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"The Cherry Orchard" - drama or comedy? BUT. P. Chekhov called The Cherry Orchard a comedy. But the play has everything: tragedy, farce, and lyrical comedy. How to determine the genre of such a complex play? How to explain why I. S. Turgenev calls such sad plays as "The Freeloader", "A Month in the Country" comedies? Why did A. N. Ostrovsky classify such works as "The Forest", "The Last Victim", "Guilty Without Guilt" as a comedy genre?

The Cherry Orchard is a 20th century play. Pushkin's understanding of high comedy, which, according to him, comes close to tragedy, can now be conveyed using another term: tragicomedy. In tragicomedy, the playwright reflects the same phenomena of life in both comic and tragic coverage. At the same time, the tragic and the comic, interacting, reinforce each other, and an organic unity is obtained, which can no longer be divided into its component parts.

So, The Cherry Orchard is most likely a tragicomedy. Recall the third act: on the very day when the estate is sold at auction, a holiday is arranged in the house. Let's read the author's note. The conductor of ballroom dancing turns out to be ... Simeonov-Pishchik. It is unlikely that he changed into a tailcoat. So, as always, in a tunic and harem pants, fat, out of breath, he shouts out the necessary ballroom commands, and he does it on French which he does not know. And then Chekhov mentions Varya, who “weeps quietly and, dancing, wipes her tears!” The situation is tragicomic: dancing, crying. It's not just Var. Lyubov Andreevna, singing a lezginka, anxiously asks about her brother. Anya, who had just excitedly conveyed to her mother the rumor that the cherry orchard had already been sold, immediately goes to dance with Trofimov.

All this cannot be put on the shelves: here it is comic, and there it is tragic. This is how a new genre arises, which allows you to simultaneously convey pity for the characters of the play, and anger, and sympathy for them, and their condemnation - all that followed from the ideological and artistic intention of the author.

Chekhov's judgment is interesting: “No plots are needed. There are no plots in life, everything is mixed in it - deep with small, great with insignificant, tragic with funny. Obviously, Chekhov had reasons for not making a sharp distinction between the funny and the dramatic.

He did not recognize the division of genres into high and low, serious and funny. There is no such thing in life, nor should there be in Art. In the memoirs of T. L. Shchepkina-Kupernik there is such a conversation with Chekhov:

“- I wish I could write such a vaudeville: two people wait out the rain in an empty barn, joke, laugh, declare their love - then the rain passes, the sun - and suddenly he dies of a broken heart!

God with you! I wondered. - What kind of vaudeville will it be?

But it's vital. Doesn't that happen? Here we are joking, laughing - and suddenly - bang! End!"

I think that the genre of tragicomedy fully reflects the diversity of life, the mixture of joyful and mournful, farcical and sad in it.

Happy holiday, dear
My mommy!
If you knew
How I love you!

I know that sometimes
I'm not right
For my mistakes
Forgive me!

Nobody dearer
In this world there is no
You warm with warmth
Good advice give

I wish you
Happiness and goodness
May from all misfortunes
God keeps you!

I wish you, mommy
Most happy days in fate.
Good health and strength,
So that troubles pass by.

May happiness be in your heart
Let all misfortunes go away.
You are the best, my mother.
Happy Mother's Day! I love you!

Congratulations to the most beloved, dear, best mom. Thank you dear for the gift of life, for the right upbringing, for boundless love and understanding, for devoting yourself to me without a trace. I wish you that all the happiness of the world lies at your feet. I want you to never be sad, sad or worried in vain. I want your eyes and heart to always smile. Happy mom's day!

It's good that there is a mother,
Being your daughter is an honor.
Today is your holiday, dear,
What do you wish? I know!

More health mommy
Such beautiful to be longer.
Happy days and kindness
Joy in the heart, warmth!

The most tender, best, glorious,
The lightest, the most important.
Delicate diamond of the heavenly star,
And all this, mommy, dear - you!

Thank you for the life you gave me
For appreciating my successes.
For affection, care, for valiant work,
You, my dear, are called MOM!

My dear, dear mother!
You are always there, always.
You surround me with your warmth
And protect me from everything.

On Mother's Day I wish you happiness
Let your shoulders not be touched by bad weather,
And your mother's heart
He sings with joy and pride.

I am your daughter, and you and I are alike:
Both externally and in character are so similar.
You always taught me the best
She dedicated her whole life to me.

I'll thank you, dear!
There is no better mother in the world, I know.
Accept my low bow to the ground.
As long as possible, mommy, live.

Mommy, Happy Holidays to you!
Happy mother's day, I congratulate you.
Please do not worry in vain
Health, I wish you strength.

Thank you for the kindness
Thanks for your patience.
I love you the most
Live without grief and doubt.

Thank you for everything you do for me.
For having you by my side when I'm in trouble.
Happy holiday, mom, congratulations to you
And I wish you only the best.

Postpone everything on Mother's Day
Rest with great pleasure.
Let the smile never leave your face
Let there be a sparkle in your tender eyes.

I treat you with respect
I have been proud of you since childhood.
Forget bad moments forever
And know that your family will always support you.

Dear, my dear,
I congratulate you today.
There is no one more precious than you
Now I understand and I know.

Sorry for my misdeeds
Forgive all past offenses.
You and I are friends forever,
Closest of all, we are with you!

Mommy, mommy, you are my angel,
You shelter me from all troubles.
You give light, and warmth, goodness,
And in trouble you help me out!

I'm not the best, maybe daughter
But I try to always be like
On you, dear angel, exactly the same.
Nobody is dearer to me than you!

Dear mother, my beloved,
May you always be an angel.
There is no one in the world, there is no one more precious than you,
You and I, dear, are so alike.

Mom, forgive me for insults,
For those that I caused along the way.
Forgive me for my mistakes and failures
Now I promise to do otherwise.

I want you to be always happy
Health of course, love and warmth.
I wish you a long life mom
With love, Happy Mother's Day!

Mom, dear, I congratulate you,
I wish to be the happiest!
You are the best in the world, believe me, dear,
You: kind, gentle and young!

Your hands are like an angel's tenderness,
In your soul: lightness and snow-whiteness,
In your eyes: devotion, affection, love,
And in your heart - diamond blood!

I love you mom with all my heart
So hot, so dear...
Wish you never give up
And life, beautiful, enjoy a hundred years!

Andrey Timofeev | 27 November 2016


Mom, mommy, mommy, mommy ... Many years will pass, I will change, the world around me will change, but these words will remain the dearest and most beloved in my life.

There is a wonderful saying: “A person should be lucky three times in life: who will be born, who will study and who will marry.” In the first place, I was really lucky. I have the best mom in the world.

My mother is kind, gentle, affectionate. She knows how to support in difficult times and give good advice. Mom became my friend, like-minded person, she understands and respects my interests. Mom always listens to my opinion and, if necessary, gives the right advice. Thank you mom for what she is, and that her maternal heart is always ready to love and forgive!

“Big things are seen from a distance,” says folk wisdom. I think we will be convinced more than once of the validity of this proverb when we fly out of our native nest, and therefore now I want to say to my mother: “Thank you, dear, for everything you do for me.” It’s a pity that sometimes I can offend or upset you with my actions or harsh words. Sorry about that. But at the same time, I never hesitate to be kind and gentle with my mother.

Years will pass, a lot will change, I will become an adult, I will have a favorite profession, a strong and friendly family, but I will definitely come to my father's house, visit my mother, and remember my carefree, happy childhood, which I had thanks to my beloved mommy. And let these verses become for you a kind of guide through life and remind you who is the most important person for each of us.
Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Barleben Roman

This creative work is dedicated to the All-Russian holiday "Mother's Day". Pupils of the 6th grade performed creative work in the form of a letter to their mother, in which they spoke about their feelings and thoughts to the dearest person - to their mother. Romin's work is one of the best. At the All-Russian competition of children's creativity "Talent from the cradle" this work became a prize. The result is a diploma winner of the All-Russian competition.



I I All-Russian competition children's creativityTALENT FROM THE CRADLE»


Direction: " Literary creativity»

An open letter to mom.

Hello , my dear, beloved, sweet mother! I got the opportunity to talk about my feelings for you. Love for you overwhelms me, and it is very difficult for me to express this love in words on paper. But I will try for you, my dear little man!

On this special day, I want to confess to you thatI know that I may not always be a good son. But I am growing up, I am growing up, I am learning to live correctly in this world, and believe me, my dear mother, I will upset you less and less! I know how important my sons love is to you! I want you to be happy, and I understand that it depends a lot on me!

Today is a holiday and I wantcongratulate you, my ray of sunshine, on Mother's Day! I want you to remain the same beautiful and unique mommy! Remember when I felt bad, you sat by my bed day and night. And I didn't want you to leave! With your hands you can avert any misfortune. When it's hard for me, I go to you, and after talking with you, everything seems not so tragic and hopeless. I want to say “thank you” to you for supporting me and for not feeling defenseless, and for giving me life!

I don't always goobedient and often upset you, but I know that there will be a time when you will only be happy for me. Be patient, my dear mother!

I rarely tell you this, but now I want to tell you that you- my friend, you help me in everything. You are the only person I can tell about my failures without fear that you will push me away. You always listen carefully and help me. Your advice helps me overcome all the troubles!

I know that you love me forthat I am your son, for my character traits, for my pluses, for what I try to become a good man in this life, for my ups and downs, for the fact that I bring you and dad more joy than grief: I know how to get along with people, I help you with household chores. I'm trying to make you happier!

And no matter what happens in life, no matter what happens, I love you becauseit cannot be otherwise. When a person grows up, he begins to take care of his parents, as they took care of him in childhood. Each of us should not forget that there was a time when we needed parental affection. But there comes a time when it's time to give your son's love to his parents.

Is always loving you, your son Roman.

Barleben Roman Alekseevich, born in 2000,

Student 6 "B" class, MAOU secondary school No. 15

Krasnodar region, Anapa region,

Art. Gostagaevskaya

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Mother's Day is another reason to say the most important words to your mom. Do it with the help of Komsomolskaya Pravda! Write to us about how you love your mom, share a story about how she supported you at the right time or helped you make an important decision. We will publish your congratulations on the site, and the authors of the five warmest and most touching letters will be able to please their mothers with pleasant prizes from companies and. We will announce the results of the competition on October 25th.

“You know how to support in difficult times and give the right advice”

Alina Denisova - Inna Stepanovna Denisova

“Dear Mom, you are the dearest person to me. I have no one closer to you. I love your smile and big brown eyes that sparkle with mischievous lights, your laughter and hands, caring and warm. You are funny and kind, you get along well with people. You know how to support me in difficult times and give the right advice when I feel sad and bitter. You raised me without a dad ... You take care of us with your brother, give us your tenderness and maternal love. I am very grateful to you for everything. I try to help in any way I can, to surprise you in the kitchen with my new “culinary masterpiece”.

I love walking with you. And in the park, and in the cinema, and at the exhibition ... Traveling ... and just breathing fresh air. I want you to never be upset, always be joyful and cheerful, and your eyes shone like two suns. I want your smile to please me and the people around me more often. I want to wish you happiness, health and everything that you would like, but have not yet come true. May all your dreams come true! After all, not only we, children, need love, attention and care - mom needs them too. I want you to finally meet the man you love, and you live happily ever after!

Dear mother, I love you very much! I will try to please you with my successes in life and always help you. How nice it is when you meet me in the evening after the performance! Mom, thank you for having me!”


“At nights I cried into my pillow and prayed for your recovery”

Victoria Baranovskaya - to her mother

“Hello, my dear mother! Three years have passed since we began to see each other less often. I hardly go home and hardly see you, I can only hear your voice on the phone, but that's not enough for me. I want to hug you and kiss you, I want to see you, and not just hear you.

You know that I love you, but you can't even imagine how much. I rarely show my feelings to you, I don’t even know why this happens. Maybe I'm shy ... Although what kind of "shy"? How can I be ashamed of a person who is the closest and dearest to me in this world? The man who gave me life and showed all its charms. A person who helped and supported in difficult times.

I remember when I was 14 years old I didn’t listen to what you were saying to me. And I didn't hear you at all. I only now understand how much it hurt you when my friends were more important to me than you. I remember how you said then that when I grow up, I will understand how wrong I was. At that time, I thought that all your words were nonsense. But only now I can understand how wrong I was.

I also remember last summer when you got seriously ill and didn’t tell me about it because I had an important event and you didn’t want to worry me even more. But what could be more important than you, MOM?

When you got home, it was hard to recognize you. You were all pale, it was difficult for you to walk, and the whole house smelled of drugs. And it was at that moment that I realized that I could lose you. I was very scared, but I didn’t show it, I didn’t want to upset you. At night I cried into my pillow and prayed for your recovery. And during the day I just tried to be near you. And you know, mom, I'm glad that we're over all this, and that everything is fine with you now.

Mom - you are the only one to whom I can tell everything that happens in my life, I can entrust you with all my secrets, and you will always give me worthy advice, but I realized this only now.

See you soon, mommy. I'll be home soon!

I love you, your daughter."


Unsent letter "What would I ask my mother about"

kleopatra kolontay

"Don't ask anymore...

What was your school like? Where was she? How many students were there? Were there personal textbooks? notebooks?

What kind of girlfriends did you have as a child? What did you play?

What were your responsibilities as a child? What did you do around the house? In each age period at 7 years old, at 14 years old?

What was your favorite dress?

What were your great-grandparents like?

How did you go to church and where? How did you learn to pray?

What was your relationship like with your siblings as a child?

How was life during the war years?

Whatever you ask...

Was it easy for a young mother to cope with small children, that is, with us.

Is it nice to be married?

How often did moments of happiness happen and for what reason?

I understand that it was not just everything, and this is deeply personal ...

And my mother's eyes were blue ... "


“How much I am ashamed of myself for many words in my 17”

Julia Poloneichik - Valentina Stepanovna Malinovskaya

“Hello ... mom ... How difficult it turned out to be to write even these words ... Probably because thoughtfully, slowly ... not on the run, but with all the warmth and meaning ... How difficult it is to decide on such frank and at the same time truthful lines, lines about you… In the whirlwind of everyday life, feelings are dulled, overwritten by the words “normal”, “later”, “ah, that’s it”, “well, ma-am…”…

Now, when my little almost one-year-old happiness is quietly sniffing in the crib, how much I want to tell you! How much suddenly became clear when a newborn was placed in your hands... How much becomes clear when days and nights merge, know no boundaries and turn into a series of some actions without sleep, without rest... How much has become so obvious and simple... Now, looking back, I understand why you spoke so strictly, why you forbade ... How much bitterness and anxiety in a simple “be back at 10”, how much anxiety in “put on a hat” ... and how much helplessness and insecurity in “do what you want "... Only now, when the first steps are starting to take their miracle, do you understand how much effort ... how much effort was invested ... Sleepless nights ... Endless washing ... Numerous tips ...

And it was impossible to ask Google ... only one Soviet book with yellowed pages ... and intuition ... And a calendar that gave hope that it would soon become easier ...

How much I began to understand, how much I still have to understand ... How much I am ashamed of myself for many words in my 17 ... How now I need your advice or sometimes just a voice on the phone! Your conversation about something over a cup of tea with something for the soul… Even if it’s very sweet and unhealthy… How much I want to tell you, how much I want to hug you and tell you what’s important in my soul, what hurts…

I am so grateful to you ... for all the warm memories, for the aroma of homemade shortbread cookies, a sewn apron ... for the endless what, how old are you with a dictionary ... for sewing a soft toy at night for a labor lesson, for beautiful essays and poems about autumn ... for that she corrected my convolutions in time ... for giving me everything, sacrificing a lot ...

Thanks for being you! I love you very much!

P.S. And I don’t know why I then needed this jar of brilliant green, but I didn’t on purpose ... It crashed itself)))

My screaming princess has woken up... now I am a mother myself... how much we still have to do... how many of our misunderstandings we have to understand... "


"What a pity that sometimes we do not have enough words to say them to mom"

Julia Labinskaya - to her mother

What a pity that at times

We do not have enough warm words to say to our beloved mother ...

About how we love and cherish this word,

About the fact that for the sake of mom we are ready for anything!

After all, everyone is forever in the soul of a child,

And mom gave us warmth from the cradle!

Lulled, caressed and loved.

“You are the best,” she told me all the time.

She helped me collect a satchel,

I set the alarm clock so as not to oversleep at school,

Delicious breakfast cooked for me perfectly,

She is the only one - it's clear to everyone!

She braided her pigtails cutely,

She completely revealed the secrets of the world,

She loved to dream, to play with me,

What’s there ... she raised me like a flower!

Now, as a grandmother, she is not bored -

She takes care of the naughty grandson!

I'm with the holy skies

I will say I love my beautiful mother!

And let it fly to the sun and to the heights -

Beloved mother's name - Alice!

I love you so much, my dear!

You see everything in me - I know it!

I'm sorry I don't speak much

About how much mom, I love you!

You are always indispensable to me

Desirable, long-awaited and loved!

Live in delight, happiness, long life!

You are my most favorite person!

And no matter what happens, today and always,

I'm with you for many years!

You will stay forever in my heart

beloved and beautiful, BEST MOM!!!


“Mom will help you find a wise solution in the most hopeless situation”

Anastasia and Marianna - Galina Tadeushevna Tsybina

“The older we get, the more we begin to understand that the most precious thing in life is the person who gave you this life. Our Mom, Galina Tadeushevna Tsybina, is the kindest, magical, sympathetic and wise person on earth ... She is always ready to help, give the last to everyone and everyone.

Kind... As a child, my sister and I were often offended by the fact that Mom always shared something that only my sister and I could get between everyone who happened to be nearby ... friends ... neighbors ... relatives ... And only having matured, we realized that by these actions she brought up in us the most best qualities- kindness, the ability to share, empathize and live in peace with people. She apparently inherited this gift from her extended family. After all, Mom grew up surrounded by 2 sisters and 6 brothers. They had a huge and friendly family.

Magic... Mom's hands are the most magical, they always radiate warmth, tenderness and kindness. These hands with one touch can relieve pain, dry tears, and just stroking the head, these hands heal even the strongest emotional wounds. The hugs of these hands are the most healing, warm, dear and beloved on Earth!

Responsive... Our Mother will not refuse to help anyone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year ... She will always come to the aid of a person who needs her ... It is easy to sit with your niece's children. To bring medicine to a sick relative - I leave. "Need help? - I'm on the road!" It's about our Mom.

Wise... In childhood, when my sister and I did something wrong ... we did something bad, wrong, Mom almost never even raised her voice. She knew how to explain that it was bad, in such a way that there was never a desire to do something like that ...

Need advice? Do not know what to do? - this is for our Mom! She will always put everything in its place, honestly tell who is right and who is not. Never take the side of a man who is wrong. He will explain, prompt, teach and help find a wise solution in the most hopeless situation.

The best... Of course, all Moms are the best! And our very, very best and beloved Mom for us!

P.S. MOMMY, WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Your daughters: Anastasia and Marianna.

P.P.S. Call your mom right now and just tell her how much you love her!!! For her, hearing these words from you is the greatest happiness in life!


“After the wedding, there are two mothers: one is her own, the other is the second half”

Vladimir and Elena Shulga - to their mothers

“We want to congratulate our beloved mothers on the holiday!))) After the wedding, there are two of them: one - which gave us life, and the second - which gave life to the second half. Thank you very much for your love, patience, help, support. Because whenever we call, you are always happy to hear from us. For supporting our even the craziest ideas. On this wonderful holiday, we want to wish you more health, happiness, love and prosperity. Let us sometimes upset you, but always remember that we love you very much!)))


“Being a mom is an art!”

Olya, Anya and Yanik - Svetlana Nikolaevna Ageichik

"On the eve of autumn holiday- Mother's Day - I would like to express my gratitude to our dear person - Svetlana Nikolaevna Ageichik. Our mother is the kindest and most sympathetic person. I would like to note that mom knows how to share warmth and affection between all family members. Harmony and comfort always reign in our house. The most interesting thing is that it is autumn that gives mom a series of holidays: birthday, Teacher's Day and Mother's Day. Being a mother at home and at work is a whole art! Our mother is a squared mother, because she is also a teacher primary school. Happy holiday, dear!


"Seeing you is a thousand times more important than spending time among friends"

Elena Bondar - Vera Vladimirovna Sotsunkevich

Your wrinkles get deeper every year

The gray hairs on my head are innumerable,

But, as before, you get up with the sunrise,

Read a prayer for your children.

And there is nothing stronger in the world

Care, affection, your kindness.

Seeing you is a thousand times more important

Than spend time among friends.

We have grown up already: work, home, worries,

We call less and less - time is running out.

We conquer new heights

Sometimes going against everything.

On Mother's Day, I want to confess

That you are not loved and dear.

Press your cheek to your chest,

Dispel the emptiness of autumn days.


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