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Despite the apparent simplicity, creating an advertising slogan is a hell of a job. Ideally, you need to fit everything in 3-4 words:

  • The benefit of the product to the consumer
  • Company philosophy
  • Stand out in the crowd of competitors
  • evoke the right emotions
  • Make the company's product memorable

The main thing is that the slogan should be firmly eaten into memory. Preferably in the subconscious. Cause a strong association at the right time. In fact, it combines the incompatible: creativity, simplicity and informativeness. Therefore, the simplest, at first glance, phrase is invented for days, weeks and even months. And then every few years they change to a more productive one.

A slogan is expensive. Some experts charge $100-200 or even more for it. Behind 3-4 words are weeks of studying the market niche and determining the positioning (USP) of the company.

Those who claim to ignore annoying ads are usually lying to themselves and others. There are very few truly fundamental ones. When we stand in front of a shop window and choose, for example, toothpaste, we first of all remember the reviews of our friends. If there are none, then advertising pops up in memory. And along with visual images, this very slogan appears in memory. Trust arises: these people at least spent money on advertising, or even some kind of noun.

The goal of a slogan is to create a strong first impression. Clothes of the company by which they meet. Nokia connectingpeople. (Nokia unites). McDonald's . Iloveit. Don't slow down - Sneakers.L'oreal. You deserve it. Rafaello . Instead of a thousand words. Yes, one worthy slogan may well replace a thousand words. It's not a joke.

Of course, the ideal is the ideal, that no one can achieve it. Even the most successful and large corporations can rarely boast of a really high-quality slogan, reaching the pinnacle of success solely due to the quality of their product and successful advertising texts. In this article I will give the most successful examples advertising slogans for companies.

Examples of advertising slogans for Apple

Let's look at examples of a slogan for Apple. Its main motto is think differently". These two words have a special deep meaning. After all, there is a special layer of people who want to show others that they are different from them. By betting on a feature, Apple played on it, successfully taking 90% of the profits from the smartphone market. Now let's look at examples of a slogan for a company separately:

iPhone. Apple reinvents the phone.

iPhone 3G. The iPhone you've been waiting for.

iPhone X . Hello future.

I hope the iPhone needs no introduction. This is a stereotypical measure of success. The newer the iPhone, the more successful person. If the first iPhone was indeed a role model for future smartphones, then the rest of the iPhones are simply exploiting their own popularity as expensive trinkets.

iPhone 5. The biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone.

Along with its popularity favorably presents the size of the display.

iPhone SE . Small form at its best.

Mac mini . Giant mini.

Here, on the contrary, the small size is favorably presented.

iPhone 5s. Ahead of thinking.

IPhone 8. The radiance of the mind.

iPad Pro . Anything will get better.

The bet is made on the speed of work.

MacB ook Air . For a whole day of accomplishments.

A key indicator is a powerful battery.

iMac . The clearest view of things.

And here they praise the display.

Conclusion: All of the above advantages are mostly implemented in one model. What's more, manufacturers may well make the perfect phone with a powerful processor and battery, but they don't want to. Because they want to get the most out of development.

people justify specifications the last iPhone with the possibility of a plausible excuse to join the closed caste of successful people

Examples of advertising slogans for clothing companies

As an example of advertising slogans for clothing companies, let's recall the Nike slogan Just do it, instantly recognizable in all countries of the world. "Just do it". These three words have everything: a call to action (including buying in a clothing store), and motivation to play sports, and the life philosophy of active people. The neutral and positive inscription turned Nike into a mass cult.

Also noteworthy are examples of advertising slogans for Adidas companies. The slogan "Impossible is nothing" is also great at motivating people to achieve their goals, and has made the brand's clothing an instantly recognizable cult. In some languages, the word Adidas has become a household word. For example, in Polish, the word "adidas" means "sneakers".

On the example of the slogan for the Xerox company " We taught the world to copy » you can see how much the slogan affects the image of the company. Having chosen a narrow niche in the slogan, they became the undisputed leader in sales of copiers, making the word "copier" a household word. This stick has two ends. When Xerox decided to start manufacturing computers, a resounding fiasco was guaranteed. Customers weren't ready to buy something from Xerox that couldn't copy information from one sheet of paper to another.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a car

New cars are mostly bought for image, even if they are workhorses. Therefore, examples of a slogan for a company are the most eloquent here.

Toyota . Manage dream.

Toyota . Strive for the best.

It seems to be simple slogans, but something catches them.

Ford . Get in and go (USA).

This example of a slogan for Ford is simply captivating in its simplicity. Indeed, I want to sit down and go.

Ford . Feeldifference (Feel the difference).

Each car model is different, but the American automaker has made it a slogan.

Let's look at the slogans of the German car industry:

Mercedes We are the best on land, water and air.

Mercedes. The best or nothing.

Mercedes. Like no one else.

bmw. All-wheel drive and everything under control.

MercedesGLE. Be the best on any road.

Mercedes new S-class. Experience intelligence in motion.

Mercedes C class. The best needs no alternative.

Mercedes E class. Masterpiece of intelligence.

Mercedes B class. For all the best in life.

Mercedes G class. The first on any roads.

MercedesAMGGT-roadster. Feel the adrenaline rush.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a hotel

An extremely successful example of a slogan for a company Hilton: « take me toHilton» (TakemetotheHilton) . Firstly, at least middle-class people go by taxi to the hotel. There is a selection target audience. Secondly, when a person arrives in an unfamiliar city, he is at a loss, feverishly thinking where to stay. And when a taxi driver asks where to take him, a ready-made answer pops up in his head. Therefore, a simple, at first glance, slogan helped this chain of hotels to become instantly recognizable in many countries of the world.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a pharmacy

A few seemingly most obvious phrases helped these pharmacy chains grab a decent piece of the pharmaceutical market.

Everything you need for health.

Pharmacy low prices.

Your healthy choice.

Pharmacy I trust.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a travel agency

And here the key task is to entertain. It is better to connect the emotional component.

Hello-op and you are in Egypt.

Let's taste the exotic.

New Year's holiday with taste.

Turkey. Open to everyone.

visit best places world - accessible and convenient.

Even more sun.

An example of an advertising slogan for a construction company.

We build your order for you.

Urgent items are given priority.

Examples of an advertising slogan for a transport company

In most cases, people don't send packages very often. But if you really need to do it urgently, advertising slogans immediately come to mind.

FedEx. All over the world on time.

DHL. For great value, think of DHL.

Examples of slogans for an advertising agency

An advertising agency without a slogan is like a shoemaker without boots. Most successful examples slogan for the company that I took from the database of slogans.

RA "Promotion". We make money for you

Mass Post . New height for your business

RA " Innovative technologies» . New horizons for successful business

Order an advertising slogan from a copywriter

If you carefully read the successful examples of slogans for the company, you can see one pattern - they are all consonant with the problems of buyers. They eat into the subconscious and at the right moment of choosing a product answer the question posed.

But do not mindlessly copy from competitors. It's like picking up a passport with a photo of another person for your own needs. After all, you already have a USP, right? No matter how you fake an acorn, a mighty oak tree will never grow out of it. Keep this in mind when you come up with a slogan for the company yourself or decide to order an advertising slogan from a copywriter.

FROM Best wishes,

View prices

A slogan is a catchy phrase that contains the message of a brand or company that needs to be conveyed to the target audience. The consumer may not remember the name of the product or manufacturer, but the creative slogan is unlikely to go unnoticed.

The purpose of the slogan is to awaken a person's interest in a company or product. It affects brand image and consumer perception. A good slogan helps establish a connection between the company and the audience.

Types of slogans

  1. Image slogan- its main goal is to distinguish a manufacturer or product from competitors, to form a certain image. It reflects the brand philosophy, goals and mission of the company.
  2. Commodity slogan- is created to attract the attention of consumers and purchase a product. It focuses on the benefits of a product or service, the benefits that a person will receive after purchasing them.

Define the goals and objectives of the slogan

What do you want to convey to the consumer with a slogan? What is its main idea? Remember that a successful slogan should contain one informational message, for example, the quality of the product, the company's focus on the manufacturer, etc.

Take into account the interests of consumers

Any slogan, both image and product, must reflect the interests of the people to whom it will be shown. Do not use banal phrases such as "We are leaders", "We can be trusted." If such loud statements are not supported by arguments and logical explanation, they will remain empty words. Your task is to reflect the interests and preferences of consumers, and not eloquent promises.

Consider the type and structure of the slogan

As a rule, image slogans have business rhetoric, they are stricter than commercial slogans, where rhyme, slang, and “you” are allowed.

Research competitor slogans

This is necessary in order to know the big picture, set priorities correctly, understand what is needed in order to surpass competitors, make your own slogan even more original, brighter, more informative. Monitoring the slogans of other manufacturers will help to avoid repetitions and other people's ideas.

Criteria that an effective slogan must meet

Brevity is the soul of wit

Abstruse words, complex sentences or clericalism are unlikely to bring the desired effect; rather, on the contrary, they can scare away the consumer. In mind modern man, overloaded with information, only the most concise and capacious phrases can be postponed.

Rhythm and rhyme

Before final approval, read the slogan again and make sure it is easy to read and pronounce. Many companies do not use rhyme for nothing - slogans-verses are always well perceived by the audience.

Association with a product or company

It is not recommended to openly force a person to buy a product, use the services of a company, etc. But a delicate reminder of oneself is just what the audience needs. Many consumers who are lost in the many names that come their way will be delighted if the slogan includes the name of a company, product or brand.

Only positive emotions

Use such techniques as an appeal, an appeal, a question - everything that can cause a certain reaction in the consumer.

100% uniqueness

The slogan represents your company, brand or product, so the ideas must be yours, plagiarism can never overshadow the original idea.

How to create a successful slogan

Request or question. By asking questions and addressing each consumer, you create the illusion of live communication, an open dialogue. This technique is often used by well-known brands and brands:

  • "You know what you can" MTS
  • "You deserve it!" L'Oreal
  • "Aren't you in white yet?" Tide

Humor. Appropriate jokes have always been perceived by the audience with a bang. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to use black humor. In marketing, this technique is also quite common. A few good examples:

  • "Think Fresh" Sprite
  • "Your feet will walk like Swiss Watches" Compression underwear
  • “So soft that you can trust it with the most precious things” Zewa toilet paper

Artistic techniques. Hyperbole, opposition, comparison, the use of neologisms - this is what always works and brings results. Examples of effective slogans:

  • "Your dreams are our inspiration" Oriflame
  • “There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is MasterCard» MasterCard
  • "Impossible is possible" Adidas

Outrageous. Such slogans evoke the most vivid emotions, respectively, are remembered better than others. Expressive slogans used by brands in their practice:

  • "Don't slow down, snickers!" Snickers
  • "What else?" Nespresso
  • “Shhh! You know what?" Schweppes

Effective slogan helps to create an image of a company or a product, to become special, unlike competitors, to win the trust of consumers, encouraging them to take a targeted action. The best slogan forms certain images in a person, changes his values, affects the worldview.

Company specialists KOLORO know the secrets of creating a successful slogan. Contact us and we will answer all your questions regarding the creation of a slogan.

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Shops

Love to bargain shopping? This is our family!
SURNAME, department stores clearance. Advertising on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2011

Our prices are a real treasure!
SURNAME, department stores clearance. Sale season slogan, 2009

Price collapse! 50% 70% 90%!
FAMILIA, department store chain. Sale slogan in Russia, 2008

15 days to rock your wardrobe.
FAMILYA, a network of "sales department stores", the slogan of the season of discounts, 2008
The meter sticker depicts Evgeny Skidkin, Natalya Razumnaya, John Sales

299:00 in favor of the buyer.
CROSSROADS, supermarket chain. Advertising in Russia and Ukraine, 2011
Each product has its own "account" numbers

Eat more meat.
CROSSROADS, a network of grocery stores. Slogan on behalf of a rooster and a chicken calling for beef, 2009

Start in Knightsbridge, visit the favorite department stores of forward-thinking shoppers, climb the exotic staircase and let Pearce, in a pinstripe suit, show you the magic of the latest high-definition screen… Then go to and buy it.
Get off at Knightsbridge, visit the discerning shopper’s fave department store, ascent the exotic staircase and let Piers in the pinstripe suit demonstrate the magic of the latest high-definition flatscreen… Then go to and buy it.

DIXONS, online sale household appliances and electronics. UK headline and slogan, 2009
Knightsbridge is an expensive area in London. Piers Morgan is a popular TV presenter in Britain

Start at the trendy end of Oxford Street, move into the super-techy cool halls of London's most famous department stores, and courtesy of a Marc Jacobs sandal-wearing A/V consultant, check out this year's must-have plasma... Then go to and shop her.
Get off at the fashionable end of Oxford Street, drift into the achingly cool technology hall of London's most happening department store and view this year's must-have plasma courtesy of the sound and vision technologist in the Marc Jacobs sandals… Then go to .uk and buy it. The last place you want to go. The last place where you want to go.

Enter the favorite department stores of the English middle class, walk past haberdashery to the electronics department, where a terribly well-bred young man will go out of his way to find the right TV for you ... Then go to and buy it.
Step into middle England's best loved department store, stroll through haberdashery to the audiovisual department where an awfully well brought up young man will bend over backwards to find the right TV for you… Then go to and buy it. The last place you want to go. The last place where you want to go.

DIXONS, online sale of home appliances and electronics. UK headline and slogan, 2009

You have to work in Eldorado!
ELDORADO, a network of electronics and home appliances stores. Recruiting slogan, 2008

"El Dorado". Credit as you need.
ELDORADO, a network of electronics and home appliances stores. Loan program slogan, 2008

Whatever you need to donate!
ELDORADO, a network of electronics and home appliances stores. Pre-holiday sale slogan with discounts, 2008

Learn the right way!
ELDORADO, a network of electronics and home appliances stores. Image slogan

For mere pennies!
ELDORADO, a network of electronics and home appliances stores. Advertising slogan found to be unethical

The biggest store in the world.
FAMILY ROOM, home goods stores, including "the largest light store in Europe" in the shopping center "Rumyantsevo", Moscow, 2009

It's easy to know where to buy.
FAMILY ROOM, furniture hypermarket in Moscow, 2009

The third eats for free. 3 items for the price of 2.
KOPEYKA, commercial network. Sale season motto, 2009

Nobody walks away from the sale!
Sale is awesome!
TECHNOSILA, household appliances and electronics stores. New Year's sale slogans, 2009

Time for immodest offers.
TECHNOSILA, household appliances and electronics stores. A slogan in support of favorable prices for buyers and instant prize draws, 2009

The shops common sense.
TECHNOSILA, household appliances and electronics stores. Image slogan in Russia

We discard the excess.
KASHIRA YARD, shopping complex. Motto in Moscow and the region, 2009
The girl on the banner with the growth of discounts takes off more and more "extra" clothes

1. Reduce prices. 2. Increase discounts up to 30%. 3. Gifts for every buyer. CEO UK "Golden Pride".
GOLDEN PRIDE, chain of jewelry stores, Russia, 2009

Love what you buy.
Love what you buy.
CONSUMERSEARCH.COM, a product and price comparison service. Image slogan

Mmm... Discounts.
CAMPER, a chain of mono-brand shoe stores. Tagline special offers, 2009

New mood.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Slogan for the New Year, December 2009

Collect your summer!
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009
The list of brands in "Mega" for the summer is given

Everyone has their own gift.
Each has its own gift.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Sales slogans on the eve of February 23 and March 8, 2009

Buying gifts in MEGA, get your gift. CHECK YOUR PRESENT.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Lottery slogan among buyers, 2009

From the covers to your wardrobe!
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009

Everyone has their own Santa Claus.
Each has its own Snow Maiden.
MEGA, family shopping centers. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008
Portrait of Santa Claus, composed of gifts for male boys. Portrait of the Snow Maiden, composed of gifts for girls-girls-women

Everyone has their own.
MEGA, a network of family shopping malls. Image slogan in Russia, 2008

Global warming in MEGA!
MEGA, chain of shopping and entertainment centers, autumn 2007

Oh wow, I don't get it at all! Only in Ion you will be set up and taught how to use it.
ION, a network of electronics stores. Slogan on behalf of Santa Claus, December 2009

Holiday at home!
OBI, stores building materials. Slogan for the New Year, December 2009

Repair. Country house. Profitable.
OBI, building materials stores. Image slogan, 2009

We build profitable relationships.
OBI, building, home and garden supply stores. Image slogan, 2008

I cut prices to the very root!
Beware the price riot!
The customer is everything!
MEDIA MARKT, a chain of electronics stores. New Year Trade Slogans, December 2009

Ah, the Five! Oh yes mother!
Pyaterochka, trading network. Slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2009

Vovochka has twos, and quality is in Pyaterochka.
Pyaterochka, trading network. Advertising slogan in Russia

Here's where to go!
TWINSTOR, trade and exhibition center in Moscow, 2009

If you don't see what you came for, you've come to the right place.
Optics store

Focus on price!
Svyaznoy, a network of communication salons. The slogan of the action, in which when buying Sony cameras, the buyer receives reward points, 2009

Slogan in the window of a Moscow store, 2009

Your mood is what you wear today.
QUELLE, catalog trade in clothes. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2009

Combine with good mood.
The perfect wardrobe without leaving home.
What suits you suits you!
QUELLE, clothes - by mail. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2008

Good florist.
Handwritten poster in the underpass between the Maly Theater and the Metropol Hotel in Moscow, August 2009

We are friends with discounts.
Children's goods store in Moscow, 2009

Discounts are growing.
MASK, jewelry store on Arbat in Moscow, 2009

Let everyone say Aswaaq.
Let's all speak Aswaaq.
ASWAAQ, a chain of stores in United Arab Emirates. Image slogan, 2008

Food for pleasure.
SGOMON, trading network. Image slogan on the territory of the Russian Federation

It's time to dress up and have fun.
METROPOLIS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow, 2009

City of great opportunities.
METROPOLIS, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2009

Real wine. Correct prices.
RELAX, wine shop in Moscow, 2009

70% at our expense!
INCITY, fashion stores. Promotion, in which every day from 11.00 to 12.00 in all Incity stores there was a 70% discount, Russia, 2009

Knockout prices!
INCITY, a chain of fashion stores, 2007

New spring. Old price.
FASHION & COMFORT, shops in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2009

Many brands - one store! Lesnaya, 51.
A secret address known to all of Moscow. Lesnaya, 51.
FIRMATO & SCONTATO, a multi-brand clothing, footwear and accessories store. Advertising slogans in Moscow, 2009

Everything is for real.
We offer age discounts.
I think it's great! (from the point of view of a fashionably dressed boy)
CHILDREN'S WORLD, chain of stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2009

Anniversary prices for goods for the holiday.
Sound sleep is available to everyone. ("Sultan Harestua", mattress)
A small investment for a big future. (everything for study)
Don't miss the first call. ("Dekad", alarm clock)
Takes a load of knowledge. ("Snille", office chair)
Sheds light on family relationships. ("Lampan", table lamp)
The conflict between fathers and children is resolved. ("Poeng", armchair and child's chair)
Deals with the arrival of mother-in-law. (“Solsta”, double sofa bed)
Four legged family pet. ("Lakk", sofa table)
Mom's analytical mind. ("Expedit", rack)
The family has someone to rely on. ("Valbjorg", pillows)
Everything - in the country. Keep the change. (goods for giving)
You don't have to dump it. (i.e., buy a new one for a summer residence, and do not dump junk there)
You and the cards in your hands! (card for 30% of the cost of the Pax wardrobe upon purchase)
Save on the second half. (50% discount on kitchen facades when buying Faktum kitchen)
Decent discounts.
It's time C! (tea cups)
Love from the first meal. (kitchen)
Everything! Nowhere else! Everything! (discounts)
30% discount in reality, not in a dream. (mattresses "Sultan")
Quality assurance for every day 25 years. (mattresses "Sultan")
Women's holiday - a man's business! (present)
IKEA, home goods stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2009

We have a gift for making gifts. The IKEA gift card is unusual and practical.
IKEA, home goods stores. Slogan promoting IKEA gift cards, 2008

Every page is a favorite. New catalog IKEA-2009.
IKEA, department store. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Home is the most important place on earth.
Who can resist a beautiful kitchen? (Kitchen "Factum")
A gift is a man's friend. (soft dog toy "Gosig Terrier")
A good gift is worth the candle. (candles "Kelt")
One for all, and all for one! (tables and chairs)
Dessert gift. (plates)
From IKEA to the cottage and rest to boot! (wickerwork, flowers, bonsai)
Children's goods at children's prices.
IKEA, home goods stores. Advertising slogans in Russia, 2008

Learn to sleep with us.
We're not together for one night.
This buddy is not for one night.
This girlfriend is not for one night.
IKEA, home goods store, sleep products - beds, blankets, pillows... Slogan advertising campaign in Russia, 2008

Prices frozen in the summer will stay for a year.
IKEA, home goods store. Advertising slogan in Russia, September 2008

Holiday to your home!

There will be no more. We have reduced prices on hundreds of products for the whole year!
IKEA, home goods store, 2007

Think bolder.
IKEA, home goods store, image slogan

I have an idea. There is IKEA.
IKEA, a home improvement store, an image slogan in the 1990s and early 2000s

No certificate - no love.
No certificate - no love.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow. Gift certificate slogan, eve of 14 February and 8 March 2009

Gift Certificate Crocus City Mall. Now you know exactly what to give her for the New Year.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2007

Come light.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2008

Things lose value, but do not lose dignity.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow, sale slogan, 2007

Shopping as an art.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2006

The art of fitting.
CROCUS CITY MALL, shopping center, Moscow, 2006

Time to buy.
LOTTE PLAZA, shopping mall in Moscow, winter 2009

Happy New Sale!
LOTTE PLAZA, shopping center in Moscow. New Year's Sale motto, 2008

Looking for furniture? Look for profit!
GLOBUS, furniture center. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2009

Italian fashion for Russian winter.
IVAGIO, leather and fur salons, 2009

We are not behind the price. Total sale.
IVAGIO, a network of leather and fur salons in Moscow. Discount season slogan, 2008

We create an impression.
WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, a network of leather and fur stores. Image slogan in Russia, 2008

It's a pity to give almost nothing.
MIR LEATHER AND FUR, Russian chain of department stores, sale slogan, 2008
Buyers forcefully take things from sellers

You may be mistaken for a star...
WORLD OF LEATHER AND FUR, chain stores, 2007

Now or never! March Super Sale!
SOFA COLOR, furniture stores. Special price period slogan, 2009

PRICE REDUCTION by 100%... assortment in January!
SOFA COLOR, federal network salons upholstered furniture. Discount season slogan, 2009

Vegetables, fruits at appetizing prices.
RAMSTOR, hypermarket chain. The slogan of the season of discounts in Moscow, 2009

Make a wish and open your eyes...
HERMES, scarves, accessories, clothes, perfumes… The slogan of New Year sales, 2008
Shop window with a scarlet Hermes Christmas tree and gifts under it

Wake up and buy.
Chain of stores in Yekaterinburg. Season sale slogan, 2008

The best thing is the right "Thing"!
THING, a network of clothing and accessories stores. Image slogan, 2008

There are many bright spots in life. Open the strip of spring!
There are many bright spots in life. Open the discount strip.
THING, network of clothing and accessories stores, 2008

Shooting crazy prices!
Well, a chain of shoe stores. Sale season motto, 2008

All the best in the complex.
Family values.
GRAND, a furniture shopping center near Moscow. Image slogans

Drinks and food always available!
UVENCO, installation and maintenance vending machines. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Divine shopping.
HYMENEUS, shopping center in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2008
Two nuns who pecked at the “divine” leave the “Hymen” with shopping bags

For ten years we have been working for those who feel the difference.
AROMATNY WORLD, Russian chain of wine supermarkets. Image slogan in Russia on the occasion of the company's anniversary, 2008

We make up for the lack of joy.
EXPEDITION, an online store of equipment and gifts for hunters, fishermen, tourists, motorists. Image slogan in Runet

Kiss me in "Parade".
PARADE, a network of shoe and accessories boutiques in Moscow. Advertising slogan in Moscow, 2008

Shopping with passion!
WAY PARK, shopping and entertainment center in Moscow. Image slogan, 2008
Shopping bags smile with their hands

Buy a book. Enjoy.
BOOKBURY, a chain of bookstores in Moscow and a number of Russian cities. Image slogan

There is nothing superfluous in our prices.
LEROY MERLIN, hypermarket chain. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008

Slow down, take a look!
PULMART, a shopping complex on Yaroslavskoe shosse in the Moscow region, 2008

We are ready for the school year. And you?
MOSCOW HOUSE OF BOOKS. Shopping campaign slogan for September 1st, 2008

Books, music, perspective.
REPUBLIC, a network of music and bookstores in Moscow. Image slogan, 2007

A win-win summer in the Ile de Beaute.
ILE DE BEAUTE, a network of cosmetics and perfumery stores. The slogan of the All-Russian lottery, 2008

We cut prices!
KANT, sports stores. Season sale slogan, 2008

25% Everyone and everything!
L "ETUAL, a network of perfumery and cosmetic stores. Slogan of discounts, 2009

Spring is coming. And prices are dropping.
L "ETUALE, the slogan of branded cosmetics and perfumery stores, 2008

My favorite bookstore!
MOSCOW, book store in the capital. Image slogan

Your main bookstore.
BIBLIO-GLOBUS, bookstore in Moscow. Image slogan, 2007

WE HAVE NOTHING EXCEPT for a huge selection of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, fillers, adhesives, solvents, drying oils, cold galvanizing, dry mixes...
KHIMKOM, trade in building materials, Moscow, 2007

Pleasure for every day!
GLOBUS GOURMET, gastronomes, 2007

Taking two liters of milk, losing three liters of blood? Everything will change in the Age of the Platypus!
UTKONOS, convenience stores (delivery by order), 2007

A gift that will be appreciated.
FITNESS HOUSE, shop of good exercise equipment, Russia, 2007

Crazy days 11-14.10.2007. Crazy prices!
STOCKMANN, chain stores, sale slogan, 2007

Let everything be YOUR way!
THREE FAT MEN, plus size clothing chain, 2007

VIPysknoi BAL.
TSUM department store. Slogan for the prom season, Moscow, 2008

Who is not in Prada, that sucker!
TSUM, department store, Moscow, 2007 (FAS recognized the advertisement as improper and fined the department store)

Good prices - good life.
KARUSEL, hypermarket chain, image slogan, 2007

We iron. We love. We wait.

A new style of care.
VLADIMIRSKY PASSAGE, department store in St. Petersburg, 2007
A series of printed modules is designed as a tag sewn into clothes with warnings about washing modes, etc.

Another world.
It's another world.
MOSCOW DUTY FREE, image slogan

Always something special.
HEINE, the supply of clothing and accessories with a catalog order. International image slogan

Everyone has their own Babylon.
GOLDEN BABYLON, shopping center

We know how it works.
ION, network of digital equipment stores, image slogan

Kitty! I went to Rio, I'll be back in the evening.
RIO, shopping and entertainment center

For the good of the cause.
stationery store logo

Emotions as a gift!
SPORTMASTER, a network of sports equipment stores

Let's challenge everyone!
OCHKARIK, a network of glasses and lenses stores

Where do you dress?
SNOW QUEEN, chain of clothing stores

October price revolution!
ARBAT-PRESTIGE, a network of cosmetics and perfumery salons. Seasonal promotion slogan, 2006

Whatever the stomach, body or mind requires,
- GUM provides everything to a person.
STATE DEPARTMENT STORE (GUM). Mayakovsky's advertisement

For example: "Don't let yourself dry up!" or "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk." It happens that the slogan starts up on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse the title with the advertising slogan, these text units different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of the slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​the advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and heading: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign, it is the motto that must sound from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The title is a variable element, it can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. The slogan is the slogan of the advertising campaign, it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the name of the brand.

Light, short, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard-to-pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. In the ideal case, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Some words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and cause soreness. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, feeling, sight, enjoyment, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, authentic, prestigious, true, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tested, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to draw up an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical constructions that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be the combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without worn out words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

In the slogan, you can draw the attention of potential consumers to:

  • Features of functioning - "You press the button, we do the rest" (Kodak advertisement).
  • Benefit for the buyer - "Let go of your anxiety!" ("Afobazol", a sedative).
  • Orientation to consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is nothing better for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: «Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company's philosophy: "It's good where we are" (Samsung). In corporate slogans, it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: "HP-Laser Jet - 20 years of confident victories." One of the topical solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are wonderful". In this case, the slogan can be built as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us”, “McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey the features of emotional positioning: “Joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, contain negations. The positive effect is better. It is desirable that the slogan has a benevolent emotional coloring. These are general rules creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Categories of slogans

Depending on the purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising - for goods.
  • Company slogans.
  • Supporting the image of the company.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the main advantage of the company. You are certainly familiar with the slogan "M&M's melts in your mouth, not in your hands." The main advantage of colored sweets is that the icing covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in the hands, and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolize your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for the ideal.
  • Call to control the dream.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study the slogans of your competitors and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. In other words, listen to how it sounds. Sounds are rounded and soft, strict and hard. Which of them prevail in your motto will depend on its perception.

Slogan generators

There are times when nothing good comes to mind. In such cases, we recommend using the random slogan generator as a tool for finding new ideas:

Rhyme the slogan, and even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This ad is very memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Tell us about the purposefulness of the company, about its steady development. Declare customer loyalty. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or maybe the motto of your company will appear as a result of the joint work of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, turn to professional copywriters whose services are not so expensive: 10 variants of a slogan usually cost 100 to 300 dollars.

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Tagline- a short emotional and tenacious phrase that strengthens and pushes you to buy.

If I tell you “Take a break!..”, the continuation of the phrase will pop up in your head: “Eat Twix!” And if I say that “You deserve it”, most women (and maybe men) will immediately remember what it is about.

A bit of theory

To begin with, let's figure out what a slogan is by bones. The article has many interesting examples of slogans for different businesses, read carefully.

1. Do not confuse (terms)

As a rule, slogans are divided into types according to two criteria - form and meaning (goal). Below I have selected for you cool examples of famous world brands.

- Meaning and purpose

Here, all slogans are divided into two main subspecies, they are described in the table.

ImageThey reflect the mission, values ​​and philosophy of the brand, they speak about the company, not about the customers. Their goal is to create a brand image, gain trust and– The New York Times: “All news that is suitable for printing”;
- Matchbox scale model cars: “We sell more cars than Ford, Chrysler, Chevrolet and Buick combined.”
CommodityThey talk about the product, the benefits for the client, the result that he will receive from the purchase. Their goal is to stimulate sales by emphasizing the USP or evoking emotions.– MasterCard: “There are things that money can't buy. For everything else, there is MasterCard”;
– Playstation: “Live in your own world. Play in ours."

- In terms of form and language

There are five subspecies of the slogan according to its form and the techniques used, the most famous slogans are in the table below.

StatementThis type of slogan can talk about a company, a customer, or a unique selling proposition. Important role here plays a way of constructing a phrase1. Whole offer:
– Marks&Spencer: “The client is always and completely right!”;
- Amazon: "The world's largest bookstore."
2. One short dynamic phrase:
– 7UP: “Uncola” (“Not Cola”);
- McDonald's: "That's what I like."
3. A few short chopped phrases:
– Mac Pro: “Beauty is outside. Beauty inside";
– Aston Martin: “Strength. The beauty. Soul";
– Ebay: “Buy this. Sell ​​it. Love it."
QuestionThis form causes consumers to dialogue and establishes contact with them. The question can be rhetorical or built according to the classical “problem-solution” scheme:– Nespresso: “What else?”;
– Kitkat: “Is there a pause? There is Kitkat”;
– BMW: “Does perfection need advertising?”;
– Schweppes: “Shhh! You know what?"
AppealAnother way to talk to clients is to address them personally, show that you know about their needs, desires or problems.- Lay's chips: "I bet you can't eat just one";
- Snickers: "Don't slow down, snickers";
– Canon: “Look what we mean”;
– Sainsbury's Supermarket Chain: “Try something new today.”
Wordplay (irony, humor)This is a powerful tool to influence consumers. By making a person smile, you dispose him to the brand. The main thing in this technique is to know what kind of humor is acceptable for your target audience, and not turn the pun into a puzzle.– Utica Club Beer: “We drink all we can. We sell the rest”;
– Xerox: “We taught the world to copy”;
– IKEA: “There is an idea, there is IKEA”;
– Tide: “Purity is pure Tide”;
– Bank CITI: “CITI never sleeps” (city in English - city).
Metaphor, hyperbole, emotional wordsThese techniques, like humor, act on the feelings of customers, which they use famous brands – Toyota: “Drive the Dream”;
– Harley Davidson: “American by birth, rebel by choice”;
– Disneyland: “The happiest place on earth”;
– Calvin Klein: “Between love and madness is an obsession.”

3. What are (components)

Modern slogans contain one or more required elements, they are in the table below.

Remember that the task of the slogan is to emphasize the benefits, tell a story or convey values, and it is up to you to decide how many and what elements will be included in it.

Creation options

If you still don’t know whether you should write a slogan yourself or outsource the task, consider important point: The process of developing a company slogan depends on time and budget. Based on this, you need to choose the appropriate option.

  1. Slogan constructor. For example Logaster, MegaGenerator, Shopify. To generate several dozen variants of the slogan, you need to enter the brand name and field of activity. The downside is that the advertising phrase may not be unique;
  2. branding company. The quality of service, although high, is the most expensive way to create a slogan (advertising - from 5,000, for a company from 50,000, as a comprehensive analysis is carried out). Suitable for large companies;
  3. copywriter. To be honest, the option is so-so, because the copywriter will not study the roots of the business and will simply offer beautiful phrase. The cost of this option is lower than in the agency, but the result may not meet your expectations;
  4. On one's own. You know your product best. Therefore, you yourself will definitely come up with an advertising slogan and do not spend money. The disadvantage of this method is that without preparation it will take you quite a lot of time.

Just for those who decided to develop the company's slogan themselves, I have prepared instructions. With its help, you can create a cool slogan for yourself in five steps.

Great option


And the first thing to consider: in the development process, it is important to determine the message that you want to convey to the audience. And for this you need to start with a preparatory step - collecting information.

Step 1: Gather Information

At this stage, the maximum information about your product, USP and target audience is collected. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What product or service are you selling?
  • Who are they for?
  • What customer problems are being solved?
  • What values ​​do you believe in?
  • What sets you apart from your competitors?
  • Why did customers choose you (arrange a survey)?
  • How did they feel before buying?
  • How do they feel after contact with your product?

And do not neglect this step, since the collection of information is very important, without it it is extremely difficult to understand how to write a good slogan.

Even before he came up with the Rolls-Royce slogan “At sixty miles an hour, the loudest sound in a car is the ticking of a clock,” advertising father David Ogilvy spent weeks researching car performance.

And as a result, Rolls-Royce sales increased by 50%, and the slogan itself went down in history. So, if you also want high profits, do not forget about collecting information.

Rolls-Royce slogan

Step 2. Map the associations

Remember, more associations means more potential ideas. Therefore, when developing an advertising slogan for the company, be prepared to lay out all your ideas.

To do this, take a sheet of paper and write down a few dozen words and phrases that come to mind in connection with your brand. Moreover, write down even what at first glance is not related to the product.

For example, a study of the opinions of tourists helped to create an advertisement for Las Vegas. As a result, it turned out that the main association with the city is the freedom to do what you want, to break away. This is how the famous “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” was born.

Map of associations McDonald's

Step 3. Generate options

  • Try. Feel free to involve colleagues in the work, experiment with the main message of the slogan and examples of the form;
  • Look for. For the sake of interest, look into the dictionary of phraseological units: suddenly you can endow some elements of the slogan with a new meaning.

So, during the creation of an advertising slogan for the brand California Milk Processor Board, the phrase of one of the participants in the discussion became decisive: “I remember milk only when it runs out.” After that, the slogan “Is there milk?” Was born.

“Do you have milk?”

Step 4. Reduce

Now you can edit the result, but don't start it right away. To begin with, select the most successful phrases, later look at them with a fresh look. In addition, think about how they can be edited: shortened, made more capacious and bright.

That's how it came out when creating the slogan for MTV. First, the copywriter wrote the phrase “They don’t have enough rock and roll, give them their MTV.” From it, the famous advertiser George Lois made the slogan “I want my MTV!” and gave the channel crazy popularity.

And the Airbnb company used two words in the slogan - “Own everywhere”, and that was enough for potential customers to understand that they will feel at home anywhere in the world.

Another example is the Adidas motivator slogan “Impossible is possible”, it refers to emotions, instilling hope and promising that you will overcome any obstacles and achieve your goals.

“I want my MTV!”

Step 5: Test

When the slogan is ready, it can be tested before launching the advertising campaign. This is how you find out if your slogan makes people buy. To do this, you can go in different ways:

  1. Show the slogan to your friends and acquaintances;
  2. Test with a focus group;
  3. Set up a poll on social media.

And finally, advice to you - save all the results of the brainstorming. Since the final versions, which did not become a slogan, can be used as social media posts, blog article titles, etc.

As the sages say...

TOP 3 chips

I also advise you to remember that brevity, honesty, informativeness and unity of the image distinguish any slogan. And below I will tell you about these cool features using the most popular slogans of famous brands as an example.

1. Logo matching

The slogan and logo are like yin and yang: ideally, they are parts of one whole and complement each other. In fact, this is a double effect on the minds of clients.

That is, the logo, as an additional element of recognition, reinforces the result of the slogan and, as a result, increases the advertising campaign.


The positive Nike slogan “Just do it” is inextricably linked with the image of the signature check mark – the brand logo. That is, the emblem conveys dynamics and strength, and the slogan complements it, calling for action and achieving results.

Another example is the Apple slogan “Think Different”. It has been used as text to accompany the logo from the beginning. And although the company has not used this phrase for a long time, it is firmly entrenched in the minds of people: a bitten apple is associated with a special status.

2. A drop of humor

Humor unites, tunes in to the same wave, inspires confidence and is well remembered. So think about whether it is appropriate for your brand to use jokes, wordplay or alliteration, and if so, feel free to use this trick.


Cool bright slogans often go viral. It is thanks to this that the funny advertising phrases of the Snickers chocolate bar brand “Don’t slow down - snickers” or the Stimorol company that produces chewing gum “Sometimes it’s better to chew than talk” “went to the people”.

3. Honesty

Naturally, to lie in your slogan is the last thing. After all, if the content of the slogan is not true, consumers will not trust you. Therefore, all the facts in the advertising phrase must be objective.


Even if you use beautiful but empty elements like “best” or “#1”, do it like Carlsberg claims to make “probably the best beer in the world”.


Briefly about the main

In the huge information flow today, it is very important to smear the eyes of the consumer, so that he, with all his desire, does not forget about you. And remember, a company slogan should describe your business in a few words. At the same time, it is important that it be unique and informative.

And to achieve this, catch the final bonus - three tips for a bright and memorable slogan. And who knows, maybe your slogan will go down in history.

  1. Position. Decide on self-positioning. Remember that without answering questions about values, target audience and unique product proposition, you will not create an effective slogan;
  2. Mix. Don't be afraid to mix several kinds of slogans in one. There is no single correct way. The main thing is that the slogan gives an idea about your business and informs potential clients, what do you suggest;
  3. try on. Take a cue from competitors and top brands. Explore what creative ideas for the slogan they offer, take them apart. Think about what techniques you can apply, what new things to bring.


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