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Let's start with PowerPoint 2007- one of the best programs to create and conduct presentations.

Presentation , by definition, is a set of color slide pictures, often with text and audio accompaniment, that reveal a specific topic. Preparing presentations is a very responsible process. Presentations are now increasingly used for seminars and webinars, for various conferences and reports, for the presentation of new products and services, for business and education.

Presentations can be made using various programs such as Harvard Graphics or Lotus Freelance, but the most popular at present is Microsoft's PowerPoint program.

PowerPoint provides the user with such powerful drawing and text tools, such animation and design capabilities, that you can do almost anything in it.

A PowerPoint 2007 presentation is a .pptx file. This file is essentially a set of slides with special effects that accompany the display of various drawings and text on the screen. Also, in this file, you can store a summary and presentation plan, which will be seen only by the one who conducts the presentation.

Find PowerPoint 2007 you can also, like, through the menu Start. Naturally, you must have the package pre-installed. Microsoft Office 2007.

So go to the menu Start - All Programs , find the folder Microsoft Office, and choose the item Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 .

You can make a shortcut to this program on your desktop. To create a shortcut, left-click on this item and drag it to the desktop. Before releasing the mouse button, click the button alt. While holding the button, release the mouse button. The label will be created.

The interface of PowerPoint 2007 is similar to that of other programs in the Microsoft Office suite. For example, as in other programs, in the upper left corner there is a round button Office. To make a new presentation, press this button and then select Create. Then click on the option New presentation , and press the button Create .

You can also choose a template for your future presentation- after selecting an item Create in the left column you can find the item Slides with decoration (background) . Choose the option that suits you best and click Download. A new presentation will be created with the background from the template you selected.

By default, new slides with layout will be created Title slide - this is a slide with prepared places for the table of contents and for the text. If you prefer text and pictures to be put where you want, you can choose the layout Empty slide .

You can change the layout of the slide through the command ribbon at the top. You need to go to tab. home, in the command group Slides choose a team Layout, and choose a layout Empty slide.

You can do the same through the context menu. Right click on the slide and select Layout - Blank Slide .

Then you can add pictures and text using the tab Insert. When you click on this tab, you will see a list of all the elements that you can add to the slide: picture, clip, text, WordArt and others.

To add a picture, click Insert - Drawing , select the file on your computer, and click the Insert button.

If you are looking for your presentation, for example, using Google or Yandex search, it is not at all necessary to upload all these pictures to your computer. You can, of course, right-click on the picture, select Save picture as , and upload to yourself, and then put into the presentation. But you can do it even easier: right-click on the picture on the Internet, select the item Copy picture , then right-click on the presentation slide, and select Insert. The picture will appear on the slide.

You can insert a clip - this is the name of the pictures from the library of Microsoft Office. Click Paste - Clip, then in the right column that appears, write in the field Search his keyword associated with the topic of the presentation and click the button To begin. After that, click on the picture you like, and it will appear on the slide.

Can you paste Inscription or object word art. Although the buttons are different, they are essentially the same. Text can be formatted so that it becomes a WordArt object, and vice versa, if you remove all formatting from WordArt, it becomes plain text.

Video on how to get started with PowerPoint 2007

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Greetings to all readers of my blog who have decided to learn how to correctly compose presentation slides. After reading this article, you will learn how to create a presentation on a computer or laptop for free, running under the Microsoft Windows operating system.

You will learn how to use PowerPoint (I will provide you step by step instructions), insert photos with music, patterns, animation transitions, text inserts, graphics, effects, etc. into them. Well then, let's get started!

What is PowerPoint and where to download it

So, let's start from the very beginning. PowerPoint (pronounced "power point") is provided free of charge by Microsoft to all Microsoft users. operating system Windows in a package called Microsoft Office. It also includes other useful programs:

  • Word is a multifunctional text editor;
  • Excel is a handy application for creating tables with various calculations, charts, forecasting, etc.;
  • OneNote is a convenient electronic notebook;
  • Outlook is a professional program for working with calendar and mail;
  • Publisher- useful tool to create publication materials, a simple electronic publishing system.

PowerPoint, like other standard applications of the named package, is currently available in four versions, differing in the year of release.

You can download office 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, and at the same time, developers provide a wide range of interface languages. So you can safely install a package of tools in Russian.

Historically, Windows 7 used the 2007 or 2010 software package as standard, while Windows 10 already had Office 2016. Although no one restricts users, they themselves can install the version they need.

If you follow the link , you can familiarize yourself with everything I have said on your own, and also, if necessary, immediately download the necessary applications or try them out online.

Note that the extended versions are paid. However, if you are a student or teacher, you can get specialized versions of the apps for free with an appropriate subscription. Great, right?

The beginning of the way

Now let's get down to creating power point slides. Before getting started, I would like to voice a few tips that will help you avoid most problems in the future.

Tip 1. If you don't know if the version of your application is compatible with the one installed on the device on which you will present your work, then it's better to create everything in PowerPoint 2007. This version works great in both similar and newer versions of the product.

Tip 2. If the direction of the presentation is educational or scientific, then don't overdo it with animations and transitions. It is desirable, in general, to minimize or eliminate such effects. This will give your work seriousness and accuracy.

Tip 3. Be sure to consider the audience for which you are preparing a report. Depending on this, the number of slides, their design and content will vary.

Tip 4. Keep in mind that the same keyboard shortcuts work in all Office suite products. So if you want:

  • undo the action performed, then just hold down the key combination Ctrl + Z;
  • if you want to return - then Ctrl + Y;
  • And if you need to delete an object, then select it and click on "Delete".

Tip 5 If you are preparing a presentation for a speech, be sure to first think over your speech and immediately divide it into slides. As a result, it will be easier for you during the development phase.

Well, now let's launch PowerPoint!

Getting Started: Appearance Design

The main page will open in front of you, on the left of which a list of previous presentations will be displayed, and on the right - all kinds of templates.

You can choose "Blank Presentation", or you can familiarize yourself with all the templates you like and immediately create a document with design.

In the second case, your actions will look like this:

  1. Click on the pattern you like;
  2. Choose from the proposed colors you like;
  3. Click on the "Create" icon.

A window will appear in front of your eyes with the first slide for the title. The left sidebar will display all the created slides.

If we consider the first case, then step by step actions will change a bit:

Adjusting markup and text

Initially, all slides are created with standard markup. Moreover, the first slide always has a special placement of text fields.

To change the markup of objects, you need to:

  1. Go to the "Home" tab on the toolbar;
  2. Find the "Slides" section in it;
  3. Click on "Layout". You will see a window with all possible standard markups provided by the application. Select one of them by clicking on it with the cursor. If you don't like any of them, then change the current position of the objects manually. This is possible by moving windows, changing their size and shape, and adding new elements.

So, how to add, for example, a new entry? Everything is simple. Go to the "Insert" tab in the toolbar. Everything that is offered here can be added to your work. These are tables, graphs, drawings, photographs, diagrams, figures, etc.

Click on the last one. In shapes, the first icon is the label. If you select it, then you can add a text box to your slide.

To change the text, you just need to enter your own instead of standard inscriptions. And you can correct the style using the "Font" section on the main tab.

Adding a new slide with a graphic file

Now you have the title of the first page and it's time to create a new slide. To do this, in the main tab, click on the “Create Slide” icon to immediately add a page with default markup, or click on the named words, next to which a down arrow is displayed. All the same markup examples will open in front of you, with one of which a new page will be created.

Immediately in the second object with the words "Slide Text" you are prompted to insert one of the objects: a table, a chart, SmartArt, a picture, a picture from the Internet, or a video.

In our case, you just need to click on the “Picture” icon, after which a explorer will open in front of you to select the desired image.

Interestingly, in PowerPoint 2016, the program offers you several ideas for decorating the insertion of graphic files. Do not be lazy and look there, sometimes you can find really worthwhile solutions.

Insert background music

To bring your slide show to life with an audio file, simply go to the Media section on the Insert tab. It is located on the right side. There you are prompted to insert a video, audio or screen recording.

We need sound, which means we select Sound -> Audio files on the computer ... / Record sound ....

Then decide how the audio track will be played: automatically or by clicking on the slide (special button). You can also make sound settings in the tab that appears called "Working with sound".

Inserting a video file

So, we already have a slide with a title and a slide with an image and music. Now create the third slide where we will place the video.

The described program (2016 version) allows its users to insert a video track from five sources:

After choosing one of the object insertion methods, you can adjust the appearance, position, launch method, etc. the last one.

Animated slide transitions

Now we come to the most interesting. PowerPoint offers many different transitions from slide to slide. They can be both ordinary (simple flipping) and more complex (crack effect, origami, etc.).

Of course Windows 7 with its version of PowerPoint 2007 has a lot less different interesting transitions between presentation pages. Therefore, you simply cannot find the last named types of effects in versions released earlier than 2016.

So, in order for the slide to appear interestingly in front of the viewers, it is necessary:

  1. On the ribbon with tools, go to the "Transitions" tab;
  2. Select the first page of the presentation;
  3. In the "Transition to this slide" section are all kinds of effects. Select one of them by clicking on it with the mouse button, and the transition preview will immediately work;
  4. In the "Slide Show Time" section, which is located on the right, adjust the sound settings, transition duration in seconds, etc.;
  5. Do the previous steps for all other slides if you want to set different types transitions or other settings. You can also in the section named in the previous step, click on "Apply to all" and then all slides will replace each other in the same way;
  6. To view the result of the work done, go to the "Slideshow" tab and click on the first icon - "From the Beginning".

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most powerful and affordable applications for creating multimedia presentations today. It has a whole range of functions that make it easy to understand the principles of operation. Even novice users can already during the first using PowerPoint create simple slides. Let's consider its features.

Advantages of the program

As one of the leaders in this field of computer software, PowerPoint has many advantages. Among them:

  • Ease of access.
  • Convenient functionality and menu.
  • Data conversion and transfer.

Indeed, in the Windows system, PowerPoint is considered the default program, as it is included in the Microsoft Office installation package.

Many effects, combination, adaptation and sharing different types files allow you to create real works of art in a short time. The functionality of the application is so huge and at the same time accessible that even a beginner can figure out how to use PowerPoint.

As already mentioned, new program used to create presentations and slide shows. This is a weighty argument when creating not only entertaining and informational publications, but also for scientific and business purposes. In addition, the visualization of the program is such that it is easily perceived by the audience. We can say that a well-executed presentation captivates with its effects. From this we conclude that the most important parameter PowerPoint document is the visual component.

Presentation as the final result of work in the program

The definition of presentation has a simple meaning. This is informational content, consisting of slides that change over an equal time interval. There is a wide variety of information that can be included in a PowerPoint presentation. There are both text and graphic files (images, including animation), as well as audio and video files, graphs, charts, tabular information, three-dimensional objects.

Templates for PowerPoint are also varied, which indicates a high-quality choice of the visual side of the document. Thanks to a rich base of standard templates, the style of the future presentation is selected.

Most Popular Use of Program Files

Today, PowerPoint presentations are used in a wide variety of areas. Of course, the most popular is the scientific field. A good example of how to use PowerPoint is the presentation of scientific reports, lectures, seminars. Posters and hand-drawn drawings have been replaced by multimedia boards and projectors that project the desktop of a PC or laptop, and therefore presentations.

Students and learners have a better understanding of the information they receive, and in addition, beautiful themes for PowerPoint are in line with current trends in the younger generation. It is worth recognizing this important factor.

Presentations are also in demand in the business sphere. Business plans, profit calculations and the current position of the enterprise for the current period of time - this is just a small list of what can be displayed in a PowerPoint document. Fortunately, the functionality of the program allows you to do everything that is enough for the skills and imagination of the author.

Animated slide effects

To give the finished presentation an attractive look, various animation effects are used. Creating such highlights in PowerPoint for beginners will not be any problem, not to mention those users who are fluent in office products.

However, it should be noted here that animation imposes certain requirements on the equipment, which consist in the presence of a discrete video card with support for the innovative Direct 3D technology. If one is not available, then animated objects will have to wait.

Animation can be divided into two types:

  • Integrated.
  • External.

The first type is the introduction of third-party objects into the slides, such as videos and audio files (reporting information to viewers in an understandable format).

The second type is purely visual. At the same time, the animation of the placed text is performed, the slide is opened with different effects. For example, changing the background for PowerPoint. You can also diversify the design with small sound inserts when performing certain commands and much more.

Types of presentations

Despite the enormous use in virtually all areas, a certain classifier is used to determine how to use PowerPoint.

It distinguishes the following types of presentations:

  • Informational and promotional slides.
  • Presentations of the catalog of products of online stores.
  • All kinds of programs (training, qualification).
  • Technical and legal documentation, guidelines.
  • Communiqués and business cards.
  • Using presentations for entertainment and domestic purposes.

How to create presentations

As already mentioned, the possibilities of PowerPoint are not limited. But it is important to follow the order when creating presentations, to clearly follow the sequence of actions.

The plan is:

  • Choice of topics and future volume.
  • Selection of a template and order of information placement.
  • Proper placement of thematic information.
  • Graphic component and effects.

Compliance with all of the above points is mandatory, since they determine how attractive and high-quality the final version of the presentation will be.

What is included

In order for the presentation file to contain a complete set of information, you should know which components should be present in it:

  • The topic must be fully disclosed. Information should be presented in an accessible language, touching on all areas of the subject.
  • Creating sections only on the topic, so that the listeners understand each piece of information.
  • The need to add graphic and media files to clearly fix the subject of the presentation.
  • All basic concepts should be stated intelligibly and competently.
  • You need to add interesting information on the topic.
  • A prerequisite is a reference to authoritative publications.

How to make a presentation

Visualization of the PowerPoint document is also important. To achieve optimal results, several conditions must be met:

  • The entire presentation should be made in one design. Fortunately, you can choose any background for PowerPoint, in accordance with the theme.
  • Graphic files inserted into slides must have the same dimensions (with rare exceptions) in order to preserve the style.
  • The graphical component must be designed to optimize and save resource consumption.

Using Existing Presentation Projects

Of course, the production of an author's presentation with a unique appearance and style is an entertaining affair. If the skills and abilities for such work are not enough, then you can use ready-made templates for PowerPoint. There are a lot of resources on the Internet that host finished projects all kinds of presentations, regardless of their subject matter.

In addition, the standard template base that comes with the Microsoft Office PowerPoint installer includes hundreds of themes, styles, and preferred templates.

Individual slide settings

How to increase the volume of a PowerPoint presentation? How to use the menu for adding new slides? These are very important questions regarding aspects of working with a Microsoft application. First you need to click "New Slide". After that it will be created. However, the work does not end there, as you need to choose the appropriate layout. Here are some varieties:

  • Title slide. This type is intended for the first page of the document, on which the title and presentation goals will be placed.
  • Marked list. When you select this layout, the slide will be arranged to accommodate all kinds of bulleted and numbered lists on it.
  • Columns of text. It is relevant to use this layout to accommodate a large amount of textual information.
  • Table. If your presentation contains tabular or statistical information, you won't find a better template than this one.
  • Text + chart. This layout includes mixed content, including page title, bulleted text, and chart/graph.
  • Chart + text. Similar layout. The difference with the previous one is that the chart/graph is placed on the slide first, and the text below.
  • Organization chart. This type contains the title and structure of the presentation, made in a graphic style.
  • Diagram. This layout can be inserted into any section of a presentation that requires a graphical representation of the information or data provided.
  • Text and graphics. A universal slide type that combines text format and added media files (audio, video clips, animated pictures).
  • Graphics and text. Similar to the previous layout, only in the reverse order of placing information on the slide.
  • Title. Used to separate a presentation by specifying topic and section headings.
  • Blank slide. A fallback template in case a specific section of the document needs to be added later.

How to open a finished presentation

If the presentation has already been created, but there is a need to open it on another device (including mobile), there are a number of programs. First of all, programs for free PowerPoint presentations are provided by Microsoft.

Important! Depending on the version of Microsoft Office, the file extension also changes. If in versions before 2003 the ppt format is used, then starting from Office 2007 it is already pptx. That is, in new versions, you can open any presentation, but in earlier versions, this cannot be done without using a special script.

In addition to PowerPoint, there are other programs for opening and creating presentations. Each of them is good in its own way. Even a child will figure out how to use PowerPoint. This is the main advantage of the program in question.

Even for mobile devices, there are some entertaining applications. This is the already mentioned Microsoft Office PowerPoint, and the good Kingsoft Office application. For owners of Apple products, the Apple KeyNote program is available, which also has many interesting developments.

All of them have good functionality and many useful options, although they are somewhat inferior to PowerPoint. Unfortunately, the use of the latter on mobile devices is not free.

With this lesson, I want to continue the line of learning how to work with the office suite. Microsoftoffice, which I adhered to at the very beginning of the creation of this blog. And it just so happened that I still have not touched on another useful tool from this arsenal of programs that are certainly indispensable in our lives. Well, I think you can still find a free alternative to them, such as openoffice or libreoffice. But the alternative is for that and an alternative, in order to only copy the capabilities of its older brother MSoffice, which, by the way, has been on this market for a long time and all the above-named free analogues in their functionality are guided precisely by this package. Although, in my opinion, we have moved a little away from the topic, I casually mentioned one useful program, and as you might have guessed from the title, this is a program for creating presentations - MSpowerpoint.
First of all, let's try to ask ourselves why presentations are needed at all.
In general, they can be used for various purposes ... whether it is an advertisement for a product or technology, or it can simply be a detailed illustration of educational material. You can use them as you like ... But the explanation given above is somewhat abstract. If you look at all this from a different angle, then the presentation can be imagined as a collection of slides that sequentially replace each other, either after a specified time, or in manual mode. And we will consider some subtleties, already in the process of work.

Well, let's start studying. Version 2010 will be considered, although there are changes for other versions of the program, they concern the main interface. The essence remains the same.
When you first start the program, you will see such a welcome window.

In the screenshot, I tried to show where and what is located. I hope it turned out clearly, and if it’s still not very good, then further down the text, as well as simultaneously performing tasks on your computer, there should not be any incomprehensible moments. However, it is the same in almost every case. So don't worry about it.

In the course of further work with the program, we will mainly use the toolbar home, which contains the most commonly used tools. The second most used toolkit is concentrated in the tab Insert. We will not use other tabs, at least in this lesson.

All operations that we will perform using the toolbar will be performed on the current slide, i.e., the one that is visible to us in this moment. If we want to select another slide, then for this we select it by clicking the left mouse button on the left side of the screen on the slide that you want to make active.

By default, the program starts with one already created. slide, which already has elements like Slide Title and Slide subtitle.

To change the inscription, just click on some element and start typing something there from the keyboard. Try to enter something. For example, this is what happened to me.

If you want to move these two elements to another location, then there is nothing easier. To do this, simply select the element by clicking on it with the mouse button, and a frame will appear indicating the borders of that element. After that, you need to bring the mouse cursor directly to this border (the mouse cursor will change its shape at the same time), and holding the left mouse button, move the element to the desired location.

In addition, the program already has several layouts with a predetermined arrangement of elements. To do this, select Toolbars paragraph Layout, and click on the arrow next to it - from the list of drop-down ready-made templates, you can select the one you need.

You can just start by experimenting with different layouts. You can always return to the default layout by selecting Reestablish.

In addition, we can create new slides by clicking on the drop-down menu button − Create slide. In this case, you can immediately choose which layout will be applied to new slide.

The next dropdown button we'll look at is called Chapter. So let's move on to the topic...

Why are there sections in PowerPoint?

Sections are used to group slides. Let's say we're doing a presentation, and we have about thirty slides that relate to one big topic. Of course, in order for the information to be presented effectively, it is advisable to divide it into sections (subsections) - in this case, the lecturer will not get confused in the slides replacing each other, since it is possible that he will have to return to some topic. And thanks to such division into subsections, he will not have to remember on which slide he told what he wanted to return to, and it will be easier for the listener to navigate in all this diversity. That's what sections are for - so that there is no chaos in the head.

For clarity, to understand what's what, let's try to create four slides. Two of them will have the text “ This slide belongs to section 1”, and two slides that will have text - “ This slide belongs to section 2”.At the same time, we will practice creating slides.

Now let's create two sections by clicking on the corresponding drop-down button Chapter, and selecting the menu item Create section:

By the way, by default, when creating slides, they are all grouped into a section, which is called - Default section. All subsequent sections created by us will be shown in the section, which is displayed in the panel with slides as Section without a title.

What then to do if we want to rename the section?

To do this, you will need to select this section in the panel on the left, and using the same drop-down menu of the list button, select the item Rename section.

In the figure, the selected partition (the one with which some operation will take place) is highlighted in orange.

Let's create two sections, one will be called - Section 1, another - Section 2.

Ok, sections are created. Now we need what? Drag slides to desired sections. There is nothing easier. We simply take the slide we need, click on it with the left mouse button, and holding it, move it to the section we need.

In the end, this is what should happen.

Let's now try to spice up our presentation by adding some pictures to the slide. Moreover, a presentation without pictures is not a presentation at all.

To do this, you will need to go to the tab Insert, click on the icon Picture and choose any picture you like. After the picture appears on the slide, it will also be possible to perform any operations with it - copy, move, transform, etc.

Please note that if you want to maintain proportions when enlarging or reducing the image, then the image should be stretched by the corner. If you stretch only in height or in width, distortion is possible.

Everything seems to be clear. But still, you can ask a fair question...

What is the difference between the Picture button and the Picture button?

The question is good. It seems to be in the sense that these two functions should perform the same operation ... and in fact it is so. But still there are some nuances. With button Picture, we carry out the operation that we did above. And if we click on the icon Picture, then a search window will open, in which it will be possible to set the name of the object that we want to find (including the picture). Here we can also specify the type of object: Illustrations, Photos, Video, Sound. The search will be performed in the built-in collection of the Microsoft Office package, and if you check the “ Enable Site Content // January 9, 2014 //

Today, almost every report or speech is accompanied by a presentation. It can be a scientific conference, a thesis defense, a report on the work done, progress in the development of a company or business over a certain period, advertising of new products that will appear on the market, and much more. The presentation helps the speaker present all the necessary information in a visual form. You can insert the necessary pictures and diagrams into it, videos that can display the result of your work, and various audio files. Thanks to all this, the listener will better catch the material, and remember all necessary information that you wanted to tell.

PowerPoint is a powerful presentation tool. With it, you can make an excellent presentation that meets all the necessary requirements. Choose backgrounds, headings, colors, insert graphs, tables and charts. In general, the field for action is huge, now it all depends on your imagination.

In this article, we will look at what tools you can use to create presentations in PowerPoint. How to add and design slides, write text, insert graphs, charts, tables, video and audio files.

So, I think you have decided on the theme of the presentation. It is important to understand that a presentation is aid achieving the goal, and the result will largely depend on your report. But a beautiful and well-made presentation, of course, will play a significant role.

Adding new slides

Launch PowerPoint on your computer. On the "Home" tab, click on the "Create Slide" button and select any of the proposed layouts. You can add blank pages, you can add areas to enter headings, text, or insert a picture.

The left side shows all the slides in the presentation. A new page is added immediately after the one that is selected in this area with the mouse.

To remove a slide from a presentation, select its thumbnail, they are presented on the left side, right-click and select Delete Slide from the context menu. To move a slide, click on it with the left mouse button, and without releasing it, drag the thumbnail between the other two - the insertion point will be marked with a black horizontal bar.

To change the layout of an already added slide, select it and on the tab "Home" click the button "Layout". Select the one you need from the list.

All the information described is discussed in detail in the article: how to insert a slide into a PowerPoint presentation. By clicking on the link, you can read the article.

slide design

For our presentation to be beautiful decoration, and the pages were not white, go to the Design tab. In the "Themes" group, you can select one of the suggested themes. Here you can also choose a different color scheme for the selected theme: "Colors" suitable for the presentation "Fonts" and "Effects".

If you want several presentation slides to have a different design, hold down "Ctrl" and select them with the mouse. Then choose the theme you want for them.

The "Background Styles" button will help you change the background for the page.

Do not use too bright and poorly combined colors in your presentation - this will distract the viewer. Try to limit yourself to three or four colors for the theme.

Text on slide

If you selected layouts with areas for entering titles and a test, click on desired area and enter text there. By the way, the text can be both printed and pasted from any other document.

If your pages are blank, go to the "Insert" tab and select "Inscription". Using the mouse, draw a rectangular area on the slide, where you can then write the text. In the same way, you can add a new text entry area to any slide.

To move the area with text, move the mouse cursor over the border, it will take the form of an arrow pointing in four directions, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the area to another place on the sheet. You can change the size by hovering over one of the markers.

You can choose the appropriate font for the text on the Home tab in the Font group. Highlight the desired text first. Here you can also choose the style of the text, the spacing between lines, its alignment, and so on.

When text is selected, a new tab appears on the ribbon "Drawing Tools". Here you can choose the appropriate style for the text and for the shape in which it is inscribed.

Make headlines larger than body text. Don't use poorly readable fonts. The main text on the sheet should not be much, make it of such a size that they can read from the back rows. Use the same font for headings on all slides, the font for body text should also be the same.

Don't overdo it with underscores and stuff. Choose the color of the text so that it is readable against the selected background.

Inserting pictures, charts, tables

To make the presentation interesting, the text must be diluted with images. Go to the "Insert" tab and select "Picture". Find the desired picture on your computer and click "Insert". Using the mouse, drag it anywhere on the page and resize it.

You can also use the copy-paste commands. Open a document such as Word or File Explorer, find the image you want, copy it, and paste it on a slide in your presentation.

Try not to stretch small images so as not to spoil their quality. Don't put too many pictures on one slide. It is better to put the image on a separate slide and sign it.

If you need to add a chart to the presentation, on the "Insert" tab, click on the button "Diagram". Choose one of the suggested ones and click "OK".

An Excel window will open. Enter the data on the basis of which you want to build a chart. To change the data range, drag the bottom right corner of the table. After that, click on the cross to close the window.

To learn in detail how to build a chart in Excel and how to build a graph in Excel, follow the links and read the articles.

To edit a chart, select it and go to the tab "Working with charts".

A table is added to the presentation in the same way: "Insert" - "Table", select the desired number of rows and columns. To work with a table, go to the appropriate tab.

Embed audio and video

Inserting an audio recording into a presentation can come in handy in many situations. For example, you are making a presentation for your birthday, or you need to listen to a fragment of a song or a file recorded by you personally during the report. If you want the music to play during the presentation, choose a calm composition and preferably without words.

We select the slide from which the playback of the composition will begin, and go to the tab "Insert" - "Sound" - "Sound from file". Find the entry on the computer, after it is added, a speaker icon will appear on the sheet.

To embed a video, do the same, just click "Video" - "Video from file".

Transitions and animations

The appearance of all slides can be made more interesting by using different transitions in the program. Open the "Transitions" tab, select the desired slide on the left side, and select any transition from the list. You can immediately see how the slide will appear on the screen.

In a group "Slide Show Time" you can set the duration of the transition, and how to change the slide, on click or after a certain time. Here you can also select the sound for changing slides.

Animation is used to make text appear effectively on a slide. Select the desired area with the text with the mouse and go to the tab "Animation". Click here "Add Animation" and choose one from the list.

Click "Area of ​​Animation". The desired area will appear on the right side.

Don't overdo the special effects. If your presentation is equipped with various sound effects, blinking and jumping text, it will be difficult for the viewer to concentrate on the main information.

slide show

That's it, we're done creating the presentation! It's time to see what happened. Go to the "Slide Show" tab and click the "From Beginning" button. The slide show will start in full screen mode.


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