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Most of us, when we hear the phrase “display advertising”, it seems that we are talking about banners, posters and billboards. But in fact, this category is much broader: it includes online advertising, which is a whole separate industry worth mentioning.

In this article, we will talk about what online display advertising is, as well as give examples of the most effective models promotion of goods and services. We will also touch on the topic of online advertising. All this - further in the article.

What is media advertising?

As is known from the general theory, any graphic advertising is called media advertising, since it can be perceived visually by the user. If we talk about what media advertising on the streets is, then we need to mention leaflets, banners, decorated shop windows, addresses on buildings and other elements that we see. All this can be attributed to the category of advertising, which is discussed in this article.

There are many advantages to this type of promotional material. It is known that a person perceives most information through vision. This is how our brain gets what advertisers want to convey to us. In addition, a fairly large amount of data can be transmitted graphically - from the name and logo of the company to its products, services or a place on the map. Moreover, additional attributes can be visually connected to create the right image in the brain of the viewer. For example, depict nature, an attractive girl, the power of the elements - depending on the product that is being promoted.

Internet advertising development

All 100% of the information available to us on Internet sites, we perceive visually. This means that the most effective advertising in “online” - this is just the media. As a matter of fact, it is very easy to verify this. Go to any portal - and with your own eyes you will see a lot of graphic advertising materials. They may be presented in different form- starting from contextual ads and ending with pop-up windows, but the essence of all these types of materials is the same - to convey some visual information.

Examples of online display advertising

Various banners dazzling on the side margins of websites; teaser images (those very small square pictures that lure us with their headlines); text information; videos, animated images - all this is actively used by webmasters and advertisers in order to attract our attention and convey any information. And it is up to those who place it to choose what type of advertising is used in a given situation, taking into account various statistical indicators: the size and properties of the audience covered by advertising, topics, targeting, and many other criteria.

The largest providers of advertising on the Internet

How display advertising should look like and where it should be placed is best learned by doing, studying those offers that are already present on various Internet resources. Accordingly, it is enough to go to the sites of large providers of such advertising in order to see as many ads as possible. These are the most visited online resources, including Google, Yandex, Facebook, VK, Yahoo and others. Each of them creates its own form of promotional materials that advertisers order. In social networks, this is, for example, contextual display advertising that combines a picture and a title with a description. In search networks, text is more often used, as it fits more organically into the issue. There is another example.

Yandex service sites directly sell places where media advertising will be placed. Yandex, taking into account the millions of visits to its services, is able to provide stable coverage of a large audience. Due to this, advertisers have room to expand, and the search engine receives income.

Further market growth

Now the most effective advertising is the one that operates in the Internet sphere. Despite the fact that this is already a whole industry with billions of turnovers, experts predict its further growth. It's all about the possibilities - they are much more than advertisers realize today. Many companies simply do not take advantage of the opportunity to promote their services online, which would allow them to significantly expand the market and develop their business.

However, in this business approach will gradually change. New types of media advertising will appear, the number of users with access to the network will increase. The number of advertisers will also increase.

The main criterion for media advertising is entertainment. To attract the attention of the target audience, videos, pictures, photos, text or sound are used. Offline, such messages are posted in the media, on billboards, leaflets or posters. On the Internet, any site or social network can be a platform for media advertising.

In fact, any advertising that works primarily to attract attention and brand awareness is classified as media advertising. This type does not include promotions, cold calls, direct marketing or catalogs - all those methods when a product is sold "on the forehead".

Attract attention and increase awareness of the company or brand.

Bring a new product to market.

Quickly talk about promotions, products or events.

Attract customers to the site.

Display ad formats

There are five main types of online display advertising.

banner advertising

Both on the Internet and offline, this is the most familiar way of promotion. To run banner ads, brands buy a specific space on a website or app for a period of time, or pay for a certain number of impressions and clicks.

Banners are the oldest form of online advertising. Initially, such messages looked like a static picture with short text, but today this format has evolved. Now they often add animation or sound, they can respond to mouse movements or clicks.

You can place banner ads different ways: directly through the site administration, in the Google advertising network or on the Yandex search results pages. If an advertiser needs a large reach, then you will have to spend an impressive amount. For example, this is how the price of a banner on the main page of Yandex looks like:

Despite the new creative formats, many marketers believe that banner advertising is dying. Due to the abundance of information noise, users stop paying attention to annoying pictures, and many generally block them with the help of special programs. Some sites even go to extreme lengths and ask visitors to turn off AdBlock for a while.

Video advertising

Unlike banners, video ads have a better effect on brand awareness and create less informational noise. The user sees a lot of headlines, pictures and ads on the site page, so he can’t always focus on something specific. The video is always in the spotlight.

Runs before the video is shown. It can usually be skipped a few seconds after it starts.

Message at the end of the video.

In addition to videos embedded in video content, there is an outstream format when advertising messages are integrated into text or banners. These are the same players that suddenly appear at the moment when you are reading material in an online magazine.

The cost of placing video ads is the sum of the number of impressions and clicks to the advertiser's website. A large team is involved in the creation of the video itself: the director, screenwriter, actors, editors, sound specialists and colorists - their work also needs to be paid. The budget here is measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Audio advertising

Branded Pages

Usually branding is used large companies. This is an image promotion that is more suitable for increasing awareness than for sales.

Branding a page or section is usually timed to coincide with some major event: a concert, a movie premiere, a large-scale sale or a new product presentation.

Text-graphic advertising

These are ads that are shown to users in accordance with their requests. They are placed through advertising network"Yandex" or the Google Display Network. In part, they resemble banners and advertisements in print media: the ad consists of an image to attract attention and short text.

Advantages of display advertising

You can find interested customers through the context, choose thematic sites and time for displaying ads, as well as target messages by gender, age, geographic location and other characteristics.

In addition, display advertising works even if the user does not click on your banners or ads. Brand awareness increases simply from the fact that messages with your identity periodically flicker on the network.

Disadvantages of media advertising

Another problem is the low interest of users. People have long been tired of the huge flow of advertising online and offline, so they prefer to get rid of it all accessible ways. Most visitors will block your banners, ignore context, and skip videos.


Display advertising- a universal tool that works for the long term. Expensive YouTube videos or branded fields are unlikely to increase sales overnight, but they can help build your brand's image and credibility.

At one time, we argued for a long time in which category to include advertising on transport. In theory this outdoor advertising, designed to attract the attention of users, which means it belongs to display advertising.

Therefore, in this article, let's figure out what display advertising is, what it consists of and how it can be useful for business.


Its main task is to attract the attention of a person. For this, various technologies are used containing texts, pictures, infographics, company logos, maps, and more.

Let's do a little experiment. Think back to the ad you saw today. Most likely, you won’t even be able to remember the last 5 advertising messages.

This is fine. Too much noise. And in 95% of cases, this noise is created by media advertising, because the following channels are included here:

  • Advertising on TV;
  • Advertising in the press (in printed materials);
  • Internet advertising;
  • Outdoor advertising;
  • Internal advertising (this is advertising inside shopping centers leading to the trade pavilion);
  • Advertising on transport.

From what we saw above, we can conclude that all advertising belongs to the media. But it is not.

  • Cold calls or cold calls (telemarketing);
  • Advertising catalogs and brochures;
  • Souvenir products;
  • Promo events.

And I'm probably going to say something stupid now, but it suits everyone. Without exception. For example:

  • Niche b2b - advertising in the press is ideal, as well as transit advertising (branded transport that delivers orders to customers);
  • Niche b2c - advertising on TV or radio, although many refuse it because of its high cost in favor of outdoor and indoor advertising.

Or a universal “gentleman's set” for all areas - + customized. The same advertisement on the Internet. But there may be other options.

For example, one of our clients, with the help of posting ads in the entrances, as well as placing ordinary ads in newspapers, was able to achieve much more than using other different ones.


But you follow our youtube channel, right?! That means one of latest videos“Bad advertising does not exist” has not passed you by. Not?! Then here it is. A must-see for the knowledge of "zen".

Death of offline display advertising

But I'm not going to say that traditional advertising is dying, because after one case of our client, I'm not sure anymore.

Our satellite TV installer decided to declare war on the competition.

Provided that for the most part it was, and not made according to technology or.

Many tools have been used. Competitors "died in batches." And at that moment, when the number of competitors decreased to the number of fingers of one hand and the advertising budget practically dried up, and potential buyers were simply “fucked up”.

So the season has come and the client decided to allocate a small budget for offline advertising, as they say, “for testing”.

What was his astonishment when the results from the "test advertising" turned out to be more significant, and the advertising itself more effective.

It was after this moment that I again believed in traditional advertising and that it works, at least in the regions. But this is a small digression.

Pain from the difference: offline and online

That is, on the Internet, this can be done in a more targeted way, that is, to show your ads more precisely (choose a specific display geography, age of people, etc., or only on thematic sites).

Offline, this feature is not available. This is what gives rise to the second difference. Aggressiveness.

One of our clients, who has been successfully working in the service market for more than 20 years and has 6 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, with a monthly budget for website promotion of about 200 thousand rubles.

Media advertising media

In our blog, we have written a huge number of articles on different channels and methods of advertising. To learn them, read these 3 articles first:

After studying these articles, you will decide on specific ways of presenting information, which can be conditionally divided into four means of transmission (type).

Which one is more effective and how to apply them to your business, we will consider further using the example of several companies.


As a rule, the larger the size, the more it attracts attention. The more passing place the more expensive the cost.

Offline, we still pay for the fact of placement. On the Internet, the method has evolved and become more client-oriented, that is, payment for clicks has appeared.

But on urban and small sites, there is also a placement scheme with payment for the time it will be on the site or for the number of impressions on the site.

Such media banners are now fashionable to call - teasers ("teaser" - tease). That is, with their information, they tease the user to take a targeted action: go, call, click or go to the site.

In offline space, on average, you will pay from 10 to 50 tr. for one banner. As part of the online space, I will give an example of placing a banner for a week on the main page of Yandex.

Prices on Yandex

You see everything right. The numbers start at 4 million per week. You can find the full price list on their website. But this is if you have a federal project and you need to cover more than everyone.

However, I want to warn you. Banners have become boring to such an extent that now there is a so-called “banner blindness”.

This is when the client psychologically does not notice advertising banners. Therefore, just in case, think carefully and count everything again, if you suddenly decide to put the entire advertising budget on the purchase of one banner.

Video advertising

The most engaging means of presenting information. True, it takes time to get used to it.

Due to ignorance of this, we once lost a large amount of money. Namely, they gave video ads for directors in social networks in working time. Result?! They opened it, but did not turn on the sound, as they were at work.

In addition to the fact that it is important to know at what time to show ads globally, you need to know what to show and how long.

I’m sure you’ll figure out when and what to show, but I’ll tell you about the length, because there are 2 types of video advertising:

  • Rolls. Commercials that play while you are watching a video. You can call it an ad break, which is both online and offline.

    Pre-rolls (pre-roll) - videos played BEFORE the start of viewing.

    Mid-rolls (mid-roll) - a video that is played in the middle of the view.

    Postrolls (post-roll) - a video that plays AFTER viewing.

  • Overlay (overlay). Banner (I said that there are a lot of them). A banner that is placed at the bottom of the video and shown while watching the video. Offline, these are running lines.

Personally, we now give a lot of emphasis on video advertising. Although it takes more resources, the effectiveness of media advertising in this form gives the maximum effect.

But don't forget about our mistake. In addition to the video, you also need to use text with an image, because not everyone has time to watch a video and not everyone likes to do it.

Branded advertising

It is also great for various movie premieres or presentations of new products.

And only large federal companies use it, the buyers of which are every second person.

Branded advertising

Our personal conviction is that if you are not in the VIP segment and you are not federal company with billions of turnovers, then you need to postpone this method of transmitting information for later.

It will give you recognition, but will not give you a purchase. In addition, if you have gone down this road, then get ready to pour money into image advertising constantly, because as soon as you stop doing this, you will be forgotten like “the first bruises on your knees.”

Text & Image Ads

Offline examples are ad newspapers and magazines, where we see a separate attractive picture and a separate text.

Offline, at the beginning it was not clear to me, until I saw an example. Behind these words is the Google Display Network (GDN). Or rather advertisements with pictures for these networks.

Text & Image Ad

Recently, the cost of an ad in contextual advertising has increased significantly, if we talk specifically about search.

I want to keep silent about offline, but my inner voice makes me say it.

This is a double monster. I say this from experience, as I was previously a co-owner of the magazine.

She brings clients, but speaking of maximum efficiency, then it can be achieved only by being placed in specialized publications.

Newspaper ads also work surprisingly, but only if your target audience is retirees (there are still certain conditions, but these are rather exceptions).

Briefly about the main

It was not in vain that I gave an example about our client, who used display advertising to “mow down” competitors.

By the way, this allowed him not only to remove many small competitors, but also to take first place in the region in terms of sales and recognition.

It is through the use of offline and online media advertising that he has achieved such results.

I'm also sure you've tried or are using the display ad formats I listed above. Whether you use it correctly or not, it's hard for me to say.

But most importantly, you must realize that only with an integrated approach can great results be achieved and the benefits of media advertising will become apparent.

And for dessert, a small bonus. According to Business Insider Intelligence research, among Internet display advertising, the video format has the highest CTR (clicks to impressions ratio) - 1.84%.

All other indicators were much lower. I think you now know where to direct your efforts 😉

1.1. This policy of WEB IT LLC regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) is approved in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 18.1 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" and applies to all personal data that WEB IT LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) may receive from the subject of personal data.
1.2. The Policy applies to personal data received both before and after the approval of this Policy.
1.3. This Policy is a public document declaring the conceptual foundations of the Operator's activities in the processing and protection of personal data.

2.1. For the purposes of this Policy, personal data means:
2.1.1. Personal data received by the Operator for the conclusion and execution of an agreement to which the party, or beneficiary or guarantor, is the subject of personal data.
2.1.2. Personal data received by the Operator in connection with the implementation of labor relations.
2.2. The terms and conditions for terminating the processing and storage of personal data of the subject of personal data are determined in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation okay.

3.1. The operator collects, processes and stores personal data of the subject of personal data in order to:
3.1.1. Conclusion and execution of the contract.
3.1.2. Implementation of labor relations.
3.1.3. The implementation and execution of the functions, powers and obligations assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Operator on the basis of and in accordance with Art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; federal law"On personal data"; Federal Law "On Information, information technology and on information protection” and other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of processing and protection of personal data.

4.1. The operator processes personal data using automation tools and without using automation tools.
4.2. The operator has the right to transfer the personal data of the subject of personal data to third parties in the following cases:
4.2.1. The subject of personal data has expressly expressed his consent to such actions.
4.2.2. The transfer is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation within the established procedure.
4.3. When processing the personal data of the subject of personal data, the Operator is guided by the Federal Law "On Personal Data", other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of processing and protection of personal data and this Policy.

5.1. The subject of personal data has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing:
5.1.1. Confirmation of the fact of personal data processing by the Operator.
5.1.2. Legal grounds and purposes of personal data processing.
5.1.3. Methods of personal data processing applied by the Operator.
5.1.4. The name and location of the Operator, information about persons (excluding employees of the Operator) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the Operator or on the basis of federal law.
5.1.5. Processed personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the provision of such data is provided by federal law.
5.1.6. Terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage.
5.1.7. The procedure for the exercise by the subject of personal data of the rights provided for by this Federal Law.
5.1.8. Information about the performed or proposed cross-border data transfer.
5.1.9. The name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the person who processes personal data on behalf of the operator, if the processing is or will be entrusted to such a person.
5.2. Information regarding the processing of personal data of the subject of personal data, provided to the subject of personal data, should not contain personal data relating to other subjects of personal data, unless there are legal grounds to disclose such personal data.
5.3. The subject of personal data has the right to demand from the Operator the clarification of his personal data, their blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take measures provided by law to protect their rights .

6.1. The most important condition for the implementation of the objectives of the Operator's activities is to ensure the necessary and sufficient level of security of personal data information systems, confidentiality, integrity and availability of processed personal data and the safety of data carriers containing personal data at all stages of working with them.
6.2. The conditions created by the Operator and the mode of protection of information classified as personal data make it possible to ensure the protection of processed personal data.
6.3. The Operator, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, has developed and put into effect a set of organizational, administrative, functional and planning documents that regulate and ensure the security of processed personal data.
6.4. A security regime for the processing and handling of personal data has been introduced, as well as a regime for protecting the premises in which the processing and storage of personal data carriers is carried out.
6.5. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data, personal data information system administrators and a personal data information system security administrator have been appointed, they have defined responsibilities and developed instructions for ensuring information security.
6.6. The circle of persons who have the right to process personal data has been determined, instructions have been developed for users on working with personal data, anti-virus protection, and actions in crisis situations.
6.7. The requirements for personnel, the degree of responsibility of employees for ensuring the security of personal data are determined.
6.8. Employees involved in the processing of personal data were familiarized with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the security of personal data and the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the Operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data. Periodic training of these employees on the rules for processing personal data is carried out.
6.9. Necessary and sufficient technical measures have been taken to ensure the security of personal data from accidental or unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking access and other unauthorized actions:
6.9.1. An access control system has been introduced.
6.9.2. Protection against unauthorized access to workstations, information networks and personal data bases has been established.
6.9.3. Protection against malicious software and mathematical influences has been installed.
6.9.4. Regular backups of information and databases are carried out.
6.9.5. The transmission of information over public networks is carried out using the means of cryptographic information protection.
6.10. A system of control over the procedure for processing personal data and ensuring their security has been organized. Planned compliance checks of the personal data protection system, an audit of the level of personal data protection in information systems personal data, functioning of information security tools, detection of changes in the mode of processing and protection of personal data.

7.1. The current version of the Policy on paper is stored at the address: 129085, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 101V, building 2.
7.2. The electronic version of the current version of the Policy is posted on the Operator's website on the Internet.

8.1. The policy is approved and put into effect by an administrative document signed by the head of the Operator.
8.2. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Policy. When making changes in the name of the Policy, the date of the last revision of the edition is indicated. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Operator's website, unless otherwise provided new edition Politicians.
8.3. The norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation apply to this Policy and the relationship between the subject of personal data and the Operator.

Display advertising is a tool for marketing promotion of brands, websites, trademarks, goods, services, etc., when information about the product is placed on the media platforms (mass media).
The main difference between media advertising and other types of advertising is the key factor - attracting the attention of consumers occurs through the visualization of information (flash pictures, videos, images, etc.).
Thanks to the visual presentation of information, such advertising is more quickly perceived by the consumer, there is no need to delve into its meaning, no need to waste time reading it. Most often, media advertising reaches the consciousness of consumers even if they do not plan to be interested in it (the eye glimpsed the banner between transitions through Internet pages, but the information was remembered subconsciously).
It is this effect that advertisers are counting on when developing the next advertising campaign for the mass media.

Benefits of media advertising

With the help of banner advertising, you can solve the following tasks:
1) Increase traffic to the advertised site.
2) Increase sales of the promoted product, especially when it comes to some exclusive, expensive, innovative products. In this case, media advertising is the best way to tell the user about the new product, who does not yet know about its existence and, accordingly, is not interested in it.
3) Inform the target audience about great deals, current promotions and discounts.
4) Notify a wide audience about new large-scale events (films, exhibitions, concerts and other events). In this case, media advertising replaces posters.

Information spaces for media advertising

Depending on the type of platform where media advertising will be placed, the following carriers are distinguished:
1) Television that broadcasts promotional videos at specific times.
2) Printed publications that place advertisements on their pages.
3) Internet media (websites, electronic journals, electronic newspapers, news and informational resources, popular social networks) that have the technical ability and desire to place a banner ad block on their pages.
Banner ads come in the following formats:
- graphic banners (static blocks).
- flash-banners (dynamic pictures, videos).
- TopLine ("stretch marks" located above the main content of the page or below).
- Rich-Media (banner blocks on top of the content of the site, which will obsessively "run" behind the mouse until they are closed).
- Pop-Under (advertising that opens in a new browser window if users click on the information they need), etc.

Feature of banner ads

1) Banner advertising has adopted the properties of contextual advertising, due to which it is shown to users depending on their search queries and the geography of their location.
2) Banner advertising is the most annoying type of media advertising. The Internet user is often disturbed when something “flickers” before his eyes (flash-banner), covers half of the space of the desired page (Rich-Media) or ad blocks “jump out on their own”, so you need to spend time to close them.
90% of users are intolerant of such distracting advertising. Site visitors are most loyal to graphic blocks at the top or bottom of the site (TopLine).
Each advertiser decides on his own - what is more priority for him, be sure to be remembered, even with negative associations, or get a loyal client, because users who search purposefully are more attentive.


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