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Application "Birdhouse"

to acquaint children with migratory birds through artistic creativity (application).
Educational: Continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in the application, improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), regardless of their size and color. Continue to introduce children to migratory birds, name familiar birds. Developing: Develop mindfulness, aesthetic taste, contribute to the formation of positive emotions. Educational: Continue to form the ability to properly hold the brush with three fingers, dip the brush in glue, cultivate accuracy in working with glue, use a napkin, cultivate feelings of kindness and love for birds.
Bird (toy), birdhouse, birdhouse sample, gram. record (birdsong), napkins, brushes, glue, 1/2 sheet of paper of any soft tone, brown rectangle 8 * 10 cm in size, circle 3 cm (window) yellow, triangle (roof) black.
birdhouse, starling, migratory birds.
Lesson progress
The teacher and the children enter the group.
Children, look, we have guests today, let's say hello (hello). Let's now look at each other, smile at each other and our guests. Well done! Now sit down with you on the chairs (semicircle).
Spring has come. Birds have flown in from warmer climes. What migratory birds do you know? (children's answers) The teacher shows the children pictures of birds (change pictures on the thematic holder, children examine the birds, answer the teacher's questions). Guys, another guest is coming to us today, he is in a hurry, in a hurry. Do you want to know who he is?
: Yes!
I will give you a riddle, and you will guess and find out what kind of guest it is.
They made a house for the birds, Not for the crows, not for the tits. The singers settled there, They are called - (starlings) A bird flies into the group - a starling (a bird-toy on a thematic holder).
Hello children!
Hello little bird.
My name is Starling. And what is your name? Let's get acquainted! D \ and "Say your name"
That's where we met.
Guys, I think our guest is upset about something.
Children, my friends will soon arrive, but we have no houses. Help us.

Will the children help the birds?
What is the name of the house where the birds live? Now I'll tell you: (riddle) Let's make a house for the birds With a round small window. Here the starling sat on a hazel tree, We are building it ... (Starling house)
And the house is called a birdhouse (choral and individual repetitions).
: How can we help starlings?
What can they be made from?
From paper.
Let's go build birdhouses! (children follow the teacher).
Physical education minute
(turn on the musical arrangement) Together we will go now (we walk each other in a circle) And we will build a house for the birds We are sawing planks with a saw: (We are sawing planks). Whack-whack, whack-whack. We will knock together a birdhouse from them: (We work with a hammer). Knock-knock, knock-knock. Come, birds, to the house (others for others “fly” in a circle like birds) Spring has already come to us, We will hang birdhouses (moving right and left), Here and there, Here and there.
Guys, now sit down with you at the tables and start working.
What do we do?
- Birdhouses (showing a finished birdhouse) The teacher shows a picture of a birdhouse and names the parts of which it consists, paying attention that these parts look like geometric shapes.
Questions for children:
1. What geometric figure does the wall of the birdhouse look like? What color is she? 2. What geometric figure is the roof of the birdhouse? Color? 3. How are they located? 4. The entrance to the birdhouse is what geometric figure and what color is it? What will we do first (lay out the birdhouse on the sheet, show the teacher, the children repeat) But before we start working, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics "Hide and Seek"
Fingers played hide-and-seek (Fingers squeeze and unclench into words) And the heads were removed Like this, like this And the heads were removed.
Well, now we will stick our birdhouse.

But first, let's take the brush correctly (showing and checking how the children took the brush). What are we going to smear?
On the desk.
Correctly! Let's take one figure, put it on the board, and spread it well with glue, hold the figure with the other hand, coat all the edges (the teacher's show, in stages, the children perform). We glue! What are we pressing on?
For what?
Remove excess glue.
Now we take the next figure (everything is spoken and shown, as in the previous time), etc. And now we are tired, we built houses for birds, let's take a break from work, let's play a little!
Fizminutka "Small bird"
A small bird flew across the sky (birds fly), Sat under the window, Pecked the crumbs (squatted, pecking grains), The bird started up (stand up, shook it off), Straightened its back. She sang a song, flew into the house (waving their hands). (Movement according to the text)
-Thanks! I will fly to meet my friends and tell them that we will have birdhouses! And I want to give the guys flower seeds so that you sow them on the site. Goodbye, guys!
What good fellows we are! Guys, for which birds did we make birdhouses today? That's right, for travelers. What geometric shapes did we make birdhouses from? (triangle, circle, rectangle) How many bird houses did we get? (a lot of)
“We built a birdhouse - the House of a cheerful starling. We hung a birdhouse near our porch"

directly educational activities
Educational area: “Artistic and aesthetic” Topic: “Birdhouse” Age group: general developmental group from 3 to 4 years old No. 4
Prepared by:
Tukacheva G.V. tutor of the first qualification category MBDOU №51 2016

This article explains where and how the Birdhouse application can be used. To help educators, templates for manual labor classes are offered here.

Where is the Birdhouse application used?

Those people for whom manual labor is a hobby always have something to do with themselves. They will find use even for a small piece of fabric or a piece of wallpaper.

In this regard, the Birdhouse application is very interesting. It will help decorate clothes and bedding. You can also make a wonderful scrapbooking card on this topic with your own hands. Yes, and will bring a fresh stream to the interior. And for the kids, a manual labor lesson, on which they will create the Birdhouse application, will be a real discovery. After all, they will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of birds on it.

Manual labor in the second junior group

Children from three to four years old are still quite clumsy. It is difficult for them to work with scissors. Therefore, it is best to offer the kids ready-made cut out templates. Having told at the beginning of classes that in the spring many birds, including starlings, fly to us in the middle lane, the teacher invites the children to do beautiful picture. To do this, you need to stick in a certain way the parts that were distributed to them before class.

As a result, the children should get the Birdhouse application. 2 junior group quite easy to do this job. And after everything is ready, you can tell the kids an amazing story.

How the starling drove the thieves away

Just one boy picked up a little starling under a tree. He apparently fell out of the nest. The boy fed him. Skvorushka got used to his big friend, fell in love with him.

And the neighbors had a huge shepherd dog. The dog barked menacingly when someone else approached the door. And the starling adopted her barking from the shepherd. Everyone knows that starlings are mockingbirds, they look like parrots in this sense.

Occasionally, when the boy forgot to feed on time, he was offended, cursed and barked menacingly at his friend, and even howled.

And it so happened that the boy suddenly had a fever. He was taken to the hospital. The adults also left with him. There was only a birdhouse left in the house.

It was then that the thieves decided to profit at someone else's expense. They picked up the keys, opened the lock and entered the house. Skvorushka was already very hungry. Hearing someone's footsteps, he thought they were his masters and began to swear at them. “Forgotten squa-ru-shku, woof-woof? Forget-s-yli-and-and ... Woof? Where is the food? Woof!

But it was only the boy who understood the language of the starling. And the thieves heard the formidable barking of the shepherd, got scared and ran away! When the owners returned, they saw that someone was in their absence in the apartment. And the neighbors said that they heard barking and dog howls from the neighbors, and then someone quickly ran up the stairs.

The owners of the birdhouse guessed that it was their little bird that scared the thieves so much. What a wonderful bird - the starling.

After this incident, the boy, together with his mother, made a birdhouse out of paper. Application with a bird's house hung on the wall for a long time. She reminded her family of this amazing event.

Application of geometric shapes

This story can be successfully told both in the middle and in senior group. Even younger students will be surprised. But the task for children of four or five years old can already be complicated.

Now the guys should be invited to cut out a rectangle and a triangle for the bird house themselves. A circle that will imitate the inlet to a birdhouse can be prepared for the guys in advance. Templates of rectangles and triangles are still recommended for children to give out in advance. The teacher also gives the task: cut the wall of the house out of red paper, and the roof-triangle out of blue.

The task turns out to be quite difficult - the Birdhouse appliqué, made up of independently cut out ones.

The middle group at the same time also reinforces the knowledge gained in mathematical classes. After all, they have to work not just with patterns, but with rectangles, triangles and circles.

Spring panel on the wall

Children love to make gifts with their own hands. You can diversify your work. Let the application "Birdhouse" made by them become a spring congratulatory panel.

The middle group can easily cope with the task of decorating the birdhouse. All the details should be cut out and distributed to the children in advance. The teacher must give step by step instructions what part to take and where to mount it.

I offer you step by step master class, as well as a free template for a birdhouse or bird feeder.

We will make such a completely uncomplicated paper birdhouse:


* Thick cardboard, scrap paper in bright spring colors (two designs), yellow cardboard;
* Circular cutter / hole puncher / knives for cutting the "entrance" into the birdhouse;
* Wooden stick (for example, a stick for sushi);
* Curly scissors;
* Bird sticker, other stickers, rhinestones, decor.

For convenience, I drew a template for a birdhouse. You can print it as is, or enlarge/reduce the size as you wish.

After printing out the template, I cut it out and transferred it to strong white cardboard. Pay attention to the side walls - they have flaps with which the side walls are glued to the front / back walls.
Similar flaps can be made at the bottom of the side walls and front / rear wall (for easy attachment to the stand), as well as at the top of the side walls and front / back walls (for easy roof attachment).

Picking up scrap paper in spring colors, I placed the details on it and, using double-sided tape, glued the scrap paper onto the details.
In the front wall, I cut out a round "entrance" to the birdhouse. Used knives Spellbinders:
This is what the finished parts look like:

Pay attention to the details with valves - the scrap paper partially enters the valve of the detail
We glue our parts (I used ordinary PVA glue)
Let's go to the roof. Using double-sided tape, stick the scrap paper on the roof template (on its upper part)
Using curly scissors, cut out the "wavy" border. The diameter of the "waves" is important here. Too small will be lost. If you don’t have such large curly scissors, you can make a “wavy” border using cut out circles, and hide the edges of the circles with rhinestones.

Having cut out the "wavy" border, we leave a retreat of 1-2 cm, draw a fold line.
We attach the curb to the roof, find the center and bend. It is important to make a fold between the semicircles, then the corner will look neat, if the border were made of separate circles, their edges would be hidden behind yellow rhinestones.

Glue on the underside of the roof. If desired, the underside of the roof can also be pasted over with scrap paper, but in my case, the yellow cardboard (1-2 cm deviation from the "wavy" border) looks pretty neat.

Let's move on to the decor of the "entrance". To make the entrance more interesting, I cut out a round frame and a round curly frame using Spellbinders knives from white and yellow cardboard. I cut out another white frame from white foam rubber. I cut out all the frames with double-sided tape to make them easy to stick on. The foam rubber frame in this case replaced the voluminous glue squares.
To cut out such round frames (and so that the wall thickness of all of them was the same), I glued the Spellbinders knives on construction tape before cutting:

At the last moment, I wanted to make the "entrance" to the birdhouse more realistic and give it a cracked wooden look. For this I used green paint craquelure.

I glued the rectangles with scrap paper (of the same design as the roof) and tied it with a thin yellow ribbon.
Having glued all the elements of the birdhouses together, she began to decorate it.
Using a sushi stick and an eyelet installer, I made a performance on which the birds sit in front of the feeder (I don’t know what it’s called correctly).

For decor, I used stickers from the Walk in the Park set - I planted a bird on voluminous glue squares, added miniature flowers. Above the roof of the birdhouse, a kite "develops in the wind" (also a sticker), the kite is held on a thin wire that is inserted into the roof; so that the wire does not fall - it is tied in a knot, and in the middle it is fixed with adhesive tape.

That's all! Making such a birdhouse is not at all difficult - try it! The finished work can be a wonderful piece of home decor.

Tatiana Budnikova
Summary of GCD for applications in the senior group "Birdhouse"

Purpose of the lesson: to teach how to create a composition from individual parts. Tasks: clarify and expand children's knowledge of seasonal spring changes in wildlife and inanimate nature. To teach how to create a plot composition; develop memory, imagination, enrich the vocabulary of children; consolidate the ability to cut out different shapes from colored paper; cultivate attention, accuracy when working with scissors. Equipment:pictures depicting a starling and a birdhouse; thick cardboard, square 3*3cm, entrance; two squares of colored paper 6 * 6cm, wall and roof; cut out starling from paper; green colored paper, for leaves; brown colored paper, for twigs; scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloths-linings, hand napkins. Preliminary work: Learning the call: Spring! Spring is red! Warm sun! Come quickly, warm the children. Come to us with joy! With great mercy! With high flax! Deep rooted! With rich bread (Watching starlings while walking.) Course progress. Organizational part: Q: Guys, guess the riddle: The snow is turning black in the clearing, The weather is getting warmer every day. Time to put the sled in the pantry. What time of the year is this? Q: Guys, by what signs can we notice the arrival of spring? Why do you think people often say "spring is red" (because spring is beautiful) longer) With the advent of spring, our feathered friends return. Who is it? The starlings are the first to arrive. Where do they fly from? Why do starlings fly to warmer climes? And which of you guys knows what is the first concern for birds in the spring? Prepare a nest for laying eggs and hatching chicks. Starlings do not make nests like some other birds. They prefer to settle in hollow trees or in special houses built for them by people. What are these houses (birdhouses) called? Look at the image of the birdhouse. (showing a picture) What parts does the birdhouse consist of (from a house with a roof and an entrance) The round entrance is called a notch, because birds fly into it. But this perch under the entrance is called a perch. From the word "sit down", because a bird sits on it. The starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, leaves into it, preparing the house for the appearance of eggs and chicks. Physical education minute: Here on the branches, starlings! Do not scream! Black starlings are sitting, They settled in a hollow, They fluffed their feathers, They bask in the sun, They turn their heads, They want to fly. Shh! Shh! Fly away! They flew, flew in, and again everyone sat in the hollow. Practical part. Q: Guys, let's try to create a spring composition today - let's draw a branch with a birdhouse and a starling. 1) Twig. Cut a branch out of brown colored paper and stick it on cardboard. From green colored paper, cut out the leaves, stick on a twig. 2) Birdhouse. For a birdhouse, you need to take one large square, fold it diagonally and cut it diagonally into two triangles (one triangle will become a roof, the second will not be useful) Take a smaller square and cut off its corners to make a circle (this is a notch). Let's take a large square - the wall of the birdhouse and stick it on the twig. 3) Starling. We take the starling figurine cut out in advance and glue the composition. Reflection: What did you like about the lesson today? At what stage did you experience difficulty? What would you like to do differently? And now I suggest you arrange an exhibition of works and clean your workplaces.

Master class for making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step by step photos.

Zimenko Tamara Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Cherlaksky Kindergarten No. 2 "r.p. Cherlak, Omsk region
Material Description: I offer you a master class for making a starling from cardboard and feathers with step by step photos. Master class for older children preschool age(5-7 years old) on the topic "Starlings". This material will be useful for educators of senior and preparatory groups. This master class can be used when introducing children to birds, in preparation for entertainment.
Target: Making a starling from cardboard and feathers to decorate a corner of nature, a group room, a music hall.
To improve the ability to design from improvised materials: to be able to highlight the expressiveness of natural objects, to choose them to create an image on a given topic.
Continue to develop the ability to plan the process of creating a bird. Continue to develop the ability to consistently perform work in accordance with the planned plan.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards feathered friends and the desire to create an expressive image.
Purpose of work: this work can be used to decorate the music hall for the holiday "Day of Birds", in the implementation of projects: "Our Feathered Friends", "Wintering and Migratory Birds".
Demo material: illustration depicting a starling.
Handout: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, simple pencil, gouache, brushes, non-spills, starling figurine template, scissors. For the teacher: adhesive tape, black thread, cutter.
Educator:- Guys, spring has come and our old friends, starlings, have arrived! Exactly these beautiful birds cheer up our spirits with their gushing songs.

The starling is smaller than the crow,
But more sparrow -
He is from a birdhouse as from a balcony,
Sings like a nightingale!

To make a starling, we need: black cardboard, feathers, glue stick, a simple pencil, gouache, brushes, non-spills, starling figurine templates, scissors. For the teacher: adhesive tape, cutter, black thread, a tree branch for placing birds.

On cardboard, turned upside down with the colored side, a stencil of a starling figurine is outlined.

The starling figurine template is turned over to the other side and circled again on cardboard to get the second half of the bird figurine.

Both templates are cut with scissors.

Eyes are drawn with white gouache on both details, the beak is painted with yellow gouache.

Reddish shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with red gouache on both parts.

Green shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with green gouache on both parts.

Purple shades of plumage of starlings are drawn with purple gouache on both parts.

With a cutter, the EDUCER makes cuts on both parts, 2 centimeters long.

Feathers are inserted into the cuts.

The feathers placed in the cuts are fixed by the EDUCator with adhesive tape.

One part is smeared with glue and attached to another part.

Two connected parts are folded together and placed under the press.

Using a hole punch, a hole is made in the figurine.

Thread is inserted into the hole.
Starlings are ready! They are placed on a tree branch.

This work can be used to decorate the music hall for the Birds Day holiday, when implementing projects: Our Feathered Friends, Wintering and Migratory Birds.

All creative success!


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