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The idea is to organize a business for the extraction, purification and bottling of potable water in plastic bottles.

This is a product related to food products and is a purified filtered artesian water, poured into plastic or glass containers.

The bottled water market in Russia offers a huge opportunity to start a business. At present, the level of consumption of this product in Russia is 5-6 times less than in Western countries. Taking into account the deterioration in the quality of tap water, as well as a gradual increase in the income of the population, the level of consumption of purified water in plastic containers will increase (according to the NABP, the market has increased by 15-17% per year in the past few years).

Production technology

Production process drinking water consists of the following steps:

  1. Drilling wells for the extraction of artesian water
  2. Purification through coal and sand filters
  3. Mineralization/Demineralization
  4. Disinfection with ultraviolet rays
  5. Ozone saturation
  6. Treatment and disinfection of bottles and corks
  7. Bottling

Finished products must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, as well as GOST R 52109-2003

Required room

The production workshop should consist of the following premises (sections):

  • Water production site
  • Multi-stage water treatment area
  • Water bottling area
  • Staff rooms
  • Finished products warehouse

The premises of the workshop must comply with SanPin for food production, as well as fire safety requirements for industrial enterprises.

Required equipment

To organize production, you need to purchase:

  1. Water treatment equipment
  2. Water bottling equipment
  3. Bottle making equipment (this equipment is optional, but its purchase will significantly reduce the production cost)

To determine a specific list of equipment, it is necessary to determine the planned volume, as well as carry out chemical analysis composition of water in the well.

In the equipment for the production of bottled water section, options for completing the production site are presented.

Manufacturing economics

There is a significant seasonality, In the period from May to August, there is an increase in consumption volumes and, as a result, this period accounts for maximum size revenue.

The change in revenue and profitability of the enterprise can be clearly seen in the following graph:

The company's revenue consists of the sale of the main products, as well as related products (empty bottles, coolers). The buyers are legal entities(share in the sales structure - 90%) and individuals(share in the sales structure - 10%). Organizations pay for the goods by transferring to the current account, mainly upon delivery of products, individuals pay for products in cash upon delivery of products.

The business of purifying and bottling water for drinking is highly profitable. Gross profitability is about 700%. Costs attributable to the cost of production include the purchase of chemical ingredients for cleaning, the purchase of material for the manufacture of bottles, electricity.

The main costs are general costs, which is illustrated in the following graph.

As can be seen from the graph, the average annual profitability of activities before taxes is 20%.

The return on investment in the organization of the production of bottled water depends on the available sales markets, the performance of the equipment, and the treatment technology used. On average, the payback period is 24-36 months.

♦ Capital investments – 425,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 7–10 months.

Real businessmen can do business out of anything, even out of thin air.

If you dream of joining the ranks of entrepreneurs, but you can’t decide what kind of activity to do, think about what people always and everywhere need?

These are food and, of course, water.

business on the water- easy to start, does not require large capital investments and quickly pays off.

The specifics of business on the water

In an unstable economic situation, it is quite difficult to find a business that would bring good money no matter what.

The business of selling drinking water just belongs to such types of entrepreneurial activity.

Today, companies supplying bottled water are experiencing a kind of boom, and experts predict that this trend will continue in the near future.

If you decide to join those who do business on the water, it will not be superfluous to learn about the features of this business sector:

  1. The business, based on the production, bottling and delivery of drinking water, is recognized as one of the fastest growing.
    In the last year alone, its share in Russia has increased by more than 40%.
  2. On average, one office employee consumes half a liter of water per day and about 10 liters per year.
    Just imagine how much money you can make if you develop a wide customer base.
  3. The prices for drinking water and gasoline are not too different, but it is much easier to set up a water bottling company than an oil refinery.

Two business options on the water

If you want to do business on the water, you must decide what exactly your company will do, because there are two options for this type of entrepreneurial activity:
  1. A plant that extracts water from a well, pours it into glass or plastic containers and delivers it to end customers.
  2. Company for bottling and selling "foreign" water.

The first option is more expensive in terms of money and requires a lot of time to start, because you will need special equipment, qualified personnel, machinery, factory premises, the need to pay for expensive laboratory tests, and also special permits for extracting water from sources.

In addition, today it is quite difficult to find a free source of mineral or table water, which would not already be occupied by more efficient competitors.

If you do not have too much money, then it is better to start selling drinking water by concluding an appropriate agreement with the manufacturer.

This business can be done even by businessmen who do not have a large amount for start-up capital.

What should be the water to do business on it?

It doesn't take much effort to do something, much more is required to decide WHAT to do.
Elbert Hubbard

The business of selling bottled water is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Only water that complies with state standards is considered bottled, it is packed in hygienic containers and can be used by a person for drinking or cooking.

You can't just get tap water, bottle it up, and start delivering it to offices.

Wanting to save money, you will simply lose customers and destroy your business in the bud.

Drinking water should not contain more than 1% of various artificial additives (for example, flavors or essences).

If one of your clients conducts a chemical analysis of the drinking water supplied by you and finds out that it does not comply with GOST, then the least that can happen to you is the loss of a client, although everything can end up much worse, for example, by opening against you a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

The sale of drinking water cannot be carried out until you conclude an agreement with the manufacturer (a company that extracts water from wells) or purchase equipment that can completely purify water from harmful additives.

The first option is easier and cheaper for beginner businessmen.

Business on the water: advertising and customer search

The water selling business, like any other, needs good advertising, because the number of your customers depends on it, and, accordingly, the amount of profit.
  1. In mass media.
  2. With help outdoor advertising in high traffic areas.
  3. Distribution of flyers and business cards.
  4. AT in social networks and on the Internet forum of your city.

Since the main customers of drinking water companies are offices, a good publicity stunt would be to bypass office space your city with a proposal to conclude an agreement with you for the supply of bottled water.

If you manage to get a few large customers who are satisfied with the quality of the water you supply, then word of mouth will advertise your water business in the future.

Calendar plan for starting a business on the water

It doesn't take long for you to start selling bottled drinking water.

Of course, you have to carry out the traditional stages of opening a business (registration, search for premises, purchase of equipment, hiring staff, advertising campaign etc.), but all this will not take more than 3-4 months with the right approach.

Contract with the manufacturer
Warehouse rent
Purchase of equipment and transport
Starting a business


You will not be able to conclude a formal contract with a drinking water producer until you legally register your business.

You can choose one of two forms (IP or LLC).

Both forms have both advantages and disadvantages.

The most acceptable form of taxation is UTII.

In addition, you will have to officially employ your employees (you will not be able to do business on the water on your own) and register a cash register.


Companies that deliver bottled water do not need luxurious offices, since you will communicate with customers mainly by phone, but what you definitely need to worry about is a warehouse with an area of ​​​​at least 60 square meters.

It must be heated (the air temperature should not fall below +5 degrees) and air-conditioned (if the water is stored at a temperature higher than +20 degrees, then you risk dissatisfying customers by supplying them with warm water).

The location of your warehouse does not play a big role, the main thing is that it is not too far from your customers, otherwise you will incur heavy expenses for gasoline.

Its size depends on how many liters of water you are going to store in the warehouse and what volumes of supplies you are targeting.

You can negotiate with customers and accept applications directly from the warehouse by purchasing a minimum set of furniture and a telephone.


In fact, the only thing you will have to spend a large amount on is the transport with which you will deliver drinking water.

If you are just starting to promote your business on the water, then it is quite enough to purchase one used "gazelle" for 300,000 rubles.

There is no need to equip a warehouse - bottles of water can be stored directly on the floor.

In addition to transport costs, there are some other equipment costs to expect:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Total amount (in rubles)
Total: 100 000 rub.
Cash machine
1 20 000 20
Telephone set
1 1 5000 1 5000
Mobile phone
1 5 000 5 000
1 4 000 4 000
3 2 000 6 000
Empty 20 l bottles

300 200 60 000
other 3 500


Many entrepreneurs, wanting to save money, want to do business on the water on their own (without assistants) or with only one assistant.

This is the wrong move.

Even on initial stage you should hire at least two team members: a driver and a freight forwarder.

You yourself will be able to take on administrative duties, taking orders, communicating with customers, bookkeeping.

In this case, the monthly cost of staff salaries will be as follows:

If your business starts to expand and you find that your employees cannot keep up with such a volume of orders for the delivery of drinking water, then you will have to purchase another car and hire another team consisting of a forwarder and a driver.

How much does it cost to open a business on the water?

The water selling business is not one of those start-ups that require a huge amount of money to start.

In fact, the biggest expense you have to incur is the purchase of a "gazelle" to deliver bottled water to homes and offices.

If you have such a car, then it is quite realistic to start doing business on the water, having only 100–125,000 rubles. starting capital.

If you don’t have a suitable car, then the amount of capital investment increases by another 300,000 rubles.

Do not forget about the mandatory monthly expenses that entrepreneurs who decide to do business on the water expect.

Their amount will fluctuate at the level of 60,000 rubles:

How promising is the water business and how much can you earn on it,

see also in the video:

How much can you earn doing business on the water?

Experts estimate the profitability of the drinking water business at 15–25%. The purchase price of 1 liter of water is 2 rubles, but the selling price is 6-8 rubles.

That is, you buy a 20-liter bottle from the manufacturer for 40 rubles, and sell (let's take the average figures) for 140 rubles.

Let's say that you deliver 50 bottles a day and earn 7,000 rubles.

Your bottled water company operates with one day off a week, which means that in a month (given that you will have an average of 25 working days) you will earn 175,000 rubles.

Naturally, this is a "dirty" profit, because from this amount we need to subtract 50,000 rubles (the purchase price of water) and 60,000 rubles - the amount of expenses for servicing your business.

That is, net profit you are left with 65,000 rubles.

The amount of our capital investment (including the purchase of a car) was 425,000 rubles.

Earning 65,000 rubles a month, we can make our water business self-sustaining in 7-8 months if we do not spend too much time building a client base.

As you can see business on the water- a fairly cost-effective business that does not require any special knowledge or purchase complex equipment, no big investment.

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Today it is possible to organize a business in almost any type of activity. It is not necessary to immediately open a large production. You can start with a small workshop. For example, the production of drinking water is not an extremely difficult task, although it requires patience, care and work.

Advantages and features

It must be said that this business has its advantages:

High payback;

Possibility of expansion;

High demand for quality products.

Naturally, the production of drinking water is not without drawbacks. For example, you will have to raise an impressive amount of start-up capital, since you cannot do without expensive equipment. In addition, you will need to constantly deal with the sanitary and epidemiological service, which controls the quality of the water. However, a properly organized business can bring high income. Naturally, for this you first need to outline a business plan, decide on the sales market and other nuances. It is important to consider the level of competition.

Be sure to decide what type of activity you will be engaged in. That is, you can sell water from your well that needs to be drilled; engage in bottling and supply of foreign water to the markets of the city. At the same time, you must also decide on the method of extracting water. It can be key or extracted from the tap and cleaned with ultra-modern filters.

What documents are needed?

Now consider the question of what, in fact, is needed in order to open the production of drinking water:

1. Certificate of a private entrepreneur.

2. Charter of the company.

3. Conclusions of security authorities (fire service and SES) on the compliance of your equipment with all established standards.

4. Certificate that the quality of the water used in production fully meets all state requirements (also issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service).

5. License to entrepreneurial activity. To do this, of course, you will have to collect documents such as a lease agreement for premises and equipment, all your personal data certified by a notary.

In principle, these documents are quite enough to open the production of drinking water. Naturally, you will need a bank account. In addition, it is required to draw up agreements with suppliers of water (if you do not extract it yourself), containers and other consumables.

Features of the choice of premises and staff

Opening the production of drinking water is not very difficult. Much harder to keep him afloat. For work, you will definitely need a room (workshop) that is of sufficient size, all-round access. Naturally, the building must have a supply of all necessary energy sources, telephone line, internet.

It is desirable that the room was renovated and not old. Pay special attention to the quality of electrical wiring. The fact is that the production of bottled water requires the use of a large amount of equipment.

The building will need to be divided into several parts: a site where water will be extracted, a liquid purification room (multi-stage), as well as its spill. In addition, you will need rooms for staff, where employees can change clothes, have lunch, and relax. A warehouse is required for finished products. Naturally, each room must meet sanitary standards.

What equipment is needed for work?

The production of bottled water takes place with the help of complex and rather expensive mechanisms. Their number depends on your financial capabilities and the scale of the business.

So, for work, the following equipment is required for the production of water:

Mechanisms by which the extracted liquid is purified;

Machines for pouring water.

If you want to reduce the cost of production, you can purchase a machine for the manufacture of plastic containers, in which you will package the liquid. However, this is not at all necessary. Can negotiate with suppliers plastic bottles. Moreover, in any case, you have the ability to adjust the amount of packaging.

Today, you can buy a whole automated production line for the drinking water bottling shop, which consists of all the necessary blocks. However, such equipment should be purchased if you see prospects for further business expansion.

What quality should the product have?

Water is an essential element for the body, just like air. Naturally, it must meet the highest quality requirements and international standards. Before organizing the production of drinking bottled water, it should be borne in mind that it must be harmless and safe in chemical composition. In addition, the liquid should not have an increased background radiation or contain harmful bacteria and microorganisms that can cause various kinds of epidemics.

Consider the criteria for water quality in more detail. So, the liquid should not contain dangerous and harmful substances that may appear as a result of its extraction and processing. Also note that not all water sources are safe to drink. That is, a well should be drilled where there are deposits of the maximum clean liquid.

Water must be taken for analysis by the sanitary and epidemiological service. After that, you will receive a response with a detailed description of the substances and compounds contained in the liquid, as well as their quantity. It should be noted that the source should not be contaminated with any mechanical debris. Be sure to make sure that there are no living organisms in the water. Otherwise, your products will quickly deteriorate and can harm your health.

Manufacturing technology

In order for you to get a finished product, you need to go through several stages. The production of drinking bottled water begins with the receipt of raw materials.

To store it, you will need large tanks made from environmentally friendly materials. After that, the liquid must undergo multi-stage purification:

Mechanical. Moreover, it is carried out in 2 stages: coarse (impurities of 450 microns in size are eliminated) and fine, due to which the smallest particles of debris are removed from the water.

Chemical. Produced using the latest technologies and materials. Combined methods are used here: chlorination (the most common), ultraviolet or ozone treatment.

Now the prepared water can be poured into containers. This happens on an automated line that does not require human intervention. Additionally, you can enrich your products with oxygen.

In this article:

As you know, the water supplied by the centralized water supply in most cities is unsuitable for drinking or cooking. In this regard, many people install water treatment systems at the point of consumption of water in private houses and apartments, or buy the required amount of treated water.

Most people prefer to buy drinking water in special containers..

As a result, the high demand for the natural resource generates supply, and many entrepreneurs decide to open own business for water production.

Regional structure of production

AT Russian Federation The consumption of bottled water is growing rapidly every year, on average, demand increases by 15-16% annually. The main suppliers of natural resources won 37% of the sales market.

Leading companies in the drinking water market are located in the following regions:

  • Karachay-Cherkess Republic;
  • In the Stavropol Territory;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Moscow region.

The figure below shows the largest regions in Russia in terms of drinking water production.

As a result, there is fierce competition in the above regions, and in order to win a niche in the market, it is necessary to create a product with competitive advantages.

Basic requirements for the quality of drinking water and production activities

In order to carry out the production of clean water, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following legislative acts:

  • the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N2395-1 "On Subsoil";
  • Federal Law of November 23, 1995 N174-F3 "On Environmental Expertise";
  • Decree of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1992 N3314-1;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

Before the beginning production activities permissions are required:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for drilling a well in a certain area from local authority self-government;
  • Decree dated local administration"On the permission to design a plant for bottling water";
  • An appropriate license for the right to use the land for the extraction of groundwater.

Features of the production of drinking water

For the production of drinking water, leading suppliers use two types of natural resource:

  • Natural water extracted from environmentally friendly sources;
  • Natural water purified using special equipment or water treatment systems.

The general scheme for the production of drinking water is shown in the figure.

The production of water purified in the water treatment system includes the following stages of the technological process:

1. Extraction of water from a well, which is carried out using a special submersible pump and an underground pipeline. Thanks to special equipment, water is supplied to the water treatment area in a special large-capacity tank.

2. Water purification is carried out in several stages:

  • rough mechanical cleaning - allows you to remove large mechanical impurities from the water with a size of about 400 microns;
  • fine water treatment- cleans the natural resource from suspended impurities with a size of at least 1 micron;
  • water disinfection modern methods- can be carried out using ultraviolet radiation, chlorination or ozonation.

After monitoring the chemical composition of water, the natural resource enters tanks made of stainless steel. By means of storage tanks, continuous production of drinking water is ensured.

3. Drinking water bottling- carried out on a specialized line, where the natural resource comes in separate containers of the required volume. As a rule, in factories, bottling of water takes place on automatic car without human intervention.

4. Water containers are sealed and sent to the finished product warehouse. In order to protect products from fakes and to mark the type of water, leading manufacturers put shrink caps of different colors on containers.

Drinking water production technology

Almost all leading enterprises producing drinking water use ozonation technology.

The technology allows disinfection and enrichment of drinking water with oxygen. Water ozonation is carried out before bottling and bottling of the natural resource. Such purified water of a certain chemical composition and enriched with oxygen has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used for medical and preventive purposes.

The main advantage of the technology is preservative effect, allowing water to retain its properties for a long time beneficial features and original composition.

To apply the technology in the production process, it is necessary to purchase special equipment:

  • Ozone generator;
  • Duplex automatic dehumidifier;
  • Thermocatalytic ozone destructor;
  • injection pump;
  • Injectors, valves, fittings;
  • Automatic start, level sensors;
  • ORP controller with ORP sensor.

The ozonation technology allows factories to refuse chlorination of water during the technological process.

Necessary equipment for the production of drinking water

In order to organize the production of drinking water, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • Borehole pump;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Fine filter;
  • blowing equipment;
  • For ozonation of water, ozonation units or a set of the above equipment are purchased;
  • Sterile water tanks;
  • Filling machine;
  • Semiautomatic bottle capping machine;
  • Labeling machine.

There is also an automated line for the production of pure water, which consists of the following blocks:

  • Block of deep cleaning, disinfection of a natural resource;
  • Water softening unit;
  • Saturation block;
  • The filling block for bottles, canisters, siphons.

The figure below shows a monoblock for bottling drinking water from an automated line. On it, water is poured into bottles and a label is pasted, and a mug is also twisted.

Drinking water production business plan

In this case, the cost of the project includes the following items of expenditure:

  • Purchase of land - 475.00 thousand rubles;
  • Construction of industrial premises - 71,387.73 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of the main auxiliary equipment - 55,593.29 thousand rubles;
  • Installation of the main and auxiliary equipment - 3,873.83 thousand rubles;
  • working capital - 1,112.77 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 4,719.52 thousand rubles.

All items of expenditure were calculated including VAT. The estimated cost of the investment project is 137,162 thousand rubles.

The average number of employees for organizing a plant for the production of drinking water should be at least 33 people.

The purchased land provides for the construction of buildings and structures:

  • production shop for bottling drinking water;
  • checkpoint;
  • pumping station, the productivity of which should be 12 m 3 / hour;
  • underground pumping station;
  • car parking;
  • fire tank, the volume of which must be at least 75 m 3;
  • a diesel fuel tank, the volume of which is 10 m 3;
  • outhouse;
  • cesspools with volumes of 50 m 3, 25 m 3;
  • sites for KTPK-160/6.

The total building area will be about 1790 m 2 .

Planned well productivity - 12.7 m 3 / hour. The capacity of the drinking water blowing machine is 1.5 liters. (3000 pcs.) bottles or 5 liters. (500 pieces) bottles. The actual performance of the machine is 85% of the nominal value. The working regime at the plant is an 8-hour working day.

The implementation of this business plan largely depends on the long-term strategy and marketing policy factory. However, as a result of calculating the predicted indicators, the following values ​​were established:

  • project cost in the amount of 137,160,000 rubles;
  • the payback period of the plant is 4.6 years;
  • the discounted payback period of the plant is 7.6 years;
  • net present value of the plant (NPV) 19,328,000 rubles;
  • yield index - 1,15;
  • an internal rate of return of 21%.

Based on the calculated indicators, it can be concluded that the production of drinking water is profitable and cost-effective with proper organization. production process and successful marketing activities.


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