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Nesterov A.K. Contract system wages // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

Consider the specifics of the contract system of remuneration, the practice of using which indicates that the concept of "contract" is far from being identical to the concept of " labor contract".

Signs of a contract

The individual nature of the contract makes it possible to more freely establish the conditions for the performance of work in comparison with an employment contract. This feature of the contract allows you to take into account the specific requirements for the employee, the obligations of the employer. The contract more fully regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in comparison with the employment contract.

Comprehensive accounting in the contract of job responsibilities under the contractual system of remuneration allows you to vary the range of work performed in comparison with the employment contract. Sample Instructions for the contract can be developed in the enterprise itself.

Protecting the interests of the employer in the contract involves securing a ban on part-time work, especially in competing firms, establishing liability for the disclosure of inside information, etc.

In the contract, duties are clearly formulated, which largely meets the interests of the employee, while the importance of the labor function is reduced. The employer has no right to put forward demands and entrust work that goes beyond the obligations listed in the contract.

The contract also establishes the obligations of the employer to create conditions for the employee to fulfill his duties, and the personal requirements of the employee, and not just those enshrined in law, may be taken into account.

Remuneration under the contract system

The contract includes a significant part of the conditions relating to wages, social benefits, material issues, covering a significant proportion of property issues between the employee and the employer.

The contractual remuneration system allows you to move away from the tariff system, linking the amount wages employee with the results of his work, which in the vast majority of cases leads to an increase in the income of the employee.

The standard remuneration scheme under the contract system includes the following elements:

  1. regular remuneration (monthly, weekly, daily), which is determined on the basis of hourly wages, work results or other indicators fixed in the contract;
  2. one-time payments - before the start of work, upon completion of individual stages, upon completion of work;
  3. incentive payments - for exceeding the indicators established by the contract, for performing additional tasks, etc.;
  4. final payment upon completion of the contract - usually a significant amount of such payment is set up to;
  5. reimbursement of material expenses, provision of social and living conditions, provision of housing for the duration of the contract, etc.;
  6. various additional payments, for example, reimbursement of transportation costs, communication costs, etc.

Similarly, the contract defines financial sanctions for improper performance of the contract, most often expressed in the deprivation of the employee of incentive payments, additional payments, penalties to regular remuneration, etc.

The contractual system of remuneration includes in the cost work force directly wages and other property benefits that provide the employee with a certain standard of living for the period of the contract.

In the contract form of remuneration, the obligations of the employer to social security worker often exceed the value financial reward for workers. This includes: provision of housing at the expense of the employer, repayment of loans and borrowings at the expense of the employer, provision of paid leave, the parameters of which are specified in the contract, payment medical services, various insurances, etc. The more valuable the worker is to the employer, the greater the amount of social security will be, often total cost additional benefits will exceed the financial component of remuneration for work under the contract.

The contract wage system stimulates discrimination of hired workers depending on the qualifications and additional merits of such workers. At the same time, such discrimination will be absolutely legal, which has a bad effect on labor relations in a collective.

In this regard, the lack of a legal mechanism for the implementation of social conditions on the part of the employer creates a threat to the interests of the employee. At the same time, the lower the skill level of an employee, the more vulnerable he is.

Responsibility of the employee in the contract wage system

This discrimination is most pronounced in matters relating to the responsibility of the employee in case of non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract. Under the contract system, constructions of civil liability for labor violations are often used:

  • fines for disciplinary offenses;
  • penalty for termination of the contract at the initiative of the employee;
  • penalties for non-compliance with the terms of the contract;
  • penalties for non-compliance with the terms of the contract;
  • penalty for breach of contract, etc.

For low-level workers, such measures under the contract wage system can lead to non-payment of remuneration under the contract.

Separately, the contracts stipulate additional conditions for terminating the contract both on the part of the employer and the employee. At the same time, such conditions may lead to non-payment of remuneration under the contract, or vice versa, the payment of increased remuneration, depending on the nature of the conditions for early termination.

The specifics of the contract wage system

The contract system of remuneration is seen as a more flexible form of employment compared to the use of employment contracts, which expands the freedom of the parties to the contract in determining its terms.

Currently, there are two main approaches to the organization of the contract system in the enterprise:

  1. Use of standard contracts for certain categories of workers.
  2. Use of individual contracts for high-value employees.

At the same time, the first approach means drawing up contracts for a specific position, and not for a specific employee, so such "contracts" do not have a sufficient degree of individuality.

The second approach determines the specific content of each contract in comparison with the employment contract, since the contract includes conditions that are not provided for by labor legislation.

The principal feature of the contractual system of remuneration is fixing in the contract agreements reached- the employer and the employee must come to certain agreements, and not conclude a standard employment contract.

In its structure, the contract repeats the structure of a civil law contract:

  • subject,
  • rights and obligations of the parties,
  • a responsibility,
  • grounds for termination
  • term,
  • other conditions.

At the same time, the contractual remuneration system is fixed on the principle of the urgency of the contract, when the contract is concluded for certain period, at the end of which it is either extended, or the employee is paid the final remuneration, if any.

If the contract does not provide special conditions its termination in relation to the standard procedures for dismissal of an employee at the initiative of the employer, then the employer can "dismiss" the employee only after the expiration of the contract.

Therefore, the fundamental features of the organization of the contractual system of remuneration at the enterprise include the following:

  1. The individual nature of the contract.
  2. The specificity of the content of the contract.
  3. The duration of the contract.

At the same time, the longer the contract system of remuneration operates at the enterprise, the wider the scope of the contract becomes, the faster this leads to the loss of the individual nature of contracts (due to their typification) and the corresponding transition to contractual work with personnel.

Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn:

The contractual remuneration system is most appropriate in relation to individual employees who are of the greatest value to the enterprise, since they have exceptional skills, abilities, and qualifications compared to other employees.

One of the main issues that need to be reflected in the employment contract is the issue of remuneration. Wage issues are resolved directly at the enterprises. Their regulation is carried out in a local regulatory act. However, wages cannot be lower than the minimum established by the state.

In all sectors of the national economy, two forms of wages are used:

  • - payment for the quantity and quality of manufactured products at established prices is called piecework;
  • - payment for the amount of time worked, taking into account the qualifications of the employee, regardless of output, is called time-based.

The most common form of wages is piecework. It is used where it is possible to quantitatively and qualitatively record the output of products or the amount of work and technically justify the rationing of output. For each unit of output or volume of work, a piece rate is established, which is the amount of wages. Pricing can be single or complex.

The piece-rate form of remuneration has its own systems: direct, piece-bonus, piece-progressive, indirect and piecework. Under the direct piecework system, the earnings of each worker are proportional to his output and are defined as the product of manufactured or produced units of output.

The most common system of piece-rate wages is piece-bonus. The worker, in addition to earning at direct piece rates, is paid a bonus for the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the established indicators. Bonuses are determined for the actual hours worked on the basis of piecework earnings.

With a piece-progressive system of remuneration within the established initial rate (base), it is made at direct piece rates, and above this rate - at higher rates. The increase in piece rates is determined in each case according to a special scale. For example, if the original norm is overfulfilled from 1 to 10%, the piece rate increases by 50%, and over 10 - by 100%. The coefficient of increase in the piece rate in the first case will be equal to 0.5, and in the second it is determined by double the rates.

Surcharge under this system is established by various methods. The most universal is the following: first, a part of the earnings accrued at direct rates for the entire volume of work performed is determined, the resulting value is multiplied by the percentage of overfulfillment of the output rate and by the coefficient of increase in the piece rate, taken in accordance with the current progressive wage system:

Ztot. = Z sd. + Z sd. (Pv.n. - Mon) / Kr. ,

where Ztot. - total earnings of a worker according to the piece-progressive system, r.;

Z sd. - piecework earnings at basic piecework rates, rubles;

Pv.n. - fulfillment of production norms, %;

Mon. - the initial base for accruing profit, expressed as a percentage of the fulfillment of production standards,%;

Kp - the coefficient of increase in the basic piece rate.

Indirect piecework system is used to pay servicemen technological equipment, repairmen, assistant foremen and other auxiliary workers, on the results of whose activities the productivity of the main workers depends.

The time-based form of remuneration is simple and time-bonus.

With a simple time-based system, earnings depend on the tariff rate ( official salary) and hours worked.

In industry, the time-bonus system of remuneration prevails, in which, in addition to earnings on tariff rates(salaries), a bonus is paid for achieving certain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Remuneration for the labor of managers, specialists and other employees related to employees is made according to the time-based and time-bonus systems. The procedure for calculating earnings is the same as for time workers, but the salary is set according to staffing. Managers, specialists, other employees related to employees for the main results are rewarded economic activity from the consumption fund according to specific indicators established by the head of the association, the enterprise in agreement with trade union committee. Indicators of bonuses for teams of functional units and are closely related to the final results of the work of the enterprise and are set differentially for individual categories and groups of employees, taking into account the tasks facing him.

conditions effective application time wages are:

introduction of rational modes of work and rest of trade workers and strict accounting of the time actually worked by each employee;

required for each commercial enterprise work schedules and timesheets of actually worked time;

timely review of qualification categories or categories of employees;

application of the most rational standards of labor costs;

approval in each organization, at the enterprise of job responsibilities for categories of employees.

In a market-type economy, the leading place is occupied by a contractual, contractual system of remuneration. The level of remuneration is fixed in an agreement between employees and the administration, which can be individual or collective. In those sectors of the economy where the interests of workers are protected by trade unions, wage levels are formed under the influence of tripartite agreements, in which, along with employers and employees, representatives of trade unions also participate. .

It should be noted that in a market economy, the price of labor in the labor market is formed under the influence of not only supply and demand, but also a number of other factors, it can be influenced by profession, education, gender, age, regional factors, working conditions, traditions, legislative restrictions, established rules and regulations. In particular, the value of the employee's wages is formed under the influence of tariffs.



annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Molotkov Yu.I., Totskaya E.G.

Subject. The article is devoted to the study of the process of reforming the sphere health care and the introduction of a new contractual system of remuneration of medical workers, developed by the project team for medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Siberian Federal District. The objects of the study were medical organizations of the subjects of the district. Goals. Development of a draft of a new contractual wage system that stimulates activity medical staff and development of medical organizations at the level of subjects Russian Federation. Methodology. To study the current system and form new approaches to remuneration in medical organizations, we used structural and system analysis, participant observation, SWOT analysis, analysis of statistical data, current regulatory legal acts, as well as methodology functional modeling. Results. A draft of a new contract system for remuneration of medical workers, algorithms, tools, and a targeted program for its implementation in medical organizations have been developed. Proven on the example of the researched medical organization that the introduction of a contractual remuneration system has increased the satisfaction of the population with the quality and availability of medical care and main indicative indicators medical organization. Conclusions. The introduction of a new contractual remuneration system in the model medical organization under study led to the conclusion that the program-target management of the project implementation is a tool for achieving the desired predictive (project) indicators in medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Implementation results and monitoring indicative indicators confirm the increased satisfaction of the population with the quality and accessibility of medical care. The proposed contract system of remuneration can be used in all medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Related Topics scientific papers on economics and business, author of scientific work - Molotkov Yu.I., Totskaya E.G.

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  • New effective approaches to remuneration of medical workers

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The contract system of remuneration as a tool to manage the development of medical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Importance The article studies the health-sector reform process and the implementation of a new contractual system of medical workers’ compensation, developed by the project team for medical organizations of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District. We studied various medical establishments of the District. Objectives We aimed to develop a new draft contract remuneration system, enabling the work of medical personnel and development of medical organizations at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Methods For the study of the current system and formation of new approaches to remuneration in medical organizations, we used a structural and system analysis, participant observation, SWOT-analysis, statistics, the existing normative legal acts, and a functional modeling methodology. Results We have developed a draft of a new wage contract system for medical workers, algorithms, tools, and a target program to implement it in health organizations. Using the medical organization case, we proved that the introduction of the contract system provided significant improvements in satisfaction of the population with the quality and availability of medical assistance and the enhancement of key indicative figures of the medical organization. Conclusions and Relevance We conclude that targeted management of the project’s implementation is a tool to achieve the desired forecast (project) indicators in health organizations. The proposed contract system can be used in all medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "The contract system of remuneration as a tool for managing the development of medical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation"

ISSN 2311-8733 (Online) ISSN 2073-1477 (Print)

Socio-economic policy


Yuri Ivanovich MOLOTKOV, Elena Gennadievna TOTSKAYA

a doctor technical sciences, Professor of the Department of Management, Academic Secretary, Siberian Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation [email protected]

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of GBUZ Novosibirsk region"City Polyclinic No. 16", Novosibirsk,

Russian Federation

[email protected]

Article history:

Accepted on 06/03/2015 Approved on 06/08/2015

UDC 353.2 (9)


healthcare, medicine, services, remuneration, indicative indicators


Subject. The article is devoted to the study of the process of reforming the healthcare sector and the introduction of a new contractual system of remuneration of medical workers, developed by a project team for medical organizations of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District. The objects of the study were medical organizations of the subjects of the district.

Goals. Development of a draft of a new contractual remuneration system that stimulates the activities of medical personnel and the development of medical organizations at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Methodology. Structural and system analysis, participant observation, SWOT analysis, analysis of statistical data, current regulatory legal acts, as well as the methodology of functional modeling were used to study the current system and form new approaches to remuneration in medical organizations. Results. A draft of a new contract system for remuneration of medical workers, algorithms, tools, and a targeted program for its implementation in medical organizations have been developed. It is proved on the example of the medical organization under study that the introduction of a contractual system of remuneration has increased the satisfaction of the population with the quality and availability of medical care and the main indicative indicators of the medical organization.

Conclusions. The introduction of a new contractual remuneration system in the model medical organization under study led to the conclusion that the program-target management of the project implementation is a tool for achieving the desired predictive (project) indicators in medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The results of implementation and monitoring of indicative indicators confirm the increased satisfaction of the population with the quality and accessibility of medical care. The proposed contractual remuneration system can be used in all medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

© Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, 2015

Contract wage system as a tool for managing the development of medical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Concept for the Development of Health Care in the Russian Federation until 2020 and other program documents, the trend direction in the country is to increase the availability and quality of medical care to the population. The healthcare sector requires reforming the mechanism for providing medical services to the population and bringing them closer to world standards. The most important component in the decision

of the tasks set is the formation of a qualitatively new personnel policy in the medical field, and the tool is a change in motivational mechanisms in personnel management.

Analysis scientific sources and statistical data revealed the problems that exist in staffing medical institutions, as well as in the current system of remuneration in the healthcare sector. One of the main problems is the acute shortage of medical personnel, including 270,000 nurses and about 40,000 doctors. There is uneven development

healthcare in various regions of the Russian Federation and high interregional differentiation in wages of workers social sphere and the average salary in the subjects of the Federation, which differs by 1.5-2.8 times. In the field of health care and the provision of social services, the average salary of employees of federal state institutions is about 22.5 thousand rubles, state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation -18.8 thousand rubles, municipal institutions-14.7 thousand rubles. .

An analysis of the application of the existing wage system showed that it was not possible to fully solve the problem of stimulating health workers, taking into account the results of their work. This determines the insufficient level of quality of the state (municipal) services provided (works performed), reduces the efficiency of the work of employees according to the specified criteria and indicators, creates dissatisfaction with the increased needs of the population in obtaining high-quality and affordable medical services. The problems existing in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation must be solved by reforming the healthcare sector. The government and relevant ministries have made significant efforts to change the wage system, more than 60 regulatory legal acts of various levels have been published, a roadmap has been approved that determined the sequence of actions, deadlines, and the necessary organizational and resource support for healthcare. However, the introduction of a new payment system is extremely slow and with great difficulties, and medical organizations have faced difficulties in implementing their tasks due to the lack of unified recommendations, tools and mechanisms for its implementation and maintenance. Currently, Russian healthcare is on the verge of another organizational reform, which provides for the transition of medical

organizations for a new system of remuneration - contractual. It differs from the current system in new tools of labor motivation and management of the personnel potential of medical organizations and is aimed at achieving high level professional activity personnel and increasing the availability and quality of medical services for the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Problems of wage regulation in medical organizations

In medical organizations of the Russian Federation, there are similar problems in the field of remuneration and the quality of medical services provided to the population. The design team decomposed the main problems

medical organizations, which included the following:

Uneven development of health care in various regions of the Russian Federation and high interregional differentiation in the remuneration of medical workers;

Dissatisfaction of the population with the level of accessibility and quality of medical services;

Insufficient level of wages (base salary), qualifications and low motivation of medical personnel in the conditions of personnel shortage;

Excessive regulation and restrictions in attracting additional sources of funding for medical organizations;

Insufficient update level medical equipment and material and technical base of medical organizations.

An analysis of the above list of problems shows that the current practice of organizing medical services and remuneration does not fully solve the problem of motivating employees to provide quality medical services in medical organizations. The current standards and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of medical workers do not ensure the provision of services at the level of world standards. In a number of medical organizations, incentive payments are used as a guaranteed part of earnings, which is not linked to the results of work. The main reason for this is the low size of the tariff part of wages, as well as the lack of competitiveness of medical services in the regional labor markets. As a result, bonuses to personnel are carried out regardless of the results of work, but only in order to retain the existing staff, which is confirmed in some works.

The current stage of development of socio-economic and labor relations in society, in its material and non-material spheres, requires the introduction of new motivational

tools aimed at the end result of labor. Such an instrument, which provides for the concept of reform in the healthcare sector, is the contract labor system.

An effective contract is an employment contract with an employee, which specifies its official duties, conditions of remuneration, indicators and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of activities for the appointment of incentive payments depending on the results of his work and the quality of public

(municipal) services, as well as measures of social support for employees.

The study conducted by the authors presents the experience of developing and implementing a contractual remuneration system, which was carried out by a project team formed from the heads of state medical organizations in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions, consisting of E.G. Totskaya, V.V. Malgina, A.V. Obukhov, TV. Reuth, EE. Dusheba, ON. Sheina, S.V. Voytsitskaya, A.S. Ageeva.

The development of the project and program activities for the implementation of the contract system in the subjects of the Siberian Federal District was carried out as part of the training of medical workers at the Siberian Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation under the program "Training of managerial personnel in the field of healthcare".

This group has done the following:

A project has been prepared on the topic “Development and implementation of a contractual system of remuneration in medical organizations”;

An algorithm and procedures for the implementation of an effective contract have been formed;

The instruments for regulating social and labor relations in medical organizations are determined;

The advantages and possible problems introduction of a new institutional form in the system of recruitment and evaluation of medical workers;

Detailed content and procedure for the implementation of an effective contract as a tool for managing the human resources potential of medical organizations;

A system of motivating and stimulating the work of key personnel has been proposed in order to form an internal personnel policy, as well as a system of personnel audit in medical organizations;

It is planned to measure the results of the professional activity of the personnel, which will significantly affect the increase in the availability and quality of medical services to the population.

Design and implementation of the contract system of remuneration in medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The development of the project for the introduction of the contract system of remuneration was carried out on the basis of medical organizations in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. When designing the object of the study, the system of remuneration in healthcare at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation was adopted. GBUZ NSO "City Polyclinic No. 24" was identified as the object of implementation of the contractual system of remuneration. The subjects of the study are the contractual system of remuneration and the mechanisms for its implementation in medical organizations of the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. The main goal of the study was to increase the availability and quality of medical services to the population through the introduction of a contractual remuneration system that stimulates the activities of personnel and the development of medical organizations at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the main tasks related to the development of the project and the methodology for implementing the contractual remuneration system in medical organizations were identified, namely:

Conducting an analysis of the current system of remuneration in a medical organization and identifying existing problems in the field of healthcare;

Development of an algorithm for the implementation of the contract system of remuneration;

Development of a methodology for the introduction of a contractual system of remuneration;

Rationale economic efficiency contract system of remuneration;

Formation of the target program "Development and implementation of the contract system of remuneration

in medical organizations for the period 2014-2016”.

In the course of studying the existing wage systems and the activities of medical organizations, the methods of structural and system analysis, participant observation, SWOT analysis, analysis of statistical data and current regulatory legal acts, as well as methods of functional modeling, extrapolation and forecasting were used.

The practical implementation of the project in the studied medical organization allowed:

Eliminate unreasonable differentiation in the level of remuneration of managers and staff of the organization;

Cancel incentive payments to personnel, established without taking into account the performance indicators of the medical organization;

Create a transparent mechanism for remuneration of the heads of a medical organization;

Conduct wage differentiation medical workers taking into account the volume, complexity and quality of work;

Ensure the introduction of an effective contractual system of remuneration;

Ensure a wider distribution of the contract system and include personnel motivation mechanisms aimed at the development of a medical organization.

Design solutions for the implementation of the contract wage system on the example of the studied medical organization "City Polyclinic No. 24"

Characteristics of the object of study of the medical organization "City Polyclinic No. 24". The polyclinic is designed to provide multidisciplinary medical and advisory assistance to the adult and children's population of the Leninsky district of Novosibirsk. It is designed for 600 visits per shift and serves 29.2 thousand people. The main characteristics of the polyclinic base under study are given in Table. one.

The structure of the institution is represented by two therapeutic departments (14 sites), a pediatric department (6 sites), gynecological, dental

physiotherapy departments, department of radiation diagnostics, regional office of functional diagnostics, clinical and biochemical laboratories, hospital at home. The polyclinic is equipped with regional nephrological, pulmonological, hematological and gastroenterological rooms. The equipment park contains 153 units. modern medical technology. In 2013, the full computerization of polyclinic workplaces (128 units) was completed.

The material and technical base of the medical organization meets the required standards for the provision of medical services for the attached population. Its main activities include pre-hospital medical care and outpatient care, including in a hospital at home.

The staff of the polyclinic is 302 people, including 89 doctors. The share of specialists with higher qualification category is 35%.

The number of key employees in positions is 241, of which 240 people work in the compulsory health insurance system.

The number of positions of doctors is 112.5 rates, occupied - 93.75 rates ( individuals -84).

The number of paramedical workers is 174 people, while 157.5 positions are employed (individuals - 93).

Number of positions junior staff is 56 people, 36 rates are employed (individuals - 18).

In the organization under study, the formation of the wage fund takes place on the basis of the current payment system in accordance with the regulatory legal framework, industry agreement and the requirements of the road map.

The sources of formation of the wage fund in the clinic are:

Payment for medical services at the expense of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (state order);

Incentive payments for ensuring accessibility and quality;

Payment for medical examination services for certain groups of the adult population;

Payment for medical examination services for children left without parental care;

Payment for birth certificates;

Payment for services for extrabudgetary activities.

The payroll fund of the polyclinic in 2013 was 78,531,434 rubles; in 2014, it remained virtually unchanged. Payroll in the clinic takes place in accordance with the Industry Tariff Agreement for State Institutions, subordinated to the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region for 2014-2016 ., entered into force on 01.01.2014. In accordance with this document, the employer is recommended to create conditions for remuneration on the basis of an effective contract with employees, depending on the results and quality of work and improving the quality of services provided. In order to specify the labor functions for the relevant positions, indicators and criteria are established that reflect the conditions and amounts of incentive payments strictly within the basic wage fund.

Currently, based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region, the polyclinic has a 10-point system for assessing the quality of work of medical workers, taking into account which incentive payments are made.

The share of incentive payments for medical staff is 38%, for the average - 29.7%; the share of payments to doctors for part-time jobs is 6.9%, to mid-level staff - 11.8%. When determining incentive payments

the administration is based on six indicators for evaluating the quality of work of specialists, defined in points.

An analysis of the current system of employee motivation showed insufficient

the effectiveness of its impact on the quality of medical services. As a result, economic losses, according to the medical and economic expertise and medical and economic control in 2013, amounted to more than 1% of the funds presented on invoices for medical services rendered. Moreover, there is an insufficient level

satisfaction of the attached population with the quality of delivery and the availability of medical services (according to the survey data, completely

satisfied only 76% of respondents). Non-fulfillment of the medical examination plan was revealed

certain groups of the adult population (in 2013, only 768,255 rubles were disbursed, or 78% of the planned limits for this type of activity).

Regulatory legal framework and directions for improving wages in medical organizations. An important stage in the work of the project team was the analysis of the regulatory legal framework on remuneration in medical organizations, which helped the authorities state power take a closer look at this issue. During the period from 2005 to 2014, about 65 normative legal acts were published that regulate wages at the federal and regional levels. A greater number of legislative acts currently do not provide the desired motivation for work aimed at achieving the final result, and form a negative attitude towards additional requirements that arise even in the context of fairly large financial injections as part of the implementation of the target program "Modernization of Health" and the priority national project "Health" . In general, the current regulatory legal acts establish only a general framework, therefore, these acts require the development of mechanisms and tools for introducing a new system and forms of remuneration in healthcare.

First of all, you should consider:

Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2190-r dated November 26, 2012 “On approval of the Program for the gradual improvement of wages in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018”;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2012 No. 597 “On measures to implement the state social policy”;

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 18, 2013 No. 21 “On guidelines on the development by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of action plans (regional "road maps") "Improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of

social services population (2013-2018)"";

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 28, 2008 No. 463n “On the introduction of a new wage system for employees of federal budgetary scientific institutions that have clinical units subordinate to the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation".

An analysis of the current regulatory framework and existing systems of remuneration in healthcare, including statistical data on the actual remuneration of medical workers in the Russian Federation and individual regions, indicates that there are no significant differences and the need to improve the remuneration system in all regions of the country.

The main directions for improving the remuneration system in medical organizations include:

Reducing the gap between the average level of remuneration of employees of institutions and the average level of wages in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Elimination of unreasonable differentiation in the level of remuneration of employees of institutions;

Improving the system of criteria and performance indicators for medical workers;

Development of criteria and indicators in medical organizations where they are not currently available;

Cancellation of incentive payments established without taking into account the performance indicators of medical workers;

Determination of the optimal ratio of the guaranteed part of wages and incentive bonuses.

It requires additional developments and the introduction of new criteria for assessing the quality of work, as well as the use of new mechanisms for regulating staff motivation.

Features of the formation of the contract system of remuneration in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and in the medical organization under study. In the course of the work, a program-target method was used, which allows

to implement an integrated approach to solving the tasks set, program activities have been identified that have covered all the main sections of the polyclinic's activities. Since it is impossible to influence the existing sources of formation of the wage fund of a medical organization, it is advisable to change

redistribution of the structure of these sources. This is the aim of the program activities of the developed project.

Improvement of the remuneration system should be carried out based on the need to establish the dependence of its increase on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of public services based:

Introduction of a system of sectoral performance indicators from the federal level to a specific institution and employee;

Establishment of incentive payments in accordance with the achieved indicators, criteria and conditions for their appointment (reflected in exemplary regulations on remuneration of employees of institutions, in local regulations and labor agreements (contracts) with employees of institutions);

Cancellation of ineffective incentive payments.

The project team proposed some improvements in the system of incentive payments when establishing the dependence of wage increases on the achievement of specific indicators of the quality and quantity of public services provided, as well as an expanded list of criteria for evaluating the performance of medical personnel (for doctors - 17 criteria, for paramedical personnel - 14 criteria , for junior medical personnel - 6 criteria) and the concept of a personal integral performance coefficient (PIKR) was introduced.

The technology for assessing the work of an employee includes the calculation of each criterion, which has a natural unit of measurement, converted into points: the maximum number of points for doctors is 100 (the number of criteria is 17), for paramedical personnel - 70 (the number of criteria is 14), for junior staff - 30 (number of criteria - 6).

This approach made it possible to form an algorithm and structure of evaluation indicators, mandatory (repeated for all categories of doctors) and

additional, taking into account the specifics of their activities.

The assessment of each criterion and the integral value of all performance criteria for a particular position is carried out

monthly by intra-institutional expert commissions at the level of structural units (level 1) by filling out control evaluation forms.

Personal integral criterion

performance (PIKR) is set monthly in accordance with the reporting date adopted by the institution, that is, on the 10th day of each month following the reporting one. This date is determined by the decision of the medical institution and is fixed in

intra-institutional regulations on remuneration and incentives for employees of a medical organization (order of the head).

An integral assessment of the criteria for calculating the amount of incentive payments is carried out by establishing a personal integral criterion of effectiveness (efficiency), which is calculated according to the following formula:

PIKR = K, + K,... K,

where n is the number of criteria; K - evaluation criterion.

The generalization of the values ​​of the performance criteria for each employee transferred to an effective contract, as well as the subsequent conversion of the criteria into indicators for calculating the incentive part of remuneration, is carried out in a general institution expert commission (2nd level), which checks the validity of the personal integral performance criterion and their total value for all healthcare workers.

To determine the cost of one point, it is necessary to divide the incentive part by the total value of the personal integral performance criterion. The size

the stimulating part of each employee is determined by multiplying the personal integral performance criterion by the cost of one point. Criteria are evaluated in points. In addition, a personal integral performance coefficient of each employee is displayed, which is taken into account when calculating wages according to

the proposed methodology. Under the new contractual system of remuneration, the basic part of wages will remain unchanged, and incentive payments will depend on the volume and quality of services rendered by each employee. If the indicators of high work intensity and combination of professions established by the management of the medical organization are met, the increase in wages can be up to 50% or more.

The project developers carried out a comparative analysis of the existing wage system and the one planned for implementation in the Russian Federation and on the territory of the subject. The systematization of the information obtained in the course of the work made it possible to develop a methodology for introducing a new wage system in a medical organization, including a conceptual apparatus, an algorithm and stages of implementation, indicative indicators for assessing the performance of personnel and a methodology for calculating wages, samples of local regulatory legal acts, contracts, regulations, etc.

Algorithms and tools for introducing a new wage system at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. The main mechanisms and tools for the implementation of the new system of remuneration of medical workers, prepared by the project team, are:

Algorithms for the introduction of a new wage system;

Draft resolution of the governor of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Methodology for introducing a new wage system in a medical organization;

Target program "Development and implementation of a new contractual wage system in medical organizations for the period 2014-2016" (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

These documents were developed in the course of research and design of a new contractual wage system in medical organizations at the level of a subject of the Russian Federation and proposed for implementation in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions.

Project activities provide for execution at the level of authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and at the level of a medical organization, therefore, two algorithms for the formation of a new contract were developed.

wage systems, which are shown in Fig. 1 and 2.

To implement the project on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities at the level of executive authorities, the main of which are:

Discussion of the methodology at the collegium of the Ministry of Health of the subject of the Federation;

Adoption of the Governor's resolution on the introduction of a new wage system;

Development of a targeted Program with access to specific program activities and targets.

When implementing a project at the level of a medical organization (Fig. 2.) initial stage it is planned to create a working group, including the head of the medical organization, his deputies and a representative of the trade union organization. The most important stages of the project implementation are testing in the conditions of a pilot medical organization and evaluation of monitoring results.

If there are expected effects from the implementation of the project (achievement of the roadmap indicators), it enters the stage of replication. At the same time, the working group adapts the methodology to the conditions of a particular medical organization by developing its own program activities and indicative indicators. A prerequisite prior to the introduction of a new wage system is the adoption of a contract system for general meeting team.

Formation of a targeted program for the implementation of a contractual system of remuneration at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. The group that developed the project for a new wage system included the heads of state medical organizations in the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions. They managed to implement a systematic approach to solving the problems that will allow them to optimize wages in the healthcare system. In this regard, the Program and its passport (form 1) were developed.

In addition, program activities were formed that cover all areas of activity of a medical organization, which makes it possible to introduce a new contractual remuneration system.

Monitoring the implementation of program activities of the target program "Development and implementation of a contractual system of remuneration in medical organizations for the period 2014-2016". The program includes nine sections and provides for a monitoring system for program activities, shown in Table. 2, the implementation of which can significantly change the wage fund. Thus, the introduction of outsourcing mechanisms in ensuring the activities of a medical organization related to the organization of security can increase the fund by 700 thousand rubles. in year. The project implementation timeline includes milestones and a schedule for the implementation of project activities. According to the control points, experts, together with the head of the pilot site and the project implementation working group, assess the state of project implementation. Evaluation of the implementation of program activities is carried out in accordance with the monitoring given in Table. 2.

Based on the monitoring conducted by the expert group, the Program implementation management coefficient is calculated, which makes it possible to determine the level of implementation of the measures taken to introduce a new remuneration system and, on this basis, to develop additional organizational and

economic measures that will allow achieving a more complete implementation of measures. Indicator of optimal program management

K opt \u003d (VP + UR + NR) / £ M O<1,

where VP - completed activities;

SD - successfully implemented activities;

HP - normally implemented measures (PR - poorly implemented, HB - unfulfilled);

^ M 0 - the total number of the activities of the Program accepted for execution.

It is difficult to execute the Program 100%, but the estimated level of successful implementation should be in the range from 0.9 to 1. Achieving this level is possible only with strict control over the implementation of program activities in terms of deadlines and responsible persons.

Monitoring of planned program activities in areas (Table 2), which ensure the introduction of a new wage system, allows you to introduce corrective actions. Based

the value of K opt (the level of management of the implementation of the project for the introduction of a new wage system), it is necessary to develop managerial decisions aimed at two categories of measures taken: poorly implemented and unfulfilled. By influencing these categories, it is possible to change (increase) the value of the coefficient, which means to manage the process of implementing the Program aimed at improving the efficiency of work and achieving the indicators of the road map. The list of indicative indicators for assessing the level of effective work of a medical organization is given in Table. 3.

The customer and coordinator of the Program was the management of Polyclinic No. 24, which quarterly sends a report on the progress of the Program to the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk Region. Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by an expert commission, which includes the deputy chief physician for economic issues, a specialist in the personnel department, the chairman of the trade union committee, a lawyer, deputy chief physicians, heads of departments, the chief nurse, and the head of the automated control systems department.

The executors ensure the implementation of the Program activities. The expert group has the following tasks:

Monitoring the implementation of the contract system of remuneration;

Formation of budget applications for financing the activities of the Program;

Justification of financing and selection of priority works;

Substantiation of the methodological and legal regulation carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government;

Implementation of the plan for professional training and retraining of personnel;

Formation of corporate culture;

Formation of reports on the execution of the Program.

Motivation of managerial personnel to introduce a contractual system of remuneration in medical organizations. The project team proposed a motivation system

management personnel responsible for the implementation of program activities of the Program, which will contribute to a more efficient operation of the staff. Stimulation of the implementation of the activities of the Program can be carried out by calculating the following coefficients used to assess the activities of the personnel of a medical organization:

1) the coefficient of performance of measures kim, fixed in the Program, which is calculated by the formula:

k,M=I(x)/£ I(*),

where ^ I(x) - the number of completed activities enshrined in the Program;

^ I(x) - the number of activities assigned to the contractor;

2) the coefficient of execution of activities on time ^.m.s, fixed in the Program and completed on time, which is calculated by the formula:

ki.m.s \u003d E / i.i (x) / E 1 s.i (*) -

where ^ Iii (x) - the number of activities under the Program, executed on time by the contractor;

^ Izi - the number of planned activities under the Program assigned to the contractor;

3) the quality factor, which is determined by the immediate supervisor, who accepts the documentary execution by the employee of the implementation of the activities under the Program (incentives based on the indicators given earlier will significantly affect the implementation of measures to introduce a new remuneration system, while the quality factor should not be lower than 0, 5.);

4) the integral coefficient £i- which takes into account the degree of influence of the manager on the final result (provides for hard and soft incentives) and is determined by the formula:

i.m i.m.s >

5) the arithmetic mean of the implementation rate of the activities enshrined in the Program, taking into account the deadline (soft incentives), which is calculated by the formula:

with i.m i.m.s"

Expected results from the implementation of the project


Fulfillment of the state order by 100%;

Increasing satisfaction of the population with the quality and accessibility of medical care (90% according to the results of the survey);

Development of financial limits for medical examination of groups of the adult population by 100%;

Improvement qualification characteristics key personnel (increasing the share of certified medical workers to 97%);

Achievement of requirements (increase staff salaries up to 50 on average);

Reduction of financial losses from penalties of insurance medical organizations (up to 0.5% of the amount of invoices for medical services rendered);

Achieving the economic effect from the introduction of new financial and economic mechanisms (the use of outsourcing in the activities of medical organizations increases the wage fund by 700 thousand rubles a year);

Implementation of the tasks of the formation and implementation of a new contractual system of remuneration, aimed at the integrated development of all areas of activity and the achievement of a new level of indicative indicators of medical organizations.

roadmap board main

The main conclusions of the study:

Program-targeted management of the introduction of a new contractual remuneration system is a tool for achieving the desired predictive (project) indicators in medical organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Siberian Federal District);

Designing and modeling program-target management of the introduction of a new contract system allows you to create financial, economic, organizational, material, labor and time resources that are necessary for the development of the healthcare sector at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Siberian Federal District);

The formation of algorithms for the introduction of a new contractual system of remuneration makes it possible to systematically design target program;

The formation of a monitoring and incentive system makes it possible to ensure the implementation of the Program activities and the motivation of managerial personnel to achieve the final results on the introduction of a new contractual remuneration system in medical organizations of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District.

In general, the financial costs of implementation

activities of the draft Program amounted to

RUB 29.85 million

Table 1

Characteristics of the studied medical organization GBUZ NSO "City Polyclinic No. 24"

Study parameter Value

Population served, pers. 29 200

Equipment park, units 153

Equipment with computers, units 128

Number of structural subdivisions, units 16

Quantity positions, units 420.5

General staffing, % 71

Economic losses,% 1

The share of mastered planned limits for medical examination, % 78

Satisfaction of the attached population with the quality and availability of medical services (according to the survey data), % 76

1.1 The concept and content of the contract wage system

The contract system -- is a kind of tariff-free system of remuneration, involves the conclusion of an agreement (contract) for a certain period between the employer and the contractor / 3 /.

An employment contract (contract) is concluded in writing when hiring an employee, which specifies working conditions, the rights and obligations of the parties, the mode of operation and the level of remuneration, as well as the duration of the contract. The contract also sets out the consequences that may occur for the parties in the event of its early termination by one of the parties. The contract may include both the time spent by the employee at the enterprise (time payment), and the specific task that the employee must complete for certain time(piece-work payment).

By agreement of the parties, the employment contract may provide for various additional payments and allowances of a stimulating and compensatory nature / 1 /:

· per professional excellence and high qualification

For classiness

for deviations from normal working conditions, etc.

The contract may reflect the issues of providing official transport, additional leave, living space, etc.

Contract - an employment contract concluded in writing for a period specified in it, containing features in comparison with general rules labor legislation and providing for a specific minimum compensation for the deterioration of the legal status of an employee (Appendix).

The contract may be:

when hiring an employee;

with an employee whose employment contract was concluded for an indefinite period. The conclusion of the contract is carried out in connection with justified production, organizational or economic reasons.

Contracts with pregnant women, women with children under the age of 3 years (children with disabilities - under 18 years old), employment contracts with whom were concluded for an indefinite period, are not concluded if they have not consented to the conclusion of such contracts.

The main function of an employment contract is the generation of labor relations. The subject of an employment contract is the labor force of a particular person. Thus, from an economic point of view, an employment contract is a contract for the sale of labor, and by legal nature, it is a contract for the employment of labor / 5 /.

Another function of an employment contract is that it serves legal form organization of labor at enterprises in institutions, farms. Through the employment contract, the distribution of the workforce in production is determined, the labor duties of the personnel are distributed.

Many terms of an employment contract are strictly regulated by law, and the parties cannot change them if the situation of the employee worsens as a result, even by mutual agreement.

If the condition of the contract fully coincides with the norms established by law, then it is possible not to duplicate the legislation and not indicate this condition. But it is necessary to consider all the conditions of the employment contract, since the parties may not be aware of the existence of norms.

The employer can change most of the norms established by law in the direction of improving the position of the employee. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to clearly fix the conditions determined by the agreement of the parties in the employment contract.

Contracts (agreements) refer to documents that are the most important evidence in arbitration court in case of disagreement.

In a market-type economy, the leading place is occupied by a contractual, contractual system of remuneration.

In all sectors of the national economy, two forms of wages / 5 / are used:

payment for the quantity and quality of manufactured products at established prices is called piecework;

payment for the amount of time worked, taking into account the qualifications of the employee, regardless of output, is called time-based.

The level of remuneration is fixed in an agreement between employees and the administration, which can be individual or collective.

Labor cost analysis

Salary (employee's wages) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments and incentive payments. (st...

contract payment labor

Contract pay

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in practice, a new form appeared and gained interest in spreading, mediating relations on the use of labor - the contract. The idea of ​​the legislator about the possibility of using the contract as a legal form ...

Contract pay

There are both positive and negative qualities in the wage system. The main advantage of the contract system is a clear distribution of the rights and obligations of both the employee and the management of the enterprise ...

Contract form of remuneration in health care

Contract system - is a kind of tariff-free system of remuneration, involves the conclusion of an agreement (contract) for a certain period between the employer and the contractor ...

Contract form of remuneration in health care

To stimulate the productivity of the staff of the State Healthcare Institution of the Regional Clinical Hospital, it is proposed to introduce new form remuneration of personnel is a collective time-bonus wage with additional payments for the performance of normalized tasks ...

Contract form of remuneration. Systems of additional payments and allowances, bonuses

Organization of remuneration at the enterprise and directions for its improvement

Remuneration - a form of distribution of the main part required product within the enterprise in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor expended ...

Organization of the basic remuneration of personnel

Remuneration is a system of relations related to ensuring the establishment and implementation by the employer of payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements ...

The main systems of piecework wages and their content

It is advisable to use piecework wages in those areas and types of work where it is possible to standardize and take into account the individual or collective contribution and the final result of production ...

Fundamentals of enterprise economics

In conditions market relations one of the most important elements of the mechanism of the functioning of the enterprise is the stimulation of labor, which includes material and moral incentives. This is due to the fact that in the new economic conditions ...

Piecework wage system: concept, features, modification

At piecework payment labor wages are calculated on the basis of piece rates, established by the employer for the production of a unit of production (work, services), and the quantity of products (works, services) that the employee has manufactured (performed) ...

Tariff and non-tariff systems of remuneration (on the example of OAO ANHK)

The tariff-free system of remuneration makes the employee's earnings completely dependent on the final results of the work of the team and represents his share in the wage fund earned by the entire team ...

Improving wages on the example of JSC "Ural Steel"

Need any information on the transition to the contract system of remuneration from the system under an employment contract. (Honey institution)


The contractual system of remuneration implies remuneration of the employee on the basis of an employment contract concluded with the employer. Labor relations with employees are formalized according to general rule employment contract, and the law does not establish restrictions for medical workers.

Based on the text of the question, we believe that we are talking about the transition to an effective contract. The concept of "effective contract" is used in labor relations in state and municipal institutions. This concept was introduced in 2012 within the approved framework, which is aimed at improving the wage system in state and municipal institutions and is designed for implementation in 2012-2018.

    work function,

Details in the materials of the System:

    An effective contract is an employment contract with an employee of a state (municipal) institution, which specifies job responsibilities, terms of remuneration, indicators and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee's performance. An effective contract is used to assign incentive payments depending on the results of work and the quality of state (municipal) services provided, as well as social support measures.

    For each employee, an effective contract should clarify and specify:

    • work function,

      indicators and criteria for evaluating performance,

      the amount of remuneration, as well as the amount of incentives for achieving collective labor results.

    The conditions for receiving remuneration should be clear to the employer and employee. They must not be ambiguous.

    State (municipal) institutions must fully switch to effective contracts by 2018. Consequently, it will be necessary not only to conclude effective contracts with new employees, but also by 2018, in relation to existing employees, to clarify and specify their contracts. Why would you need to make changes to the .

    Such conclusions follow from the totality of the provisions of the program, approved, and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    An example of an effective contract

    State state-financed organization"MedSanchast" hired E.V. Ivanov for the position nurse to the physiotherapy room. On the day of hiring, they concluded with Ivanova.

    Ivan Shklovets,
    Deputy Head Federal Service for work and employment

      Answer: How to pay for the work of a medical worker


    The salaries of medical workers are established on the basis of the requirements for vocational training and the level of qualifications that are necessary for the implementation of the relevant professional activity, taking into account the complexity and volume of the work performed.

    At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation may establish basic salaries and wage rates for professional skill groups. This is stated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    The salaries of medical workers in federal budgetary and government institutions are established by the heads of institutions, taking into account the approximate provisions approved by the federal executive authorities. This is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 No. 583.

    So, for example, salaries for medical workers of federal budgetary scientific institutions that have clinical divisions are set taking into account the recommended minimum salaries of workers, which are given in c.

    In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, medical institutions establish the salaries of medical workers in accordance with the procedure determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

    incentive payments

    The Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments have the right to establish additional guarantees and measures of social support for medical and pharmaceutical workers ().

    In order to stimulate the qualitative result of labor and encourage medical workers to the recommended minimum salary, establish incentive payments. The decision on these payments is made by the head of the medical institution.

    Incentives include:

      payments for intensity and high performance;

      payments for the quality of work performed;

      payments for continuous work experience, length of service;

      performance bonuses.

    For example, for federal budgetary and state institutions, such types of payments are enshrined in the approved.

    The amount of incentive payments can be set both in absolute terms (rubles) and as a percentage of salary. Maximum size these payments are not limited.

    For example, for medical workers of federal budgetary scientific institutions that have clinical divisions, the recommended sizes of multiplying factors are given in k.

    Acts of local self-government bodies may establish similar multiplying factors for medical workers of municipal health care institutions.

    Compensation payments

    Compensatory payments can also be established for medical workers. It can be:

      payments to employees engaged in hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions;

      payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions;

      payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (positions), overtime work, work at night and when performing work in other conditions that deviate from normal);

      allowances for work with information constituting state secrets, their classification and declassification, as well as for work with ciphers.

    Compensation payments are established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For example, for federal budgetary and state institutions, such types of payments are enshrined in the approved.

    The procedure for establishing compensation payments is determined in accordance with the approved to.

    At the same time, for medical workers engaged in hard work, work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, set compensation payments in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and.

    The amounts and conditions of such payments are recommended to be fixed by a collective agreement, agreement, local regulations in accordance with labor legislation. You can also draw up a separate document, such as the List of types of compensation payments.

    Payment to medical workers in rural areas

    As a measure of social support for medical workers who are on the staff of federal state medical institutions and live and work in rural settlements, workers' settlements, urban-type settlements, a lump-sum cash payment has been established to compensate for payment for residential premises, heating and lighting in the amount of 1200 rubles. ().

    So, for example, in federal budgetary and state institutions, the rules for making this payment are fixed, approved.

    The monthly cash payment is made on the basis of documents confirming the right of the health worker to it, available at the disposal of the institutions, without requiring additional documents.

    Supporting documents include:

      employment contract or employment history;

      a copy of an identity document with a mark on the place of registration at the place of residence, or another document confirming the place of residence.

    Nina Kovyazina,
    Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia
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