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Mountain Ring Mountain Ring - a unique creation of nature. It is located on the Borgustan ridge, which consists of sandy rocks. It is a through grotto, having the shape of a ring, with a diameter of about 8 meters. In the neighborhood in the ridge, a whole family of different grottoes is blown by the winds. They were formed due to weathering processes: wind, sun, water, frost destroyed the calcareous compounds between the grains of sand, loosening the surface layer of the rock. In the loosening of sandstone big role temperature fluctuations also play. As for the identical spherical forms of niches, this fact is explained by the fact that sandstone has a shell structure and therefore undergoes peeling. In the sedimentary rocks of the ancient seas, there were many mollusks, fossilized shells of mollusks, bones of ancient marine animals. With the appearance of land here and the peeling of the slopes, fossils and niches poured out. Near Mount Koltso, archaeologists discovered a Bronze Age settlement and found ancient kilns. Much later, this mountain began to be considered sacred, since people still could not explain to themselves the origin of such rocks. They worshiped the ring, made offerings to it. Echoes of people's attitude to Mount Koltso have come down to us in the legend of the stone ring. It was believed that if a warrior on a horse slips through it and does not hurt anything, then in a battle with enemies he will emerge victorious. There is also a more modern belief that if you stand (or pass) under the ring, you will definitely get married or get married. There is another legend explaining the formation of the Ring. which says that a hole in the rock was pierced by a powerful arrow of a shepherd who won the competition with other suitors for the hand and heart of the princess; it became his gift to the bride; “... since then, lovers began to give rings to their friend as a guarantee of fidelity and eternal Love.” Mount Koltso is not only a monument of nature, but also one of the objects of the State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov. Lermontov climbed here himself more than once and brought the Ring of Heroes of his book "Heroes of Our Time" to the mountain. Unfortunately, numerous inscriptions disfigured the primeval beauty of this “eolian town”, as academician V. A. Obruchev called the Ring-mountain and the neighboring row of niches. But, nevertheless, one inscription attracted the attention of Lermontov and local historians. It is made in the largest niche with dark blue paint. Under the curly bracket it is written: “Here I visited your sacred grotto by virtue of this vow ... I am torn by my soul to you, priceless, But I have no answer from you ...” It is assumed that the inscription was left by a friend of M. Yu. Lermontov M. I. von Zeidler. The inscription is badly damaged.

The head of Karachay-Cherkessia, Rashid Temrezov, congratulated all fellow countrymen on the Day of the Republic.

“Dear countrymen! Residents of Karachay-Cherkessia! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - the 25th anniversary of your native Karachay-Cherkess Republic!

This is a holiday for everyone who was born and grew up on this earth, for those whose fate is inextricably linked with Karachay-Cherkessia, who loves and is proud of their republic with all their hearts, works and creates for its good.

The history of the formation of the statehood of Karachay-Cherkessia, as an integral part of our country of Russia, is a long historical period that will be remembered for the military and labor exploits of the people of Karachay-Cherkessia - the older generation, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, many generations of workers. A low bow to you and sincere words of gratitude for your immeasurable contribution to the development and formation of your small Motherland.

The recent history of Karachay-Cherkessia, a quarter of a century long, includes many important events in which every inhabitant of our republic is involved. These are successes in the effective development of the economy, positive transformations in social sphere, achievements in public life, in the field of security, in the preservation of our spiritual and moral values.

Over the years, our cities and villages have changed, they are decorated with parks and squares. We have succeeded in building social projects and reconstruction of the road network; for the first time natural gas came to many settlements of Karachay-Cherkessia; significantly improved performance in agriculture, the investment and tourism potential of the region has grown.

For twenty-five years, a new generation of residents of Karachay-Cherkessia has grown up, which today is the strength, mind and talent of our republic. Relying on the experience of their elders, today many of them are already participating in public life, making valuable proposals, mastering new professions, and glorifying the republic beyond its borders.

Peace and harmony reigning in our multinational family of Karachay-Cherkessia is the main wealth that we must preserve and increase.

We are sure that the joy of this day is shared by everyone who once visited our hospitable land and fell in love with it with all their hearts, imbued with the history and culture of the rich, beautiful and generous Karachay-Cherkessia.

Dear countrymen! May joy, happiness, kindness and prosperity come to every house and every family of Karachay-Cherkessia on this festive day. We wish all residents of the republic good health, success, kindness, long life, new worthy achievements for the benefit of their native republic!

Happy holiday, beloved Karachay-Cherkessia! ”, - says the congratulation of the Head of the Republic Rashid Temrezov, who was joined by the Chairman of the People's Assembly (Parliament) of Karachay-Cherkessia Alexander Ivanov and the Chairman of the Government of the region Aslan Ozov.

Flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic The flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a right quadrilateral in the aspect ratio: length to height 2:1. The flag of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is formed from three colors located in three horizontal stripes of equal width: light blue - on top, green - in the middle, red - on the bottom. In the center of the green strip, in its entire width, there is a bright circle (ring), in which the sun rising from behind the mountains with five wide double and six tonics and short rays. The colors on the flag mean: Light blue color - the personification of peace, bright and good intentions and tranquility. Green is the main color of nature, a symbol of fertility, wealth and creativity, the color of youth and at the same time wisdom and restraint. Red is a solemn color, a symbol of warmth and closeness between nations.

Coat of arms of the The coat of arms of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic has a round heraldic shape. The background is yellow, it symbolizes sunny Karachevo-Cherkessia. In the center of the composition is a stylized silhouette of Elbrus, which means eternity, strength and greatness. It is superimposed on a blue circle, symbolizing the eternal sky and blue waters. The diameter of the circle in relation to the general circle is 1:2. On both sides there are branches and flowers of rhododendron - one of the most specific alpine plants of Karachevo-Cherkessia. These flowers are a symbol of peace, health, purity. The shape at the bottom resembles a bowl, which symbolizes hospitality. The bowl and the small circle go slightly beyond the boundaries of the large circle, which makes the coat of arms more attractive.

State anthem of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic I am proud of the ancient Motherland! The author of the words Yu. Sozarukov Composer A. Daurov Approved on April 9, 1998 The Anthem of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is one of the state symbols of Karachay-Cherkessia. The anthem was established by the Law of the KChR dated April 9, 1998 410-XXII "On the State Anthem of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic". The anthem is a symbol of the preservation of the traditions of national culture, the unity of the multinational people of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Amanauz Gorge Amanauz is one of the natural attractions of Dombay, famous for its canyons and waterfalls. The river Amanauz, the source of Teberda, got its name because of the sheer walls and the noise of numerous waterfalls - the name is translated as "Evil Mouth", it was believed that evil spirits live in the gorge. This gorge, by the way, is the narrowest in the Dombay resort - a real open-air geological museum. Here are all possible rocks- and quartz, and volcanic rocks, and soft limestone. They say that some lucky ones even found gold here. The living jewel of the Amanauz Gorge is the Amanauz Canyon, about 1 km long. In some places, the walls of the gorge almost converge, leaving the Amanauz river less than a meter to squeeze through ... Here is one of the natural attractions of Dombay - the "Devil's Mill". It offers magnificent views of the surrounding peaks - such as the main Amanauz, Moussa-Achitara, Belalakaya, and others. And the hike will only take about an hour.

The Teberdinsky Nature Reserve is located on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range with side spurs, in total it occupies an area of ​​more than 85 hectares. Mount Dombay-Ulgen is located just on its territory, by the way - this is the highest point of the reserve, its height is 4 "042 m. The reserve consists of two sections - Teberdinsky and Arkhyzsky, and today it has become one of the most visited protected natural areas. What attracts tourists here?There are many beautiful places and natural attractions in the Teberdinsky Reserve.These are the valleys of the Teberda and Gonchakhir rivers, numerous lakes, beautiful and formidable glaciers - Amanauzsky, Alibeksky and Ptyshsky.This is a unique and rich natural world - from dense deciduous forests in the lowlands to the flowers of alpine meadows, including many plants that grow only here, amazing and rich animal world. When visiting the reserve, it is worth considering that now it is a specially protected natural area, and while inside it, you must follow the relevant rules.

Semenov Bashi Mountain Semenov-Bashi is a dome-shaped ledge in the east of the Caucasus Range, the height of which is 3602 m. The ledge was named after P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, a famous traveler and explorer, as well as the chairman of the Russian Geographical Society. Due to the fact that the peak is located in the heart of the Dombai region, it is an easily accessible observation platform that offers a breathtaking view of the Caucasian ridge. The ascent to the top is simple and begins with a path that runs through a forest with picturesque glades. From here you can admire the Belalakaya, Dzhalovchat, Sulakhat, Semenov-Bashi mountains, Kap and Kvadratny peaks.

Dombay Dombay glade - the main tourist center of the Dombay resort - is located in the Teberdinsky reserve, in its southern part, in the Dombay intermountain basin between the Main and Lateral Caucasian ridges. True, this local "lowland" is located at an altitude of 1630 m above sea level. Dombay glade was formed by the valleys of three rivers, three tributaries that merge here into Teberda - Dombay-Ulgen, Amanauz and Alibek. Above the low wooded slopes, eight snowy peaks rise up at once. Ine, Dombay Ulgen, Sofriju, Semenov-Bashi - and others. It is beautiful here in summer - beech forests below, nearby - majestic relict fir and spruce forests, alpine meadows and waterfalls ... But Dombai Glade is especially popular in winter, when a ski complex is operating here. Three lines of new cable cars operate here in addition to five lines of old chair lifts, as well as towing roads.

Alibek waterfall is one of the largest and most spectacular Dombai waterfalls (Karachay-Cherkess Republic, North Caucasus). It is located on the territory of the Teberdinsky Reserve. Its height, from which the raging mass of water falls, is more than 25 m. The Alibek waterfall is formed by the fall of the Dzhalovchatka River from the Alibek glacier. Mighty stones, from which water falls with a roar, are called "ram's foreheads." The Alibek waterfall is a powerful white-foamy stream that sparkles with many sprays, which is a magnificent and extraordinary sight. An incredible rumble of a gusty stream breaking down reigns in the gorge. Alibek waterfall appeared in the XX century. Back in the 1930s. it was not there yet, and the rocky ledge covered the tongue of the Alibek glacier, retreating every year upwards by a meter, or even one and a half. This waterfall is one of the most popular hiking destinations. An excursion to the waterfall will not take much effort and time, this route is great for the whole family. The first part of the path (to the alpine camp) can be reached by car, although the site is very picturesque, it passes through a beautiful fir forest, so it is better to walk it. The tour can be continued by visiting the Alibek glacier. The power, strength and beauty of the Alibek waterfall will conquer any tourist and traveler. When the water level is not very high, the river can be crossed over rocks. But without a guide, it is very dangerous to do this, because there is no road on the other side, and the path passes between steep cliffs. And then - along the moraine. The noise of falling iridescent water sparkling in the sun is heard long before the appearance of the waterfall. The air near the waterfall is riddled with mist and roar. Alibek waterfall is one of the main attractions of Dombai, which can be seen only once, so that it will be remembered for a lifetime.

Mountain Ring Mountain Ring - a unique creation of nature. It is located on the Borgustan ridge, which consists of sandy rocks. It is a through grotto, having the shape of a ring, with a diameter of about 8 meters. In the neighborhood in the ridge, a whole family of different grottoes is blown by the winds. They were formed due to weathering processes: wind, sun, water, frost destroyed the calcareous compounds between the grains of sand, loosening the surface layer of the rock. Temperature fluctuations also play an important role in the loosening of sandstone. As for the identical spherical forms of niches, this fact is explained by the fact that sandstone has a shell structure and therefore undergoes peeling. In the sedimentary rocks of the ancient seas, there were many mollusks, fossilized shells of mollusks, bones of ancient marine animals. With the appearance of land here and the peeling of the slopes, fossils and niches poured out. Near Mount Koltso, archaeologists discovered a Bronze Age settlement and found ancient kilns. Much later, this mountain began to be considered sacred, since people still could not explain to themselves the origin of such rocks. They worshiped the ring, made offerings to it. Echoes of people's attitude to Mount Koltso have come down to us in the legend of the stone ring. It was believed that if a warrior on a horse slips through it and does not hurt anything, then in a battle with enemies he will emerge victorious. There is also a more modern belief that if you stand (or pass) under the ring, you will definitely get married or get married. There is another legend explaining the formation of the Ring. which says that a hole in the rock was pierced by a powerful arrow of a shepherd who won the competition with other suitors for the hand and heart of the princess; it became his gift to the bride; “... since then, lovers began to give rings to their friend as a guarantee of fidelity and eternal Love.” Mount Koltso is not only a monument of nature, but also one of the objects of the State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov. Lermontov climbed here himself more than once and brought the Ring of Heroes of his book "Heroes of Our Time" to the mountain. Unfortunately, numerous inscriptions disfigured the primeval beauty of this “eolian town”, as academician V. A. Obruchev called the Ring-mountain and the neighboring row of niches. But, nevertheless, one inscription attracted the attention of Lermontov and local historians. It is made in the largest niche with dark blue paint. Under the curly bracket, it is written: “Here, I visited your sacred grotto by virtue of this vow ... I am torn by my soul to you, priceless, But I have no answer from you ...” It is assumed that the inscription was left by friend M. Yu. Lermontova M. I. von Zeidler. The inscription is badly damaged.

My Native Land Karachay-Cherkessia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia; Abaz. Karcha-Cherkess Republic, Karach.-Balk. Karachay-Cherkess Republic, foot. Karashai-Sherkesh Republics, Kabard.-Cherk. Kareshey-Sherdzhes Republic) - a republic composed of Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the North Caucasian Federal District. The capital is the city of Cherkessk.

Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the foothills of the northwestern Caucasus. It borders in the west with the Krasnodar Territory, in the north with the Stavropol Territory, in the east with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in the south - along the Main Caucasian Range - with Georgia, as well as with Abkhazia (which is partially recognized state; at the same time, according to the administrative-territorial division of Georgia, it is part of Georgia). It consists of 10 municipal districts - Abazinsky, Adyge-Khablsky, Zelenchuksky, Karachaevsky, Malokarachaevsky, Nogaisky, Prikubansky, Urupsky, Ust-Dzhegutinsky, Khabezsky and two cities of republican subordination - Karachaevsk and Cherkessk. The climate is moderately warm, winters are short, summers are warm, long, and sufficiently humid. The climate is indicative of the long duration of sunshine. The average temperature in January is -3.2 °C, in July +20.6 °C, the highest temperature is +39 °C, the lowest is -29 °C. Geography and nature

Most (about 80%) of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is located in the mountains. Within the republic, 3 zones are distinguished: foothill plain, foothills and mountains of the Caucasus. In the north, the advanced ridges of the Greater Caucasus stretch, in the south - Vodorazdelny and Bokovaya, their height reaches 4000 m. Marukhsky and Klukhorsky passes lead to the Black Sea coast. The Sukhumi military road, passing through the Klukhorsky pass, connects Karachay-Cherkessia with Abkhazia. On the border with Kabardino-Balkaria is Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus. There is an abundance of water resources in the republic: about 130 alpine lakes, many mountain waterfalls. 172 rivers flow, of which the largest are the Kuban, Bolshoi and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, Laba; there is a Kuban reservoir. The system of the Great Stavropol Canal operating in the republic is a source of water supply for the Stavropol Territory. The subsoil is rich in natural resources: coal, granite, marble, various ores and clays. In large reserves - healing mineral waters, there are many thermal springs. Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the zone of mountain steppes and deciduous forests. Rich flora and fauna have been preserved in the forests and highlands. There are a number of specially protected natural areas on the territory of the republic, including the Teberdinsky Reserve and part of the Caucasian Reserve

History The territory of Karachay-Cherkessia at the end of the first millennium AD was part of the state of the Alans, some architectural monuments of that time have been preserved: Zelenchuk, Sentinsky, Shoaninsky Christian churches, settlements. Since the first half of the 19th century (according to the Russian-Turkish peace of Adrianople in 1828), the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia has been part of Russia as the Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban region. Since 1918, Soviet power has been established here. From April 1, 1918, the territory was part of the Kuban Soviet Republic, from May 28, 1918 - part of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, from July 5 to December 1918 - part of the North Caucasian Soviet Republic. From December 1918 to April 1920 - controlled by the White Guard VSYUR. From January 20, 1921 - part of the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On January 12, 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed as part of the South-Eastern (since 1924 - North Caucasian) Territory, with a center in the village of Batalpashinskaya (later renamed the city of Sulimov, Yezhovo-Cherkessk and finally received the modern name Cherkessk). On April 26, 1926, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the KCHAO was divided into the Karachaev Autonomous Region, the Circassian National District (since April 30, 1928 - an autonomous region), Batalpashinsky and Zelenchuksky districts. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Karachay Autonomous Region was liquidated on October 12, 1943, and the Karachais were recognized as accomplices of the Nazi troops and on November 2, 1943 they were deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The southern part of Karachay went to Georgia (as the Klukhorsky district), and most of it was annexed to the Stavropol Territory. On January 9, 1957, in connection with the rehabilitation of the Karachais and permission for their return to their native lands, the territories transferred to Georgia in 1943 were returned to the RSFSR, the Cherkess Autonomous Region was liquidated, and the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was recreated within the boundaries of 1922 as part of the Stavropol the edges. The territory of Karachay-Cherkessia at the end of the first millennium of our era was part of the state of the Alans, some architectural monuments of that time have been preserved: Zelenchuk, Sentinsky, Shoaninsky Christian churches, settlements. Since the first half of the 19th century (according to the Russian-Turkish peace of Adrianople in 1828), the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia has been part of Russia as the Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban region. Since 1918, Soviet power has been established here. From April 1, 1918, the territory was part of the Kuban Soviet Republic, from May 28, 1918 - part of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, from July 5 to December 1918 - part of the North Caucasian Soviet Republic. From December 1918 to April 1920 - controlled by the White Guard VSYUR. From January 20, 1921 - part of the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On January 12, 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed as part of the South-Eastern (since 1924 - North Caucasian) Territory, with a center in the village of Batalpashinskaya (later renamed the city of Sulimov, Yezhovo-Cherkessk and finally received the modern name Cherkessk). On April 26, 1926, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the KCHAO was divided into the Karachaev Autonomous Region, the Circassian National District (since April 30, 1928 - an autonomous region), Batalpashinsky and Zelenchuksky districts. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Karachay Autonomous Region was liquidated on October 12, 1943, and the Karachais were recognized as accomplices of the Nazi troops and on November 2, 1943, they were deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The southern part of Karachay went to Georgia (as the Klukhorsky district), and most of it was annexed to the Stavropol Territory. On January 9, 1957, in connection with the rehabilitation of the Karachais and permission for their return to their native lands, the territories transferred to Georgia in 1943 were returned to the RSFSR, the Cherkess Autonomous Region was liquidated, and the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was recreated within the boundaries of 1922 as part of the Stavropol the edges.

People Number in 2012, thousand Karachays 194,324 (38.5%) Russians 150,025 (33.6%) Circassians 56,466 (11.3%) Abazins 36,919 (7.8%) Nogais 15,654 (3.4%) Ossetians 3,142 Ukrainians 1,990 Armenians 2,737 Tatars 1,696 Chechens 1,800 Greeks 1,276 Azeris 1,000 showing nations with more than 1,000 people Population

Economy Karachay-Cherkessia is an industrial and agrarian republic. The territory can be divided into 2 regions. In the north, chemical production, mechanical engineering and light industry are more developed. In the south, mining and woodworking industries and animal husbandry are more characteristic. Hydropower is generated at the Kurshavskaya (780 million kWh/year), Zelenchukskaya HPP (501 million kWh/year) and several small hydroelectric power plants. Tourism, mountaineering (south of the republic) and resort activities (resorts Dombai, Arkhyz) are also of great importance for the region. , Teberda and others).

Yury Popov (b. 1929), opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1978), was born in the republic. Vladimir Khubiev (b. 1932) - Chairman of the Karachay-Cherkess Regional Executive Committee (1979-1990)

Vladimir Semenov (b. 1940) - Army General, Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces (1992-1997), President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (1999-2003). Dima Bilan (b. 1981) is a popular Russian singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest (2008).

The work of a 9th grade student Baytokova Eldara

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Completed by: Albotova Albina, 8 "B" class, MKOU "Secondary School No. 6 named after. A.A. Tambiyeva, village of Pervomayskoye "Head: teacher of history and social science Kubanova Mariam Khuseevna

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Goals and objectives: 1. Formation of a holistic view of the historical past of the region, about state of the art native land and prospects for its development. 2. Formation of ideas about various aspects of the life of their region and population; familiarization with the history and modern culture and nature of their region. 3. Development of cognitive interest in the study of the history of the native land. drawing attention to the restoration and preservation of unique objects on the territory of our republic. Relevance of the work: a person, living on Earth, destroys nature, monuments of human civilization; without the past there is no present and no future; in an effort to preserve the best creations of human hands, people choose the wonders of the world.

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Once at school we were told about the encyclopedia by E. Grigorieva, E. Guglina “Wonders of the World”. After reading this book, we learned a lot about the wonders of the world. We had a question: why not find "miracles" in our republic? We conducted a survey among 6th grade students aimed at identifying and identifying unique places. Under the guidance of the teacher, the results of the survey were analyzed, systematized and summarized. Working on this topic, we visited the sights of the KChR, read books by modern historians, found a lot of materials on the Internet. Introduction.

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: 1) According to the results of the survey, the first miracle is Mount Elbrus. 2) The second miracle is the Kuban River. 3) The third miracle is Dombay. 4) The fourth miracle is the resort of Teberda. Teberdinsky Reserve. 5) The fifth miracle is Arkhyz. 6) The sixth miracle - Zelenchuk Astrophysical Observatory. 7) The seventh miracle - Ayran.

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: 1) According to the results of the survey, the first miracle is Mount Elbrus. 1) Mount Elbrus. 2) The Kuban River. 3) Dombay is the land of legends and the sun. 4) Teberda resort. Teberdinsky Reserve. 5) Arkhyz - the pearl of the Caucasus. 6) Zelenchuk Astrophysical Observatory. 7) Ayran is the drink of the Narts.

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Mountain Elbrus. Elbrus (kar - Balk. - Mingitau) - the highest mountain range of the Greater Caucasus. It is a cone of an extinct volcano composed mainly of andesites on a high plinth of granites and crystalline schists. Elbrus has two peaks Western peak of Elbrus (height 5642 m) and eastern (5621 m). They are separated by a deep saddle (5325 m). Elbrus is covered with a cap of ice. it highest peak Caucasus and Europe, located on the border of the republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. To the east of Elbrus, in the mountainous regions of the Central Caucasus, along the gorges of the Baksan, Malka, Chegem rivers, the Balkars live. To the west of Elbrus, similar areas along the gorges of the Kuban, Teberda, Zelenchuk and Laba rivers are inhabited by the Karachays who are related to them. In the powerful glaciers of Elbrus, the rivers Kyukyurtlyu, Ullu-Khurzuk, Ullu-Kama originate, which, merging with each other, form the Kuban River, the largest in the North Caucasus. At the foot of Elbrus there are many healing mineral springs, the waters of which restore health to sick people. This mountain is amazingly beautiful. Words from a folk Karachai song: “Handsome Elbrus looks through the clouds, in a white hat, into the blue. I can’t stop admiring the proud peak, bold, powerful.”

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Great pictures! Thrones of eternal snow, Their peaks seemed to the eyes As a motionless chain of clouds, And in their circle a two-headed colossus, In a crown of shining ice, Elbrus huge, majestic White in the blue sky. A.S. Pushkin

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The gray-haired Elbrus is young at heart. Mighty and passionate - just touch. There is universal coldness in his brow. There is a wild fire in his chest. He is formidable, as of old, today And his beauty is high. United Hell Forever in it And the heavens. V.L. Belilovsky

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Water resources of the KChR. Kuban River The republic has an abundance of water resources. 172 rivers flow, of which the largest are the Kuban, Bolshoi and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, Laba; there is a Kuban reservoir. The system of the Great Stavropol Canal operating in the republic is a source of water supply for the Stavropol Territory. There are about 400 lakes in Karachay-Cherkessia. Karachay-Cherkessia is rich in its various mineral springs: about 20 springs are concentrated in the Ullu-Khurzuk river basin. The most popular are Jamagats. The Kuban is one of the most important and largest rivers in the South of Russia and North Caucasus. It flows through the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. The river originates on the slopes of Elbrus, where the mountain streams Ullukam and Uchkulan merge. Its total length is 870 kilometers. There are 14 thousand rivers in the Kuban basin, which give it their water. In the 1970s, the Krasnodar reservoir was created in the Kuban, and now river ships go from Krasnodar to the mouth. In the Kuban are located big cities Karachaevsk, Cherkessk, Armavir.

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Dombai is a country of blue skies, generous sun and snowy peaks, a country glorified by poets. This is a ski and tourist resort glorified by Vizbor. First of all, it is interesting because many famous peaks (Belalakaya, Zub, Sofruju, Ertsog, etc.) are visible directly from the village in all their glory. If there is a place in the world that is “better to see once”, then this, of course, is Dombay - a country of blue skies, generous sun and snowy peaks, a country sung by poets. Throughout the history of Dombay, many of them have been here, as well as artists with musicians, or even just people in love with the mountains, “sick” with the mountains. The word "dombai" (dommai) means "bison" in Karachai, once whole herds of mighty giants roamed in the Dombai forests. Dombay is one of the modern recreation and sports centers and a tourist center of the Greater Caucasus. Currently, a tourist complex of several dozen hotels, including modern mini-hotels, operates on Dombai Polyana.

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Teberdinsky Reserve The Teberdinsky Reserve is located within the Karachaevsky, Zelenchuksky and Urupsky regions of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. There are 157 lakes in the reserve. Famous for their beauty, in particular, Baduk lakes. The maximum depth of the lakes is 30-50 m. The age of the lakes is 200-1000 years, with the exception of Lake Karakol in the city of Teberda, which arose during the retreat of the ancient Teberda glacier about 8000-10000 years ago. The largest rivers are: Teberda, Amanauz, Alibek, Dombay-Yolgen, Gonachkhir, Baduk. On the territory of the reserve there are 109 glaciers with a total area of ​​74.3 sq. km. 1207 species of plants, 470 species of mosses, more than 300 species of lichens, more than 100 species of terrestrial algae, 500 species of mushrooms grow on the territory of the reserve. 272 are endemic to the Caucasus. 26 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The rich fauna and virgin vegetation are natural monuments. The beech forest is of particular value (the age of the trees is more than two hundred years, and the girth of the trunks is 3 m). The sunny slope of the valley is covered with giant pines. Opposite - 70-meter firs, some of which are about 7 centuries old. Among all this plant splendor representatives of the fauna roam freely: bears, snow leopards, Caucasian deer and other rare species.

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TEBERDA Teberda is a resort town in the KChR, 105 km south of Cherkessk. The name comes from the Teberda River, in the valley of which the city is located. The resort town of Teberda today is a center of tourism and climate and balneological treatment. There are many tourist bases and sanatoriums, there are also sanatoriums designed for joint recreation of parents with children equipped with modern equipment. But the “chief doctor” here is the purest, ozone-rich air.

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Arkhyz resort Arkhyz resort today is the main tourist center of the Caucasus. It would be strange not to use a place with such natural beauties for its intended purpose. The Arkhyz resort grew up next to the village of the same name. This is a place that is distinguished by picturesque nature and unique relief. Quality rest is provided by a favorable climate: mild winters and lots of sunny days. The Arkhyz valley is located at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, surrounded by high mountain ranges - Abishira-Akhub and the Main Caucasian Range. Mountain hikes of varying difficulty, rafting on the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River and horseback riding are the main attractions for tourists in the warm season. But as soon as the first snow falls, skiers and snowboarders come here. Healing springs flow right on the territory of the reserve. biologically active mineral water Arkhyz is known for its unique composition. Thanks to this, the Arkhyz resort is not only a center of active tourism, but also a place for balneological treatment.

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ZELENCHUK ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY A large azimuthal telescope is located in the mountains of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. Its mirror with a diameter of 6 meters was once the largest in the world. Located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, an astroclimate suitable for space exploration: an almost ideal atmosphere, a large number of transparent nights and the necessary distance from industrial productions. The uniqueness of the 6-meter telescope is in its alt-azimuth mount: the telescope can move along the horizontal and vertical axes, and this allows scientists to more accurately set the desired area of ​​the sky for studying galaxies and stars. The telescope is one of the components of the special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as is the radio telescope - RATAN-600. These instruments for studying outer space are called the eyes and ears of planet Earth.


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