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In technical equipment, modern television devices are superior to their predecessors. The number of functions is increasing. For people who want to get the most out of the equipment, we suggest learning how to connect a TV to the World Wide Web without the help of a communications technician. Important tips and recommendations will help to cope with the task even for a beginner, provided they are strictly followed.

Ways to connect a TV to the Internet

There are two main ways. It's easy to figure out how to connect your TV to the Internet. Each option has its own important features that cannot be ignored:

  1. Wireless connection - good way quickly connect the Internet to the TV, if you immediately meet all the necessary conditions. It is convenient in that it eliminates confusion with cables, but you will have to work hard on the settings. Having figured it out for the first time, you will understand that there is no particular difficulty, and then you can perform this operation again and again without any prompting.
  2. Wired connection- requires the purchase of a patch cord with an RJ45 connector and the laying of a special cable for connecting to the Internet. In modern apartments, this issue has already been resolved, so you can find an outlet in them to which the network cable is already connected.

Connection instructions

Consider several ways that will explain how to connect the Internet to a TV. Detailed Instructions will allow the beginner to cope with the task, because there is nothing complicated in them. The main thing is to understand the process and strictly follow all the recommendations. The TV set can be any of the modern digital ones, but it must support an Internet connection. There are models that do not provide this. You must immediately determine the type of your TV, otherwise the question of how to connect your own TV to the Internet will lose all meaning for you.

Via Wi-Fi router

Consider how to connect a smart TV to the Internet using the popular Samsung model as an example. The information will also be useful for owners of Philips and LG devices:

  1. First you need to purchase a wireless network adapter (if not provided) and a router that supports Wi-Fi. A device of this type is a kind of signal splitter.
  2. Next, you need to connect the RJ45 cable to the WAN port on the router, and insert the wireless adapter into the USB connector on your TV.
  3. The TV should recognize the adapter, so you need to turn it off and on again.
  4. After that, you need to configure signal reception by selecting "Network Settings" in the menu, in which you need to select the "Wireless" item. The TV itself will automatically find the wireless networks available to it and display a list of them on the screen.
  5. It remains to select the desired network from the list and press the "Enter" button.

Via network cable

This method is also popular due to its simplicity. It is necessary to have all the components of the "design" available. You will have to spend a little time setting up (if you do everything right, you don’t need to fiddle with the remote control for a long time). The connection must be made in the following order:

  1. Connect a DHCP-enabled router to an outlet that is connected to the Internet cable in the house.
  2. Connect the network cable to the LAN connector on the router, and its other end to the TV network connector.
  3. Next, set up your TV. Open its menu for this, find "Network", select "Network settings" in it and press "Enter".
  4. Perform the following settings so that the TV finds the Internet through the router: Menu "Network settings" - "Cable" - "Next".

Via computer

People often want to connect Internet TV to a smart TV in order to watch exciting films, programs that are not included in the program of different channels. This desire is entirely feasible. The house needs a computer, modern plasma, hdmi cable. The connection operation in the presence of all means is performed as follows:

  1. We connect the computer to the TV with a cable (for this, each device must have an hdmi output, and if not, then we use a special adapter).
  2. We are looking for the “Source” button on the TV remote control, press it, select the “HDMI” item on the screen. The screen should then display the desktop of the computer.
  3. We right-click, find the "Resolution" item, select the desired screen and monitor mode, press the "Ok" button. Everyone, watch whatever you want!

Using Wi-Fi Hotspot

Do you want to know how to connect your TV to the Internet without a smart TV? Then this instruction will definitely help if your TV cannot boast of advanced technical equipment:

  1. Buy a 4G modem (if you don't have one), a router that supports Wi-Fi and matches your modem.
  2. Connect the router, modem to the TV.
  3. Set up the TV by opening the network connection settings menu and selecting the "Wireless connection" item there. Your TV will automatically search for all available Wi-Fi hotspots.
  4. Select your access point, enter the password that gives you the right to use this network.

Using this connection method, you need to learn right away that such a modem will not provide up to the mark. high speed connections. The second point is the amount of traffic. If the package is limited, you will not be able to enjoy the Internet for a long time. Do you want more? Then buy a good digital TV screen that has a decent technical equipment. Additionally, purchase other devices that will allow you to quickly connect to the World Wide Web.

Video: how to connect a TV to the Internet yourself

Tired of simple television, do you want to watch other films, videos, clips, programs on the big screen? Watch this interesting video, which will help you connect your TV to the Internet without the help of a technician. Practice shows that this is not difficult if you have all the necessary devices on hand. The video instruction will help to connect even a beginner. Just imagine how much time and nerves you will save if you follow the recommendations of an experienced person!

Connection example on samsung smart tv

Television trademark Samsung is available in many homes, but not every owner knows how he connects to the Internet. The video material will make the task easy for you. Thanks to this interesting video, you will be able to complete the task yourself and watch your favorite movies, programs that you used to watch on your computer on the big screen. It will be much more convenient for you to look at the picture on a large “monitor” - a luxurious plasma screen.

How to connect to lg tv via cable and modem

Video material for those who have no idea how to connect an LG TV to the Internet. An experienced specialist will help you to find out what is needed for this, how to connect, and in what order to make all the necessary settings. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times, so be sure to use the video instruction.

Today, we can hardly keep up with the development of digital technology. Take TVs. As simple as it used to be - I connected it via a cable to a satellite dish and that's it. Digital television has made it possible to re-evaluate favorite films: excellent quality, no interference, as it was in the old TV. In addition, it finally became possible to break away from the computer monitor and enjoy video materials from the Internet on TV. The question arises how to do this. Of course, in the instructions for the TV, manufacturers explain how it is connected to the home and global Internet, however, not everyone clearly understands how to connect router to tv.

To begin with, a little theory is needed to connect the TV to the Internet through a router.

LAN connectors, built-in Wi-Fi adapters, new multimedia features made it possible to create a local network at home and transfer files and stream video without downloading. However, it is obvious that no matter how “smart” the TV is, it cannot connect to the Internet on its own, since it does not have built-in L2TP or PPPoE clients to receive the appropriate network protocols.

The router is a router through which the home network data packet is redirected, which allows you to combine all available devices and provide access to external packets, that is, to the Internet. In other words, it helps to competently manage your home network. It can also become a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Connecting cables to the router (Rear view).

A TV, unlike a router, does not have such functions. It can only act as a separate device within the home network, and to connect to it, you need an internal or external Wi-Fi module, or a connection cable.

Thus, there are two options for connecting the router to the TV to access the Internet:

  • via TV router via cable;
  • through wifi.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to connect a TV through a router to the Internet, in each of these cases. Let's start with the first - through the cable. When connected via cable, the following scheme is used:

Scheme of connecting TV via cable.

To connect a TV to the Internet through a router, it must have a free LAN port, since the TV is connected to the router via a UTP modification cable. As a network connector, you can buy a simple Cat 5 patch cord:

Cat 5 patch cord.

One end is inserted into the LAN port on the router, the other end is inserted into the corresponding Ethernet port on the TV.

This method has a certain disadvantage, since sometimes you have to pull the cable around the room. An excellent way out will be two PowerLine-adapter (PLC), then the signal transmission will take place via the mains. Another option is to give preference to television through a wifi router.

TV connection setup

We note right away that the connection to the network of TVs of popular models, for example, Samsung, Panasonic or others, is carried out according to one scheme:

The system may display the message "Error", then the configuration is performed manually. To do this, find the “Network Status” item in the menu, then select “IP Settings” and enter the login information received from the provider or technical support.

You can close the settings and check the availability of Internet access, for example, launch a youtube widget or open any browser.

TV connection via WiFi

A WiFi-enabled router must comply with the protocols of the Internet connection provided by the ISP. For example, in the case of dynamic IP, the router must support the DHCP protocol. Only in this case, the TV will automatically be assigned an IP address, DNS, etc. Imagine what it will be like to enter them manually every time you change IP.

Today, routers from manufacturers such as D-Link or Asus, etc. are most in demand.

Known technologies today are:

  • Intel WiFi;
  • Miracast.

In this case, you can use WiFi direct, because this species pairing does not require the participation of a router.

  1. If your computer, laptop, or tablet is equipped with a newer generation Intel processor, wireless networking, and integrated Intel HD Graphics, then there will be no difficulty setting up in Windows 7 and 8. In some cases, you need to install the Intel Display Utility.
  2. If, upon purchase, a licensed OS was installed on a portable computer and there is a wireless network adapter, you can connect the laptop and TV via WiFi using Miracast technology. Unfortunately, pirated versions of operating systems do not always support this technique and problems cannot be avoided.

A prerequisite is the support of Miracast technology from the TV. If 5 years ago it was necessary to purchase a portable adapter, but modern devices are equipped with Miracast or purchase it when updating or firmware.

Prerequisite - support for Miracast technology from the TV

Connectivity Technology

Consider the instructions on how to transfer an image from a computer to a TV.

  • Activate support for Miracast or WiDi on TV. It is enough to launch the Samsung WiFi adapter for the TV of this company. This feature is called "Screen Mirroring" and can be found in the network settings. In representatives of other companies, the name of the function is different, but intuitively you can guess what it is about.
  • To detect a wireless monitor, run the Intel Display program, establish a connection. Sometimes the system may request a security key.

To detect the wireless monitor, run the Intel Display program.

  • If you have Windows 8, open the Charms bar and launch Miracast from there. Go to Devices - Projector. Set "Send to screen".
  • Next, select Add Display. When using an unlicensed operating system, you may not see this item, since Miracast is not supported by the system. This will help answer the question why the Samsung TV does not connect to WiFi. To solve the problem, updating the wireless module drivers will help.

Connecting a TV without a wireless adapter

Of course, Smart TV is far from affordable for everyone. If your TV has an HDMI input, then you can easily connect your device to the Internet without a lot of wires. The only condition is to buy an hdmi WiFi adapter for the TV.

Among them are:

  1. Google Chromecast, which is a Wi-Fi adapter for LG TV and other models;
  2. android mini pc. Any device connected to the HDMI port on the TV will do. As a result, it will turn out to connect the tablet via WiFi to the TV, controlling through the Android system;
  3. Intel has unveiled the Intel Compute Stick, a miniature computer that plugs into a regular TV port.

The described options pair the TV with the Internet and WiFi through other devices.
To date, special Miracast adapters are known. This is a kind of WiFi set-top box for a TV that provides a high-speed connection.


Setting up a connection through wireless network modules provides a lot of significant advantages, including:

  • the absence of annoying wires that limit the availability of devices;
  • high-speed Internet access;
  • quick connection and display of computer file libraries;
  • access to files from other mobile devices.

Now you know how to connect your computer to your TV via WiFi.

If you study the modern TV market, then for the most part they support Smart TV functions. As an example, manufacturer LG has webOS TVs, Samsung has its own Smart system, while Sony and Philips use Android TV. Of course, there are still many other manufacturers, but this is not about that. You must understand that Smart TVs are an additional source of income for manufacturers, as they are aimed at selling additional accessories with a good marketing approach.

With such TVs, users can take advantage of a lot of cool chips. Among them, accessing the Internet directly from TV, watching YouTube, reading the news, monitoring the weather and many others.

But you need to pay attention to those who do not like to overpay, to what will be more profitable - to buy a TV with Smart TV or buy a TV without these functions, but pick up a set-top box for it. This is because it’s not uncommon for an ordinary Android set-top box to make a TV much more, let’s say, “Smart” than built-in systems. But let's not talk about that yet, as the article is about how to connect a TV without wi-fi to the Internet via wi-fi.

Many TV models with Smart TV embedded in it are delivered to customers without a built-in wi-fi receiver. Of course, the vast majority of new models of 2017 come with a built-in receiver. Let's look at how to connect your TV without a wi-fi receiver to the Internet via wi-fi.

If the TV is not connected to the Internet, then there is no access to Smart-functions. The presence of a LAN port does not always solve the problem, since an extra cable around the apartment will be annoying if it is not stretched through a box in the wall. And now this is still not enough, since not everyone has the opportunity to do this. And the cable is annoying with its presence because of the possibility of even just hooking it and dumping an expensive TV.

TVs with Smart TV without a wi-fi module can be attributed to the insidious plan of manufacturers. You can also equip the TV with a wireless module and make it a little more expensive within a couple of dollars. But they do not do this, wanting to sell the original wi-fi adapters at a three-fold high price. Not infrequently, the price of such an adapter starts at $100. Yes, and finding these adapters is not so easy. It is interesting that TVs without wi-fi modules are sold and do not take into account the wishes of customers to connect to the global network using the usual wi-fi.

There are several options for connecting a TV without a wi-fi module to the Internet via wi-fi.

To begin with, we advise you to simply study in detail specifications your TV and use the information from the manufacturer's official website for this. It happens that wi-fi is already present on your TV and it can be connected to wireless networks. Often the instructions for LG TVs help, as well as a separate instruction for connecting Philips to Android TV. If, nevertheless, there is definitely no built-in wi-fi receiver, then there is an option to purchase a branded external USB adapter.

The second option is to buy a familiar wi-fi adapter manufactured by TP-Link, D-Link and others. It just needs to be reflashed to work with the corresponding TV. We ourselves did not try to do this, but it is very easy to find such information and firmware options on the Internet. Although according to the information presented, this process is clearly not an easy one.

The third option is to buy an ordinary inexpensive wi-fi router or repeater and subsequently configure the device to act as an adapter for TV without wi-fi. And now in more detail about this option for connecting a TV without wi-fi to the Internet via wi-fi.

How to dowi-fi adapter from a router for TV with Smart without built-inwi-fi modules.

Everything is very, very simple. Almost any modern router can operate in different modes. More precisely, as an amplifier (repeater), as an access point, adapter or wireless bridge.

And now step-by-step instruction how to make a wi-fi adapter from a router for your TV in order to connect the latter to wi-fi.

1. Buy a router. Any old one can be used. You can use completely cheap models like Netis and Totolink. Here the choice is yours, as routers from other manufacturers are also suitable.

2. Set up the router in adapter mode. If this mode is present, then the router you have chosen will receive Internet from a wi-fi network located at home and transmit this Internet to TV via a regular network cable. You can use the bridge mode or the same network amplifier. Only in this mode, the router will still strengthen your wi-fi network.

3. Use a network cable to connect your TV to the router.

As a result, your TV receives the Internet via wi-fi and you do not need to pull a separate cable through the entire apartment.

Approximately it will look like this:

You can also use a regular repeater with a LAN port as an adapter. Fortunately, LAN ports are present on almost all models.

What happens. A router or the same repeater can be purchased at any of the stores, including ours. When compared with proprietary Wi-Fi receivers from LG, Philips, Samsung, and so on, the price may differ significantly. It all depends on what you choose. Just original adapters are very expensive.

We hope that we were able to solve your problem with connecting a TV without a wi-fi module (receiver) to your home wireless network.

What progress has come - now, in order to watch videos on YouTube or search for the necessary information on the Internet, you do not need to run for a laptop or grab a smartphone. Anything you want can be done through the TV. The only thing necessary condition- This is the presence of the Smart TV function. Electronic equipment stores offer a fairly wide selection of TVs from different manufacturers with the Smart TV function, which, by the way, are not cheap.

But the end justifies the means. Convenience, comfort and pleasure from watching such TVs with excellent image quality, and even with the ability to access the Internet, is hardly worth mentioning. Undoubtedly, Samsung Smart TVs have become one of the leaders in this segment of goods.

What should you know before setting up Smart TV?

Your dream came true and you took the same one out of the box. samsung tv Smart TV. We determined its place, put it there and now it's time to start setting up. What do you need to know and be able to use the Smart TV function without any problems?

Let's start in order and analyze the order of TV settings via Wi-Fi. Of course, there is an option to connect the TV directly via wire, but this is not a very convenient option.

An additional cable, knots of wires - all this hassle and inconvenience that you are unlikely to like. There will be opponents and connections via Wi-Fi, because many believe that such a connection is not capable of providing uninterrupted communication with the Internet. But this is not true. Interruption of communication and the lack of its stability is exclusively the problem of the router. If the router processor is strong enough and the Internet provider provides fast Internet, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, either change the router or the Internet service provider.

Before proceeding with the Smart TV settings, you need to clarify a few points, namely:

  • Does your Samsung Smart TV come with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter. If yes, that's great, if not, then you need to buy it. If you buy an adapter, be sure to pay attention to the fact that it is individual for each Smart TV model.
  • Is the router configured and is it working properly. But, if the router is not new and your smartphone or tablet already has an Internet connection, then you can skip this item, because all the necessary settings have already been made. Otherwise, setting up a router for Internet access will require the intervention of a specialist.

What needs to be done to set up Smart TV via Wi-Fi?

It is likely that your Samsung Smart TV will automatically prompt you to go to settings the first time you turn it on. But this moment can be omitted - when buying a TV, you already turned it on in the store. If the purchase was made via the Internet, then such an offer from the device should be expected. The Samsung Smart TV will also start searching for wireless connections on its own if you are not using a direct network connection via cable, for example. Step by step setup Smart TV looks like this:

  • Turn on the TV, press the button on the TV remote control Settings«.

  • In the TV menu, go to the tab Net and select the item Network connection.

  • The following displays the option of wired or wireless connection. We press the button "Set up connection".

  • Choose from the list desired wireless network. Attention! If there is a need to set your own parameters when connecting, then you must select the item "Manual Setting". For example, this will be needed to connect to a network with a hidden SSID, when using a static IP address, or connect using WPS technology and other possible options.

  • Next, you need to specify password to connect the TV to a Wi-Fi hotspot.

  • Click Ok.

  • On the next window, you will see the connection status. The network is connected, the signal is stable. Press the button.

  • If you are prompted to enter IP and DNS, then select "receive automatically". You can enjoy the features of the technology! If the Smart TV mode is activated, then at the top you will see an icon for connecting to the Internet.

After you have successfully connected to the network via Wi-Fi, you will need to go to the "Menu" again and select the "Smart Hub" function in the "Support" tab. It is able to open access to many information resources in the Internet. With it, you can watch videos on YouTube or visit other Internet pages.

What should I do if the Smart TV connection fails?

Often there is such a situation that everything seems to be done correctly and the sequence is followed, and the Samsung Smart TV stubbornly refuses to connect to the network via Wi-Fi.

In this case, you need to understand the reason for this behavior and eliminate it. Among the most common are incorrect router settings. Check the connection on other devices in your home - phones, laptops, tablets. If they also can't see the network, then of course move in the direction of fixing the problem in the router. If the Samsung Smart TV refuses to connect, then your next step will be to fix the error in the Smart TV setup.

Hello friends! Let's talk today about modern TVs with the Smart TV function and what you need to connect such a TV to the Internet. I'll tell you how you can connect the TV and how best to do it.

This will not be any specific connection instruction, but I will try to clarify the situation. I just recently read comments on TVs in one popular online store, and noticed that people simply don’t know why and how to connect a TV to the Internet and how best to do it.

Internet connection is required only for Smart TVs in order to be able to access Internet services, social networks etc. If you have a TV without Smart TV, but it has a network connector, then it is only for watching movies on local network (well, or even for some local functions, no more).

If your TV has Smart TV, then it has one of the ways to connect to the Internet (or several). As a rule, these are two main ways (even three).

Connecting with a network cable

The TV must have a jack. LAN(RJ-45), looks something like this:

If your TV has only such a LAN connector, then you can most likely connect it to the Internet using a network cable (it may still be possible to connect via built-in Wi-Fi, or using a special, external Wi-Fi receiver, read below).

To connect using a cable, you can use a network cable, which is most likely in your apartment (from the provider). But as a rule, such a cable is connected to a computer. In this case, it is best to install and configure the router. You connect the Internet to the router, and from it there is already a cable to a computer, TV and other devices.

Plus, the router will distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. You will be able to connect your devices ( who have the opportunity) to the wireless network. Here's an example, installing and configuring a TP-Link TL-WR841N router.

The disadvantage in such a connection scheme is that it is necessary to lay cables, and this is not always convenient, and it does not always work out.

Connecting a TV with built-in Wi-Fi

This is more interesting and much more convenient. If your TV model has built-in Wi-Fi, then you can connect to the Internet without any wires. The only thing is that you must have a router that will actually distribute this Wi-Fi. Well, or the neighbors already have it, without a password :).

Just be sure to check in the specifications if the TV has the ability to connect to Wi-Fi. Better yet, ask managers (if you buy online) or consultants.

Very often, they write that there is Wi-Fi support, but in fact there is no built-in receiver. It is only possible to connect an external receiver, which must be purchased separately (more on that below). Specify when buying!

Using a dedicated, external Wi-Fi receiver

If your TV does not have a built-in wireless receiver, but only a LAN network connector, but you cannot, or do not want to run a cable, then all is not lost. You may be able to connect an external receiver to your TV model. Such a receiver is usually connected to a USB connector.

But you need to buy such a receiver separately. Yes, and they are not cheap. The whole point is that you can only use a proprietary Wi-Fi receiver. For example, for Samsung, such a receiver costs about 350 UAH. (1400 rubles). People know how to make money :), you can also see how much branded WEB cameras cost there. Other manufacturers are not cheaper.

But, if you have already decided to buy such a receiver, then be sure to check whether your TV model will work with it. You can call the support of the manufacturer of your TV and ask, they are definitely in the know.

It looks something like this:

But there is another option, I tell: in order not to buy this expensive receiver, we buy some cheap Wi-Fi router (yes, one more), for example TP-LINK TL-WR740N (costs approximately 150 UAH. (600 rubles)).

We put this router near the TV and connect it with a network cable to the TV. Then on this router we set up bridge mode (WDS). More details on how to do this are written here.

What we get: this router, which we installed near the TV, receives Internet via Wi-Fi from your main router (which for example is installed in the corridor) and distributes it via cable to the TV. Yes, and it enhances wifi signal. Everyone is happy, everything works :). Perhaps later I will write in more detail how to do this, with pictures, etc.

The TV can have both a LAN connector and a built-in Wi-Fi module - then you can already connect it as you like.


I tried to explain in as much detail and as simply as possible how to connect the TV to world wide web. I hope I succeeded. Perhaps in the next article, I will tell you in detail what and how to do when connecting in each way, I will write detailed instructions.

Good luck!

More on the site:

What you need to connect your TV (Smart TV) to the Internet (with using Wi-Fi,LAN)? updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin


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