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Your business is more obediently profitable, profitable and popular. Investors are attracted by a low entry threshold - just 1 thousand dollars is enough to organize one point, high profitability - up to 700%.

Popped corn is sold by seasonal street vendors, grocery stores, malls and entertainment complexes. This business can be both the main, independent, and additional source of income for children's attractions, in parks of culture, sports palaces, game centers, supermarkets, shopping malls and supermarkets.

Popcorn Production: Location Selection

A small area of ​​-1.5x1 m2 is required to accommodate the popcorn machine.

In the warm season, it is profitable to trade on the central streets, in the zoo, parks of culture and recreation, in the area of ​​tourist attractions. The minus of the open-air point is seasonality, in winter they buy popcorn poorly.

This shortcoming is absent in closed commercial premises centers, cinemas, entertainment complexes, sports palaces. Moreover, in these places, popcorn is sold much more expensive, the difference in price is at least 10-20 rubles. As for cinemas, it is very difficult to break through there, since they themselves organize the popcorn trade.

Popcorn production: Equipment

Popcorn equipment is produced in the USA, China, Europe and Russia. The most expensive and reliable is American technology.

The cost of an apparatus for making popcorn ranges from $400 to $1.7 thousand, depending on the country of manufacture. The price of a trolley for such machines ranges from $300 to $1,000.

Popcorn trolley allows you to install the machine, includes a trading place and a box for storing raw materials and packaging. As a rule, carts are designed in the form of trailers, old musical instruments.

Popcorn Production: Raw Material

The main raw materials for popcorn are special varieties of corn and vegetable oil. The taste of corn is given by salt, sugar, spices, caramel, and other flavors.

Corn for popcorn is used strictly defined varieties. In professional circles, they are called: "medium butterfly" (43 times increase in volume), "large butterfly" (42 times increase), caramel (36-38 times increase, used for sweet and caramelized popcorn).

Vegetable oil is used coconut, palm, sunflower, soybean, mainly coconut, and yellow coconut oil is used for salty popcorn, white - for sweet.

Special attention should be paid to the storage of raw materials and finished products. Sealed bags are used to store coconut oil, as it melts at 28 degrees. Corn is stored in closed bags so that it does not dry out.

Popcorn production: Packaging, related products

For packing popcorn, paper bags, cones, glasses are used. Paper bags and cones are cheaper in price, but inconvenient for the seller and for the buyer. The seller needs to spend extra time to open the bag and fill it with corn. Glasses are much more expensive, but more convenient to use. Airtight glasses with a lid allow you to store popcorn for several days. The most "running sizes" -32, 46, 64 grams.

You can supplement the popcorn trade with drinks. The fact is that popcorn is a dry product and causes thirst. Sale of bottled and draft drinks will increase the turnover of the outlet and the sale of the popcorn itself. According to various estimates, the income from related products is about 30%.

Popcorn production: Price

The cost of the finished product consists of the cost of raw materials, rent, transportation costs, wages to the seller. The seller usually receives a percentage of the proceeds. Knowing the cost of production, you can calculate the margin by analyzing the prices of other points. The highest markup is in cinemas, and the lowest is in stores where popcorn is a related product. Income from the sale of popcorn can range from 300 to 700%.

An example of calculating the cost of a glass of Popcorn (33.4 g)

salted popcorn


Qty (g)

Price per kg (rub.)

Cost price (rub.)


coconut oil

Popcorn glass

Spicy additive

Total: 5.15

sweet popcorn

Total: 6.54

Based on an article by Ekaterina Burtseva for the Delovoy Petersburg newspaper

Fried corn is very popular not only among American blockbuster fans, but also among the Russian population. Everyone buys popcorn - both adults and children.

The easiest and cheapest way to start making popcorn is to work from home. You only have to buy an inexpensive household appliance weighing 1.5-2 kg and costing 80 USD, a bag of grain, special additives and packaging (you can even use simple plastic bags). Finished products can be handed over to the nearest trade tents.

The second way is to rent a place (2-3 sq.m) in a large grocery store, cafe, campus, or right on the street, in passing place where there are many teenagers and young people. Here you install your device on a table or, better, a special cart. The trolley is not cheap - about 500 USD, but in return you get various accommodation devices Supplies and the ability to move to any convenient place.

Experts do not recommend buying domestic equipment for the production of popcorn, it is unreliable and often breaks down. Imported cars are more expensive, but of better quality and are even equipped with a built-in hood, which will greatly facilitate the upcoming trip to the SES.

Approximate prices and performance figures for some popcorn machines.


Productivity, kg/h

Price, USD

HOPE (Russia)





An important component of the success of your trading company is the assortment. The number of customers and your profit depend on it.

Corn special varieties - the main component for the production of popcorn. From one kilogram of raw materials, 60-80 servings of popcorn are obtained. A bag (22.7 kg) costs 34-36 USD.

In addition to corn, spices and special additives are used to make popcorn. COLOR POP salt, for example, imparts a brown, green, pink or blue color to the flakes. The cost of 1.8 kg of salt is 9.5 USD.

GLAZE POP sweetens cereal with strawberry, cherry, chocolate, and more flavors and breaks it into blue, yellow, green, or red candy crusts. A package weighing 0.8 kg costs 4.5 USD.

FLAVACOL is a fine salt with carotene that gives the flakes a taste and color that attracts customers. 1 kg of this supplement costs 3 USD, and consumes from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon for 6-8 servings.

Spicy additions SAVORY MIX give popcorn the taste of cheese, pizza, sour cream with onions, bacon or barbecue. Such popcorn is very popular not only among children, but also among adult beer lovers.

Coconut oil gives corn flakes a characteristic and appetizing yellow color, a special taste and aroma. The oil is supplied in barrels of 22.7 kg, costs 65 USD and has a long shelf life.

As for packaging, the choice here is wide - from plastic bags, to multi-colored cups of Russian or imported production. The price fluctuates depending on the form and manufacturer - from 0.01 to 1 USD per piece.

Boiler cleaners and metal polishing paste are indispensable, as well as accessories such as bag sealers, flavor separator warmers, mixing shakers. various kinds popcorn, hanging billboards and "POP CORN" paper hats.


Homemade popcorn production.

American-made device STIR CRAZE - 80 USD

bag of grain - 35 USD,

special nutritional supplements -20 USD

Packing - 15 USD.

If you wholesale 1,500 servings of popcorn at 0.2 USD, your income will be 268 USD per week. Weekly profit (minus expenses) - 198 USD, monthly - 792 USD.

Trade on the street.

rent (200 USD);

corn (245 USD);

food supplements (140 USD);

packaging materials (105 USD);

electricity (15 USD)

more productive machine

Total - 685 USD

Assuming a working day of at least 8 hours, you will sell approximately 350 servings per day for $0.26. Your monthly income will be about 2,730 USD. Profit (minus expenses) - about 2,025 USD per month.

According to the site

Popcorn does not need advertising, it is adored by both children and adults. After all, it is rarely possible to imagine going to the movies or to an amusement park without popcorn or cotton candy. Children simply adore these dishes, and parents are happy to buy them for them. In this article, we will look at a business plan for opening a popcorn outlet, you will learn how to choose raw materials, equipment, and where is the best place to start trading.

But not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. There are a number of reasons that give rise to huge competition in this sector:

  • ease of business
  • minimum investment in equipment
  • popcorn popularity
  • business mobility
  • no special skills required.

All these factors, at the same time, scare off newcomers who do not want to constantly compete and improve their business.

Popcorn is often sold as an additional service to already existing business, for example, in a cinema, or near children's playgrounds.

In this article, we will look at the most seasonal type of activity, namely the popcorn street vendor.

The documents

The first thing you will need to do is to register the sale of popcorn as an official business. To do this, you need to draw up all the documents and obtain the appropriate permissions from the inspection services.

  • register as a sole proprietor.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is the code 52.62, 52.63. For Ukraine - 47.
  • from permits, a lease agreement will still be needed.
  • you must have quality certificates for equipment and raw materials.
  • register the staff and the employee must have a medical book.
  • if you work on private land, then you will need to sign an agreement with its owner, but if in places that are listed outside the city, you will need to contact local administration to obtain all necessary permits.
  • permission from SES.

Place to trade

When choosing a place to trade good option will be: leisure parks, places near entertainment centers, beaches, embankments. The maximum effect of business can be felt in the resort towns. There sales are many times higher. Try to negotiate with local authorities on the sale of popcorn at mass celebrations, you will also get a good income. Simply put, the main purpose of choosing a place is a place for children to relax with their parents, you need to clearly focus on your potential buyers.

Of the main communications for a popcorn business, you will need electricity. Washing and cleaning of the devices will need to be carried out daily, but this can be done on the basis of equipment storage.

Necessary equipment

Equipment in this niche plays important role. Now there are a large number of devices on the market, for any wallet, and already based on the starting capital, entrepreneurs make their choice in one direction or another. Among the most popular manufacturers are American, European Chinese devices, as well as equipment of domestic production.

Since we are considering the format mobile business on popcorn, then you will need the following outlet equipment:

  • tabletop popcorn machine, average cost $300-$500.
  • trolley with a compartment for transporting ingredients and other accessories.
  • consumables for the production of popcorn (oil, salt, flavorings, powdered sugar).
  • packaging products (napkins, paper cups of various sizes (portions), etc.).
  • sun umbrella.
  • stool for the seller.

On average, to complete one outlet you will need about $1000.

As additional equipment can include:

  • freezers (ice cream and cold drinks).
  • cotton candy machine.

You will need at least another $800 for this equipment. But it's worth it, because often by expanding the range you can significantly increase your profit, which will consist not only from the sale of popcorn.

Also, it is desirable to have a car to transport the equipment to the storage location.


The very technology of making popcorn is quite simple, which attracts in this business.

Whole technological process can be divided into several main steps:

  • equipment warms up to 200 degrees Celsius.
  • oil and grains of a special grade of corn are loaded into the apparatus at the bottom.
  • put flavoring additives (salty or sweet).
  • after turning on the device for a few minutes at high temperatures, you will have a finished product.

As you can see, one of the advantages of this business is that you cook constantly fresh products, and they are guaranteed to be delicious. Raw materials can be stored for a long time.

Raw materials and suppliers

Now let's talk about raw materials for making popcorn. It is worth saying that it is very easy to get it, and the price tag allows you to make a high margin on the finished product, which cannot but please entrepreneurs.

Here is what you will need:

  • specialty corn.
  • oil.
  • flavorings: sweet and salty.
  • packaging products.

Now let's look at all this in more detail. The corn used is mostly American-made. There are two most popular varieties: Butterfly and Caramel. Butterfly is used to make various kinds of popcorn, both salty and sweet. And Caramel is mostly exclusively for sweet products.

Often when choosing an oil, preference is given to coconut oil. It has a number of advantages: when preparing sweet popcorn, such oil gives a sweetish taste and does not burn, which improves the quality of the product at the end.

Of the flavors, salty ones are also distinguished: bacon, cheese, mushrooms and sweet ones: strawberries, cherries, raspberries and others. But at the initial stage, entrepreneurs usually make classic popcorn, and in the future, you can already experiment with flavorings.

From the packaging, either paper cups or paper bags are used. Glasses of the popcorn business are preferred.

All raw materials must be purchased exclusively certified, and look at its quality.

Suppliers can be found via the Internet, but here it is important not to fall for a fake, so that the quality of the cooked popcorn, on which the reputation of your business depends, does not suffer later.

How much money do you need to start?

Experienced experts advise starting a popcorn business with at least 3 outlets only in this case you can get a decent income. You will need about $5400 to open 3 outlets.

You will also need a car, which we did not include in the cost.

How much can you earn?

One bag of raw material (corn) weighing 25 kg can be bought for $26. From one bag you get about 1000 servings in a volume of 0.7 liters. The average retail price of popcorn is about $1.2. Thus, 1000 servings will bring - $1200. You also need to subtract oil, additives and packaging - this is about 25% of the amount. We get that we can earn - $ 900. The payback of a business depends on the volume of sales. For net income still need to deduct taxes and wages seller. Having several outlets, you can make a profit - $ 1000 - $ 1100 net per season.

Conclusions. It is profitable to open a popcorn business during the summer vacation season, near amusement parks, beaches and summer cinemas. Small investments and high demand for the product make the business very attractive, but at the same time, be realistic about the situation with competitors.

Do you have experience in this market segment? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations.

The invention relates to the food industry, namely the food concentrate industry. Heating of the moistened grain of corn variety "Caramel" is carried out in an overpressure apparatus by swelling the calibrated grain with a high moisture content of 20-22% at a temperature of 120-130 ° C and a pressure of 0.82-0.84 MPa, resulting in a round grain shape throughout its mass. After that, the mass of large swollen grains is sprayed with a water-salt solution and dried to a residual moisture content of 2-3%. Refined and deodorized vegetable oil with liquid lecithin is sprayed onto dry popcorn. Then the popcorn is packed into bags. At the same time, 0.1 g of BOT and BOA antioxidants, 2-5 g of natural annatto-turmeric dye and 1-2 g of identical natural flavors can be added per 1 kg of popcorn. Popcorn can also be coated with dry flavor premixes. EFFECT: invention makes it possible to create optimal technological conditions for expanding corn grain to obtain ready-made popcorn in the form of balls close to the ideal shape, with preserved shell and grain germ. 2 w.p. f-ly.

The invention relates to the food industry, namely the food concentrate industry, and can be used in the production of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.

At present, the technology of thermodynamic swelling of grain is known: rice, buckwheat, wheat, oats, millet, etc. However, such a ready-to-eat product as popcorn was produced only in a special “popcorn maker” apparatus. There are a lot of modifications of devices at present. The technology for making popcorn is simple. The grain is placed in a special container located inside the apparatus, which is then heated to a temperature of 240°C. After 2-3 minutes, the moisture inside the grain turns into steam and breaks the grain shell (explodes). The stronger this shell, the higher the steam pressure and uniformity of heating, and hence the quality of the final product. Therefore, using ordinary corn grains for making popcorn does not work: they will simply fall apart when heated. According to nutritionists, "exploded" corn is a natural dietary product. Usually popcorn is cooked in coconut oil and various flavoring "additives" are added. Some popcorn producers prefer cheap domestic machines, while others prefer imported equipment.

The closest in technical essence and the achieved effect and taken as a prototype is a method for the production of popcorn in the "popcorn" apparatus (see GOST 12.2.09294 Electromechanical and electric heating equipment, TU 2296 93), including moistening the corn grains with their subsequent placement in the capacity of the apparatus (popcorn pans), in which kuruza grains with a moisture content of 13.5-14.5% are heated to 240 ° C with oil and salt or sugar, which turns into steam when heated, which, after 15-20 minutes, explodes the grain shell and in the next 10 minutes destroys the grain throughout its mass.

The technology of obtaining popcorn in the popcorn machine depends only on the impact of a high temperature of 240 ° C and a grain moisture content of 13.5-14.5%. During the explosion, the shape of the grain acquires a fluffy shapeless mass, while not only the shell of the grain is destroyed, but also the germ of the grain.

The disadvantage of the known method is that when the grain explodes, its biological properties are destroyed, namely, the nutritional, taste and dietary properties of the finished product, the set of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements is destroyed, and the appearance products.

In addition, when using in the known method of the above technological modes, a low yield of the finished product is observed, only 1,800 g of popcorn per hour.

The objective of the invention is to increase the taste and biological value of popcorn while maintaining the functional properties of the grain, as well as to increase the yield of the finished product with an expedient and attractive external form for the consumer.

The technical result, which allows solving this problem, is the creation of optimal technological modes of grain swelling with the production of ready-made popcorn in the form of balls close to the ideal shape, with the shell and grain germ preserved.

The problem is solved by the fact that in the known method for the production of popcorn by heating moistened grain, leading to a change in the shape of the grain throughout its mass, followed by sorting and packaging popcorn in bags, according to the invention, heating of the moistened grain is carried out in an overpressure apparatus by swelling the calibrated grain with high humidity of 20-22% at a temperature of 120-130 ° C and a pressure of 0.82-0.84 MPa, resulting in a round shape of the grain throughout its mass, while the mass of large swollen grains is sprayed with a water-salt solution, dried to residual moisture is 2-3%, and refined and deodorized vegetable oil with liquid lecithin is sprayed onto dry popcorn.

In addition, popcorn is coated with dry flavoring premixes, while adding 0.1 g of BOT and BOA antioxidants, 2-5 g of natural annatto-turmeric dye and 1-2 g of identical natural flavors per 1 kg of popcorn, while for the production of round popcorn forms, only hard grain of the Caramel variety can be used.

Studies conducted on sources of patent and scientific and technical information have shown that the proposed invention is unknown and does not follow explicitly from the studied prior art, i.e. meets the criteria of "novelty" and "inventive step".

The popcorn production method can be used in the snack industry for the production of dry breakfast cereals obtained by puffing up corn kernels and can be carried out at any enterprise specializing in this industry, i.e. this requires well-known materials and standard equipment, widely produced by domestic and foreign industries, i.e. meets the criterion of "industrial applicability".

The essential distinguishing features of the proposed method from the above known and taken as a prototype are:

The moistened grain is heated in an overpressure apparatus by swelling the calibrated grain with a high moisture content of 20-22% at a temperature of 120-130°C and a pressure of 0.82-0.84 MPa, resulting in a round grain shape throughout its mass, while It has been experimentally established that only in the range of the above high humidity, pressure and temperature, swelling of the maximum amount of grain of a certain variety "Caramel" of hard corn, close to the ideal round shape, is ensured without breaking its outer shell, and, consequently, the preservation of the grain germ, which allows also preserve the organoleptic properties in the finished popcorn;

The mass of large expanded grains is sprayed with a water-salt solution, dried to a residual moisture of 2-3%, and refined and deodorized vegetable oil with liquid lecithin is sprayed onto dry popcorn, while the lecithin added to the oil acts as an emulsifier that allows sticking to the surface balls vkusoaromatichesky premixes. In addition, lecithin natural product, obtained from unsaturated fatty acids of vegetable oils, contributes to the restoration of liver cells, being building material, as well as a prophylactic against necrotic processes in the liver and prevents fatty degeneration of liver cells in cirrhosis.

At the same time, 0.1 g BOT and BOA antioxidants are added per 1 kg of popcorn, which ensure high preservation of the oil from oxidative spoilage, and natural annatto-turmeric dye 2-5 g and identical natural flavors 1-2 g improve the taste of the product without affecting negative influence on the human body.

Thus, the combination of essential features allows to achieve a technical result, namely, the creation of optimal technological modes of grain expansion with the production of ready-made popcorn in the form of balls close to the ideal shape, with preserved shell and grain germ.

The method for the production of popcorn in the factory is carried out as follows.

A whole grain of corn of a certain grade is selected, sized by size and poured into closed drums. Heated water is sprayed over the surface of the grain, bringing the moisture content of the grain up to 20-22% within two hours. Next, the grain is moved to the dryer drums, where the surface of the grain is slightly dried to ensure the flowability of the grain and prevent it from sticking together in the overpressure apparatus.

A portion of grain weighing 7.5-8 kg is poured into the container of the apparatus, which is hermetically sealed with a lid and set in rotation. The grain is heated for 15-20 minutes, while the pressure inside the apparatus is adjusted to 0.83 MPa. After that, the heating of the grain is stopped, the lid is opened by hitting the valve located in the neck of the apparatus, the grain is automatically ejected from the apparatus and simultaneously swells.

After swelling, the grain is sorted by volume into different fractions. Large and medium fractions are used to prepare salty popcorn, for example, for beer. Fiber after washing and drying is sieved with sieve cells of 1-1.2 mm and packaged separately.

The mass of large and medium expanded grains is placed in drying drums, subjected to spraying with a water-salt solution, dried to a residual moisture of 2-3% and reloaded into panning drums. In dragee drums, vegetable oil is sprayed onto dry popcorn, for example refined and deodorized sunflower oil, added to 1 kg of popcorn in the amount of: antioxidants BOT and BOA 0.1 g each, liquid lecithin 5 g, natural dye annatto-turmeric (carrot, beetroot) 2 -5 g and identical in color natural, for example, herbal flavors 1-2 g.

After coating with an oil mixture, depending on the need to improve the composition of the finished product, popcorn is coated with dry flavor premixes of various composition, which may include purified vegetable or milk protein, vitamin mixtures (A, D, C, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , PP ), natural dry dyes: /beet and carrot (beta carotene)/, natural flavors: sour cream, bacon, cheese, shrimp and mineral additives. After that, popcorn is packaged in polyethylene or metal-plastic bags, which are placed in cardboard boxes and transported to the finished product warehouse, where they can be stored at a temperature of 2-20°C for 6 months from the date of manufacture.

At the same time, the lecithin added to the oil acts as an emulsifier, which allows flavoring premixes to stick to the surface of the popcorn balls. In addition, lecithin is a natural product derived from the unsaturated fatty acids of vegetable oils and is a healthy product.

It has been experimentally established that to obtain popcorn in the form of a whole expanded grain, close to a perfectly round shape, hard corn grain is suitable, only the Caramel variety, the other tested varieties did not give such a shape after expansion, which best protects the grain under excessive pressure in the apparatus - 0.83 MPa and moisture content of corn grain from 20 to 22% from the destruction of its outer shell and fluffing of the grain, which can also lead to the loss of the grain germ.

The proposed invention, in comparison with the prototype, makes it possible to obtain popcorn from corn grain with a preserved shell and grain germ, containing a full set of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements, using the above technological modes.

1. A method for the production of popcorn, characterized in that it involves heating the moistened corn grain of the "Caramel" variety and subsequent packaging of the popcorn in bags, while heating the moistened grain is carried out in an overpressure apparatus by swelling the calibrated grain with a high humidity of 20-22% at a temperature of 120 -130 ° C and a pressure of 0.82-0.84 MPa, resulting in a round shape of the grain throughout its mass, after which the mass of large swollen grains is sprayed with a water-salt solution, dried to a residual moisture of 2-3% and dry popcorn is sprayed with refined and deodorized vegetable oil with liquid lecithin.

On our website you will find the necessary raw materials and all types of equipment for popcorn:

  • devices capable of turning raw corn grain into an airy treat (the design is based on a steel heating boiler);
  • trolleys and racks for stationary or mobile placement of equipment;
  • caramelizers;
  • grain for the manufacture of the product;
  • Coconut oil;
  • flavoring and aromatic additives, including salt, sugar, spices;
  • packaging (glasses, boxes, bags and other containers);
  • means for cleaning and caring for devices.

Facts about popcorn and equipment for its production

Many rightly believe that fast food and drinks are tasty, but very harmful. Popcorn is also referred to such products, forgetting that it is a complete grain product, low in calories and rich in fiber. One serving, prepared without oil, contains only 33 kilocalories, and with oil and additives - about 133 kilocalories. Due to the large volume, popcorn quickly saturates, but does not cause discomfort in the stomach.

Modern popcorn production equipment is designed to use coconut oil. It is much more useful than sunflower or palm, so during the manufacturing process, corn not only does not lose useful properties, but also enriched with fatty acids and a pleasant creamy aftertaste. Such oil does not smoke and has a high ignition temperature, therefore, when using it and observing the temperature regime, there are no carcinogens in the finished product.

This natural, low-calorie, inexpensive product is recommended for children and adults, even during a diet. It can be used by people who are overweight and those with diabetes. In the end, it all depends on the assortment you offer and on positioning.

If you want to get help in choosing equipment and raw materials for making popcorn in a cinema or cafe, please contact Food Service. Our store delivers equipment in Moscow and other cities of Russia and CIS countries. You can buy devices of Russian, Chinese, American brands from us at a bargain price.


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