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Today, the metallurgical industry has become one of the most developed industries. On the Russian market metallurgical industry is in one of the first places. That is why the issue of recycling scrap metal is very relevant. The solution to this issue was all sorts of ways to process scrap metal, which is quite profitable for this industry. Consider the most acceptable and productive ways of processing scrap metal in this article.

Scrap metal recycling principles

It should be noted that secondary raw materials are the most necessary element in the smelting of metal; through the use of recycled metal scrap, there is a significant reduction in the cost of the entire production. Savings are visible in everything, and in the cost of charge type material and energy costs, and much more. In addition, the processing and recycling of scrap metal, both non-ferrous and ferrous, reduces the burden on the use of natural resources in this area, especially since they are already quite depleted today. All of these factors listed above are a significant argument in.

As a rule, the most frequent is the processing of ferrous scrap. This is due to the fact that today steel is produced in large quantities, technological process casting which involves a sufficiently large amount of scrap metal to mix it with cast iron. At the same time, it should be noted that the peculiarity of this technological process is that the more scrap is used in smelting, the best quality will be the finished product, in this case steel.

Technological processes of scrap metal processing

The basis of pre-processing of scrap metal includes processes such as sorting, in which metal is separated into categories and varieties. Today there are several categories of scrap metal. Firstly, this is the separation of non-ferrous and ferrous scrap, since they cannot be used in one technological process.

The next stage of processing is cutting and cutting of scrap metal. Next, scrap metal is sorted out according to the content of carbon substances in it, according to the content of the alloying composition, according to its quality indicators, which today there are about twenty-eight types.

Ferrous metal scrap and cast iron scrap are also distributed. The first type of scrap includes such groups as shavings, as well as metal, which is a waste from the foundry industry, and scrap metal, which is formed as a result of domestic use and waste material. industrial production. The next type is cast iron scrap, which can also be in the form of shavings and foundry waste.

Another type is a type of scrap metal such as stainless steel scrap. This group includes metal processing waste and used materials that are out of order.

Recycling of non-ferrous scrap metal

Recycling of scrap metal is one of the most important areas in the metal industry, this activity Today it is referred to as nothing more than recycling. Scrap metal recycling activities affect absolutely all segments of the population.

Recycling of non-ferrous scrap metal is a more complex process and is carried out separately for each type of non-ferrous metal. As a rule, it is most often used in which there is a sufficiently large amount of lead. This metal can be successfully used for further purposes, and is easily recycled. The same is the case with products containing mercury, as well as with scrap of precious metals.

The ever-growing demand for metals in the metallurgical industry, and interruptions in the supply of rolled metal, have made the processing of scrap metal for the needs of the metallurgical industry relevant. The share of scrap metal in industrial production is about 8%, and it is growing steadily.

Metal, unlike, is recycled countless times, because it does not lose its properties and its quality.

played its important role and environmental pollution, and the consequences of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere: which put forward the need to melt down the metal, not leaving, just .

Scrap metal recycling process

First, scrap metal is collected at plants, factories and from the population; on it is sorted depending on the composition and purpose of metal products: cases from washing machines, cars or kitchen utensils are assembled. Products made of copper and aluminum are carefully separated - they are processed separately. The sorted metal is packed and sent to recycling centers.

Directly in the center, the metal is checked for good sorting; and immediately, or stored, or sent to the melting furnace. There, the metal is heated and melted at different temperatures, depending on the type of metal. Completely molten metal, collected in full, is formed into small ingots. They are allowed to cool before being put into further processing.

Recycling of steel scrap

Obtaining steel from iron ore an expensive and time-consuming process, so the recovery of this metal from scrap is much preferable. In addition, the steel recovery process is not so harmful environment, polluting water and air to a lesser extent, by burning a large amount of coal.

Used, obsolete, technique, Construction Materials, wagons and cars, do not shun, and melting cans from drinks. Recovered steel is used to make metal utensils, cars, bridges, and the same cans for drinks.

Recycling of copper products

Demand for non-ferrous metals has always exceeded supply: smelting copper from ore is an expensive and labor-intensive process; and the industry cannot do without various types of cables and anti-corrosion copper pipes.

After careful sorting on a special vibrating conveyor, copper scrap is separated from various impurities, paper and polymer waste is removed.

Then the scrap is sent for remelting for the manufacture of copper products, or for the production of copper sulfate - a valuable compound that is successfully used in construction to protect against decay wooden houses; agriculture, for the treatment of crops from pests, in the chemical industry.

The benefits of recycling scrap metal are becoming more obvious every year, so this industry is gaining more and more momentum.

If unnecessary things have accumulated in your house or on the site, then scrap metal processing in Moscow will solve this problem. You get not only the cleaning of the territory and premises that were used as a warehouse, but also additional income. The amount received when contacting MosMetall will pleasantly surprise you.

Acceptance is carried out in one of the points located in the districts of the city and beyond. It is easy and simple to find a branch where non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal is collected and processed, next to the place of residence, cottage, garage. Thus, wherever you bring trash, there is always a suitable point on the map.

Non-ferrous metal processing

Delivery, sorting and processing of non-ferrous metal (non-ferrous metal) can be carried out in two ways. Firstly, you can independently deliver everything found for recycling. This is the most profitable option, as you will earn much more money. Secondly, we can pick up the scrap from the specified address ourselves. Moreover, it is possible to dismantle structures, cut large-sized parts, load and unload. Prices will already differ by the amount of costs.

How expensive is it to recycle scrap metal?

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There is a direct relationship between the types of scrap metal and their price. To determine the technology by which the disposal or processing of scrap metal will take place, it is necessary to find out which category these materials belong to. Many varieties of metal waste gave rise to a large number of their classifications. Letter designations according to GOST help in resolving the issue. Recycling of metal at landfills is an urgent problem of the Russian Federation.

Main categories of scrap metal

The main criterion by which metal waste is divided into types is their chemical composition. The classification of scrap metal includes: non-ferrous, ferrous and precious metal scrap. All types of scrap metal have their own characteristics and subspecies, respectively. AT Russian Federation black scrap waste is classified on the basis of GOST 278-86, non-ferrous scrap is GOST 1639-78.

Black scrap has three subspecies:

  1. Stainless scrap - steel products containing at least 10% nickel. This material does not corrode. Stainless steel is strong enough and does not attract a magnet.
  2. Scrap iron - appears in the process of industrial production and is a scale and shavings, from which iron can be obtained in the future. Remelting scrap into iron is much more economically profitable than mining from iron ore. Therefore, the disposal of metal waste of this type is extremely rare. For example, steel waste grade 5A has small dimensions. Therefore, it is category 5A steel that is actively used in the engineering industry.
  3. Scrap iron - the result of cast iron and shavings is this subspecies of scrap metal. These can be pipes and plates of various sizes, as well as parts of production machines that are unsuitable for further use.

The mines from which iron is extracted are currently on the verge of depletion. For this reason, business relations with waste processing enterprises are reaching a new level. Recycling and use of metal waste is much more beneficial from an environmental and economic point of view.

Another category of scrap metal, the so-called non-ferrous metal, is the industry's most interested. Many subspecies have been widely used. For example, to achieve excellent aerodynamic qualities in the construction of aircraft helped Aluminium alloy. The scrap metal recycling plant will definitely accept this species for a decent amount.

Division into subspecies

Colored scrap is divided into 9 subspecies:

  1. Lead - batteries that have lost their performance and cable and wiring materials.
  2. Aluminum - wires made of aluminum.
  3. Semiconductor - components of electronic equipment that have become unusable.
  4. Titanium - obtained from waste metal containing titanium, as well as its alloys.
  5. Copper - scrap, the composition of which largely consists of copper and its alloys.
  6. Copper and aluminum are the most commonly used chemical elements in electrical engineering. They can be found in any wires, cables. For the extraction of metals, processing in special devices is used.
  7. Magnesium - such waste prevails in the places of assembly of aircraft and other air equipment.
  8. Rare metal - metal slag obtained in the production of high-tech devices.
  9. Scrap of copper alloys - bronze or brass with an admixture of copper.

Non-ferrous metal scrap is further divided into four subclasses:

  • Lumpy. The first includes pure metals, but in the case when there are a lot of impurities, the calculation of their cost is significantly reduced.
  • Shavings. The second subclass refers to scrap resulting from the processing of non-ferrous scrap on the latest machines.
  • Powdery waste. Powdered waste includes waste in the form of dust, which is formed during metal production.
  • Other varieties. Other varieties can be identified as the thinnest plates, chips, wire.

The most expensive of the types is metal scrap of precious metals, it is divided into gold, platinum and silver scrap. Gold is obtained from jewelry or unusable catalysts. Platinum - from catalyst parts, jewelry and electrotitanium. Silver - from jewelry, silver-zinc batteries and catalysts.

Methods and techniques for preparing metal for processing

Scrap metal recycling is a procedure for preparing it for subsequent use in various types industry. By bringing the material into the right condition, you can enter into business deals with organizations interested in buying recycled materials. Such materials are called business waste. Companies engaged in all types of processing must have a license for scrap metal.

Each type of scrap metal has its own processing technique:

Explosive and impact crushing

Steel and cast iron alloys require careful and complex processing. For this, explosive crushing in a special pit with a very strong roof was invented. The calculation is made on a powerful shock wave from the explosion, which crushes scrap. Crushing with pile head is the second part of the previous technology. The metal passes along the rail overpasses, and crushing is carried out on special place by dropping a copra woman. The supply of scrap and the movement of finished products is performed by an overhead crane.

Pyrotechnic control

Pyrotechnic control is necessary mainly for non-ferrous metals, which have the greatest explosiveness. Such verification is due to their widespread use in the production of missile and aviation technology, ammunition. It is carried out twice: upon delivery of finished products and upon receipt of a settlement with the recipient enterprise.


When processing sheet metal, household scrap, wire, metal structures and punching, a method such as packaging is used. Packing is carried out with the help of domestic machines, which operate simultaneously in three dimensions, which helps to pack rolled metal in a very compact way.

Thermal grinding

The local melting of metal waste is called thermal grinding. There are certain types of this technology: oxygen, oxygen-arc, plasma cutting, as well as drilling with an oxygen lance.

Mechanical cutting

Mechanical cutting is necessary in order to reduce the volume and size of the resulting scrap metal. The cutting process is very dependent on factors such as the temperature of the material being processed, its strength and location relative to the cutting tool. Cutting scrap metal: the order of the procedure is elastic and plastic deformation, notching and destruction.

To obtain ingots with an average composition, remelting of scrap metal in arc furnaces is used. This method can be used to dispose of shavings from extra strong steel.


Sorting of all wastes of metal production occurs by evaluating the external characteristics, chemical composition, subject properties, GOST letter designations, as well as the results of radiation, chemical, X-ray and spectral analyses. The sorting process is carried out on conveyor lines or sorting tables. The calculation of the amount of impurities is also carried out by special devices.

chip breaking

The chips obtained as a result of processing are either disposed of or crushed. For the second, special installations are used: mills and crushers (roller, rotary, cone, hammer).

Delivery of scrap metal to collection points

In every city of our country, you can find special scrap metal collection points where you can get good money for the delivered material. Organizations that collect and recycle must have a license for scrap metal.

Pre-sorted materials should be brought to the reception of scrap metal. The more the scrap metal weighs, the higher the price per kilogram. It follows from this that recycling of scrap is much more profitable than its disposal. Business relationship of this kind can be sold by enterprises operating in the field of metal production and licensed.

The presence of background radiation affects the cost calculation. The location of the collection point and the processing plant is also reflected in the payment: the closer they are, the higher the cost.

The cheapest is black scrap. Checking the material for the presence of iron is carried out using a powerful magnet. Stainless steel is isolated from non-ferrous scrap - not very much will be paid per kilogram of such material. The calculation of the price for other types of non-ferrous scrap (bronze, brass, copper) is much higher.

The price of copper is the highest. The only thing is that it must first be sorted into different types scrap. Aluminum is much cheaper, but the processing of this type of metal allows you to reduce the amount of energy spent on extracting it from ore. Brass looks very similar to gold. It can be either a mixture of zinc with copper, or an alloy with other components. Bronze is valued in much the same way as brass.

If recycling scrap metal through delivery does not appeal to you, you should find out what you can do with scrap metal with your own hands. Metal crafts may have various forms from bracelets to wood stoves. On the this moment there are many tools for handling metal waste. Homemade products perfectly complement the interior of a house or cottage. Some people even put their crafts up for sale.

A scrap metal dump is not the best way to dispose of it. Collecting scrap metal can bring a small profit, give it a second life and save the environment.


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