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Banks are the most important economic agents. In market conditions, competition among financial and credit organizations is extremely high. Limited resources, tightening banking legislation, unstable political situation in the world are forcing banks to find the most effective ways work in order to stay on the market of banking services. Against this background, special relevance the problem of staff motivation acquires, since the result of the work of employees and the further development of the organization will depend on a properly constructed system of incentives. object of this study are the basic processes of management. Subject– personnel motivation in Russian banks. aim research is a theoretical review various kinds motivation and empirical substantiation of their influence on the effective performance of work by bank personnel. To achieve them, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Consider motivation systems used in Russian banks
  • Analyze the best practices of effective motivation in Russian banks
  • Explore the features of the use of KPI in the system of motivation of bank staff
  • Identify the main trends in the use of staff motivation in Russian banks

1. Theory of motivation

1.1 Types of motivation

Henri Fayol identified five main functions of management, one of which is motivation. Motivation - "it is the process of achieving a balance between the goals of the company and the employee in order to best meet the needs of both."

Modern management knows many theories of motivation. In my opinion, the most applicable to bank personnel can be considered content theories of motivation(hierarchy of needs by A. Maslow, two-factor model by F. Herzberg) and theories "X», « Y" and "Z» presented from the position of human resources.

Abraham Maslow in his theory arranged 5 needs that motivate a person in a strict hierarchical order: physiological needs, the need for security, the need for belonging and love, the need for respect, the need for self-actualization. In order to realize their full potential and fulfill themselves, the worker must first satisfy the lower needs.

In the two-factor model, F. Herzberg singled out motivational factors ("motivators") and hygiene factors (health factors). The first group of factors is internal, it includes professional success, prospects for further development, recognition of the results achieved, etc. It is believed that when using them, a person will be satisfied with his work and his productivity will be kept on high level, otherwise there is no dissatisfaction with the work. Another group of factors is external, it is represented by working conditions, wages, relations with employees and management, etc. If these factors are present in insufficient quantities, then the employee experiences low satisfaction from his activity, but their sufficient presence is not able to motivate for a better result.

According to the "X" concept of Douglas McGregor, employees will avoid running errands, therefore, in order to achieve the best results, given the economic dependence of people, it is necessary to stimulate staff in the form of money. On the contrary, theory "Y" is that employees have great potential, many non-standard ideas that contribute to the improvement of the organization's performance, for their implementation, the manager must create the appropriate conditions as an incentive. The follower of this concept, the author of the “Z” theory U. Ouchi believed that providing work for life and concern for welfare will provide employees with stability, loyalty to the company and confidence in the future, which will lead to the effective fulfillment of the tasks of the organization.

According to the above scientific theories of motivation, two forms of motivation are practiced in the Russian banking system: material and intangible.

1.2 Financial motivation of bank personnel in Russia

In the system of Russian banks, there are a number of ways financial incentives workers, which can be conditionally divided into two groups - monetary and non-monetary incentives.

  • cash bonuses/bonuses for meeting the bank's goals or KPIs (paid annually, quarterly or upon achievement of indicators)
  • commission payments for the conclusion of a certain number of transactions
  • individual monetary rewards for special skills, loyalty, long service, etc.
  • division of bank profits among employees
  • additional benefits

The non-monetary group includes the following types:

  • various types of social and health insurance
  • preferential banking and other services
  • payment by the bank of certain expenses (communication services, transport costs)
  • pension contributions
  • provision of a personal car, secretary, parking space, etc.
  • providing discounts and gift certificates to various shops, restaurants, etc.
  • provision of travel vouchers
  • gifts for employees and their families
  • tuition payment

1.3 Non-material motivation of bank personnel in Russia

Currently, the effectiveness of non-monetary incentives for staff is increasing. The most common methods of non-material incentives for bank employees are as follows:

  • providing a flexible work schedule
  • joint leisure activities for the entire banking team
  • recognition from superiors
  • opportunity for advanced training career development, professional development
  • the opportunity to participate in decision-making, discuss important issues for the bank (inclusion in the credit committee, asset and liability management committee, etc.)
  • Symbolic awards (board of honor, title of "best employee", article in the corporate press, souvenirs, plaques, T-shirts with the inscription "for labor achievements")
  • Enrollment in the bank's personnel reserve

2. Practical application of motivation

2.1 Examples of staff motivation in Russian banks

The forms and types of employee motivation presented in the theoretical part are reflected in the real practice of Russian banks. Below are some examples.

1. Sberbank adheres to the principle of "pay for achieving results." There is a gradation of motivation for employees of different levels. Senior managers are evaluated according to the "Priority Projects" system. Its essence lies in the independent setting and coordination of goals with the banking strategy by the top manager and their further transfer to lower levels in the form of decomposed projects. To evaluate the effectiveness of ordinary employees in the distribution of bonuses for the performance of group indicators, there is a “5+” system, which is based on 5 key factors: “personal performance, improvement of professional knowledge, innovation and workflow optimization, teamwork and customer focus”. Certain categories of workers are also rewarded. Thus, the premium of tellers depends on the volume of sales of a certain banking product. The bank also has a project called the League of Talents, which aims to include young specialists in groups to solve the most pressing problems. Sberbank provides rich social. a package that includes health and accident insurance fully funded by the bank, subsidies for food, supplements to pensions, etc. After retirement, bank employees receive an additional non-state pension, which is paid on the basis of accumulated funds. Every year, the Savings Bank holds the competition "Best in Profession", a victory in which makes it possible to train in the best branches of the bank or receive additional education. Symbolic awards are also distributed in the bank: “Gratitude of the President of the Bank, honorary insignia, medal, honorary and anniversary certificates, entry into the Book of Honor”.

The following examples illustrate the individual elements of motivation that are used in banks.

2. In Alfa-Bank for employees wage consists of two parts: “a permanent part - a salary, and a variable one - a bonus in the amount of a salary, the reduction of which is issued by order indicating the reasons”, therefore, motivation can also manifest itself in the form of fines (for a gross violation of discipline, failure to complete tasks, etc. ) by deprivation of the variable part.

3. For the achievement of goals in Promsvyazbank, the staff is regularly encouraged with a cash bonus, and the winner of the competition for best selling receives additional bonuses. Best Ideas employees are encouraged with gifts. In addition, an extended social network is provided for employees. a package, the content (2 options) of which is chosen by the employee from the list of benefits (including those provided by partners), the bank also covers 21 days of sick leave, issues loans and mortgages to employees on preferential terms, provides support to staff families (“Gifts for the birth of a child, vacation for a wedding, new Year gifts children, benefits for young mothers who go to work, and more”).

4. In Rosbank, special emphasis is placed on staff development and additional staff training. The developed intrabank training system includes “distance courses, opportunities for obtaining additional knowledge based on the experience of the Societe Generale group, internal learning programs and trainings, continuous professional development at external training courses in Russia" . In addition, "the bank has successfully implemented a career management system, which is based on such processes as the annual assessment of personnel performance, career interviews and career committees" .

5. Absolut Bank is distinguished by a friendly atmosphere of the working team, which makes working in it attractive for employees. Special attention is paid to the acquisition of new skills by employees and Professional Development. Bank employees can learn English, voluntarily participate in trainings provided by the banking training center. A feature of the social package of Absolut Bank is the replacement of the VHI policy with payment for the treatment of employees from the bank budget. Along with this, staff can receive banking services on preferential terms and Special offers from partner organizations.

6. Since 2008, VTB-24 Bank has been implementing a personnel incentive system, according to which managers receive quarterly and annual bonuses based on “quality indicators of work with clients, profitability and sales volumes”, adjusted by the “customer service quality factor”.

In order to trace the dynamics and features of the use of various types of personnel motivation, I interviewed the Executive Director of Uralsib Bank, PhD in Economics Akhtyamov E.F. (see Appendix 1). During the interview, it was possible to find out the following: the foundation of motivation is the basic wage, supported at the market level, so a large number of employees agree to work where most of the earnings are a fixed part, and not a bonus one; monetary non-formalized incentives for personnel can be effectively used in small banks; as the organization develops and the branch network expands across the country, it is necessary to adhere to a combined motivation system, i.e., apply the types of both material and non-material incentives for employees; the banking environment is competitive, therefore, to curb staff turnover, banks introduce special bonuses for loyalty to the organization; with an increase in employees, the motivation system for various departments of the organization is “crushed”, and local incentives appear that operate within the framework of one project; modern systems personnel bonuses are focused on the achievement of key performance indicators (KPIs), on the achievement of which the size of the bonus depends, in addition, the “Balanced Scorecard” is becoming popular in banks - a method of cascading and prioritizing KPIs from a top-level strategy for each division and each employee”; encouragement for mentoring is actively introduced into the system of motivation of bank employees.

From the above examples it follows that in order to achieve the most complete fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the bank, it is not enough to use one form of motivation, it is necessary to combine material and non-material incentives for staff. In addition, it is necessary to rank the motivation system for different categories of managers, but at the same time it should apply to all personnel, develop a system of key performance indicators (KPI) for each category of bank personnel, while they must be consistent with the bank's strategy and be adapted for the development stage of the bank, apply separate incentives to achieve the short-term and long-term objectives of the bank. Thus, in order to achieve long-term goals, the use of an option program to encourage top management is practiced. It is worth noting that motivation, in addition to encouragement, can also be expressed in censure.

2.2 Interview

Akhtyamov E.F. Executive Director bank "Uralsib", candidate of economic sciences.

1. What are the features of the development of the motivation system in Uralsib Bank?

The personnel motivation system in the bank has gone through a number of stages of development. Initially, it was a simple non-formalized system of monetary incentives, when, according to the results of the quarter, depending on the results of the implementation financial plan bonuses were paid to staff. The distribution of bonuses among employees was handled by top management based on the presentation of the heads of structural divisions, who evaluated the contribution of each employee. At first, when the bank was small, this procedure was quite effective. However, as the bank developed, turning it into a multi-branch one, a transition was made from simple bonuses to a more complex system of motivation. A regulation on motivation was developed, a five-point system for evaluating the activities of units was introduced. The size of the received bonus depended on the score received. The system has been constantly improved, for example, in addition to assessing the performance financial indicators the results of the implementation of priority tasks for the development of the bank, its infrastructure, procedures and products began to be taken into account. In addition to monetary types of motivation, non-monetary ones also began to be used: payment by the bank for communication services, entertainment expenses, provision of a personal car, payment for medical insurance, payment for advanced training courses, horizontal and vertical promotion career ladder. Distinguished employees were included in the personnel reserve. Elements of non-material motivation began to be used, for example, congratulations at corporate parties for the best employees and departments. To stimulate the stability of the staff, seniority payments were introduced.

The next stage in the development of the motivation system is associated with the merger of Uralsib Bank with Avtobank and Nikoil Bank. Uralsib has become one of the largest private banks in Russia with a wide branch network. The scale of the bank has increased significantly, in order to effectively solve the complicated tasks, it was necessary to formalize and detail the system of motivation indicators.

With the growth of the scale of the business, the number of employees, the number of departments increases, business processes become more complicated, which makes it difficult to develop an effective motivation system. The motivation system is designed to stimulate the staff to achieve the final result, for this it should be at least:

  • objective, i.e. payment to each employee should be the result of a previously known algorithm and to a minimum extent depend on the subjective opinion of the immediate supervisor;
  • complex, i.e. cover all participants in the process;
  • results-oriented, which commercial organizations, as a rule, is profit with features of managerial calculation.

Uralsib has approved a comprehensive system of motivation - these are, in essence, the general principles for building motivation systems for business units and the principles for motivating support units. Further, in accordance with the principles of an integrated motivation system, motivation systems for business units are approved, which determine the algorithm for calculating the bonus fund and its distribution between management levels, departments and employees, depending on functional roles. Uralsib monitors salaries in the market for various categories of personnel.
In addition to motivation systems for business units, there are internal motivation systems for cross and pre-sales, as well as local motivation systems within individual projects.

2. What are the features of using KPI for motivation purposes?

The bank has a development strategy, strategic maps have been drawn up. On the basis of the goals defined by the strategy, annual plans for the bank as a whole, the bank's businesses, and divisions are developed. KPIs are set, the fulfillment of which ensures the fulfillment of plans. The KPI of the bank is decomposed into KPIs of businesses, divisions, and employees. The development tasks of the bank are formalized in the form of projects with their own KPIs. At the same time, all key indicators should be measurable. The bank's budget provides for financial incentive funds depending on the fulfillment of KPIs. Motivation procedures are formalized and regulated.

An optional incentive program is being developed for top managers of the bank, depending on the fulfillment of long-term KPIs.

To develop a coherent system of key indicators, the bank uses Balanced Scoreсard, a method of cascading and prioritizing KPIs from the top-level strategy for each department and each employee. In system KPI motivation plays the role of a coefficient labor participation, i.e. The size of the bonus fund is calculated per business unit according to fund-forming indicators, and distributed within the unit taking into account the implementation of an individual plan. Individual plan of an employee contains a weighted list of KPIs defined in accordance with BSC for each level of management and each functional role.

3. What forms of non-material motivation are used in the bank?

In addition to material incentives, it is very important to use non-material forms. In the context of budget constraints, non-material forms of motivation are very important. They are varied and constantly evolving.

In Uralsib, the best employees are selected both for the bank as a whole and for individual business units. Local competitions are held in various areas of activity. A mentoring system is being introduced, providing for training fees for mentors, as well as additional features for teaching (including MBA).


Thus, in the theoretical part, I considered the main scientific theories of motivation, which are widespread in modern Russian system financial and credit organizations, as well as the most popular types of material and non-material motivation are classified. In the analytical part, when analyzing the effect of using various motivational systems based on interviews and examples of real practices for encouraging employees, a number of conclusions and recommendations can be drawn:

1. Achieving high production results and effective functioning of the organization is possible with the introduction of a comprehensive motivation system that combines material and non-material types, since it is in the aggregate that they are able to fully satisfy human needs (hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow) and, therefore, act as a powerful incentive to work.

2. Incentives for employees must be assigned objectively, according to the provisions approved by the bank in accordance with the incentive intended for a particular category of personnel and taking into account the job specifics.

3. For the best implementation of the bank's goals, the motivation system must be adaptive to changes in the external environment and the organization's strategy. For long-term and short-term tasks, a different set of incentives is used.

4. At present, the motivation system based on the achievement of key performance indicators is of particular relevance. To do this, it is advisable to use the Balanced Scorecard program.

Summing up, despite the fact that the study is rather narrow, it should be noted that motivation should be of a complex, systemic nature, using measurable indicators set for each category of workers to assess work.

The system of labor motivation of the personnel of a commercial bank

The study of foreign and domestic experience in the activities of banks indicates the presence of significant problems in achieving effective labor motivation of staff.

All activities modern man based on their real needs. Motivated activity is the free activity of a person, due to internal needs, aimed at achieving their goals, realizing their interests.

It should be noted that the structure of the labor motive includes: the needs that the employee wants to satisfy; values ​​that can satisfy this need; labor activity necessary to obtain a benefit; expenses of a material and moral nature associated with labor activity.

The harmony of motives for "oneself" and for "others" occurs through the mechanism of competition.

It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as motivation and stimulation of labor.

Labor motivation is the process of a person's conscious choice of one or another labor behavior, activity, determined by a complex of both external and internal factors.

Stimulation of labor is a process of external purposeful influence on the social system (team, person)

In most modern banks, the following approaches are used in the process of choosing a motivational strategy:

- incentives and punishments, according to which people work for a specific remuneration;
- motivation through the work itself - providing a person with such work that brings him pleasure;
- systematic communication with the leader - joint determination of the goals and objectives of the work, providing direct and feedback links between the leader and the subordinate.

The personnel incentive system in banks is formed under the influence of external and internal factors.

External incentives for employees include:

a) factors that create the possibility of the full realization of the potential of the employee:

– Maximum delegation of official powers and trust to the employee;

– The ability to express and defend their own opinion;

– Support for enthusiasts;

tolerant attitude and tolerance for employees, inadvertently made mistakes

b) stimulating factors:

– Formation of a feeling of winners among bank employees;

– The collective principle of organizing the work of bank personnel;

– Mutual control of bank employees interested in the results of joint work.

The internal staff incentive system in the bank includes the so-called self-motivation techniques, namely: persuasion, suggestion, approval, etc. external factors of the motivational mechanism and factors of internal free choice of labor behavior of a bank employee, depending on value orientations person and his interests.

The choice of a motivational strategy for a modern bank is based on an analysis of the real situation and the desired style of interaction between managers and subordinates.

At the same time, motivation is managed using the following methods:

- the use of money as an instrument of reward and stimulation;
- the imposition of penalties; developing a sense of belonging to a common cause;
– motivation through the work itself;
– reward and recognition of achievements;
- participation in leadership;
- incentives and rewards group work;
– development of employees, etc..

In the above methods of motivation are divided into economic and non-economic. Economic ones are based on the fact that as a result of their application, employees receive certain benefits - both direct and indirect, which improve their financial situation. Non-economic methods of motivation include specific organizational and moral methods of motivation, intertwined with specific economic methods of motivation.

The mechanism for regulating labor motivation should effectively combine the strategic interests of the bank with the interests of the staff, the style of the bank's management with the system of effective labor motivation.

Depending on the level of accounting for the needs of staff in banks, there are four “limiting” options for the style of bank management:

- "poor management" - a low level of consideration of the interests of both the bank and the people working in it;
- "Power-subordination" - the level of consideration of the interests of the bank is high, and the interests of employees - low;
- "Holiday home" - the level of consideration of the interests of the bank is low, and the interests of employees - high;
– “Collective management” – the degree of taking into account the interests of both the bank and the people who work there is high.

The Bank's motivational strategy is traditionally developed by special HR departments (sectors).

Each banking institution has its own specific system of motivators.

The main (traditional) indicators of labor motivation in banks include: working conditions, labor content, wages, bonuses, official allowances, compensation for overloads, granting loans to employees on preferential terms, partial payment of expenses for the rehabilitation and treatment of personnel, the performance of bank employees. employees.

In modern domestic banks, non-traditional labor motivation regulators, the so-called “social package” are also widely used: quarterly bonuses for the high-quality fulfillment of professional obligations; individual allowances; paying for lunches; free use of a car; provision of travel documents; material aid; free use mobile phones etc..

The basis for motivating the labor activity of personnel in banks is the stimulation of labor, built on the following basic principles: complexity - the unity of moral and material, collective and individual incentives that depend on a combination of existing approaches to personnel management, the experience and traditions of the bank; differentiation - an individual approach to stimulating various groups of employees; flexibility and efficiency - constant revision of incentives depending on the changes taking place in society and the team.

In modern banks, the processes of stimulation and motivation can either coincide or have the opposite direction. The best option is their coincidence.

Motivational monitoring

In most modern banks, motivational monitoring is systematically carried out, aimed at assessing the motivational potential of employees. Motivational monitoring is a system of constant monitoring and control of the state of motivation labor activity for the purpose of its operational diagnostics and evaluation in dynamics, the adoption of qualified management decisions in the interests of increasing production efficiency.

In general, the system of requirements that form an effective mechanism for labor motivation of a modern bank includes:

- the objectivity of the assessment of the work of personnel, i.e. comparison of the labor contribution of each employee with the results of the bank's work as a whole, which allows bank employees to trace the dependence of "remuneration" on the volume of their labor efforts and their impact on the results of the bank's work;
- qualitative and quantitative definition of the method of "reward" (that is, a list of motivators and units of their quantitative measurement), which a bank employee can count on when achieving the final results of work;
– expanding the list of “reward” methods, covering the range of vital needs and interests of all bank employees;
- determining the degree of "remuneration" that a bank employee can count on when performing additional work related to the acquisition of a new specialty, business activity, the introduction of creative ideas, advanced training, etc.;
- ensuring the continuity and constancy of the mechanism of labor motivation.

Thus, the system of labor motivation of personnel is one of the important prerequisites for achieving the effective performance of the bank, according to which the implementation of the overall strategy for managing bank personnel is carried out. The process of stimulating labor activity in modern banks consists of an external and internal block, the effect of which can be both positive and negative. Right choice and a combination of incentives can significantly increase the efficiency of both the entire bank and its individual employees.

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1.1 The essence of the incentive system and types of incentives for labor activity

1.2 Principles of building an incentive system

Chapter 2

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of OJSC SKB-Bank

2.2 Grade social development OJSC "SKB-Bank"

2.3 Problems of labor stimulation in OAO SKB-bank, subsidiary Volgograd branch, Volzhsky

3.1 A set of measures to improve the personnel incentive system of SKB-Bank OJSC

3.2 Economic efficiency of the proposed measures to improve the personnel incentive system of SKB-Bank OJSC


List of used literature



Incentives play a huge role in organizing the activities of an enterprise, as it is aimed at motivating an employee to work effectively and efficiently, which not only covers the employer's costs for organizing the production process, wages, but also allows you to get a certain profit.

With development social relations In society, the needs of workers also change. AT modern economy in addition to the material factor, moral incentives and social benefits are of great importance. The material forms of stimulating workers are also evolving. In material remuneration, the share of payments based on the results of the economic activity of the enterprise is increasing, more importance is attached to the development of corporate thinking among employees, and a system of social benefits is being developed.

The current stage of economic reforms in Russia is characterized by the fact that enterprises operate in an environment of growing demands from various social groups. In this regard, the creation of an effective system of employee incentives is of particular relevance.

The work of such well-known domestic and foreign authors as: Borisova E.I., Druzhinin V.N. Logvinov D.V., Krotova N.V., Terentyeva T.A., Kibanov A.Ya., Kondratova I. G., Zakharov D.K., Zaitseva T.V., Egorshin A.P., Vesnin V.R., Artelny Yu.A. etc.

The relevance of the topic, the degree of its scientific development and practical significance determined the purpose and objectives of this work.

The aim of the work is the theoretical substantiation and development practical advice to improve the system of incentives for the personnel of SKB-Bank OJSC.

The goal set made it necessary to solve the following tasks:

clarify the essence of the labor incentive system at the enterprise;

explore the types of stimulation of labor activity;

give an organizational and economic description of JSC "SKB-bank";

to analyze the current level of social development of JSC SKB-bank;

to substantiate the economic efficiency of the proposed recommendations for improving the personnel incentive system in SKB-Bank OJSC.

The object of the study is the system of staff incentives in the company JSC "SKB-bank".

The subject of the research is the study and analysis of theoretical and practical approaches to the organization of incentive systems in modern enterprises.

The study is based on the use of laws, regularities and the categorical apparatus of economic science. When developing the main provisions of the work, the method of dialectical knowledge, the method of unity of historical and logical, the methods of structural, statistical analysis, as well as the method of expert assessments were used.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and sources.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, formulates goals and objectives, defines the object and subject of study.

The first chapter clarifies the essence of staff incentives and systematizes its types.

In the second chapter, an analysis of the activities of JSC "SKB-bank" is carried out, including an analysis of the state and dynamics of property and the sources of its formation; analyzes of the structure of assets, financial stability, solvency, profit structure, as well as the level of social development of the enterprise.

In conclusion, conclusions and suggestions on the work done are presented.

Chapter 1.Theoretical aspectsSTIMULATION SYSTEMSpersonnel

1.1 FROM The essence of the incentive system and types of stimulation of labor activity

The development of an incentive system is an integrated approach to improving the efficiency and quality of work. When using it in the management of social facilities, it turns out how sufficiently developed and effective the system is.

Speaking about stimulation, it is necessary to dwell on such concepts as “needs”, “motive” and “motivation”, since all these concepts are inextricably linked.

Needs are something that arises and is inside a person, which is quite common for different people, but at the same time has a certain individual manifestation in each person [Bozhovich, 1996, p.105]. Finally, this is what a person seeks to free himself from, because as long as the need exists, it makes itself felt and "requires" its elimination. People can try to eliminate needs, satisfy them, suppress them, or not respond to them in different ways. Needs can arise both consciously and unconsciously. Most needs are periodically renewed, although they can change the form of their specific manifestation, as well as the degree of perseverance and influence on the person.

A motive is something that causes a person to act in a certain way. The motive is "inside" a person, has a "personal" character, depends on many external and internal factors in relation to a person, as well as on the action of other motives that arise in parallel with it [Bozhovich, 1996, p.105]. The motive not only induces a person to action, but also determines what needs to be done and how this action will be carried out. In particular, if the motive causes actions to eliminate the need, then these actions may be different for different people, even if they experience the same need. Motives are amenable to awareness - a person can influence his motives, muffling their action or even eliminating them from his motivational totality.

Human behavior is usually determined not by one motive, but by their combination, in which motives can be in a certain relationship to each other according to the degree of their impact on human behavior, so the motivational structure of a person can be considered as the basis for the implementation of certain actions by him.

Motivation is the process of encouraging each employee and all members of his team to be active in order to meet their needs and achieve the goals of the organization [Borisova, 2002, p.51].

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals [Borisova, 2002, p.51]. The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, largely individually and can change under the influence of feedback from human activity.

Motivation is the process of influencing a person in order to induce him to certain actions by awakening certain motives in him. Motivation is the core and basis of human management [Borisova, 2002, p.51]. The effectiveness of management to a very large extent depends on how successfully the motivation process is carried out.

Stimuli play the role of levers of influence or carriers of "irritation", causing the action of certain motives [Druzhinin, 2002, p.83]. Individual objects, actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, offers to a person in compensation for his actions or what he would like to receive as a result of certain actions can act as incentives. A person reacts to many stimuli not necessarily consciously. To individual stimuli, his reaction may even be beyond conscious control.

The response to specific stimuli is not the same in different people. Therefore, stimuli by themselves have no absolute meaning or meaning if people do not respond to them. For example, in the conditions of the collapse of the monetary system, when it is practically impossible to buy anything with money, wages and banknotes in general lose their role as incentives and can be used to a very limited extent in managing people.

There are four main types of incentives.

Compulsion. In a democratic society, enterprises use administrative methods of coercion: remark, reprimand, transfer to another position, severe reprimand, postponement of vacation, dismissal from work.

Financial incentive. This includes incentives in material form: wages and tariff rates, remuneration for performance, bonuses from income or profit, compensation, vouchers, loans to buy a car or furniture, loans for housing construction, etc.

moral encouragement. Incentives aimed at satisfying the spiritual and moral needs of a person: thanks, publications in the press, government awards, etc.

Self-assertion. The internal driving forces of a person that encourage him to achieve his goals without direct external encouragement (writing a dissertation, publishing a book, an author's invention, shooting a film, etc.). This is the strongest stimulus known in nature, however, it manifests itself only in the most developed members of society.

The process of using various incentives to motivate people is called the incentive process. According to well-known Russian researchers Travin V.V. and Dyatlova V.A. stimulation is the use of incentives in relation to a person to influence his efforts, efforts, dedication in solving the problems facing the organization and the inclusion of appropriate motives [Druzhinin, 2002, p. 85].

Labor stimulation is a way of rewarding an employee for participating in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements [Borisova, 2002, p.54]. Stimulation of labor involves the creation of conditions under which active labor activity, which gives certain, pre-fixed results, becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for satisfying the significant and socially conditioned needs of the employee, the formation of labor motives in him.

The purpose of incentives is not to encourage a person to work in general, but to encourage him to do better what is due to labor relations.

Stimulation is fundamentally different from motivation. The essence of this difference is that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be carried out. At the same time, the higher the level of development of relations in the organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people.

If you look at what in human activity is stimulated, it turns out that these are the following characteristics of activity:

- an effort;

- diligence;

- perseverance;

- conscientiousness;

- orientation.

A person can do the same work with different efforts. He can work at full strength, or he can work at half strength. He may also strive to take on easier work, or he may take on difficult and difficult work, choose a simpler solution, or he may seek and take on a difficult decision. All this reflects what effort a person is willing to spend. And it depends on how much he is motivated and stimulated to expend great effort in doing his job.

A person can try in different ways, fulfilling his role in the organization. One may be indifferent to the quality of his work, the other may strive to do everything in the best possible way, work with full dedication, do not shirk from work, strive to improve his skills, improve his abilities to work and interact with the organizational environment.

The third characteristic of activity that is affected by incentives is the persistence to continue and develop the work begun. This is a very important characteristic of the activity, since there are often people who quickly lose interest in the business they have begun. And even if they had very good performance in the beginning, the loss of interest and lack of perseverance can lead them to reduce their efforts and try less, performing their role at a significantly lower level than their capabilities.

Integrity in the performance of work, meaning the responsible performance of work, taking into account all necessary requirements and regulations, for many jobs is the most important condition for their successful completion. A person can have good qualifications and knowledge, be capable and creative, and work hard. But at the same time, he can treat his duties "sloppy", irresponsibly. And this can negate all the positive results of his activities. The management of the organization should be well aware of this and try to build an incentive system in such a way that it develops this characteristic of their behavior among employees.

Orientation as a characteristic of a person's activity indicates what he aspires to by carrying out certain actions. A person can do his job because it brings him some satisfaction (moral or material), or he can do it because he wants to help his organization achieve its goals. For management, it is very important to know the direction of human actions, but it is equally important to be able to, if necessary, with the help of incentives, orient these actions in the direction of certain goals.

Let us consider in more detail the main forms and methods of stimulating labor activity.

The system of labor incentives in various companies involves a set of measures aimed at increasing the labor activity of people and, as a result, increasing the efficiency of labor and its quality. The well-known Japanese manager L. Iacocca wrote: "When it comes to making an enterprise move forward, the whole point is to motivate people" [Maslov, 2005, p.215].

All incentives can be conditionally divided into material and non-material. Their ratio in different companies is significantly different. In most Western European firms, the share of material remuneration is gradually decreasing and the share of non-material incentives is increasing. A significant number of Russian enterprises and firms are characterized by a reduction in the share of family income public funds consumption and an increase in the share of material rewards in income.

Financial incentives include:

- wages;

- participation in the distribution of profits;

- premiums;

- equity participation.

Wages are the most important part of the system of remuneration and incentives for labor, one of the tools for influencing the efficiency of an employee's work. This is the pinnacle of the company's personnel incentive system, but for all its importance, wages in most prosperous firms do not exceed 70% of an employee's income, the remaining 30% of income is involved in the distribution of profits.

Participation in the distribution of profits - is today a widespread system of remuneration. The development of this system began with attempts to improve the organization of the wages of employees in order to enhance its motivational impact on labor results. For this, the possibility of payments from the profit or income of the enterprise to those employees whose contribution to the formation of the profit of the enterprise was the most significant and obvious was justified. However, the use of profit sharing systems creates an employee's interest in the effective work of today, but does not stimulate to take into account in production activities long-term prospects for the development of the organization.

Profit sharing is used by entrepreneurs as a means to help maintain social peace within the organization and as a factor in increasing interest in its economic success. Profit sharing systems differ in terms of indicators, terms of payments, and the circle of persons receiving these payments. These systems have their own characteristics in different countries of the world, which is due to the history of economic development, the mentality of a particular country, traditions or customs of working life. One thing is common to all: the division between the organization and employees of additional profit.

At its core, the profit sharing system is an element of the operational management of an organization aimed at ensuring profit. The employee shares equally with the owner the risk of a short-term decrease in income in order to achieve better results in the future and compensate for the losses of today.

A specific form of participation in the organization's profits is a cash bonus or bonus shares.

The system of participation in capital is based on the indicators of commercial and industrial activity of the organization with the participation of two components: labor and capital. Equity participation, compared with wage payments, gives the enterprise an advantage: initially there is no outflow of cash.

The economic incentive to use equity systems lies in the need to reconcile the interests of the organization and the interests of employees. An employee who receives only wages is objectively interested in the coincidence of short-term interests - his own and the organization's. As long as the employee has nothing to do with the property of the organization, there are no objective prerequisites and a real economic basis for the coincidence of the long-term interests of the employee and the organization. So if the members labor collective are not the owners (co-owners) of the organization, but participate in the profits and have the right to vote in the distribution of profits, then there is a real threat of paying out a larger share of the funds from the profits than the prospects for the development of production allow. Therefore, it is highly desirable that each employee is really interested in the implementation of strategic plans for the development of the enterprise.

Non-material methods of stimulation include organizational and moral - psychological.

Organizational methods include, first of all, the involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization, which implies that they are given the right to vote in solving a number of problems, usually of a social nature. An important role is played by the prospects for acquiring new knowledge and skills, which makes employees more independent, self-reliant, and gives them confidence in the future. Stimulation by the enrichment of the content of labor is to provide people with more meaningful, important, interesting, socially meaningful work corresponding to their personal interests and inclinations, with broad prospects for official and professional growth, giving the opportunity to show their creative abilities, exercise control over the resources and conditions of their own work, when everyone, if possible, should be his own boss.

Moral - psychological stimulation methods include the following main elements:

- creation of conditions under which people would experience professional pride that they can cope with the assigned work better than others, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results; would feel the value of the results, their specific importance for someone;

- the presence of a challenge, providing opportunities for everyone at their workplace to show their abilities, express themselves in work, its results, have evidence that they can do something, and this "something" must receive the name of its creator.

Recognition, which can be private and public. The essence of personal recognition is that especially distinguished employees are mentioned in special reports to the top management of the organization, they are personally congratulated by the management on the occasion of holidays and family dates. In our country, it has not yet received wide distribution. Public confession is much more familiar to us;

- moral and psychological methods of stimulation include lofty goals that inspire people to effective, and sometimes selfless work. Therefore, any task of the leader must contain an element of the value of the organization;

- morally stimulates the atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, encouragement of reasonable risk and tolerance for mistakes and failures; attentive attitude from management and comrades.

It is necessary to mention one more form of stimulation, which essentially combines all of the above. We are talking about promotion, which gives both a higher salary (economic incentive), and interesting and meaningful work (organizational incentive), and also reflects the recognition of the merits and authority of the individual by transferring to a higher status group (moral incentive).

At the same time, this method is internally limited: there are not many high-ranking positions in the organization, especially free ones; not all people are able to lead and not all aspire to it, and above all, promotion requires increased costs for retraining.

It should be borne in mind that the listed organizational and moral-psychological factors stimulate differently depending on the time in office, and after 5 years none of them provides adequate incentives, so job satisfaction falls.

It is necessary to know that the main components of effective labor stimulation are the stimulation of the working person. In enterprises where people interact closely with each other, the use of incentives must take into account needs and their satisfaction, enterprise and interests of the individual, and even character and lifestyle. Then stimulation will be truly effective and personally meaningful.

In conclusion of this paragraph, I would like to draw a number of conclusions:

- the concepts of "motivation" and "stimulation" are inextricably linked, but at the same time, stimulation is fundamentally different from motivation, primarily in that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be carried out;

- incentives perform the tasks of levers of influence or carriers of "irritation" that cause the action of certain motives;

- there is a large list of forms and methods of stimulating productive activity, which are more appropriate to use not individually, but in combination;

- the main forms and methods of labor stimulation include material and non-material incentives;

- each of these forms is good in its own way, but it is still the most efficient and rational to use these forms and methods in combination, an example is such a form of stimulation as promotion, which gives higher wages and interesting, meaningful work.

Thus, the essence of the incentive system is to apply incentives to a person to influence his efforts, efforts, dedication in solving the problems facing the organization. Effective stimulation of labor cannot be carried out using any one of the methods of stimulation. Forms of moral and material incentives involve a set of measures aimed at increasing the labor activity of people and, as a result, increasing the efficiency of labor and its quality. The combination of these forms represents a system of staff incentives, which should be based on certain principles, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

1.2 Pprinciples of building an incentive system

The construction of an effective personnel incentive system should be based on certain principles developed in management theory and applied in a market economy.

When creating an incentive system, one should proceed from the following principles [Trofimov, 2005, p.116]:

- complexity;

- consistency;

- regulation;

- specialization;

- stability;

- Purposeful creativity.

The first principle is complexity. Complexity suggests that a comprehensive approach is needed, taking into account all possible factors: organizational, legal, technical, material, social, moral and sociological.

Organizational factors are the establishment of a certain order of work, the delimitation of powers, the formulation of goals and objectives. As already mentioned, the correct organization of the production process lays the foundation for further efficient and high-quality work.

Legal factors closely interact with organizational factors, which serve the purpose of ensuring the compliance of the rights and obligations of the employee in the labor process, taking into account the functions assigned to him. This is necessary for the proper organization of production and further fair incentives.

Technical factors imply the provision of personnel with modern means of production and office equipment. As well as organizational, these aspects are fundamental in the work of the enterprise.

Material factors determine specific forms of material incentives: wages, bonuses, allowances, etc. and their size.

Social factors involve increasing the interest of employees by providing them with various social benefits, providing social assistance, and participation of employees in the management of the team.

Moral factors represent a set of measures, the purpose of which is to ensure a positive moral climate in the team, the correct selection and placement of personnel, various forms of moral encouragement.

Physiological factors include a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health and improving the efficiency of employees. These activities are carried out in accordance with sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements, which contain the norms for equipping workplaces and establishing rational work and rest regimes. Physiological factors play no less important role in improving the efficiency and quality of work performed than others.

All of these factors should be applied not individually, but in combination, which guarantees good results. It is then that a significant increase in efficiency and quality of work will become a reality.

The principle of complexity already in its name determines the implementation of these activities not in relation to one or several employees, but in relation to the entire team of the enterprise. This approach will have a much greater effect at the level of the entire enterprise.

The second principle is consistency. If the principle of complexity involves the creation of an incentive system, taking into account all its factors, then the principle of consistency involves the identification and elimination of contradictions between factors, their linking with each other. This makes it possible to create an incentive system that is internally balanced due to the mutual coordination of its elements and is able to work effectively for the benefit of the organization.

An example of consistency can be a system of material and moral incentives for employees based on the results of quality control and assessment of the employee's contribution, that is, there is a logical relationship between the quality and efficiency of work and subsequent remuneration.

The third principle is regulation. Regulation involves the establishment of a certain order in the form of instructions, rules, regulations and control over their implementation. In this regard, it is important to distinguish between those areas of activity of employees that require strict adherence to instructions and control over their implementation, from those areas in which the employee must be free in his actions and can take the initiative. When creating an incentive system, the objects of regulation should be the specific duties of an employee, the specific results of his activities, labor costs, that is, each employee must have a complete understanding of what is included in his duties and what results are expected from him. In addition, regulation is also necessary in the issue of assessing the final work, that is, the criteria by which the final work of the employee will be evaluated should be clearly established. Such regulation, however, should not exclude creativity, which in turn should also be taken into account in the subsequent remuneration of the employee.

Regulation of the content of the work performed by employees of the enterprise should solve the following tasks:

definition of work and operations that should be assigned to employees;

providing employees with the information they need to perform their tasks;

distribution of work and operations between departments of the enterprise according to the principle of rationality;

the establishment of specific job responsibilities for each employee in accordance with his qualifications and level of education.

The regulation of the content of labor serves to increase the efficiency of the work performed.

From the point of view of stimulating the work performed, the regulation of the results of the work performed plays a very important role. It includes:

determination of a number of indicators characterizing the activities of the enterprise's divisions and each employee individually, which would take into account the contribution of divisions and individual employees to the overall result of the enterprise's activities;

determination of a quantitative assessment for each of the indicators;

creation of a common system for assessing the employee's contribution to the achievement of overall performance results, taking into account the efficiency and quality of the work performed.

Thus, we can say that regulation in matters of incentives plays a very important role, streamlining the incentive system at the enterprise.

The fourth principle is specialization. Specialization is the assignment to the divisions of the enterprise and individual employees of certain functions and works in accordance with the principle of rationalization. Specialization is an incentive to increase labor productivity, increase efficiency and improve the quality of work.

The fifth principle is stability. Stability implies the presence of an established team, the absence of staff turnover, the presence of certain tasks and functions facing the team and the order in which they are performed. Any changes occurring in the work of the enterprise must take place without disturbing the normal performance of the functions of a particular division of the enterprise or employee. Only then will there be no decrease in the efficiency and quality of the work performed.

The sixth principle is purposeful creativity. Here it is necessary to say that the incentive system at the enterprise should contribute to the manifestation of a creative approach by employees. This includes the creation of new, more advanced products, production technologies and designs of the equipment used or types of materials, and the search for new, more efficient solutions in the field of production organization and management.

Based on the results of the creative activity of the enterprise as a whole, structural unit and each individual worker provides for measures of material and moral incentives. An employee who knows that the proposal put forward by him will bring him additional material and moral benefits, has a desire to think creatively. Especially seriously it is necessary to approach the stimulation of the creative process in scientific and design teams.

When organizing an incentive system at an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the proportions in pay between simple and complex labor, between workers of different qualifications.

When creating an incentive system in an enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of system flexibility. Flexible incentive systems allow the manager, on the one hand, to provide the employee with certain guarantees of receiving wages in accordance with his experience and professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to make the employee's remuneration dependent on his personal performance at work and on the results of the enterprise as a whole. .

Flexible incentive systems are now widely used in foreign countries with a developed economy. Moreover, flexibility is manifested not only in the form of additional individual wage supplements. The range of flexible payments is quite wide. These are individual allowances for length of service, experience, level of education, etc., and systems of collective bonuses, designed primarily for workers, and profit sharing systems, designed for specialists and managers, and flexible systems of social benefits. Only the use of all forms of incentives, designed to apply to all employees of the organization, can give the desired effect.

As experience shows, the main problems in Russian enterprises at present in the mechanism of stimulating employees are 5 principles [Shchukin, 2001, 23-46p.]:

- insufficient flexibility of the mechanism for forming wages, its inability to respond to changes in the efficiency and quality of work of an individual employee;

- the absence of any assessment at all or a biased assessment by the entrepreneur of the individual labor indicators of employees;

- lack of fair remuneration for managers, specialists and employees;

- the presence of unreasonable ratios in their remuneration;

- negative attitude of the staff to the amount of their remuneration and to the existing system of remuneration.

All these problems that the heads of organizations face when resolving issues of remuneration can be overcome using Russian and foreign experience.

Thus, the lack of flexibility in remuneration is solved by the introduction of modern forms of remuneration that depend on the results of labor activity. Such forms are flexible payment systems, where, along with a constant part of earnings, there is a variable part in the form of participation in profits, collective bonuses, etc.

The issues of a biased assessment of the performance of employees are again associated with an outdated wage mechanism that does not take into account individual achievements employee and the result of the enterprise as a whole. A fair evaluation system can be created based on the job description and official duties employee to determine the permanent part of the wages of the principles [Shchukin, 2001, 23-46p.].

The result of the incentive system at the enterprise should be an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, which can be achieved, in turn, by increasing the efficiency and quality of work of each employee of the enterprise. At the same time, the manager should be guided by the need to attract and retain highly qualified employees for a long time, increase labor productivity and improve the quality of products, increase the return on investment in personnel, increase the interest of employees not only in personal success, but also in the success of the entire enterprise as a whole and, finally, promotions social status workers.

Therefore, both material and non-material forms of staff incentives are used, which include wages, various systems profit sharing, collective bonus systems, individualization of wages, moral incentives, incentives for workers engaged in creative work through the use of a free work schedule, social benefits for employees.

When deciding whether to create a system of employee incentives at the enterprise, the manager must also take into account such a macro indicator that does not depend on the efficiency and quality of work of employees and the enterprise team as a whole, such as the consumer price index. Accordingly, the presence of such an indicator makes it necessary to automatically index wages, taking into account changes in the price index for a certain period.

The incentive system at the enterprise should clearly define its goals, establish the types of incentives in accordance with the results achieved, determine the evaluation system, the period and timing of remuneration payments.

Any kind of incentives should be targeted and public, because employees can be expected to improve the efficiency and quality of their work only when they know that their work is paid fairly.

An important role in the long-term incentives for employees to long-term effective work at the enterprise is played by social benefits that enterprises provide to their employees. Social benefits can be either guaranteed by the state or voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees.

State-guaranteed social benefits are mandatory for enterprises of all forms of ownership and therefore do not play a stimulating role, but the role of social guarantees and social protection able-bodied members of society with jobs. Such benefits include annual paid leave, paid sick leave, etc. These benefits are mandatory.

But the company can provide its employees with benefits that are not provided for by law. This is done to attract new employees to the enterprise, reduce staff turnover, stimulate efficient and high-quality work. In addition, employers, by providing social benefits to employees, also pursue such goals as reducing trade union activity, preventing strikes, and attracting and retaining qualified personnel at the enterprise.

Social benefits are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of the company is not only profit maximization, but also the social security of the employee, the development of his personality.

The following social benefits can be provided by the enterprise:

- social benefits in monetary terms;

- providing employees with an additional old-age pension;

- granting employees the right to use the social facilities of the enterprise;

- social assistance to families and organization of leisure activities for employees and their families.

Social benefits in monetary terms carry a principle similar to monetary remuneration. Such benefits may include the right to purchase shares of the enterprise for employees at a reduced price. Thus, the goal of involving an employee in joint ownership of the enterprise is achieved, which forms a sense of ownership among employees, a careful attitude to the property of the enterprise. The forms of participation of an employee in the capital of an enterprise can be different. These include free shares, ordinary shares discounted by a certain percentage of the market price of shares, and preferred shares without voting rights on general meeting shareholders.

In addition, social benefits in monetary terms include various payments to employees for personal celebrations, say, on the occasion of 10-, 20-, 30-year-olds, etc. anniversaries of service activities at the enterprise in combination with special leave. Moreover, the amount of payment and the duration of additional leave may depend on the length of service at the enterprise.

This kind of benefits also include the provision of company cars, personal offices, etc. to managers and especially gifted engineering and technical workers.

A serious stimulating role, especially in times of crises and inflation, is the provision of employees with the right to use the institutions of the social sphere of the enterprise.

Such social services can be divided into four groups:

- catering for employees;

- provision of housing and benefits for its acquisition;

- organization of medical care;

- social advisory assistance.

The costs of catering for employees are usually shared between the employee and the company. The employee pays only the procurement cost of the products, and the company pays the rest of the costs of catering (wages of cooks, maintenance of the dining room, etc.). Thus, the employee pays 1/3 of the cost of food, and the company takes on the remaining 2/3 of the cost.

Providing employees with housing and benefits for its acquisition plays a very serious stimulating role. There may be various options here. So, the company builds housing, and rents out apartments to employees at preferential low prices. At the same time, the employee has the opportunity to gradually buy out housing during his work at the enterprise and solve the housing problem by the time of retirement. The business may also provide an employee with a low-interest mortgage loan to purchase a home.

Of course, only large organizations can solve the housing problems of employees. However, this strongly encourages long-term work in the enterprise and significantly reduces staff turnover. This is especially true in the conditions of Russia, where the housing problem is the most difficult to solve for the general population.

In addition to paying decent wages and meeting other needs, managers also need to take care of the psychological and physical condition (and other forms of moral stimulation) of workers.

The leader must take care not to endanger the health of the employees entrusted to him. He is responsible for ensuring that the safety regulations are known to everyone in their area of ​​activity and that they are observed. The manager should not entrust his employees with work that does not correspond to the state of their health.

The development of the physical form has a strengthening effect on the mental structure. Physical activity offers a good way to relieve mental pressure. Those actively involved in recreational sports justify their enthusiasm by the fact that they feel how physical fatigue makes mental activity brighter and clearer. The mental attitude increases, and a new angle of view is found for difficult and haunting questions of principles [Biryuk, 2002, 45-52p.].

Taking care of your mental health requires taking care of your mental health as well. The deterioration of the mental state is manifested most clearly in mental discomfort.

Human relationships have a decisive influence on mental well-being. Man tests and tests himself in relation to others. If human relationships, for example, because of the eternal haste, constantly remain superficial and fleeting, then human mutual influence is depleted of principles [Bozhovich, 1995, p.204].

Hobbies and leisure provide an opportunity to increase mental alertness. By reserving time for himself and for his hobbies, a person makes his life richer. Leisure time takes us away from work and helps us relax. Thus, they get a charge of vivacity for future work.

At any enterprise, the organization of medical care is important, which includes attaching employees to healthcare facilities and providing them with the necessary medical care at the expense of the organization.

Thus, in every company there is a need for a universal, effective and flexible system of employee incentives. This is necessary in order to avoid a sufficiently high staff turnover. It is more convenient for any leader to work with people familiar to him, who, in turn, are happy to work for him. There are many ways, for example, almost all organizations offer various benefits (medical care, pensions, etc.), there is already a system of monetary rewards everywhere, in some foreign countries they are even willing to pay extra for seniority. In general, everyone is looking for a way to attract and retain this or that employee. However, in this paper it was also said that when creating an incentive system, it is necessary to take into account not only the needs of employees, but also the interest of the enterprise itself. That is, there must be a certain order in the performance of duties, each employee must know what he is responsible for, for what merits he receives certain incentives and what results management expects from him.

Summing up the chapter, it should be emphasized that labor incentives are a way to reward an employee for participating in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements. Stimulation of labor involves the creation of conditions under which active labor activity, which gives certain, pre-fixed results, becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for satisfying the significant and socially conditioned needs of the employee, the formation of labor motives in him.

All incentives can be conditionally divided into material and non-material. Material incentives include: wages, participation in the distribution of profits, bonuses, participation in capital. Non-material methods of stimulation include organizational and moral - psychological. Organizational methods include, attracting employees to participate in the affairs of the organization, prospects for acquiring new knowledge and skills, stimulating the enrichment of the content of work Moral and psychological methods of stimulation include: creating conditions under which people would experience professional pride that they can do better with assigned work; call presence; confession.

An effective personnel incentive system should be based on certain principles, these are complexity, consistency, regulation, specialization, stability, purposeful creativity. All of these principles should be applied not individually, but in combination, this will guarantee good results.

Chapter 2Analysis of economicstates and evaluationSTAFF INCENTIVE SYSTEMSin JSC "SKB-Bank"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristicsOBUTO« SKB-bank»

November 2, 1990, on the basis of the Sverdlovsk regional department of Agroprombank, the "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank for the Promotion of Commerce and Business" (OJSC "SKB-bank") was created. On that day, the Bank was issued a license to carry out banking operations.

The Volga branch of OJSC SKB-Bank was established in February 2007. At the same time, the bank's office was opened in Volgograd. The Bank performs the main banking functions, and also has the right to carry out professional activities in the market valuable papers in accordance with federal laws. Authorized capital Bank was formed in the amount of 1,351,145,000 (one billion three hundred fifty one million one hundred forty five thousand) rubles and divided into 1,350,530,805 (one billion three hundred fifty million five hundred thirty thousand eight hundred and five) ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each and 614,195 (six hundred fourteen thousand one hundred ninety-five) preferred registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) ruble each.

Bank mission

The Bank is intended to provide a wide range of standardized and high-tech banking services and products to customers throughout the Russian Federation.

Business Philosophy

SKB-Bank has historical and economic prerequisites to become a backbone credit organization in the Russian banking market.

SKB-Bank contributes to the development of economic and social infrastructure in the territory of its presence.

SKB-bank provides its Clients with equal opportunities for efficient management of their funds and equally comfortable service conditions, carefully studies the needs and capabilities of each Client, regardless of their status and location.

SKB-bank competently manages risks in such a way as to ensure acceptable level profitability for its Clients and Partners, while maintaining the status of a reliable, stable bank.

SKB-Bank operates according to the rules of a civilized market, which builds its relations with Clients and Partners on the basis of legal and ethical business standards, in accordance with professional standards of activity.

SKB-Bank works in dialogue mode with its employees and ensures their high level of professionalism. Relations between the Bank and its employees are characterized by respect and trust.

The organizational structure of JSC "SKB-bank" is shown in fig. one

Rice. 2.1. Organizational structure of OAO SKB - BANK », TO Volgogradsky f-la, Volzhsky


1.1. Qualification of bank personnel, staff development.

1.2. Personnel qualification assessment. Certification.

2.1. Incentives for bank staff. Essence, types and forms of stimulation.

2.2. Bank staff motivation. Types, types, structure.

2.3. Basic approaches to assessing motivation management.

3.1. Strategic planning in a bank.

3.2. Building an effective incentive system in the bank.

3.3. New approaches to motivation.


List of used literature


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of the life of an enterprise, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations subject and object of control. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system. Methodologically, this area of ​​management has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment, and others; methods of study and direction of analysis of the content of labor of various categories of personnel.

Part I

The main parameter that determines the value labor resources, is the qualification of the personnel. The discrepancy between the actual and required level of qualification underlies the dissatisfaction with his work, wages, determines the nature of his behavior. By improving their qualifications and acquiring new knowledge and skills, the employee receives additional opportunities for professional growth.

1.1. Qualification of bank personnel, staff development.

The most important factor in the effective operation of the enterprise is timely and high-quality training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, which contributes to a wide range of their theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities. There is a direct relationship between the qualifications of an employee and the efficiency of his work, i.e. an increase in qualifications by one category leads, according to domestic economists, to a 0.034% increase in labor productivity. At the same time, it is necessary to use personnel in accordance with their profession and qualifications, manage career guidance and create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, reflecting the nature and level of relationships between employees.

Labor efficiency increases if it takes 2-2.5 times less time for workers with a higher educational level to master new types of work in the context of the introduction of new equipment and technology. The main thing, of course, is not simply the more rapid adaptation of these workers to new technology, but in the fact that, due to their high educational and professional training, they get the opportunity to technologically “see” much more than their immediate duties in the production process. It was precisely this, as it turned out during the conversations - that the workers, in many respects,

predetermines their higher degree of job satisfaction.

Studying the satisfaction of workers and possible ways to improve the stabilization of the workforce, identify the primary areas of this work. In the first place is the content of labor and the level of its payment. The social climate in the team is of great importance, the importance of which is noted by about half of the surveyed workers of enterprises.

The influence of various types and forms of training and advanced training of workers on the results of economic activity of an enterprise is determined by a number of indicators that can be combined into two groups: economic and social.

Economic indicators include: growth in labor productivity,

product quality, economy material resources etc. Social indicators reflect the level of satisfaction with work, its content and conditions, forms and systems of remuneration.

Personnel training is carried out on the basis of calculations of the need for personnel of a certain profession and qualification. Personnel training is the process of acquiring theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the scope of requirements qualification characteristic entry level qualifications.

Retraining of personnel means the training of qualified employees in order to change their professional profile in order to achieve compliance

qualification of personnel to production requirements.

The problem of retraining personnel and improving their qualifications comes to the fore due to the constant obsolescence of the total amount of knowledge and the depreciation of previous specialized knowledge, which is caused by scientific and technical progress, as well as the natural loss of knowledge. Proceeding from this, professional development of personnel can be defined as a process of improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve professional excellence workers, the development of advanced technology, technology, labor organization, production and management.

Advanced training consists in deepening professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of training.

The advanced training management system is based on the following principles: regularity, systematic and continuous expansion of knowledge;

periodicity and mandatory training; differentiation curricula and programs by categories of workers; ensuring the educational process.

The main requirements that ensure the effectiveness of the development of training programs are as follows:

Learning requires motivation. People need to understand the goals of learning; for working managers, enterprises should create conditions conducive to learning;

If the skills acquired in the learning process are complex, then this process should be broken down into successive stages.

Methods for assessing the work of personnel.

Performance appraisal has the following three main objectives:

administrative, informational and motivational.

Administrative purposes are understood as: promotion, transfer from one job to another, demotion, termination employment contract.

1) Promotion serves two purposes: allows the enterprise to

fill existing vacancies; allows employees to satisfy the desire for

success, self-expression, recognition.

2) Demotion of employees occurs when assessment indicators

labor do not meet the requirements and the possibilities of achieving the specified indicators have been exhausted.

3) Transfer from one job to another occurs when an enterprise wants to use employees more effectively in other positions or expand their experience. Sometimes a transfer is used when an employee does not perform satisfactorily, but due to his seniority, merits, the organization considers it unethical and inhumane to dismiss him from work.

4) Termination of the employment contract (dismissal) occurs in cases where the employee was informed of the assessment of his work and provided with opportunities to improve it, but he does not want or cannot work according to the standards of the organization.

Evaluation of the results of work is also necessary in order to inform employees about the relative level of their work, to show their strengths and weak sides, give direction to improvement.

Evaluation of work is also an important property of employee motivation.

By reporting the results of the labor assessment, the firm has the opportunity to properly

reward employees with salaries, promotions, gratitude and

other forms of remuneration. In addition, it should be noted that systematic positive reinforcement of behavior is associated with high performance in the future.

Job appraisal is the process of ranking jobs by their relative value in order to fairly reward the worker. From how fair

the work of the employee will be evaluated, so he will be satisfied with the received

remuneration, his production behavior in the future will depend to such an extent.

The following methods are currently used to evaluate work:

Job ranking is the simplest form of job evaluation. Each work in this case is evaluated according to the degree of relative importance for the firm. object

estimates are necessary responsibilities, responsibility, qualification. Works

are grouped according to the relative ratio of complexity and value. By degree

ranking is determined by the company's need to perform certain work.

This method has gained popularity due to its simplicity.

Classification of work - this method is similar to the previous one and differs

only the sequence of implementation. According to this method, at the beginning

the level of salary is determined, then the work itself is considered in detail. AT

conditions market relations it is less acceptable, but was widespread in the AKC setting. Appropriate standards were set for each job.

developments, uniform rates for their payment

1.2. Personnel qualification assessment. Certification.

Certification is one of the most effective and efficient systems for assessing the organization's personnel. It is a social mechanism personnel technology, allowing to determine the qualifications and level of knowledge of the employee; assessment of his abilities, business and moral qualities. Certification is some completed, formalized, recorded result of an employee's assessment. From the definition of attestation it follows that a very specific function of this procedure is to establish the fact of the suitability of a person for a certain social role.

In addition, attestation should be an effective form of control over the professional growth and business qualifications of a specialist. Recognition of an employee as inappropriate for his position entails raising the question of his retraining and transfer to a lower position.

Certification as a social mechanism performs the following functions:

Diagnostic, or evaluative, - the study and evaluation of the activities, behavior, personality of specialists in order to use them most correctly;

Prognostic, which consists in determining the possibilities, abilities of the employee to further growth, improvement, in clarifying the prospects of each specific specialist;

Corrective, which consists in determining any special measures or specific areas of work to change some elements of the activity and behavior of specialists;

Educational - the impact on the personal qualities of the employee, primarily on his motivational sphere.

Knowledge and consideration of these functions allows, when developing an attestation system in an organization, to avoid a one-sided assessment of the performance of employees and consider them in dialectical unity, synergistic integrity. This is also facilitated by reliance on the observance of the principles of openness, collegiality, systemic integrity of the assessment. professional activity, providing an objective attitude towards personnel in the certification process. When attesting, the objective results of the professional work of a specialist, the compliance of the result of his work with norms and standards, manifested in skill, as well as the originality, non-standard result of his work, manifested in creativity, should be evaluated. Such a view implies a systematic and holistic approach when considering the level of professionalism of an employee in the process of his certification. Professionalism implies a high level of competence, formed at the level of a productive model of personal activity and professionally important qualities, high level of skills and abilities of the staff. When developing a certification system for an organization, it is advisable to take into account several certification blocks. This is professional competence (the effectiveness of professional activity, professional abilities, professional thinking, the ability to work in an extreme situation, the ability to withstand adverse professional factors, etc.); social communicative competence (professional communication, forms of professional cooperation, conflict resistance, etc.); personal competence (professional motives, claims, expectations, job satisfaction); individual competence (motives and ability for self-development, self-design, self-correction, self-preservation, stress resistance, positive performance dynamics, etc.)

When creating an evaluation system, it is important to answer two questions: what to evaluate and how to evaluate. In the course of the analysis of approaches to the certification of the organization's personnel, the author revealed the possibility of using various methods of assessment and certification of specialists to fulfill the main condition, i.e., the reasonable expediency and usefulness of the position in relation to which the certification is carried out, the units and services in whose staff this position is included, the validity structure of the governing body.

Currently, there are many methods of personnel assessment. In the literature, there are references to the proposal for its evaluation to take into account a variety of personal and professionally important qualities and skills. It is possible to cite various forms and methods for assessing professionally important and personal qualities and skills. Identifying the qualities that contribute to the success of professional activity is a rather complicated matter. The history of personnel management has information about the allocation of two qualities: the ability to gain authority and a broad outlook. There is also a list of 11 qualities that contribute to good governance: ability to manage oneself, reasonable personal values, clear goals, emphasis on continuous personal growth, problem-solving skills, resourcefulness and innovation, the ability to influence others, knowledge of modern management approaches, the ability to train and develop subordinates, the ability to form and develop effective work teams.

2.1. Incentives for bank staff. Essence, types and forms of stimulation.

Stimulation of labor is, first of all, an external motivation, an element of the labor situation that affects human behavior in the sphere of work, the material shell of staff motivation. At the same time, it also carries an intangible burden that allows the employee to realize himself as a person and as an employee at the same time. Stimulation performs economic, social and moral functions.

The economic function is expressed in the fact that the stimulation of labor contributes to an increase in the efficiency of production, which is expressed in an increase in labor productivity and product quality.

The moral function is determined by the fact that incentives to work form an active life position, highly moral climate in society. At the same time, it is important to provide a correct and justified system of incentives, taking into account tradition and historical experience.

The social function is provided by the formation social structure society through different levels of income, which largely depends on the impact of incentives on different people. In addition, the formation of needs, and ultimately the development of the individual, are predetermined by the formation and stimulation of labor in society.

The incentive is often characterized as an impact on the employee from the outside (from outside) in order to encourage him to work effectively. There is a certain dualism in the stimulus. The dualism of the incentive is that, on the one hand, from the standpoint of the administration of the enterprise, it is a tool for achieving the goal (increasing the productivity of workers, the quality of their work, etc.), on the other hand, from the standpoint of the employee, the incentive is an opportunity to obtain additional benefits (positive incentive) or the possibility of their loss (negative incentive). In this regard, we can distinguish between positive stimulation (the possibility of owning something, achieving something) and negative stimulation (the possibility of losing some item of need).

When incentives pass through the psyche and consciousness of people and are transformed by them, they become internal motives or motives for the worker's behavior. Motives are conscious incentives. Stimulus and motive do not always agree with each other, but there is no “Chinese wall” between them. These are two sides, two systems of influence on the worker, inducing him to certain actions. Therefore, the stimulating effect on the staff is aimed primarily at enhancing the functioning of the employees of the enterprise, and the motivating effect is aimed at enhancing the professional and personal development of employees. In practice, it is necessary to use mechanisms for combining labor motives and incentives. But it is important to distinguish between the stimulating and motivational mechanisms of the behavior of employees and the administration of enterprises, to realize the importance of their interaction and mutual enrichment.

Incentives can be tangible or intangible. The first group includes monetary (wages, bonuses, etc.) and non-monetary (vouchers, free treatment, transportation costs, etc.). The second group of incentives includes: social (the prestige of work, the possibility of professional and career growth), moral (respect from others, awards) and creative (the possibility of self-improvement and self-realization).

There are certain requirements for the organization of labor incentives. These are complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency.

Complexity implies the unity of moral and material, collective and individual incentives, the value of which depends on the system of approaches to personnel management, the experience and traditions of the enterprise.

Differentiation means an individual approach to stimulating different strata and groups of workers. It is known that approaches to wealthy and low-income workers should differ significantly. Approaches to qualified and young workers should also be different.

Flexibility and efficiency are manifested in the constant revision of incentives depending on the changes taking place in society and the team.

Stimulation is based on certain principles:

·Availability. Every incentive must be available to all employees. Incentive conditions should be clear and democratic.

· Perceptibility. There is a certain threshold for the effectiveness of the stimulus, which varies significantly in different teams. This must be taken into account when determining the lower stimulus threshold.

· Graduality. Material incentives are subject to constant upward correction, which must be taken into account, however, a sharply inflated remuneration, which is not confirmed subsequently, will negatively affect the employee’s motivation in connection with the formation of an expectation of increased remuneration and the emergence of a new lower incentive threshold that would suit the employee.

·Minimizing the gap between the result of labor and its payment. For example, switching to a weekly wage. Compliance with this principle allows you to reduce the level of remuneration, because. the principle “Less is better, but immediately” applies. The increase in remuneration, its clear connection with the result of labor is a strong motivator.

· A combination of moral and material incentives. Both those and other factors are equally strong in their impact. It all depends on the place, time and subject of influence of these factors. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably combine these types of incentives, taking into account their purposeful effect on each employee.

A mix of incentives and disincentives. Their reasonable combination is necessary. In economically developed countries, the transition from anti-incentives (fear of job loss, hunger, fines) to incentives prevails. It depends on the traditions that have developed in society, the team, views, mores.

Incentives include financial reward and additional incentives.

Wages are the most important part of the system of remuneration and incentives for labor, one of the tools for influencing the efficiency of an employee's work. This is the tip of the iceberg of the company's personnel incentive system, but at the same time, wages in most cases do not exceed 70% of the employee's income. Among the forms of material incentives, in addition to wages, bonuses can be attributed. Bonuses replace the thirteenth salary in many cases. Bonuses are preceded by an assessment or certification of personnel. In some organizations, bonuses amount to 20% of an employee's income per year. Incentives such as profit sharing and equity participation are growing in importance.

Intangible incentives also become important not only because they lead to social harmony, but also provide an opportunity to avoid taxes.

Non-material incentives include such basic forms as payment for transportation costs, discounts on the purchase of company goods, medical care, life insurance, payment for temporary disability, vacation, pensions, and some others.

2.2. Bank staff motivation. Types, types, structure.

Motives for work are varied. They differ in the needs that a person seeks to satisfy through labor activity, in the benefits that a person needs to satisfy his needs, in the price that the worker is willing to pay for obtaining the desired benefits. What they have in common is that the satisfaction of needs is always associated with labor activity.

Several groups of labor motives can be distinguished, which together form a single system. These are the motives of the meaningfulness of labor, its social utility, status motives associated with public recognition of the fruitfulness of labor activity, motives for obtaining wealth, as well as motives focused on a certain intensity of work.

Good becomes a stimulus for labor if it forms the motive of labor. The practical essence of the concepts of "labor motive" and "labor incentive" is identical. In the first case, we are talking about an employee who seeks to benefit through labor activity (motive). In the second, about the governing body, which has a set of benefits necessary for the employee, and provides them to him under the condition of effective labor activity (incentive).

The leader must always keep in mind the element of chance. Unpredictable and irregular rewards motivate better than expected and predictable ones. It is better to give small and frequent incentives to as many employees as possible.

2.3. Basic approaches to assessing motivation management

When comparing costs and benefits in the assessment economic efficiency from personnel management, it is necessary to specify and determine what exactly is to be assessed.

Firstly, the achievement of a certain result of activity with the help of a specially selected, trained and motivated team of the enterprise, formed as a result of the implementation of the selected personnel policy.

Secondly, the achievement of the goals set for the management of motivation with minimal expenditure of funds.

Thirdly, the choice of the most effective management methods that ensure the effectiveness of the management process itself.

Each of these approaches deserves separate consideration.

a) Achieving the end result

The overall economic effect can be considered as the result of the entire economic activity of the enterprise. In one case, the economic effect is the volume of production in physical or monetary terms (gross or net output). In another case, the volume of products sold, profit, is also taken into account. Products should be expressed in current prices, as this allows you to compare results with costs.

Thus, an increase in efficiency can be achieved either by reducing costs to obtain the same production result, or by reducing the rate of increase in costs compared to the rate of increase in the result, when the increase in the latter is achieved through better use of available resources.

Most often, to assess the effectiveness of the final result (production), the indicator of the effectiveness of labor costs is used, in particular, the indicator of labor productivity - Fri.

Op - the volume of products (works, services) produced during a certain calendar period, rub.; T - labor costs (man-hours, man-days) or average headcount workers.

However, this indicator is not entirely accurate and varies under the influence of many factors. More reasonable conclusions about the effectiveness of work with personnel are given by an assessment of the cost of the enterprise's labor costs. Indeed, in order for the labor process to take place, enterprises go to significant costs. At various enterprises, the cost of a unit of labor (St) differs significantly, because. the volume of labor costs St = W/T is different. If the enterprise has accounting for such costs, then it is possible to calculate an indicator characterizing the volume of production per 1 ruble of labor costs (F).

It is defined:

1) As a quotient of dividing the volume of output in value terms (in current prices) by the volume of labor costs.

2) by dividing the level of labor productivity (in value terms) by the amount of costs attributable to the same unit of labor costs: F = Pt / St.

The indicator of specific cost Ur is the inverse of the indicator of production volume per 1 ruble. costs (F) and characterizes the labor costs (in rubles) necessary to obtain 1 rub. products.

The dynamics of the indicator of production volume per ruble of labor costs (F) allows you to control the change in the efficiency of these costs. The growth of output per unit of costs indicates their expediency.

When the return on costs decreases, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for this decrease. This will make it possible to find out which of the external and internal factors influenced it, that is, to answer the question of whether the enterprise rationally uses the labor potential of its employees, created thanks to the management measures taken. b) Achieving the goals of motivation management at a minimum cost

Efficiency characterizes not only the effectiveness of the activity, but also its cost-effectiveness, i.e. achieving a certain result with minimal cost. When evaluating the personnel management system, indicators can be used not only of labor productivity, but also of the efficiency of the system itself. The personnel management system is designed to influence the labor potential in order to change its parameters in the direction necessary for the enterprise. There are various ways to solve this problem, but the right choice provides the lowest cost, i.e. saves money. The effect of management can be assessed by the degree of closeness of the actual state of the labor potential to the planned one. ultimate goal It is impossible to express personnel management with one indicator, therefore their system is used, reflecting various aspects of labor potential (number of personnel, professional qualifications, education, motivation, labor, health status).

It is possible to identify and analyze the effectiveness of motivational management in specific areas of this process - the effectiveness of personnel policy, training and retraining of personnel, advanced training, shortening the period of adaptation of personnel, etc.

In any case, the source of the effect is the saving of funds to achieve the set goals, however, the main task of the current policy is to achieve such a state of labor potential that would provide a certain economic and social effect, and not the maximum savings in labor costs, since it is known that cheap work force- not always the best, especially for the production of high-quality products. Therefore, cost minimization, as an efficiency criterion, should be considered in relation to the achievement of specific quantitative and qualitative parameters of the labor potential.

The effectiveness of the management process is determined through an assessment of the progressiveness of the management system itself, the level of technical equipment of managerial work, the qualifications of employees, etc. Factors of increasing the efficiency of the management process itself cannot but affect the results of the organization's economic activities.

The efficiency of the system in general can be expressed by the unit costs of its operation. Management efficiency can be characterized through the assessment of rationality organizational structure personnel service. In this case, indirect criteria are used - the costs of maintaining the management structure and their share in the total cost of the organization in the production of products. The more complex the system (more hierarchical levels and relationships), the lower the efficiency of the management system.

The effectiveness of the organizational structure of the personnel management service largely depends on the dynamism of the structure itself, on how quickly it reacts to changes and complication of the tasks facing personnel management, how it is adapted to business conditions in a market economy.

Each of the considered approaches to assessing economic efficiency has its own positive aspects and difficulties in implementation. The most acceptable in practical terms, however, seems to be an assessment of certain areas of motivational policy, which makes it possible to identify the costs of their implementation and to determine with sufficient accuracy the performance indicators of the ongoing personnel policy. However, enterprises various forms property (state, commercial, etc.) have a different degree of freedom in choosing methods for implementing socio-psychological and motivational policies and the possibility of implementing alternative options.

Therefore, the general criteria for effectiveness can be the following:

Payback period for personnel costs;

The amount of income growth;

Minimization of current costs;

Profit maximization;

Minimization of production costs due to personnel costs.

The orientation of the enterprise to the use of one or another criterion predetermines the approach to the choice of indicators used to analyze and justify the effectiveness of the ongoing motivational policy, its forms and methods.

Part II

3.1. Strategic planning in a bank

The modern approach to strategic planning recognizes the interdependence of planning and other functions and activities of the bank, pointing out the need to take this interdependence into account when designing planning systems in banks, their information and other supporting subsystems, as well as other processes and systems.

Plan system. The result of the process strategic planning, its output is planning documentation (the so-called “system of plans”), which reflects all types of planned indicators, and the end of the corresponding periods.

The need to develop a system of plans, that is, a set of interrelated plans, is determined by the fact that solutions to complex strategic problems are also quite complex. They are complex in the sense that they require taking into account factors so different in nature, such as scientific, technical, technological, financial, and so on, the participation and support of a wide variety of clients of the organization.

Since the plans must contain as one of the most important elements the proposed “solutions” to complex problems, they themselves must be no less complex than these problems. It follows that a simple plan or a simple hierarchy of plans cannot serve as an adequate means of solving the problems of a modern bank. Rather, it should be a system of interrelated and interdependent private plans that reflect and take into account various aspects of the complex problems that the bank will face in the future, the possibilities for their resolution, the impact different groups bank customers, as well as the relationship between certain elements of these plans. There are four types of interrelated plans that play a subordinate role in relation to the master plan.

a) Main directions of development and strategy for the foreseeable future.

b) long term plan, which goes beyond one year and usually includes the prospect of improving products and services, as well as the transition to the release of a new generation of services performed by the bank.

c) Production (short-term) plan, usually developed for one or two years and covering mainly the current activities of the bank.

d) Special plans (projects) specifying such special goals as the development of new types of services, penetration into new markets, the introduction of new technologies, restructuring of the organizational structure by combining individual bank divisions, merging with other banks, and so on.

All these interrelated plans serve as forms of materialization of the bank's planned activities and the basis for linking tasks, goals and strategies. These types of plans are also designed to harmonize the planning results obtained at different levels of management and in different departments of the bank, as well as covering different periods of time. In the main directions of the bank's development, the strategy for achieving the general goals and the main directions of its activities is fixed. The long-term plan of the bank is being developed in a more detailed breakdown. It covers a long period of time, takes into account the possibility of introducing new services and using new resources. AT production plan the planning horizon is much narrower, but in other respects this plan is not inferior to the previous one. Special plans (projects) have different time horizons, but in terms of direction, they are focused on achieving a limited number of specific goals and using a narrow range of resources.

The two types of plans named first are the main output of the strategic planning system. However, they must be based on current project, program and production plans. They should be transformed into future production and special plans (projects). The last two types of plans are also part of the strategic planning system. No less important than the interconnection of the various plans included in the planning system is their content. Each of these plans should include an adaptation mechanism that allows the bank to adapt to future conditions, grow or, conversely, wind down operations.

Such mechanisms can be plans for acquisition of other banks, plans for the development of the resource base, contributing to the achievement of the general goals of the bank, and many other elements that ensure the prosperity of the bank in the future, which can be very different from the current situation. The planning process. For the development and use of a complex system of plans to be effective, the planning process must be organized. At the same time, a special organization is not required if the bank is small or if the consolidated plan can be obtained by simply summing up and linking the indicators of the plans of its divisions. However, one of the main advantages of planning is getting a synergistic effect. Therefore, in order to properly assess the relationship, interaction and interdependence of the elements of the bank, activities and programs, a certain order is needed. To obtain a synergistic effect in planning, it is necessary to develop certain mechanisms for using these estimates as a basis for realizing the benefits of interaction and interdependence of various plans and departments of the bank.

The principal model of the adaptive planning process consists of the following blocks: preliminary description of goals, forecasts of the external environment, planning prerequisites, selection of bank goals, evaluation of alternatives, development of plans, development of strategies. Preliminary description of goals. The strategic planning process begins with preliminary determination bank goals. The definition of these goals is preliminary and is intended to establish the boundaries of future opportunities and the starting point against which the need for information necessary to assess these opportunities is assessed. Determining the future goals of a bank can be very difficult because it forces you to think in terms that are different from those used in everyday practice. Forecasts of the external environment. the main objective forecasts - a look into the future, allowing planners to build a model of the probable future state of the external environment. This model reflects the nature of the social, economic, political, legal and scientific and technical factors that the bank will have to deal with in the future. Planning background. Prerequisites (assumptions) contain the basic background information necessary for strategic planning. They can be specific, such as inflation rates, or more general, such as assumptions about changes in society's core values.

Planned assumptions provide additional information to that contained in forecasts. These assumptions allow the planner to complete the created model of the future, which can then be used as the basis for evaluating and selecting strategic goals. The choice of bank objectives. This stage includes clarification, detailing and concretization of previously formulated goals. The organization's broadly defined goals unify and guide the subsequent stages of the planning process.

Evaluation of alternatives. The next step in the process is identifying and evaluating alternative ways to use the bank's resources to achieve its goals. Thus, the process of evaluating alternatives is a decision on the best direction for the development of the bank under given constraints and future conditions.

The evaluation of alternatives when using one of the forms of the cost-benefit method should be carried out on the basis of previously selected goals and, therefore, lead to the selection of alternatives that are congruent to these goals. Along with risk and uncertainty assessments, these alternatives form the core of strategic planning. To be meaningful, they should be evaluated according to what needs to be done and what can be done, based on the bank's stated goals and possible risk factors in the future.

Development of plans. Once objectives have been selected and alternatives have been evaluated, the main focus of the plan development process is to ensure consistency between the objectives and alternatives prepared by the various departments of the bank and for different types his activities. At this stage, everything necessary is also taken to ensure that these plans are consistent with the global goals of the bank: in written, documentary form, the selected goals, alternatives and those activities that ensure their implementation are recorded. Thus, this stage serves as a detailing of the previous one.

All too often, this is the only step that is more or less effectively carried out in banks looking to improve their planning. Development of implementation strategies for plans. The exploration of alternative ways of achieving the set goals through the chosen strategies and activities should be given the same serious attention as the choice of strategies and activities. Part of the strategy for the implementation of the plans is inherent in their very set, since the development of the plans took into account alternative ways of their effective implementation. For example, if a new building is to be built, the plan for its construction will undoubtedly contain a consistent description of such stages as the selection construction site, design, and so on, which will lead to the implementation of a planned decision to build a new building. A plan implementation strategy has one very complex aspect that often needs to be taken into account: the motivation and behavior of people. At the same time, the planner should ask the following questions: what will be the reaction of workers to this decision? How to present the developed plan to them so that they contribute to its successful implementation? What part of this plan can be announced? When?

This approach to taking into account the impact on the implementation of the plan of people's behavior serves to improve the plan with the implementation strategy. This strategy is intended to manage all the activities that flow from the plan, not just the distribution of work and tasks, which is usually considered the main result of planning. Decision making subsystem. From the description of the planning process, it can be seen that planning is inextricably linked with making decisions about goals and strategies. Consequently, no planning procedure will be completely systemic without an orderly approach to its most important phase - decision-making.

Of course, the process of making planned decisions cannot be made completely objective and systematic. The decision-making subsystem should serve as a means of combining the judgments and assessments of managers into a single whole within the framework of a formal decision analysis. This mutual complement of subjective assessments and formal analysis enhances the ability of managers to make strategic decisions in difficult situations. Formal decision analysis involves the use of a number of decision models that explicitly formulate links between the bank's performance (for example, its profitability) and controllable and uncontrollable parameters that determine the level of this efficiency. For example, a decision model might relate a bank's profitability to external economic conditions (an uncontrollable factor) and strategic choice variables such as the amount of advertising spend (a controllable parameter).

Such models can guide the evaluation and selection of strategies, programs and other decision-related elements of planning. The use of such models eliminates the need for planners to rely only on intuition or (to a lesser extent) on trial and error when making decisions. The inclusion of the decision-making subsystem in the planning system serves to emphasize the nature of planning as a decision-making process, as well as to show the need for obtaining special information and processing it in such a way that

contributes to better decision making. Information support subsystem. Many planning failures are due to a lack of necessary planning information (“databases” on which to base decisions). Often the information processed in information systems banks, is predominantly descriptive and historical in nature, relating to the past activities of its divisions. Much of this information is outdated and related only to him. To be useful for strategic planning, information must show perspectives and focus on those aspects environment and competition, which have the greatest impact on the future of the bank.

It is possible to schematically show the content of the database, its connection with the elements of the planning process, as well as with various sources of planning information, as follows (diagram “Information basis of strategic planning”). Scheme “Information basis of strategic planning” Naturally, it is impossible to process such large volumes of various planning information without its preliminary systematization.

Systematization of planning information does not mean the need to develop expensive computing systems. Rather, it means asking questions such as the following: What do you need to know? Where can I get information about this? Who will collect them? How will this data be collected? Who will analyze and interpret them? What is the most cost-effective way to store collected information so that it can be found and retrieved at a later date as cost-effectively as possible?

How to distribute the extracted information among its users in a timely manner? Organizational support subsystem. Strategic planning functions can be distributed among the bank's departments in different ways, forming one of the following profiles in various combinations: Strong central planning service that develops long-term strategies.

A central planning service that provides long-range planning by assisting organizational units involved in planning. Decentralization of authority for long-term planning: assigning responsibility for compiling long term plans on those heads of bank departments who are responsible for their implementation. Most of the questions associated with “an organization adequate to strategic planning” usually boil down to one of the following: should such a unit be line or headquarters and whether the long-range planning service should be at the level of the corporation, its departments, or be tied to both of them at the same time. These issues need to be approached creatively.

Strategic planning management subsystem. Strategic planning does not arise on its own; it needs motivation. Important elements of motivation are the attitude of managers towards him and the climate in the bank. Since it is the planning functions that people perform, the planning process itself must be formalized and managed. Just as the planning process requires the development of a plan implementation strategy, the introduction or radical change of strategic planning requires a planning implementation strategy. Thus, the planning itself must be planned and the process must be managed.

Planning is a type of organizational activity that requires a significant investment of time and resources. As such, it degrades if its importance is not understood, if it is not encouraged to be treated as it should be, and if it is not managed as carefully as other activities in the bank.

Part of this "management of planning" includes due regard for the organizational climate necessary for planning to be creative. An effective way to create such a climate is to encourage broad participation in the planning of workers at all levels. Employees can be encouraged to offer their thoughts on improving the planning of new services, modifying existing services, changing the organizational structure, developing new strategy etc. Such proposals must be sufficiently reasoned and documented so that planners can evaluate them and see if each proposal deserves further study.

3.2. Building an effective incentive system in the bank

Only knowing what drives a person, what encourages him to act, what motives underlie his actions, you can try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing him. To do this, you need to know how certain motives arise or are caused, how and in what ways, motives can be put into action, how people are motivated.

Given the realities of the economic environment, the survival of any entrepreneurial structure in the conditions of the formation of a market economy in Russia, it directly depends on the intellectual property of its personnel. It is on this subjective basis that thoughtful professional activities of personnel, heuristic approaches to the development of managerial decisions, and skillful implementation of risky business actions are possible. Unfortunately, managers and economists of business structures often do not attach due importance to the attitude of workers to work. Such neglect leads to an underestimation of the decisive importance of the moral and psychological factor in stimulating labor. Incentive system in entrepreneurial activity It has a strong psychological and moral impact on people, it is designed to arouse in them a strong desire to work conscientiously, professionally and innovatively. An ill-conceived system of stimulating attitudes towards work can disorganize workers and disrupt the effectiveness of their activities. Therefore, when working with people, it is important to know the psychological foundations of motivation and stimulation of labor.

In Russia, the process of formation of labor incentive systems takes place in difficult socio-economic conditions. There are not many successful enterprises in the country. At each of them, they try to create their own model of motivation and stimulation, taking into account real conditions economic environment. Moreover, some top managers form their models of motivation, still based on the Soviet experience, many of the pro-Western oriented companies are introducing foreign management technologies at their enterprises. There are also those who develop qualitatively new models that have no analogues in the world's fairly extensive practice.

3.3. New Approaches to Motivation

Typical modern personnel policy, which has been successfully implemented in most Moscow banks, at least suggests that the following elements are present:

1. A remuneration system that allows you to influence the total income of an employee, namely:

a) ensuring remuneration corresponding to the employee's contribution to the achievement of the bank's goals;

b) motivation of employees for highly productive work;

c) retention of the best specialists and managers;

d) attraction of qualified specialists and managers.

To achieve these goals, the remuneration system should be based on such principles as competitiveness, differentiation of remuneration for work, consistency, compliance with the tasks and goals of the business, flexibility, focus on performance, fairness, honesty, openness, cost-effectiveness, change management.

2. The system of adaptation of the bank's personnel, including psycho-physiological, socio-psychological, organizational and proper professional aspects. In our case, assumptions are made that professional adaptation coincides in time with the probationary period.

3. Appraisal system - an annual assessment of personnel performance, which is tied to all other personnel management procedures (training, transparency of career growth, material and non-material remuneration).

4. The system of training and advanced training of bank employees. In the banking sector, training is largely instrumental in nature, aimed at eliminating the shortage of knowledge and skills. At the same time, the effectiveness of the implementation of the program of profound changes in the bank is directly related to the successful development of the bank's personnel and, as a result, to the formation of a stable motivation of the bank's specialists for continuous learning.

5. The procedure for the involvement of personnel in business processes, etc. Involvement of personnel in the activities of the organization, good communications and timely awareness of the staff are directly related to its productivity.

6. A program for mandatory medical care for personnel, and, if possible, voluntary medical insurance.

7. An additional package of non-material incentives, which are formed and implemented on the basis of the specificity of each organization.

8. A system of psychological support and feedback, analysis of personnel and management through the timely conduct of psychological examinations and opinion polls.

Managers do not always clearly understand what motives stimulate their subordinates to work effectively. This problem is inherent in many organizations and enterprises around the world. Studies conducted in organizations in Western Europe and America have shown that managers often overestimate the importance of "basic motives" for employees, such as salary, safety, reliability, and underestimate internal incentives to work - independence, creativity, desire to achieve high results. So, when choosing from ten main factors of satisfaction with the work of their subordinates, the leaders singled out the following in the first place: good salary, job security, the possibility of promotion, good working conditions. When the employees themselves answered, they put the following factors in the first place: human recognition, complete information, assistance in personal affairs, interesting work, the opportunity to organize family leisure, recreation with children, etc.

Thus, new banking technologies require new approaches to the motivation of bank employees that correspond to the current situation.

When developing a system for stimulating the work motivation of personnel, the following criteria are set:

1. Complexity. Human activity is motivated by a whole range of reasons (conscious and unconscious), which are in a complex interweaving, and often in conflict. The sum of vectors of multidirectional trends ultimately determines the direction of activity. To stimulate labor, it is very important to create a balance of external and internal incentives, to combine material and "moral" (spiritual) incentives to work.

2. Certainty. The system of criteria that determine the nature of incentives must be unambiguously formulated and understandable to all employees. Employees must clearly understand what their actions are desirable for the organization, which are tolerable, and which are unacceptable. Simply put, the employee must clearly understand what he will be encouraged and punished for in his professional activities, and what the magnitude of these rewards and punishments can be.

3. Objectivity. The employee must be sure that his performance will be objectively evaluated. The reward or penalty must be personal and specific. At the same time, it is very important that not only punishment, but also encouragement be fair, because. undeserved encouragement harms the cause even more than undeserved punishment. Each specific deserving employee should be encouraged: it has been established that if the team as a whole is encouraged, this has a lesser stimulating effect.

4. The "inevitability" of stimulation. The incentive system should provide employees with confidence that their "correct" or "wrong" behavior will inevitably lead to rewards or punishments. At the same time, an effective manager knows well that sometimes it is better to "not notice" omissions in work than not to react to achievements in any way.

5. Timeliness. What is significant for a person today may lose its relevance tomorrow. About a person who waited a long time for something, and then stopped waiting and resigned himself, they say: "He outlived his desires." The incentive system should work quickly, reinforcing success or forcing to change "wrong" behavior, so that the employee more clearly coordinates his actions with the interests of the organization.

As a result of group work, a product of different levels and different qualities can be obtained. It depends on what task was set, and on the capabilities of the group.

The employee must be sure that his performance will be objectively evaluated. The reward or penalty must be personal and specific.


If even ten years ago the State Bank had an almost complete monopoly on the Russian banking services market, now banks are forced to fight for each client. The main tool for increasing competitiveness is the activity of a person, a bank employee, starting from the teller and ending with his president. Everyone should be interested in quality customer service, and the main motive will be the prosperity of the bank and increasing its competitiveness, and hence the improvement of the well-being of the staff.

The high level of intra-bank specialization makes it difficult to solve problems in a comprehensive manner and coordinate the activities of departments due to the narrow scope of responsibility. An expedient direction of personnel management in this context may be the expansion and deepening of relations between departments, not only in the form of formalized procedures. Informal connections are important, which have no less significance, which it is desirable to maintain and develop. The expansion and deepening of such links will fill the lack of information and will contribute to the mutual enrichment of knowledge about the general situation in the bank. Employees will feel more involved in banking problems in general. Regular exchange of analytical and forecasting materials can help the bank in managing operations, balance sheet, etc. Despite the fact that the units are highly specialized, there is a relationship between their work, and Additional Information, for example, from the department of foreign exchange operations about a change in the exchange rate of the dollar signals the credit department about a possible review of interest rates on loans in the near future.

Banking is based on skilled intellectual labor, which ensures success in the competitive struggle.

It is necessary to train, retrain and improve the skills of personnel in order to make the most efficient use of this most valuable and important resource. In order to help the bank minimize the cost of advanced training and retraining of personnel and at the same time increase the efficiency of the internal banking system of training, a variant of training bank employees based on the use of distance learning opportunities is proposed. Banks need, along with traditional forms of training, to use tele-learning at workplaces equipped with personal computers- telephoning.

The presence within one banking institution of sectors, departments, divisions that are completely different in function and industry affiliation implies the use of appropriate motivation methods, personnel assessment systems, approaches and principles of bonuses and material rewards.

Strong labor motivation, on the one hand, is a guarantee of prosperity and development of the bank; and on the other hand, the factor of psychological stability of the employee at a sufficiently high level of productivity.

List of used literature

1. Yarygin S.V. Features of personnel management of a commercial bank (methodological and organizational foundations) - M., 1999

2. Mazmanova B.G. Accounting policy and staff incentives as a support for the company's strategy - Management in Russia and abroad, No. 4, 2003

3. Svirina I. Certification as a mechanism for assessing the level of personnel qualifications - Personnel Service and Personnel, No. 10, 2006

4. Accounting, taxes, banks -

5. Accounting guide. All about accounting and finance -

6. Corporate management -

7. Encyclopedia of management

In this article, we want to consider such a topical issue for many managers as a bank. And we will also tell you how an effective bank can be set up using the implementation KPI systems.

It should be noted right away that with a decrease in income from banking operations and fierce competition, it is in the bank that it allows you to find reserves that help the bank survive in difficult times and develop recommendations for further development, prosperity and.

Motivation in the bank

Building an efficient bank is one of the most important functions of today's manager. An intelligent leader understands perfectly well that it is not enough just to implement the latest technology in banking for greater financial returns. is also increased by solving various problems associated with the so-called human factor, with the attitude of employees to their activities, with a personal interest in improving the quality of work, with creativity to resolving issues. In such situations, in order to achieve the goal modern leader must constantly focus on various internal motivating factors, needs and orientations of employees.

Managers sometimes do not imagine what kind of motives will stimulate their subordinates to work effectively. These problems are inherent in various organizations and firms around the world. Studies that have been conducted at enterprises in Western Europe and the United States have revealed that many managers often greatly overestimate the importance for employees of "primary motives", such as salary, reliability, safety, and underestimate other incentives for successful work.

On the other hand, such incentives for work are often underestimated, such as: a clear statement of the task and organization of the work of employees, as well as an effective result in the process of work.

Effective motivation of bank employees

Correct in a bank assumes that bank employees should have sufficient freedom of their actions, be able to independently choose methods for solving operational and strategic tasks set by management. However, at the same time, all actions of employees must clearly fit into established technologies and rules.

Subordinates must have a good understanding not only of their goals in activity and work, but also of the goals of their entire work unit or office, as well as many of the goals or priorities of the bank.

Labor motivation is an important process for stimulating each individual employee or a group of all people to effective activities, which is aimed at achieving common production goals.

Bank employees, along with any other system of work in any organization, must fully and accurately comply with the developed strategy of this company, the organization's resources, structure and corporate culture. If the boss wants to attract and retain a number of qualified and responsible people in his organization, he should try to find the key motivation in subordinates.

Material reward is only a part of the total in the bank. This incentive plays an important role, but you should not completely rely on it, because this is not the only factor that keeps staff. If an organization has problems that are associated with a corporate-type culture or a bad and uncomfortable internal microclimate, then you cannot keep employees in the service for a long time with rewards or additional bonuses. They can easily go to another company, where wages may even be lower, but only if the unfriendly environment and the difficult working environment change.

That is why motivation in a bank should first of all be taken into account as a system of various indicators, influencing which the manager will achieve maximum efficiency work.


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