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Work in the home office format is popular in many countries of the world, but Russian companies are not actively adopting the experience of foreign colleagues. Is it worth reconsidering the way of interacting with staff when it is profitable - read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Home office: what is it

In Russia, not everyone knows about the home office, what it is. People are alarmed when they hear the definition of this type of employment. If your organization has switched to this mode, explain to applicants how it differs from the standard work schedule.

Home office is distant work. An employment or civil law contract is concluded with an employee. In the first case, the employer is obliged to pay for holidays, sick days, etc., adhering to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The second option is more profitable, since the freelancer receives money only for the volumes actually completed, and it is enough for the organization to comply with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors " Personnel system».

Answered by Ivan Shklovets
Deputy Head Federal Service for work and employment

Remote work is labor function on Russian territory: outside the location of the employer; outside the stationary workplace; outside a territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer. At the same time, to perform work and interact, the employer and employee use public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet ...

A remote employee works within a strictly allotted time or chooses free hours to complete tasks. This moment is negotiated individually - it depends on the field of activity, time zone and other factors. At the same time, some people need to visit the company's office several times a week to take documents and receive instructions.

Benefits of a home office for organizations

Many organizations, knowing what a home office is, are in no hurry to change the format of work. This is due to the complexity personnel control. Failure to meet deadlines for projects, poor quality of execution of instructions, lack of employees at the right time and a number of other problems are repulsive. But if you evaluate the advantages, the advantages of cooperation with remote specialists become obvious.

Benefits of a home office

Savings on rent is a significant plus. You will not have to pay for office space, equipment, furniture, security, utilities. Some companies do not compensate for the costs of a subscription fee for the Internet, telephone. The benefit is obvious for large and medium-sized companies employing more than 100 people.

No need to buy licensed software. Freelancers they themselves take care of installing the necessary programs, maintaining their performance. You can also refuse the services of a system administrator.

In some regions, there is a decrease in the cost of staff salaries. Recruit employees from small towns that have a minimum average salary. But keep in mind that in this case, at first, you will have to control the quality of home office work, since the level of education and practical experience may be lower.

No need for meetings saves time leader. You don't have to gather staff looking for employees in the office. Send instructions at a convenient time for you, and then control the submitted projects.

These are not all the benefits of working in home office mode for executives and business owners. But considering the pros, do not forget about the cons. Being outside the walls of the organization, employees themselves plan their time, often delay the deadlines, do not get in touch. Therefore, when selecting staff, consider many nuances.

How to find employees for remote work home office

Recruiters face the problem of recruiting freelancers much more often than full-time ones. This is due to the fact that people are not ready to take risks, they are afraid of non-payment of earned funds. During the conversation, explain about the home office mode, what it is, what responsibility is assigned for late completion of tasks.

Focus on signing a contract. If provided employment according to TK Russian Federation, tell us about paid holidays, sick days, etc. When the interaction of the parties is regulated by the norms of the Civil Code, in order to attract the applicant, list the main advantages for him. These include saving time and money on travel, flexible schedule, the ability to work in a comfortable environment, etc.

Practical situation

Well, here I got to the topic of remote work at home. Surprisingly, even 15 years ago, in 2003, one could only dream about it. And now I’m not just writing this article, but I have 5 years of remote work experience, and in different areas simultaneously. After all, the “home office” mode allowed me to organize my time in such a way that I managed to work at 4 jobs, while having a lot of free time, and even receiving gratitude for good and productive work.

What is a Home Office job

Speaking in Russian, this is a full-fledged work at home, and the usual office work is invested in the concept. Car service in a garage near the house or weaving baskets, you can’t call it Nome Office. In my opinion, temporary earnings or freelancing do not fall under this concept.

Lots of large companies, as a rule, foreign, have long used the practice of transferring their employees to remote work. Ours, too, have recently been tightening up. Moreover, time and technology dictate their own rules. Internet development and computer technology pushing towards the fact that more and more professions do not require the presence of a person in the workplace. Documents can be exchanged via the Internet, and authenticity is confirmed digital signature. There are many services that allow you to organize a virtual office "in the clouds".

Advantages and disadvantages of working from home

As with normal work, remote work In home office mode, there are advantages and disadvantages for both the employee and the employer:

Advantages of remote work for the employee:

  1. Flexible work schedule. Many employers do not require the presence at the workplace in strict certain time, at least let you choose the start and end time of the working day.
  2. No one stands "over the soul" and does not demand to do something momentarily. No, also colleagues asking for help, or simply deciding to chat, which will take away precious working time.
  3. For large cities, the undoubted advantage is the lack of spending money and time on the road, several hours a day.
  4. Saving on clothes, although some need to dress appropriately for self-discipline (more on that below)
  5. Given the above and the freed time, you can perform more tasks, or get one more, or even several jobs, respectively, increasing your income.
  6. Or just dedicate the added free time family or loved ones.
  7. Epidemics of influenza and other diseases are not terrible for those who work remotely, because. there is no direct contact with colleagues and even more so with people in public transport.

Disadvantages of remote work for an employee (I’ll tell you how to get around them below):

  1. Discipline. You need to get used to working on a remote basis, because. the lack of control discourages many.
  2. Lack of communication. Man is a social being, i.e. he needs society. Communication with colleagues helps to defuse the situation. Many become best friends, even weddings are played. All this will not happen.
  3. No change of scenery. As they say, you can “howl like a wolf” within 4 walls.
  4. Lack of control over working time can lead to overtime, and as a result, to moral and professional burnout.

Advantages of remote work for the employer:

  1. Savings on rent, security, utilities, office equipment and furniture.
  2. Savings on the maintenance of video surveillance, fire alarms, maintenance and other things necessary for a modern office
  3. Savings on housekeeping personnel - caretaker, programmers, electricians, cleaners, janitors, stokers, etc. are no longer needed.
  4. Fines, kickbacks and other fees and payments to firefighters, sanitary and epidemiological stations, technical supervision, etc. are now absent as a class!
  5. The freed money can be spent, for example, on paying for communications or the Internet, organizing leisure activities (kebabs, bowling, etc.) for remote employees. This will serve to your advantage as an employer.
  6. Now you can hire employees from any region of the country and even the world. And the salary is not paid in Moscow, but, for example, slightly higher than the average for the region where the remote employee lives.

Disadvantages of remote work for employers:

  1. It is difficult to effectively control the workflow. Meetings can be scheduled at specific times modern systems group video calls are allowed. Require employees to submit periodic reports. Fortunately, modern remote (virtual) office systems allow real-time control of the work of employees.
  2. Possible interruptions in communication. But you can provide backup channels for connection, for example, through a cell phone.
  3. Remote hiring of employees implies the absence of live communication. Skype partially solves this problem.

How to set up a home office

How to organize home Office I will speak only from own practice. A few years ago, I had to "train" myself because I had to work in the home office mode not on my own initiative, it was the circumstances. But I managed to organize my time in such a way that I eventually managed to work 4 jobs, and very soon I realized that only a very large salary could return me to a regular office.

Work zone

To work remotely, a separate work area must be organized. Even better if it is a separate room or at least a corner separated by a screen. Believe me, wake up in the morning and immediately see workplace not very nice. For your household there should be a rule: "if you are in the working area, then you should not be disturbed under any circumstances, as if you are not at home - you are at work." Of course, not every work requires such strict restrictions, but at first, for getting used to, I recommend it to everyone.

The workplace must be organized according to all the rules. A comfortable desk, a computer, a printer, a scanner (preferably an MFP), the necessary office supplies, up to a wastebasket, a comfortable chair, i.e. everything is like in a real office. The very atmosphere of the workplace should not resemble the rest of the room or apartment. Pay attention to the surrounding colors!

Office equipment and accessories

Here is another plus. You can buy yourself any stationery you like, and not what the supply manager has allocated.

You can also choose a computer to your liking, but it must be powerful and of high quality so that any freezes and glitches do not interfere with the work. Install those programs that are convenient for you, and not for your system administrator.

And of course, good and stable Internet. Nowhere without him. It is better to have another backup channel just in case, for example, through a mobile phone. Many employers require this.

Buy a good and not expensive laser MFP, headphones, webcam and microphone, stock up on paper.

Do not save money on office equipment and stationery, because. they are yours, and only your working tools. You will earn money with them.

Work from home and discipline

Highly subtle question- self-organization. you can buy the best equipment, kick everyone out of the house, but if there is no discipline, then with remote work there will be problems.

Beginners can be advised to start by making a certain, certainly tough work schedule. Stick to it strictly. Do not start early and do not linger, provide time for lunch. A break of 10 minutes at the end of each hour has not been canceled either.

Some are disciplined by work clothes. Can't help yourself, put on a suit and shoes (don't laugh). Of course, it didn’t come to this for me, but I used to change home workouts for jeans; helped!

That is why for us, along with professional qualifications, the independence and responsibility of an employee is important. Yes, there are situations when it is more effective to get everyone together, what is called “alive”, than to produce kilometers of correspondence, but these situations are few and can be resolved. The rest of the time, we prefer that our employees work in a mode that is comfortable for them and do not spend several hours a day traveling to and from the office. Let them spend this time on rest. Million Savings for Companies It is not entirely clear to me why some Russian employers refuse to work remotely due to unprofitability. After all, their cost items will be drastically reduced.

Home office business - what is it?

The most reliable and profitable (including for companies) option for such cooperation is permanent remote work in the home-office format.

Where it is common Such a regime has long been a variant of the norm in many countries.

Among working Americans, about 47% work remotely for half of each week, and 10% at least once a week.

In the US, over the past 7 years, workers have increased by 3%, while the number of remote workers has increased by 66%.

According to an Ipsos/Reuters study, more than half of the employed population in India prefer to work from home, in Indonesia - 34%, in Mexico - 30%, slightly less in Argentina, South Africa and Turkey.

"home office": pros and cons

Tatyana Dmitrieva Human Resources Director As ardent supporters of remote work and work in a free schedule, we suggest reading the article below.


The topic is still ambiguous, employers are arguing, but we remain on our position: adults can and should manage their time.

To all those who are able to manage their time and work for results, welcome to Directadvert! Home-office Mode: Advantages and Difficulties Office work quickly turned into groundhog day for me - at first I got tired of the call-to-call mode, then the banal conversations of colleagues, then the field of activity itself.
Switching to another company helped for a while. Productivity fell again, I didn’t want to take the initiative, I was motivated only by “kicks” from the authorities - in short, a typical convict syndrome.

Home-office mode: advantages and difficulties


According to Maxim Zakharenko, CEO of Oblakoteka, who refused to consider resumes of office system administrators from Moscow and St. Petersburg, a ticket system provides control in technical support, and good CRM in the sales department.

And, of course, you need to be constantly in touch - in vacancies for remote employees, the need to be online on Skype from 9 to 18 is indicated as a duty.

The home-office mode has already been implemented in many progressive Russian and Western companies. It reduces the costs of both parties - the employee and the employer, increases labor efficiency and satisfaction, and unleashes creativity.
Experts predict a bright remote future for Russia: within 5 years, 40% of employees will switch to the home-office format, and up to 60% in the future.
And then, probably, offices can be closed.

What is remote work in home office mode?

And that's how I work. Once or twice a week I take documents from the director for processing, and I process them at my home computer.

He provides his own paper, but I pay for the Internet and electricity, of course, myself.

But I would pay for the Internet anyway, and my computer consumes little electricity. If I worked in an office, there would be much more additional expenses (starting from clothes - it’s indecent for a woman to go to work every day in the same clothes, and ending with transportation costs).

home office

How is this different from a regular office? Everyone is interested in working here and now without disturbing anyone.

Of course, ideally, it is good for the employer to pay for coworking, but this is rarely the case.

Management and control. Organization of work, the fight against procrastination and the establishment of control is a common problem for the company and employees.

Automated project management services come to the rescue.

For example, the Redmine server web application allows you to track the progress of work, errors, and time costs. Megaplan offers a convenient calendar and planner, stores files, documents and correspondence, takes into account the time spent on projects. The manager will always be aware of the activities of the employee, and he will be able to effectively manage his time. Some areas have their own specific services.
By itself, there will be no need to purchase licensed software, since the OBEP has not yet reached households, however, if you are an honest, pedantic, and most importantly law-abiding entrepreneur, you can recommend that all your remote employees install the OpenOffice program, which can be downloaded for free from the site ru.openoffice .org.

To combat malware, you can use online antiviruses.

The same applies to other software: many developers provide online accounting or warehouse programs in the public domain (see.

section Business software), so that the accounting department and the purchasing manager can certainly be transferred to a home-based mode of operation. four.

Tell us about the pros and cons of working in home-office mode

The first and main plus is the savings on rent, and a significant one, and, as a result, a reduction in office costs. This also includes communal payments, a monthly fee for a security agency, savings on office equipment (equipment) and office furniture. 2.

You will be extremely surprised to find out how much telephone conversations actually cost you (not only with business partners, but also long-distance with Aunt Glasha), dedicated Internet, mobile connection and other software and telecommunication services.

Now these expenses are in the past. By the way, it will also be possible to refuse the services of a system administrator.

home office what is it

Pretty scrupulous, but no less actual question wardrobe savings. No matter how dude or fashionista your employee is, he will not sit at home at the computer “in full dress”. A couple of weekend sets for going to clients for negotiations is enough. 4. Home work involves wages depending on output, so those who want to earn more than this staffing- green light. 5.

And, finally, personal life - where without it? There will be no end to the happiness of employees, especially employees, because

time for households and household chores will increase significantly, and inspired ladies will work a hundred times harder! What are the advantages of transferring employees to home office mode for the entrepreneur themselves? - They, believe me, are not so few: 1.

Last year the MIF publishing house celebrated its 10th anniversary. Over the years we have grown to 130 people. We have an office for accounting and negotiation. But 95% of employees, like me, work remotely. My name is Yulia Skripnik, and since the spring of 2015 I have been the lead copywriter at MIF.

Prior to that, I worked in office jobs for almost 10 years. Now I think that it was a long time ago to switch to “remote work”, for me this is a real dream job. What is the main advantage of home office mode? In freedom. What is the main disadvantage? In her. But this is treated by self-organization of the 10th level. If you want to switch to remote work or have just started working in this mode, this article will be useful to you. In it, I will describe in detail the possibilities that the home office mode opens up and life hacks that increase the effectiveness of the homeworker.

Ability to manage your time

When you work remotely, you decide when, where and how much you will work. You don’t need to sit out every day from 9 to 18. After all, it’s not the time spent at the laptop that matters, but the result. And if you have done all the work before, you can safely go about your business. If you are a night owl, you don’t need to be blown up at 6-7, you can sleep peacefully until 8:30 or until 10. And at the same time, no one will be surprised by a letter at 2 in the morning. You just feel so comfortable.

I usually get up at 8 in the morning, go for a run, take a shower, if I have time, I read articles on self-development. I start work at 9. Before, if I wanted to go for a run, I had to get up at 6:30 in order to be in time for the office by 9 o'clock.

If you think about it, how many hours does an office worker spend on work? Minimum 12.

Our day is divided into three eight-hour segments: 8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for personal life. If you work in an office, in fact, it's good if you have 4 hours left for your personal life. Think for yourself - get ready for work, iron clothes, choose the right color and style of shoes for these clothes, get to work in the morning traffic jams, from work - in the evening, catch your breath. And how many hours do you have left? Maximum 4. And if you have a remote job, then it takes one minute to get to it, well, a maximum of five, if you include exercises and coffee.

Workplace convenience

Creative work often requires inspiration and calmness. But there are few companies in Russia that, like Google or Yandex, have creatively furnished workplaces, such as hammocks, bean bags, and cozy meeting rooms. At home, you can create an environment that pleases your soul. You can work in bed, on a yoga mat in the lotus position, sitting on the floor with your feet on the table. You can even work while standing. You can arrange an afternoon siesta and take a 20-40 minute nap.

On a hot day, you can freshen up in the shower at any time, and on a winter one, you can cover yourself with your favorite blanket. And if you need to do something urgent by the morning of the next day, you must agree, it is better to be able to do it at home, and not in the office. Here you can turn on your favorite music, and put on colorful socks to make it more fun, more comfortable, so to speak. Yes, this is a trifle, but it is precisely such trifles that affect our emotional mood and psychological state.

Saving, saving, saving again

Save money on clothes. Less spending on "status" office clothes. And especially true for girls - on nylon tights! Some advise getting ready and dressing at home as if you were working in an office. But, you see, it’s stupid to wear a knee-length skirt and heels if you have a home office !!

Saving time. At least 2 hours a day, which an ordinary person spends on the road to and from work, a remote employee receives, one might say, a “bonus”. So, about 10 additional hours run weekly, more than 22 days a year. Want an extra 22 days vacation?

Saving nerves and health. In a well-trained announcer's voice: “Snowstorm, rain, ice? Winter road - stress, and in the subway - the flu walks? Autumn slush, but what about autumn, summer slush! 40-degree frosts? Chatter of colleagues under the ear? All this behind! Homeoffice is the solution to all problems!

Not all, of course, but many. Home office mode means less violence against yourself and more peace of mind.

Savings on food. You can strike out of your budget the cost of daily lunches in cafes and bars. It is possible to prepare a cappuccino with coconut syrup at any time and not overpay for it at exorbitant prices.

Savings on travel and taxi. Often I had to linger in the office and then call a taxi at my own expense, a decent amount accumulated in a month. Those who have a car and who work remotely will be able to significantly save on gasoline.

Freedom of movement

In the full sense of the word - from physical education minutes to a global move to Bali. Or to Spain.

I only know a couple of companies in my hometown Perm, where the employer takes care of the physical health of employees and encourages sports right at the workplace. In the meantime, physical activity is very good for vigor and shaking the mind. Simply getting up from your desk increases blood supply to your brain by 20 percent. Imagine how a couple of squats, push-ups or pull-ups will invigorate your brain. You can do yoga to warm up, or plank. In the office in a white blouse and a pencil skirt, you won’t do much sports. And at home in looser clothes - with pleasure and, most importantly, for the benefit of the cause.

If a project or article is not going at all, you can take a 20-minute break and jog around the block. This is much better than "sticking" into the Internet and cracking tongues in the corporate kitchen.

By freedom of movement, I also mean the ability to choose the workplace to your taste. Work at home, in the park, coworking center, in the country.

You can even move to the country of your dreams. To Thailand with its fruits and sun, to Europe, to America - anywhere. MIF employs employees who live in Turkey, Vietnam, Malaysia, the USA, Slovakia, and Spain. I have been living in Bali for half a year*.

Be in the flow for as long as you want.

According to a study, an office worker is distracted every three minutes - meetings, calls, people come with questions, people just walk by, doors slam, air conditioners hum. At home, there is access to silence, especially if you agree with your family about hours during which you cannot be disturbed. And then no one will cut your day into three-minute pieces. And you can really focus on what you're doing.

There are many benefits to working remotely. But, if there is no concentration and discipline, nothing will come of it. Difficulties are flip side merits. For example, a free schedule allows you to choose when and how much to work, but also requires high degree personal responsibility and self-control. Otherwise, the work can turn into round-the-clock. Or here's another problem. It can be difficult to explain to people that you are not just sitting at home, but working just like the rest. And even more. Especially at first, there are many requests to walk / drive / pick up / buy / drop in for a visit. "You're still sitting at home!" Yes, and it is easy to be tempted by a free schedule.

Just because you feel like you have all the time in the world when you're at home doesn't make your time any less valuable. Here are a few helpful tips that help me do my job well and stay focused:

1. Fall in love with what you do

You must truly love your job. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult to concentrate and complete tasks than when you worked in the office. No need to change unloved job in the office to an equally unloved remote. Before, when I worked in the office, after I came home, there was a state of exhaustion, when I just wanted to turn on the TV and “stick”. I haven't watched TV for six months now. Because the work you love fills you with energy.

2. Start the day right

Create your morning productivity rituals - sing your favorite song out loud or dance. Or clap your hands vigorously to cheer yourself up.

3. Arrange the space

With telecommuting, you are at your desk as soon as you wake up.

Hang your "adviser's office" or wish card on the wall. You should have the most comfortable table and chair. After all, work is your life. Make it comfortable for you.

4. Change the environment

Worked at home - work in a cafe or in a park or on the beach. For example, of the two months I spent in the States this spring, I spent two weeks working in the library and in the evenings on a sun lounger by the pool.

5. Track your attention

There is a simple but surprisingly effective exercise that will help you become aware of your attention and manage it. Set aside a few hours to complete it. Write down with a letter what was the reason for the distraction - people, things, ideas or emotions. Let's say M - husband, R - child, H - feeling, P - mail, V - web surfing, C - social networks, H - thoughts are not on the case. And put a dash every time your attention shifts. Now that you have information about what and how often you are distracted, you can start making adjustments.

6. Make a music playlist to work with

The trick here is to create a playlist that will invigorate you and not distract you. Therefore, I listen to popular foreign old hits, sometimes rock, sometimes jazz, sometimes instrumental music from my personal collections and on radio stations.

7. Exercise

It happens that the work is so exciting that you sit for 3-4 hours without getting up. Result? Load on the eyes, back, in general on the body and brain. Set reminders on your phone to “do 10 squats”, “do plank”, “do gymnastics for the eyes”, and so on. Make sure you have to move. Moreover, you have much more freedom in movement and timing than office workers. Do not take a bottle of water to the workplace, it is better to go to the kitchen to stretch. Arrange yourself morning runs and evening walks.

8. Do the most important things second.

Many advise to do the most important things first. There is such a game for the development of intelligence Lumocity. Based on the results of workouts, it fixes indicators of reaction speed, memory, and flexibility of thinking. And here's the interesting thing: in the morning, the results are worse than in the afternoon, after the brain is completely awake. Therefore, the first thing - something routine and not very creative - for overclocking for 15-40 minutes, and only then the most important and creative tasks.

9. Combine a list of personal and work tasks

Your brain is no good for a to-do list. Therefore, make a list of all the cases: both work and personal. I collect all my tasks in one notebook in evernote. There are requests from colleagues by mail, Skype, content plans from a common file, a plan for reading books and writing newsletters, purchases and personal affairs. The most important ones are marked with an exclamation point. At the end of the day, completed tasks are deleted and new ones added. Planning generally takes 10-15 minutes a day. And it provides peace of mind - everything that needs to be done is taken into account.

10. Give in and ask for feedback

Share your successes and results and praise others for a job well done. Did you like how your colleague coped with his task? Write a couple of lines to him about it. This is one of better ways motivation, involvement and maintaining the team spirit at the proper level. From my experience at MIF, I know that you can create a friendly, fun, creative team from employees in a company with a home office structure.

11. Don't miss corporate events

One of the disadvantages of remote work is the lack of face-to-face communication. Therefore, live meetings are especially valuable. Typically, companies with a home office model arrange corporate parties on New Year and company birthday. Seeing live those with whom you communicate by mail and Skype is very cool. This will give you a boost of energy and motivation for the whole year.

Summer 2015. Corporate party for the 10th anniversary of MIF

Homeoffice is a stunning feeling of freedom, constant drive and flight. The ability to independently plan your day and the lack of total control give self-confidence and enjoyment of the results. Freedom is always a challenge. Your abilities, responsibility, self-organization, courage. Think about the possibility of remote work, it can really change your life for the better.

* Stay tuned for blog updates, this month I will tell you the details about how I live and work in Bali.

It is customary to consider an office at home solely from the standpoint of convenience for the employee, but in vain. For an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, who cannot afford to rent yet office space, the "home office" format will come in handy. How to let your employees go free swimming so that the quality and intensity of their work do not suffer? Let's try to figure it out. For our foreign colleagues, working at home does not cause any fears and complaints, many "office" employees constantly or periodically work at home, and, it should be noted, they work quite successfully. Naturally, thanks to a well-developed system of motivation and effective control by the employer.

Home office business - what is it?

We are looking for employees with a high internal motivation system, organized, result-oriented. An appropriate leader is also suitable for this: he trusts his team, does not want to control every step, and provides a certain freedom in decision-making. Alas, employees with increased communication needs are unlikely to endure the monotony and loneliness of working at home, there are people for whom social recognition and a sense of being in demand are much more valuable than any material incentives.
In such a situation, you can try to use the experience of large companies, only on a reduced scale. For example, paying for weekly bowling trips or specialized courses, moreover, during “working” hours - in any case, it will be cheaper than maintaining an office in a rented room, and corporate culture no one canceled, so do not forget about joint leisure.

"home office": pros and cons

In modern economic conditions Entrepreneurs optimize office rental costs. One option is to work in the home-office format. DK.RU found out the "pros" and "cons" of offices at home. The “pros” of working from home Businessmen interviewed by DK.RU who have experience in transferring employees to a home office say that they manage, in particular, to save on rent. So, the director of one youth IT center, Igor Utmanov, says that his acquaintances from the Internet sector, who moved to offices in apartments, were able to save about 40,000 rubles on rent per month.

rub. Another profitable option for locating the company's office, the entrepreneur calls co-working centers. So, according to him, the average cost of one workplace in Krasnoyarsk co-working spaces is 3,000 rubles per month.

Home-office mode: advantages and difficulties

This will be the largest remote work project, involving more than 50,000 people. Telecommunications equipment manufacturer Nortel has been implementing the Integrated Work Environment program for 15 years to balance work and personal life. About 80% of specialists there have the opportunity to work remotely, and 10% work permanently at home.

Everything is clear with giants, but what about startups? And nothing distant is alien to them. For example, Stack Overflow, a developer of a system of questions and answers about programming, hired 4 employees in 2010 and planned to build remote work. Founder Jeff Atwood wrote about this in his blog. The company now boasts effective organization home-office format in a team of 75 employees, including developers, salespeople, marketers and managers.

16 specialists work completely remotely.

Russian entrepreneurs shared their experience of working in home-office

By itself, there will be no need to purchase licensed software, since the OBEP has not yet reached households, however, if you are an honest, pedantic, and most importantly law-abiding entrepreneur, you can recommend that all your remote employees install the OpenOffice program, which can be downloaded for free from the site ru.openoffice .org. To combat malware, you can use online antiviruses. The same applies to other software: many developers provide online programs for bookkeeping or warehouse management (see.

section Business software), so that the accounting department and the purchasing manager can certainly be transferred to a home-based mode of operation. four.

What is remote work in home office mode?

Laura Kaler calls the inability to control the workflow of an employee another disadvantage. - The inability to control whether a person really works and something does not work out for him or stops, or goes about his business and just comes up with reasons why the work is not done by the deadline. Inna Vlasova, PR Director of the STEP Group of Companies, advises in this case to offer employees piecework payment labor - pay wages depending on the results of work. “Assignment of KPIs, regular skype sessions and a crm system in which all projects are stored helps me to effectively manage the team, it is easy to assign performers, control work,” says Veronika Kirillova, director of the Zebra Company PR agency, whose employees work in home-office mode .
What is stopping you from developing similar ones? Think about how to achieve the necessary feedback and level of awareness: set a "conversation hour" on Skype, oblige employees to send e-mail a report on the work done over the past day - there are many options. In addition to the monetary component, you can safely include the following “bonuses” for the employee in the “motivational package”: 1. Relatively flexible work schedule. Issues that do not require an immediate decision can be considered at any time convenient for the employee: at night or in the early morning.
2. One of the most "fat" pluses will be saving time and money on the way to the office, constant traffic jams, and at least 2 hours deleted from life every day! And if you add here also the time for “buildup”, greetings from colleagues, joint gatherings, tea parties and smoke breaks, then you can free up another 2 hours of useful working time.

Work home office in Moscow: 54 vacancies

The manager will always be aware of the activities of the employee, and he will be able to effectively manage his time. Some areas have their own specific services. According to Maxim Zakharenko, CEO of Oblakoteka, who refused to consider resumes of office system administrators from Moscow and St. Petersburg, a ticket system provides control in technical support, and good CRM in the sales department. And, of course, you need to be constantly in touch - in vacancies for remote employees, the need to be online on Skype from 9 to 18 is indicated as a duty.

The home-office mode has already been implemented in many progressive Russian and Western companies. It reduces the costs of both parties - the employee and the employer, increases labor efficiency and satisfaction, and unleashes creativity.


Stack Overflow's activity is more than successful - the popularity of the system is growing every year. Concerning Russian companies, then here the tone is largely set by the IT-sphere. There seem to be two main reasons for this. “Firstly, IT is an area where it is very difficult to find a qualified employee, and therefore we are always ready to consider applicants from remote regions of Russia and even from other countries - I can say this as the HR Director of the Search Technologies company (company is the developer and owner of the Directadvert teaser network).

Secondly, the specifics of working in the IT field implies the skill of using various technical platforms for communication. These specialists are perfectly familiar with all communication and cloud services, which allows us to effectively interact with them almost around the clock.


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