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Thanks a lot, Mikhail, everything was done promptly and, most importantly, it was clear to me ... Since we have found a common language. I would like to keep in touch with you in the future. I hope for fruitful cooperation.

Olesya Mikhailovna - CEO LLC "VKS"

On behalf of the enterprise SUE "Sevastopol aviation enterprise"We express our gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company further prosperity!

Guskova Liliya Ivanovna - manager. SUE "SAP"

Thank you Michael for your help with the design. Very qualified employee +5!

Nadiya Shamilyevna - Entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the company "AKB-Avto" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all the employees of your company for productive and high-quality work, sensitive attitude to customer requirements and efficiency in the execution of ordered work.

Nasibullina Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I want to thank the consultant Mikhail for the excellent work, timely and complete consultations. He is very attentive to the client's problems and questions, promptly solving the most difficult situations that would seem to me. It's a pleasure to work with Michael!!! I will now recommend your company to my clients and friends. Yes, and technical support consultants are also very polite, attentive, they helped to cope with the difficult installation of the key. Thanks!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Acquisition of the key turned out to be very easy and even pleasant. Many thanks for the assistance to the manager Michael. Explains things that are complex and massive to understand, concisely, but very clearly. In addition, I called the hotline free line and on-line, together with Mikhail left a request. I got the key in 2 business days. In general, I recommend it if you save your time, but at the same time you want to have an understanding of what you are buying and what you are paying for. Thank you.

Levitsky Alexander Konstantinovich Samara

Personal gratitude to the consultant Mikhail Vladimirovich for the prompt consultation and work on the accelerated receipt of the ES certificate. During the preliminary consultation, the optimal set of individual services is selected. The end result is immediate.

Stoyanova N.L. - Chief Accountant LLC "SITECRIME"

thanks for operational work and expert help! I was very pleased with the advice!

Dmitry Fomin

LLC "Expert System" thanks the consultant Mikhail for the prompt work! We wish your company growth and prosperity!

Sukhanova M.S. - Appraiser LLC "Expert System", Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant, who introduced himself as Mikhail, for the efficiency in working with clients.

Ponomarev Stepan Gennadievich

Many thanks to the consultant Mikhail, for the assistance in obtaining the EDS. For prompt work and advice on issues arising in the process of registration.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company, represented by consultant Mikhail, does the impossible! Speed ​​up accreditation in less than 1 hour! Payment upon rendering of the service. I thought this didn't happen. With full responsibility, I can advise you to contact the Center for issuing electronic signatures.

Before setting up, make sure technical specifications correspond to the recommended ones.

Microsoft Browser Internet Explorer version 6.0 and above.

The plug-in of the portal of public services, corresponding to the operating system used.

Setting up Internet Explorer

  • In the "Tools" menu item, select "Internet Options", then go to the "Security" tab in the "Trusted Sites" zone.
  • Click the "Sites" button and enter in the "Websites" text field.
  • Uncheck the box next to "All sites in this zone require server verification (https:)"
  • After adding the site address, go to the "Other" tab.
  • In the Security window, select Trusted Sites.
  • In the "Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone" tab, set the value to "Enable" in the "Access to data sources outside the domain" item.
  • In "Security Settings - Trusted sites zone" enable all items "ActiveX controls and plug-ins".
  • Save the changes by confirming the action by pressing the button that will appear after clicking "OK".
  • In the "Privacy" tab, change the level to "Low", turn off the pop-up blocker and click "OK".
  • In the "Advanced" tab, enable "SSL 1.0" and "TLS 1.0".

After completing the above steps, the browser is ready to work.

Installing and configuring the plug-in of the portal of public services

  • Download the plugin by following the official link .
  • Make sure you download the appropriate plugin for your OS (plugins are available for Windows versions XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, as well as systems such as Apple Mac OS X 10.8 and higher, Linux LSB .6/4.0 32-bit and 64-bit) bit).
  • Start the download and wait for it to finish.
  • Run the plugin installation, then restart your browser.

With almost no user intervention, the required plugin will be installed and activated. You don't have to make any additional settings.

Registration on the State Services Portal

  • To the portal page public services go through the registration procedure by clicking on the "Personal Account - Registration" button.
  • Select the registration option - for a legal entity, an individual, or individual entrepreneur. An individual fills in 4 points, these are “last name”, “first name”, “ mobile phone", "Email".
  • Confirm your e-mail and phone by entering the sent code.
  • AT personal account edit your personal information.
  • Submit the entered information and your identity using an electronic signature (EDS). Also, two other confirmation options are available to users - in person and through the Russian Post.

If the identification procedure was successful, a message will appear stating that the registration is completed and the account is confirmed.

When choosing a confirmation method, please note that all portal features will be available only if you have an EDS. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a signature from a certification authority. The validity period is 1 year, which means that within 365 days you will be able to work with the portal remotely, saving yourself from personal visits to various departments.

Electronic signature on public services does not work

If the portal of the State Service does not see the EDS, it is necessary first of all to check the signature for validity. To do this, it is better to switch to the current version of the portal at In the footer of the site, click on the link "Help information". In the section that opens, select the "Electronic signature" item. Then choose the appropriate verification option:

Certificate validation.

Checking the ES in a document in the PKCS # 7 format.

Checking a disconnected ES, in PKCS#7 format.

Checking a disconnected ES in PKCS#7 format by the value of the hash function.

Attention! To check the EDS for the State Services, you do not need to log into your account. The check is available to unregistered users.

You can find the reason for refusal to accept a signature in the following ways:

Reason in the browser:
  • Check the browser for compliance with technical parameters.
  • Update the browser version, reinstall it, disable additional plugins and extensions.
  • Log in to the portal from a different browser.

EDS stands for digital signature. Though this technology confirmation of documents was invented and introduced in Russia a long time ago, it has not received wide distribution among the population to this day. Obtaining an EDS will simplify the paperwork and receive various services if you apply online. For such people, EDS will become an almost indispensable alternative. Also, this signature is used when sending documents via the Internet. Before a document is considered authentic, it is necessary to verify the digital signature. In this article, you will learn how the EDS is checked for public services, what is needed for this procedure, and much more.

Why verify the EDS?

Currently, absolutely any citizen of the Russian Federation can use an electronic document for their own purposes, which do not contradict the law. Verification of a document using an electronic signature is necessary for several reasons:

  • determines the authenticity of the document;
  • identifies the identity of the owner of the signature;
  • you can make sure that the document was not sent by accident;
  • after confirming the EDS, you will be able to use the data in case of refusal of the person who signed the document.

EDS verification is impossible without a special service. You will not be able to decrypt the code yourself. It is worth mentioning that the electronic signature itself can be in the form of a picture, a digital key, or not have a visual display at all.

The technical verification process is quite complicated and impossible without computer. It is understandable - the level of reliability and security of such documents should be extremely high. We will not go into the details of the technical side of the decryption and confirmation process, but consider the procedure from the user's point of view.

EDS verification methods

Next, we will consider the simplest and affordable way- this is a check of the EDS for public services. However, if for some reason you cannot use the site, then use one of the methods below:

  • special programs. You can find similar ones on the corresponding request on the Internet;
  • Microsoft Word program;
  • third-party unofficial services on the Internet.

In the event that nothing prevents your work with the single portal of the State Service, we will proceed directly to the description of the process.

Step-by-step instruction

Checking the EDS for public services is carried out quite quickly. It is worth noting that for this procedure you will not need registration, account verification and all other steps that take a lot of time.

Further step-by-step instruction will be accompanied by screenshots, so you won't get confused or open the wrong page. To carry out the verification process, you need the following items:

  • computer with Internet access;
  • browser to enter the site;
  • digital signature carrier or corresponding file.

Verification of the EDS of the State Service is carried out as follows:

Possibilities of the portal to confirm the electronic signature

In the photo you see the points by which it is possible to verify the authenticity of a document with an EDS. Let's look at each of them separately:

  • confirmation of the certificate - using this feature, you can get information about the owner of the signature, its validity period and the authority that issued this document;
  • the confirmation electronic document allows you to check the authenticity of a file using an electronic signature;
  • confirmation of the detached signature using the official utilities of the State Service portal.

Certificate verification

To perform the certificate verification procedure, follow these steps:

After that, the EDS for Public Services will be checked, and you will receive all the necessary information.

Checking an electronic document with an ES

To check a document with an ES (electronic signature), follow the provided guide:

Validate document and detached signature

The detached EDS is a separate file attached to the main document. If in previous cases the signature was applied to the document itself, now you will have to use one of the following methods: automatic verification on the site or confirmation by the hash value. Let's consider both options.

To check automatically, click on the button marked in the photo:
Next, upload the file with the document and the file with the signature separately:
Enter the captcha again in the appropriate field and click the "Check" button.

An electronic signature (ES or EDS) is currently often used on the website of the State Service. It helps to sign any digital documents and is mainly used to get more online services. In our country, every citizen can receive electronic signature for the State Service portal. After the user issues an ES, more opportunities will be available to him when using electronic services and services hosted on the online portal. Through a single portal, you can significantly speed up the receipt of public services, because. no need to bring extra paperwork state organizations. Citizens can apply for a service using a single portal at any time convenient for them, as well as monitor the status of a decision by the department directly on the website.

How can I get an EDS for public services

Every citizen can receive an electronic signature for public services absolutely free of charge. The user must pay only for the flash drive, as a rule, its cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

The service is provided when a citizen visits a certification center (CA), where you can directly obtain an electronic signature key for the State Service portal. A complete list of CA addresses can be found on the websites of the State Services ( or the Russian Ministry of Communications ( After the flash drive has been received, it will be possible to use those services on the portal that were previously not available and required identification using a signature.

What you need to do to get an EP

To create an electronic signature for public services, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Fill out an application for a personal ES on the website of the certification center you have chosen and indicate the phone number and mail for communication.
  2. The specialist of the center takes the application to work, contacts the future owner of the signature and sends the list of documents to the e-mail address specified in the application. Phys. persons must bring an application for the issuance of a signature, their own, and. Legal entities upon receipt of the ES must provide an application, a certificate of state registration. IP registration, TIN, passport, SNILS and an extract from the USRIP. Sometimes you may need additional documents. In any case, the final list of necessary documentation for each citizen will be sent in a letter to the mailbox Email which was specified in the application.
  3. After providing the requested documents, the electronic signature is made in 1 day.

Types of electronic signature

On the this moment it is possible to obtain one of three types of electronic signature for public services: simple, unqualified or qualified (abbreviated as PEP, NEP or KEP).

A simple ES is used to certify authorship and when maintaining documentation in organizations. It does not give the documentation legal force and does not guarantee that there will be no changes in the papers after signing. The most relevant is the use of PES to enter the State Service portal.

The NEP acknowledges the authorship of the papers and guarantees that the content will not be changed. An unqualified ES is used for the circulation of documents within the company and for the exchange of documents between other companies with which an agreement has been established and the rules for using this signature have been determined. To create it, cryptoprotection is required to ensure data security.

A qualified ES has all the advantages of an unqualified one, but it can only be obtained at an accredited CA. CEP is used during the submission of reports to government organizations and for participation in online auctions. CEP certifies cryptoprotection tools federal Service RF security (for example, CryptoPro CSP). Accordingly, such an ES is a valid analogue of a live signature.

Checking the validity of the ES through the State Services

On the website of the State Service, verification of an electronic signature is carried out by checking the accuracy of the root (self-signed) certificate, which is included in the list of accredited CAs and in the list of trusted CAs of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. You can also check the EDS on the website of the State Service by verifying the correctness of the certificate received from an accredited CA.

In the "Select a certificate to verify" column, you need to specify the document whose ES validity must be confirmed, and select the "Check" button. Next, details of the reconciliation result will be displayed.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

An individual registers in the personal account of the State Services website using the CEP. The correct certificate of this signature includes the full name of the owner and the SNILS number.

Legal entities for receiving public services are also registered with the help of CEP. In the certificate, the owner indicates an employee who can perform actions on behalf of this legal entity. The full name of the citizen, SNILS, full name of the legal entity, address and PSRN (main state registration number) must be indicated.

The validity period of the ES key may be different, but usually the certificate is valid for 1 year.

What can EP be used for?

Citizens who own an electronic signature can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Apply for the provision of public services via the Internet;
  2. Take an active part in community initiatives;
  3. Fully enjoy online services;
  4. Send documents to higher educational institutions upon admission;
  5. Individuals can apply for loans online in an accelerated mode;
  6. Get expert accreditation;
  7. Send documents for registration of IP;
  8. Individuals with individual entrepreneurs can take part in supplies for government agencies;
  9. Send documents in order to obtain a patent.

How to use a digital signature

In order to use the EP, you need:

  1. Install a cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) on your computer or laptop;
  2. Install the program for a closed flash drive (eToken, ruToken);
  3. Install the user's ES certificate;
  4. Install the certificate of the selected CA.

Usually, the use of EP does not cause difficulties and does not require special knowledge.

Important! Do not forget to timely check the validity period of the EDS through the State Services. If a notification appears that you are using an invalid electronic signature tool, you must definitely renew the certificate.


By applying an electronic signature on the State Services portal, the user is personally responsible for the correct use and is obliged to control the protection of keys from third parties. If there is even the slightest chance of violating the confidentiality of the signature, the ES user must immediately visit the CA in which the certificate was issued.

At the moment, the Gosuslugi portal has minor shortcomings regarding the ES, which are currently being preventive work: not all organizations are ready to work on new program workflow, not every user of the system has complete information about the benefits of using ES. The creators of the Gosuslugi portal are interested in making its use as convenient as possible for individuals and legal entities Therefore, they make every possible effort in this direction.

As paper workflow is being replaced by electronic, such a tool as an electronic signature is becoming increasingly important and becoming more widespread. Already, many departments exchange documents exclusively in in electronic format, while each legally significant document is signed with an electronic signature. It is used when working on electronic trading floors, when interacting with government information systems(such as GIS GMP, GIS housing and communal services and others) and can even be used for authorization on government portals (such as There is no doubt that in the future the expansion of the scope of electronic signatures will continue, and therefore specialists in the field information technologies it is extremely important to understand the principle of operation of an electronic signature and be able to take the necessary steps to install and configure software to work with an electronic signature.

Of course, study this issue should start with federal law"On electronic signature" ( ), where definitions of concepts are given, legal status electronic signature, the procedure for its use and other useful information. However, the purpose of this article is to show how quickly, without going into details, to install an electronic signature, which in some cases, in cases where there is no time for proper study, will be very useful.
We will install on a computer running operating system Windows 7 Professional, the private key of the electronic signature on the eToken carrier, and we will use CryptoPro CSP as a cryptographic provider.
Let's start by installing the required software:
- CryptoPro CSP version 3.6 or higher;
- Media driver (when using eToken or Rutoken).
The driver for eToken can be downloaded free of charge from the following link , the driver for Rutoken is available for download from the link .
Other devices, such as a flash drive, smart card or registry, can also be used as a carrier of key information, however, it is not recommended to use them because they do not provide a sufficient level of protection of key information from unauthorized access.

Installation of the electronic signature key certificate.

After the eToken driver (Rutoken) and the CryptoPro CSP crypto provider are installed, we can begin installing the certificate of the electronic signature verification key.
We launch the CryptoPro CSP program, go to the "Service" tab and click the "View certificates in the container" button.

In the window that opens, click "Browse", select the desired owner and click "OK".

In the next window, do not change anything, click "Next".

A window will open in which we can see a summary of the user certificate (information about the owner, certificate validity period and its serial number).

To view detailed information, click "Properties". If the root certificate of the certification authority has not yet been installed (as in our case), then in the general tab we will see a message as in the figure below. The current root certificate of the certification authority, as a rule, is available for download on the website of the certification authority (the organization that issued the electronic signature).

We return to the previous window and click "Install" to continue installing the user certificate. A message appears stating that a certificate installation is in progress. Confirm the installation by clicking the "Yes" button.

A message will also appear from the eToken PKI, asking you to write the certificate to the eToken. We refuse, we press "Cansel".

The certificate is installed in the certificate store. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

Installing the root certificate of the certification authority.

Double-click the file of the root certificate of the certification authority (with the .cer extension) and click the "Install Certificate" button.

The Certificate Import Wizard opens. Click "Next". Then check the "Place the certificate in the following store" checkbox.

Through the "Browse" we specify the folder "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".

Click "OK" and complete the installation. A message will appear indicating that the operation was successful.

Now, having opened the properties of the user certificate, we will not see the previous error.

We just need to test the private key container.


Open CryptoPro CSP, and in the "Service" tab, click "Test".

We find the key container through "Browse" or by the corresponding certificate and click "Next". You will be prompted to enter a pin code for the container. Enter the password and click "OK". If you check the "Remember pin-code" checkbox, the system will not ask for it every time you access the key container (including when signing a document), which is not recommended in order to protect against unauthorized access.
Next, a window will open with information about the presence or absence of errors.

Installing an electronic signature in the registry.

It is possible that the private key of the electronic signature needs to be multiplied in order to be used on several computers. In such cases, the best solution would be to install the private key of the electronic signature in the registry. For the container created in the registry, it will be possible to set a password and thereby restrict access to the private key of the electronic signature stored in the container. Removable media, after installation, can be transferred to another user. I note that such a measure is justified in cases where, for example, several employees of the same organization (department) use the same signature (for example, the signature of an authority). In other cases, resorting to such measures is not recommended.

Installing the "Register" reader.

The first thing to do is to install the reader. This is quite easy to do using the reader installation wizard (adding and removing readers is done under an account with administrator rights). If, when installing CryptoPro CSP, you checked the “Register the “Registry” reader” box, as in the figure below, and it is present in the list of readers, you can immediately proceed to copying the private key container to the registry.

We launch CryptoPro CSP, in the "Hardware" tab, click the "Configure readers" button.

In the window that opens, click "Add".

The reader installation wizard will start, click "Next".

From the list in the window on the right, select "Registry" and click "Next".

Then we set the name of the reader, or leave it unchanged as in our example and click "Next".

We complete the wizard, click "Finish".

Copying the private key container to the registry.

The reader has been prepared, now you need to copy the container with key information from the eToken removable media to the registry. To do this, go to the main menu of CryptoPro CSP and in the "Service" tab, click the "Copy" button. Through the "Overview" we specify the container that we want to copy to the registry.

Then the system will ask for a password to access the container on removable media (eToken). We enter the password, and in the next window we set the name for the key container that will be created in the registry.

In the next window, the program will prompt you to select the media on which you want to burn the container. Select "Registry" and click "OK".

Now you need to set a password for the container, which we placed in the registry.

Enter the password, confirm and click OK.
Now, having launched the function of testing the private key container, except for the container on removable media, we will see the created container on the "Registry" reader.
We complete the procedure for testing the container. If no errors are found, proceed to the installation of the electronic signature key certificate (if it has not been done earlier). The procedure for installing a certificate from the registry is similar to the procedure for installing from removable media, and if the certificate of the given owner has already been installed from removable media, then it will not be required to install it again after copying the container to the registry.


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