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A lot of people dream of starting their own business. But there are many business pitfalls along the way. And desire can evaporate instantly. However, you can also implement a lightweight option, namely, open a regional branch of some large online store in your city. Of course, this process is not so simple, but almost everyone can handle it.

Before opening a branch, it is necessary, of course, to study all the issues and find out how profitable this project will be. To open your own online store, you need to have great potential: know programming, SEO optimization, find suppliers and open an office. And this is just the beginning. The lighter option is that you can open a representative office in your region of a large online store. This process is not so simple, but it is much easier to implement. The main thing is to adhere to a certain algorithm, which will be discussed below.

Preparing the opening of a branch store

First stage. It is necessary to decide with which particular online store cooperation will be started. For this purpose, all stores known to you are monitored. Naturally, you need to give preference to one that has been operating on the market for more than 1 year. For example, 5-10 years. So, in the future, you will advertise your affiliate with great success, especially if it belongs to famous company. Collaboration with narrowly focused stores may not be profitable at all. It is better if the categories and range of products offered can satisfy the most fastidious buyer.

Make a sample of online stores that work with regional offices and analyze pricing policy and offered range.

Stage two. After you decide on the store, you need to call the main office and find out what contractual obligations and partnership conditions they offer. Ask to be sent a financial contract and find out what percentage of the sale you will be paid.

Stage three. Register an individual entrepreneur with a single tax. The single tax rate is based on the type of activity, number of employees and annual turnover.

Stage four. Now you need to find an office. There is no need to buy it, you can rent it. It will be better if you decorate it with a prominent sign and if it is located in a crowded place. Signage as part of advertising will help you "promote" the store. Be sure to equip the office: install a printer, scanner, computer, and connect to the Internet. It is enough that the room has several squares and it accommodates equipment and a table. And in the future you can expand. If you decide to trade large commodity, then choose an office on the 1st floor, and preferably with a separate exit. Not all delivery services provide for the lifting of oversized cargo to the office door, and you will need to carry it yourself.

Stage five. Now you can enter the office and conclude a cooperation agreement. After that, your details, namely the phone number, office address and other contacts and coordinates, the online store will place on its website. After that, people will contact you.

Stage six. You need to enter into an agreement with transport company, of which there are quite a few now.

This completes the organizational issues.

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Expenses required to open a representative office

A branch of an online store involves costs such as:

  • purchase of a content management system - from 4 to 40 thousand rubles (the amount depends on the required modules);
  • creation of a competent design project - from 25 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • development of the entire concept of the site, texts, navigation, menus and other things - up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • domain registration - about 250 rubles annually;
  • purchase of hosting - from 2000 rubles annually.

Naturally, you can make a website yourself using a template design and place it on a free hosting. However, such representation is unlikely to be effective and achieve the goals set.

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Nuances and scheme of work

So, the representation of the online store is ready. You need to familiarize yourself with the proposed assortment, read articles on the topic of choosing goods so that you can answer customer questions. Large stores often arrange all kinds of trainings and seminars, both online and in their office. It is on them that you can learn a lot of invaluable useful information.

The branch of the online store works according to the following scheme. The buyer enters the site and, after deciding on the product, contacts you. Your task, if necessary, to advise him and place an order. Questions regarding the configuration, timing and warranty can be found at the head office, which, as a rule, has online curators of the regions. You can place an order with or without prepayment. Of course, it is convenient for the buyer to purchase goods without an advance payment, because he will not need to go to an office or a bank in order to make a payment. After all, not everyone pays through electronic payment systems. For you, this is not very profitable, since the buyer may not pick up the goods. But usually there are no problems with the return of unpacked goods. Transport company brings goods to your office, and the buyer can pick it up in a few days.

Since you'll earn a percentage of every item sold, it's in your best interest to sell as much as possible. For this, the number of inhabitants living in your region is quite important. If there are more than 500 thousand people in the city, then the income will be quite significant. Over time, word of mouth will also work, and customers will go not only from the site.

Many entrepreneurs who have large start-up capital on their hands are interested in how to open McDonald's in their city. It is not so easy to do this, since this company does not sell franchises in the countries of the former USSR. But, nevertheless, it is realistic to do this if you choose one of two options. If you are wondering how to open a McDonald's in your city, consider each of them.

Operating McDonald's

The first option is to buy ready business. But, the fact is that no one will sell the current McDonald's. To get a license, you need to go to America or Canada. Permission to open McDonald's costs $45,000.

If you managed to negotiate the purchase of a restaurant, you will have to immediately pay 25% of the total cost. In addition, this money cannot be credit. They must be provided profitable real estate or existing business. Therefore, before you open McDonald's, you need to raise a large start-up capital.


For Russian businessmen McDonald's franchise is a viable prospect for doing this profitable business. Only large entrepreneurs with large assets can open a branch of the company in their city, since such a business requires serious investments. In addition, you will have to pay monthly funds to the franchisor. Therefore, if you are a novice entrepreneur, and it’s too early for you to think about opening McDonald’s, organize something simple, for example, in a crowded place in your city.

To figure out how much a McDonald's franchise costs, you need to list the approximate costs:

  • Investments in business - 1-1.5 million dollars;
  • Royalties - 12.5%;
  • The cost of the franchise is 45 thousand dollars.

In the near future, conditions for obtaining a McDonald's franchise should become softer, as many competing restaurants have appeared. Now you know how much it costs to open McDonald's, so you can objectively assess your financial capabilities.

Main requirements for a franchisee

Before buying a McDonald's franchise, franchisee candidates undergo a practical training course in the company's restaurants. Thanks to this, they can get acquainted with the nuances of marketing, as well as study in detail technological process. The course will cost 10 thousand dollars. It takes a long time to learn, so usually only real fans of the company, as well as fans of the restaurant business, remain in this business.

Buying a franchise involves opening a new restaurant. The franchisee has to do a huge amount of work, so he must have certain knowledge in this area, as well as have communication skills.

Features of working at McDonald's

Working under the brand of this company requires participation in social life communities. The restaurant owner should be interested in:

  1. company policy;
  2. Take part in various actions, for example, to protect the environment;
  3. Support young football players;
  4. Organize competitions and cultural events.

Thanks to this, the popularity of McDonald's is growing. In this way, he earns respect from people and attracts the attention of customers.

Franchisees, as the owner of their own restaurant, are approved after several interviews. The company must be sure that this type of business is suitable for it. McDonald's only accepts selected candidates who have management skills and are established personalities. Knowing how much it costs to open a McDonald's franchise, and this is not a cheap pleasure, many businessmen still decide to take this step and get a good income.


The purchase of equipment and the opening of a restaurant will have to spend 1-1.8 million dollars. This money will go to:
  • Preparation for the opening;
  • Inventory;
  • Kitchen equipment;
  • Hall furniture;
  • Room decor.

First you need to decide what you need to open McDonald's, and then proceed to the selection of equipment.


Usually women are chosen to work at McDonald's. As a rule, they are not distinguished by beauty, since this is one of the company's strategies. Management believes that men who flirt with pretty female workers delay the queue, and this can negatively affect profits. Therefore, according to the unspoken rule, beautiful girls are not hired. In addition, employees are forbidden to paint their nails, wear short skirts and use perfumes.

In the 1970s, only men were hired by the company. After a while, this position was revised and girls appeared in restaurants. To prevent men from being distracted from their duties, the girls developed a special uniform that hides the figure.

Restaurant maintenance costs

The owners spend on the maintenance of McDonald's more money than their local competitors. Since locally produced products cannot be used, transportation costs should be added to the cost of branded semi-finished products. In addition, even the position of a cleaner cannot be hired by non-certified personnel.


The profit that you receive from the restaurant will have to be distributed:

  • The service fee in favor of the company is 4% of sales, not profit. This is a fairly large amount;
  • Brand rent. Since the size of the rent is formulated by the company's management rather vaguely, it is not entirely clear whether this is an additional percentage of general sales, or some fixed amount.

As a rule, a start-up restaurant is charged a fixed fee for the brand. When an institution becomes successful and profitable, a percentage of sales is assigned, and it is completely arbitrary. Therefore, you need to think about whether it is profitable to open McDonald's in your city.

Summing up

The McDonald's franchise attracts many as the brand is hugely popular. Only in Russia there are more than 300 restaurants. The fact is that competing restaurants open much faster, so you can hope that after a while there will be no big problems with buying a franchise. The company's management will offer more favorable conditions and affordable prices.

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In one month, the restaurant sells:

  • 2 million drinks;
  • 2.5 million servings of french fries;
  • 1.1 million milkshakes;
  • 1.15 million sandwiches;
  • 950 thousand pies.

All dishes are prepared only from high-quality products that meet established standards. Independent experts conduct strict control at all stages of production. In the manufacture of products, all rules and sanitary and hygienic standards are strictly observed.

McDonald's does not want to give in to competitors, so the network of restaurants in our country will constantly expand. Investors should take a closer look at this business so as not to miss the moment and purchase a franchise. It doesn't matter which McDonald's to open, in any case, it does not need advertising, as visitors are drawn to it like a magnet.

Establishment of a branch LLC - step-by-step instruction in such a situation it is simply necessary, otherwise there is a great risk of missing out on any (or even several) of the mandatory actions. Detailed instructions that allows you to do everything in in due course, you will find in our article.

About branch LLC

A branch of a limited liability company (LLC) is a structural part of a company that performs the functions of a company separately, but is not a separate subject of civil law. The functionality of the branch is limited to the general activities of the organization, while the unit may be entrusted with performing part or all of the functions of an LLC and representing the interests of a legal entity.

Branches are not independent - they act on behalf of the parent organization. The latter, in turn, is responsible for its unit. The lack of independence of branches is also confirmed by judicial practice. For example, in the appeal ruling dated 04.06.2012 No. 33-2442/2012, the Tyumen Regional Court determined that the branch of the company was an improper defendant, even considering the fact that Art. 29 of the Code of Civil Procedure allows filing lawsuits in the courts at the location of the company's division. The parent LLC is considered to be the proper defendant. If in a lawsuit the plaintiff does not make demands specifically against the company, then the court will refuse to satisfy them due to the involvement of the wrong party.

Despite the lack of independence, the branch is also characterized by individualizing features:

  1. Location, since the registration address of the unit, in accordance with the indication of Art. 5 of the Law "On LLC" dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ, should not coincide with the address of the organization.
  2. The name, including the name of the LLC-creator. The conclusion about the existence of an independent designation of the unit can be drawn from the interpretation of Art. 843 of the Civil Code, which provides for the obligation to indicate in the passbook the name of the bank branch, if any.

How to open a branch of the company

For legally correct separation of a part of the company, it is necessary:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Make a decision to create a division. According to Art. 5 of Law No. 14-FZ, the general meeting of the organization has the right to decide on the creation of a separate subdivision, and it is necessary 30 days before the meeting to put the issue on the agenda and directly during the meeting to gain a majority of 2/3 of the votes of all equity holders of the LLC on the issue (the charter of the company may provide for a higher threshold). Decision reflected in the minutes of the general meeting.

    As stated in the certificate manual, approved. by letter of the Federal Notary Chamber dated 01.09.2014 No. 2405/03-16-3, the composition of the general meeting and the decision taken by it can be confirmed by the notary present by issuing a certificate. The official form of such a certificate on this moment absent.

  2. Approve a provision or other local act regulating the activities of a separate part of a legal entity. It is recommended that the scope of activity, management procedure, mutual rights and obligations of the branch and the founding organization be reflected in the act in the most detail. The position fixes the address of the unit, which is different from the location of the LLC.
  3. Appoint the leader of a separate part. The appointment of a managerial level is formalized by an internal order, however, the transfer of authority also requires a power of attorney. As stated in paragraph 129 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Russia dated 06/23/2015 No. 25, the powers of the head of the branch cannot be based solely on the instructions reflected in the charter of the LLC, the regulation on the division, or appear from the situation, etc. - a power of attorney is required.

For your information: if, by proxy, the head of a separate subdivision is allowed to perform subdivision, then a separate notarization of this fact is not required (Article 187 of the Civil Code).

Notification of state bodies on the establishment of a branch

For the legal recognition of the branch after the above actions, you need to notify a number of government agencies about changing the structure of the company. In particular, you need to report changes to the tax authority at the location of the LLC:

  1. Submit the completed form No. P14001, approved. by order of the Federal Tax Service dated 01.25.2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected], to enter information about the created branch into the Unified State Register legal entities(Article 5 No. 14-FZ).
  2. Send form No. C-09-3-1, approved. by order of the Federal Tax Service dated 09.06.2011 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected], on the establishment of a branch of the company in the Russian territory. In accordance with the order of registration, approved. letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 03.09.2010 No. MN-37-6 / [email protected], the tax authority sends to the territorial subdivision at the location of the branch information about the separate part of the company. That, in turn, in case of compliance with all requirements, puts the branch on tax records within 5 days and sends a notification to LLC in the form No. 1-3-Account, approved in response. by order of the Federal Tax Service of August 11, 2011 No. YaK-7-6 / [email protected]

The tax office recognizes separate subdivision such only if 2 conditions are met (see letter of the Ministry of Finance dated August 18, 2015 No. 03-02-07 / 1/47702):

  1. If a part of society is territorially isolated.
  2. If the branch has stationary, i.e., created for more than a month, jobs.

An interesting question is the need to notify the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and pension fund(PF). In accordance with the law "On insurance premiums ..." dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, which has become invalid, the organization was obliged to notify the mentioned funds about the opening of a branch, but since 2015 this obligation has been canceled. Since the beginning of 2017, the duty to administer transfers to funds has been assigned to the Federal Tax Service and its territorial branches (Chapter 34 of the Tax Code), while the issue of registering branches with the FSS and PF has not yet been resolved.

Differences in the procedure for opening a branch in your own / another city within Russia and opening abroad

There is no fundamental difference between the procedure for opening a branch of a company in the same city where the parent organization is located, or in another within Russia. If required step-by-step instructions for opening a branch in another city, located outside the borders of the Russian Federation, then there are some differences, the most important of which will be that according to Art. 5 of Law No. 14-FZ, when separating the foreign part of the company, both Russian and foreign legislation are applied.

In addition, after the approval of the management and the formation of the staff of the branch, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the procedure for paying wages. It can be issued by opening a company account in a foreign bank. At the same time, on the basis of Art. 12 of the law "On currency regulation ..." dated 10.12.2003 No. 173-FZ LLC is obliged to notify the tax authorities of the change in account details.

Let's summarize. Before how to open a branch in another city, it is necessary to determine step by step procedure creation of a separate part of LLC. It includes decision general meeting and its confirmation, approval of the regulatory local act, appointment of the head and transfer of powers to him by means of a power of attorney. To recognize a branch as legally operating, a company must apply to the tax authorities with a number of applications.

This procedure is applied when creating a subdivision on the territory of the Russian Federation and is valid regardless of whether the parent organization and subdivision being created. The procedure can change only if the part of the LLC located outside the territory of the Russian Federation is separated.

In the countries of Europe and America, insurance has always been and is used to ensure the safety of oneself and minimize the risk of loss or damage to one's property. The Russians are not so active, but we have great prospects for this business. Therefore, opening an insurance business now and gaining customers means ensuring success for your company in the near future. Even with a lot of competition, this type of activity is quite profitable.

Insurance business and its types

Usually people try to insure their life and property, business and deposits. Experts advise not to be limited to one type of insurance, but to use the maximum number of services. At the same time, it is possible to propose different types expertise. Only their connection with insurance is obligatory. In addition to expanding your services and attracting more customers, you will have the opportunity to earn extra money. And investments in this business are quite large. According to the same experts, payback insurance business at least three to four years. But this is provided that the process of activity is properly organized.

Use the maximum number of services

The more services you can offer, the more customers will increase. The most flexible insurance programs will allow customers to choose the best option.

Insurance is divided into four official types, which have their own subspecies:

  1. Personal. This includes all situations where the main object is a person. Accidents and health, tourism and pensions and so on.
  2. Property insurance. An object - material values. This includes own housing with a car, and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a personal enterprise.
  3. Liability Insurance. What does this look mean? This is a financial protection if the promises do not match the result. In such cases, compensation is paid for damage to the environment, in the production of goods, and other examples.
  4. And the most rarely used type is insurance of political risks, financial risks and specific ones.

Company registration

The first step is registration. The form of ownership is chosen by the owner. Option - closed or open Joint-Stock Company, with limited or additional liability. Choosing the types of services offered, you need to decide on the life insurance service. If so, there is one important condition - the amount of your authorized capital is not less than twenty million rubles.

Responsible for the collection of documents

What questions you need to pay special attention to when registering:

  • the name of your company must contain the word "insurance", which will indicate the type of your future activity;
  • you must already decide who will become the director, chief accountant, and have a list of founders;
  • when renting premises, there must be a lease agreement, if available own premises, documents on it;
  • license to conduct insurance activities;
  • registration with Rosinfomonitoring and entering your data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • information about the training of your future staff.

The registration process will incur some costs from you. If you open an LLC, the amount of the fee will be within four thousand rubles. Training your agents if you take it upon yourself. You will also have to pay a state duty for a license. The process of collecting documents at this stage can take a long time. If this does not suit you, you can use the services of lawyers specializing in this matter.


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