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Organization personnel management- purposeful activity management team organizations, divisions of the personnel management system, including the development of concepts, strategies and personnel policies, principles, methods and technologies of personnel management.

Increasing the role of personnel and changing attitudes towards it is associated with changes in production. Traditional conveyor technology sought to minimize the possibility of human intervention in technological processes to make them independent of the qualifications of the labor force.

Gradual increase in the role of science-intensive production, introduction of robotics, flexible industrial complexes based on computer technology and modern means communications led to a reduction in staff, an increase in the proportion of specialists, highly skilled workers. At the same time, the role of physical manipulation skills decreases and the value of conceptual skills increases (the ability to represent complex processes in an integral system, to conduct a dialogue with a computer, to understand statistical values). Attentiveness and responsibility, oral and written communication skills are of particular importance.

The traditional term in the study of the role of man in the sphere of production in the Soviet economics was the notion work force"- "the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the body, the living personality of a person and which are put into play whenever he produces any consumer value" (K. Marx, F. Engels).

In modern management, the ability of an employee is not seen as something fixed, but as a constantly evolving value, updated in accordance with the requirements of production.

Concept " labor resources" first introduced by Academician S.G. Strumilin in 1922. and was a planning and accounting category that characterizes the part of the population that is of working age. As economic category this concept meant a part of the population with the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge.

E.V. Kasimovsky: "Labor resources are a certain set of able-bodied population participating in social production". With this approach, labor resources are passive objects of management that do not show creativity, initiative, motives, interests, etc.

In the 1950s and 1960s, a new concept of "human capital" appeared. Development of the theory " human capital" reflected in the works of S. Kuznets, T. Schultz, G. Becker and other economists. G. Becker defined the concept of "human capital" as "a set of acquired and inherited qualities - education, knowledge gained in the workplace, health, and others that can be used for a certain time to produce goods and services." Expenses in this theory - a kind of capital investment that allows an individual, firm, society to achieve certain economic results, produce goods and services, receive higher cash incomes, etc.

These costs are called investments in human capital, depending on the subjects of investment, groups can be distinguished:

1) individual investments (go to a person to obtain a certain set of knowledge and skills, to medical care);

2) family investments (expenses of parents for the upbringing and education of their children);

3) investments of firms and organizations (go to professional training and advanced training of their employees).

The leaders of successful companies began to understand that it is profitable to invest in a person, thus increasing the competitiveness of their company in the market and creating human capital. The essence of human capital theory: the study of the relationship between investment in human factor and income. The complexity of the wide practical application of this theory arose because of the difficulties in determining the "inventory value of the worker".

At the same time, scientists believe that a person's productivity is determined not so much by the cost of his training, but by the natural abilities of the person himself. It is natural abilities that are considered as a starting human resource that can be significantly increased through investment in training and education. The theory of human capital formulated the idea of ​​the existence of value human resources In the organisation.

Concept " human factor" has been widely used since the 1960s. and means "a system of interacting classes, strata, groups occupying different positions, whose activity and interaction ensures the progressive development of society" (academician T.I. Zaslavskaya). In other words, this concept characterizes the diversity of the qualities of the subject (employee), manifested in the process of labor activity and ensuring the development of the organization and society as a whole. Compared to previous concepts, it is more modern.

Next came the concept labor potential, which characterizes not only the capabilities of a person, but also the presence of certain creative abilities in him, realized by him if necessary. This is a holistic expression of the total capabilities of the employee, the team to solve new strategic tasks of the organization.

Since the mid-1980s, the term " human resources" The very concept of "resources" comes from the French word, which means stocks, funds, sources of something that can be used to generate income. Under the economic resources understand the resources used for the production of economic goods. Traditionally, resources in economic science are classified into natural, labor, financial, information.

Economic resources have general and specific properties. General properties resources:

1) The limited number of them (resources are less than necessary to meet needs at a given level of economic development), so one of the main problems of the economy is to find ways to efficiently use resources to meet needs;

2) resources are components of the utility and value of products, bringing the owner a certain income - rent, interest, wages;

3) resources wear out, so they need expenses for "repair", renewal, development.

Distinctive feature of human resources:

1) people are endowed with intelligence, therefore they participate in manufacturing process not mechanically, but consciously and emotionally;

2) the productivity of creative, entrepreneurial and other abilities of a person has no visible limits, therefore, the greatest reserves are hidden in human resources to improve the efficiency of the organization.

3) personal motivation of people pushes them to continuous improvement, advanced training, while expecting help from the organization. Management of employee motivation is a key task of management;

4) the reproduction of human resources is long-term, because working life spans several decades.

5) human resources set in motion and organize the interaction of other resources.

In recent years, the concepts of "cadres" and "personnel" have been increasingly used.

Personnel- the main composition of the employees of the enterprise, they do not include freelancers, part-time workers, temporary workers. This category characterizes the totality of employees united in a team to jointly achieve the common goals of the organization.

Staff- the entire staff of employees, including permanent and temporary, who are with the organization as legal entity in relations regulated by the contract of employment. Often used synonymously with the concept of "cadres". In management science, personnel is characterized as a socio-economic category that expresses the social community of employees of a candy enterprise. In this concept, the accentuated attention to the role of the individual in the socio-economic system is hidden (E.M. Korotkoe).

AT foreign practice The term "staff" is used in relation to small firms(no more than 100 people).

The concept of personnel management is a system of theoretical and methodological views on the understanding and definition of the essence, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and methods of personnel management, as well as organizational and practical approaches to the formation of a mechanism for its implementation in specific conditions functioning of organizations. Includes: development of management methodology; formation of a personnel management system; development of personnel management technology.

The personnel management methodology involves consideration of the essence of the organization's personnel as an object of management, the process of forming the behavior of individuals corresponding to the goals and objectives of the organization, methods and principles of personnel management.

Personnel management system- formation of goals, functions, organizational structure personnel management, vertical and horizontal functional relationships of managers and specialists in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation management decisions.

The basis of the concept of personnel management in an organization is the role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the task of the organization.

3 factors that affect people in an organization:

1) hierarchical structure organizations in which the main means of influence are relations of power-subordination, pressure on a person from above through coercion and control over the distribution of material wealth;

2) culture - shared values ​​developed by society, organization, group of people, social norms, attitudes of behavior that regulate the actions of the individual;

3) market - a network of equal relations based on the sale and purchase of products and services, property relations.

During the transition to the market, there is a slow departure from hierarchical management, a system of administrative influence, and unlimited executive power. Inside the organization, employees are the main thing, and outside it they are consumers of products.

It is necessary to turn the consciousness of the worker to the consumer, and not to the authorities, to profit, to the initiative, then the hierarchy will move away, giving way to culture and the market. The tasks of the new personnel management services are the implementation of personnel policy and the coordination of management activities labor resources In the organisation.

To understand what personnel management is, we must first understand what the job of a manager is. Most experts agreed that there are five main functions that managers perform: planning, organizing, recruiting, directing, controlling. Together, these functions constitute what we commonly refer to as the control process.

Each of the above features includes:

Planning: setting goals and standards, developing rules and sequences of actions, developing plans and predicting some opportunities in the future;

Organization: setting certain tasks for each subordinate, dividing into departments, delegating part of the authority to subordinates, developing channels for managing and transmitting information, coordinating the work of subordinates;

Personnel management: resolving the issue of determining the standard for suitable candidates, selecting suitable employees, selecting employees, setting work standards, compensation to employees, performance appraisal, consulting employees, training and development of employees;

Leadership: solving the issue of how to get employees to do their job, providing moral support, motivating subordinates;

Control: setting standards such as sales quota, quality, productivity level; verification of compliance of work performance with these standards; adjust them if necessary.

In this course we will consider one of these functions - personnel management. Personnel management (now better known as human resource management) meets the concepts and methods that a manager needs to use when working with personnel - administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

UE technologies include:

Job analysis (determining the nature of the work of each employee);

Planning the need for personnel, and hiring candidates for work;

Selection, recruitment of personnel, business evaluation.

The organization of the work of the enterprise requires appropriate work with the staff. It lies in the intra-corporate influence on employees in order to ensure a quality workflow.

Understanding that what is management, and how to properly organize this process, is an important basis for building the activities of the entire organization.

Of course, you can shift the responsibility of management onto the shoulders of invited specialists, and forget about it.

But successful leader must understand all the business processes that take place in his company.

Let's figure out how personnel management works, and what you need to know to do it right.

Moreover, looking at the statistics on the use of personnel management methods in the Russian Federation, it becomes obvious: the topic is in demand!

Basic management terms in plain language

Personnel Management– work with the personnel of the institution, aimed at increasing productivity (as individual workers and the team as a whole).

- A person who is responsible for working with the personnel of the company.

The tasks of the HR manager are very extensive:

  • Selection of employees for vacancies.
  • Management and organization of the workflow.
  • Monitoring the moral and physical condition of people in the state.
  • Increasing the level of each frame, through the organization of trainings, good practices that can improve the knowledge or moral character of workers.
  • Opportunity analysis, aptitude test.
  • , search for an individual approach to everyone., search for an individual approach to everyone.

HR manager is a unique position. This is the person who should have the skills of a psychologist, economist and speaker.

Work with personnel requires special skills and great experience. Therefore, it is currently difficult to meet a young specialist in this field.

Personnel management methods- operations aimed at managing the behavior of employees.

They serve as an incentive for the employee, motivation to do their job efficiently, and move in the right direction.

There are three main management methods:

    Economic is the material content of a person.

    An example would be to increase or decrease wages, changing the size of bonus, vacation, sick leave.

    In general, any change in an employee's funding can be attributed to economic methods influence.

    Organizational- a direct guide to action for people in the state.

    At the heart of this method is discipline.

    Any actions that violate the general order must be analyzed.

    And also prevented the possibility for their occurrence in the future.

    Psychological- this is the motivation of employees, trainings on personal and collective development.

    Maintaining the "moral health" of employees is a very important task of the manager.

An HR manager is sometimes referred to as an HR manager. The meaning of these two words is identical, just the second one is derived from "Human Rosources" - human resource.

With the methods of functioning of a specialist in personnel management, everything is clear. Next, we will try to determine why it is so important to have a qualified human resources officer in every organization.

What is management: real application

The staff of the company is the basis of its successful activity. Even the development of technology does not allow avoiding human errors.

Organizational moments are very important in any business area.

The team of employees of one enterprise can be compared with the activity of our brain: the better the neural network is developed, the faster the interaction of all organs and systems of the body occurs.

The speed of interaction between employees is a factor that determines the success of a business project.

The most significant application of management in management can be considered in the recruitment process.

It is this personnel manipulation that is considered the main employment of management managers.

In order to more accurately assess why personnel management in the functioning of the entire business project is of such importance, it is worth looking behind the “screen” of the manager’s activities and delving into each stage of interaction with employees.

1) Where does team management begin: hiring

Every reader, once faced with employment. So, the moment when a potential employee gets acquainted with the organization, this is First stage process for personnel.

It is impossible to properly organize the activities of the enterprise if the employee does not meet the proper requirements.


Determination of the initial level of training

With the help of an interview, the manager determines the readiness and potential of the employee, based on the tasks that will be set for him in the future. Most unsuitable applicants are eliminated at the first stage.

Internship and initial adaptation

At the second stage, the applicant is allowed into the real working environment and partially assumes the duties indicated by the vacancy. The task of the manager is to determine whether the information he received during the interview is true, and whether the employee is ready to face the real features of the proposed job.

Performance review and final evaluation

If the applicant managed to survive the internship and cope with it at the proper level, he gets into the team of workers.

Stages of employee selection

2) Personnel management: adaptation of "newcomers"

The competence of HR managers includes the ability to facilitate the adaptation of new employees.

Adaptation should be understood not just as an introductory speech and a tour of the office, but as a careful accompaniment of human activities.

Adaptation is distributed across areas, each of which requires a special approach of an HR manager:

    Organization of the workflow.

    This area includes the establishment of a work schedule, the appointment of a date for the payment of salaries, etc.

    Communicative and social.

    Assistance in the adaptation of the individual in the new team.

    Technological and professional.

    Training in the intricacies of work, checking for compliance with the required level of professionalism.

It is important to understand that good management is not only about the methodical application of measures of influence on their subordinates.

The basis of a quality process is the support of everyone, instilling in him the motivation to work and become successful in your company.

3) Personnel development as the goal of the process

The process of training employees can be divided into two parts - independent and corporate.

Nowadays, it is not enough just to sit at your workplace and do your usual work. It is necessary to constantly develop, otherwise the risk of losing the vacancy to the rest increases.

Self-development of a specialist requires strong-willed efforts and desire of the employee. There is no direct relationship with management here.

Although, if you dig deeper, you can find a relationship between the motivation of an employee and his own desire to develop.

The main task pursued by the management process as a whole is to ensure the proper level of work of the enterprise. And it directly depends on the skills of his team.

Corporate development is the job of an HR manager. Organizing training events for employees is a rather complex and painstaking process.

Raise professional level produced by organizing:

  • in-depth training, if the work involves complex technical means.
  • On the development of personal qualities.

    Another important component of the success of the entire institution.

    If you think that the mood to work has nothing to do with productivity, just remember your productivity on Friday night.

    Specialized lectures - the most costly method, as it involves the highest costs for the organization.

    The lecturer must be a very knowledgeable person in his field of business.

A qualitative approach to management not only provokes an increase in overall production indicators.
An integral part of the process is the increase in the level of awareness in the team, both in terms of the specialization of their work, and in terms of social characteristics.

4) Moral health and culture of workers

The culture of the team is determined by the goals of the company. The task of management is to instill in employees a love for their occupation.

Every organization must have corporate code- a document that defines the framework for the behavior of employees.

Depending on the direction of the company, the culture can be radically different.

An HR manager must monitor the behavior of his staff, because setting the right climate in the team is an important mission.

Smart personnel management is the key to the company's success!

How to set tasks so that they are completed? Answer in video:

So, what is personnel management: motivation for action or thoughtless punishment?

In order to create motivation to achieve corporate goals, several permanent factors must be achieved:

  • wages corresponding to the level of employment and the complexity of the work.
  • timely informing each employee, individual approach;
  • career prospects;
  • additional financial motivation for the quality of work.

Motivating an employee to quit is a thing of the past, you can’t do that. Dictatorship invariably leads to a lack of personnel.

Contrary to the opinion of many employers about themselves, competition is present in the job market in the same way as in the unemployed market.

What is personnel management? This is a whole range of scientifically based approaches to solving the problems of the enterprise team. Without a well-functioning human resource management system, successful business impossible.

The main goal of management is to select the personnel appropriate for the work and motivate them for well-coordinated and collective interaction.

Each employee is one ring of the chain, without which the entire system collapses.

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1. The concept and essence of personnel management

2. Personnel as an object of management

3. Functions of the personnel manager

Personnel management is a purposeful organizational impact on people working in an organization (staff).

Personnel management exists at the theoretical and applied levels:

- at the theoretical level is an area of ​​scientific knowledge and research. The purpose of these developments is to effective use personnel in the organization;

- at the application level- this is a purposeful activity of the management team of the organization, heads of departments and specialists of departments of the personnel management system to form a team and achieve the goals and objectives of the organization by this team.

The subject of personnel management the personnel and managerial, socio-economic relations of employees, emerging in the process of joint work and achieving the goals of the organization, act.

Personnel management as an activity includes:

    recruitment, selection and reception of personnel;

    business assessment of personnel upon admission, certification, selection;

    vocational guidance and labor adaptation;

    motivation and stimulation of labor activity of the personnel;

    organization of work and compliance with the ethics of labor relations;

    conflict and stress management;

    ensuring the safety of personnel;

    management of innovations in personnel work;

    training, advanced training and retraining of personnel;

    management of business career and service-professional advancement;

    release of personnel;

    informational, technical, regulatory, methodological, legal and office support of the personnel management system.

Human resources- a concept that reflects the main wealth of any society, the prosperity of which is possible when creating conditions for the reproduction, development, use of this resource, taking into account the interests of each person.

Human Resources represent the able-bodied part of the country's population, which, due to its psycho-physiological and intellectual qualities, is able to produce wealth or services.

Staff- this is the personnel of organizations, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners.

The main features of the staff are:

The presence of his labor relations with the employer, which are drawn up by an employment contract (contract)

Possession of certain quality characteristics:

    profession (specialty)


    competence, etc., the presence of which determines the activity of an employee in a particular position and assigning him to one of the categories of personnel (managers, specialists, other employees, workers);

Target orientation of personnel activities

The main characteristics of the organization's personnel are:



Number of staff depends on the nature, scale, complexity, labor intensity of production, management and other processes, the degree of their automation, computerization.

The structure of the organization's personnel- this is a set of individual workers, their groups, united on any basis. Types of personnel structure:

    statistical - reflects the distribution of personnel by activities, categories and groups of positions;

    analytical - subdivided:

    on the overall structure- within the framework of this structure, personnel is considered on such grounds as profession, qualifications, education, gender, age, work experience;

    private structure - it reflects the situation of certain groups of workers, for example, "employed in hard work", "employed in processing centers."

The personnel manager must have knowledge in the field of personnel management in the organizational, managerial, legal, accounting and documentation, pedagogical, social, psychological, sociological aspects that allow him to carry out the entire cycle of work with personnel: from studying the labor market and hiring personnel to retirement and layoffs . It must perform the following functions:

    development of a personnel management strategy;

    development of personnel policy and planning of personnel work;

    recruitment and selection of workers and specialists of the required qualifications, the required level and focus of training;

    analysis of personnel potential, forecasting and determination of the need for workers and specialists, personnel marketing;

    maintaining business relations with employment services and other sources of staff recruitment;

    planning, organization and control of training, retraining and advanced training of workers, specialists and managers;

    staffing with management, working personnel and specialists of the organization, taking into account the prospects for its development;

    assessment of professional, business and personal qualities of employees for the purpose of their rational use;

    personnel certification;

    creation of conditions for the fullest use and systematic professional growth employees, business career planning;

    participation in the development of the organizational structure, staffing organizations;

    organization of accounting for the movement of personnel;

    studying the causes of staff turnover and developing measures to reduce it;

    personnel employment management;

    registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees;

    motivation and stimulation of work of employees;

    participation in the development and implementation of plans for the social development of the enterprise;

    career guidance work;

    formation labor collective(group and personal relationships, moral and psychological climate, the unity of methods and skills in achieving ultimate goal, personal and collective interest);

    organization of professional and socio-psychological labor adaptation of young specialists with higher and secondary specialized education at the enterprise, organization of work on their consolidation and use;

    selection and placement of personnel;

    creation of a reserve of personnel and its training;

    application of practical sociology in the formation and education of the labor collective;

    diagnostics of socio-psychological situations;

    development and application of modern style and methods of personnel management;

    use of new information technologies for personnel management;

    application of labor laws legal issues in labor relations;

    management of social and industrial conflicts and stresses;

    ensuring compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of work;

    participation in ensuring safe working conditions, economic and information security;

    organization of work with retiring employees;

    consideration of letters, complaints, applications.

1) The essence and tasks of personnel management

Human resources management is the part of management that deals with people at work and their relationships in an organization.

People management is a component of the management of any organization, along with the management of material and financial resources. However, in their properties, people differ significantly from other resources used by the organization, which means that they require special management methods.

The specifics of human resources are as follows:

· Unlike machines and raw materials, people are endowed with intelligence and, accordingly, their reaction to external influences is emotionally meaningful, and not mechanical. And this means that the process of interaction between the organization and the employee is two-way;

people, due to the possession of intelligence, are capable of continuous improvement and development;

The working life of a person continues in modern society for 30-50 years; accordingly, the relationship between a person and an organization can be long-term;

In most cases, people come to the organization consciously, with certain goals, and expect the organization to provide an opportunity to realize these goals. Employee satisfaction from interacting with the organization is the same necessary condition the continuation of this interaction, as well as the satisfaction of the organization;

Each employee is unique, has distinctive features, so the reaction of different members of the organization to the same management method can be completely different.

Personnel management is a set of principles, methods and means of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to most effectively use their abilities in the performance of a labor function.

The main tasks of personnel management include:

1. providing the organization with highly qualified and interested employees;

2. effective use of skills and abilities of the staff;

3. improvement of personnel motivation systems;

4. Increasing the level of job satisfaction for all categories of personnel;

5. development and maintenance on high level personnel training systems;

6. maintaining a favorable moral climate;

7. management of intraorganizational movement of personnel for the mutual benefit of employees and administration

8. business career planning for employees;

9. improvement of methods for assessing the activities of employees and certification of management and production personnel.

The personnel of the organization are employees of the organization who are employed and have certain qualitative characteristics. The essential features of the organization's personnel is the presence of its labor relationship with the employer (as a rule, these relationships are formalized by an employment contract).

The qualitative characteristics of personnel are understood as: properties, abilities, motives, etc.

The staff is essential resource organization, because it directly creates the product of the enterprise, contributes to the improvement and increment of other resources, is capable of self-development, but at the same time it is the most other type of resource.

The personnel of the organization is considered as its social system.

Rice. one

Management personnel include all those employees who in one way or another are involved in the development of management decisions.

Specialists performing economic functions: economist, accountant, financier, lawyer, personnel inspector, labor organization engineer, etc.

Specialists performing engineering functions: process engineer, quality engineer, commissioning and testing engineer, etc.

Employees: secretary, typist, computer operator.

To production staff include employees involved in the implementation of management decisions, and in no way participating in the process of their development.

Management personnel are figuratively called "white collars", and production - "blue collars". The main trend in the modern world is the growth of management personnel and the reduction of production. There are currently 1.5 times more managers in the US than manufacturing workers.

The personnel is divided by professions, specialties, qualifications, positions.

A profession is a kind of labor activity that requires certain training.

Specialty is type of occupation within the same profession, a narrower classical kind of labor activity.

Qualification - degree vocational training necessary to perform these labor functions.

A position is a set of rights, duties and responsibilities of an employee that determines them. labor functions and limits of competence.

3) Principles - the basic provisions of the science of personnel management.

The most important principles of personnel management are:

1. consistency;

2. democratization;

3. individualization;

4. informatization;

5. selection of employees taking into account psychological compatibility;

6. taking into account the positions of employees when choosing forms and methods for their retraining and qualification;

4) Personnel management methods are called methods of influencing the team and individual employees in order to coordinate activities in the production process.

Organizational and administrative (administrative):

1.1 issuance of orders and instructions;

1.2 development of provisions job descriptions, organization standards;

1.3 approval of administrative norms and standards;

· Economic:

2.1 mathematical stimulation;

2.2 technical and economic analysis;

2.3 feasibility study;

2.4 planning, etc.


3.1 moral stimulation;

3.2 suggestion;

In order to effectively carry out personnel management, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​​​how to do it correctly. What are some tips to help avoid mistakes in personnel management? Perhaps there are some universal rules?

We will give you 5 most valuable and universal tips for managing personnel in almost any company.

Tip number 1 - do not cling to your own workplace.

Yes, most likely, you have been going to the position that you now occupy for quite a long time, and this is really important for you. But there is nothing worse than clinging to your job with all your might, despite all the benefits it brings.

Rather, you should make every effort to move to the next level. Stagnation, especially in a career, is always bad. You need to understand what you need to bring to leadership position maximum benefit - not only for the company, but also for yourself. So that your sometimes difficult, sometimes even boring duties do not turn into a routine for you, it is important for you to tell yourself in time "stop" and leave when necessary.

Tip number 2 - tell "No" personal efforts.

Without a doubt supervisor- This is a person who has a lot of skills and a lot of experience. He is able not only to competently give out instructions, but also independently carry them out.

However, one of the biggest mistakes managers make is that they try to do all the work themselves without waiting for the initiative from employees.

Of course, you should help your employees, but only after they have already made a mistake - in order to show them how to do it right.

It lies precisely in the ability to create a collective team, and not in the ability to do everything yourself.

Tip number 3 - remember that your subordinates are not robots.

You should not be angry with an employee if he is ill, he has Bad mood or even if he made a mistake (but only up to that point, unless it became a permanent action).

Most managers are perfectionists (probably, otherwise they would not become leaders!), And they think that everything around should be perfect.

If you want to change something in personnel policy company or department, you should take care of this issue in advance, even before the entry into force of your new official duties. Ask how things were before, how the weekend was distributed, how educational conversations were held with subordinates, and so on.
Competent personnel management implies a long and painstaking work. Be tolerant and, if possible, automate all the work of your staff.

Tip number 4 - write everything down.

Once you become a leader, a huge number of responsibilities will fall upon you. Of course, it will be impossible to keep all the necessary information in your head, and you will have to write it down. Various diaries, outlooks, notes in tablets will help you.

Also, do not forget about the management part: even if you agreed with someone about something, be sure to send this person an e-mail with an exact listing of what he needs to do. This is important so that there is no confusion in the future.

Reporting, which one way or another is required from any leader, is important to collect in advance. Sit down and consider what numbers will help you in reporting. What will serve as a good indicator of the work of the department or firm? What, on the contrary, will make you think about the effectiveness of work?

Despite the fact that collecting papers and numbers seems like a boring bureaucracy, this is an integral part of the work of any leader, and it is better to do it in advance than on the night before the submission of reports, when all the deadlines are already burning and it is so easy to make a mistake in a hurry.

Tip number 5 - it's the actions that matter, not the intentions.

The fifth tip for a leader is really simple, but many people forget about it: first of all, your actions are important. You can talk as much as you like about your plans and about what mountains you will move, your actions will still be louder than your words. Perhaps your subordinates will be delighted with your experience, the huge number of workshops attended and the certificates you have, all your personnel management will not be effective without reinforcement by actions. Talk less, work more. Of course, you need to inspire employees, but if at the end of the month you have nothing to brag about and the results of your work are low, then very soon the credit of trust in you will be exhausted.

Keep in mind that personnel Management This is not an easy job that requires a lot of endurance and patience. Stick to these tips and you'll have a much easier time in your managerial position.


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