should be divided into two types: operational, which are prepared immediately before the release of the newspaper, and non-operational, from which the editorial portfolio is formed - perspective plan publications. The first type includes news, announcements and other information that should be brought to the attention of employees as quickly as possible. To the second - interviews, analytical and problematic articles, materials telling about the history of the company, features of corporate culture, employees, innovations and rationalization proposals.

The presence of an editorial portfolio will help to a large extent to avoid traditional newspaper jobs on the eve of the delivery of the next issue. It is also important to create the most complete portfolio of illustrations before the release of the very first issue of the newspaper - photos of top management, production, typical working situations, etc. The publication of high-quality illustrations distinguishes all business media. You will have to follow this rule in order to attract and retain readers.

Problems and Solutions

It should be remembered that the corporate newspaper lives according to the laws of the media market. This means that the problems of traditional publications also affect it: lack of funding, lack of specialists, lack of interesting articles, topics and talented authors. However, the main problem is the loss of trust on the part of readers and company employees due to incorrect editorial policy.

Problems with financing can only be solved by transferring the newspaper from an intracorporate format to a mixed format designed for an external audience as well. This will attract advertisers to the newspaper. They are found mainly among the company's suppliers.

Trust is more difficult. The editors of a corporate newspaper need to find a special tone of information that is adequate to the style of communication adopted in the company - not directive and moralizing, but not familiar, characteristic of the "yellow press".

Let's join forces

The human factor is one of the main obstacles that a corporate newspaper needs to overcome. Responsibility for its release, as a rule, falls on the departments of PR, marketing, personnel management. Their employees form the backbone of the editorial board. However, publishing a newspaper is not their main activity. This leaves its own, and not always positive, imprint, both on the content and on the quality of the publication.

The best option is to invite an outside specialist to the editorial office of the corporate newspaper. That is, a professional journalist or editor. After all, a corporate publication must be of high quality, which requires special knowledge of the editorial process, which cannot be obtained from textbooks.

But there is another possibility, which is actively used large companies. They transfer the functions of issuing a corporate publication to outsourcing to PR agencies, or some of the functions associated with the printing process to printing houses and design centers attached to them.

Outsourcing is indispensable even in those moments when the editor of a corporate newspaper faces routine production issues. For example, “who will write the articles and take pictures?”, “who will do the design layout?”, “who will typeset the newspaper and process illustrations, do prepress?”, “how will the newspaper be printed and distributed?”.

Dear Editor...

The tasks of PR, HR, marketing and sales intersect in a corporate newspaper. However, the universal role of all media is to inform. This task must remain a priority.

It should not be expected that the corporate newspaper will replace live communication between people, or will replace material incentives. If the materials of the corporate newspaper find a positive response from employees, are discussed at meetings, if the editor manages to involve members in the preparation of materials labor collective or even form the institution of "worker correspondents", which means internal tasks are resolved effectively.

In order for the corporate newspaper to become not only a part of the corporate culture, but also the company's business, special attention should be paid to publications on professional topics. innovative idea reflected in the newspaper, adopted and successfully implemented in the company, is the best (and, importantly, measured in financial indicators) evidence that the publication performs not only an agitational role, but also an organizing one.

  • editorial: high-end corporate news, descriptions of major events, industry news directly related to the company. There must be a “highlight of the issue”, a central material with a large high-quality illustration, information about performance indicators companies - numerical information (here you can beat the percentage of sales, stock quotes, growth in the number of branches, the number of employees, etc.);
  • second lane: continuation of the central material from the editorial; corporate news of the "second tier" (mainly production achievements). You can do an interview with one of the managers on a hot topic covered in the news section of the editorial;
  • third lane (practical): description of innovations implemented in the company; master classes of experienced employees and managers. Not superfluous will be success stories of employees, introduction of new team members, information about career growth employees, changes in the company's management;
  • fourth lane: helpful tips(within the framework of the corporate culture), reports with mandatory illustrations about sports, cultural and leisure, team building events in the company. Employees will be happy to read congratulations on birthdays (weddings), interesting hobbies of colleagues, industry-specific crossword puzzles, charades and contests with significant prizes, etc.

“Do like adults, only better”…

Natalia Donskaya, Head of the Internal Corporate Communications Department, Moscow City telephone network».

The publication of a corporate newspaper is not an easy task. After all, novice publishers, in addition to the problems inherent in all large-scale media, also face some specific issues. She told about the difficulties that await them on this path. Natalia Donskaya, Head of the Internal Corporate Communications Department of the Moscow City Telephone Network OJSC. MGTS has been publishing a corporate newspaper, Moscow Telephonist, for more than four years now.

Natalya Alexandrovna, please explain how good the option is when the editorial board is formed from top managers of the publishing company.

- The editorial board of top managers can really become a working body. At the same time, he will determine the development strategy of the publication in accordance with the plans and prospects of the company itself. But in some companies corporate culture is not democratic, and the leadership is "terribly far from the people." In this case, there is a serious danger that the newspaper will turn into a "pocket" pamphlet. CEO. Another variant of the development of events - the newspaper will be of interest only to managers, and employees, at best, will only “wrap fish” in it. Therefore, it is necessary that both sides not only know where and how to move, but also want to do it together, with interest and pleasure.

When publishing a newspaper for the first time, isn't it better to entrust the matter to PR agencies? Most of them offer similar services…

- It's not always effective. Newspaper outsourcing is really good and useful for the technical part of the publication. An external performer will spend too much time getting to know the true situation in the company. And, frankly, not all the details need to be known to an outsider.

Many note that it is not easy to collect a good photo archive. Have you ever faced such a problem?

Actually there are several problems. The thoughtless filling of the strips with bright, but alien to employees, faces from electronic photo libraries can cause serious irritation to readers. Therefore, we need a professional photographer who could not only take reportage pictures, but also remove the “clamp” from both the employee and the manager. The manager needs to understand that the photo in the chair at the table under the portrait of Putin is not the only possible angle. That almost none of us, even handsome in "dynamics", wins in "statics". So, you need light and makeup, and, most importantly, time and desire for a full-fledged photo shoot.

Yes ... It turns out that not everything is so simple. But the corporate newspaper is not on such a large scale. Can't discount it?

- In no case! If you are starting a publication, you can’t take the position “Well, we don’t ... (“Kommersant”, “Consultant”, “Vedomosti”). A corporate publication, like children's books, should be made "like for adults, only better." It is difficult, but necessary, to prove to the management that without spending on good printing and design, high-quality photographic equipment, and a professional copywriter, the process is impossible. After all, this is an indicator of respect for employees, a guarantee of interest in the publication. These are just a few drops in a sea of ​​problems, but they can be solved. Especially if there is a goal to “be” and not “seem” to be a truly useful and interesting publication.

Today there are not enough available to understand the attributes of the corporate press. Here are some of them:

  • 1) "a non-commercial publication issued by an organization to maintain communication with employees and the general public outside the organization"; Black S. Public Relations. M.: 2002, p. 70.
  • 2) “This is a resource that reports on the tasks, goals, opportunities, news, products and potentials of the company, goes to its funds and often does not contain information about other business entities. Corporate publications, first of all, are intended for employees of the company, its clients and partners…”; Dikanova M. Corporate publications: diversity and unity M: 2001, p. 120
  • 3) “Publications issued at regular intervals (at least once a year), published at the expense of the company (in whole or in part), intended for this target group and reflecting the interests of the company. Serebryakov S. Samizdat in branded packaging // Designtoday, 2002. No. 12, pp. 45-49

Taking into account the differences in these opinions, it is allowed to notice something in common. In such definitions, especially in a different way, it is said that corporate publications:

  • 1. created to meet the needs of this company, contribute to the achievement of its goals;
  • 2. usually published at her expense
  • 3. intended for people who are in one way or another connected with the occupation of this company: its employees, customers, and so on.

However, in given time many corporate media achieve partial or even complete self-sufficiency - by attracting advertising and selling circulation. Therefore, in our opinion, the attribute should not focus on the fact that they are “non-commercial”, that they are published “at the expense of the company”, “at its expense”. It should be noted that a corporate publication (hereinafter - CI) is not always issued by this company (organization), whose interests it reflects. Often this company plays only the role of a customer, and the executor of the order is a certain publishing house or advertising agency.

Attaching importance to these concepts and relying on the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Mass Media", let's turn to what other authors think about this, who offer a similar definition of corporate media:

“Periodical publication, radio, television, video program, Internet site, intranet portal or other form of periodic dissemination of information that serves the interests of a specified corporation, created on its initiative and intended, as a rule, for people with a certain relationship to this corporations."

Russian journalism researchers often refer to corporate publications as part of the mass media system, to be exact, as a subspecies of the specialized business press. See, for example: Mass Media System of Russia. M., 2001, p. 94; Grabelnikov A.A. The work of a journalist in the press. M., 2001, p. 39; Murzin D.A. New corporate communications strategies in modern Russia// Bulletin of Moscow University, ser. 10. Journalism. 2004, No. 3, 2005, No. 1, S. 56.

The business press is “a kind of press whose social function is to provide business communications. That is, to meet the information needs of the business community…”. Murzin D.A. New corporate communication strategies in modern Russia // Bulletin of Moscow University, ser. 10. Journalism. 2005, No. 1, p. 55. The author of this definition, Moscow researcher D.A. Murzin, emphasizes that the corporate press differs from other business media in its limited subordination to the interests of this corporation, and calls it "a special, instrumental type of business press" Ibid., p. 57..

The instrumental essence of corporate publications does not require any evidence. A corporate publication, of course, is a tool for managing a company (enterprise, organization, and so on). Fluctuations are expressed in a different way. Some mass media published by authorities, institutions of culture, science, education, public organizations, truly do not have their main function of "providing business communications." These can be publications of both international and national, regional, local organizations, organizations.

For example, many media systems in various languages ​​have such international organizations like NATO, UNESCO, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) In particular, only in Russian NATO publishes a monthly publication "Briefing" and a quarterly "NATO News"; The ICRC publishes the bulletin Meet the ICRC, the Perekrestok newspaper, annual reports, etc. The Russian Emergencies Ministry publishes the Spasatel newspaper, Omsk Museum fine arts them. M.A. Vrubel - the newspaper "Museum Bulletin", the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Reserve Officers - the newspaper "Comrade Officers", at the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky, there is a television and radio company of the Ural State University, the newspaper "Ural University", the Great Choir of the Ural State University publishes the "Choral Bulletin", the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium publishes its newspaper "On Freedom Street". These media carry out a lot of entertaining tasks: they help people survive in emergency situations, report on events, educate, help preserve national cultural values ​​and form the creative abilities of schoolchildren and students. And there are many such media outlets. Relying on prudent judgments and based on the proposed definitions, there is reason to consider such publications as corporate ones. But only - that's the "trouble"! They fail to provide business communications, and if they do, it is far from the first place!

The corporate press is, in other words, the press of corporations. Perhaps the terms "corporate", "corporation" are necessarily combined with business, and this does not allow us to classify such publications as corporate? But not everything is the same here! For example, the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary (M., 2003, p. 724) gives the following interpretation of the term in question: “Corporation (from late Latin corporatio - association)

  • 1) association, union, society.
  • 2) (jurid.) the totality of persons united to achieve k.-l. purpose, is legal. face..." In the Economic Encyclopedia, only one of the two definitions of the word "Corporation" is directly related to commerce:
  • 1) a set of people united to achieve common goals, implement joint activities and forming an independent subject of law - a legal entity ...
  • 2) Widespread form of organization in developed countries entrepreneurial activity, providing for shared ownership, legal status and concentration of management functions in the hands of the upper echelon of professional managers (managers) working for hire. Economic encyclopedia / ch. ed. L.I. Abalkin. M., 1999, C 330. Moreover, in addition to the definition of “corporation”, this encyclopedia also contains a certain term “non-profit corporations” - “specialized organizations that are not focused (unlike commercial institutions) on the acquisition and division of profits from their own activities".

It should, and the concept of "corporate" is interpreted in dictionaries simply as "narrow group, isolated."

Corporate media with good reason can be considered an unusual, instrumental type of specialized press. Unlike publications of a general profile (universal, for everyone and about everything), specialized publications are "for a part of the audience and on more or less narrow topics." See: Korkonosenko S.G. Fundamentals of journalism. M., 2001, S. 91-92. However, not only business (although, undoubtedly, business publications - financial and industrial companies, banks, real estate, insurance companies, and so on - collect a significant part of the corporate press), but also something else. For example, among the publications that are given to the problems of culture and art, the main place is occupied by corporate publications of specific museums, theaters, and so on. (For example, the State Hermitage publishes the Hermitage News newspaper in Russian and English, "Kolyada-theater" publishes the newspaper "Theatrical Life"). Part of the environmental press is also corporate in nature (Bulletin of the Ural Ecological Union, Bulletin of the Tver Ecological Club) and so on.

Student newspaper "University" of Zabaikalsky state university and the newspaper "University Life" of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University. It is on their example that in the future we will consider the features of a corporate newspaper.

Thus, we can conclude that the corporate newspaper is the press of corporations. The most diverse and unlike each other. And in the modern world, corporate media are gaining popularity and continue to earn their stable place in the world of modern mass communications.


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