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On the topic: " Periodicals for kids"


Yurieva E. A.,


MBOU "Humanitarian Gymnasium No. 8", Severodvinsk

Arkhangelsk region



lesson of information culture for students of grade 2.

Target: Education of information culture of readers.


Give the concepts of "press", "journalism", "periodical", "newspaper", "magazine", "rubric", "article";

Tell about the importance of periodicals in the world of information;

To acquaint students with the periodical publications of the gymnasium library, suitable for age;

Generate interest in reading periodicals;

Tell about the possibilities of using periodicals for the preparation of messages, reports, research work and when searching for the necessary information material.

Form of organization of training: introduction lesson, review.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods:

work with periodicals


Means of education: periodicals, computer, multimedia projector.


1. Introduction.

2. Explanation of the concepts of "press", "periodical literature", "journalism", types of periodicals (with the help of a presentation).

3. Review of the library's periodicals with the help of a presentation.

Points 1-3 - 25 minutes.

4.Practical task.

8 minutes.

5. Questions for consolidation and conclusions.

5 minutes.

6. Free reading.

5 minutes.

7. Conclusion.

2 minutes.

During the classes.

1. Introduction

Hello guys. Today we have an interesting lesson called "A fascinating press for children's interest." This lesson will expand the boundaries of our horizons and will help you in preparing reports, messages, performing practical and research work. All this is necessary, so I ask for your closest attention and I will be glad to have your questions at the end of the lesson.

2 .Explanation of concepts.

(Presentation. Slide 1)

Fascinating press ... But what is the press?

(Presentation. Slide 2)

"Press" - the word came to us from France.

The press is the works of the press ...: magazines, newspapers, in general, current news of the printed word. So it is written in the "Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language" by A. N. Chudinov

Magazines and newspapers will be discussed today.

Probably, your parents subscribe or buy newspapers and magazines for themselves and for you in order to get acquainted with the news and learn something new and interesting, and you already know that the press is published regularly - new and new issues come out under a certain name. Those. magazines and newspapers are published periodically.

(Presentation. Slide 3)

"Periodical publication - a publication (usually printed), published at the stated frequency." So it is written in Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.

"Periodical" is a Greek word meaning "coming again", "returning".

Periodicals include newspapers, magazines, yearbooks, calendars, etc.

That is, newspapers and magazines are printed periodicals or the press.

Magazines and newspapers can be different types.

(Presentation. Slide 4)

By frequency:





annual, etc.

By appointment:

popular science;

literary and artistic, etc.

A variety of interesting things are printed in periodicals of various types: articles about scientific discoveries, about life in society, about culture different peoples about sports achievements. The press also covers historical discoveries and facts, various helpful tips on the organization of the way of life and life, interesting things about the animal and plant world, etc. Also from newspapers and magazines we can learn about various events in the life of society and about people's attitude to these events.

(Presentation. Slide 5)

The field of literature on topical socio-political issues, as well as the discussion of these issues in the press, we call journalism. Journalism is a kind of literature.

3. Survey of periodicals of the library.

You can subscribe to periodicals by mail, or you can buy them directly at the post office or at a kiosk. Let's take a look at some of the periodicals for younger students that our library subscribes to.

(Presentation. Slide 6)

Curious and active!

We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​newspapers and magazines of our library! Here you can find a lot of new, exciting and interesting things for yourself.

(During the story, newspapers and magazines prepared in advance are shown to students).

(Presentation. Slide 7)

Newspaper - a periodical publication in the form of large sheets, usually daily, dedicated to the events of current political and social life.
(S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language).

The word "newspaper" came to us from Italy. That was the name of a small coin there, in which the daily news leaflet was valued.

In front of you is the Good Road of Childhood newspaper. (Show newspaper).

(Presentation. Slide 8)

"Good Road of Childhood" - All-Russian newspaper. Published 2 times a month. Newspaper about children, about roads and rules of the road.

The newspaper covers news and new Rules, documents on the safety of children on the roads, prints play materials for children.

Young traffic inspectors;

Post Junkor (Materials for young correspondents - propagandists of children's safety);

DDD game library (board games, puzzles, outdoor games, rebuses, crossword puzzles, quizzes are published);

Gather a collection (photos and characteristics of cars, photos and information about racers, etc.);

Interviews with famous people;

Children and Motherland;

Healthy lifestyle, etc.

And here are the magazines of our library. (Show stack of magazines).

(Presentation. Slide 9)

“Journal is a periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles, works of art, illustrations "- says" Explanatory Dictionary "D. N. Ushakov.

I brought some magazines.

(Presentation. Slide 10)

"Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" is the very first periodical for children that appeared in Russia. A very interesting literary and art magazine for children and their parents, despite the small volume, 48 pages, and black and white illustrations. He prints children's classical and modern literature for reading: fairy tales, poems, short stories, historical sketches.

(Presentation. Slide 11)

Guys and animals

sincere word

Story after story

Poetry for children

Reading with the whole family

wonderful moments

Sometimes it happens

Jokes aside

Miracles in a sieve

Once upon a time there was a fairy tale

Interesting stories

History from history

Here is everyone's favorite magazine "Murzilka".

(Presentation. Slide 12)

Popular children's educational literary and artistic magazine. It has been published once a month since 1924.

Its main character is the yellow fluffy Murzilka, a fairy-tale creature. He introduces the reader to interesting world fairy tales, stories, poems, comics, riddles and crossword puzzles.

The authors of "Murzilka" are modern talented writers, artists and classics of children's literature: S. Ya. Marshak, G. B. Oster, Irina Ashcheulova, Andrey Usachev and many others. Often the authors of the journal are the readers themselves. .

(Presentation. Slide 13)

Our favorite writers

Murzilka Art Gallery

Environmental lesson Murzilka

I am writing a letter to Murzilka

Adventures of Murzilka - comics section

Travel and discovery

Crossword Murzilka and others.

“An article is a scientific or publicistic essay of a small size” - written in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Shvedova.

Articles from "Murzilka" will help to prepare interesting messages, reports in addition to school curriculum, broaden your horizons.

Our next magazine is called "Children's Encyclopedia".

(Presentation. Slide 14)

This popular science magazine is published once a month.

It is intended for children from the age of 12, but eight-year-olds can also find understandable material here. "Children's Encyclopedia" contains Interesting Facts It is interesting for both children and adults.

Each journal is devoted to a particular topic and consists of a set of questions or chapters, arranged alphabetically, revealing the content of the topic.

This periodical will help in preparing messages and reports for lessons, in broadening one's horizons. It can be used when writing research papers.

"And why?" - inquisitive children often ask. There is a magazine that is called "Why?", and we subscribe to it.

(Presentation. Slide 15)

This popular science historical magazine for junior schoolchildren is a monthly supplement to the Young Technician magazine.

In each issue of the publication, you can gain knowledge in all areas of science, technology, art, visit the most interesting corners of the Earth, plunge into the underwater kingdom, learn the secrets of nature.

(Presentation. Slide 16)

One hundred thousand "why"

Our Hermitage

All the colors of the rainbow

Traditions of antiquity deep

From all over the world

Game Library

Curious fact


Danila - master, etc.

"And why?" will help in the preparation of messages and reports in the classroom, in writing research papers, in increasing the level of erudition.

The GEOlyonok magazine is very exciting and interesting.

(Presentation. Slide 16)

It contains information about everything in the world.

It comes out once a month.

"GEOLyonok" is a magazine about the planet Earth and our life on it.

"Photo of the month";

"Earthlings" - about the amazing events of the planet;

"Neighbors on the Planet" - about animals;

“Question to backfill” - a rubric of various questions;

"What's new" - breaking news;


“In the wake of your letters”, etc.

The journal will help in writing research and practical work, in preparation for lessons and raising the level of erudition.

Must tell you what to find necessary information in magazines it is most convenient in terms of content.

(Presentation. Slide 17)

Every magazine has content.

4. Practical task.

So, a little practical task: I give you magazines, you look at them:


Also think about what lesson you can prepare a report for this magazine.

5. Questions for consolidation and conclusions.

And now I ask you to answer my questions (frontal poll):

What is the press?

Why are newspapers and magazines called periodicals?

What is a newspaper?

What is a magazine?

What types of periodicals do you remember?

What lesson would you like to prepare a report on for Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind?

How many magazine titles did I show today?

Do you subscribe to newspapers and magazines at home? Do you buy them? Do you read them in the library?

So, we learned today ... (reflection).

You are great today. You were attentive and interested.

(Presentation. Slide 18)

We talked about just a few magazines of the gymnasium library and about one newspaper. Many of you have already seen the magazines Chitaika, Toshka and Company, Cool Magazine and others in the library.

Remember the rules for using magazines: meeting deadlines for reading and using them carefully.

Have an exciting journey in the sea of ​​periodicals!

6. Free reading (5 minutes).

(Presentation. Slide 19)

7. Conclusion.

You are great and clever! I invite you to the library! Thank you for your attention!


GOST 7.60-90. Editions. Main types. Terms and definitions: [Electronic resource] // Layout. - Access mode: . − Head. from the screen.

Periodical: [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia - Access mode: . - Zagl. from the screen.

Russian language. Dictionaries: [Electronic resource] // Classes.RU. - Access mode: . − Head. from the screen.

Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language. Press: [Electronic resource] // Akademik. - Access mode: . - Zagl. from the screen.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. Heading: [Electronic resource] // Akademik. - Access mode: . - Zagl. from the screen.

In the modern world, two things are especially valuable: time and information!

The library is the most open and accessible cultural institution for citizens. Possessing a huge number of books, documents, periodicals, including electronic ones, it is able to satisfy the right of everyone to receive information. We appreciate your time and the need to acquire new knowledge and are ready to help you understand the huge list of services provided by the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library.

We begin new project"", which will tell readers about our services and opportunities in an accessible way. Library specialists will become reliable navigators in finding the necessary information. They will tell you how to find the information you need and not spend a lot of time searching.

The first in our project will be presented "Hall of Periodicals"(hall number 4).

Participated in the first Open Dialogue


The Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library (ChOUNB) since its inception has been forming a fund of domestic and foreign periodicals. Hall of Periodicals ready to accept up to 50 readers at the same time. The fund consists of more than 11 thousand publications - these are more than three hundred titles of central and local newspapers and magazines. Most of them are in the public domain. Since 2015, the range of subscription periodicals has expanded significantly.

“In the hall of periodicals, everyone will find a newspaper or magazine to their liking. Representatives of the older generation remember the time when the purchase of books for home libraries was massive. And to subscribe to a popular magazine was considered a great success. The following were in great demand among the population: "Spark", "Youth", "Around the World", "Peasant Woman", "Driving", "Crocodile" and many others. For most citizens, the day began with reading Pravda, Izvestia, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. The successes of our athletes were monitored in the "Soviet Sport".

Reading room today "Periodicals" offers its readers not only biography magazines, but also modern ones. For example, "Profile", "Cursus", "Key people", "Compatriots". We have presented periodicals for the last 5 years, ”says Lyubov Averina in her interview.

- There is a specialized hall of periodicals in CHUNB. What periodicals are collected in this room?

Most of the publications are central and local newspapers. Widely represented are magazines on economics, philosophy, history, political science, ecology, linguistics and literary criticism, a large selection of literary and art magazines and regional publications.

I will especially draw the attention of lawyers, for them we can offer more than 50 titles on legal issues: “State and Law”, “Russian Judge”, “Russian Investigator” and much more. For teachers and doctors, we have a large selection of journals on pedagogy and medicine.

- What audience is the work of the periodical hall aimed at? Are there regular readers?

Our regular visitors are teachers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, students and pensioners. Readers are accustomed to the daily flow of fresh press, so many of them come almost every day for several decades. Because the habit of reading and keeping abreast of events remains with a person forever.

- What tips are there for newcomers to the periodicals hall?

The fund of periodicals is reflected in the system of catalogs and file cabinets of the library. Digital catalogue CHUNB contains a list of all available periodicals. In it, the reader will be able to obtain accessible information about what the library subscribes for, for what years, and in which room to look for the publication of interest. After all, periodicals also enter the hall of local history, literature on art, and the department of book storage. The electronic catalog is also presented on the library portal. This makes it possible to search for the necessary documents directly from home or office.

- In addition to reading periodicals, which may be of interest to young advanced readers

Visitors to the hall receive advice from a librarian on the search and selection of sources of information. Even if we do not have the required publication or article requested by the reader, we will help to find other material on the requested topic. This service is called thematic reference. It is provided free of charge.

At the request of the enterprise for some thematic event, we can organize and bring visiting thematic exhibition directly to the institution, review the latest articles on topic- this service paid but very much in demand.

To work with electronic versions of periodicals, readers can use computers located in the periodicals hall. All of them have access to the Internet, and the library also has a free wi-fi. This allows readers to use their own self-powered technical devices (laptops, voice recorders, audio players). After all, in addition to the traditional reading of newspapers and magazines, we offer our readers the opportunity to free access to full-text electronic versions. They are also accessed from the computers of the Electronic Resources Department (Hall No. 5).

On the library website in the section Resources / Electronic / Guides located, with over 80 links to the sites of all-Russian and local newspapers and magazines.They are grouped by branches of knowledge: economics, politics, law, pedagogy, etc.

You can use the service of remote access to periodicals presented in databases and electronic libraries Virtual subscription CHUNB Publishers: LitRes, IPRbooks, Rukont, Lan Publishing House, and KnigaFond.

- What kind Additional services provided by experts in the periodicals room?

We compile thematic lists at the request of readers. The form of providing information can be different: by phone, by e-mail, the traditional bibliography. Individual and collective subscribers can use this service. For specialists group informing(we provide information support on industry novelties, which are published in specialized magazines). Any organization can become collective subscriber. For several years now, the department Mathematical and Functional Analysis SUSU and ANO Training and Engineering Center are our regular subscribers.

The service department, including the periodicals hall, plans and conducts many activities to help the educational process. Teaching teams educational institutions, which are our partners, are provided with venues for teachers' councils, seminars, and other events. Librarians organize information support: exhibitions, viewings, reviews on the topic. For students, classes are held in the literary lounge, meetings with writers, interesting people.

If you need to make a copy required document- A photocopier is provided in the hall. Our employee will help you make the required number of A4 copies. Although in other halls of the library it is possible copying documents and larger format, as well as scanning and printing electronic versions. These services are paid.

- How to become a reader of the hall of periodicals?

To read periodicals, one must become a reader of the Public Library. We have standard requirements - with a passport, student card (for students) and a photo, we are waiting for everyone at the address: Chelyabinsk, Lenina pr., 60, 3rd floor, hall No. 4.

If you are not yet our reader, you can go Remote registration in CHUNB and get a digital library card code, you can get a library card at the library registration department on your first visit.

You can ask a question to a professional on our portal in Virtual Help Desk (VSS).

Interview prepared by the press service of CHUNB

Is there a person who does not like the news? Of course not. We are all very curious. Newspapers and magazines will tell about everything new that interests us. June 24 in branch library №9 passed day of periodicals "About everything in the world in a magazine and a newspaper". To this day, an exhibition with the same name was framed. Periodicals for the exhibition were selected based on the reader's needs and interests of users of different age categories.

Children younger age wonderful editions of the magazines "Tom and Jerry", "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist", "World of Princesses", "Scooby-Doo", "Svirel" were waiting for.

Among children of the middle age group and high school students, the magazines "Marusya", "Young Technician", "Golden Key" are most popular. These are bright, colorful, useful publications, with a lot of interesting publications that affect and help solve youth problems. In them, the guys find for themselves the most interesting, fascinating articles on a wide variety of topics from the world of animals and plants, history, geography, art, and literature. As well as materials on issues relevant to children: school life, peer achievements, hobbies and hobbies. In addition, there are many interesting tasks, contests and quizzes in the magazine.

For adult readers, such periodicals as “Fisherman”, “Science and Life”, “Nature and Man”, “Plant Farming”, “Collection of Caravan Stories”, “Peasant Woman”, “Good Advice”, “Behind the Wheel” were presented.

Anyone who wished had the opportunity to look through magazines, get advice on issues of interest. The proposed materials made it possible for each reader to find information of interest to them on any topic. Journals with a lot of interesting publications help to find answers to many questions; they publish advice from psychologists, lawyers, and doctors. Many periodicals good ideas, which will inspire readers to create handmade jewelry, as well as a description of all the necessary skills.

Days of periodicals not only attract new readers to the library, but also allow experienced users to better navigate in information resources libraries and increase the interest of visitors to periodicals.

Here are the shelves, books, bindings ...
My old acquaintances
Subject of attention and care
And growing love.
And cover after cover,
Where next to prose is verse,
Like turn after turn
On the map of the fate of the world.
Like a conversation of millennia
Bygone generations call ...
You and I are just kids
Before this wisdom of the ages.

In continuation, read the material in the women's online magazine about the flower of female happiness

Hello, dear, dear, faithful friends of our library! You are indeed our faithful friends, you are not afraid of cold, heat, snow, wind or rain. In any weather, you boldly step into the library. She is always waiting for you and meets you joyfully, with warmth and cordiality of employees, new arrivals of literature, interesting public events.

Today the library must choose its most faithful friend. It will be the one who knows more about the library itself, about periodicals, in general, the one who answers more questions and receives more tokens during our entire meeting.

So let's start our conversation. In the Armizonsky district, the CLS was created. Who knows what it is?
(Answer: Centralized Library System)
And who will say in what year this significant event took place?
(Answer: In 1977)

The CLS unites 12 libraries: 11 rural and one central district library with a children's department. I think you will be interested to know some of the results of 2011. Of course, the year was difficult, but fruitful. All indicators of our work (with the exception of paid services) is higher than in 2010. Even the number of readers is 10 more, despite the fact that many reading families leave the area and, in addition, the death rate is high in the area. We have 5.5 thousand readers. The book fund is more than 97 thousand copies and more than 750 copies of periodicals. Per last year more than 235 thousand books, newspapers and magazines were issued to readers. For comparison - in 2010 - only 207 thousand. That is, each reader took 42 copies of literature in a year, or 3 editions per month. This is a good indicator.

Last year, the departments functioning in the library changed a little, new employees came to us. Here's what it looks like in this moment: there are 4 departments in the library. Adult Readers Service Department (G. A. Ugryumova, O. N. Grudeva, A. S. Pecherina); children's department (V. A. Lukashchuk, N. F. Pecherina); procurement department (G. P. Gorbunova, V. V. Markov); information and legal department (N. O. Zhiryakova, E. V. Maul).
Probably, you will be interested to know that our system has its own website on the Internet. On it we place our work plans, information about the events held, photos and other useful information.
The library has a shared Internet access point, which you can use free of charge during the library's opening hours.

The libraries of our system (including the regional one) are expanding their functions and the range of services provided, both paid and free. Information about library services can be found in Reader's Corner.
The main direction of the library's work is to provide the population with information services through existing library documents, including through periodicals.
The flow of information, constantly received and consumed by all of us, has become not only important for a civilized person, but also vital.

Let's remember what is included in this diverse world called the media?
Yes, this is the press - periodicals of the newspaper and magazine type and audiovisual media - radio and television.

Today we will talk about the first component and to me, as a librarian, which seems to be the most important - the periodical press.
It is very difficult, almost impossible, to imagine all these periodicals. Because the modern press is thousands of publications, different in subject matter, purpose, program, frequency, circulation, distribution region.

What two divisions can we divide the entire press into?
(Answer: Newspapers and magazines)
Correctly. What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
The newspaper has greater efficiency, greater versatility, it is more informative and is a sheet edition.
The magazine is more analytical (i.e. analyzes events) and publicistic. Magazines, according to the State Standard, must be bound, i.e. printed sheets are bound in the spine.

Let's take a mental excursion into the history of the press...

The newspaper is the history of the world in one day. It is difficult to come up with a better definition for this type of periodical.
The very word "newspaper" is traditionally associated with the name of the Italian coin - gazzeta.
In the middle of the 16th century, it served as payment for leaflets informing Venetian merchants trading news. The history of newspaper business dates back to 1609, when newspapers were published once a week in Germany.
The first Russian newspaper, Chimes, appeared in 1621. True, it was handwritten, and only the tsar and the boyars read it.
The magazine is almost half a century younger than the newspaper. It was in 1665 in Paris when the first issue of the edition came out. A lot of time has passed since then.
According to the distribution region, the press can be divided into three large groups: national, regional, local.
The press can be designed either for the majority of potential readers, or for a specific group.
According to the thematic direction, the press can be divided into the following topics: health, sports, technology, science.
Newspapers and magazines have different periodicity. Strict periodicity is one of the most important characteristics MASS MEDIA. Some publications come out every day, others once a week, some once a month.
On the front page are placed the most important materials, sensational photographs. What draws your attention? Well, of course, the title. Its main task is to hold our attention, to intrigue. Sometimes the title is followed by a short italicized text that precedes the material. This is the cut. Usually it is a slogan, quote or comment, sometimes summary material that determines whether the reader will read this material.
After all, when reading periodicals, we choose only what is interesting to us, so the headline and the cut try to interest us. Under the heading "Today in the issue" are the most important topics of the issue. Sometimes newspapers and magazines have sheets that are called tabs. An insert is a publication within a publication, it can be removed from the newspaper without violating the integrity of the publication (TV program).
Solid text on a wide newspaper or magazine page would be inconvenient to read. Therefore, in publishing practice, it is customary to break it into several columns - vertical columns.
Each publication prints output data containing information about the publisher, editor-in-chief, publication frequency, circulation, etc. Each newspaper and each magazine has its own permanent headings - sections. The rubric has its place and design
Now we invite you to get acquainted with the periodicals presented on the shelves.

So, our library subscribes to 94 periodicals. Of these, 37 newspapers and 57 magazines.
All of you are our regular readers and you know what magazines and newspapers we subscribe to. Of course, this list is not permanent. Adjustments are made according to your interests.

For example, once we subscribed to the magazine "Caravan of stories". He was in demand among middle-aged women. Then suddenly ceased to be in demand. But when there were no new issues of the magazine, suddenly there was a demand for it. And since this half of the year on our shelves - your old friend magazine "Caravan of stories".

Pay attention to the new magazines: "Dasha", "All for a Woman", "Hunting and Fishing: XXI Century".

1. The newspaper should imagine the permanent arrangement of materials, domestic and international.

2. Viewing a newspaper should begin with an editorial. Its place is on the left or at the top of the first page. The cutting edge is the pulse of today. It will tell you about the priorities and problems of the country, science, technology, cultural life. The title of an editorial always clearly indicates its topic.

3. Next - a general review of the newspaper. Its technology is similar to viewing a book, only rubrics and headings serve as a table of contents-guide. Comparing the title of an article with the heading under which it is placed, it is almost always possible to say the topic of an essay, feuilleton, reportage, information. A subheading will help clarify this topic.

4. Are you interested? - read.

5. What you read should certainly work - help in professional activity or just in conversation.

6. There is not a single issue of the magazine that does not tell about something necessary, interesting. You need to be able to see these materials, read them. Systematic reading of newspapers and magazines will allow you to be knowledgeable people who can always talk about what is happening in the world, in our country.

7. How to accustom yourself to reading periodicals? At first, force yourself to read at least all the headlines on all the pages of the newspaper. Surely one or two of them will grab your attention. Read the articles under these headings. There are already one or two topics with which you are familiar. If you can continue to force yourself to follow them, then you will not only get acquainted with the opinions of others on the issue that interests you, but you will be able to form your own.

8. There is one thing - the only, indispensable condition for the development of interest in a newspaper, magazine. This is a sequence, a regularity of reading.

Quiz questions:

2. What is a newspaper?
3. How is a magazine different from a newspaper?
4. How is a magazine different from a book?
5. Name the regional periodicals.
6. What is the name of our regional newspaper? When does it come out to readers?
7. Tell us about your favorite magazine or newspaper.
8. What departments are there in our library?
9. How many libraries are there in the CLS?
10. What is the book stock of all libraries in the system?
11. How many readers do we have?
12. Well, how many copies of literature were issued in 2010?

Thanks everyone for the replies. And the most faithful friend who knows almost everything about the library turned out to be _______________________!

Well. Now you can go to the shelves, select the newspapers and magazines you are interested in, write them down in your form, come home, sit in your favorite chair, turn on the table lamp and enjoy reading!


N. O. Zhiryakova, Head of the Information and Legal Department of the Armizon Central District Hospital

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