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Although sitting in front of a computer all day can probably be considered one of the most dangerous professions, given that it completely destroys the cardiovascular and skeletal system, and also that it is a very boring way to shorten your life. Therefore, we have collected here the 20 most dangerous professions in the world ...

1. Street cleaners.

If you've ever been to Kiva, Rwanda, you probably know why wipers are on this list. Many women work here at any hour of the night, during busy traffic and in unfriendly and criminal areas.

2. Mountain guides

There are so many dangers in this profession: slippery ice, dangerous steep rocks, jagged rocks, wind, low air pressure, and many other dangerous things that make hiking in the mountains not always a safe activity.

3. Carpenters

A broken hip during a fall from a second floor, a crushed finger, splinters, cuts, or a dislocated collarbone after falling down stairs are just some of the many ways you can get injured in this job.

4. Stuntmen

Dangerous stunts involving extreme driving, explosions, falls from cliffs, and much more - in this profession there is room for death and injury.

5. Couriers.

Couriers who deliver either pizza or newspapers. This job is actually quite dangerous in most countries. Couriers are often victims of armed robberies and other violent crimes.

6. Alligator hunters.

7. Farmers and pastoralists

Working with large animals, tractors in the field, and from dawn to dusk is not entirely pleasant. Their work can also be quite dangerous.

8. Firefighters

Putting out burning buildings, breaking into a building roaring in flames to save a child, or ending up in a burning forest while putting out a forest fire can be quite dangerous.

9. Roofers

Here, representatives of this profession can expect a fall, threatening situations, heat stroke and other weather-related situations.

10. Policemen

Unfortunately, they are probably not the most popular civil servants in many parts of the world, plus corruption... However, this is a real profession where, for the well-being of other people, its representatives can lay down their lives.

11. Cosmonauts and astronauts

Since the beginning of Russian and American space programs, about 430 astronauts and cosmonauts have been in space. Despite such a large number of people who have already been in space, this profession continues to be dangerous. During this time, 34 cosmonauts died, which is a 7.5% mortality rate, which is significantly higher than in many other professions.

12. Bodyguards and drivers of armored vehicles

Depending on where in the world who or what is actually guarded, representatives of this profession are on the front line when attempting to assassinate an object.

13. Meatpacking workers

In fact, the level of injury in this work is quite high. These injuries are often the result of high speed on the conveyor, where there is a lot of carcass cutting work required to slaughter up to 50 head of large cattle in hour.

14. Mechanics

Gases, chemicals and dangerous tools are all very dangerous for mechanics who work with everything from Mini Coopers to fighter jets.

15. Employees of search and rescue services.

Working in the coast guard or in the mountain rescue team are all pretty dangerous professions.

16. Sappers.

In some parts of the world, there are many areas where military operations have recently taken place. Therefore, there are many mines left that need to be searched for and destroyed. Sappers cope with this operation, sometimes risking their own lives.

17. Taxi drivers

While bus and train drivers are also sometimes at risk, taxi drivers are in a very different position. In addition to the obvious dangers on the roads, they are also exposed to constant dangers of robbery or violence. Maybe that's why so often in newspapers and the media there are advertisements for hiring taxi drivers?

18. Miners

In the work of miners, there is a constant risk of collapse of adits, gas explosions and other potentially life-threatening situations.

19. Deep sea fishing.

It is indeed the most dangerous job on most lists, especially Alaskan crab fishing. High seas, long dark nights, frost and many moving parts - there is almost nothing more dangerous.

20. Lumberjacks

Along with deep sea fishing, working in the logging industry has long been a dangerous profession. Big trees, sharp saws, and a tight work schedule are not a good combination.

All professions are important, all professions ... harmful! No, but how else? At work, we have to spend most of our lives, as a result of which it takes away our youth and in general best years. But if time is running out on our personal orders, then no one has yet signed up to give health to work. And that's exactly what happens. Whether it's sitting at a computer for many hours, constantly moving around the city on your feet, sitting in the driver's seat or constantly lifting weights. Almost any job irreparably affects health

So, yes, if you want to stay beautiful and healthy all your life, do right choice- stop working ... well, or at least do not do the work that is most dangerous and harmful to your health. For you to understand what is at stake, studied data from a study by the American medical association, on the basis of which the Analytical Center has compiled a rating of the most unhealthy professions. Consider all of the following and think: maybe it's time to think about changing your profile?

Accountant and other office workers

It is unlikely that your back will thank you for 9 hours of sedentary work in a stuffy office. According to statistics, about 40% of office workers suffer from back pain. Even regular exercise does not save - the enormous loads on the cervical and lumbar spine cannot be compensated for with almost nothing. Everything gets worse if you workplace not equipped with comfortable office furniture - in this case, you are guaranteed pain and obesity.

However, regular physical activity will still help to somewhat compensate for the loss of health. No, this is not work in the country on weekends, but stable classes in the gym. At the same time, you will put the figure in order. And yes, AMA experts advise to walk more often in the fresh air.

Cooks and other catering workers

AT Soviet times the work of a cook in the dining room was considered very profitable - a rare catering worker went home without a few bags full of food. Today, in fact, nothing has changed. As a result - 75% of workers in this industry are obese due to constant overeating. Of course, they have less stress at work than other representatives of this list, but it is difficult to envy them about this. They constantly have to stand on their feet in conditions of elevated temperatures, which also adversely affects health. High blood pressure, constant back pain, heart problems - these are just some of what cooks have to deal with.


Shop assistants and other trade workers are another area that traditionally suffers from high cholesterol, obesity and heart problems. Ungrateful buyers, standing work, daily rudeness, stress - all this negatively affects the health of sellers.

Plus, a very low salary, due to which it is impossible to compensate for all professional losses and afford to eat normally. The health problems caused by such work are obvious, so not everyone today is ready to choose this previously revered profession.

Medical workers

Doctors, of course, lead a much more mobile lifestyle than office workers, which, however, does not make the impact of their work on health less significant. So, the traditionally poor diet, a serious bust of stress hormones caused by constant night shifts, many patients and their health problems leave an indelible imprint on the health of doctors, paramedics and nurses. This, in particular, is expressed in an increased risk of the onset and development of diabetes, the spread of intestinal colitis among them and heart problems, such as heart attacks.

police officers

The work of law enforcement officers is traditionally associated with serious stress caused both by the specifics of work, irregular working hours, and by the contingent with which they have to communicate. In addition to the serious threat of getting a heart attack due to stress, every third law enforcement officer suffers from high blood pressure and high level cholesterol, which, of course, has absolutely no beneficial effect on their bodies.

Plus, objective threats to life and health caused by the work itself - a huge number of police officers are injured every year and even lose their lives when criminals are caught.


Driving has never done anyone any good. Drivers are at constant risk of getting into an accident, which requires them to be constantly vigilant, since they are often also responsible for passengers, and this causes them constant tension. As a result, fatigue and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. But this is not the only problem. The fact is that driving is fraught with stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. And this, as you know, is the cause of such unpleasant diseases as hemorrhoids and prostatitis. Plus, you constantly have to breathe exhaust gases - the body will definitely not like them.


The risk of getting burned or injured is by no means the worst thing that awaits domestic firefighters. The fact is that most of them do not end their lives from old age and do not die in fire - they usually get a heart attack. It's all the fault of constant stress, tension, work in a non-standard, irregular mode and constant combat readiness.

In fact, it is generally difficult for firefighters to ever relax, because at any moment it may be necessary to go to a call! In addition to this, constant lack of sleep, malnutrition, participation in physically strenuous activities. No wonder firefighters have heart attacks...

Miners, metallurgists and other working professions

It is hard to imagine that this kind of profession could bring health benefits at all. Heavy physical work speaks for itself. But problems, for example, with the back, are only trifles, compared with what work at metallurgical plants or mines is fraught with for hard workers. Large domestic industrial enterprises literally poison their workers, forcing them to breathe coke and agglomerate emissions and carcinogens. It has been repeatedly proven that workers in metallurgical plants are many times more at risk of developing cancerous tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The situation is similar with miners who have to breathe coal dust. No wonder all these professions are classified as the most harmful and dangerous at the level of legislation.

Many of us go to work every day with great reluctance, perceiving it as a necessary evil. However, it is worth considering that there are people who regularly and voluntarily risk their lives at work.

Today we propose to take a closer look at the Top 10 most dangerous professions. It was compiled on the basis of statistical data on the number of accidents, morbidity and mortality of workers in various industries.

10 Oil Driller

The most common incidents at drilling rigs are fires. But hard physical work for 12 hours in not the most comfortable conditions adversely affects health. In the oil industry, more than half of workers by retirement age have a history of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

9. Fireman

The number of accidents with firefighters during forest fires is especially high. In addition, fire brigades often find themselves at the epicenter of emergencies such as earthquakes, terrorist attacks, etc.

8 Skyscraper Window Cleaner

In the conditions of megacities, this profession is not so rare, while the number of accidents is about 70 per 100 thousand workers. Often, unpleasant incidents happen to those washers who have not received special training.

7. Lumberjack

In this work, both huge tree trunks and logging equipment are dangerous. There are about a hundred accidents per 100 thousand lumberjacks per year.

6. Welder

This profession is one of the most dangerous according to Russian statistics. However, in the United States, it did not enter the top ten. The thing is that Russian welders are much more frivolous about personal protective equipment and safety precautions.

5. High-altitude fitter

In this work, the number of injuries exceeds 80 cases per 100,000 workers annually. About a quarter of these accidents end in death. Of particular danger is the installation of high-voltage lines.

4. Driver

This profession tops the rating of the most risky in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg and many others major cities. Due to the huge number of accidents, those who spend a significant part of their time behind the wheel are more at risk.

3. Fishing boat sailor

According to American statistics, for every 100,000 workers in this field, there are 118 deaths. Despite the danger, the salary of a fisherman, as a rule, is 2-2.5 times lower than the national average.

2. Journalist

Of course, we are not talking about the leading fashion column in a glossy magazine, but about those who work in hot spots, unwind political scandals and conduct independent investigations. In addition to high-profile cases of reprisals against journalists, one should also note life in conditions of constant stress.

1. Miner

In terms of the number of accidents, the coal mining industry is undoubtedly the leader. In Russia, China and Ukraine, for every million tons of coal mined in the mines, one miner is killed. In addition, daily exposure to depth and hard physical labor adversely affect the health and life expectancy of miners.

Different countries annually publish lists of the most dangerous professions. Each country has its own list. Every year, workers die or become disabled, suffer from occupational diseases.

What professions live the least?

We will take the statistics for 2014 as a basis. It should be noted that not always a dangerous profession is associated with a daily risk to life. It is also a mistake to believe that the more dangerous the profession, the higher the opportunity to earn as much as possible. more money. No human life should be measured in terms of money. And even more so, no profession should become the cause of chronic diseases, or those diseases that significantly reduce human life. However, we included in this list precisely those professions that, according to many criteria, are considered both dangerous and noble at the same time, one of the most courageous ... In total, the following turned out:

1. Soldier, serviceman

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

If all over the world the first place of the “most dangerous professions” is occupied by fishermen and their own fishing, then in Russia the situation is more unambiguous. Over the past 5 years, the military profession has risen to the first lines. A sharp jump up - from 5% in 2010 to 15% today. Experts explain this by the fact that in recent years the situation in the world (and not only in Russia) has been very tense. In the face of severe disagreements between countries, as well as powerful propaganda from outside, many issues have ceased to be resolved at the diplomatic level. The prospect of the development of military conflicts is only increasing. We remember: the allegedly annexed Crimea, the war in the Donbass, today also Syria ...

2. Miner

Not space, meters of soil above me,
And in the mine there is no time for festive processions,
But we own extraterrestrial too
And the most earthly of professions ...

Vladimir Vysotsky: "March of Miners"

The word "miner" came to us from Germany, the so-called employees of the enterprise where the mining was carried out - "schacht" (with German language"mine"). People began to extract ore in the 15th century, but the mining business itself had not yet formed by that time.

The beginning of mining in Russia was laid in the second half of the 15th century under the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. The first expedition to search for minerals went to the Pechora Territory in 1491. However, mining received a powerful impetus only during the reign of Peter the Great.

By the beginning of the 20th century, coal production increased from 121 thousand tons in 1860 to 12 million tons in 1900, and in 1913 it reached almost 36 million tons.

The profession of a miner is one of the most dangerous and not only in Russia. The danger lies in the working conditions - at great depths, often at very high temperatures, explosions, collapses in the mine, methane poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning are possible.

Mining is a priority, the most important task of the state. But in the pursuit of profit, a serious, acute problem raises security issues in the hard work of workers who are exposed to daily risk.

Negligence on the part of officials and government agencies leads to terrible tragedies. Recall only the explosions of methane at the mines "Ulyanovskaya" and "Yubileinaya", in the Novokuznetsk district of the Kemerovo region, the causes of which were the thirst for profit. Let me remind you that at the Ulyanovsk mine March 19, 2007 the methane explosion killed 110 people.

On the night of May 8-9, 2010, at the Kuzbass mine "Raspadskaya" two explosions thundered. The accident ended the lives of 71 miners and 20 mine rescuers. Only direct material damage from the accident is estimated at more than $320 million.


December 2, 1997 A methane explosion at the Zyryanovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region killed 67 people. The accident was reported to have occurred during a shift change at a stope. The main reason was given human factor: the combine operator crushed the miner's self-rescuer (means personal protection from toxic combustion products), which provoked an explosion of methane gas that suddenly appeared in the bottomhole, followed by an explosion of coal dust.

A week before the explosion, there was a gas outbreak at the mine that burned five workers. However, the operation of the mine was not stopped. Experts note that none of management team mine following the results of the investigation was not punished.

miner's day celebrated on the last Sunday of August

3. Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters

What makes a man a legend? What did he do in life? Or memories of him? from the movie "Rescuer"

- Specialist in rescue of victims in extreme situations, an employee of the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This profession is not easy, but very popular and highly paid.

It includes several specialties at once: driver, fireman, climber, diver, physician, etc.

Rescuers always have a lot of work: natural disasters, man-made disasters or terrorist attacks, natural disasters, domestic accidents - rescue service employees are obliged to come to the rescue as soon as possible. "...Too many unpredictable risks" accompanies rescuers every day. A risk that borders on the feats that people who choose this profession perform every day.

The elite of domestic rescuers is the Central Airmobile Rescue Squad of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (Centrospas), whose fighters fly on alarm to the sites of all the world's largest disasters.

For the graduation of professionals, there are badges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Rescuer" of the international, first, second and third classes.

Fireman. When extinguishing a fire, there is a high risk of physical injury from collapsing structures, overheating of the body, poisoning chemicals. One of the most dangerous professions in the world.

AT Russian Federation 130,000 fires are recorded every year, resulting in the death of about 19,000 people, including 30 firefighters involved in extinguishing the fire.

Fire dynasties. The traditions of succession in the Russian fire protection today are continued by about 50 professional dynasties. Often, two to five generations of firefighters from grandfathers to grandchildren, as well as their relatives and members of their families, serve in one fire department. The oldest dynasties of firefighters have a total service record in the PO of more than 100 years.

Professional holiday of firefighters celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on April 30.

4. Journalists

Evgeny Poddubny, Russian military journalist

Mr. President, Russian journalists are flying with us. I promised that you would tell them about life in the White House.
- There is no life in the White House. From the movie "President's Plane"

According to statistics, today two journalists die in the world every week. This information is made available to the public in Geneva.

Every year more than a hundred journalists die in the world for various reasons. After that, someone will have a question about why there are so many occupational deaths in seemingly ordinary activities?

Even in peacetime, these statistics do not decrease, this is due to the fact that journalism is a dangerous profession that involves entering into constant debates with different people who react differently to a particular issue and information.

A journalist is present where passions are always heated, where hostilities are conducted, where rallies and debates are held. A journalist, sometimes, even reluctantly, can get into the hotbed of hostilities, conflicts, thereby walking the thin line between life and death. He is always where the situation is unstable and passions are heated.

Journalism is a very dangerous profession associated with the death of innocent professionals who die in hot spots and unstable states. Yes, of course, soldiers die more often than journalists, but journalists, unlike soldiers, are completely unprotected, and their main weapon is a notebook and a pen, a word ...

According to statistics, more than 400 journalists were killed/murdered in Russia between 1993 and 2009 alone.

The international organization Committee to Protect Journalists has presented an annual ranking of the most dangerous countries for journalists, in which Russia is in ninth place.

The rating is published on the organization's website, it determines the percentage ratio of the number of unsolved murders of journalists to the country's population.

The rating took into account crimes committed from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012. According to the organization, 14 murders of media workers have remained unsolved in Russia since 2003, and journalists in the North Caucasus have been the least protected in recent years.

In total, there are 12 countries on the list. The most dangerous countries for journalists are Iraq, Somalia and the Philippines. In addition, it is worth recalling the hottest spots:

1. Ukraine.

During the past year, Ukraine has become the most dangerous country for journalists. Here is a list of journalists who died in this country in 2014:

February 18 - Vyacheslav Veremiy, reporter for the Vesti newspaper. February 20 - Igor Kostenko, Ukrainian journalist from Sportanalytic newspaper.

May 24 - Andrea Rocchelli, an Italian photojournalist, died under mysterious circumstances while covering the Siege of Sloviansk. Together with him, his translator Andrei Mironov died.

June 17 - Igor Kornelyuk, VGTRK correspondent. Together with him, his sound engineer Anton Voloshin was killed.

August 6 - Andrey Stenin, photojournalist for the Rossiya Segodnya news agency. Sergei Korenchenkov and Andrey Vyachalo, members of the IKORPUS information unit of the DPR, died together with him.

November 29 - Oleksandr Kuchinsky, journalist, editor-in-chief of the Donetsk newspaper Kriminal-Express, author of the books Chronicle of Donetsk Banditry and Anthology of Contract Murder.

In addition, Ukraine has become a leader among the countries of the world in terms of the number of kidnapped and arrested journalists. Reporters Without Borders reports this in its report. According to the report, 33 journalists were kidnapped in 2014, the highest number in the world. The journalists were mostly abducted on the Maidan, in eastern Ukraine.

The military profession in Russia is now considered the most dangerous. According to the Portal Research Center, Russians are now three times more worried about the fate of people in uniform and with weapons than in previous years. Against this background, even the profession of a miner began to seem less risky and difficult.

In the course of a survey of 1,000 economically active Russians, 15% called the military profession the most dangerous at the present time. In 2010, only 4% of respondents thought so, in 2008 - 5%.

The reason for such a sharp shift in public opinion is understandable and visible to the naked eye in news feed every day - the "hot spot" is located at the very borders of Russia, therefore, in the eyes of Russians, contract service and the work of career officers are now associated with an obvious threat to life.

Every ninth (11%) believes that miners are most at risk in the workplace. In 2010, 17% said so, in 2008 -18%.

6% of Russians pay tribute to the hard work of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and firefighters. The same number of Russians consider the profession of a law enforcement officer, as well as a driver (truck driver, chauffeur, taxi driver) to be dangerous. In terms of risk to life, politicians, deputies and officials are almost at the same level of the rating (5%).

The profession of a journalist is considered somewhat less risky compared to 2010 - 4% today against 7% in 2010. In terms of the level of danger, judging by the rating, the Russians put the professions of a pilot (2%), a teacher (2%) and a doctor (3%) approximately on a par. 1% were called dangerous official duties collector, security guard, lawyer, businessman.

23% of respondents named other dangerous professions. For example, a lumberjack and Chief Accountant, a diver and an aeronautical engineer, a fisherman in the open ocean and a postman delivering pensions without guards and means of protection.

There were also answers of a philosophical nature: the respondents called “any profession associated with human contacts” dangerous. According to some respondents, it is risky to be an "honest hard worker".

6% did not take risks even during the survey and it was not possible to get an answer from them.

Location of the survey: Russia, all districts
Settlements: 201
Time: August 1-2, 2014
Study population: economically active population of Russia over 18 years old
Sample size: 1000 respondents

“What profession do you consider the most dangerous at present?” (open survey)

The answers of the respondents were distributed as follows:

Possible answer 2008 2010 2014
soldier, serviceman 5% 4% 15%
Miner 18% 17% 11%
Rescuer Ministry of Emergency Situations 9% 5% 6%
Fireman 9% 6% 6%
Driver, chauffeur, taxi driver, trucker 8% 7% 6%
Police officer, police officer, law enforcement officer 7% 7% 6%
Politician, official, deputy 3% 3% 5%
Journalist, reporter 4% 7% 4%
Doctor 3% 2% 3%
Aviator, pilot 3% 2% 2%
Teacher, educator, lecturer, educator 0% 2% 2%
Entrepreneur, businessman 3% 3% 1%
Collector 3% 3% 1%
Security guard, bodyguard 3% 0% 1%
Sapper 0% 2% 1%
Lawyer 0% 2% 1%
Other 14% 18% 23%
Difficult to answer 8% 10% 6%

Some comments from respondents:

"Soldier, serviceman" - 15%
"Soldier in a "hot" spot."
Understudy Head of Analytics and Sales Coordination, 22 years old, Shakhty

"Military specialties, journalists (if they work in "hot" spots), apparently, Russia's war cannot be avoided in the coming year."
Lead Software Engineer, 29 years old, Togliatti

"Military in the rank, providing for work in the" fields ".
Warehouse Manager, 28, Moscow

“If you take it with a threat to life, then contract service is near “hot” spots.”
Mobile merchandiser, 22 years old, Baltiysk

"Defend the Motherland"
Supervisor separate subdivision, 43 years old, Penza

Shakhtar - 11%
“Regardless of time (past and present), I consider the profession of a miner to be the most dangerous profession.”
Senior Researcher, 42, Moscow

"Miner. In addition to occupational hazards, there is a risk of death from an explosion, a gas leak, or becoming “buried alive”. In the event of a catastrophe at such a depth from the surface of the earth, to call for help - no one will hear, unless they catch on in time outside.
Surgeon, 34 years old, Moscow

"Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations" - 6%
"Everything to do with salvation."
Lawyer, 41, Syktyvkar

"Liquidation of accidents, Ministry of Emergency Situations".
Sales manager, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

"Employee of the operational brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations."
CEO, 31 years old, Moscow

"Fireman" - 6%
“Perhaps the fireman. After all, a fire often occurs due to human stupidity, carelessness, and they have to risk their lives.
Translator, 33 years old, Angarsk

“There is no one dangerous profession, you can write a whole list of dangerous professions. Each is dangerous in its own way. It seems to me the most dangerous profession of a firefighter.
PC operator, 33 years old, Tula

"Driver, chauffeur, taxi driver, trucker" - 6%
"Driver in Moscow".
Forwarding driver, 45 years old, Moscow

"Driver. Too many offenders, bad roads, bought rights... All this contributes favorable environment for road accidents. Thousands of people die every day under the wheels of cars.
Beauty salon administrator, 29 years old, St. Petersburg

“The profession of a driver, because you have to take risks every minute. Considering the quality of roads, traffic and the level of training of drivers. Working and living in Moscow is already a risk.”
Personal driver of the head, 46 years old, Moscow

"The job of a driver. Because huge flooding of cars and terrible roads, and even drunk driving often.
Specialist, 62 years old, Saratov

"Policeman, police officer, law enforcement officer" - 6%
“A fighter against corruption among law enforcement officers (if they kill, they will take it cheaply).”
Freelancer, 51, Ufa

Animator, 25 years old, Rostov-on-Don

"Politician, official, deputy" - 5%
"To be president in Russia."
Store manager, 36, Tyumen

“I think that the deputy of the Duma. Otherwise, why such free money and powers with a minimum of effort.
Manager, 45 years old, St. Petersburg

"Prime Minister of Ukraine".
Electrician, 47 years old, Chekhov

"Journalist, reporter" - 4%
"War Journalist"
Interpreter and translator, 33 years old, Togliatti

"Journalist in a "hot" spot".
Head of a separate division, 40 years old, Vologda

Sales representative, 32 years old, Novokuznetsk

"The reporter".
Head of wholesale department, 28 years old, Sochi

"Doctor" - 3%
Automation engineer, 29 years old, Novosibirsk

"Emergency Doctor".
Masseur, 47 years old, Moscow

Purchasing Manager, 41, Moscow

"Pilot, pilot" - 2%
"Test Pilot".
System administrator, 34 years old, Moscow

"Teacher, educator, lecturer, educator" - 2%
"Middle school teacher".
Event manager, 24 years old, St. Petersburg

Educator, 26 years old, St. Petersburg

"Entrepreneur, businessman" - 1%
"Individual entrepreneur".
Director, 49 years old, Yekaterinburg

"Collector" - 1%
Bottling line operator, 50 years old, Balashikha

"Guard, bodyguard" - 1%
"Security guard".
Security guard, 39 years old, Ufa

No data, 18 years old, Penza

Minesweeper - 1%
Head of Planning and Budgeting Department, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don

"Lawyer" - 1%
No data, 19 years old, Moscow

Financial consultant, 28 years old, Novoulyanovsk

Bailiff, 28 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Sociologist-researcher, 21 years old, Magnitogorsk

"Others" - 23%
"Agent-consultant for the conclusion of contracts with individuals."
No data, 18 years old, St. Petersburg

"Being human".
CEO, 57 years old, Vyazniki

"Forest cutter".
Driver, 36 years old, Irkutsk

Marketer, 40 years old, Moscow

“All professions where safety precautions are not observed ...”
Energetik, 28 years old, Mikhailov

"Chief Accountant".
Deputy Director for Finance, 39 years old, Salavat

“If in life there is a place for a feat, this is not life.”
Marketing Director, 50 years old, Chelyabinsk

"Head of Food Production"
Director, 33 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

"Aviation Engineer of the Russian Armed Forces".
Chief Project Specialist, 55 years old, Moscow

"Driving Instructor at Driving School"
Engineer, 23 years old, Tver

Diesel locomotive driver, 24 years old, Yekaterinburg

Insurance agent, 22 years old, Neftekamsk

“There is a lot of aggression in the world. Any profession that involves human contact.”
No data, 51 years old, Moscow

Economist, 24 years old, Khabarovsk

Tower Crane Operator.
Head of Sales Department, 28 years old, Yekaterinburg

"The Postman Who Delivers Pensions."
Telecom operator 1st class, 44 years old, Volzhsky

"Industrial climber working without insurance".
Construction and Development Director, 45, Rostov-on-Don

"A fisherman in the open ocean".
No data, 24 years old, Astrakhan

Assistant to the head of the capital construction department, 20 years old, Kaliningrad

"Honest hard worker"
Specialist, 40 years old, Moscow

“I find it difficult / do not want to answer” - 6%
"Don't know".
Storekeeper, 28 years old, Podolsk

"Difficult to answer."
Accountant for wages, 30 years old, Penza

The military profession in Russia is now considered the most dangerous. According to the Research Center of the Superjob portal, Russians are now three times more worried about the fate of people in uniform and with weapons than in previous years. Against this background, even the profession of a miner began to seem less risky and difficult. Read more...


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