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39 min. reading

Updated: 03/07/2019

Where to look for work and part-time work for students? Where can you work during the summer? What are the job options for students at home via the Internet? How not to run into scammers? We have prepared for you 30 options for all occasions.

The employees of the HR portal website calculated how many students combine study with work, and this figure is impressive - 70%! In this article we will talk about work for students.

I myself am a student and work, like many of my friends. It is unrealistic to survive on a scholarship - at my university, the standard monthly payment is set at 1,800 rubles (if you study without “triples”). What can you buy with this amount? Only food for a week and a half and that's it.

In order to somehow stay afloat, many students are forced to combine work with study. Of course, some parents help, but admit it - it's better to start earning your own living on your own as early as possible. Many just encounter work as a student, and this experience becomes a good support in the future or even develops into a whole career! In addition, there is no guarantee that you will be hired to work in your specialty (the banal reason is no work experience).

Fortunately, today you can find work from home or on the Internet. No need to search in vain for advertisements in newspapers - you can use the Internet and find any job you like. Today I, a third-year student, will tell you:

  • What is the most popular job among young people and what is in demand?
  • How much money can you get as a student?
  • Is it difficult to combine work and study?
  • Why do I prefer remote work?

Get ready - stories from my life, stories from my student friends and many useful information, which will be a good help if you are looking for a job!

Remote work from home/office vs work on site. What's better? Advantages and disadvantages

All the work that I consider below can be divided into two types:

  • Traditional (offline) work(in the office, food outlets, at the enterprise, and so on). The process looks like this: we are looking for a job by everyone accessible ways, send a resume, go through an interview, perhaps sign some documents, for example labor contract(be careful here! See Fraud Warning for details). Usually the first time there is an unpaid internship (several days or a week). I describe examples of such work in the next paragraph.
  • Remote (online) work. The work is connected to the Internet. Such professions as programmers, web developers, copywriters, content managers, translators, SMM specialists, etc. are in demand. But there are options for those who do not identify themselves with any remote profession, in other words, for unskilled workers. We are talking about both one-time assignments, part-time jobs, and work on an ongoing basis. Job search is carried out on special sites. Customers (i.e. employers) place an order and wait for a response from the performers (us). Our task is to correctly tell about ourselves and our works (if any), and in case of success, we become executors of the order. You will also learn more about this from the article.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of working from home remotely:

Distant work at home
Advantages Flaws
You look the way you want. Work even in shorts. Loneliness. I work from home and sometimes I get bored because I'm always alone.
You don't have to travel to work. It's hard to make friends in this job. Among my acquaintances there are no those who are fond of freelancing, and communication with like-minded people on the Internet quickly disappeared.
You can take a break for lunch or rest at any time. Fraudsters may get caught.
Free work schedule. Irregular wages. In one month you can get 30,000 rubles, in another 10,000 rubles.
There is no strict dependence on the authorities (in this case, these are customers). High responsibility. If the customer does not like your work, he can easily refuse to cooperate.
The amount of payment depends on the amount of work you have completed. Intermittent work. I have had cases when people with whom I worked for a long time simply disappeared.
You can constantly improve skills, which leads to higher pay. There is no official registration with an entry in the work book, which means that there are no deductions to the FIU, there is no official experience, it will be difficult to prove your experience to another employer.
The ability to find regular customers (i.e. permanent work).
On freelance sites and exchanges, you can “pump” the rating. For example, my rating on ETXT is 10,000 units, and the chances of getting a job are much higher than for beginners.
Jobs are determined by skills, not appearance or age.

Now consider the pros and cons of traditional employment:

Regular office or factory work
Advantages Flaws
Registration according to work book(but not everywhere, for example, they do not draw up a one-time part-time job). There may be a dress code (uniform, formal attire, etc.).
Teamwork (friends, colleagues, communication). Relationships with colleagues or superiors may not work out, because of which you will constantly experience stress.
Fixed payment. Need to go to work (money + time).
Prizes and bonuses are possible. Fixed schedule, you may have to get up very early, you can not be late, lunch at a certain time.
If you present yourself as good worker- Career growth is possible. If you work outside, it can be hard in hot or cold weather.
Responsibility is distributed between colleagues and superiors (you may be scolded for a joint, but they are unlikely to be kicked out). There is no way to go about your business.
It is necessary to act strictly according to the rules of the organization (lack of opportunity to implement your ideas).
Age and appearance affect getting a job.

Each of you will choose something different, based on the situation. For example, my university is located 30-60 minutes from home (a lot of time is spent on the road), so I prefer it.

Students, alas, are often the target of scammers.. As a fishing rod - "delicious" job offers. As a result, a person signs a pile of documents without reading them, and ends up with nothing, as he fell for the deception of criminals. Well, if this only leads to the loss of a couple of thousand rubles, but there are cases much worse.

Here are a few situations I've heard about personally:

1 Some agency. Tiny rented office in a business center. Inside - a couple of tables, chairs and ... everything. There are a lot of phones on the tables (!!!). People offer you a job with good pay, but for this you need to sign an agreement and make a “deposit” of a couple of thousand (which is supposedly returned later). Then the standard phrase "we will call you back."

The catch is that a person signs an agreement on the provision of INFORMATION services. That is, you were informed that there is such and such an activity, and that’s it, their work is over, the trap will be shut, you won’t see your money and it’s useless to complain to the police / courts, since you signed the contract in a sober mind and common sense.

2 A little-known paint company. The student got a job there, he offered to work informally, s/n 10-30$ per day. After working for a couple of days, the man got tired of the difficult conditions and unsanitary conditions, after which he turned to the boss with a request for a calculation. As a result, he was told that he worked unofficially, so he would not see a salary.

3 Vacancies with training. You can stumble upon high paying job in the office for everyone. Arriving for an interview, you may be offered to undergo training for a fee, followed by employment. After completing such paid training, you will most likely not be hired anywhere, citing the fact that you showed poor results during the training.

Network marketing companies (MLM). Often behind the usual vacancies, such as a driver, sales manager, sales representative and the like, network companies are hiding. They go to outright deception by placing such ads, with the sole purpose of luring you to their office, where they will try to lure you into their project with convincing arguments. And since students are inexperienced and impressionable people, it often works. Next, you will be required an initial fee for products and send you to sell this superfood product to your relatives and friends.

Thousands of such stories can be found on the Internet. Fraud continues to develop - they scam over the phone, on the Internet, when applying for a job, etc. Be carefull! Here are some tips to help identify fraudulent employers:

  • Positions like “business partner”, “office employee” and the like do not inspire confidence. Most likely, these are scams or financial pyramids. The employer must clearly state the duties of the employee;
  • It is suspicious if a person accepts dozens of workers of different ages and does not refuse anyone;
  • If instead of an interview you are invited to a “presentation” or “seminar” and asked to bring a friend, this is most likely a pyramid scheme or network marketing;
  • Read carefully what you sign!
  • Never give documents as collateral;
  • Offer to take paid courses before hiring? This is a clear deception.
  • Read company reviews online. If there are too many negative ones, it is better to ignore the vacancy.
  • I spoke in detail about searching for a job on the Internet on bulletin boards in this article:. In short, it is better to avoid message boards and give preference to trusted sites for making money (see reviews).
  • Do not make cash contributions before working on the Internet!
  • Vacancies that come to you personally by email, provided that you have not submitted a resume, are most likely a scam mailing list.

Personally, I was deceived 2 times on the Internet. The first time the customer got the job and blocked me on Skype, that is, he disappeared without paying. The second time - I played an investment game and invested 2000-3000 rubles (for a student this is a normal amount), and soon the site was closed.

To every way I will bring brief information- about the average working time, salary per hour / shift / day, the frequency of payments, whether paperwork is required, sanitary books, and so on. When describing, I rely on my experience and the stories of friends. It is impossible to name the exact payment, since it will differ in different regions, but I will give the figures that are relevant in Vladivostok.

I take vacancies from Vkontakte groups, the topic of which is work for students. As for me, this is the most suitable "niche" for such activities, because I, like other students, spend a lot of time in in social networks, and most likely I will start looking for vacancies there, rather than on special sites. But you can also view vacancies here:

Method 1. Work at food outlets (baristas)

  • Schedule: free / shift
  • average salary: 110 rubles/hour (payment once a month)
  • Official employment: not necessary
  • Yes
  • Internship: unpaid, several weeks
  • Work experience: not needed

Barista - coffee specialist. Responsibilities include proper preparation of coffee and similar beverages. There are a dozen such points at my university. Usually 1-3 people work there (depending on the patency of the point). From classes - cooking (simple sandwiches or burgers from ready-made ingredients), brewing coffee, taking orders at the checkout.

Thanks to the free schedule, you can work at a convenient time, but the salary depends on the number of hours worked. Usually a student gets to work 4-8 ​​hours. If you work not at a university, but in a city coffee shop, the salary will be higher, but also get ready for a stricter schedule.

I also saw vacancies for summer jobs in food outlets (for example, at the counter with ice cream, fruit shakes).

It all depends on the weather (in the heat there will be no end to visitors, in rainy weather you are unlikely to earn anything at all), and the work is seasonal - i.e. only good for summer.

Method 2. Work in fast food restaurants (KFS, McDonald's, Burger King, etc.)

  • Schedule: flexible
  • Average salary: 108 rub. / hour + 24 rub. / hour meals
  • Official employment: Yes
  • Making a medical book: Yes
  • Internship: 1 week paid
  • Work experience: not needed

Work in restaurants fast food- probably one of the most popular jobs for students. And the heads of such institutions themselves do not hide this and often focus on students in their announcements. But is it really a good job?

Share your thoughts on this work Alena Moskvitina who works at KFC.

How is the training in the institution? What are the positions?

First of all, you come to the restaurant where you want to get a job and fill out a questionnaire. Already in the questionnaire itself there will be a table in which you indicate the hours during which you can work. Further interview with the director or with the deputy. Then a tour of the restaurant where they will show you everything and tell you which station you will work at.

There are the following stations:

  • Assembly / checkout;
  • Breading;
  • Saladette (includes french fries).

If everything suits you, after the tour you will be given a referral for a medical examination. Then your training at the station begins. You are assigned one coach and during the week you study and at the end you pass the certification. After successfully passing the certification, your rate rises to 108 r / hour + 24 r supplement for meals (tuition is paid, I don’t know what rate) and you start working.

What can you say about the work itself?

At the beginning, the work seems varied and I like it. But over time, you realize that diversity comes down to monotonous work at one station and you quickly get tired of the load. Sometimes you have to work for several people, as there is no necessary staff.

Is it possible to combine study with work?

It was possible to combine with study. At any time, you can approach the director and explain that there are problems in your studies and you can be given at least two working days a week. In general, every week we fill out our opportunities, where we again indicate how many hours we can work, from how much and until how much.

Do you like this job?

This is a very good opportunity for a student to earn extra money. Work in fast food, oddly enough, is just done with an emphasis on students, so they are given various indulgences so that they can do it both there and there.

Method 3. Work as a waiter/administrator in cafes/restaurants

  • Schedule: day, night, evening shifts of 8 hours
  • Average salary: 90-120 rubles per hour (paid once a month) + tips
  • Formation under the contract: not necessary
  • Making a medical book: Yes
  • Internship: several days
  • Work experience: desirable, but take without

The waiter is the most popular part-time job for students. Responsibilities include: serving guests of the establishment (taking orders, communicating), receiving and serving dishes. Also, the waiter needs to control the cleanliness of the hall, monitor the condition of appliances, dishes, inventory.

Well, the most important requirement: neat appearance, friendliness. Personally, I am pleased when a cheerful person serves me, which makes me feel better. The work is not difficult and suitable for all students.

Cafes and restaurants often require administrators. Their tasks are to meet guests, seat them, receive phone calls, count customers. They must also keep records and control the work of the hall. Also a simple job that is suitable for students.

Method 4. Promoter-consultant / ad poster (my experience) + tastings

  • Schedule: day shifts, 3-5 hours
  • Average salary: 100-200 rubles/hour
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: day or two
  • Work experience: not needed

The essence of the work of the promoter is to distribute leaflets on the streets and indoors. A person should be not shy and friendly in order to distribute as much promotional material as possible. Naturally, you can’t throw it away or somehow cheat (supervisors track it), otherwise you will be deprived of payment. Work usually takes place in crowded places on the street.

Another type of work is tasting. Surely you have met girls in the supermarket who offer to try something (for example, 1 dumpling), and then buy the full product (a pack of dumplings). This is also a job for students. Mostly they take girls, work for 3-4 hours, the payment is higher than that of the promoter + you are in the room.

If you are shy, you can try working as an ad poster. I worked this way for one day, then I changed my mind. Arrived at the office, filled out the paperwork. The next day I was given promotional material, about 500 business cards computer company offering its services. The task is to “put” 2 business cards into the front door in the entire area.

You can choose the area yourself. They gave me a map showing the way and right houses. BUT! It was necessary to start from a certain place, since the “supervisor” will go to check your work from there. This created a problem for me as the nearest stop where I landed was just the finish point.

The work is exhausting. Instead of the stated 2-3 hours, I did it in 4-5 hours. Legs get tired, and from the places to "eat" only fast food cafes where shawarma is sold. My job ended when I discovered that I had run out of promotional material. I even rejoiced at this.

The first day was an internship, not paid. The rest of the time I would have received 500 rubles a day if I had continued to work. However, the work is suitable if you have chosen the area in which you live.

Method 5. Work from student teams (guides, counselors, Putin, construction)

  • Schedule: seasonal
  • Average salary: 10000-100000 rubles/season
  • Formation under the contract: Yes
  • Making a medical book: Yes
  • Internship: training during the academic year
  • Work experience: not needed

I learned about the RSO (Russian student detachments) at the university, in my first year. It was boring in the hostel and I decided to watch the next event, among which was the "Exhibition of Student Squads". I went and found out that there are 4 directions in my university:

  • Pedagogical (they work as counselors in children's camps);
  • Builders (work on construction sites of roads, spaceports and other facilities);
  • Putin (catching and processing of fish at enterprises);
  • Conductors (work as conductors on trains).

Later it turned out that there are much more directions:

  • Service (maintenance of hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, etc.);
  • Medical;
  • Rescue;
  • Agricultural and others.

There are not all universities (usually large federal ones). The bottom line is that you join the squad (nothing is needed for this) and undergo training during the academic year (lectures + practice once a week). Naturally, you will find yourself in a student group, so get ready for new acquaintances and the sea positive emotions. At the end of the training, exams are held, and in the summer you can work in the direction.

I chose the pedagogical direction. I didn’t think about work - I just wanted to join in new team. Unfortunately, I did not work in the summer. Counselors work in shifts that last 21 days. All this period they work with children, organize events, solve various problems. The work isn't easy, but it's fun. They pay a little - up to 15,000 rubles, if there are no jambs behind you.

Friends who work for construction direction, received 60.000-80.000 rubles. for 2-3 months. Work at a construction site is different - someone prepares materials, and someone just sits in the office and deals with documents.

Friends working as conductors received 50,000-100,000 rubles. for a couple of months of work. But I would not choose such a direction, since for me this work is difficult and even somewhat dangerous (I have met violent passengers more than once).

Putin - the work is extremely difficult (constant work with fish). But they also pay well. Unfortunately, I have no friends who worked on Putin.

Method 6. Work as a merchandiser

  • Schedule: part-time job (8-12 hours)
  • Average salary: from 100-150 rubles/hour
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: not needed

A merchandiser is a person who helps in displaying goods in a store. That is, put food on the shelves, clothes and so on. The work is simple and well paid, but get ready for monotonous work.

I had a chance to work as a merchandiser in the New Yorker clothing store. Time - from 9 am to 9 pm, payment - 150 rubles per hour. For lunch they gave 2 times for 30 minutes, you decide when. It was necessary to accept the goods, lay them out and glue tags with sizes and prices in the back room.

By the end of the day, I no longer had the strength to stand on my feet, but I managed to get 1,500 rubles, which is enough for a student. One-time job, doesn't happen often.

Method 7. Working as a courier

  • Schedule: negotiable, usually part-time
  • Average salary: in different ways (some pay 100 rubles for delivery, others 1000 for a shift, others 7500 for a month).
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: not needed
  • Additional requirement: car (but not everywhere)

The essence of the work is the delivery of any goods from point A (for example, a warehouse, a pizzeria) to point B (another warehouse, a client's house). A person is required to deliver the order on time. Additionally, they can entrust the packing of orders and throw off the responsibility for the warehouse. Such work often requires a car, but I have seen courier vacancies within the same territory where a car is not required (example below).

Method 8. Work at rentals and attractions

  • Schedule: daytime, shift
  • Average salary: 500 rub/day + interest for each client
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: not needed

An amusement ride operator must be a sociable, sociable and cheerful person, because he needs to attract people. I often see vacancies for operators of virtual reality and slot machines, but you can come to the park yourself and find out if there is a job.

Huge plus- pay interest on the general cash desk per day. That is, the more people involved, the higher the salary. And it can be 1000 or 2000 rubles per day. At the same time, a person will gain sales skills that will be useful in the future.

Minus- The work is seasonal, and earnings depend on the day of the week. On weekends (especially hot days) there are a lot of people walking, and in rainy weather there may be no customers at all.

Another type of income is work on the rental of sports equipment, bicycles and so on. My university has its own rental, where students are willingly taken. Usually they want guys who understand the mechanics. Here is an example of such a job:

At such a job, my friend worked for a year and managed to earn money for a motorcycle! True, he had difficulties in his studies because of this, but it did not come to expulsion

Method 9. Work as an operator

  • Schedule: daytime, shift
  • Average salary: from 10.000 rubles/month
  • Formation under the contract: Yes
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Work experience: not needed

The operator performs the function of an assistant in any company. He, roughly speaking, is the "link" between the company and the client. Contacts people on the phone and provides assistance or offers some kind of service. You can work from home, the main thing is to have internet and a good microphone.

You need excellent knowledge of the services of your company, as well as courtesy and tolerance, because rude people can get caught on the phone and ruin your mood.

Method 10. Working as a photographer

  • Schedule: mostly free
  • Average salary: different (there may be a payment for a working day of 500 rubles, or for one photo)
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Work experience: desirable
  • Additional requirement: ability to work in photoshop

The duties of a photographer include taking pictures of various events, objects or people. The task is to take a cool picture that they want to pay you for. You also need the ability to work in Photoshop to process photos.

The work is universal - you can get a job in a company on a permanent basis or be independent (offer to do a photo shoot at weddings/corporate parties, and so on). Often, the services of a photographer are used by ordinary people who need cool pictures.

Work experience is desirable. To do this, you can take specialized courses. For example, here is what photoplay offers:

But, for sure, you can find cheaper options or do self-study through books and videos.

The photographer also needs to have a portfolio. It is not difficult to replenish it - offer a free (well, or with a minimum payment) photo shoot to friends or acquaintances. Here is how, for example, in our university, they replenish the portfolio:

Method 11. Work in nightclubs

  • Schedule: night, shift
  • Average salary: usually from 500-1000 rubles. per night
  • Formation under the contract: not necessary
  • Making a medical book:
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Work experience: not required

The first thing that comes to the mind of a student after admission is the thrill of the hot parties that await him. I periodically see announcements of events in nightclubs, such as "Stud Break", "Resting from study to the fullest" and so on. Some students in this place have a rest, while others receive good money.

What vacancies for students in nightclubs are in demand:

  • cashier operator. Filling out the cash report, calculation of guests. The average pay is 1000 rubles / shift, experience is not required.
  • Administrator. Communication with guests, meeting and seating guests, control of the hall, etc. Pay 100-150 rubles per hour
  • Waiters. Reception and distribution of dishes, keeping tables clean. They pay from 100 rubles per hour +% + tips. Health certificate required + experience required.
  • Guards. Ensuring physical security. Usually they take sports guys. They pay 200 rubles per hour. Possible training.
  • Svetovik is a lighting artist. Determines how best to make lighting design, prepares appropriate equipment, and so on. You can without experience. Typically, an internship is scheduled for several days. 800-1000 rubles per shift.
  • Promoter. Responsibilities - to gather people to discos in night club. The income depends on the number of attracted guests (maybe 500, 1500 and more). The nightclub also offers various goodies (free entry, drinks). You have to be able to attract people.
  • Promo models (girls). Those beautiful girls that shine in the pictures of the club. Only girls with certain parameters are suitable (height, clothing size). Responsibilities also include selling alcoholic beverages club guests. Usually they pay interest on sales (the more sold, the more received).
  • Bartender. Responsibilities: Pour, carry alcoholic beverages. Complete the report at the end of the shift. Work experience is desirable (you can take special courses), but some employers take without. Payment can be monthly (for example, 17,000 for 15 shifts), or hourly (for example, 100 rubles per hour) + tips.
  • DJ. A person who creates a fun atmosphere in the club and is responsible for the music. Work experience is desirable. The salary is high and reaches up to 3000 rubles/shift + % of the music order.

Method 12. Work as a security guard

  • Schedule: in shifts
  • Average salary: 100 rubles/hour
  • Formation under the contract: Yes
  • Making a medical book: no (but needed for protection children's institution)
  • Internship: Maybe
  • Work experience: not required

The security guard is responsible for ensuring security at the facility. Usually, students earn extra money as security guards in nightclubs, since it is more convenient to combine the schedule with study. However, if you have the opportunity to work a full shift, you can pick up shift vacancies.

They don't pay that much - usually 100 rubles per hour. I have seen payment even lower - 75 rubles per hour, but this, in my opinion, is not worth it. The security guard is not required to master martial arts and supernatural things - it is enough that the person is responsible, easily trained, decent, attentive, and also able to decide conflict situations.

You can get trained, get a rank and work at more serious objects with higher pay.

Method 13. Work as a loader

  • Schedule: one-time part-time job
  • Average salary: 100-200 rubles/hour
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

Easy to understand and physically difficult work. The loader's duties include unloading / loading goods, furniture, etc. As usual, the work goes on - you leave with the driver, arrive at the point, do the work.

Usually this is a one-time part-time job for 1-3 days with good pay. Suitable for students who cannot combine study with work, but have a couple of hours of free time on a certain day. The job is for the guys.

I also once participated in loading / unloading operations when I was a merchandiser. The work is hard physically, you get tired quickly, but there is nothing difficult.

Method 14. Work at the educational department at the university / laboratory assistant

  • Schedule: flexible
  • Average salary: stipend supplement
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

The job is suitable for students who are really passionate about their studies. You have to do various things - help teachers, work with documents, organize various events and more.

From the pros: work does not require qualifications and is easily combined with studies, you can earn the loyalty of a teacher. Of the minuses: I have to spend a lot of time at the university, low salary. A good study is required from a student, otherwise you simply will not be hired for this job.

To get a job, you should apply to the department or the dean's office of the university where you study.

Method 15. Work on scientific projects (scholarships)

  • Schedule: free
  • Average salary: stipend supplement
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

Like previous job suitable for students who love to learn. And they succeed in this. At our university, if a student does not have "triples" according to the results of the session, he is awarded a scholarship:

  • If the specialty is not a priority: a regular scholarship is 1800 rubles, an increased one is 4500 rubles. (if there are only “fives” in the standings);
  • If the specialty is a priority (for example, engineers): a regular scholarship is 2800 rubles, an increased one is 7500 rubles.

But if you engage in scientific and social activities, this amount can be significantly increased. Here is an example of the scholarships we have:

Click to enlarge image

And this is not the limit! I have heard of students making more money this way than teachers.

What to do to get such a scholarship? First, you need to study for "good" and "excellent". Secondly, to actively participate in the scientific and social life of the university. To do this, you should contact teachers or student organizations that are engaged in scientific activities. If your achievements are significant, you may be assigned an additional scholarship (for the entire semester or a one-time payment).

Method 16. Work as a handyman

  • Schedule: daytime (non-permanent work, usually for several days)
  • Average salary: 100-200 rubles/hour or from 800-1000 rubles/day
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

A fairly simple job that does not require special skills and training. Responsibilities include helping in stores or at any facilities. To drag something, shift goods, help at a construction site ... That's why they say "handyman". The work is not difficult, but monotonous.

The advantage is that it is well-paid and fickle. That is, if a student has a week of free time, he can earn 5,000-10,000 rubles, and then easily go about his business.

Method 17. Provision of copy services to students

  • Schedule: free
  • Average salary: 2-4 rubles / sheet, other services at your discretion
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

In the process of studying, a student often needs to print something: reports on work, term papers, diplomas ... And there are no printers in the hostel! Therefore, you have to use copy services at the university or in special centers in the city, but sometimes other students come to the rescue with the coveted equipment.

There was a Chinese student in our dormitory who printed out a piece of paper with a price list and slipped it under the door of each dormitory resident. So he promoted his services, and, as a result, I usually typed for him. Why? Close to the room where I live, and the prices are twice as low as at the university.

Or you can get a job at a copy center at your university. There will be more earnings, but such a schedule is often incompatible with study, since work usually takes place in the morning and afternoon:

Calculating the benefit is quite simple.. We buy a good printer (for example, Pantum P2200 for 5000 rubles), a pack of paper 500 sheets (200-300 rubles) and promote our services in social groups. The maximum number of pages for this printer, as stated by the seller, is 15,000 pages. Without taking into account the cost of paint and sheets, when printing for 2 rubles / sheet, we will get 30,000 rubles. Of course, such figures are not achievable, but I think you can reach 5,000 rubles / month, which is a good result for a student.

Method 18. Interviewer

  • Schedule: full time or free
  • Average salary: 1 questionnaire 100-200 rubles
  • Formation under the contract: Maybe
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: desirable

This type of earnings is suitable for sociable people - earnings directly depend on this. The essence of the work of the interviewer is to take a “mini-interview” from a person, conduct a survey and fill out a questionnaire. On average, they pay 100-200 rubles for one questionnaire (that is, for one interviewed person), but they can do more.

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You need to have a competent and clear speech and be able to correctly put a conversation with a stranger. The work can take place both on the street and by the “home” method, i.e. you conduct a survey, walking from apartment to apartment.

Method 19. Gym administrator

  • Schedule: full time work
  • Average salary: 20000 rub./month
  • Formation under the contract: Maybe
  • Making a medical book: Maybe
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No

The work of a gym administrator is also suitable for people who do not play sports. Worker tasks:

  • Control of the club: interaction with coaches and other staff;
  • Greeting guests and communicating with them;
  • Issuance of keys;
  • PC use;
  • Accounting for expenses and income.

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The administrator can get both a permanent job and a part-time job. And if the bosses are loyal, you may be allowed to use the equipment, which will be a plus for people who are involved / want to start playing sports.

Method 20. Working as a taxi driver

  • Schedule: free
  • Average salary: from 200 rubles/order
  • Formation under the contract: No
  • Making a medical book: No
  • Internship: No
  • Work experience: No
  • Additional requirement: having a car

We will not consider the full-fledged work of a taxi driver, but only a side job. On the Cell phones there are applications that allow people to place an order for a taxi. At this time, motorists who also have the application can take this order. It turns out a kind of "exchange" with performers and customers

What applications are popular:

  • gett;
  • Uber;
  • inDriver.

Personally, I use an indriver when I need a taxi. What are the advantages - low prices, the ability to see the driver's rating, quick response. If you have a car, you can earn some money this way on the way from the university or to free time. Various student events that take place far from the dormitories also allow you to cut the dough. For example, a party in a nightclub.

Being subscribed to the “Jobs for Students” group on Vkontakte, I closely monitored the vacancies, and one of them seemed curious to me. Unfortunately, this ad could not be found, but its content was something like this:

“People are needed for part-time work, payment of 500 rubles, you are required to be present at the event, details are in private messages.”

I decided to respond to the ad with a friend. As a result, we were all gathered in the city, put on a bus and taken to some institution where a land council was held (or something like that). All that was required of us was to listen to the narrator and vote for what - I don’t remember. And that's all.

After we were given 500 rubles, we were again put on the bus and taken to the collection point. All! I don’t know how “legal” this way of earning was, but it can be called “easy money”, since I did nothing.

How much can you earn - rating of ways

Above, I have described in detail each way of earning money on the spot / in the office for students. For a quick reference, I decided to put them in a table, giving an approximate salary and the complexity of the work:

Type of work Complexity Average earnings
Promoter/Ad Poster + Tastings Easily 100-200 rubles/hour
Merchandiser Easily 100-150 rubles/hour
Courier Easily Negotiating with the employer
Easily 500 rubles/day + interest from each visitor
Security guard Easily 100 rubles/hour
Loader Easily 100-200 rubles/hour
Handyman Easily 100-200 rubles/hour
Provision of copy services Easily Prices for services are set by you yourself
Working as a taxi driver Easily from 200 rubles/order
Medium 110 rubles/hour
Work in fast food restaurants (KFS, McDonald's, Burger King…) Medium 132 rubles/hour
Waiter / manager in a cafe / restaurant Medium 90-120 rubles per hour + tips
Medium 10000-100000 rubles/season
Operator Medium from 10000 rubles/month
Administrator in gym Medium 20000 rub./month
Medium 100-200 rubles/questionnaire
Photographer Medium Negotiated
Medium From 500-1000 rubles/night
Work at the educational department at the university Medium Scholarship add-on
Work on scientific projects Difficult Scholarship payments of various sizes (maybe 1000-5000 or 50,000 rubles)

Of course, you can see vacancies for other jobs for students. Just follow vacancies on social networks or on special job sites - and you will surely find something to your liking.

10 ways to earn money for students at home

Here we will look at the work that can be done at home. For many, you will need the Internet and a computer and that's it! No bosses, strict schedule and other problems. You decide when and with whom to work.

I chose freelancing as my work from home and I'm doing a great job of balancing it with my studies. You can work and do your homework at the same time while sitting at the computer. Of course, freelancing also has disadvantages: intermittent work, payment depends on the volume you have completed, the possibility of fraud ... But you quickly adapt to such conditions!

Method 1. Earnings on simple tasks

An easy way to make money for beginners. Many people started working on the Internet with it, including me.

Essence: perform simple tasks on exchanges / special sites. No skills, special courses are required for this - only a browser and access to the Internet. These tasks include:

Read the following, more complete articles on this topic on our website:

  • Enter captcha. The work is simple but monotonous. You need to drive in captchas (an image with distorted but legible text or numbers) on special service sites. On average, you can get 1-10 rubles per hour if you work without interruptions. Enough to top up your mobile phone account.

Method 2. Earnings on games

As a teenager, I spent a lot of time playing video games. Over time, I learned that you can make money on them, which I have been successfully doing to this day. I have turned my hobby into a source of income, and work brings me pleasure and money.

You can earn money both by playing them and by doing “third-party” activities, such as website promotion, copywriting, and more. I managed to identify the following ways to make money on games:

For myself, I chose copywriting, the topic - computer games. AT this moment I write about games (reviews, news, articles), and I am also a content manager on a gaming site. I won’t say that you can earn a lot on this - this topic is unpopular in copywriting, but less so. But I don’t need it - I write with pleasure, and this is the main thing.

Method 3. Earnings on mobile applications

Almost every schoolchild and student has a cool smartphone. In addition to calls, they perform a number of functions: games, watching movies, surfing the Internet. And they can even become a tool for making money! You can earn in the following ways:

Method 4. Earnings on comments, reviews

Another interesting and easy way to make money is to write reviews and comments. Usually these are “mini texts” in a couple of sentences with a specific message: praise something, express your opinion, ask a question, and so on. Comments and reviews are ordered by the owners of sites and blogs in order to promote them.

Tasks for paid comments can be found on the following sites:

The bottom line is to write a unique (the uniqueness of the text can be checked for free on the service a comment according to the requirements of customers. This can be a positive comment under a YouTube video, a review about a hotel, and more. Here is an example of work that is found on QComment:

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On the plus side, good pay. As you can see in the picture, for 150 characters you will be paid 10 rubles. And this is just two lines in Microsoft Word. Consider the order in more detail:

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A minimum of requirements, but this does not mean that the work needs to be done "for fuck off". I would treat the customer with respect and read the article he offers and ask normal question on this topic. With this attitude, your task will definitely be accepted, and you will receive money and a rating.

What do you need to work? Literacy, the ability to express thoughts, attentiveness. On QComment, I managed to earn 100 rubles per hour only on comments. Not bad, isn't it? There is also a rating system on the site, on which payment depends.

Now I will explain the meaning of earning on reviews. Take a look around. I have a laptop on my desk, speakers next to it, a phone, a great mouse and a bunch of other things. I have used them and can share my experience with other users. In other words, I can review these products and get paid for it!

Essence: register on the review site, post reviews and get rewarded for the text. Additionally, you earn money for each view! That is, passive income after writing a review is provided.

Popular review sites:

Method 5. Earnings on surveys

Polls are another good way earn for students. The bottom line is to answer a couple of questions in any area (for example, about student life) and get paid for it. Earnings depend on the duration and frequency of completing surveys.

Unfortunately, this cannot be called a permanent job - surveys do not appear as often as we would like, and their completion will take from 10 to 30 minutes a day. But this is a great way to earn a couple of hundred rubles!

I talk more about earning money in this cool article:

Method 6. Earnings on social networks (task completion + content manager + earnings on advertising)

Students quite often spend time on social networks. And you can also make money from it! You can do this in three ways:

You can also earn money in social networks if you get a job moderator or content manager to the community. It is not possible for one person to cope with all the tasks, namely: filling the community with content (news, articles), promotion, communication with the audience, and more. Therefore, he hires people who will take on these responsibilities. Usually they pay from 1000 to 3000 per month.

Jobs can be found at the following sites:

They post vacancies from employers on the topic of freelancing, and you can apply for them. Or write a resume and wait for a response. Here, for example, is how people present themselves to Moguz:

The third and most difficult way for students to make money on social networks is to create and maintain communities with subsequent monetization. That is, you yourself come up with the theme of the group (for example, "The Best Movies and Series") and lead the group. Content filling can be done independently at first, and then, as income grows, delegated to people.

When the community has 500-1000 subscribers, you can try to publish ads. Usually it is offered by other people who want to promote their groups / services / products. You can also try to use the internal advertising platform of the network - for example, as in Vkontakte:

As you can see, a public with a reach of 1 million subscribers can get 20,000 rubles in one click! But we will take a more mundane case. For example, a group with 10,000 people can bring its owner 30,000 rubles a month.

Method 7. Providing assistance to students - homework, control, term papers, diplomas

A common type of earnings among students, based on knowledge in various subjects. Sometimes it is difficult for me to keep up with the abundance of homework that we are asked, or this subject is simply not interesting to me and I do not need it. Then I turn to people who are good at this and ask them to do a task for money. I usually spend 200-500 rubles for 1 work.

If you succeed, for example, in mathematics, then your help will be useful to people in the humanities. How to promote your services? You can use social networks and place an ad in the groups of your university:

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Or register on special sites and help schoolchildren and students from all over the world. They are exchanges where there are customers (students who need help) and performers (in this case, it's us). An example of such sites:

How to register as an author and see orders (using the example of Author24). Follow the link, then click the Join button in the upper right corner:

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Flaw the above methods: huge competition. Especially if you are a beginner without a portfolio. Because of this, you have to reduce prices and sometimes work in the red.

You can also get a job with an agency that has a good reputation. Here the competition is definitely not terrible, but your earnings will be lower, since part of the money goes to the "bosses". Examples of such agencies:

To get a job, you need to write to the administration and offer your services. Choosing this method, you must be aware of the responsibility to the students. If you complete the task incorrectly, your reputation will fall and it is unlikely that the person will turn again. And, as you know, any "business" is built on regular customers.

Method 8. Copywriting

Copywriting refers to the following types of work:

  • Informative articles like this one you're reading right now;
  • Short posts on social networks;

|Marina Emelianenko | 5681

It's no secret that quality education costs a lot of money, especially if you are a resident of another city. Quite often, parents are simply not able to pull the required amount, and then the student needs to find a job.

For the summer or holidays, students can earn extra money.

How to find a job when there is absolutely no experience? What is better to pay attention to?

In one case, extreme need makes yesterday's schoolchildren go in search of work, in the other, the desire to support themselves, have more pocket money, enter the profession and gain valuable experience.

Work for students without work experience. What are the options?

Working for evening students is not unusual. It is much easier to work during the day and devote the evening to science. Another thing is when a job or part-time job for students is necessary for those who study full-time. In this scenario, it is best to pay attention to the following types of employment:

Remote collaboration.

Work for students with a free schedule.

Part-time work.

It would seem, why should employers look for an extra “headache” and adapt to young people? However, there is a reasonable grain in this. Firstly, part-time work for students is paid much lower than the work of an ordinary employee. Secondly, the employer thus invests in the future. With successful cooperation, there is a high probability that today's student and tomorrow's graduate will come to work in the very company where he received his first experience.

Remote collaboration is the most best option for students with no work experience. You can plan your day on your own, devoting your free time to work, and not tearing it out of the flow of lectures, practical classes, and even more so, without missing them. Work for students with a free schedule is also a good option. However, you will have to be present at the workplace, albeit at a self-determined time. Working for students with no work experience on a part-time basis is perhaps the least attractive option. Although the working day is incomplete, the start and end times of the working day are still determined.

Work and part-time work for students. How much can you earn?

Depending on what kind of work you find and in what region you are, the amount of your earnings can vary significantly. AT major cities employers are willing to pay more, but the requirements are tougher.

So, Alexander Sidorchuk, a student of the philological faculty of one of the capital's universities, notes that, working as a courier on a free schedule, his earnings range from 200 to 400 dollars a month. Work for students in network marketing can bring up to $500 per month. However, in the context of the economic crisis, it has become much more difficult to find buyers for the goods. Some jobs can generate passive income. As the future accountant Elena Kirillova notes, when she got a job as a waiter, she knew that the salary was low. However, the amount of tips that she manages to earn is still pleasantly surprising. In any case, absolutely any work will require your strength and time, and sometimes much more than you planned to give it initially. You should be prepared for this.

So, you started looking for a job or part-time job. What should you focus on, and what pitfalls should you avoid?

Soberly evaluate your knowledge. Many industries already assume the presence of certain knowledge, albeit theoretical. Even if you have been offered a job, but you absolutely do not understand anything about it, it is worth considering whether you can meet the expectations of the employer.

Look for a job or part-time job in your profession or in a related specialty. In extreme cases, of course, part-time work for students can be completely unrelated to learning, but this is unlikely to be useful to you in the future.

Don't chase high pay. Everyone probably knows students who were able not only to combine study with work, but also to fully support themselves. However, for this it is necessary either to have a number of talents, or to have very influential acquaintances. Any employee at the beginning of his career must show what he is capable of. The brightest careers are based on very unprestigious positions. Put yourself in the shoes of an employer. Would you pay a lot to a person without the slightest experience and knowledge?

You should not be afraid of a non-prestigious job. The only caveat, immediately check with the employer whether it is possible in the future to move to a more responsible and serious position.

Do not believe those who say that work for students with no work experience is fantastic. He who seeks will always find. It’s just that in some cases it’s important to moderate your ambitions.

Work for students. Where to looking for?

There are many job search options for both students and all other job seekers. Main paths:

Advertisements in newspapers, on the Internet.

Personal acquaintances.

Job fairs.

Recruitment agencies.


Jobs and part-time jobs for students can be both temporary and can be the beginning of your brilliant career. In any case, when looking for a job, you should not tell employers that work is more important for you than studies. By skipping classes, you will no longer be appreciated by the employer. This will only indicate your irresponsible attitude towards her. But on the other hand, having successfully entered the desired specialty and found a job or part-time job, make sure that you do not have a situation, as in the famous joke: “I skip school in order to go to work, which I got for tuition fees." No prestigious company will take on the responsibility of hiring a completely illiterate specialist, which you can easily become without paying due attention to training.

Students most often want money and experience from work. Money is needed for life, work experience is necessary for a future career. There are other goals - to sit out the military age, to find a warm place, so that later you can go on maternity leave and others, but this is secondary.

Therefore, there are, in fact, two strategies for where and how a student can get a job:

    look for "easy" money and simple work;

    look for a promising place that will give a good career start (sometimes it can even be a free job).

Choose your path. I will talk about both options in the article and make an overview of vacancies without experience requirements.

Finding a simple job

If you are interested in additional income, the easiest way is not to think about the future, about a career, but simply look for something that is closer to home, more convenient in terms of schedule and higher in terms of money. If you set a goal, a student with no work experience can find a job in 2-3 days - this is real.

In every chain of cafes or restaurants there is an ad like “Do you want to work with us? Fill out the form." Similarly, you can fill out a questionnaire on the site. In fact, this is the whole approach to finding a job for pocket money. I took the cafe as an example.

Similarly, you can go to any job site and find entry-level jobs.

Types of employment

Employment can be any - permanent, part-time, remote. There is also flexible work and freelancing. Each type has its own nuances.

permanent employment- most fast way get the right skills and experience. There are many good jobs. The only downside is that you have to work all day.

part time job and flexible schedule allow the student to combine work and study. Under such conditions, there is less good work, but if you wish, you can find it.

Remote employment give the opportunity to work from home and from any city and country. It is common in the IT field (you can program at home), journalism and some other areas. Minus - if there is no experience, it will be difficult to get it, because there will be no experienced colleague at hand and all questions will have to be asked by Google.

Jobs without experience requirements

To better understand where it is easier for a student to find a job, you can choose from popular professions. Go to any job site and choose what you like.

What to choose from:

    salesperson, sales manager, customer service manager, Sales Representative or agent. There are a lot of jobs like this. They are called differently, but the essence is the same - you need to work with customers.

    Office Manager, Secretary, Executive Assistant, Office Administrator. There is a need for such specialists.

    Intern, assistant, trainee, assistant in different industries - banks, insurance, accounting, restaurants, advertising, law, etc. A student without experience can easily get a job for such an internship, because there are enough vacancies on the market.

    Loader, storekeeper, warehouse worker, handyman and other working professions. Ordinary manual work, no experience is required, everything is taught right on the spot.

    Courier. Even schoolchildren are hired for such work.

    Driver. You need to have a license, a little driving experience and your own car.

    Waiter. Often you don't need to know anything at all.

    Merchandiser. The person who is on outlets arranges the goods in the right way and monitors the speed of product sales.

    call center operator. It is necessary to answer stupid and smart questions from customers - they are trained, as a rule, on the spot.

    Chef, confectioner, culinary specialist. You need to be good at cooking.

    Maid, hotel receptionist, hostess.

And many many others. Among the industries you can find medicine, construction, work with children, collection, design, logistics, floristry, etc.

Summer job

Similarly, through a job site, a student can find a job for the summer: choose a job, call and agree on a 2 or 3-month contract. This will be understood and your honesty will be appreciated.

In addition to vacancies, there are many student labor camps (local or out of town). This option is not the most monetary, but more romantic. And you can leave your parents for a few weeks.

Search for a promising job

If you want to start building a career and you need experience, then it makes sense not to look for a place that will be closer to home or better in terms of money, but one that will be more interesting in terms of duties and more promising in the future.

There is a step-by-step system of how a student can find Good work and it begins with self-determination - who to be.

1. Who do you want to work. First, it is important to choose a direction - programming, teaching, repair, banking, logistics, etc. If you can be specific, it will be great. For example, not just banking, but trade securities. Or not just logistics, but warehouse management.

2. Career plan for 3 years. With such a plan in mind, it will be easier for you to look for a job, evaluate employers, prepare for an interview and pass it. Planning for the future makes life easier.

Why am I writing about three years, and not another period? There are several reasons for that:

    Serious jobs often require at least three years of experience.

    If you work in one area for three years and do not jump anywhere, you can grow professionally. In parallel with this, start earning decent money.

    In three years it is easy to acquire the necessary connections. Yes, you don't recognize the whole industry, but you can recognize some part of it well.

A career plan may include acquiring the necessary skills, solving problems, or participating in projects. You can also set a goal to get into the desired company (for example, to choose an industry leader). All this in the future you will write in your resume. These achievements will sell you and you won't have to prove anything to anyone.

3. First job. Taking the first step, the main thing is to adequately assess your strengths and not to overestimate your expectations. Of course, you should not lower your expectations and self-esteem either.

The most common reason for long job searches is “I don’t know what I want.” The second is high expectations. Knowing little, wanting a lot is a fairly common phenomenon among young professionals. Therefore, evaluate your abilities carefully and carefully. Otherwise, you can look for a job for six months or even more.

To understand the requirements of employers and try them on for yourself, study the vacancies. Find interesting offers, call, chat with an HR specialist, ask your questions. Market research will help you properly assess the situation.

Feel free to consider starting positions. At the interview, you can specify your height, the employer's expectations from you. In 6 months you can get the first experience, master the necessary skills and become productive. This is already an occasion to discuss a salary increase or a position. If the negotiations do not lead to success, you can re-enter the labor market and find a better job.

And finally, about one popular difficulty.

Typical problem: no experience = no job

Yes, not every position can be obtained without experience, but there are a lot of decent jobs that you can still get.

For many, it is not your experience that matters, but your skills. Some companies are simply tired of receiving resumes from those who do not know anything at all and do not know how. Therefore, they put up a barrier and write in the requirements about experience. Not all companies do this, but it does happen.

It is important for you to show and prove that you have the necessary skills. The designer must be able to draw, so he needs to prepare a portfolio of work. The programmer needs to show how his programs work. The chemist needs to describe his research and its results. And so on.

There are vacancies for which they take without experience. You just have to want to find them. For example, it is difficult to get a job as a designer without experience, but I found five entry-level open vacancies (it took 4 minutes to do this).

There are many vacancies for interns, assistants and assistants in the public domain. In a word, there is a choice.

2 460 0 Hello! In the article you will find information about how a student can work during school hours and during the summer holidays, about options for online and offline earnings, about what methods are effective for employment.

Who can work as a full-time student

Getting to work, a person must adhere to a certain schedule and work schedule. But in the case of full-time students, the situation is somewhat different. Classes cannot be missed, but work also requires presence, and here everything will depend on what kind of company it is and how it will be possible to agree with superiors and teachers.

Therefore, a student during his studies should be provided with employment in such a way that it minimally overlaps with the time of study, or so that a full-time student does not have to be constantly present at the workplace.

And here, when choosing a job, you should focus on the following parameters:

  • Part-time jobs. Jobs like this are common in the service industry. Sometimes even the schedule is changeable, that is, on one day you need to leave in the morning, and the next - in the afternoon. Some large companies even position themselves as organizations in which students can work.
  • Jobs with remote employment. Certain types of professions today do not require mandatory presence at the workplace. These are, for example, journalists, photographers, programmers, work on the Internet.
  • Summer jobs. Summer part-time work is the most common way for students to find employment. Working in the summer, you will not have to worry about missed classes and upcoming hours of detention.
  • For students from the 3rd year and older, you can try to search job vacancies with a view to further employment. If you can agree, this is a great option, since all the practical exercises can be worked out in this enterprise with real data, and not in fictitious companies.

Options for offline and online earnings for a student

These types of earnings differ in that online work requires a computer and Internet access. Such types of employment are often remote, quite free according to the schedule. But the level wages substantially lower.

The most common ways to make money on the Internet:

1. Polls, paid comments, earning on clicks and likes, etc. There are many such opportunities on the Internet, you can do this at any time, but the earnings there are very small, in order to earn a significant amount, you will have to sit online all the time, answering many questions or filling out hundreds of questionnaires.

2. Writing and proofreading various texts (copywriter, rewriter, editor, proofreader). To do this, you can try to become a performer on some text exchange, where thousands of texts are sold and bought daily. Incomes are also small, but larger and more stable than in the first option. In addition, having gained some experience, you can try to get a job in one of the many resources that entertain their readers with news and various articles.

3 . Work with the use of professional skills. If a student has any skills in a certain area, then you can try to earn on them. For example, having drawing skills, especially with the use of graphics tablets and various special programs, you can try yourself on the path of a designer. And guys with technical knowledge and programming skills may well try their hand at web programming. And then there are photographers and videographers who run their channels on the Internet.

4 . Position in any Internet project:

  • smm manager;
  • Sales Manager;
  • operator;
  • social network group administrator;
  • Content manager;
  • online consultant;
  • assistant infobusinessman;
  • Web Designer;
  • editor, etc.

5 . Work on freelance exchanges. By becoming a member, you can perform various one-time tasks for customers (correct text, mount a video, come up with a slogan, make changes on the site, etc.)

All types of offline work can be divided into the following categories:

  • Work for money. In this case, the student can get a job in any organization, and often such earning options do not coincide with his future profession. This happens when students, in search of a source of income, get a job as couriers, sellers, loaders, waiters;
  • Work as an investment in the future. Working conditions and wages are unsatisfactory. But the student, when getting a job, motivates himself by the fact that this is an investment in the future, so that by the time he receives his diploma, he already has some practical experience in his specialty, the necessary contacts and can easily get a job. good vacancy possibly in the same company. For example, a future heating engineer working part-time as an assistant engineer for a company that provides heating and plumbing services. Or a future teacher working in an educational center as an educator.

In any case, working offline involves more effort, because, as a rule, this requires the presence in the office, live work with clients, and communication with work colleagues. Of these vacancies, a full-time student can be advised to:

  • Sales Manager;
  • merchandiser;
  • call center operator;
  • advertisement sticker;
  • promoter;
  • interviewer;
  • babysitter;
  • vacancies in the service sector: seller, waiter, bartender, administrator in a hotel, cafe or fitness center, etc.;
  • courier;
  • security guard.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the less qualified the work, the lower it is paid and the less it contributes professional development. For example, such vacancies as a courier or an ad poster are more suitable for a 1st year student than a future university graduate.

How can a student look for a job?

To find a job, you should use as many ways as possible and cover all information channels as much as possible:

  • Through friends. Ask your classmates, classmates and acquaintances about vacancies for students. Perhaps someone is already working and will be able to recommend you to their superiors. In this case, the likelihood of employment will increase, since employers are not always willing to take students, unless it is within the policy of their company. In addition, you can get helpful tips and recommendations on which job options are best suited, how to combine work with study, etc.
  • In the Internet. Look for jobs on job boards on the Internet. Today there are many of them, from ordinary to highly specialized, where only vacancies are offered. There are convenient filtering mechanisms on such boards, with the help of which you can find interesting vacancies.
  • Ads. Study the ads on the doors of organizations and companies, especially in the service sector. Often on the door of a restaurant or cafe there is an announcement that they need an employee. If you find a job near your school or home, you can save on long journeys from point A to point B.
  • Contact companies that are of interest. Choose companies where you would like to work and study their websites, they may need employees. But even if they do not currently have vacancies, you can send your resume. Some companies collect submitted resumes and then, when a vacancy appears, they use them.
  • Work at the university. You can simply contact the head of the department or the dean with a question, perhaps a methodologist or secretary is required at the university. Then it will be even easier to combine work with study.
  • Content exchanges. If you plan to make money on the Internet by doing programming, design or copywriting, then you should use the services of many exchanges where such specialists post their portfolios.

Advantages and disadvantages of combining work with study

Working while studying has a number of advantages:

  1. Financial independence. This is exactly what many people start working on.
  2. An experience professional activity if you managed to get a job in a company close to your specialty. Everyone knows that obtaining a diploma does not miraculously open the doors of companies, employers are reluctant to hire employees without work experience.
  3. Self-organization skills. Since a working student exists in constant conditions of time pressure and the need to do a lot of things, he is forced to learn how to use time rationally.
  4. Expanding contacts. While studying, the student interacts only with teachers and students like him. And while working, he has to communicate more actively, including with people who can help him develop professionally.

Disadvantages of work for students:

  1. High fatigue, lack of rest.
  2. Not enough time for studying which can lead to certain difficulties in the performance of tasks.
  3. Lack of time for personal affairs and leisure. While classmates go for a walk around the city or celebrate some event, a student who works has practically no time left for other things.
  4. Fewer opportunities for close interaction with classmates.

But in general, the early start of a career characterizes a student as an adult, capable of taking responsibility and planning his future. And here it will be more important not the amount of temporary earnings, but the level of the company, the specifics of its activities, the main tasks that the student himself performs, and the experience that he accumulates.

Whom to go to work as a part-time student

For a part-time student in terms of employment, everything is a little easier. Except for a couple of months of the year, the rest of his time is free. But at the same time, many of these students have already managed to start a family or have previously received a different education. Therefore, they are usually more interested in work than full-time students.

If a student receives higher education for the first time, then the employer is obliged to provide him with paid holidays. It is better to immediately choose a job that corresponds to the specialty received in order to hone your knowledge in practice and accumulate professional experience.

And, nevertheless, part-time students have much more freedom in choosing a suitable vacancy. Employment options may include:

1. By direction:

  • work in the specialty (architect, programmer, marketer, journalist, lawyer, teacher, etc.);
  • work in a field other than the specialty (sales manager, administrator, photographer, designer, editor, writer, etc.);
  • temporary part-time job (waiter, courier, operator, seller, etc.).

2. By type of employment:

  • offline (manager, engineer, accountant, taxi driver, lawyer, teacher, tour guide, etc.);
  • online (copywriter, proofreader, Internet project administrator, sales manager, web designer, etc.).

3. According to the schedule:

  • full time work;
  • part-time (courier, operator, administrator, work in the pedagogical field, etc.);
  • flexible schedule (for example, remote work).

Correspondence form of education involves great job for self-training, so it is important to start contributing to your future career as early as possible, comprehending the intricacies of the chosen profession.

Rjob has two news for students. One of them can hardly be called good - the other day, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets denied rumors about the imminent increase in scholarships for university students. According to the official, in 2015-2016 the state will not increase them to the average subsistence level - 10,017 rubles. Do not allow economic conditions. Yes, it's sad, but there is a second piece of news - organizations in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country have become more willing to use the work of students, and universities are trying to arrange classes taking into account their employment.

In Russia, a scholarship is the subject of eternal jokes. It is low even among excellent students who receive about 7 thousand rubles a month. The average amount is even less - 1700 rubles. A student, especially a nonresident student, will not last even a week on them. But what if only young people pay 2,000-5,000 rubles a month for a hostel?

Moms and dads are ashamed to strain, dreaming about treasures and random freebies is stupid and undignified. It's time to work. In the first year, it is unrealistic to carve out time for this - there are no free "windows" in the schedule, but in the second or third year - please. As a rule, deans divide students into groups: someone studies in the first half of the day, someone - in the second. Few institutes and universities work on Saturdays, which means that boys and girls have two full days for personal purposes. Moreover, there are additional days off on even or odd weeks. In October-November, you can make your own schedule and, focusing on it, start looking for vacancies.

For the first time

What a student will need for employment:

SNILS- individual pension insurance card number. It is received in pension fund RF at the place of residence.

TIN- taxpayer identification number. It is issued by the tax authority of your city.

bank card we do not consider it - it has already been issued at the university.

Health book or medical certificate- if suddenly you are going to work in a cafe or restaurant, with groceries or with children.

However, as practice shows, students are hired for their first job without the above documents.

And now we are studying the list where “everyone is important, everyone is needed” ...


Earnings from 1000 to 2000 rubles per day or 20,000 - 28,000 rubles per month

Many people think that this is boredom and fuss, running for a penny. However, in recent years, the work of foot couriers has changed dramatically. It's kind of like a quest. Moscow services, for example, "Dostavista" or "Bringo" made the process of work as attractive as possible for students. they themselves make a schedule, choose the number of orders and addresses for delivery and receive - at the end of the shift.

“My first outing was like a game. I registered on the site, downloaded a special application to my smartphone, the company sent the coordinates of its office. The speed with which I will reach them was taken into account, - says courier and sophomore student Evgeny Lishchenko. - There I was instructed, given the starting task, and in the evening they paid off. Running around does not tire at all, because orders are selected taking into account my address - I cut circles not far from my own house. Comfortable. I spent a day - 1500-1700 rubles fell on the card. I want to work, I want to rest. And no one is above the soul, no need to go to the office in the morning.

By the way, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, delivery agencies often pay couriers for travel in public transport and office phones.

Shop assistant

Earnings - from 15,000 rubles per month and above

Large retail chains and companies like Zara, Gap, Marks&Spencer, Adidas and others have no problem hiring students. The easiest way to get a job as a sales consultant.

“I didn’t call anywhere, I didn’t sign up for an interview with personnel officers, although it was possible to contact the main office directly,” recalls third-year student Sergey Artyukhov.- I came to the store, took a questionnaire from the girls at the checkout, filled it out, indicated that I was ready to work four days a week. Job applicants are sometimes asked to take a written test. It is easy - not higher mathematics. I handed all the papers to the manager. A couple of days later I got a call and was invited for an interview. A day later - sent to work in shopping center. I receive about 18,000 rubles a month. It’s not enough for rented housing, but for a student from a hostel it’s normal.”

Manager on the phone

Earnings - 15,000 - 20,000 rubles per month

“I am studying sociology and work in a medical office. At first, when classmates pestered me with questions: “Where? How? ”, She was embarrassed to answer because of the specifics of the company. Imagine, I talk on the phone for hours about prostate massage, about its benefits and prices, - laughs student Ekaterina Kutepova.- It's good that you don't have to call people with annoying ads. After about the third or fourth pay, I completely forgot about the complexes. The main thing is that there is a stable income, equal to ten of my scholarships, and I do not sit on my mother's neck at 19 years old.

Ticket inspector in a theater or cinema

Earnings - 18,000 - 24,000 rubles per month

They also have shift work. Usually 2/2. In theaters, students work from 17:00 to 21:30 on weekdays, on weekends - from morning to evening. In cinemas, the working day ends late at night, but employees are brought to their homes by company vehicles.

Of the bonuses - free viewing of films and performances. By the way, in some Moscow theaters students of theatrical universities - future artists - earn extra money as controllers.


Earnings - from 500 to 2000 rubles per hour

If in the recent past a student perfectly passed the exam, studies at the university with "five", he can calmly convert knowledge into money - work.

“I found clients in my former school. I do physics and mathematics with two ninth graders, - explains Baumanka student Nikolay Shepilov.- I'm preparing them for the GIA. Useful old books, notebooks. I bought new manuals and talked with teachers so that there were no discrepancies with the programs. I take 700 rubles per hour. I spend my lessons on my free days, in the breaks between seminars and lectures. The parents of the guys say that progress is noticeable, but I'm not in a hurry to draw conclusions - let's look at the results of the certification. I'm interested in them too."

Active people have 25 hours a day

You can continue the list of vacancies yourself. It will find a place for waiters, interviewers, laboratory assistants of departments, copywriters, loaders... Full of options with internships and subsequent employment. Anyone who wants to work will definitely find something to their liking.

Employers these days don't pay attention to seniority and the age of the candidates, their quality, motivation, ability to learn quickly are more important for them. And you can't take that away from students.

The sooner students get used to the idea that active people have 25 or more hours in a day, the easier it will be for them in the future.

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