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Who is responsible for compiling staffing at the enterprise

The staffing table (ShR) is one of the primary documents used to pay recruited personnel and maintain accounting records at the enterprise. In addition, SHR is indispensable in personnel office work. Therefore, the answer to the question of who draws up the staffing table at the enterprise depends on the scale and organizational structure enterprises.

Filling and maintenance of the SHR may be assigned to:

  • to the inspector of the personnel department, if one is functioning, or to the employee who is entrusted with maintaining personnel records (the latter may be a lawyer, secretary, office manager, etc.);
  • chief accountant or accounting officer, when such a unit is created;
  • CEO of the company when Chief Accountant not in the company's staff.

In the first case, all 3 links participate in the adoption of the schedule (the personnel officer draws it up, the chief accountant checks and endorses it, the manager approves by issuing the appropriate order). In the latter case, all actions are performed directly by the head of the legal entity.

How often do you need to complete the staffing table

When asked how often it is necessary to draw up a staffing table, it should be answered that the schedule is drawn up once and is further adjusted as necessary. The initial SHR is compiled when the enterprise is created and the management is determined with the number of employees of various positions and specialties necessary for its functioning. For convenience, this moment is trying to correlate with the beginning calendar year or on the first day of the month to avoid accrual issues wages.

When changing the data of the SR, it is necessary to bring them into line with them by making changes. To learn how to do this correctly, read our article How to make changes to the staffing? .

How to make a staffing table: we make an example for 2018 - 2019

Often, the heads of small legal entities ask themselves the question: how to fill out the staffing table and where can I see a sample of its design? In this section, we will tell you how to properly make a staffing table.

There is a unified form SHR (form T-3, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee dated 01/05/2004 No. 1), however, from 01/01/2013, the day the Law "On Accounting" dated 12/06/2011 No. 402-FZ enters into force, apply this form not necessary. You can design your own template.

Let's analyze a sample of filling out the staffing table using the example of an approved form. It is recommended to write in it:

  1. Common data:
    • company name;
    • number and date of registration, period of validity of the staffing table;
    • details of the order by which the document is approved.
  2. The schedule itself is in tabular form with the following columns:
    • title structural unit and its code (if any);
    • the name of the required specialties and staff positions;
    • the number of staff units, and the number can be either an integer (1, 2) or fractional (0.5 or 0.25), when the presence of one or another employee is not required for a whole working day;
    • official salary;
    • allowances (if any);
    • the amount of payments for each position and the entire enterprise (determined by adding the salary and allowances for each position and multiplying by the number of staff positions).
  3. Signatures:
    • inspector of the personnel department (head of the department, if any);
    • the chief accountant or the person performing his duties at the enterprise.

An example of filling out the staffing table can be downloaded from the link: A sample of filling out the staffing table for 2018 - 2019.

We looked at how to draw up a staffing table. For clearance this document you can use the approved form or make it in any form. From the SHR, you can learn about the structure of the enterprise, the number of employees and the monthly amount of money required to pay for the work of staff.

The legislation does not establish a direct need to maintain this documentation, but Article 15 and Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicate that official work at the enterprise is determined by the staffing table on which the employment contract is based.

First of all, the details are indicated in the text (Name of organization, OKPO, document number and date). Further, all information is included in the table.:

What are the established standards?

The only regulatory requirement is to maintain the document in accordance with the unified form No. T-3.

Reference. The staffing table can be compiled by any employee in the organization if this function is assigned to him. But for this in without fail issued a directive from the management.

Where can I find the manual and what does it contain?

The legislation does not set a framework for the duration of the document. But, as a rule, it is painted for one calendar year. In order to simplify this process, an instruction for office work is being created. The instructions contain the following information:

Useful video

What is a staffing table and how to draw it up correctly - a detailed video:


staffing - important document in any company. Its presence is mandatory, but there are no strict requirements for the design and content of the legislation. During inspections, labor and tax inspections may request it and, in case of absence, fine the enterprise.

In addition, papers can become evidence of the legitimacy of the employer's behavior during layoffs and reductions, if the case goes to court. Therefore, a competent approach to record keeping will only benefit the company.

The staffing table documents the composition, number of employees of the organization and its structure. An example of drawing up a staffing table, the procedure for its approval and registration of changes. Is it necessary to draw up a staffing table?

The staffing table is an internal document of the enterprise, in which the staffing, the number of employees of the organization and its structure are documented.

In this article, we will look at an example of compiling a staffing table, the procedure for its approval, and tell you how to issue a change in staffing.

In Russian labor legislation there is no direct indication of the obligation to draw up a staffing table. For this reason, some employers do not want to draw up an extra personnel document.

Practice shows that it is necessary to have a staffing table, moreover, its absence can lead to very backfire for the employer in the form of fines.

It should be noted that Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines one of the mandatory conditions of an employment contract - labor function employee, as "work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table." Without an approved staffing table, it is impossible to reduce the staff and dismiss them, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the staffing table, or extracts from it, may be requested during the audit by the tax authorities, territorial authorities pension fund, the Social Insurance Fund and the Labor Inspectorate.

We draw up a staffing table

The staff list does not reflect information about employees with whom civil law contracts have been concluded. These are the so-called "freelance" employees who are not subject to labor legislation (Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When compiling the staffing table, both organizations and individual entrepreneurs, you can use the unified form No. T-3 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1). This form is not mandatory for use and is advisory in nature, but contains all the necessary information for personnel documents requisites.

Applying the form No. T-3, you should follow certain rules for filling it out. Let us consider them in more detail using the example of the staffing of an LLC.

Required details

"Name of organization" is indicated as it appears in founding documents: if other than full name there is an abbreviated version, then it is indicated after the full one (in brackets), or the line below.

"OKPO code" is the identification code of the enterprise according to the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations, which is indicated in the information letter of the state statistics body.

"Document number": if the staffing table is compiled for the first time, then it is assigned the number 1, and in the future the numbers go in order.

Compilation Date - The current date on which the document was created.

"Approved" - this indicates the number and date of the order by which this staffing was approved.

"For the period" - this line reflects the period of validity of the document and the date from which it comes into effect.

“State in the amount of ____ units” - indicates the total number of staff units of the enterprise, reflected in the staffing table.

Main part

After filling in the required details, we will enter information about departments, positions and wages.

Column 1 "Name of the structural unit". The structural divisions of the enterprise include departments, branches, representative offices, etc.

As a rule, this column is filled in, starting with the units that carry out general management (“Administration”), then the accounting department, personnel department, economic department etc., then production units(shops, sections) and service (warehouse, business units etc.).

Sometimes the name of the unit may affect the provision of certain benefits to the employee (for example, in the presence of hazardous production) - in this case, it should be taken from the relevant industry classifiers.

Column 2 "Code of the structural unit" is intended for numbering the units in the order by which you can determine their place and subordination in overall structure enterprises. In a small enterprise with a centralized structure, the code may not be indicated.

Column 3 "Position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of the employee's qualifications." The employer can assign the name to the positions on their own, or you can use the " All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories(OK 016-94) "(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of December 26, 1994 No. 367)," All-Russian classifier of occupations (OK 010-93) "(approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 No. 298) and " Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees ”(approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37).

If there are any restrictions or benefits and compensations for a certain type of work, positions, specialties, then their name must strictly correspond to the above classifiers. The title of the position must be written in full, without abbreviations (for example: deputy chief accountant, head of the personnel department).

Please note: if the name of the position specified in the employment contract does not correspond to the name of this position in the staff list, or is completely absent in it, the contradictions are resolved in favor of the employment contract (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Column 4 "Number of staff units". Here we indicate the number of staff units provided for in the organization for the corresponding position (specialty).

If part-time work is provided, then you need to indicate the number of incomplete units in the appropriate shares (for example: 0.5; 0.75). It makes sense to also include vacant positions that were not occupied at the time of the approval of the staffing table, so as not to make changes to it when hiring each new employee.

Column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc." Filling in this column depends on the remuneration system adopted in the organization. A fixed salary or tariff rate is indicated, which does not include compensation, social and incentive payments.

Please note: sometimes an employer, in order to establish different salaries for several employees holding the same positions, indicates in the staffing table the minimum and maximum limits of salary or tariff rate - the so-called “fork” (for example: 15,000-18,000 rubles).

This is contrary to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for equal pay for equal work and Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the salary and tariff rate are fixed. It is understood that if employees occupy the same positions, then the volume and complexity of their work are also the same, which means that their salaries should be equal. In this case, it is possible to set wages in a larger amount for any of the employees at the expense of allowances or other additional payments.

Columns 6-8 "Surcharges". Allowances, additional payments and other incentive payments are established by the current legislation (for example: for work in the conditions of the Far North and equivalent areas), or by the employer itself (for length of service, for knowledge of a foreign language, etc.). The amount of the allowance can be set in the form fixed amount or as a percentage of salary.

Column 9 "Total" is filled in by adding columns 5 to 8, but only if all the data in them is entered in the ruble equivalent. If the salary is set in rubles, and the allowances are percentages, then a dash is put in column 9, and the documents on the basis of which these allowances and surcharges are applied should be indicated in the note.

Column 10 "Note" is provided for making additional information clarifying and explaining the staffing data.

Form No. T-3 provides for the signature of the head personnel service and the chief accountant, but in the absence of one of the positions in the organization, you can leave the corresponding line empty, or supplement the form with the signatures of other employees. Stamping on the approved staffing table is not provided.

The procedure for approving the staffing table

The staffing table is approved by order signed by the head or other authorized person. Details of the order must be entered in the "Approved" line.

Since wages are calculated monthly, it is more convenient to put into effect a new staffing table from the first day. It should be noted that the dates of compilation, approval and entry into force of the staffing table may not coincide.

The terms for approving the staffing table are determined by the employer independently. It can be approved annually, although adopted once, it may well be valid for several years. If any additions were made to the staffing table, it is advisable to approve a new schedule at the beginning of the calendar year, taking into account all the changes made.

Staffing tables should be stored at the place of development and approval, the storage period is permanent.

Making changes to the staffing table

Naturally, information once entered into the staffing table may change over time. The reasons for changing the staffing table may be:

  • introduction of new staff units;
  • change in salaries;
  • exception vacancies;
  • downsizing or downsizing;
  • renaming of positions, divisions, etc.

The employer, regardless of the reasons for changing the staffing table, will have to decide for himself how to make these changes:

  • draw up and approve a new staffing table, or
  • issue an order to change the already existing schedule.

In the first case, a completely new document is developed and approved (we considered an example of the organization's staffing table and the procedure for its preparation earlier).

In the second case, the procedure for changing the staffing table includes the following steps:

  1. Drawing up and signing an order to change the staffing table (a sample of it is given above), in which you need to indicate the reasons for making the changes and the date from which they come into force (from the date of issue of the order or later), the name of the new units introduced (or excluded vacant ones) positions, number of new staff positions, new salary, allowances or other additional payments, etc.;
  2. Adjustment of the current staffing table in accordance with the issued order;
  3. Bringing the changes made to the attention of specific employees who are affected by them, and making appropriate additions and changes to them employment contracts and work books.

Pay attention to a slightly different procedure for changing the staffing table when reducing the number or staff. According to Art. 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees must be warned of the upcoming dismissal at least two months before it.

The new staffing table in this case may come into force no earlier than two months after its compilation.

Although the obligation to fill out the staff list is not fixed by law, the inspection bodies mainly regard its absence as a violation of the laws. To avoid misunderstandings, managers should not neglect this important primary document. If only because it is useful for businesses in many ways. Let's figure out which ones, and also briefly consider the rules for filling out the T-3 form.

The staffing is normative document, the correctness of filling in which is legally fixed in the Resolution “On Approval unified forms primary accounting documentation on the accounting of labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004.

The terms used in the Decree are provided Labor Code RF. Staff - the composition of the employees of this organization, which is planned to be available at a certain period of time.

Therefore, the staffing reflects the following points:

  • the structure of the enterprise (hierarchical subordination of individual workshops or horizontal interaction);
  • staffing (list of positions necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise);
  • number of employees;
  • wages and bonuses.

Why do you need staffing?

Let's note some positive points:

  • staffing facilitates personnel analysis of the enterprise;
  • allows you to see a complete picture of the remuneration of employees;
  • recruitment or dismissal of employees is carried out in accordance with the staffing table;
  • disputes relating to the reduction in the number of employees or the refusal of employment are resolved in court;
  • an employment contract is drawn up on the basis of staffing data (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 15 and 57).

An example of a staffing table in the T-3 form

Form T-3: how to fill out?

How to fill out the T-3 form correctly? The "cap" or the top of the staffing table includes the following items:

  • name of company. Must exactly match the name specified in the constituent documents of the organization;
  • OKPO code;
  • Document Number. Each company may use its own document numbering system. And staffing is no exception. The number may contain an alphanumeric designation or just a numeric one;
  • date of compilation (not to be confused with the date of commencement of action - see the next paragraph);
  • validity period (for staffing, usually a year);
  • date and number of the order enacting the staffing table.

The order of filling in the columns (the item number corresponds to the column number in the table of the T-3 form).

Columns 6 to 8 are filled in rubles or percentages. These columns contain data on all kinds of salary increments. The amount of allowances depends on many factors, for example:

  • certain (harmful) working conditions;
  • non-standard mode of operation;
  • systems of bonuses and encouragement at a particular enterprise;
  • norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Column 9 is calculated. The product of the data of column 4 and the sum of the data of columns from the 5th to the 8th inclusive is entered into it.

The procedure for compiling and approving the T-3 form

The qualification directory of positions imposes the obligation to draw up a staff list for a labor economist. Due to the frequent absence of such a position at the enterprise, sometimes this document is compiled by an employee of the personnel department. In companies where there is no personnel workers, Form T-3 is usually filled out by accounting staff or even a manager.

Regardless of who filled out and compiled the staffing table, it must be certified and signed by the chief accountant and head of the enterprise.

The head of the enterprise approves the drawn up document. For this, an order is required. The order number is entered in a separate column of the T-3 form. This column is also the final one for the number of staff units of the enterprise and the monthly payroll. The order indicates the date of entry into force of the staffing table.

Form T-3 is usually drawn up for a period of one year. However, in large enterprises this period may be less than a year. In addition, in order not to draw up a new staffing table during the year, the enterprise has the right to make changes to an already drawn up document. Such changes are formalized by order of the head. The order must indicate the rationale for the changes, for example, reorganization, reduction or expansion of production.


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